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Make Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing PDF

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welcome Dreaming of 3D Printers A new wave of affordable machines is democratizing 3D printing. At A recent tAlk At new York a strong brand and a vibrant community. Getting more people to use 3D printers UniversitY jUst before world Yet the announcement caused shock waves is not just about getting the hardware right. MAker fAire 2012, I asked the audience, with its mixed message about the openness Many of our 3D printer testers commented mostly undergrad and graduate students, of the platform. Built on the contributions that the software needs to be better. The how many of them had 3D printers. None of the open source hardware community, problem is certainly the lack of a polished of them raised a hand. Then I asked MakerBot signaled that they needed user interface for many open source soft- how many wanted a 3D printer, and WRITTEN to “lock down” some of the designs ware tools. BY all the hands in the room shot up. Dale and software in order to remain Dougherty Immediately. competitive and prevent others The challenge for The market for personal 3D print- from cloning them. personal 3D printers? ers is still in its early stages but it’s becom- A new crop of 3D printers, many of them ing very hot. The dream of 3D printers stirs crowdfunded as Kickstarter projects, are To make them practical our imagination. providing more options for buyers, but the and affordable to do The challenge for personal 3D printers competition is also confusing. In the early what we dream of doing. is to make them practical and affordable to days of a new product category (think MP3 do what we dream of doing. At the same players), many different models compete, time, the challenge for anyone who justifies offering varied design choices. Each model But there’s another problem. We have to spending a couple thousand dollars on a introduces new features, testing what users learn to design in 3D. Turning our ideas into 3D printer is to dream of something more want and what they’re willing to pay for. 3D objects that are suited to production on interesting than duplicating colorful, plastic Eventually the best features will be consoli- a 3D printer demands more of us than just tchotchkes from Thingiverse. dated into a few surviving models. Yet before clicking the Print button. In this guide, we’ll Several years ago MakerBot Industries that happens, we can enjoy the variety of show you how to design 3D objects easily released the Cupcake CNC 3D printer as a prototypes and their experimental nature. in Tinkercad (page 30) and how to prep 3D kit that makers could build for themselves, To help you choose among these new models captured by Kinect or 123D Catch starting off the personal 3D printing revolu- machines, we put together a team of experts (page 92). All of us will require training, tion. Before that, commercial 3D printers to test and review 15 desktop 3D printers on along with the energy and enthusiasm of were industrial machines for a highly spe- the market today. We learned an enormous makers like Riley Lewis, a high school fresh- cialized design market. MakerBot founders amount, and we’re confident you will too in man in Santa Clara, Calif., who says he first Bre Pettis, Adam Mayer, and Zach “Hoeken” our Buyer’s Guide beginning on page 38. picked up 3D printing in sixth grade. Now Smith adapted and simplified open source I also enjoy learning more about the mak- Riley teaches workshops in 3D printing at technology developed in the RepRap com- ers of these new models. Diego Porqueras area schools and has been a guest blogger munity and produced a working model with of Pasadena, Calif., developer of the Bukobot, for 3D Systems, makers of the Cube printer. a homely laser-cut case. Sure, it might’ve told me he read Volume 21 of MAKE, which Riley reminds me of another dreamer taken weeks to put this model together, but featured Bre Pettis on the cover, and decided with a practical mind, Ben Franklin, the makers could realize their dream of owning to build a 3D printer himself, relying on apprentice printer who was the prototype a 3D printer. general skills he acquired in metal shop American maker. I’d like to know more Like the first personal computers, 3D and computer science classes. Diego raised about what Riley dreams of doing, and I look printers were signposts for an unsettled $167,410 on Kickstarter from 290 backers. forward to seeing what makers are actually territory, awaiting the pioneers to explore Few of these 3D printer makers have doing with 3D printers. the future. specialized expertise, or vast amounts of MakerBot is still the leader in personal capital, but they have the determination to 3D printing, announcing the all-black, ready- do something they really believe in — and to-run Replicator 2 in September. They have their belief is democratizing 3D printing. Dale Dougherty is the founder and publisher of MAKE. 6 GettING StArteD The Promise oF 3D Printing Printing the world on your desktop. consumer-level 3D printers on the