Majorana neutrino magnetic moments in the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking MSSM model Marek G´o´zd´z∗ and Wiesl aw A. Kamin´ski† Department of Informatics, Maria Curie-Skl odowska University, pl. Marii Curie–Sk lodowskiej 5, 20-031 Lublin, Poland Supersymmetric models with broken R-parity provide mechanisms that allow to generate Ma- jorana neutrino masses and magnetic moments through virtual particle-sparticle loops. This con- stitutes an attractive alternative to the see-saw mechanism. In this paper we present a detailed calculation of the transition magnetic moments of a Majorana neutrino in gauge mediated super- symmetry breaking MSSM without R-parity. We base our analysis on the renormalization group evolution of theMSSM parameters, which are unifiedat the GUT scale. 2 PACSnumbers: 12.60.Jv,11.30.Pb,14.60.Pq 1 Keywords: neutrinomagneticmoment,supersymmetry,R-parity,gaugemediatedsupersymmetrybreaking 0 2 n I. INTRODUCTION grees of freedom of both kinds. Therefore, introduction a of SUSY unifies in some sense the description of matter J and interactions. What is more, the Minimal Supersym- After establishing the fact that neutrinos do oscillate 5 metric StandardModel (MSSM; see [2, 3] andreferences [1], the window to physics beyond the Standard Model thereinforareview)possessestheattractivefeaturethat h] (eSxMten)dhathsebaelerneaodpyeknneodw. nItthiseodryiffiocfuelltemtoengtuaersysptaortwichlaest the gauge couplings unify at the energy mGUT ∼ 1016 p GeV, whichis nottrue in the ordinarySM. It is remark- and interactions needs altering. It is customary to be- - able that in order to go beyond the SM in a consistent p lieve, however, that the SM should be treated as a low- way one is forced to accept a whole bunch of new ideas e energy approximation of a more general theory, which like supersymmetry, extra dimensions, grand unification h will not only work for high energies, thus describing the [ (GUT) and others. The problem, however, is that no- creation of the Universe, but should also use a unified body can really state the actual details of these models. 1 description of all the interactions, presumably including For example, supposing that supersymmetry exists, it v gravity. A good candidate seems to be somehow con- needs to be broken, as it is not observed in our energy 6 nected with the string theory, which in turn requires su- regime. Of course the details of the mechanism of this 4 persymmetry (as well as additional spatial dimensions) 2 breaking are not known. The difficulty with extra di- for consistency. 1 mensions is that one needs to justify why they cannot . Aclosecooperationbetweenthedevelopmentoftheory be seen, why do they not open, what is the mechanism 1 0 andexperimentsis essential. Despitethe factthatdirect of compactification and stabilization. The pattern and 2 testingofthesemodelsintheultra-highenergyregimeis mechanism of unification of matter and interactions at 1 by now impossible, different models may foresee certain mGUT or mPlanck can also be only a guess. : features of some elementary particles, branching ratios v As mentioned at the very beginning, the only link we and others. These subtle clues, when found in future i X generation experiments, may lead to favoring some and directly investigate, leading beyond the SM, are neutri- nos. In spite of the fact that it is a neutral particle, in r ruling out the other models, providing an important in- a certain exotic models it may possess non-zero transition sight into high-energy exotic physics. One cannot there- magnetic moments (in the case of Majorana neutrinos fore underestimate the importance of study of different this is the only possible type of magnetic moment; the theories beyond the SM and their implications. Diracneutrinos maypossessthe transitionas wellas the One of the most promising concepts that extends be- diagonalmagneticmoments). This happens in allsuper- yond the SM is supersymmetry (SUSY). It is strongly symmetric models in which