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This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail. Tuomisto, F.; Makkonen, I. Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation: Experiment and theory Published in: Reviews of Modern Physics DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.85.1583 Published: 01/11/2013 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Please cite the original version: Tuomisto, F., & Makkonen, I. (2013). Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation: Experiment and theory. Reviews of Modern Physics, 85(4), 1583-1631. https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.85.1583 This material is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, andduplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material maybe duplicated by you for your research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. You mustobtain permission for any other use. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale orotherwise to anyone who is not an authorised user. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, VOLUME 85, OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2013 Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation: Experiment and theory Filip Tuomisto* Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, Espoo, Finland Ilja Makkonen† COMPCentreofExcellence,HelsinkiInstituteofPhysicsandDepartmentofAppliedPhysics, Aalto University School of Science, Espoo, Finland (published 14 November 2013) Positron annihilation spectroscopy is particularly suitable for studying vacancy-type defects in semiconductors. Combining state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical methods allows for detailed identification of the defects and their chemical surroundings. Also charge statesanddefectlevelsinthebandgapareaccessible.Inthisreviewthemainexperimentaland theoreticalanalysistechniquesaredescribed.Theusageofthesemethodsisillustratedthrough examples in technologically important elemental and compound semiconductors. Future challenges include the analysis of noncrystalline materials and of transient defect-related phenomena. DOI: 10.1103/RevModPhys.85.1583 PACS numbers: 61.72.J(cid:1), 78.70.Bj, 71.60.+z, 81.05.(cid:1)t CONTENTS D. Functionals for electron-positron correlation effects 1602 I. Introduction 1584 E. The atomic superposition method 1603 A. Defects in semiconductors 1584 F. Numerical approaches for self-consistent 1. Role and formation of defects in calculations 1603 semiconductors 1584 IV. Results 1605 2. Studying defects in semiconductors 1585 A. An overview of results obtained in thepast B. Positron annihilation spectroscopy 1586 two decades 1605 1. Background 1586 1. Elemental semiconductors Si, Ge, and C 1606 2. Positron annihilation methods 1587 2. Traditional III-Vand II-VI semiconductors 1606 II. Experimental Techniques 1588 3. Novel semiconductors: III-N, SiC, and ZnO 1607 A. Positrons in solids 1588 B. Vacancy-(multi)donor complexes in highly n-type 1. Implantation, thermalization, and diffusion 1588 doped silicon 1608 2. Positron states and trapping 1589 C. Thevacancy-fluorine complexin silicon and 3. Trapping model 1590 silicon-germanium alloys 1610 B. Positron lifetime spectroscopy 1591 D. The EL2 defect in gallium arsenide 1611 1. Experimental details 1591 E. Thegallium vacancy–tellurium complexin 2. Data analysis 1593 gallium arsenide 1613 3. Information revealedby the positron lifetime 1594 F. Thegallium vacancyand its complexes in C. Doppler broadening spectroscopy 1595 gallium nitride 1614 1. Experimental details 1595 G. Metal vacancy–nitrogenvacancy complexes in 2. Data analysis 1596 III-nitrides and their alloys 1615 3. Chemical information contained in H. The substitutional lithium-on-zinc-site defect Doppler spectra 1597 in zinc oxide 1618 III. Theory and Computational Methods 1598 V. Future Challenges 1619 A. Two-component electron-positron A. Materials with complexcrystal structures 1619 density-functional theory 1598 B. Positron states at interfaces and surfaces 1620 B. Modeling localized positrons 1599 C. Positron thermalization and trapping in C. Positron annihilation parameters 1600 nanocrystalline, amorphous, and molecular 1. Annihilation rate and lifetime 1600 systems 1621 2. Momentum density of annihilating D. Pump-probe experiments with positron electron-positron pairs 1601 annihilation spectroscopy 1622 E. Toward higher slow-positron beam intensity 1623 VI. Summary 1624 Acknowledgments 1624 *filip.tuomisto@aalto.fi References 1624 †ilja.makkonen@aalto.fi 0034-6861=2013=85(4)=1583(49) 1583 (cid:1) 2013 American Physical Society 1584 FilipTuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductors with ... on Slow Positron Beams), and PSSD/PSD (Positron Studies I. INTRODUCTION on Semiconductors and Defects) and to references therein. Positron annihilation spectroscopy has been widely used forstudyingdefectsinsemiconductorssincetheearly1980s, A. Defects in semiconductors whilethefirstreportsdealingwithradiationdamageinsilicon and germanium had been published already in the 1970s Lattice defects in semiconductors are like spices in your (Cheng and Yeh, 1973; Arifov, Arutyunov, and Ilyasov, food:toomuchisdisgusting,toolittleisworthless,whilejust 1977). The early developments of both experimental and the right kind and amount makes the day. Another common theoretical approaches applicable to semiconductor studies feature is that both are typically present in amounts much were reviewed by Schultz and Lynn (1988) and Puska and smaller than the host. There exists a wide variety of review Nieminen (1994). An introductory book on positron annihi- articles and books on defects in semiconductors. For a de- lation studies of defects in semiconductors has also been tailedpictureofthefieldoneisstronglyadvisedtobrowsethe written by Krause-Rehberg and Leipner (1999). Our aim in proceedingsvolumesoftheICDS(InternationalConferences writing this review is twofold. First, we want to introduce onDefectsinSemiconductors).Atheoreticalperspectivecan the basic concepts behind the experimental and theoretical befoundinthebookbyLannooandBourgoin(1981),whilea methodsofpositronannihilationandreviewthelatestdevel- recentvolumecoversmanypracticalissueseasilyaccessible opmentsthathaveledtothepossibilityofidentifyingdefects tothenewcomerstothefield(McCluskeyandHaller,2012). in semiconductors with a high level of detail. Second, by going through a variety of examples in both elemental and 1. Role and formation of defects in semiconductors compound semiconductors, we want to illustrate how these Defects in crystalline solids are static interruptions to the methods can beapplied toimproveourunderstanding ofthe periodicity of the crystal. They can be classified by their physics of defects in semiconductors. spatial extent into point defects that are zero dimensional Theorganizationofthisreviewisasfollows.First,wegive and extended defects that can be one dimensional (e.g., an introduction to defects in semiconductors and the history