DOI:10.1111/j.1752-5209.2009.0033.x Making world heritage truly global: The Culture Certificate Scheme Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini1 University of Zurich and CREMA2 and ETH Zurich respectively Abstract. Culture has attributes of a global public good that needs to be preserved for mankind as a whole. World Culture Certificates are proposed to efficiently preserve World Heritage. The community of nations has to agree on the Global Heritage List and how much each nation is to contribute to that purpose. Each World Heritage site conserved is acknowledged through the issuance of a tradable Certificate. Countries and private firms are induced to seek sites where financial resources can be spent most productively. This leads to an efficient allocation of resources to preserve World Heritage. World Heritage and Conservation conservationeffortsbecauseitacknowledgesthat Needs due to the free-rider problem associated with managingpreservationonapurelynationallevel The UNESCO Convention on World Heritage the aggregate quantity of preservation is inef- of 1972 “seeks to encourage the identification, ficiently low. A host country will pay only to protection and preservation of cultural and nat- preserve up to the point where the marginal ural heritage around the world considered to be national benefit equal marginal cost. of outstanding value to humanity”.3 It aims to The World Heritage movement started in preserve monuments, natural and cultural land- 1959 with the international campaign launched scapes as a legacy of the past, in order to pass by UNESCO to save the Abu Simbel temples in this heritage on to future generations. From its the Nile valley.4 At the beginning, World Her- very beginning the convention’s intention has itagewasdirectedtoculturalsitesbutsince1968 been directed towards the entire world. World is also includes natural sites, and since 1992 also Heritage is a clear example of a global com- stresses significant interactions between people mon good: “The World Heritage List reflects and the natural environment, entitled ”cultural the wealth and diversity of the Earth’s cultural landscapes” (UNESCO, 2005). and natural heritage” (UNESCO, 2005). The This noble ideal has only been attained to a convention goes far beyond established national limited extent. In particular, the distribution of 1WearegratefultoIsabelEllenbergerforcheckingthetextandananonymousreferee forexcellentsuggestionsfor improvement. We thank Christine Benesch, Francoise Benhamou, Reiner Eichenberger, Susanne Neckermann, Sir Alan Peacock, David Throsby and Clement Tisdell for helpful comments. 2Center for Research in Economics, Management and the arts, Switzerland 3Mission Statement, World Heritage Information Kit, (UNESCO, 2005). It must be emphasized that UNESCO does not provide any (or at best only minor) financial help; UNESCO provides expertise and scientific support. 4Itmightbearguedthatthegreatattentionpaidtotheseven“ClassicalWorldWonders”(GreatPyramidofGiza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum of Maussolos at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria) were precursors. In 2007, an internet vote with allegedly 100 million participants ( determined the “New Seven Wonders of the World” (the Great Wall of China, Christ the Redeemer on the Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro; Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico, Petra in Jordan, the Taj Mahal in India, and the Coliseum in Rome. Other finalists were, among others, the Acropolis in Athens, the Alhambra, Angkor Wat, Eiffel Tower, Hagia Sophia, Neuschwanstein Castle, Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge, and the Sydney Opera House (http:// Seven Wonders of the World, accessed 26 August 2008). Many other organizations care for cultural heritage beyond national boundaries, an example being Europa Nostra, a European-wide movement presided by the prince consort of Denmark. Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society 1 ! ! Published by Wiley-Blackwell Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini Making world heritage truly global effort and expenditure to preserve World Her- are many cultural heritage sites that combine itage is inefficient. A striking fact is that in both public and private good attributes. We are some countries a large number of most valuable not concerned here with the many cases of local heritage sites can be found that are in extremely cultural public goods. dilapidated condition and are in urgent need of The proposal advanced here, is informed by restoration but the funds to restore the sites programs designed to solve the global environ- are lacking. At the same time other countries mental problems, such as climate change (see spendalotofresourcesonsavingandbeautifully e.g. Tietenberg(2006);Sternetal.