Robert A. Goehlich Make-or-Buv Oecisions in Aerospace Organizalions GABLER EDITION WISSENSCHAFT Robert A. Goehlieh Make-or-Buy Decisions in Aerospace Organizations Essays on Strategie Effieieney Improvements With aforeword by Prof. Dominique Demougin. Ph.D. GABLER EDITION WISSENSCHAFT Bibliographieinformationpublished bytheDeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhispublicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographiedataareavailableintheInternetathltp:// Dissertation EuropeanBusinessSchool,InternationalUniversity SchlossReichartshausen.Oestrich-Winkel,2008 01540 1stEdition2009 Allrightsreserved ©GablerIGV'NFachverlageGmbH,Wiesbaden2009 EditorialOffice:ClaudiaJeskeIBrittaGöhrisch-Aadmacher GablerisparlofthespecialistpublishinggroupSpringerScience+BusinessMedia. No partofthis publicationmaybereproduced,stored inaretrievalsystem ortransmilted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, copying,recording,orotherwise,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthe copyrightholder. Aegisteredand/orindustrialnames,Iradenames,tradedescriptions etc.cited inthispublica tionare partofthe lawtortrade-markprotectionandmaynotbeused free in anyform orby anymeansevenifthisisnotspeciticallymarked. Coverdesign:AegineZimmer,Oipl.-Oesignerin,Frankfurt/Main Printedon acid-freepaper PrinledinGermany ISBN978-3-8349-1530-6 Forcword RobenA.Gochlich'sdoctorallhcsisanalyzesIhc incfficiencies in today'sorganillllions and Ihe polenlial explanalions for them. Aeeording 10 the thesis. Ihese ineOicieneics may bc rooted in corporalegOllcmanec. at leaSI panly as arcsult ofpolilieal considcra tions. as lI'ell as for reasons rclattd 10 the individuals involved and 10 globali7..ation. Spccifieal1y. thethcsis focuscs on Ihe make-or-buydccision lI'ithin aerospaeeorganiza tions. ThesceondehapterolTersaneXlensiveoverviewol"theeurrcnlaerospaeescelorlrum an cconomic point 01"vie\\', The chaplcr has bencfited from Ihc background 01"lhc au thoT. whohasanexlensive1I'0rkexpcrieneelI'ilhJAXA. NASAand EADS. Tlte lltird ehapter presents the outsourcing strategies that hallC been employed by spacc organiwlions in Europc. tltc US and Japan. Tltc cltaptcr includcs valuable infor mation with respcet 10existingthcorieson lhe makc-or-buy dccision and its interaelion lI'ith rcspcct toIhcacrospaceinduSll)' inIhc"biglltrec" rcgionsoftltcworld.Tltelilera ture used is weil explained and ils rclationsltip todccisions oforgani7..alions in lhcspc ci/ieconlcxtanalyzcd iswell dcscribed. Thc fourth chapler dcscribes UIltcory-bascd dL'Cision process and suggcsts a \'cT)' useful 1001 for guiding managemenl in ils makeoQr-buy dL'Cision process. The tool is designcd to induce Iransparency in a modular fashion, MClhodologically, lhe chapter presenls scquenlially each ofthe arguments related 10 makc vcrsus buy: Ihe pros and eons ofIIcnical integration and outsourcing. Eaeh ofIhe tool's dimensions Itas a Ihor ouglt tltL'ürclieal foundalion with II solid underpinning in Ilte exisling lilCnllurc. The eomprehcnsillc method cmploycd by Ihis 1001 guarantces Ihat management will bc forccd10 lhinkIhrougheachofthepossiblcprosandL'ünsofolilsoureingIICrsUS intcgra tion. Ineludingargumenls fororagainsloutsourcing in llte1001 issimplifiL'dbccauselhe tool is SlruClurcd in modulcs, Although dcve10pcd for Ihc acrospace induSII)'. uscofthc 1001 isbynomeansreslrieled10tllat illdustT)'. Overall. the thesis is weil written and prollides a very lIseful management tool for guidingIltcnmke-or-buydccisionproeesscs inorganiwlions. Prof. DominiqucDcmougin. Ph.D. 1·leadofDepanmentofLall'.Govemanee& Economics Emopcan BusinessSchool Acknowlcdgements Iwould likc to thank my doctoral supcrvisor, Prof. Dominiquc Demougin ofthc Euro pcan Business School, DcpanmcntofLaw,Govcmanec& Economics, forthechanceto pursue my doctoral studies under his supervision. His advice and guidance for finding the"path tobccomingan cconomist"'over thelast years,starting from ourfirst mccting in summer2004, combined with the freedolll todevelop creativlty in these studies, has been a very stimulating combination to me. My acknowledgement gocs to Prof. Andre Schmidt, fieldofinternational cconomicpolicyat theEuropcan Business School, forhis ideas, timeand efron asasccond advisor. Hisviewofeconomicpolicy inourmeetings hasgiven meauniquechancetoincorporatethemwithin mythesis. Iamappreciative to the chairman ofmy doctoral eommil1ce, Prof. Hartmut Kreikcbaum, fic1d ofbusiness ethics and the membcrs, Prof. Stefan Wallerand Prof. Michael Hcnkcl, field ofsupply chain management at the European Business School for accepling my thesis and the timespentonevaluations. Iwish to thank Prof. Rose Rubin, University ofMemphis, for helpful comments to the charactcristicsehapter. Manythanksgo to Dr. Vcikko Thicle, University ofBritish Colmnbia, for reviewingthe case studychapter. Prof. RalfBebenroth ofKobe Univer· sity is theco-all1horofthis slUdy. Iam verygrateful for the opponunity toconduct re search on this topicwith him and for many fruitful discussions as a good friend. Valu able comments from Prof. Benjamin