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Malaŵi Congress Party Annual Convention. Resolutions 1990 PDF

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Preview Malaŵi Congress Party Annual Convention. Resolutions 1990

44 DT 862.2 · M34 de 1990 Malawi Congress PPaarrttyy Convention Annual Convention Resolutions 1990 C 1 4 . THE 1990 MALAWI CONGRESS PARTY ANNUAL CONVENTION — ZOMBA The 1990 Malawi Congress Party Annual Convention was held in Great Hall at ChancellorCollege, Zomba, from 23rd to 29th September, 1990. > The Theme ofthe Convention was “ BUILDING THENATION.” Delegates to the Convention were: 1. Members of the National Executive Committee of the Malawi Congress Party, 2. Cabinet Ministers, 3. The Speaker of the National Assembly, 4. Regional Committee Membersofthe Malawi Congress Party, 5. District Chairmen, Secretaries and Treasurers of the Malawi Congress Party, League ofMalawi Women and League ofMalawi Youth, 6. MembersofParliament, > 7. Paramount Chiefs, Chiefsand 8. Mayors and Chairmen of Cities, Municipal, Town and District Councils, re spectively, The Convention was honoured by the presence of delegations representing Sister Parties from the followingcountries: TANZANIA—(ChamaCha Mapinduzi(CCM)) (i) Hon. Ramadhami Nyamka Leader Member of National Executive Committee ofChama Cha Mapinduzi, Dar-es-Salaam Region. (ii) Mr. C.T. Hinju, Head of Africa and Middle East in the Department of CCM, and (iii) Mr. H. Chande, Desk Officerin the MinistryofForeign Affairs. ZAMBIA—(UnitedNational Independence Party(UNIP)) (i) Hon. Mrs. A.M.K. Nyikosa --- Leader Member of the Central Commit tee and Chairman for Central Province. (ii) Mrs. E. Mushimba, District Governor for Eastern Province. (iii) Mr. M.F. Chisanga, Assistant Directorof Research Bureau. 1 V ME 2 ANGOLA Popular Movement forthe LiberationofAngola (MPLA) (i) Hon. Venacio Da Silva Moura --- Leader Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. (ii) Mr. Andre Panzo, Second Secretary in the Embassy ofthe People's Re public of Angola in Itarare Office, Zimbabwe and (iii) Mr. Sebastiao Paulo Dombashi, Assistant in the Department of Exter nal Relations ofthe Central Committeeof MPLA --Workers' Party. MOZAMBIQUE-Frelimo Party Hon. Adelinoo Andissene Silveira,Memberofthe CentralCommittee. ZIMBABWE-- Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, (ZANU-PF) (i) Brigadier Hon. Dr. Felix Muchemwa Leader Minister of State for Political Affairs (National Service). (ii) Mrs.R. Musungo, M.P., Secretary for External Relations in the Zanu PF Women's League. (iii ) Mr. T.T. Jamu, First Secretary, Zimbabwe High Commission in Ma lawi. NAMIBIA—South West Africa People's Organization(SWAPO) (i) Mr. MosesGaroeb — Leader SWAPO Ilead and ChiefCoordinator, (ii) Ms Eunice lipinge, SWAPO Women Council and Head of International Relations Department, (iii) Ms Eva Neels, SWAPO Women Council Senior Officer, and (iv) Mr. Jeremia Nambinga, Regional Official ofSWAPO . His Excellency The Life President, in his memorable opening address, referred to the successful general elections held in August this year. The Life President offered hiscongratulations to the newly electedofficials. His Excellency The Life President further referred to his policy thatpeople must have enough food, good clothing and houses that do not leakand urged his people to continue working hard in the fields. His Excellency The Liſe President recalled the most successful and historic State Visit to Zimbabwe which proved that the people of Zimbabwe remember and appre ciate the role he played in breaking the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. His Excellency The Life President also informed the delegates that relations with all of Malawi's neighbours continued to be cordial and friendly and emphasised that he welcomes and encourages dialogue so as to end the conflict in the Southern Africa Region. 2 I ing utic 1. 2. 3. 4. Having listened to His Excellency The Life President's opening address and hav ing deliberated on all the items on the agenda, delegates passed the following resol utions. 1 . Delegates unanimously express their gratitude to His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda for breaking, the stupid Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. In appreciation of this fact and the subsequent economic development that followed, the Convention here assembled salutes His Excellency The Life President, the Rightful recipient of the FIRST SIL VERJUBILEEMEDAL. 