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Making parallel lines meet: Transferring information from microtubules to extracellular matrix. PDF

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CellAdhesion&Migration6:5,404–408;September/October2012;G2012LandesBioscience Making parallel lines meet Transferring information from microtubules to extracellular matrix Tobias I. Baskin1,* and Ying Gu2 1BiologyDepartment;UniversityofMassachusetts;Amherst,MAUSA;2CenterforLignoCelluloseStructureandFormation;DepartmentofBiochemistryandMolecular Biology;PennsylvaniaStateUniversity;UniversityPark,PAUSA Theextracellularmatrixisconstructed to spaces both fascinating and useful. A beyond the plasma membrane, contemporary case of parallel lines whose challenging mechanisms for its control meeting is impossible but informative is by the cell. In plants, the cell wall is offered by the humble vascular plant. highlyordered,withcellulosemicrofibrils Perhaps of doubtful utility for readers of aligned coherently over a scale spanning Cell Adhesion & Migration, this case hundreds of cells. To a considerable neverthelesscouldfascinatethem,concern- extent, deploying aligned microfibrils ing as it does the problem of information determines mechanical properties of the flowing out of the cell, a flow that is a cell wall, including strength and compli- hallmark of living things but far less well ance. Cellulose microfibrils have long understood than is the typical receptor- Keywords: cellulose microfibrils, cellulose been seen to be aligned in parallel with mediatedinwardflow.Andfascinationdoes synthase, cellulose synthase interacting an array of microtubules in the cell beget utility, as non-Euclidean geometries protein 1, cortical microtubules, plant cell cortex. How do these cortical microtu- proposedforpuremathematicalabstraction wall, Pom-Pom2 bules affect the cellulose synthase com- havegivenrisetosolutionsinphysics. Submitted: 04/13/12 plex?Thisquestionhasstoodforasmany Theplantcellissurroundedbyatough years as the parallelism between the yet pliant extracellular matrix, called the Revised: 05/31/12 elements has been observed, but now an cell wall (see Box 1 for definitions of Accepted: 06/13/12 answer is emerging. Here, we review plant-specific terms). While animal cells http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/cam.21121 recent work establishing that the link make an extracellular matrix, few of them between microtubules and microfibrils is are surrounded by it as completely as is *Correspondenceto:TobiasI.Baskin; Email:[email protected] mediated by a protein named cellulose nearly every plant cell. The cell wall is so synthase-interacting protein 1 (CSI1). ubiquitously and intimately associated Commentaryto:LiS,LeiL,SomervilleCR,GuY. The protein binds both microtubules with the plant cell that one is tempted to Cellulosesynthaseinteractiveprotein1(CSI1) andcomponentsofthecellulosesynthase consider the wall as one more organelle, linksmicrotubulesandcellulosesynthasecom- complex. In the absence of CSI1, micro- albeit a large one. Indeed, the cell wall plexes.ProcNatlAcadSciUSA2012;109:185– fibrilsaresynthesizedbuttheiralignment space defines a compartment, known as 90;PMID:22190487;http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/ becomes uncoupled from the microtu- the apoplast. However, the cell wall is pnas.1118560109 and bules,aneffectthatisphenocopiedinthe unquestionably outside of the plasma BringmannM,LiE,SampathkumarA,KocabekT, wild type by depolymerizing the micro- membrane and for that reason extracellu- HauserMT,PerssonS.POM-POM2/cellulose tubules. The characterization of CSI1 lar. Far from being a random entangled synthaseinteracting1isessentialforthefunc- significantly enhances knowledge of how network, for example like an agarose gel, tionalassociationofcellulosesynthaseand cellulose is aligned, a process that serves the cell wall is highly organized (Fig.1A). microtubulesinArabidopsis.PlantCell2012; 24:163–77;PMID:22294619;http://dx.doi.org/10. as a paradigmatic example of how cells The organization makes the cell wall 1105/tpc.111.093575 dictate the construction of their extra- mechanically anisotropic, a property that and cellular environment. is required by morphogenesis to channel MeiY,GaoHB,YuanM,XueHW.The