the so-called R-parity is not connected with the string theory, which in order to be conserved [4–8]. In principle this feature should leave able to describe not only interactions (bosonic strings) a clear signature, but the present sensitivities of the ex- but also matter (fermionic strings) requires the intro- periments are at best five orders of magnitude to weak. duction of SUSY. SUSY provides an elegant way of de- The observation of an electromagnetic interaction of the scribing fermionic and bosonic fields grouped in a single neutrino would be a breakthrough and may give us im- supermultiplet, and it is a basic exercise to show that portant information about details of the exotic models. each supermultiplet must consist of equal number of de- The problem of generating Majorana neutrino mass and transition magnetic moments in R-parity violating MSSMhasbeenwidelydiscussedintheliterature[9–15]. ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] Many olderapproachesused certainsimplifying assump- †Electronicaddress: [email protected] tions about the low-energymass spectrum of the MSSM 2 model. This has been corrected by the use of GUT con- ing (RpV) models, which exhibit richer and more inter- ditions andrenormalizationgroupequations(RGE) [13– esting phenomenology. 15],whichmadethewholediscussiondependentonafew The full RpV MSSM model is described by the super- unification parameters only. Up to our best knowledge, potential, which includes the Lagrangianas its F−term. all calculations made so far used the supergravity mech- It consists of two parts: W = WMSSM +WRpV. The anism of supersymmetry breaking. R-parity conserving part of the superpotential of MSSM In this paper we present detailed calculations per- is usually written as formed assuming the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking mechanism, for the whole allowed parameter WMSSM = ǫab[(YE)ijLaiHubE¯j +(YD)ijQaixHdbD¯jx space. The paper is organized as follows. In the next + (Y ) Qa HbU¯x+µHaHb], (1) U ij ix u j d u section we define the model, which is the minimal su- persymmetric standard model with gauge mediated su- while its RpV part reads persymmetry breaking and not conserved R-parity. In Section III we describe our procedure of obtaining the 1 WRpV = ǫ λ LaLbE¯ +λ′ LaQb D¯x low-energyspectrumofthemodel,togetherwithdifferent ab 2 ijk i j k ijk i jx k constraints we impose on the results. Next, we discuss (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 theMajorananeutrinotransitionmagneticmomentsand + ǫ λ′′ U¯xD¯yD¯z +ǫ κiLaHb. (2) 2 xyz ijk i j k ab i u present numerical results. A short conclusion follows at the end. The Y’s are 3×3 Yukawa matrices. L and Q are the SU(2)left-handeddoubletswhileE¯,U¯ andD¯ denotethe right-handed lepton, up-quark and down-quark SU(2) II. RPV MSSM WITH GAUGE MEDIATED singlets, respectively. Hd and Hu mean two Higgs dou- SUPERSYMMETRY BREAKING blets. We have introduced color indices x,y,z = 1,2,3, generationindices i,j,k =1,2,3=e,µ,τ and the SU(2) The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model [2, 3] spinor indices a,b=1,2. is a minimal extension of the usual SM which incorpo- The mass terms (self-interaction terms) for the Higgs rates supersymmetry. It implies that each particle gains bosons, sfermions, and gauginos take the standardform: a superpartner with spin different by 1/2 unit. There is also an additional Higgs doublet introduced, in order Lmass = m2Hdh†dhd+m2Huh†uhu+q†m2Qq+l†m2Ll to assign masses to the up- and down-type particles. In + um2u†+dm2 d†+em2e† (3) U D E result,the numberofparticlesinMSSMroughlydoubles that of the SM. + 1 M1B˜†B˜+M2W˜i†W˜i+M3g˜α†g˜α+h.c. , 2 Inbasicformulationofthe MSSMone assumesad-hoc (cid:16) (cid:17) theconservationoftheleptonandbaryonnumbers. This wherethesecondpartrepresentsbino,wino,andgluinos is achievedby the introduction of an artificial symmetry (α = 1,...,8), and lower case letters denote the scalar called the R-parity. It is defined as R = (−1)3B+L+2S, part of