(2006);Antes restoring heritage sites that - in comparison - et al. (2005)): Incentives are provided to over- are in much less need. To give an example: come the common pool problem of reducing In Cuba, especially in Havana, many beauti- externalities by coordinating action. ful buildings are virtually crumbling and falling Another analogy is NATO whose goal is to apart while developed economies such as France, promote the collective defense of its member Germany, Austria or Switzerland spend large states.6 “Indicators of responsibility” have been sums on restoring monuments of lesser impor- devised to assess the relative burdens falling to tance to world heritage. The point made here is the individual member states mostcertainlynot thatthefundsarewastedbut rather that the same amount of money could contribute much more if used for the preserva- Outline of the Proposal tion of heritage sites in some other countries. ThegoaloftheWorldHeritagemovementshould In other words: some poor countries spend too be the preservation of World Heritage sites to little “per unit” of world heritage saved while the largest possible extent by spending as few re- rich countries spend too much. From a global sources as possible. Restrictions pertaining to a point of view, the situation, therefore, is clearly minimum amount of resources spent are crucial suboptimal and ways to improve this situation and correspond to the very foundation of eco- should be thought of. nomics. Resources are limited; and this applies This paper envisions a solution to this im- in particular to the resources spent on cultural balance by using and applying resources and preservation. The problem outlined here, that it discusses the advantages and problems that some (poor) countries spend very little on pre- could arise.5 In line with UNESCO, our pro- serving their heritage, could be easily solved by posal focuses on those parts of heritage, which compelling the richer countries to pick up the are considered to belong to humanity. This con- bill. However, this remains wishful thinking. It cept that regards cultural heritage as a global certainly cannot be a lack of information that public good is normative in the sense that it is prevents a flow of resources to the restoration not necessarily perceived as such by the public, of the monuments in dire need of preservation. interest groups or the government (see below). To come back to the example above: everyone The proposal advanced here, thus follows the knows about the terrible state of repair of the intention of the UNESCO World Heritage Con- culturally most valuable buildings in Havana vention, and seeks a way to achieve its goal of but for many different reasons the flow of money preservation as efficiently as possible. There does not take place. To be put on the List 5Tomyknowledge,thisisthefirstsuchpolicyproposalbasedoneconomicprinciples. Acomprehensiveanalysisof heritage issues is provided in Peacock and Rizzo (2008). Other economic analyses devoted to World Heritage mainly evaluate the utility of preserving the past as well as financial consequences. See, for instance, Benhamou (1996, 2003); Frey (1997); Greffe (1999); Klamer and Throsby (2000); Mossetto (1994); Mossetto and Vecco (2001); Netzer (1998); Peacock (1978, 1995); Rizzo and Throsby (2006); Streeten (2006); Throsby (1997b,a, 2003). See also the collection of articles in Hutter and Rizzo (1997); Peacock (1998); Rizzo and Towse (2002); Van Der Aa (2005) and the more general monographs and collections by Frey (2003); Ginsburgh (2004); Ginsburgh and Throsby (2006); Towse (1997, 2003); Throsby (2001). The consequences of being listed, in particular on the number of visitors frequenting these sites are studied e.g. in Bonet (2003); Tisdell and Wilson (2002). 6I owe this point to Sir Alan Peacock. 7Two Advisory Bodies, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), for cultural sites and the World Conservation Unit (IUCN), for natural sites, do evaluations after a process of careful consideration of ten 2 Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society ! ! Making world heritage truly global Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini of World Heritage does not lead to any signifi- paintings, or should it include only immoveable cant support by UNESCO.7 Indeed, according heritage objects). Here, the definition implicit to the official “World Heritage Information Kit” in the World Heritage List has been taken as (UNESCO, 2005) “The World Heritage Fund the starting point. receives a total amount each year of just under As of August 2008, there were 878 proper- US$ 4 million” which is minimal compared to ties on this list, containing 679 cultural, 174 the existing needs. natural and 25 mixed sites in 145 countries of A viable proposal must therefore presuppose the world. The List is continually expanded in a limited amount of resources devoted to the particular because so only two sites have ever preservation of cultural heritage. The effort been removed.8 The list contains very different mustlieinthedistributionoftheresourcesavail- properties, even if one only considers its main able in such a way that the world heritage is emphasis, cultural heritage.9 The sites range globally improved as comprehensively as possi- from entire cities (such as Trinidad in Cuba, ble. Quedlinburg in Germany, Tallinn, Riga and Vil- The proposal consists of four steps: nius in the three Baltic States or Dubrovnik in Croatia) to individual buildings (such as the 1. Determining what belongs to World Her- Acropolis in Athens, the Tower of London, the itage; Taj Mahal or the Abbey in Lorsch, Germany). 