expansion into anisotropic shapes, such as ArabidopsisARCPprotein,CSI1,whichis stems and leaves. How does information requiredformicrotubulestability,isnecessary forrootandantherdevelopment.PlantCell In Euclid’s geometry, parallel lines cannot from the cell flow across the plasma 2012;24:1066–80;PMID:22427339;http://dx.doi. meet, but Riemann and others found membrane to constrain the construction org/10.1105/tpc.111.095059 geometries where they do meet, leading us of cell wall? 404 CellAdhesion&Migration Volume6Issue5 COMMENTARY Box1.Definingterms. powered by the energy released from Apoplast:Thecontinuumformedbycellwalls,airspaces,anddeadcells,suchasthewater hydrolyzingUDP-glucoseorcrystallization. conductingxylem. Mechanistic details about the synthesis Arabidopsisthaliana:The“fruitfly”ofplantbiology;thatis,aspecieschosenforutilityinresearch ratherthanforitseconomicrelevance. of cellulose are scarce, primarily because Cellwall:Thepolysaccharide-richextracellularmatrixthatsurroundseveryplantcell. the reaction proceeds with great difficulty Cellulose:Thegeneralnameforpolymersofb1A4linkedglucoseassociatedintoacrystallineor in vitro,3 and frustratingly not at all in semi-crystallinefibril. extracts from the model plant, Arabidopsis Cellulosemicrofibril:Thetypicalformofcelluloseinvascularplants,withaminimaldiameterof thaliana, the species in which most of the ~3nmandanindefinitelength. Cellulosesynthase:Themulti-peptidecomplexattheplasmamembranethatsynthesizesa genetic evidence relating to cellulose cellulosemicrofibril. synthesishasbeenobtained.Geneticshave CellulosesynthaseA(CESA):Thepolypeptidethoughttoberesponsibleforcatalyzingthereaction implicated a family of putative glycosyl whereUDPglucoseisaddedtothegrowingchainofpolymerizedglucose. transferases, called cellulose synthase A Corticalarrayofmicrotubules:Anarrayofmainlyparallelmicrotubulesinthecellcortexassociated (CESA), and it appears that a functional closelywiththeplasmamembrane,presentinessentiallyallplantcellsduringinterphase. Rosette:Asynonymforthecellulosesynthasecomplex,basedonitshexamericappearanceinthe cellulose synthase complex requires three electronmicroscope. distinct CESA family members.1,2 An antibody against a CESA labels a hexame- In contrast to the animal cell’s extra- similartothescaleofthecellitself.Sucha ric structure, termed a rosette, that is abundant in freeze-fracture images of the cellularmatrix,theplantcellwallischiefly molecule could be packaged into a plasma membrane.4 This, along with polysaccharide. The functional analog of secretory vesicle only by wizardry and, genetics and estimations of the lateral theprotein,collagen,isthepolysaccharide, lacking magic wands, cells synthesize dimensions of a microfibril have led to a cellulose. Structurally, cellulose comprises cellulose at the plasma membrane. This model where each cellulose synthase is a unbranched polymers of glucose linked is accomplished by a multi-subunit com- rosette,containing36CESApolypeptides, side by side in a (partly) crystalline array plex called cellulose synthase. At its with each (or possibly each pair) synthes- and stabilized by a network of hydrogen cytosolic side, this complex reacts with izing a glucose chain. However, we know bonds dense enough to give cellulose a UDP-glucose and extrudes polymerized neither how CESA proteins are organized tensile strength rivaling steel.1,2 The crys- glucan chains into the extracellular space. withinarosettenorwhatotherproteins,if talline array comprises a few dozen of the Eachsynthasecomplexprobablymakes18 any, are also components of the complex, unbranchedpolymers,formingastructural to 36 chains that somehow associate or although sucrose synthase is likely.5 unit called the cellulose microfibril. The crystallize into a microfibril. As the chains Knowledgeaboutcellulosesynthesishas degree of polymerization of each glucose are extended, the cellulose synthase moves recently been enhanced by the develop- chain is on the order of ten thousand, along the plasma membrane, presumably ment of a system whereby the movement of the synthase can be imaged in living cells.6 A specific CESA sequence is tagged with a fluorescent protein and introduced into a background where the correspond- ing native gene has been inactivated mutationally; when imaged through a spinning-disc confocalfluorescencemicro- scope, the tagged cellulose synthase com- plexes are seen as spots at the plasma membrane. Over time, the spots move (see Fig.2A and C). The velocity, ~0.3 mm min21, along with the density of the complexes per unit area, plausibly account for rates of cellulose synthesis measured in bulk. In the absence of in vitro enzymology, imaging the tagged CESA in living cells provides a readout of the reaction rate that is particularly Figure1.Parallellines.