dislocations), two dimensional (e.g., stacking faults), and andmethodsofpositronannihilation.Inthesecondpart,after three dimensional (e.g., aggregates of impurities). It is not briefly explaining the necessary concepts related to the be- unusualtohaveimportantdensitiesofmorethanoneofthese havior of positrons in solids, we delveinto the details of the kinds of defects in a given crystalline material, such as an experimental methods most used in semiconductor studies: elemental (e.g., silicon or germanium) or a compound (e.g., positronlifetimespectroscopyandDopplerbroadeningspec- gallium arsenide or zinc oxide) semiconductor. Quite typi- troscopy. Here our aim is to give a frank account of the cally they also affect each other’s properties and presence, strengths and weaknesses of the experimental setups and e.g.,the formationofstackingfaultsinacrystalmayinduce analysismethods,hopingtoprovideusefulreferencematerial vacancy defects. In this review, the emphasis is on point forthespecialistandatthesametimeprovidethenonpracti- defects in general and on vacancy defects, in particular, as tioner additional means to assess positron results and inter- thepositronmethodsaremostsensitivetodefectswithextra pretations. The same approach is applied in the third part openvolume. where the theoretical methods are presented. In Secs. II and In contrast to metals, in semiconductors very dilute con- III we go through examples where both experimental and centrations (e.g., less than ppm) of defects may have impor- theoretical positron methods have been applied to study tanteffectsontheelectricalandopticalproperties.Thisisdue various semiconductor materials and defects therein. The totheelectronicstatescreatedbythedefectsinthetypically focus of these sections is, in addition to showing how the (0.5–5 eV) wide band gap of the semiconductor. Depending positronmethodsworkinpractice,ontheinterpretationsthat onthepositioninthegap,electronscanbeexcitedtoorfrom canbemadeaboutthedefectsidentifiedinthesetechnologi- these states (from or to the bands or other states in the gap) cally relevant materials. The results are systematically com- thermally, electrically, oroptically. In practice, the electrical pared to the knowledge obtained by other experimental and and optical properties of semiconductors are defined by theoretical methods in order to give a frame of reference. controlled introduction of impurities in the host lattice, but Finallywediscussthepresentchallengesandpossiblefuture oftenitisnotpossibletocompletelyeliminatetheformation directions in semiconductor research with positrons. ofotherdefects,suchasvacancydefects,atomsoninterstitial It is important to note that we do not attempt to make an lattice sites, extra impurities, or antisite defects (the latter exhaustive review of all positron work on defects in semi- existonlyincompoundsemiconductors).Eitherthesedefects conductors.Tocovermostofthepublishedworksonpositron have a detrimental effect on the targeted property or some- annihilation in solids, we refer the interested reader to the timestheycanassistinobtainingthedesiredfunctionalityof reviews by Berko and Hereford (1956), Ferrell (1956), thematerial.Itisalsopossibleforsomedefectstobeneutral Schultz and Lynn (1988), Asoka-Kumar, Lynn, and Welch from the point of view of the property to be controlled. (1994), Puska and Nieminen (1994), Krause-Rehberg et al. Understanding of the properties of a semiconductor (1998), and Saarinen, Hautoja¨rvi, and Corbel (1998). requires(i)identificationofthedefectspresentinthelattice, A number of books have been published on the subject of (ii) their quantification, and (iii) knowledge of the nature of positronannihilation insolids, aswell as chaptersinvarious the states they introduce in the band gap (i.e., their effects edited volumes. For detailed accounts see the conference on the properties). Examples of defect properties are sub- proceedings of the ICPA (International Conferences on band-gap light absorption and emission, and introduction or Positron Annihilation), SLOPOS (International Workshops removalofelectronstoorfromtheconductionorthevalence Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 Filip Tuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductorswith ... 1585 band. Control of the semiconductor properties requires in transient spectroscopy (DLTS) [see, e.g., Svensson, Ryden, addition that the formation and introduction mechanisms of andLewerentz(1989),Dobaczewskietal.(1994),andLook, these defects are understood, as well as their other physical Hemsky, and Sizelove (1999)]. Optical spectroscopies give propertiessuchashowtheyinteractwithotherdefectsinthe access to another set of basic properties of semiconductors, latticeandwhether theycan bemadetomovewith thehope namely,theopticalabsorptionandemissionthatareparticu- of them getting trapped at a neutralizing location or driven larly important in optoelectronic device applications such as out of the region of interest. It should not be a surprise that light-emitting diodes or laser diodes. Absorption and lumi- manydifferentexperimentalandtheoreticalmethodsneedto nescence spectroscopies provide detailed information on the be employed in order to obtain even a small part of the opticaltransitionsbetweenthevalenceandconductionbands required knowledge. Finally, after all this understanding, and on the positions and nature of defect-induced electronic one needs to be able to manufacture the semiconductor states in the band gap. material in such a way that desired defects are introduced Theabovetechniques providedetailed information onthe but the harmful ones are not. Quite often this is very electrical and optical properties generated by the defects, challenging. but usually they do not allow for direct identification of the Usuallyitisratherstraightforwardtocontroltheintroduc- defects in question, and in optical spectroscopy the determi- tion of the desired impurities in the semiconductor matrix. nation of defect concentrations is challenging (Reshchikov Dopants can be added to the growth environment invarious and Morkoc¸, 2005). Optical absorption by local vibrational waysortheycanbediffusedinorimplantedafterthegrowth modes in the infrared (IR) wavelengths can be used to process. The most important limitations are solubility in the identify defects through their vibrational frequency finger- case of in situ or diffusion doping, while implantation is prints(Bergmanetal.,1988;Gotzetal.,1996).Thismethod mostly applicable to close-to-the-surface doping profiles. is particularly useful in the case of hydrogen-related defects However, while introduction of dopants is controllable and in semiconductors because of the very distinct frequencies requires active measures, other kinds of point defects are originatingfromthelowatomicmassofhydrogen.Thereisa formed either thermally, due to kinetic or chemical effects, set of techniques based on photon spectroscopy in the pres- orasradiationdamageinthecaseofimplantationprocessing. enceofamagneticfieldthatareverysensitivetothedetailed