the respective superfield. whereB isthebaryonnumber,Ltheleptonnumber,and There are a few schemes of supersymmetry breaking S the spin of the particle. The definition implies that all among which the two most popular are the supergrav- ordinary SM particles have R = +1 and all their super- ity (SUGRA) and the gauge mediated (GMSB) mecha- partners have R = −1. In theories preserving R-parity nisms. In SUGRA [3, 16] the SUSY breaking occurs at theproductofRofalltheinteractingparticlesinavertex the Planck scale, so that no supersymmetry is observed ofaFeynmandiagrammustbeequalto1. Itfollowsthat in the whole energy regime except the mPlanck, where a SUSY particlemustdecayinto anotherSUSY particle, gravity enters the game. thus the lightest SUSY particle must remain stable and In the GMSB mechanism [3, 17] the scale of SUSY is considered a good candidate for the cold dark matter. breaking is much lower, and is defined by the character- In many models this particle is the lightest neutralino, istic scale of an intermediate messenger sector. The as- but sometimes the gluino takes its place. In the case sumption is, that SUSY is brokenin a hidden (secluded) of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking the lightest sector,whosedetailedstructuredoesnotchangethephe- stable SUSY particle is the gravitino. nomenology of the low-energy world. In our approach The main motivation for the introduction of R-parity we assumed that the secluded sector consists of a gauge istheconservationofLandB numbers. However,weal- singlet superfield Sˆ, whose lowest S and F components ready know that at least the flavour lepton numbers Le, acquire vacuum expectation values (vev). Lµ, and Lτ are not conserved, as has been seen in the Supersymmetry breaking is communicated to the vis- neutrino oscillation experiments. There is also a strong ible world via the messenger sector (see Fig. 1). The suspicion that at higher energies the full L symmetry interaction among superfields of the secluded and mes- maynotbeexact. Fromformaltheoreticalpointofview, senger sectors is described by the superpotential nothing motivates the rejectionofinteractionterms that do violatethe R-parity. This leadsus to R-parityviolat- W =λ SˆΦ Φ . (4) i i i 3 secludedsectorSˆ with k being the flavor index. In Eqs. (9) and (10) n is the doubled Dynkin index of the messenger su- k W =λiSˆΦiΦi perfield representation with flavor k. Coefficients Cf˜ i are the quadratic Casimir operators of sfermions. For messengersector,Φ d-dimensional representation of SU(d) their eigenval- loopdiagramsinvolvingS ues are C = (d2 − 1)/2d. In the case of U(1) group, visiblesector C = Y2 = (Q−T3)2. It follows that coefficients ki are equal to 5/3, 1, and 1, for SU(3), SU(2), and U(1), re- spectively. The normalization here is conventional and FIG.1: Thegaugemediatedschemeofsupersymmetrybreak- assuresthat all k α meet atthe GUT scale. Finally, the ing (GMSB). i i functions f and g have the following forms: 1 where Φi and Φi denote appropriate messenger super- g(x)= x2[(1+x)log(1+x)]+(x→−x), (11) fields. Because of nonzero vev of the lowest S and F componentsofsuperfieldSˆ, fermioniccomponentsofthe messenger superfields gain Dirac masses M = λ S and 1+x x determine in this way the messenger scale Mi . Siimulta- f(x) = x2 log(1+x)−2Li2 1+x (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) neously mass matrices of their scalar superpartners 1 2x + Li2 +(x→−x). (12) |λiS|2 λiF (5) 2 (cid:18)1+x(cid:19)(cid:21) λ∗F∗ |λ S|2 (cid:18) i i (cid:19) Inthe minimal modelof GMSB there is only one mes- sengerfieldflavor. Thus,droppingflavorindices,onecan have eigenvalues |λ S|2±|λ F|. i i write Eqs. (7) and (8), using the explicit forms Eqs. (9) It is easy to see that vev of S generates masses for and (10), as fermionic and bosonic components of messenger super- fields, while vev of F destroys degeneration of these α (M) Λ i masses,whichresultsinsupersymmetrybreaking. Defin- Mλ˜i(M)=Nki 4π Λg M , (13) ing F ≡ λ F one can introduce a new parameter Λ ≡ (cid:18) (cid:19) i i i F /S measuring the fermion–boson mass splitting, i 3 2 mf = Mi, m2f˜(M)=2N Cif˜ki αi4(Mπ ) Λ2f MΛ 1, (14) Λi Xi=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) m = M 1± . (6) b i r Mi where Cf˜ = Y2,Cf˜ = 3/4 for SU(2) doublets and 0 1 2 L Parameter Λ and the messenger scale M are in the fol- for singlets, Cf˜ is equal to 4/3 for SU(3) triplets and 3 C lowing treated as free parameters of the model. 