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Make It So 26 PDF

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Scotr press J1tAKl Jf[ SO 26 a Star trrek fanzine CONTENTS A Little Ado Eve Robinson P 3 The men ill the crew arc irresistibly attracted tall /lew, temporary crcu.!lnember Cousins Sandra P Edge r 15 A mercenary group mids Dr Svollg's laborlltonj & Ihe Daysfrom illstifufe Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Eve Robinson P 24 A lab {/::,sl~.;ftll1f help;; a disc()1Ilec/ed android which is beillgstudit'd Body Language Jenny Howsam P :!6 A Boy Dreams Ann Lindsay Wright P27 To Press the Trigger Jenny Howsam P28 Where No Cat Has Gone Before Pen Cramphorn P29 Spot accidentally joills all Away Tl'am A Man Ann Lindsay Wright P 38 Let Us Prey Christine Carr P 39 Answerillga distress mil frolll Exa III, the Ellterpn'se crew fillds a social problell! but solving if ill the JnQ;i humalle fashioll means breaching fhe Prime Directive. The Right Decision Arline Lewis PlOD Artwork -Zaquia Tarhuntassa -cover (used with permission) Matthew Christie -P2 A ScoTpress publication Editor -Sheila Clark Typing - Christine Carr, Sheila Clark, Sandra Edge, Eve Robinson Proofreading -Janet Quartan, Sheila Clark & Valerie Piacentini Printing of Masters -Janet Quarton Printing -Urban Print, 57 Perth Road, Dundee. Distracting -Shana and Cindy MAKE IT SO 26 is put out by ScoTpress and is available from- Sheila Clark 6 Cl'aigmill Cottages SlTathmartine by Dundee Scotland © ScoTpress April 1996. All rights are reserved to the writers and artists. Anyone wishing to reprint any of the material herein is asked to obtain permission in writing first. It is understood that this applies only to original material herein, and that no attempt is made to supersede any rights held by Paramount, NBC, BBC or any other holders of copyright in STAR TREK material. ScoTpress -Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentint Janet Quarton 3 A L,rfLE ADO by Eve Robinson CAPTAIN'S LOG Stardate 46439.1 porcelain teacup. "1 hope the Mah'hadrexilani piece isn't too ... The Enterprise is en route to modern." rendezvous with the USS Ajax, to which the newly promoted Lt "Mmm. That wasn't what 1 meant. 1 Commander Danby has been was still thinking about Philippa Kodaly." posted as Second Officer. She is an excellent officer and takes with her Picard's cup halted mid~way to his our good wishes. Mr Danby will lips. "What about her?" acompany his wife, leaving the Enterprise schoolroom under "It's just that..." Dr Crusher frowned staffed until we reach Starbase 212. slightly. "While I was giving Professor However, we will be taking on a Kodalv her medical, all the men who passenger from the Ajax, a were ~n duty in Sick Bay seemed to find Professor Philippa Kodaly, who is some excuse to come and talk to her. apparently willing to join the teaching roster until she leaves the Picard looked at her blankly. She Enterprise for the University on shrugged. "I thought it might be Bokan Six. interesting to see what happens in Ten Forward. That's all!" "I met her yesterday when she reported to Sick Bay for the routine medical. I liked her. Very friendly," Beverlv Crusher made her way to Ten "I'm looking forward to meeting her. Forward ';'ith half an hour to spare before She has quite a reputation as a literary the concert was due to begin. She was scholar. I hope to have an opportunity to nursing a sW1fruit cocktail when the door discuss her views on the Revivalist swished open to admit Deanna and Will. school. Would you pass me the apricot She waved them over. preserve?" "You must be very eager to hear this "Here. Perhaps she'll be at the concert concert, Will," Beverlv teased as the this evening." Commander helped Deanna into her seat. "Ah, yes, the concert." Picard sOW1ded "I think he's more interested in getting dubious. "Mozart and Mah'hadrexilanL a good look at Ensign DuChesney," An unusual choice of programme." Deanna confided. "I understand she's very attractive." "It should be interesting," mused Beverly. ''I'd say she was downright beautiful," Beverly admitted. As Chief Medical "Hmm. I understand we have a new Officer. she was probably the one person Ensign on board with a talent for the on board who