In addition, the growth environment may contain some atomic structure thanks to the hyperfine interactions. These unwanted impurities that are difficult to control: typical methods employ the electron spin resonances (ESRs), and omnipresent elements are oxygen and hydrogen. Further, require the defect to be studied to have a paramagnetic ion- for example, in the case of wide-band-gap semiconductors ized state that can be excitedby anexternal field. Variations suchastheIII-nitrides,wherenativesubstratesarenoteasily of these experiments include electron paramagnetic reso- available, the lattice mismatch between the thin film and nance (EPR), optically detected magnetic resonance, and substratecausesinitialstressesandstrainthataremostoften electron nuclear double resonance (Watkins and Corbett, relaxed through the generation of dislocations and other 1964). The ESR methods are sensitive to the number of the extended defects. There are many ways to try to avoid the active centers (instead of the concentration) and give a very formation of the unwanted defects or to try to remove them detailed atomic structure of the defects that are detected. by postprocessing, such as thermal treatments. Even though Challenges are encountered with samples with high free- manydefect-relatedproblemshavebeenidentifiedandsolved carrierconcentrationsduetoefficientmicrowaveabsorption, overthepast60yearsofsemiconductorresearch,theconstant whilethinfilmsoftenhavetoofewactivecentersintotaleven quest for faster, cheaper, less power consuming, and new if their concentration is high. kinds of electronics generates the need for new materials Theelectricalandopticaldefectspectroscopymethodsare properties and hence creates new defect-related challenges. intrinsically nondestructive, i.e., the semiconductor samples andtheirpropertiesarenotalteredduringthemeasurements. 2. Studying defects in semiconductors There is a wide variety of methods based on the use of ion Astheexistenceofdefectsiswhatmakessemiconductors beamsthatinturnaredestructive,butprovidecrucialdataon such useful materials, defects in semiconductors have been the defect properties. Most common of these are Rutherford studiedforaslongassemiconductorshavebeenknown.The backscattering and nuclear reaction analysis which are very widevarietyofmethodscanberoughlydividedintoelectrical efficient for detecting and identifying atoms that are not in measurements, optical spectroscopy, particle beam methods, correct lattice positions (Wahl et al., 1997; Yu et al., 2002). microscopy,andtheoreticalcalculations.Detailedreviewson Nondestructive particle beam methods include muon spin thesemethodscanbefoundintheliterature[see,e.g.,Stavola rotation and positron annihilation spectroscopies, of which (1998)]. In the following we briefly go through the defect the first is particularly useful for modeling behavior of detection,identification,andquantificationcapabilitiesofthe hydrogeninsemiconductors(Stavola,1998),whilethelatter most used methods in semiconductor defect studies. is selectively sensitive to vacancy-type defects. Electron Measuring electrical properties from the defect point microscopy methods have already reached (sub-)atomic of view typically leads to the determination of resistivity resolution; this holds especially for transmission electron (conductivity), free-carrier concentration and mobility, con- microscopy (TEM). In addition, the latest advances in centrationsofionizeddonorsandacceptors,anddeepcarrier the so-called Z contrast allow the identification of atomic traps. By definition, these properties can be considered the speciesaswell (Pennycook,2012).Hence exactpositionsof most basic properties of a semiconductor. The most popular atoms can be imaged in sample cross sections, providing methodsemployedareHalleffectexperimentsanddeep-level direct experimental identification of extended defects and Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 1586 FilipTuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductors with ... impurities, given the fact that the concentrations (densities) observed at high concentrations in many semiconductors, are high enough, as the typical size of atomic-resolution and their role in doping and compensation can be quantita- images is of the order of 10(cid:2)10 nm2. Another challenge tively discussed. inimagingintrinsicpointdefectsisthattheymaybecreated in the preparation of cross-sectional samples. 1. Background Calculations of the electronic structure of semiconductors and their defects is possible from first principles. By far The existence of the antiparticle of the electron, the posi- the most popular method is the density-functional theory tron,waspredictedbyDirac(1928),anditsfirstexperimental (supercell calculations) with the electron-electron exchange observation came in 1932 (Anderson, 1933). Positron- and correlation described through the local-density ap- electron annihilation was eagerly studied throughout the proximation (LDA) or semilocal generalized-gradient 1940sand1950s,andexperimentalmethodsweredeveloped. approximations (GGA). The computing power of modern In the late 1960s it was understood that positrons were supercomputers allows for efficient calculations with rela- sensitive to lattice defects in metals (MacKenzie et al., tively large supercells (up to 1000 atoms) of the formation 1967; Bergersen and Stott, 1969; Connors and West, 1969; enthalpies and charge transition levels of point defects with Hodges, 1970). The development of variable-energy slow- thesemethods[forreviews,seeVandeWalleandNeugebauer positron beams (Schultz and Lynn, 1988) and of the theory (2004), Drabold and Estreicher (2007), Janotti and Van de of positrons in semiconductors and defects in the 1980s Walle(2009),andVandeWalle,Lyons,andJanotti,(2010)]. (Puska and Nieminen, 1994) made research on thin films However, both the LDA and GGA suffer from predicting and coatings accessible to positron spectroscopy and led incorrectbandgapsandhencethereliabilityofthepredicted to an ongoing growth in interest in these methods for mate- defectlevelsisoftendebated.Atomicstructuresofthedefects rialsresearchsincetheearly1990s(Fig.1).Positronannihi- seem to be less affected by the different approximations. lation spectroscopy is nowadays applied in (cid:3)200 research Rather recently so-called hybrid functionals (Becke, 1993; laboratories worldwide, while there are (cid:3)40 operational Perdew, Ernzerhof, and Burke, 1996; Adamo and Barone, slow-positron beams in (cid:3)30 research laboratories. 