0 for singlets. In Eq. (14) 1 denotes the unit matrix in Messenger superfields transmit SUSY breaking to the generationspaceandguaranteesthelackofflavormixing visible sector. It is realized through loops containing in- in soft breaking mass matrices at messenger scale. N, sertions of S and results in gauginoand scalarmasses at the so-calledgenerationindex, is given by N = Ng n , i=1 i M scale: whereN meansthe totalnumberofgenerations. Inthis g P paperwestudythefollowingtwocases: (1)asingleflavor α (M) i Mλ˜i(M)=ki 4π ΛG, (7) o(lfa5n+d5˜l)raepnrdesSeUnt(a3t)iotnriopfleStsU((q5)a,nwditq˜h),SaUnd(2)(L2)daousbinlegtles flavor of both representations 5+5 and 10+10 of the 3 2 SU(5) group. In case (1) N is equal to 1, while in case m2(M)=2 Cf˜k αi(M) Λ2, (8) (2) N =1+3=4, because for 10+10 representationof f˜ i i 4π S i=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) SU(5) the doubled Dynkin index is equal to 3. X where i=1,2,3 is the gauge group index, and III. OBTAINING AND CONSTRAINING THE Ng F F LOW-ENERGY SPECTRUM OF THE MODEL k k Λ = n g , (9) G kM M2 k=1 k (cid:18) k(cid:19) X The MSSM model has more than one hundred free parameters, which drastically decreases its predictive Λ2 = Ng n Fk f Fk , (10) ptioownecro.nTdihtieonpsosastibhleigwhaeyneorugtyisscatoleumseGUceTrt∼ain10u1n6iGficeaV- S k=1 kMk2 (cid:18)Mk2(cid:19) and derive the low-energy values of all parameters by X 4 means of the renormalization group equations. The set trinos may acquire masses without the see-saw mecha- offreeparameterscaninthiswaybereducedtofew. This nism, due to one-loop processes in which a neutrino de- widely accepted approach connects supersymmetry and cays into a particle-sparticle pair, which combines into grandunifiedtheories,andisappropriateintheSUGRA anotherneutrinoofdifferentflavour. The leadingcontri- case. ThemaindifferencebetweenSUGRAandGMSBis butions to such a process are schematically depicted on that in the latter allthe parametersareevolvedbetween Fig. 2. In this paper we consider two possibilities, with the weak scale mZ andthe messenger scale M ≪mGUT. a quark and a squark, and with a charged lepton and Besides, due to new interactionswith the messengersec- a slepton inside the loop. Other contributions, like the tor,the massmatricesareconstructedinadifferentway, mixing of neutrinos with neutralinos, are much weaker which gives gravitino as the lightest SUSY particle, and [15] and are dropped here. results in further corrections. These processes effectively expand the neutrino– In our case the free parameters of the model are: Λ, neutrinointeractionvertexintoa loopofvirtualcharged the splitting between fermion and boson masses, M, particles. This means that one may attach an exter- the characteristic energy scale of the messenger sector, nal photon to the loop; the amplitude of such interac- tanβ ≡ v /v , where v and v are vevs of the H and tionwouldbeproportionaltotheneutrinomagneticmo- u d u d u H superfields, and sgn(µ). ment. Theobservationoftheelectromagneticinteraction d Thewholeprocedureofobtainingthelow-energyspec- of a neutrino will be a strong suggestionin favour of the trum is explainedin greatdetailin Ref. [18] andhere we RpV physics. will recall the basic steps only. Everything starts with The problem of generating neutrino mass matrix from evolving all gauge and Yukawa couplings up to the mes- theRpVloopshasbeenextensivelydiscussedintheliter- senger scale M. Despite the fact that the heaviest third ature[9–12],andvariousapproachesandapproximations