2. Agreeing on the financial obligations of For our proposal it is necessary that the individual countries; items on the list can be compared. The ex- perts compiling the list must indicate how many 3. Assigning Heritage Certificates; and “World Heritage Units” (WHU) are involved in each site. This requires a comparison between 4. Trading World Heritage Certificates. individual aspects of various sites. The WHU must refer to the fundamental cultural impor- Determining What Belongs to World Her- tance of a site rather than to the extent of its itage present state of conservation. To establish such The world community, i.e. the member states a list of World Heritage Units is certainly no of the United Nations, has to agree on what easy task. The two Advisory Boards (ICOMOS they consider “World Heritage” worth protect- and IUCN) that are compiling the List of World ing and conserving. UNESCO has done so in its Heritage Sites are already implicitly assigning World Heritage List. Theauthorsarewellaware such criteria when they state how many of the that this List is the result of many compromises, ten selection criteria apply to what extent, and and that it is also subject to political pressures therefore how important it is to preserve a par- and manipulations (for an econometric study ticular site. If a heritage site is in danger of see Frey and Pamini (2008)). There are a great disintegrating completely unless preservation ef- many open issues as to which objects of cul- forts are undertaken, it is assigned more WHUs tural heritage should be included (for instance, than a site that is in no immediate danger of should it include all man-made artifacts worthy irreversible damage. If an entire city with a of preservation for future generations, includ- considerable number of buildings is to be pre- ing moveable works of art such as masterpiece served, more WHUs are involved than if only a selection criteria. This paper does not criticize the choices made, though they are (as any such list) debatable (it is, for instance, unclear why Heidelberg in Germany and Stein am Rhein in Switzerland are not on the List). Nor is it taken for granted that inclusion in the List guarantees protection, as there may be adverse effects such as the overuse through increased visits by tourists (Machu Picchu being an example, see the The Economist (2007)), the redirection offundstothedisadvantageofotherheritagesites,ortheincreaseddangerthatsuchsitesareexplicitlysoughtoutas targets in wars (such as e.g. Dubrovnik during the last Balkan war, see UNESCO (2005)). Some of these aspects are discussed in Frey and Pamini (2008). 8Only the Arabia Oryx Sanctuary in Oman and the Dresden Elbe Valley in Germany have been delisted, in 2007 and 2009 respectively. The expansion covers ever-new areas. According to a press report (Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 2008), French president Sarkozy promised to lobby for the French cuisine to become part of World Heritage. 9For an analysis of natural heritage sites see e.g. Tisdell and Wilson (2002) or Driml (2002). Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society 3 ! ! Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini Making world heritage truly global particular small building is to be preserved. If a be that a few countries will carry most of the heritage site can be preserved for the time being financial burden, as is the case with the general by a small intervention, less WHUs are assigned UN-budget which is overwhelmingly financed by than if only a large intervention could save the theUnitedStates,JapanandthelargeEuropean site. countries. The countries supposed to contribute WHU may be looked at as a “shopping list” thelargestshareoftheWorldHeritageUnitsare indicating, for instance, that the urgent restora- unlikely to do so unless they are compensated tion of a particular building in Havana corre- by a larger say in the decision making process. sponds to 5 WH-units, while the general main- This is analogous to the main contributors to tenance of Machu Picchu corresponds to 3 WH- the general UN-budget being permanent mem- units. The units correspond to the loss of global bers of the Security Council where they have a heritage if the specified project were not carried larger say with respect to the decisions taken. out within a given year. In the case of cultural heritage, a corresponding The assignment of World Heritage Units to “WorldHeritageBoard”canbeestablishedwhere all the sites deemed worth preserving by the the main financial contributors have permanent experts is a necessary first step in order to make seatswhilethemainbeneficiariesrotatetoshare World Heritage truly global. the temporary seats. Agreeing on the Obligations of Individual Assigning World Heritage Certificates Countries Each World Heritage Unit protected is at- The world community has to agree about how tributed a “World Heritage Certificate”. Each many World Heritage Sites are to be preserved certificate corresponds to one unit of a World as well as on the needed contribution of each Heritage saved. Whoever spends resources on country to protect and sustain the World Her- the preservation of world heritage properties re- itage. The allocation of the burden is to be ceives a number of certificates corresponding to made in terms of World Heritage Units in or- the number of World Heritage Units preserved. der to make it comparable. Each country must Cultural experts have to determine the ex- be willing to contribute some share to preserve tent to which a certain preservation activity con- the World Heritage in terms of World Heritage tributes indeed to safeguarding World Heritage Units. The individual countries are forced to be Units. If, for example, a preservation activity specific rather than to agree in general terms is done superficially, in an incompetent or even that the preservation of World Heritage is “im- damaging way, no certificate is assigned. The portant”. Equal shares of the burden for each UNESCO World Heritage Fund and the two country would certainly be considered unfair as Advisory Boards ICOMOS and IUCN are an such an arrangement does not take into account obvious choice to administer this program. the geographical size of a country, the size of Inordertoappreciatehowtheschemeworks, its population, and in particular its per capita it is useful to consider specific situations. In the income level or wealth. As there is no world