1999; Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof, 2003) have been ap- As described above, many techniques are applied to plied,wherepartoftheexchangeandcorrelationiscalculated identify defects in semiconductors on the atomic scale. The withintheHartree-Fockapproachtoimprovethedescription advantage of the positron annihilation method lies in its of nonlocal effects. This approximation has significantly ability to selectively detect vacancy-type defects. This is improved the predicted band gaps for semiconductors and based on two special properties of the positron: it has a allowedfornewinterpretationsforsomedefectlevels.Atthe positivechargeanditannihilateswithelectrons.Anenergetic time ofwriting thisreview, the computational complexityof positron which has penetrated into a solid rapidly loses its the hybrid functionals limits the supercell sizes to roughly energy and then lives for a few hundred picoseconds in 100 atoms; hence especially in the case of charged defects thermalequilibriumwiththeenvironment.Duringitsthermal so-calledsupercellcorrectionsneedtobeconsidered(Makov motionthepositroninteractswithdefects,whichmayleadto andPayne, 1995;Schultz, 2000;Freysoldt,Neugebauer,and trapping into a localized state. Thus the final positron anni- Van de Walle, 2009). With constantly improving computing hilation with an electron can happen from various states. power, more accurateapproaches, such asthe GW quasipar- Energy and momentum are conserved in the annihilation ticle approximation and quantum Monte Carlo methods, are process, where two photons of about 511 keV are emitted becoming more and more applicable in defect calculations intooppositedirections.Thesephotonscarryinformationon [see, e.g., Ertekin et al. (2012) and Rinke et al. (2012)]. the state of the annihilated positron. The positron lifetime is inverselyproportionaltotheelectrondensityencounteredby B. Positronannihilation spectroscopy Positron annihilation spectroscopy is a characterization 1000 theoDrye voef lpoopsmiteronnt so fi ns lsoewm picoosnitdrounc tboersa mansd a dnedfects method for probing the local electron density and atomic structure at the site chosen by the electrostatic interaction ers 800 ofthepositronwith itsenvironment.Theinformation onthe ap p structure can be measured in the time and energy spectra of ed 600 h the positron annihilation radiation. It is thus possible to blis Pu 400 investigate experimentally local structures embedded in the bulk of the material, such as missing atoms (vacancies), 200 clusteringofatoms,superlatticesanddevicestructures,quan- tumdots,aswellasfreevolume,andvoidsizesinpolymers 0 or even biological materials. These imperfections often de- 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 termine the crucial properties of the materials, such as me- Year chanical properties, electrical conductivity, diffusivity, or FIG. 1. Thenumberofpaperspublishedperyearonpositronsin light emission. The positron annihilation methods have had condensedmatterphysicsandmaterialsresearch.Thedevelopment a significant impact on defect spectroscopy in solids by of slow positron beams and of the theory of positrons in semi- introducing an experimental technique for the unambiguous conductors and defects during the 1970s and 1980s predates the identification of vacancies. Native vacancies have been strongincreaseinresearchactivity.DatafromISIWebofScience. Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 Filip Tuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductorswith ... 1587 the positron. The momentum of the annihilated electron Krause-Rehberg et al., 2011). In both cases, the positrons causes an angular deviation from the 180(cid:4) straight angle have a wide and continuous energy spectrum with mean betweenthetwo511keVphotonsandcreatesaDopplershift energies in the hundreds of keV. These fast positrons can be intheirenergy.Thustheobservationofpositronannihilation useddirectlytoprobethebulk(severalhundredsofmicrons) radiation gives experimental information on the electronic of a material. In order to study thin films and coatings, the and defect structures of solids. For more detailed accounts positronsneedtobesloweddownandifpossiblemonochro- on the positron annihilation in solids in general, see, e.g., mated. Many crystal surfaces, such as those of heavy metal West (1973) and Hautoja¨rvi (1979). elements (e.g., W), have a negative work function for posi- The sensitivity of positron annihilation spectroscopy to trons, resulting in the fact that thermalized positrons within vacancy-typedefectsiseasytounderstand.Thefreepositron the solid can be emitted to the vacuum with an energy of a in a crystal lattice experiences strong repulsion from the few eV if they reach the surface (Tong, 1972). These slow positive ion cores. An open-volume defect like a vacant positrons can be magnetically guided and electrostatically latticesiteisthereforeanattractivecenterwherethepositron accelerated to form a variable-energy beam allowing for, gets trapped. The reduced electron density at the vacant site e.g., depth profiling. increases the positron lifetime. In addition, the missing Thetwomostusedmethodsindefectstudieswithpositron valence and core electrons cause substantial changes in the annihilation are the positron lifetime spectroscopy and momentum distribution of the annihilated electrons. Two Doppler broadening (of the positron-electron annihilation positron techniques have been efficiently used in defect radiation) spectroscopy. These techniques are very efficient studies in semiconductors, namely, the positron lifetime and ingivingimportantinformationonvacancydefectsinmetals the Doppler broadeningofthe511keV line.There arethree and semiconductors: the vacancy defects can be identified mainadvantagesofpositronannihilationspectroscopywhich (sublatticeincompounds,sizeinthecaseofvacancyclusters, can be listed as follows. First, the identification of vacancy- anddecorationbyimpurities),theirchargestates(inthecase type defects is straightforward. Second, the technique is of semiconductors) can be determined, and their concentra- stronglysupportedbytheory,sincetheannihilationcharacter- tions1canbeevaluatedinthetechnologicallyimportantrange isticscanbecalculatedfromfirstprinciples.Finally,positron from 1015–1019 cm(cid:1)3. Thanks to recent developments in annihilationcanbeappliedtobulkcrystalsandthinlayersof theoreticalcalculations,computationalstudiescanbedirectly anyelectrical conduction type. compared with positron experiments, providing possibilities Aspecialfeatureisthatthepositroncanformaboundstate fordetailedinterpretationsofexperimentaldata.Thepositron withanelectroninasystemwithlowenough(local)electron lifetime and Doppler broadening techniques are also widely density (Mohorovicic, 1934; Deutsch, 1951; Mogensen, used in free-volume studies of molecular materials. Angular 1995; Charlton and Humberston, 2001). This hydrogenlike correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR) (Beringer and quasiatom is called positronium (Ps), with a mass of Montgomery, 1942; Berko, Haghgooie, and Mader, 1977) is 1:022 MeV=c2 and a diameter of 1:06 A(cid:1) in its ground state used to detect essentially the same phenomenon as Doppler in vacuum. The binding energy of Ps is 6.8 eV in vacuum, broadening, namely, the momentum distribution of electron- i.e., half of the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom. positron annihilation radiation. The resolution of this tech- Dependingonthespinofthepositronrelativetotheelectron, nique