Collection of Prof. Muhammad Iqbal Mujaddidi Preserved in Punjab University Library. pra 6 Sut GLé ts eb Sy AU Sis is , oe wef Id Ny ) jet shiz cola oyu AU! wd usual ONE bg tiar ‘ Ag * * s ASIN Picts dudwr Eb eZee he hee yg S300, GIS urd 2-iue? ORG suey ee wi 33 wirketi AeA iP 0300-4327563 wVesecl14izecieiel ny pYole cyan lPs zaallys 2 er 2h? Costes Fe Get Lbs unt) SE? 0331-4046174 UL» 042-37110341 Ww? 545002 U3 0h do ys 2128 EE Gould! 0322-4005952 | wits (061)6520790-6520794: 4) whe Ute rl e B 0321-3899909:1~ — (021)34822480: 7 7508051 15315 ee bee a IAKTOO BAT-E-GHOUSIA « * URDU TRANSLATION OF MAKTOOBAT OF F HAZRAT AL-SHEIKH AL-SAYEDI ABDUL QADIR JILAN! PALL RIGHTS RESERVED IN FAVOUR OF THE AUTHOR & PUB » wf 39 Dla Ne cellall a peu allt ou ute bE Cobatlat > A [email protected] ISBN-978-969-9358-01-2 é ts . of : Blas ae . , [email protected] a % Cell: +92-321-9458546 wILALBIS itd Owe Pe LG oa Orbe Fst Ry de SP Lecluly bole rea eed MEL polit ea Kir ep S liz wi os efu' Plo Fish Vale Wr f7 GF bed ere ee bE A snore les deliv ase! alfLy Lake? 1 > (Somaind Gur Las ENE SG Be ue (do t1u3 bud Lowa EN) Aw (Pr) Gowns duc oiusEN atu AlN 7 ar Une oF iy He Hg HIE Hee ~ FUL ~ es if ~ HU ~ Hus FH UWlh — FU <HUing ot Ulriae, Fly ) (r) (7) (9) 6D) (2)