got to meet every member clarinet." The Captain paused to refill his of the crew, sooner or later. And Ensign DuChesney was .. memorable. le<lning across the bar, talking to Professor KodaIy. "I'll just go and speed "But since she's been locked away in things along." He stood and strode over Stellar Cartography for the bst six weeks, to the animated group, leaving Deanna to I haven't had a chance to judge for stare at Beverly, who raised her eyebrows myself." Will Riker sat down, grinning. and quirked her lips in silent comment. "What brings you here so early?" The collection of uniforms gave way Deanna asked her friend, as soon as the before Commander Riker's superior rank, attentive young bartender had taken her and he returned in triumph bringing order. Beverly gave an enigma lic Ii ttle Professor Kodaly -and their drinks -with pussycat smile and nodded towards the him. Deanna sensed ever-increasing woman who had just come [-hrough the amusement from Beverly, and waS a little door, a shortish, slightly chubby figure in startled at the degree of interest she could a loosely-draped cream tunic. feel emanating from Will. Covertly, she studied the new arrival's face. It was a "Isn't that Professor Kodaly?" the nice [ace, an appealing face, heart-shaped, Counselor asked, curiously. "Alexander slightly freckled and surrounded by thick was just talking about her." mouse-brovvn hair, but even the very attractive smile that spread across the "We dropped in to admire his new Professor's features from time to time did pet," interpolated VVill. "U's a Dalvin not elevate her to the status of a beauty. Hissing Beetle. Ask Worf about it when And Will had always had an eye for you're in the mood to learn some feminine beauty. What exactly is the interesting Klingon vocabuhlrY.·' He attraction? she wondered, noting the way Rdded, confidentially, "He hates it!" Will found opportunities to touch Philippa KodaIy's hand and arm as they "Alexander seems to like her," Deanna chatted. continued, with a reproving frown. "Actuallv, he said she was more fun than "May I join you for a few moments?" Dumpy'Danby and she smelled good." The rich, classic tones of the Captain She and Beverly exchanged rueful sounded frum behind her. As soon as glances. Boys! introductions had been perfolmed, Picard turned to Professor Kodalv and embarked "It's happening," murmured the upon a laudatory spee~h about some Doctor to herself. paper of hers. Deanna and Beverly exchanged glances once again. A good-looking young Ensign in command red was sliding onto the stool The Ten Forward entrance opened next to Philippa Kodaly. again, and a reveren t hush blanketed Ten Forward for an instant before the buzz of "Isn't that Sam Lavalle?" asked Troi, noise resumed. interestedly. "How beautiful!" It was Professor A moment later the red uniform had Kodaly's voice, and she was staring at the been joined by two gold ones. doorway, where stood Data, bearing his violin, and at his side a stunning young "No wonder our drinks are taking so woman with a clarinet in each hand. long to arrive," muttered Riker. The attendant who had taken their order was "That.. must be EnSign DuChesney," 5 said Will reverently. "I wonder if she Picard sat back in his chair. "Professor plays jazz?" And then, to Deanna's Kodaly was most enthusiastic," he amazement, he turned back to Philippa confided to Commander Riker. "1 believe and asked whether she had ever heard our resident schoolroom staff are going to any Miles Davis. But Philippa Kodaly find it a challenge to keep up with her." was not listening. "She's certainly an interesting woman, "Golden ... " she murmured. sir," Riker replied with a grin. Ensign DuChesney's hair flowed past her waist like a river of gold. Her face SECOND OFFICER'S LOG, was a classic oval, with thick-fringed eyes Stardate 46444.3 of cerulean blue, perfectly sculpted lips, The concert for the Enterprise not a flaw on that milky skin; her tall, school children took place at 1400 slender fonn was so exquisitely hOl.