is superior to Doppler broadening, but count rates are Psisineitherthesinglet(antiparallelspins,parapositronium, correspondinglylower.ThebetterresolutionofACARallows p-Ps) or triplet (parallel spins, orthopositronium, o-Ps) state. for detailed studies of the electronic structure (e.g., Fermi The self-annihilation properties of these two states are very surfaces in metals), but does not bring significant improve- different(CharltonandHumberston,2001),andtheso-called ments in the case of defect studies in semiconductors. It pick-off annihilation of o-Ps, in which the positron in Ps should be noted that these three techniques are easily used annihilates with an electron from the surroundings, prevails in bulk materials employing fast positrons and can be used inmatter(Brandt,Berko,andWalker,1960).Importantly,the with slow-positron beams, although requiring high intensity interactionbetweenPsandmatterispredominantlyrepulsive (except for Doppler broadening). due to the electron-electron repulsion. These properties are Positron-induced Auger electron spectroscopy (PAES) useful when porous media or soft condensed matter are (Weiss et al., 1989; Soininen, Schwab, and Lynn, 1991) studied with positron annihilation (Mogensen, 1995; Jean, and reflection high-energy positron diffraction (RHEPD) Mallon, and Schrader, 2003). (Ichimiya, 1992; Kawasuso and Okada, 1998) are extremely surface-sensitive positron-using techniques that require the 2. Positron annihilation methods useofaslow-positronbeam,butdonotrequirethemeasure- ment of positron-electron annihilation radiation. These Positronscanbecreatedinseveralways,ofwhichthemost techniques have important benefits compared to their ‘‘tradi- common, in the case of laboratory-scale facilities, is using radioactive((cid:1)þ)isotopes,suchas22Na,whichhasrelatively tional’’electroncounterparts.InPAESthesecondary-electron lowintensity(upto109 positrons=s),butpracticalhalf-lifeof background is completely suppressed and the sensitivity is enhanced to only the first atomic layer (Weiss et al., 1989; 2.6 years allowing reasonable use of the same source for 6–10 years. High-intensity sources (up to 1012 positrons=s) at large-scale facilities make use of pair production with 1Hereanoteonvocabularyiswarranted:inthecaseofdefectsin the high-energy gamma flux created by a nuclear reactor semiconductors, it is typical to speak about concentrations when (Hugenschmidt et al., 2004; Schut et al., 2004; Hawari densitiesaremeant.Henceconcentrationsaregivenintheunitsof et al., 2009) or a particle accelerator (Cassidy et al., 2009; cm(cid:1)3 instead of ppm or ppb. Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 1588 FilipTuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductors with ... Jensen and Weiss, 1990; Soininen, Schwab, and Lynn, positron-positron interactions or molecular positronium 1991; Hugenschmidt, Mayer, and Schreckenbach, 2010). In (Cassidy and Mills, 2007). It should be noted that the RHEPDthepositroncrystalpotentialandthepositivecharge defect-spectroscopic techniques based on the detection of of the positron give rise to total reflection below a critical positron-electron annihilation radiation rely on the nonexis- angle, again resulting in enhanced sensitivity to only the tence of positron-positron interactions. In these measure- topmost atomic layer at the surface (Kawasuso and Okada, ments, there is only one positron in the sample at any given 1998; Kawasuso et al., 2003; Fukaya, Mochizuki, and time. As positrons in crystalline solids annihilate within a Kawasuso, 2012). The drawback of these techniques is the time frame of a few nanoseconds, a maximum intensity of necessity for a high-intensity positron beam as the measure- about 108 positrons=s is imposed. ment times with laboratory-scale low-intensity beams are far toolong. II. EXPERIMENTALTECHNIQUES The main technological issues limiting further develop- ment of laboratory-scale experimental techniques are the A. Positrons in solids poor efficiency of the moderation process when creating a slow-positronbeam(resultinginthenecessityforlarge-scale 1. Implantation, thermalization, and diffusion facilities with high-intensity sources) and the directional Forafulldescriptionofthephysicsofpositronsinsolids, dispersion of the moderated positrons. The latter is partly seeSchultzandLynn(1988)andPuskaandNieminen(1994). responsible for the small number of scanning positron mi- In the following we briefly describe the necessary concepts croprobes(SPMs),comparabletoascanningelectronmicro- andmodelsneededtoanalyzeandinterprettheexperimental scope (SEM), as the focusing of the beam with reasonable data. intensityevenat a large-scalefacility resultsin spot sizesof The stopping profile of energetic positrons emitted by a the order of 5 (cid:2)m (Greif et al., 1997; Triftsha¨user et al., radioactive ((cid:1)þ) source is exponential (Brandt and Paulin, 1997).AnotherlimitationfortheSPMisthelateralstraggling 1977): and the positron diffusion length of several hundreds of nanometers in a perfect crystal that will limit the spot size (cid:4)½g=cm3(cid:6) PðxÞ¼(cid:3)expð(cid:1)(cid:3)xÞ; (cid:3)(cid:5)16 cm(cid:1)1; (1) evenifthefocusisimproved.Themoderatorefficienciesare E1:4 ½MeV(cid:6) max in the 10(cid:1)5–10(cid:1)4 range for passive crystalline heavy metal where(cid:4)isthedensityofthesolidandE isthemaximum (e.g., W) moderators and in the 10(cid:1)3 range for solid Ne max energy of the continuous (cid:1)þ radiation spectrum. The most moderators (Mills and Gullikson, 1986). As the latter need common isotope for positron experiments is 22Na with toberegenerated weekly,theyare somewhatcomplicated to E ¼0:54 MeV. Hence for this isotope the characteristic use.Thisholds,inparticular,whenthesourceandmoderator max penetration depth 1=(cid:3) is, e.g., 110 (cid:2)m in Si and 40 (cid:2)m in are floated at a high voltage in order to have the sample GaN.Thismeansthatpositronsimplanteddirectlyasemitted grounded for easy manipulation. Sample manipulation fromthe source probe thebulkofasolid.It shouldbenoted (temperature, illumination, and bias control) is essential for thattheaverageenergyofpositronsemittedby22NaisE ¼ sophisticated thin-film studies, and hence in many cases the av 0:18 MeV. The (electronic) interactions during the stopping W moderator is better suited. are the same for positrons as for electrons (Lennard et al., Further technological limitations arise when the most 1995), and hence in the case of semiconductors there is powerful technique, positron lifetime spectroscopy, is used essentially no lattice damage caused by positron implanta- withslow-positronbeams.Thetraditionaltechniquedepends tion. Additionally, a typical total fluence of at most on the existence of a start signal (given by the 22Na source 1012 cm(cid:1)2 isimplantedinthesamplesduringanexperiment. which emits practically simultaneously with the positron a Thisisseveralordersofmagnitudelessthantypicallyusedin high-energy 1.27 MeV photon). The moderation process electronirradiationexperimentswiththepurposeofcreating