(A)CellwalloftheinflorescencestemofA.thalianaimagedwithfield valuable. emissionscanningelectronmicroscopy.Formethod,seereference23.(B)Methacrylatesection Insofar as cellulose constitutes about throughtherootofA.thalianastainedwithanantibodyagainsttubulin.Thesectionplanepasses one third of the cell wall mass and is, by throughthemiddleofafileofwidecellsandthroughthecortexofafileofnarrowcells;cortical far, its longest and stiffest component, the microtubulesareviewedend-onintheformerandinfaceviewinthelatter.Formethod,see cell goes some way toward guiding the reference24.Scalebars:(A)=600nm,(B)=10mm. assembly of the cell wall by constraining www.landesbioscience.com CellAdhesion&Migration 405 Figure2.Co-localizationofCSI1,CESAcomplexes,andmicrotubules.(A)Wild-typeseedlingsco-expressingGFP-CESA6andRFP-CSI1:theco-alignmentof CSI1andCESAcomplexesisevidentinthemergedtime-averagedimage.(B)Wild-typeseedlingsco-expressingYFP-TUA5andRFP-CSI1:theco- alignmentofCSI1andmicrotubulesisevidentinthemergedtime-averagedimage.(C)Wild-typeseedlingsco-expressingRFP-TUA5andYFP-CESA6:the co-alignmentofCESAcomplexesandmicrotubulesisevidentinthemergedtime-averagedimage.(D)Incsi1seedlingsco-expressingYFP-CESA6and RFP-TUA5,CESAparticlesarerandomlydistributed,theirtime-averagedtrajectoriesareapparentlyshorterandrarelyco-localizedwithmicrotubules. Notethatthelarge,roughlycircularstructuresintheGFP-CESA6(A)andYFP-CESA6(C)imagesareGolgibodies.Thetime-averagedimagesare projectionsof60frames(~5min)acquiredat5secintervals.Bars=10mm.Methodsdescribedfurtherinreference15. the orientation in which the cellulose array of microtubules, called the cortical there appear to be exceptions, these many microfibrils form. Given that microfibrils array.8,9 Like those in animal cells, micro- examples make clear that microfibrils are are long and stiff, and synthesized within tubules in the cortical array turn over oriented with respect to the microtubules. the confined, essentially two-dimensional rapidly and exhibit dynamic instability; But the hypothesis remains incomplete space between plasma membrane and however, unlike most other arrays, the because the mechanism behind this flow extant cell wall, self-assembly probably cortical array lacks a microtubule organiz- of orientation information has remained contributes to the parallel arrangement of ingcenterandthepolarityofmicrotubules obscure. microfibrils, driven by entropic and within the array is apparently random. Indeed, the most popular model for van der Waals forces, which apparently Cortical microtubules are well ordered how microtubules influence cellulose also drive orientation of cytoskeletal fila- (Fig.1B), and their alignment usually posits no mechanism at all.9,12 Instead, ments.7However,microfibrilsareoriented parallels that of the cellulose microfibrils. the model envisions the microtubules as a on the macroscopic scale. For example, in In fact, microtubules were first imaged in kind of molecular guard rail, constraining thestemsampledfor Figure1,microfibrils plantcellsandwerehypothesizedtoorient movement of the cellulose synthase steri- arealignedperpendiculartothatstemover cellulose microfibrils based on the congru- cally but not interacting with the complex a distance on order of a centimeter and entalignmentbetweentheseelements,even specifically. Although this model accounts throughout thousands of cells. Macro- thoughmicrotubulesareinsidethecelland for the parallelism, it leaves an important scopic order on this scale is beyond the microfibrilsareoutside.10,11Sincethen,this function (ordering the microfibrils) essen- reach of self-assembly based on molecular hypothesis has been confirmed in general tiallytochance.Moreover,the“guard-rail” forces and thus the cell must supplement but not in detail. The overall claim of the