gov- following, three cases will be discussed. ernment, a consensus among the member states Case A. Consider the extreme case of a must be reached. Such a consensus about what countrythatdoesnothaveanyrecognizedWorld is to be put on the World Heritage List and Heritage sites but which agrees (in step 2) to about the share to be carried by each country contribute a particular number of Units to the is likely to be reached only if the ability to pay, preservation of World Heritage. This obliga- or the per capita income level of a country, as tion can be met by financing the preservation of well as its size, is given due weight. World Heritage Units abroad, and to therewith As has been the case with other world prob- acquire World Heritage Certificates. The coun- lems, such as the preservation of world peace or tryhasanincentivetosearchforWorldHeritage the natural environment, a consensus is not eas- sites, which offer the highest possible number ily reached, and may even fail completely to be of World Heritage Certificates in return for the reached. The most likely outcome therefore will funds pledged. The suppliers of funds have an 4 Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society ! ! Making world heritage truly global Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini incentive to seek and support those World Her- will be the best: some money will be spent on itage Sites most in need of preservation. domestic sites for which a unit of money has most effect on preservation (i.e. where the Cer- The country committing funds therewith ac- tificates are relatively cheap) but it would be a quires a number of Heritage Certificates docu- waste of money to keep spending on domestic menting the fact that it has contributed to this sites when much cheaper World Heritage Certifi- extent to the preservation of World Heritage. cates may be acquired by spending the money If the country accumulates sufficient Heritage on foreign sites with much greater effect (and Certificates to meet its obligations it has acted therefore cheap certificates per unit of money). as a good member of the global community. At Theschemethustakesintoaccountthemarginal the same time it has helped to efficiently secure productivities of spending money on preserving the preservation of World Heritage. sites and gives financial incentives to individual Case B. Consider now the opposite extreme countries to spend money, designated for preser- case, a country with a larger number of World vation, where it is most needed according to the HeritageUnitstobepreservedwithinitsborders evaluation of the cultural experts. but with only limited or no financial means for this purpose. Such a country has an incentive Trading World Heritage Certificates to attract donors to save its sites by offering attractive opportunities to do so. It makes an Sofaronlymonetarycontributionstothepreser- effort to preserve its World Heritage Units at vation of World Heritage sites were considered. the lowest cost possible so that the correspond- Opening up a market in which to trade the ing certificates have a low price. The cheaper certificates increases the probability that such the price of the certificate, the more Heritage sites will be preserved, especially in developing Certificates potential donors would receive for a countries. Poor countries may acquire World given sum of money. The (potential) recipient Heritage Certificates by specializing in preserv- country is motivated to become active and to ing World Heritage sites. The preservation of make internationally known what sites it has, cultural and natural heritage sites is a labor- and what the financial requirements are for pre- intensive activity in which poor countries with serving them. The applicants for funds have much hidden or open unemployment have a rela- an incentive to become active and to therefore tive advantage.10 Such a country may engage in provide the most efficient preservation of World a program with the goal of saving the maximum Heritage Sites. possible number of World Heritage Units within Case C. A country has agreed to preserve its borders. They thereby acquire World Her- within its borders a given number of World Her- itage Certificates, which they can sell to coun- itage Units in step 2. However, cultural experts tries that have less productive possibilities to have classified these sites to be of (relatively) preserve World Heritage. A developing country little importance. To save national cultural sites may sell its services to produce World Heritage provides few Heritage Certificates in contrast Units at a favorable price in any country en- to preserving Heritage sites abroad. The deci- abling it to acquire Certificates. If the number sion makers in this country are confronted with exceeds the sum agreed on in step 2, they can a trade-off. They can spend the money desig- sell the surplus on the open market. nated for cultural preservation for national sites, Moreover,for-profitfirms maybecomeactive in which case they accumulate only a few World and offer to undertake the preservation of spe- Heritage Certificates. Alternatively, they can cific World Heritage sites. They will be compen- spend the funds to preserve foreign World Her- sated through the certificates acquired, which itage Sites that offer cheaper certificates, thus they can sell in the market. This opens a new they can more easily fulfill their international area of activity for private enterprise even in obligations. In most cases, a mixed solution cases in which heritage is a public good, i.e. 10But expert guidance is also needed so that the preservation activity leads to World Heritage Certificates. This can be achieved by hiring foreign experts, and to train the work force to do the preservation work according to the standards set. Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society 5 ! ! Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini Making world heritage truly global where the benefits of its existence cannot be pri- foremost, care for its own cultural sites. As the vately exploited.11 The scheme also establishes funds for these preservation activities are nor- competition between public actors, which so far mally quite limited, this means in effect that have had a monopolistic situation in most coun- all is spent on national sites but possibly with tries and areas of public heritage preservation. strongly decreasing marginal returns. Only on Onthedemandside,HeritageCertificatesen- special occasions when a spectacular cultural able private organizations, in particular NGOs monument in a foreign country is to be saved devoted to the preservation of culture, to di- (such as the Abu Simbel temple), a country’s rectly participate in saving disregarded World decision makers are prepared to spend money Heritage sites rather than having to rely on po- for that purpose abroad. The argument that litical lobbying with uncertain outcomes. They the issue serves not the preservation of national can acquire as many certificates as they choose culture but the culture of humankind as a whole which tends to raise their price and provides an probably carries little weight in environments incentive to governments and private firms to fixated on national issues. undertake additional preservation efforts. Our proposal for World Culture Certificates Tradeable World Heritage Certificates have may be opposed because the sites selected are the advantage of producing generally accessi- treated as merit goods whose value are deter- ble knowledge about which sites should be pre- mined by a set of experts chosen by UNESCO. served; they profit from the Hayekian process of However,theculturecertificateschemeproposed generating information through markets. here does not depend on who determines the list; it could also be achieved through a demo- cratic process. Our proposal serves to achieve Political Feasibility an efficient use of resources to protect the inter- A few years ago a scheme such as the one that nationalpublicgoodofWorldHeritage, however hasbeensuggestedhere,basedontradableinter- this term is defined. nationalcertificates,wouldhavebeenconsidered Interest groups concerned with preserving outlandish. But circumstances have changed, culture will strongly oppose the globalization mainly due to the successful introduction of underlying the proposed scheme, as they are such schemes as the ones for environmental pro- - at least up to the present - almost entirely tection.12 The goal is the same: to achieve organized nationally. Seen from that point of maximum effect globally with the lowest cost view, to globallymaximize the extent ofcultural of resources. The certificate system proposed preservation, achieved through a given sum of here is in one respect more feasible than some money couldbe considered tobetray acountry’s of the tradable environmental schemes because interests. the number of World Heritage sites is very large However, not all organized groups that are and so trading is not hampered by a low num- politicallypowerfulwillopposetheHeritageCer- ber of traders and monopolistic distortions (see tificate scheme. The more people travel abroad e.g. Ellerman and Buchner (2007)). As en- and visit foreign cultural monuments the more vironmental certificates have slowly started to interested will be the firms engaged in inter- be appreciated by politicians and the public, national tourism that the respective cultural it could be expected that a similar scheme for monuments are well preserved. They will wel- cultural preservation would also be acceptable. comesuchascheme.13 Moregenerally,globaliza- Nevertheless, much opposition is to be ex- tion cannot be stopped and it can be expected pected. In most countries, “culture” is still that more and more persons embrace points of considered a “national affair”. Many people are view that go beyond the sole interests of their convinced that each country should, first and own nation. The preservation of the culture 11Private activities have, of course, played a major role to preserve cultural heritage in cases in which the benefits of the sites could be privately exploited, especially for tourism. 12See e.g. Insley (2003); Tietenberg (2006); Antes et al. (2005); Krysiak (2008). 13But the national tourist boards will oppose it because they benefit from the money being spent for monuments in their own country and region. 6 Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society ! ! Making world heritage truly global Bruno S. Frey and Paolo Pamini of humankind is likely to become increasingly community can be mobilized to rescue a partic- appreciated. ular site (as was the case for Abu Simbel) but in many cases such mobilization is ineffective or Conclusions comes late. Moreover, private firms may engage in saving World Heritage sites by acquiring cer- The World Culture Certificates proposed here tificates whose contribution to preserving World intend to maximize the effect of the financial Heritage has been approved by experts. resources spent on the preservation of World The proposal of World Culture Certificates Heritage sites. At present, some (rich) countries advancedhereiscertainlyonlyonepossibilityto spend a lot of money on the preservation of cul- protect the global heritage of