Bental ofthe University ofHaifa on the make-or buydecisionchapterarehighlyappreciated. Iwould like to express my sincere thanks to my colleagues Dr. Sabine Altiparmak, Gudrun Fehler, Petra Ernst and Clemens Buchen ofthe Europcan Business School for their valuable comments on my thesis and research col1oquiutn regarding content and language, for being so supportive, and for providing a friendly working climate in the dcpartment. I would also like thank the panicipants at the 4th International Conference on {O EconomicsandGlobalizalion(EcoTrend)2007 held inTarguJiu,the InternationalCon ference on Applied Business Research (lCABR) 200S held in Accra and the ISth Inter national Conference ofInternational Trade & Finance Associalion (IT&FA) 2008 held in Lisbon forIheircommentsandsuggestions. viii Aeknowledgements Mythanksto my fonnercolleagues, Prof. Anja Sehöttner, Dr. Ria Steiger, Dr, Jcnny Kragl and Dorothee Schneider of the 2007 disbanded Walther Rathenau Institute for OrganizmionTheol)'at Humboldt Universityat Berlin for the nieeworkingelimate and answeringevel)'sillyquestion aneweeonomisteouldhave. Last, and most importantly, Iwould like to thank my parents, Rosemarie and Lothar Goehlieh, withOllt whom I would never have been able to aehieve so mlleh and who taught me to stay the course even when it is vel)' challenging. In panicular, Iwant to thank my girlfriend Naoko Ogawa, my parcnts and my sisterAnja Wollenberg, for be ing so patient; the leisure time we spent together was definilely too Iillie in the last years. Thisresearchhasbeen supported bytheAlcxandervon Humboldt Foundation,which isgratefullyacknowlcdgcd, The viewsreported in thisthesis are thoseofmealone, and not those ofany institution. All eITors and omissions, whieh may unwittingly rcmain, arethesolercsponsibilityofmc. RobenA.Gochlich Abstract Today'sorganizmions sufTer from ineffieiencies that may oceur for any numberofrea sons. lnemeieneies may: bc rootcd in the eorporate govemance ofan organization, re sult from politieal reasons,bedueto individual reasons,and result from globalizationas weIl. This study focuses on the strategie aspeets ofdeeision-making within aerospace or ganizations,eoneentratingon themake-or-buydeeision in anatlempttoexamine organ izational efficiencies. The present study ineludes an understanding ofthe existing or· ganizational structures of aerospace enterprises, and whi1c searehing for emeieneies, diseusses strategiestoavoid inefficiencies and investigates the potential for implement ingreeommendationsintopraetiee. The main rcsultofthestudyisthefonnation ofa process, in the fonn ofaeomputer izcd tool, that handles approximalely 50 propositions of make-or-buy decisions, sys temmieally eonneeted to strategie objeetives, and organizational, produet and environ mental ehar3eteristies. The strength ofthis process lies in its ability to eover the entire spcetrumofmake-or-buy(thecontinuIIm from in-hollsetoblly-ofT-thc-shelf)inorderto suppon deeision-makers with holistie recommcndations. This proeess allows one to detennine the kindoforgani7.ational arehiteeture that isbest suited10a speeified activ ity. The resuhing tool is applicdtO foureasestudiestaken from theaerospaeeseetor: (A) Copymaehine usage(as areferenee), (B) Aireraft final assembly produetion,(C) Satel lite rocket launeh operation and(0) Spaee tourism rocket development. In three ofthe four eases, the make-or-buy deeision [hat is reeommended by the tool mirrors instinc tual,expcrienee-basedeonclusions. lt isalsoshown that awell eonsidercd make-or-buy deeision approach is paramollnt to overcoming opcrational ineffieiencies for aerospaee organi7.ations. Keywords: Aerospaee Organization, Aviation, Corporate Govemanee, Game Theory, Make-or-Buy Decision, Outsoureing, Strategy, Spaee, Venieallntegration JELClassifieation: L25, 023, L93,C72, M55 Statisties: 136 pages, 23 figures, 15tables, 182 rcferenees Contaet: E-mail: [email protected] Table ofContents Foreword v AcknowledgemcnIs \'ii Abstract ix TablcofConlents xi listufFiguresandTables xiii listorAbbrevialions X\' Definitions...•.........•........................•.........................••......•..................................•......•x\,ii Inlroduclion 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 StructureandAnalylieal ProceduTC 2 1.3 ThcNeed for Effieiency,Organizmionsand Multinational Acting ..3 2 EconomicCharacleristicsorAerospaceOrganizalions 7 2.1 lntroduction 7 2.2 Characleristics . , , ,.. , , , ,.. ..., , , ,.. , ,8 2.2.1 General.... . 8 2.2.2 Markel Struclllrc 9 2.2.3 Products....... .., , ,.. ., , 9 2.2.4 ContractorClassilicalion , , ,.... ..10 2.2.5 lndustry Sizc 11 2.2.6 Organizational Arehiteeture 13 2.2.7 Pcrfonnanec 20 2.3 Diseussion... .. ....21 2.4 Rcsults....... ...23 3 OulsourcingStralegies in Europe,USAandJapan: ACaseorSpace Organizations .,.........••.•..25 3.1 lnlroduction , , , , , , , , , ,.. . , , , , , 25 3.2 Theorctical Approaches forOutsourcing....... .. 27 3.2.1 General 27 3.2.2 TransaetionCostTheory 27 3.2.3 Principal.AgentThcory... ...28 3.2.4 TheHuman ResouTCc-bascdView ...29