model makes no provision for activity of intrinsic self-assembly with information hypothesisisconfirmedbycountlessexam- the microtubules in addition to ordering specifying cellular polarity. ples where microtubules parallel microfi- the microfibrils. Cells are parsimonious; Whatbetterwaytospecifypolaritythan brils and countless more where depoly- along with specifying orientational order, through the cytoskeleton? Just inside the merizing the microtubules impairs the microtubules might have a concomitant plasma membrane, plant cells contain an alignment among microfibrils.12 Although role in assisting with cellulose synthesis 406 CellAdhesion&Migration Volume6Issue5 itself.13 That is, while there is no require- loss-of-functionmutantsforCSI1(aback- reconstitute at least part of this motility mentformicrotubulesperseforaplantto grounddenotedhereascsi1butalsoknown system in vitro so that this molecular make cellulose, microtubules could con- as pom-pom2) have morphological pheno- anatomy can be dissected. dition the properties of the synthesized types associated with aberrant cortical Fascinating. But even granting that material. microtubules,14,16 some of which can be Earth’s biomass is mostly cellulosic, what But at last, a mechanism is being ameliorated by transgenic expression of an is the lesson for the animal biologist? Like discovered. Three papers published nearly animal microtubule-associated protein the plant cell wall, the animal cell simultaneously characterize the first pro- (MAP4) that is absent from plants. Taken extracellular matrix, whether bone, shell, tein known to link cortical microtubules together, this evidence shows that CSI1, spicule or tendon, is highly oriented. and cellulose microfibrils.14-16 Previously, althoughdiscoveredbasedonitsrelationto Where does the order come from? Not the protein, named cellulose synthase- cellulose synthase,17 associates with micro- entirely from self-assembly, because while interacting protein (CSI1), had been tubules, pivotally supporting its hypothet- this is powerful on the small (sub-cellular) fished out of a yeast two-hybrid screen icalroleasamessengerservicefromcytosol scale, the matrix is organized on a for proteins that interact with CESA; the tocellwall. macroscopic scale and requires input from proteinispresentattheplasmamembrane Perhaps the most interesting results in the organism. Although not that well andmovesinlineartrajectoriesresembling the new papers are those concerning the elucidated, the order might come, as in those of CESA, and loss-of-function velocity anddirectionalityofCESAmove- plants, from the cytoskeleton, albeit from mutants synthesize less crystalline cel- ment. In the csi1 background, CESA actin rather than microtubules. lulose.17 The new work extends our complexes move at about 70% percent of In biomineralization, the general term knowledge of CSI1 and links it to the the rate of the wild type, and when used to describe constructing extracellular cortical microtubules. microtubules are depolymerized, the matrix rich in inorganic compounds, as in Tobeginwith,twopapersconfirmthat reduction in velocity is similar.15 Further boneorshell,secretedproteinscanserveas CSI1 and cellulose synthase are associated attestingtoCSI1mediatingalinkbetween templates for crystallization and vesicles intimately.14,15 In the original publica- microtubules and CESA, in the csi1 can be delivered selectively to seed crys- tion,17 CSI1 and CESA were co-localized background, CESA trajectories lose their tallizationappropriately,18,19butingeneral almost completely and both moved bi- close association with microtubules14,15 it is not known how large-scale order is directionally, at all but indistinguishable (Fig.2C and D) and deviate somewhat imposed or whether the cytoskeleton is velocities;thesefindingsarereproducedin from their linear character observed in the involved. One exception is patterning of the new work but with a distinct CESA wild type. Notably similar wandering thesilica-richextracellularmatrix(frustule) familymember(Fig.2A).Furthermore,an CESA trajectories occur when microtu- ofthediatom,whichdependsontheactin inhibitor of cellulose synthesis, which bules are depolymerized, again fingering cytoskeleton;20 while diatoms are as depletes the membrane of CESA com- CSI1 