culture. It needs tural monuments that are of only secondary im- to be considered and examined in contrast to portance while at the same time in other (poor) other attempts (which are, however, sadly lack- countries highly valuable cultural monuments ing) to reach the same goal. Many arguments fall into ruins for lack of money. In regard to against the propagated scheme are possible. An the preservation of humankind’s cultural goods, important one is that the organization in charge, this is a waste of resources. The World Cul- UNESCO, suffers from all the problems Public ture Certificate scheme induces nations to spend Choice theory associates with large bureaucra- the money where it produces the greatest effect cies (see, in general, Mueller (2003), and for the on preserving world heritage. The community case of heritage Peacock and Rizzo (2008)). The of nations, as embodied by the United Nations, authors fully appreciate these concerns (see e.g. hastoestablishhowmanyWorldHeritageUnits Frey (1983, 2001)) but nevertheless think that each nation is prepared to save. Each World it is worthwhile to suggest a proposal to save Heritage Unit saved anywhere in the world is World Heritage in danger of destruction. acknowledged by a certificate. The cost of a certificate is the lower the less expensive it is to Bibliography accomplish saving a World Heritage Site. 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In 2008, his book “Grundzu¨ge der analytischen Mikrokonomie” (Foundations of Analytical Microeconomics), co-authored with Thorsten Hens, was published by Springer Verlag. Cur- rently, he is working on several corporate gov- ernance topics and on the UNESCO world heritage. Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society 9 ! ! DOI:10.1111/j.1752-5209.2009.0034.x What determines interbank competition? And why should we care? Christopher Louis Colvin1 London School of Economics Abstract. Traditional measures of competition are inappropriate for banking markets and there exists no consensus alternative measure. As a direct conse- quence, the empirical relationship between interbank competition and financial stability remains unclear. This paper adopts ideas from the new industrial organisation literature to measure interbank competition in the early twentieth- century Dutch rural market for small-scale deposits using newly collected data. It finds that transaction and information switching costs are both important sources of banks’ market power. Introduction their monopoly profits in the event of failure. The revisionist view is that competition drives The 2007 US sub-prime crisis and subsequent down interest rates, reducing moral hazard and world financial crisis are likely have a vari- adverse selection problems among borrowers, ety of different contributing causes, including thus increasing loan repayment rates and stabil- a property price bubble, a change in regula- ity. Despite the best efforts of both camps, the tory objectives and practice, Greenspan-era lax exact nature of the relationship remains much monetary policy combined with the artificially- debated. undervalued Chinese currency, the mass securiti- Partofthereasonwhystudiescometodiffer- sationofriskymortgages, therapidexpansionof ent conclusions is that they define and measure the credit derivatives market and the mispricing competition in different ways. This is a forgiv- of liquidity risk by rating agencies.2 This paper able sin. As this paper demonstrates, finding an investigates an additional possible contributing appropriate empirical measure that is simulta- cause: interbank competition, or more specifi- neously sensitive to theoretical concerns and the cally, the possibility that the nature and level of reality of what can be measured on the ground competition between banks can influence finan- is fraught with difficulty. Standard paradigms cial stability. The role of interbank competition of competition are inappropriate for the anal- in the crisis has yet to be fully considered by an- ysis of the banking sector due to the presence alystsandpolicymakers, buthasbeenanareaof of strong information asymmetries in financial theoretical and empirical academic investigation markets (Freixas and Rochet, 2008; Carletti, since at least the early 1990s. 2008). It is these asymmetries, and primarily As noted recently in Berger et al. (2009), those between borrowers and lenders, that si- there exist two competing views on the multaneously provide banks with their raison competition-stability relationship. The tra- d’ˆetre and their source of fragility. As a result, ditional view is that competition encourages and unlike in most other markets, there is no bankers to take on high-risk projects in an effort discernible relationship between the number of to squeeze a profit, whilst bankers with market players and the competitive outcome. Theoreti- power are more risk averse as they stand to lose cally, a market with just two banks can be very 1Comments from Peter Koudijs, Eoin McLaughlin, seminar participants at Universiteit Utrecht, an anonymous referee and the editors of this journal were greatly appreciated. Laurence Colvin and Nathan Foley-Fisher assisted with data entry and computer programming respectively. All errors are the author’s own. Financial support from the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the Economic and Social Research Council is gratefully acknowledged. 2See Dimsdale (2009) for a comprehensive examination of the various causes in the British case. 10 Oxonomics 4 (2009). c 2009 The Author. Journal compilation c 2009 The Oxonomics Society ! ! Published by Wiley-Blackwell