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Making Knowledge Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Special Issue Book Series The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute is the principal journal of the oldest anthropological organization in the world. It has attracted and inspired some of the world’s greatest thinkers. International in scope, it presents accessible papers aimed at a broad anthropological readership. We are delighted to announce that their annual special issues are also repackaged and available to buy as books. Volumes published so far: Making Knowledge: Explorations of the Indissoluble Relation between Mind, Body and Environment, edited by Trevor H.J. Marchand Islam, Politics, Anthropology, edited by Filippo Osella and Benjamin Soares The Objects of Evidence: Anthropological Approaches to the Production of Knowledge, edited by Matthew Engelke Wind, Life, Health: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives, edited by Elisabeth Hsu and Chris Low Ethnobiology and the Science of Humankind, edited by Roy Ellen MAKING KNOWLEDGE EXPLORATIONS OF THE INDISSOLUBLE RELATION BETWEEN MIND, BODY AND ENVIRONMENT EDITED BY TREVOR H.J. MARCHAND Royal Anthropological Institute A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication This edition fi rst published 2010 © 2010 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland Originally published as Volume 16, Special Issue May 2010 of The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientifi c, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Registered Offi ce John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom Editorial Offi ces 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK For details of our global editorial offi ces, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com/ wiley-blackwell. The right of Trevor H.J. Marchand to be identifi ed as the author of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Making knowledge : explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body and environment / [edited by] Trevor H.J. Marchand. p. cm.—(Journal of the royal anthropological institute special issue book series ; 4) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4443-3892-8 (pbk.) 1. Philosophical anthropology. 2. Knowledge, Theory of. 3. Mind and body. 4. Cognition and culture. I. Marchand, Trevor H.J. BD450.M26265 2011 306.4′2—dc22 2010040512 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Set in 10/12pt Minion by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited Printed in Malaysia 1 2010 Contents Notes on contributors vii Preface xi Trevor H.J. Marchand Introduction: Making knowledge: explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body, and environment 1 1 Greg Downey ‘Practice without theory’: a neuroanthropological perspective on embodied learning 21 2 Tom Rice Learning to listen: auscultation and the transmission of auditory knowledge 39 3 Anna Odland Portisch The craft of skilful learning: Kazakh women’s everyday craft practices in western Mongolia 59 4 Nicolette Makovicky ‘Something to talk about’: notation and knowledge-making among Central Slovak lace-makers 76 5 Trevor H.J. Marchand Embodied cognition and communication: studies with British fi ne woodworkers 95 6 Tim Ingold Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing 115 7 Konstantinos Retsikas Unconscious culture and conscious nature: exploring East Javanese conceptions of the person through Bourdieu’s lens 133 8 Soumhya Venkatesan Learning to weave; weaving to learn ... what? 150 9 Roy Dilley Refl ections on knowledge practices and the problem of ignorance 167 10 Emma Cohen Anthropology of knowledge 183 Index 193 Notes on contributors Emma Cohen is a researcher in the Research Group for the Comparative Cognitive Anthropology attached to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. She has con- ducted fi eldwork on an Afro-Brazilian religious tradition in Belém, northern Brazil, focusing primarily on concepts, behaviours, and practices associated with spirit pos- session. Her publications include The mind possessed (Oxford University Press, 2007). She is currently researching the ways people (across cultural and religious contexts) represent the relationship between minds, bodies, and persons. Research Group for Comparative Cognitive Anthropology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropol- ogy, Leipzig, Germany. Roy Dilley is Professor of Social Anthropology and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of St Andrews. He specializes in the study of Haalpulaaren (Tukulor) social organization and culture in Senegal, and published Islamic and caste knowledge prac- tices among Haalpulaaren, Senegal: between mosque and termite mound (Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute, 2004). Other research interests include anthropological theory and cultural economics, and he is editor of two the- matic collections entitled Contesting markets: analyses of ideology, discourse and practice (Edinburgh University Press, 1992) and The problem of context (Berghahn, 1999). Department of Social Anthropology, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, UK. Greg Downey is Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at Macquarie University. His research bridges cultural anthropology with biological and neurological studies of sport and embodied knowledge. He is author of Learning capoeira: lessons in cunning from an Afro-Brazilian art (Oxford University Press, 2005) and co-editor (with M. Fisher) of Frontiers of capital: ethnographic refl ections on the New Economy (Duke University Press, 2006). He is completing a monograph on The athletic animal with support from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Department of Anthropology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Tim Ingold is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen. He has conducted fi eldwork among Saami and Finnish people in Lapland, and has written extensively on comparative questions of environment, technology, and social viii Notes on Contributors organization in the circumpolar North; evolutionary theory in anthropology; biology and history; the role of animals in human society; and issues in human ecology. He is currently exploring the interface between anthropology, archaeology, art, and archi- tecture, and his latest book is Lines: a brief history (Routledge, 2007). Department of Anthropology, School of Social Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeeen, UK. Dr Nicolette Makovicky is Lecturer in Russian and Eastern European Studies at the School of Interdisciplinary Areas Studies, University of Oxford. She obtained her PhD in Anthropology at University College London, followed by a Junior Research Fellow- ship at Wolfson College, Oxford. Her research considers the impact of socio-economic reforms and EU-integration on historically embedded modes of economic activity in Central Europe. Examining the political and social context of production and innova- tion in textile crafts since the early 20th century, she has a particular theoretical inter- est in processes of value creation, work ethics, entrepreneurialism, gender and citizenship in post-socialist society. An external tutor in the department of the History of Design at the Royal College of Art since 2007, she has also published on the relation- ship between craft, modernity and ideology, as well as memory and the domestic interior. Wolfson College, Oxford, Oxford, UK. Trevor H.J. Marchand is Professor of Social Anthropology at the School of Oriental and African Studies, where he teaches the anthropology of space, place, and architec- ture. He has conducted fi eldwork with masons in Arabia and West Africa, and as an ESRC Fellow (2005-8) he studied training and practice among English woodworkers. His research focuses on embodied cognition and communication and he is the author of Minaret building and apprenticeship in Yemen (Curzon, 2001) and The masons of Djenné (Indiana University Press, 2009), and co-producer of the documentary fi lm Future of mud (2007). Department of Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. Anna Odland Portisch is a Postdoctoral Associate of SOAS, where she also received a Ph.D. for her studies among the Kazakh of western Mongolia. Her research examines learning and skill-based knowledge in felt-craft production, and her work is focused on apprenticeship, cognition, and identity formation. She recently curated an exhibit on Kazakh textiles for the SOAS Brunei Gallery, and was an ESRC Fellow at Brunel University, where she lectured on anthropological and psychological perspectives on learning. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. Konstantinos Retsikas is Lecturer in Anthropology of South East Asia at SOAS. His research focuses include phenomenology, identity, and Islam. Recent publications include ‘The Semiotics of violence: ninja, sorcerers and state terror in post-Soeharto Indonesia’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (2006) and ‘Knowledge from the body: fi eldwork, power, and the acquisition of a new self’ in Knowing how to know: fi eldwork and the ethnographic present (eds) N. Halstead, E. Hirsch & J. Okely (Berghahn, 2008). Department of Anthropology and Sociology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, UK. Tom Rice received his Ph.D. in social anthropology from Goldsmiths and was a postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. He is currently a Teach- Notes on Contributors ix ing Fellow at the University of Exeter. His research explores the sonic environments of institutions and the types of auditory knowledge used and applied in these settings. He has published articles on ‘auditory anthropology’ in Anthropology Today, Critique of Anthropology, and The Senses and Society. Room 313, Department of Sociology and Philosophy, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. Soumhya Venkatesan is a Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester. Based on fi eldwork with Muslim mat-weavers in South India and carpet- weavers in Bukhara, her research focuses on materiality and the relationship between people and things, and explores issues of embodiment and the transmission of skills. Her present research on Indian potters and sculptors of venerated idols considers the relation between makers and objects. She is currently preparing a book manuscript based on her doctoral research. Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. Preface Trevor H.J. Marchand School of Oriental and African Studies In 2005, with funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), I commenced a new project with woodworkers in East London that built upon my previousstudiesofbuilding-craftknowledgeandapprenticeshipinYemenandMali.In addition to the fieldwork and theoretical investigations into motor cognition and embodiedformsofcommunication,theprojectalsoallowedmetoinviteanthropolo- gistswithsharedinterestsinskill-learningtopresenttheirresearchinaseminarseries andasubsequentone-dayworkshop,bothhostedattheSchoolofOrientalandAfrican Studies(SOAS)in2007.Thisvolumegrowsoutoftheproceedingsofthatprogramme, initiallytitledThetransmissionofknowledge. Itisnowthreedecades,andlonger,sincejrati_1606h11..14eworksof Foucault(1977),deCerteau (1984),andespeciallyBourdieuushered‘everydayknowledgeandpractice’totheforeof thesocialscienceagenda,andthisfocalconcernisretainedbythevolumecontributors. ButwhileparticipantsintheseminarsandworkshopgratefullyacknowledgedBourdieu’s seminalroleinexcavatingMauss’s‘techniquesofthebody’(Mauss1934)anddeveloping a theory of habitus (Bourdieu 1977),they were invited to consider the limitations of ‘practice theory’(e.g.Bloch 1991; Farnell 2000; Jenkins 1992) in advancing their own empirically based accounts of learning,situated practice,and embodied cognition.A projectstatementandsetof questionsframedtheseminarprogramme.Inparticular, participants were asked to consider: How might social anthropologists effectually chroniclemanifestationsofhumanknowledgethat‘exceedlanguage’,includingbodily and perceptual practices? In which ways can‘know-how’ be cogently described and representedinourethnographicaccounts?How,andunderwhatcircumstances,arenew practices taken up and honed? And by what combination of cognitive and social mechanismsdotheybecomestabilizedas‘memory’or‘habits’thatareconsciouslyor unconsciouslyenacted?Whatdrivesimprovisationinactivity?Andhowdoinnovations in practice become publicly recognized and validated? How are different domains of knowledge co-ordinated within the mind-body complex, thereby resulting in both intelligentandintelligibleperformance?Howaredifferentwaysofknowingvariously communicatedandinterpretedbyparticipatingmemberswithinfieldsofpractice?And crucially, how might we appropriately account for the necessary but ever-changing relationsoflearningtothephysicalandsocialenvironmentinwhichitunfolds? xii Trevor H.J. Marchand Thefollow-upworkshopprovidedanintensiveforumforseminarspeakersandan invited panel of discussants to present and debate issues of theory and method,and consider anthropology’s current and future contributions to the enduring, cross- disciplinary study of human knowledge. During the roundtable session we critically assessedtheword‘transmission’anddebateditsappropriatenessforaccuratelydescrib- ingthemyriadofcomplexwaysinwhichknowingisarticulated,acquired,andtrans- formed in situ, involving communities of actors engaged in co-ordinated (and sometimesdiscordant)practicesandcommunication.Inthesocialsciences,‘transmis- sion’hasbeenregularlyemployedasashorthandforthecombinedprocessesofteach- ing and learning, or for the operations of socialization and enculturation across generations,and several contributing authors rightfully use the term in this manner. Butitcanalsobearproblematicconnotationsofmechanicalreproductionandhomo- geneoustransferraloffactsandinformationfromonehead(orbody)toanother.Lave hasarguedthat‘transmissionandinternalization[arenot]theprimarymechanismsby whichcultureandindividualcometogether’,proposinginstead‘thatactivity,including cognition, is socially organized and quintessentially social in its very existence, its formationanditsongoingcharacter’(1988:177).Inwantingthetitleof ourcollective work best to convey our shared aims in representing learning and knowing, I have renamedthevolumeMakingknowledge.‘Making’,Ifeel,moreaccuratelycapturesthe processes and durational qualities of knowledge formation; and rather than being suggestiveofhierarchicalandmethodicaltransfer,itfostersthinkingaboutknowledge as a dialogical and constructive engagement between people, and between people, things,andenvironment. ThisspecialvolumeoftheJRAIfeaturestheworksofleadingscholarswhopromote bold, innovative approaches to understanding the nature and social constitution of humanknowing.Notably,thetheme,‘makingknowledge’,isnotanintendedrevivalor perpetuation of the‘anthropology of knowledge’subfield that emerged in the 1970s. Rather,thecollectionrepresentsaconcertedinvestigationintothecoreactivityof all anthropology: namely‘the making of knowledge about the ways other people make knowledge’.The ethnography,theory,and methods presented expose possibilities for interdisciplinarycollaborationandlaysolidfoundationsforfurtherinvestigationsinto embodiedcognitionandconceptualthinking.Ideasarecouchedinlong-term,world- widefieldwork;andahostofintriguingcommonalitiesanddifferencesemergeacross thecollection.Alltheauthorsaredeeplyunifiedintheirconcernfortheappropriate studyandrepresentationofknowledgeinitsdiverseformsandexpression.Knowledge isexploredbothinitsvariousmodesof articulation(i.e.motor,sensory,andpropo- sitional)andinitsrangeofsocial,cultural,andmaterialmanifestations.Conclusively, knowledgeandpracticearenotfixed;noraretheyhostagetounconsciousreproduc- tion. Rather what the chapters demonstrate is that our human knowledge, like our physicalbodies,isconstantlyreconfiguredintheactivitiesandnegotiationsofeveryday workandlife. I thank the seminar speakers and workshop discussants for their co-operation in realizingthisproject,andtheESRCfortheirgenerousfunding(Res-000-27-0159).The workshop discussants included Emma Cohen, Anna Portisch, and Charles Stafford. ChaptercontributionsfromCohenandPortischareincludedinthiscollection.Regret- tably,RitaAstuti,SusanneKuechler,andHarryWesthadtowithdrawfrompublication, buttheirindividualcontributionstotheseminarserieswerehighlyvalued.Ialsothank Richard Fardon and my fellow colleagues at SOAS for their support throughout the

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