\rs today in Holodeck Four. proportioned and so graceful in movement that Deanna could hardly The concert took an unusual form. blame their guest for her entrancement. Between movements my fellow players and I were asked to discuss the instnunents and permit the children to examine them. Several The concert was a great success. Even students displayed considerable Lieutenant Commander Data could find interest in the violin. After some no fault with the ensemble's rendition of initial difficulties I adopted Ensign Mozart's Clarinet Quintet in A (K581), DuChesney's practice of creating a and as for the highly demanding holographic instrument for each Mah'hadrexilani piece, Ensign child. I have since been able to DuChesney's authoritative grasp of the replicate and fit new strings eccentric solo melody drew the clashing without difficulty. disharmonies and multirhythmic counterpoint of the underlying strings Many of the children demonstrated into a satisfyingly coherent whole. That, an unexpectedly sophisticated level at any rate, was how Data put it. of musical awareness. I had anticipated that the Counselor Troi walked on to the Mah'hadrexilani piece "Rite of bridge just as the name Kodaly left the Passage in BbfD#" might prove too Captain's lips. She walked to her seat, challenging, but I was assured by sighing inwardly. What was this ship Harry Bernard, one of the older wide thing with Professor Kodaly? And students, that it ·bore a strong what was Captain Picard talking about? resemblance to the works of "Seven Bones and George", an "Naturally, I said I would be happy ensemble he described as "abso", for her to arrange a concert for the although I have been unable to children. Mr Data, will you liaise with the discover the meaning of this term. relevant department heads regarding their staffing arrangements, and fix an Professor Philippa Kodaly has appropriate time." expressed an interest in joining me on the holodeck for an exploration "Certainly, Captain." of Shakespeare's IIMuch Ado About Nothing". The Professor's 6 reputation in the field of Old her to Data's quarters himself. Besides, European Literature is she was a very interesting woman. considerable, and I anticipate a stimulating and educative "Good evening, Professor. Hello experience. Georcli. Please come in." Data was all dressed up and ready to go, Geordi thought with amusement. He did love to Geordi La Forge whistled through his throw himself heart and soul into the teeth as he walked jaW1tily along the part. Heart and soul -probably the wrong corridor. Time to give Lt Duffy another phrase. Geordi grinned to himself. painful lesson in how to play chess. Tonight Data was wearing a short tan tunic with a leather belt, over a wide "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you all right?" sleeved white shirt which was open at the neck to reveal the gleam of his metallic "No, no, it was my fault," Geordi skin. His legs were sheathed in brown replied gallantly. "] shouldn't have been tights and short boots. Rather him than going so fast." me, thought La Forge, grimacing mentally as he recalled the motley outfit "I shouldn't have changed direction he'd been forced to wear in. the fantastical right in front of you! I'm afraid these Sherwood Forest created by Q for Picard's corridors all look alike to me. I'll probably benefit, oh, must have been about a year get to know my way around just in time ago. to leave." "Thank you for guiding me through "You're Professor Kodaly!" Geordi the maze, Georcli," Philippa was saying. exclaimed delightedly. "] saw you at the "It was nice meeting you." concert in Ten FOlward the other night, but] didn't have a chance to say hello. I'm "Oh, uh, right. I'll see you tomorrow, Geordi La Forge, Chief Engineer." maybe," the Chief Engineer replied, unwilling to leave but unable to think up "Glad to meet you, Mr La Forge." any excuse to remain. "Have a good time Professor Kodal y smiled at him, on the holodeck. 