market has Anderson seeing 1983 all over again — It’s a vIsIon from a futurIstIc star resin, metal, and other materials, have the so-called “Mac moment” when Apple trek unIverse: effortlessly creating three- actually been around since 1985 — ironi- gave the masses a computer of their own: dimensional objects on a machine in your cally the same year the standard-setting HP the Apple II. Apple didn’t invent the com- home (or starship). And it’s here today. LaserJet printer was introduced. The laser puter, they just democratized it, Anderson The dam has now burst on the 3D printing printer has become as commonplace as the notes. The same can be said of RepRap and market and this once out-of-reach personal computer. The same can’t MakerBot, two pioneers in the affordable WRITTEN technology is now available to just BY be said of the 3D printer. But that consumer 3D printer market. Stett about anybody, for less than $1,000. could be about to change. “A new class of users will produce a new Holbrook Will being able to print 3D objects Until recently, 3D printers were class of uses,” says Anderson. “I think it’s on your desktop change the world? prohibitively expensive, less than user friend- historic.” Spend a few minutes talking to manufac- ly, and hidden behind the doors of factories Will 3D printers become as common in turers of 3D printers or early adopters and and R&D labs. But thanks to the innovative the home as DVD players and computers? you’ll quickly hear them drop such heady efforts of makers and the open source Wonky software and documentation are the adjectives as “game-changer,” “disruptive,” movement (which encourages freely sharing weak links now, but that will surely change. and “revolutionary.” designs and software among enthusiasts), For now, Anderson tells parents this An Economist article from April 2012 the price of the machines has reached the is the year to buy their kids a 3D printer by Paul Markillie declared 3D printing and consumer level. Now, a growing community for Christmas. associated technologies nothing short of of makers, designers, and artists are embrac- “They’re not going to be quite sure what the “third industrial revolution.” ing the technology and taking it in new to do with it, but their kids will figure it out. “As manufacturing goes digital, a third directions. And, you don’t have to own one That’s the way big things start.” great change is now gathering pace,” he of the machines to use them. There are Dale Dougherty, founder and publisher writes. “The wheel is almost coming full service providers that will do the printing of MAKE, isn’t ready to pronounce the 3D circle, turning away from mass manufactur- for you. What you do with all this desktop printer a revolution just yet. ing and towards much more individualized manufacturing power is up to you. “I think we’re at the very early stages, production. And that in turn could bring To borrow a line (paraphrased from Karl with hackers and early adopters figuring out some of the jobs back to rich countries that Marx) from Wired Editor-in-Chief Chris what to do with it,” he says. “It’s opening long ago lost them to the emerging world.” Anderson’s book, Makers: The New Industrial new avenues for people who are creative and The personal computer, the printer, Revolution, power belongs to those who con- making things.” and the internet made us all publishers. trol the means of production. The power to But the transformative potential is plain to Now with 3D printers, 3D scanners, and manufacture a growing list of objects (toys, see, Dougherty states. “It’s Wal-Mart in the 3D design software, we can all be manu- jewelry, spare parts, even prosthetic limbs) is palm of you hand. That’s the crazy promise facturers, as well. now available to the masses — and the tech- of it.” Already companies are jockeying for nology fits on your desktop. Part of the excitement that surrounds position. High-end 3D printing pioneer 3D “Global manufacturing can now work on 3D printing is the belief that now the barrier Systems bought competitor Z Corp. Two any scale,“ Anderson states, “from one to to entry has dropped; the genie is out of the other big players — Objet and Stratasys millions. Customization and small batches bottle. Where this goes, nobody knows. — are planning to merge. Industry darling are no longer impossible — in fact, they’re “We live in a 3D world, but we currently MakerBot was named one of the top 20 the future.” create things in 2D,” says Dougherty. What startups in New York City and was one He too sees revolution in the air: “The will it mean to have the means to live and of Fast Company’s 2012 Innovation by third industrial revolution is best seen as the create in the same dimension? Design awardees. combination of digital manufacturing and “We may go to a very different place.” 3D printers, machines that “print” three- personal manufacturing: the industrialization dimensional, CAD-rendered objects by layer- of the maker movement.” ing precisely extruded bits of molten plastic, Looking at the growing number of Stett Holbrook is a senior editor at MAKE. 8

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