as the microtubule-microfibril go- diverged from animals as are plants, this plexes, likewise depletes CSI-positive between.These results imply thatas faras studystandsasaparadigmforhowthecell material. These results leave little doubt the movement of the CESA complex is controls the growth of external, miner- as to the close association between CSI1 concerned, the loss of microtubules and alized structures. and CESA. the loss of CSI1 are equivalent, making a For aligning protein-rich matrices in But a putative linker between CESA powerful case for the function of CSI1 vertebrates, actin isknowntobeinvolved. complexes and microtubules needs also to being to inform the cellulose synthase Actin helps build collagen-rich tendons, interact with microtubules; such an inter- complex about the disposition of the partly through actin-rich structures (fibri- action is substantiated in several ways by microtubules. positors) in the cell cortex that guide the the new work.14-16 First, CSI1 binds Why does depolymerizing the micro- formationoffibrils21butalsobygivingrise microtubules in vitro, with a dissociation tubules require 10 to 16 h to slow down to forces that condition the developing constant, ~1 mM, that is similar to that of the CESA complexes but just 1 h or so to tendon.22 That actin guides collagen canonical microtubule-associated proteins, remove microtubules? This discrepancy assembly (and maybe biomineralization) such as MAP2.15 Microtubule binding is impliesthatCSI1affectsCESAmovement but microtubules guide cellulose assembly plausible,insofarasCSI1containsmultiple indirectly. Why does the loss of a micro- shouldnotdevaluethiscomparison.Inthe armadillorepeats,motifsknowntobestow tubule binding protein slow down the evolution of plants and animals, micro- microtubule-binding activity on several CESA complex? Naïvely, we might tubules and actin have, to a large extent, proteins. Second, CSI1 moves along the suppose microtubule-binding activity to switched places. In animals, microtubules plasma membrane in trajectories that act as a brake and the removal thereof are the mainline tracks for organelles, closely overlay microtubules (Fig.2B). would accelerate the movement even as it while actin presides over the cell cortex Third, when microtubules are depolymer- lost directional control. Finally, is the and regulates whole-cell motility; conver- ized, CSI1 spots at the plasma membrane purview of CSI1 solely guidance or does sely in plants, actin filaments are the are reduced in number and intensity, it extend to synthesis? That is, do micro- organelle tracks, while microtubules dom- although they do not disappear alto- fibrils built in the absence of CSI1 have inate the cortex and regulate cell expan- gether.14,15Finally,undersomeconditions, assembly defects? It would be useful to sion. But in both kingdoms, information www.landesbioscience.com CellAdhesion&Migration 407 flows from a set of organized cytoplasmic many kinds of cell and to many kinds of US Department of Energy through Grant filaments, across the membrane, to regu- matrixtounderstandhoworganisms draw DE-FG-03ER15421. Work in the Gu late the structure and activity of the parallel lines, even if they never meet. laboratory is supported by grants from extracellular matrix. National Science Foundation (1121375), Therefore, the growing understanding Acknowledgments and The Center for LignoCellulose of how cortical microtubules align cel- WorkintheBaskinlaboratoryoncellulose Structure and Formation, an Energy lulose microfibrils has valuable lessons for and the control of growth anisotropy is Frontier Research Center funded by the us all. As exemplified by the studies supported by the Division of Chemical US Department of Energy, Office of reviewed here on CSI1, we need to Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, Science under Award Number DE- intercept information flowing out from Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the SC0001090. References 10. HeplerPK,NewcombEH.Microtubulesandfibrilsin 18. BonucciE.Calcificationandsilicification:acomparative thecytoplasmofcoleuscellsundergoingsecondarywall surveyoftheearlystagesofbiomineralization.JBone 1. EndlerA,PerssonS.Cellulosesynthasesandsynthesis deposition. 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