2. Delegates join His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H.Kamuzu Banda, in welcoming to the Convention delegations representing Sister Par ties. Delegates note and put on record the receipt of messages of good will and best wishes which the leaders of these delegations delivered to the Con vention and thank them in particular, for the high esteem with which they re gard His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda. 3. Delegates areunanimous in congratulating His Excellency The Life Presi dent, Ngwazi Dr. II. Kamuzu Banda for the most successful MCP General Elections which were not only held in a serious and peaceful way but also in a fully democratic manner by allowing the ordinary people to freely and openly debate the merits and demerits ofeach candidate before making their choices by secret ballot. Following these successful elections, all the delegates as sembled in this Great Hall express their gratitude to His Excellency The Life President of the Mighty Malawi Congress Party for approving the election re sults and wholeheartedly pledge to fulfil the promises they made to always serve the Party loyally anddiligently. Delegates congratulate His Excellency The Life President Ngwazi Dr. H. Ka 4. muzu Banda, for the most successful and historic State Visit to the Republic of Zimbabwe early this year. They note with appreciation the love and re spect with which His Excellency The President and the people of Zimbabwe received the Life President and Mama and the entire entourage. Delegates therefore extend their gratitude to His Excellency President Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the people of Zimbabwe for inviting His Excellency The Life President. The delegates are convinced that the honour and spontaneous hospitality accorded to His Excellency The Life President during the State Visit is not only a clear testimony to the long historical and cultural ties between the peoples of Malawi and Zimbabwe,but also an open acknowledgement of the historical role which His Excellency The Life President played by breaking the Federation ofRhodesia and Nyasaland. 5. Delegates applaud and hail His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, for pioneering the policy of Contact and Dialogue, and note with satisfaction that this Policy is now being followed the world over in order to resolve conflicts. Delegatesjoin His Excellency The Life President in welcoming and encouraging peace talks currently taking place between the GovernmentsofAngola, MozambiqueandSouth Africa and their respective people towards finding lasting peace, for the benefit of the entire region of Southern Africa. 3 1 6. Delegates congratulate His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, for the extensive and most successful country-wide Crop In spection Tours during which His Excellency The Life President defies rains, mud and distances in order to assess the crop situation. Delegates wish to as sure His Excellency The Life President that the Annual Crop Inspection Toursencouragehispeopletoengagethemselvesevenmoreinagriculture. Delegates congratulate His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. 7. Kamuzu Banda, for his wise and foresighted leadership which has improved the agricultural practices in this country resulting in self-sufficiency in food. Therefore delegates unanimously resolve that they will vigorously encourage the people to work harder in their gardens and to follow modern methods of farming in order to sustain food self-sufficiency in this country and to afford surplus for sale. Delegates express their profound gratitude to His Excellency The Life Presi 8. dent, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda for the afforestation programme in the country. Delegates unanimously resolve to educate people in the economic use oftrees, and to stop settingoff bush fires and any wanton destruction of trees. Delegates furtherresolvethat they will intensify tree plantingcampaign in orderto avert fuelwood shortage andprevent thecreation ofdeserts. 9. Delegates note with gratitude that His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, has developed this country beyond recognition .They cited the followingexamples. (i) tarmac roads. (ii) railway line from Nsanje through Blantyre, Salima, Lilongwe to Mc hinji, (iii) hospitals and health centres, (iv) primary and secondary schools, teacher and technical colleges, the Ka muzu Academy in Kasungu and the UniversityofMalawi. (v) the Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe,and (vi) Chayamba building in Blantyre,just to mention aa few. Delegates resolve that they will work hard to support development projects taking place in their areas so that they are completed on time thereby assisting His Excellency The Life President continue to furtherdevelop thiscountry. 10. Delegates applaud and congratulate His Excellency The Life President, Ng wazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, for establishing within the Party, the League of Malawi Women and the League of Malawi Youth. They note that these two organisations have done a commendable job in enhancing the effectivenessof the Malawi Congress Party and the political and economic development of thecountry. 11. Delegates congratulate His Excellency The Life President, Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda, for establishing Chitukuko Cha Amai m’Malawi and for ap 4 2. 3. 5.

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