strongly limits the usefulness of this start signal. Hence, latticedamage(Saarinenetal.,1995;Tuomisto,Rankietal., either a positron-fly-by-detecting sensor must be installed 2007; Chen, Betsuyaku, and Kawasuso, 2008). or the beam must be tagged (e.g., by detecting secondary For monoenergetic positrons obtained from a low-energy electronsejectedfromthesamplesurfacebypositronimpact) positronbeam(typicalenergiesarebelow50keV),thestop- or modulated in time in order to retrieve a timing signal. ping profile can be described by (Valkealahti and Nieminen, The modulation of the positron beam has been shown to be 1984) the approach of choice, but requires radio-frequency beam d bunching and chopping that have their own complications PðxÞ¼(cid:1) exp½(cid:1)ðx=x Þ2(cid:6); (2) (Mills, 1980; Scho¨dlbauer et al., 1987; Suzuki et al., 1992; dx 0 Tashiroetal.,2001;ReuringsandLaakso,2007).Theadvan- wherex givesthepeakpositionoftheprofilewhilethemean 0 tage is a time resolution good enough for studying semi- stopping depth is x(cid:2) (cid:5)0:886x due to the asymmetry of the 0 conductors and metals where the positron lifetimes are an profile.Themeanstoppingdepthisgivenasx(cid:2) ¼AEn [keV], order of magnitude shorter than in molecular matter. In where A(cid:5)4(cid:2)10(cid:1)6=(cid:4) ½(cid:2)g=cm2(cid:6) and n(cid:5)1:6. This de- principle, the beam could be modulated also by trapping scriptionisverycloselymatchedtotheMonteCarlosimula- thepositronsintoamagnetictrapandreleasingthematgiven tions for stopping profiles of low-energy electrons (Shimizu time intervals. This approach is, however, better suited for and Ze-Jun, 1992; Ghosh and Aers, 1995; Dapor, 1996; applications where bunches containing a large amount of Denison and Farrell, 2004; Nyka¨nen et al., 2012). The positrons are required, such as in experiments studying mean stopping depth varies from a few nanometers up to a Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 Filip Tuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductorswith ... 1589 fsetuwdymniceraorm-seutrefrasc.eHleanyceersloawnd-etnheinrgfiylmposs.itronscanbeusedto (cid:4)ðpÞ¼(cid:7)r2ecX(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)Z dre(cid:1)ip(cid:8)rcþðrÞciðrÞ(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)2; (5) i The stopping and the ensuing thermalization of the positrons are fast processes, taking only 1–3 ps at room where the summation goes over occupied electron states. temperature in both metals (Jensen and Walker, 1990) and It should be noted that the momentum distribution (cid:4)ðpÞ of semiconductors (Jorch, Lynn, and McMullen, 1984). This is the annihilation radiation is mainly that of the annihilating considerably less than typical positron lifetimes of the order electrons ‘‘seen by the positron,’’ because the momentum of of 150–300 ps. ACAR experiments have shown that the the thermalized positron is negligible. The theoretical meth- momentum distribution of annihilating positrons follows the ods used to determine the positron’s ground state and the sample temperature down to 10 K (Hyodo, McMullen, and annihilation parameters are reviewed in Sec. III. Stewart,1986).Inafewcasesincompletethermalizationmay In analogy to free carriers, the positron also has localized be important, e.g., positrons implanted at a very low energy statesatlatticeimperfections.Atvacancy-typedefectswhere canescapethesamplenonthermallythroughthesurface[see ions are missing, the repulsion sensed by the positron is GulliksonandMills(1986),Nielsen,Lynn,andChen(1986), lowered and the positron experiences these kinds of defects Huomoetal.(1987),andLynnandNielsen(1987)andthere as potential wells. As a result, localized positron states at are also related problematics in measurements made for open-volumedefectsareformed.Thepositrongroundstateat nanocrystallinematter;seeSec.V.C].Thisneedstobetaken a vacancy-type defect is generally deep; the binding energy into consideration when interpreting data from near-surface is about 1 eV or more (Makkonen and Puska, 2007). In a layers.Afterimplantationandstoppingthetransportofther- vacancydefecttheelectrondensityislocallyreduced.Thisis malizedpositronscanbequiteefficientlydescribedbydiffu- reflected in the positron lifetime which is longer than in the sion theory developed for free carriers (Bergersen et al., defect-free lattice. Hence the positron lifetime measurement 1974). The positron diffusion coefficient in semiconductors isaprobeofvacancydefectsinmaterials.Positronannihila- at room temperature is typically Dþ ¼1–2 cm2=Vs. The tion at a vacancy-type defect also leads to changes in the characteristic diffusion length during the positron lifetime (cid:5) momentum distribution probed by the Doppler broadening is Lþ ¼ðDþ(cid:5)Þ1=2 ¼100–200 nm. experiment.Themomentumdistributionarisingfromvalence electron annihilation becomes slightly narrower due to a 2. Positron states and trapping lower electron density. In addition, the localized positron at a vacancy has a reduced overlap with ion cores leading to a After implantation and thermalization the positron in a considerable decrease in annihilation with high-momentum semiconductor is in a Bloch-like state in a perfect periodic core electrons. The localized positron has time to interact crystal lattice. The thermalized positron at its ground state with the host lattice during its lifetime of >150 ps and canbedescribedtoagoodapproximation(seeSec.III)bya enlargetheaverageopenvolumeofthevacancybyrepelling single-particle Schro¨dinger equation neighboring positiveion cores. A negatively charged impurity atom or an intrinsic point 1 (cid:1) r2c ðrÞþVðrÞc ðrÞ¼E c ðrÞ; (3) defect can bind positrons at shallow states even if these 2m(cid:7) þ þ þ þ defectsdonotcontainopenvolume.Beingapositiveparticle, where the positron potential consists of an electrostatic the positron can be localized at the hydrogenic (Rydberg) Coulomb potential and a term that takes into account the stateoftheCoulombfieldaroundanegativelychargedcenter. electron-positroncorrelationeffects.BecauseoftheCoulomb The situation is analogous to the binding of an electron repulsionfrompositiveioncores,thepositronwavefunctionis to a shallow donor atom. The positron binding energy at the concentratedintheinterstitialspacebetweentheatomsinthe negative ion can be estimated from simple effective-mass lattice.Thepositronenergybandisparabolicandfreeparticle theory: like(Boev,Puska,andNieminen,1987).Theeffectivemassof cthloeupdoosiftreolnecitsromn(cid:7)s((cid:5)Be1r:g5emrs0ednuaentdoPpahjaonnnoen,s1a9n6d9)th.escreening Eion ¼13:6eVmm0(cid:7)(cid:8) Zn22 ¼10–100 meV; (6) The positron lifetime and the Doppler broadening of the where(cid:8)isthedielectricconstant,m(cid:7) istheeffectivemassof annihilation radiation can also be calculated once the corre- thepositron,Z is the charge ofthenegativeion, andn is the sponding electronic structure of the solid system is known. quantum number. With Z¼1–3 and n¼1–4, Eq. (6) typi- The positron annihilation rate (cid:6), the inverse