'Bye, Data." "Please, call me Geordi. And let me help you -where are you headed?" "Do you approve of my costume, The Professor took the proffered ann. Professor Kodaly? I have accessed one ''I'm looking for Commander Data's hundred tvventYMthree performance quarters. We're supposed to be indulging records and I believe it is appropriate." in a little Shakespeare on the holodeck. And Geordi, my name is Philippa," She smiled at him. "Please, call me Philippa. Turn around Mn o, slowly, all the La Forge laughed and patted the arm way - oh, yes, I definitely approve. I'm that was wound through his own. "Sure, I afraid ] didn't think to dress the part. can take you to Data's quarters, but are Would you like me to replicate a you sure you have the stamina for it? costume?" Data can get pretty focussed, you know." He'd tell her about the computer wall "Do you not find that wearing the panels later, Geordi decided. After all, he correct clothing enables you to give a was in no hurry, he might as well escort more realistic performance, Philippa?" 7 "Hmm." She stooped to pet Spot, who same time. was weaving himself between her ankles and purring uncharacteristically. "I think Duffy was pondering his ninth move an internal understanding of the role is when the music started Riker and his pals the essential thing. Once you have that, getting in the swing. The mellow tones of you have a performance, with or without a clarinet soared above the rhythm, and the trappings." Geordi looked up in surprise. The android looked somehow "I guess that explains it," he said, half dejected. "That is my greatest problem. to himself. Since I have no Human feelings, it is difficult for me to achieve an internal "Explains what?" Dr Crusher asked. understanding of any character." She and Counselor Troi had obviously just arrived and were looking in vain for "Then we (lre going to have an somewhere to sit. interesting time," Philippa Kodaly said firmly, taking Data's ann and guiding "Why this place is so full him to the door. tonight! She -" La Forge nodded towards the radiant Ensign playing the clarinet -" "Do you not require a copy of the text, must be the attraction." Philippa?" he enquired earnestly. "r have prepared a padd for you." ''I'm surprised Professor Kodaly isn't here," remarked Deanna. "I expect I can manage," she assured him. "Where shall we start?" The door "Oh, she's gone to the holodeck with hissed behind them. Data/ Geordi informed her with a chuckle. "I tried to persuade her to come "But Professor, Philippa, I have not along here for some fun instead but. .. " yet applied my beard! Which is necessary for the part of Benedick -" "I expect she need" the rest," Beverly observed thoughtfully. "Personally, I'm with Beatrice, I never cared for beards," interrupted his "I'm sorry, Commander, I can't seem companion. "Look on it as an exercise for to concentrate tonight," Lt Duffy said your imagination, Data. Pretend you have with a sigh. "Mind if I quit now while I'm a beard." not too far behind? Please, Doctor! be my guest." He stood, gesturing to his chair. "Ah," He considered. "I will attempt Beverly sat down! and Deanna purloined to do so," a chair from the neighbouring table. They progressed to the turbolift in "What do you mean, she needs the thoughtful silence. rest?" Deanna asked, eyes sparkling. Beverly smiled meaningfully. "I mean, that spending an evening with Data will Ten Forward was certainly crowded give our Philippa the chance to do tonight, Geordi noticed as he made his something without a crowd of men vying way to the table where Lieutenant Duffy for her attention. I don't know what she's sat fro-wning at his tri-d chess set. All the got, but she's sure got something." sociable types must be off-duty at the 8 "And it's unlikely to work on Data," Benedick dislike one another thoroughly, concluded Deanna with a mischievous yet each resolves to be in love with the smile. other. Furthermore, although both have expressed an absolute determination to "Hey, wait a minute, I don't get it," remain unwed, by the end of the play Geordi complained. they agree to marry." Deanna looked at him pityingly. "You "Are you sure they dislike one mean, you haven't noticed? How a crowd another, Data? There are clues from the forms around her wherever she is?" beginning that it may not be so. Notice, for instance, how Beatrice brings "No wonder she volunteered to work Benedick's name into the conversation, with the children while she's aboard," first chance she gets." Beverly said thoughtfully. "But she mentions him only to insult "Are you crazy?" exclaimed Geordi. him." "Are you saying she's some kind of femme fatale? Because it's ridiculous. "Yet if she truly doesn't like him, why Philippa's a