of the positron callyyieldsE ¼10–100 meV,indicatingthatpositronscan lifetime(cid:5),canbethoughttobeproportionaltotheoverlapof ion bethermallyexcitedfromtheRydberg statesat100–300K. the electron and positron densities: The hydrogenic positron state around a negative ion 1 Z has a typical extension of 10–100 A(cid:1) and thus positrons ¼(cid:6)¼(cid:7)r2c jc ðrÞj2n ðrÞdr; (4) (cid:5) e þ (cid:1) probe the same electron density as in the defect-free lattice. As a consequence, the annihilation characteristics (positron where r is the classical electron radius, c is the velocity of lifetime, momentum density of annihilating pairs) are not e light, and n ðrÞ is the electron density. The momentum different from those in the lattice. Although the negative (cid:1) distribution (cid:4)ðpÞ of the annihilation radiation is a nonlocal ions cannot be identified with the experimental parameters, quantity and requires knowledge of all electron wave information on their concentration can be obtained in the functions c overlapping with the positron. In the simplest positron lifetime and Doppler broadening experiments when i approximation it can bewritten in the form they competewith vacancies in positron trapping. Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 1590 FilipTuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductors with ... The positron transition from a free Bloch state to a local- 3. Trapping model izedstateatadefectiscalledpositrontrapping.Thetrapping The practical situation during a measurement, where is analogous to carrier capture. However, it must be fast onlyonepositronatatimeisinthesample,canbedescribed enough to compete with annihilation. The positron trapping by a relatively simple kinetic rate model (time-dependent rate (cid:9) into a defect D is proportional to the defect concen- D diffusion equation): tration ½D(cid:6), (cid:9) ¼(cid:2) ½D(cid:6)=N , where N is the atomic den- D D at at sity of the host lattice. The trapping coefficient (cid:2) depends @nðr;tÞ D ¼Dr2nðr;tÞ(cid:1)(cid:2) r(cid:8)½nðr;tÞE(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:6)nðr;tÞþS; on the defect and the host lattice. Since the positron binding @t þ energy at vacancies is typically >1 eV, the thermal escape (8) (detrapping) of positrons from the vacancies can usually be neglected. Because of the Coulomb repulsion, the trapping where nðr;tÞ is the probability density of finding a delocal- coefficientatpositivelychargedvacanciesissosmallthatthe ized (free) positron at the position r and time t, D is the trapping does not occur during the short positron lifetime diffusion coefficient, and (cid:2) is the positron mobility. In the þ ofafewhundredpicoseconds(Puska,Corbel,andNieminen, sinkterm(cid:6)isthesumofthe‘‘free’’-positronannihilationrate 1990). Therefore, the positron technique does not detect (cid:6)B and tPhe trapping rates to the defects in the system (cid:6)¼ vacancies or other defects in their positive charge states. (cid:6) ðrÞþ (cid:9)ðrÞ.InprincipleDand(cid:2) canalsobefunctions B i i þ The trapping coefficient at neutral vacancies is typically ofthepositionr,butonlyinlayeredsystems wheretheyare (cid:2) (cid:5)1014–1015 s(cid:1)1, independentof temperature. The posi- constant throughout the layer (similar to (cid:6) ), while (cid:9)ðrÞ is D B i tron trapping coefficient at negative vacancies is typically smoothandfollowsthedefectprofile.Inthesimplestcasethe (cid:2) (cid:5)1015–1016 s(cid:1)1 at 300 K. The experimental fingerprint source term SðrÞ vanishes, but if positrons are allowed to D of a negative vacancy is the increase of (cid:2)D with decreas- escapefromthetrappedPstatesatthedefects,thesourceterm ing temperature. The T(cid:1)1=2 dependence of (cid:2) is simply isnon-negligible(S¼ (cid:10)n ).Inpracticethethreespatial D i i D;i due to the increase of the amplitude of the free-positron dimensionscanbereducedtojustone(x),asboththelateral Coulomb wave in the presence of a negative defect as the stragglingandthespotsizeoftheimplantedpositronsessen- thermal velocity of the positron decreases. The temperature tiallyresultintheexperimentaldatabeingspatiallyaveraged dependence of (cid:2) allows one to experimentally distinguish intheplaneperpendiculartothemainimplantationdirection. D negativevacancy defects from neutral ones. The initial condition nðx;0Þ is given by the positron im- The positron trapping coefficient (cid:2) at the hydrogenic plantation profile PðxÞ (initially the positron is free, so the ion statesaroundnegativeionsisofthesameorderofmagnitude probabilityoffindingapositroninatrappedstateatadefect as that at negative vacancies. Furthermore, the trapping co- is initially(cid:9)0), while the boundary conditions can be usu- efficient exhibits a similar T(cid:1)1=2 temperature dependence. ally thought of as being those of a semi-infinite system Unlike in the case of vacancy defects, the thermal escape of assuming thick enough samples so that positrons implanted positronsfromthe negativeionsplaysacrucialroleat usual from one side do not reach the other: experimentaltemperatures.Theprincipleofdetailedbalance nðx;0Þ¼PðxÞ; (9) yieldsthefollowingexpressionfortheratioofdetrappingand trapping rates (Manninen and Nieminen, 1981): limnðx;tÞ¼0; (10) (cid:2) (cid:3) x!1 (cid:10)(cid:9)¼c1ion m2(cid:7)(cid:7)kℏB2T 3=2e(cid:1)Eion=kBT; (7) D@@nx(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:2)þEð0Þ¼(cid:11)nð0;tÞ: (11) x¼0 wherec istheconcentrationofthenegativeions.Typically ion Here (cid:11) represents the positron transition rate to states at thenegativeions(shallowtraps) influence positronannihila- the sample surface. The simplest kind of experiment, where tion at low temperatures (T<100 K), but the ions are not positronsemittedbyaradioactivesourcearedirectlyinjected observedathightemperatures(T>300 K),wheretheescape intoasample,furthersimplifiestheaboveexpressions.Thisis rate is high. becausethedataareessentiallyaveragedoverawidespread It is worth noting that the determination of absolute of implantation depths, effectively removing the spatial di- defectconcentrationsbasedonpositronexperimentsdepends mensionfromEq.(8).Thesituationcanthenbedescribedby directly on the knowledge of the trapping coefficient, while a set of rate equations (N different defects): the comparison of defect concentrations (say, in two differ- (cid:2) (cid:3) X X ently doped semiconductor samples) gives accurate propor- dn B ¼(cid:1) (cid:6) þ (cid:9) n þ (cid:10) n ; (12) tions even when the trapping coefficient is not known. In dt B j B j D;j j j extensivelystudiedsemiconductors,suchasGaAs,GaN,and ZnO (Saarinen et al., 1995; Oila et al., 2003; Tuomisto, dn Saarinen, Look, and Farlow, 2005), the cross correlation of D;j¼(cid:9) n (cid:1)ð(cid:6) þ(cid:10) Þn ðj¼1;...;NÞ: (13) dt j B D;j j D;j optical, electrical, and positron experiments has narrowed down the trapping coefficient of negatively charged cation Here the probability of a positron being in the free state is vacancies to (cid:2)V(cid:1) (cid:5)ð2–3Þ(cid:2)1015 s(cid:1)1. Theory (Puska and nBðtÞandtheprobabilityofitbeinginatrappedstateatdefect Nieminen, 1994) predicts that the neutral-vacancy trapping j is nD;jðtÞ. The corresponding annihilation, trapping, and coefficient should be a factor of 2–3 lower than that escaperatesaregivenby(cid:6)B,(cid:6)D;j,(cid:9)j,and(cid:10)j,respectively.In of negatively charged vacancies; hence often the value of practice(cid:10) (cid:1)0onlyforshallowpositrontraps(negative-ion- j (cid:2) (cid:5)1(cid:2)1015 s(cid:1)1 is used for neutral vacancies. typedefects)atsufficientlyhightemperatures.Theboundary V Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013 Filip Tuomisto and Ilja Makkonen: Defect identificationin semiconductorswith ... 1591 and initial conditions in Eq. (9) are simplified to n ð0Þ¼1 positronandaneutrino,leavinganexcited22Nenucleusthat B andn ð0Þ¼0.As anexample,inthe casewhere positrons rapidly decays through the emission of a 1.2745 MeV D;j aretrappedatonekindofvacancydefect(V)andonekindof (cid:13) photon. This photon can be used as a start signal for the shallow trap (st), the above set of equations becomes positronlifetimemeasurement,whilethestopsignalisgiven by one of the two 511 keVannihilation (cid:13) photons. dn dtB ¼(cid:1)ð(cid:6)Bþ(cid:9)V þ(cid:9)stÞnBþ(cid:10)stnst; (14) In practice the positron source material is in the form of NaCl which is typically stored as a water solution. The dnV ¼(cid:9) n (cid:1)(cid:6) n ; (15) experimentisperformedbysandwichingthepositronsource dt V B V V betweentwoidenticalsamplepieces.Thiscanbedoneeither dn by depositing some of the NaCl directly on one of the dtst ¼(cid:9)stnB(cid:1)ð(cid:6)stþ(cid:10)stÞnst: (16) samples, and then placing the other on top of it, or by first making a sealed positron source through packaging some of Applying the initial condition, the above equations can be the NaCl in thin foil. Common foil choices are Al, Ni, and solvedandtheprobabilityofapositrontobealiveattimetis sometimesapolymersuchasKapton.Thepackagingsolution obtained as X ispreferableforreuseofsourcematerial,whilethemetalfoils nðtÞ¼nBðtÞþnVðtÞþnstðtÞ¼ Iiexpð(cid:6)itÞ: (17) allow for a wider range of measurement temperatures. The i sourcepackageneedstobemadeasthinaspossibleinorder This means that exponential decay should be observed in toensurethatamaximalfractionofpositronsemittedbythe experiments. The experimental lifetime spectrum in fact source enters the samples and that as few positrons as pos- measures the probability of positron annihilation in the time sible annihilate in the source itself: e.g., typical Al-foil interval t(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:8)tþdt, and hence the lifetime spectrum thickness that is used is 1:5 (cid:2)m, and at most two layers of (cid:1)dnðtÞ=dt is in this case composed of a sum of three com- foil are on each side of the deposited NaCl. Typical activity ponents. The fractions of positron annihilations at various of such a source is 10–30 (cid:2)Ci [ð0:3–1Þ(cid:2)106 Bq]. Such a states are in this examplegivenby sample-source-sample sandwich can then be placed on a (cid:12) ¼1(cid:1)(cid:12) (cid:1)(cid:12) ; (18) sample holder connected to a temperature control system, B V st andtheexperimentcanbedesignedinsuchawayastoallow (cid:9) for, e.g., sample illumination. (cid:12) ¼ V ; (19) V (cid:6) þ(cid:9) þð(cid:9) =1þ(cid:10) =(cid:6) Þ The lifetime experiment itself is performed by detecting B V st st st the (cid:13) photons serving as start and stop signals with two (cid:12) ¼ (cid:9)st : (20) relatively large scintillating detectors (lateral dimensions st ð1þ(cid:10) =(cid:6) Þ½(cid:6) þ(cid:9) þð(cid:9) =1þ(cid:10) =(cid:6) Þ(cid:6) and thicknesses of the order of centimeters) coupled with st st B V st st st photomultipliertubes[see,e.g.,Nissila¨etal.(2001)],eachof These expressions are useful as they can be compared which is tuned and optimized for one of the two photons. with experimentally determined time-averaged quantities Detector geometry is optimized with respect to overall such as the average positron lifetime and parameters efficiency (covering as wide a fraction of the solid angle describing the Doppler broadening of annihilation radia- as possible), taking into account restrictions imposed by tion, as these parameters (P) measure the superposition of different scintillator materials. As an example, plastic the annihilations over all positron states: P¼(cid:12) P þ P B B scintillatorscanbeusedinasimplecollineargeometrywhere (cid:12) P .Depth-resolvedanalysisofthelatterispossible j D;j D;j the sample-source-sample sandwich is placed on the axis whenusingaconventionalslowpositronbeam(Schultzand defined by the two detectors and the detectors are put as Lynn, 1988). Then one can employ the steady-stateversion closetoeachotheraspossible.Ontheotherhand,specialcare of Eq. (8). Often, especially in the case of thin semicon- needstobetakenwhenusingBaF scintillators,whichbenefit ductor epilayers where the vacancy defect concentrations 2 from a significantly higher detection efficiency and enable tend to be high, the diffusion can be neglected altogether better resolution, but whose high-Z Ba causes strong (cid:13) and the positron implantation profile in Eq. (2) provides a scattering (Becvaret al., 2000). sufficient approximation of the depth distribution of the In a conventional lifetime measurement the two detector positronsignal.However,inmanycasessolvingthesteady- signals are analyzed with analog nuclear instrumentation stateversionofEq.(8)andfittingit(vanVeenetal.,1991) electronics: constant fraction discriminators to choose pho- to data measured in layered structures provides additional tons ofcorrect energy, atime-to-amplitude converter, letting insight to the experimental observations. For more detailed through only pulses spaced close enough in time, and a discussions about the trapping model, see, e.g., Saarinen, multichannel analyzer (MCA) connected to a measurement Hautoja¨rvi, and Corbel (1998) and Krause-Rehberg and computer.Theresultisahistogramofannihilationeventsasa Leipner (1999). function of time differences between the start and stop sig- nals, i.e., the positron lifetime spectrum. Typical time inter- B. Positronlifetime spectroscopy vals for each MCA channel are of the order of 25 ps. The modern and considerably cheaper way of doing the same is 1. Experimental details throughdirectdigitization(fastanalog-to-digitalconversion) A positron lifetime experiment can be performed in a of the detector pulses and performing the signal analysis by relatively simple way by using a radioactive 22Na positron software(Rytso¨la¨etal.,2002;Saitoetal.,2002;Nissila¨etal., source. 22Na decays through the (cid:1)þ process, producing a 2005;Becvar,Cizek,andProchazka,2008).Theadvantageof Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 4, October–December 2013

Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record for studying defects in semiconductors since the early 1980s, while the first reports B 52, 8112.
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