nice, genuine, really- mention him at all?" "Interesting woman!" the ladies Data frovmed slightly. "I had not chimed in together. considered that," he said slowly. "Yeah," said La Forge, defensively. "It's a fairly common theme, actually," Philippa continued, "particularly in what "Exactly what do you mean by I call 'throwaway literahlIe'. The hero and 'interesting', Geordi?" Deanna asked. heroine are in conflict and mask their powerful sexual attraction by abusing "Well, I -you know. Uh ... " His cheeks one another. This kind of denial can felt warm, all of a sudden, as he tried to intensify the underlying feelings and define aloud what he did mean. increase the satisfaction when the conflict is resolved," "I think we can figure it out," said Dr Crusher, the wicked glint in her eyes There was a pause. Philippa could belying her prim expression. almost see her statement filtering through the android's programming. "Human behaviour is complex in the The sun blazed from an azure sky ex treme" he observed, almost sadly. onto a verdant hillside. In the distant valley, a stream tumbled. Sheep grazed, "People like to make life complicated, far off, and a goat bleated plaintively. In Data. But," she gave a mischievous smile, the garden of a pale stone castle, two "there are times when it can be very figures rested beside a playing fountain. simple." She got to her feet. "Data, will One of them trailed an idle hand in the you do something for me?" water as it splashed and rippled; the other sat upright. "Certainly." "It is certainly an unusual "Kiss me." relationship," said Data. "Beatrice and 9 He looked at her blankly. "May I ask matters. Philippa sighed again. "Don't why"?" you have any files on, er, Human mating?" Philippa smiled. "Because I want you to. Please?" Data's eyebrows flicked. "I do have a sexuality program containing The android looked a little taken specifica nons for four hundred and aback. Nonetheless, he took a step tvventy-nme separate sexual positions, towards her, put his golden hands details of amatory techniques from all the tentatively on her shoulders, and pressed major Human cultural streams -" his lips to her mouth. Philippa's eyelids fluttered down in anticipation .. "My goodness, do you really? See if there's a subroutine on kissing ... and she blinked in astonishment. somewhere in that lot. And if there is, That was it? why don't you access it." "Is that the best you can do?" His head gave several tiny, controlled twitches as his golden eyes blanked, then That birdlike flick of the head. "It was the android made a smalL pleased noise. unsatisfactory?" he inquired in that ever "1 have been programmed with forty~ gentle voice. seven different techniques for mouth-to~ mouth kissing. Which would you prefer?" "It certainly wasn't what I had in mind." Philippa beamed at him. "All of them," she said firmly. "I do not understand." "All of them? Philippa, if 1 devote ten "Data, when I said, 'Kiss me', I meant seconds to each separate method, that a real kiss." will necessitate a kiss duration of seven minutes and fj.fty seconds." "Webster's Interplanetary Dictionary, twenty-third edition, defines 'kiss' as 'to "Ten seconds may be adequate for touch or press with the lips, to touch you, Data, but it is insufficient. time for gently as if fondly or caressingly, to touch me to assess which method I prefer. or hit lightly, to come in contact, to Thirty seconds for each technique. I'll collide -'" leave it to you to put them in a logical order." "Data, stop." "Such a kiss would last for twenty "Is that not what we did?" three minutes and thirty seconds." "Yes, but Data, most people don't kiss She shrugged. "I have nothing urgent by the dictionary definition." She paused. to do." "1 guess you're not most people, are you." Poor android. With hardly a change in his Data's eyebrows played a momentary expression he managed to look so dance across his golden brow, and his bemused. "1 was hoping for something mouth opened, but he seemed to more - what shall I say -more thorough." recognise that compliance was the easiest course, and dutifully folded Philippa into This did not appear to have clarified a surprisingly firm embrace, and lowered

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