generationdominates,anditiscustomarytodropthede- havebeenusedbydifferentauthors. Ourmethod[13–15], pendence on the remaining generations, we use all three which involves the careful generation of the low-energy of them in our equations. For the RGE evolution the spectrumofthemodelseemstobethemostcompleteby one-loop standard model equations [19] are used below now. The calculation of the magnetic moments bases on the mass threshold MSUSY, where SUSY particles start the knowledge of the neutrino mass matrix, and the lat- tocontribute,andtheMSSMRGE[20]abovethatscale. ter may be obtainedfrom the experimentalvalues of the Inourcasethetwo-loopcorrections,aswellascorrections mixing angles, under the assumption of certain (normal coming from the RpV parts, can be safely neglected (for or inverted) hierarchy of the neutrino masses. adiscussionofthis problemseeRef.[21]). Initially,scale The contribution to the magnetic moments coming MSUSY is taken to be equal to 1 TeV, but this value is from the squark–quark loop reads [14]: modified during the running of the relevant masses. In tahreencoexntstsrtuecpttehdeugsainugginEoqas.nd(1s3f)eramnidon(1s4o)ft, manadsstmheatRriGceEs µqνii′ = (1−δii′)121Q6πdm2 e (λ′ijkλ′i′kl VjaVlamwaqdka jkl a evolution of all the quantities is performed back to the X X mingZ(sHcaigleg.s sMecetaonrw)hisilehatnhdeleedle,cwtrhoiwcheaaklloswymsmtoeotrbytabinretahke- − λ′ijkλ′i′lj VkaVlamwaqj µB, (15) da) a low-energy mass spectrum of the model. X Of course not all combinations of the values of the where the loop integral w takes the form initial parameters lead to a physically acceptable mass sin2θk xjklnxjk −xjk +1 sdpiteicotnraulmc.onWsteratienstts,thiee.:o(b1t)aifinneidterevsaulultessaogfaYinusktafwouarcoaud-- wjqk = 2 2 (1−2 xj2k)22 −(x2 →x1)!. plings at the GUT scale; (2) proper treatment of the (16) electroweaksymmetrybreaking;(3)requirementofphys- Here Q = 1/3 is the d-quark charge in units of e, d ically acceptable mass eigenvalues at low energies; (4) and me denotes the electron mass. V = VCKM is the FCNCphenomenology. Thefulldiscussionoftheallowed Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa quark mixing matrix, as parameter range for our model, coming from these con- we take into account the fact that quarks may mix in- straints, is discussed in Ref. [18]. side the loops. µ denotes the Bohr magneton. We B have defined dimensionless quantities xjk ≡ m2 /m2 1 dj d˜k1 and xjk ≡ m2 /m2 representing particle to sparticle IV. MAJORANA NEUTRINO TRANSITION 2 dj d˜k2 MAGNETIC MOMENTS IN GMSB MSSM mass ratios squared. In the case of the slepton–lepton loop two modifica- tions are in order. Firstly, the mixing of leptons is negli- The introduction of supersymmetry means doubling gible, secondly, leptons are colorless, so a factor of three the number of particles and introducing a lot of new drops out from the formula. We end up with: possible interactions among them. SUSY with broken R-parity extends the possibility of exotic processes to 4Q m occur. Itiswellknown,forexample,thatMajorananeu- µℓνii′ = (1−δii′) 16eπ2e (17) 5 d d d d jL jR kR kL νiL νi′L νiL νi′L ′ ′ ′ ′ λ λ λ λ ijk i′jk ijk i′jk d˜kR d˜kL d˜jL d˜jR e e e e jL jR kR kL νiL νi′L νiL νi′L λijk λi′jk λijk λi′jk e˜kR e˜kL e˜jL e˜jR FIG.2: Thebasic 1–loop diagrams giving risetotheMajorana neutrinomass intheR-parityviolating MSSM.Thetransition magnetic moment is obtained by attaching an externalphoton tothe loops. wℓ wℓ × λijkλi′kj jk − kj µB, TABLE I: Lower and upper bounds on the Majorana neu- m m ej ek! trino transition magnetic moments in GMSB MSSM, assum- jk X ingnormal(NH)orinvertedhierarchy(IH),andtwodifferent where the loop integral is equal to structures of the messenger sector with the generation index N =1,4. The whole allowed parameter space has been con- sin2φk yjklnyjk−yjk+1 sidered. Here, sgn(µ)=+1. The unit is the Bohr magneton wjℓk = 2 2 (12−y2jk)22 −(y2 →y1)!. µB.hier. N µν , µν µν (18) eµ eτ µτ Again, we have defined dimensionless quantities yjk ≡ NH 1 (0.38,28.3)×10−19 (0.28,20.5)×10−18 1 NH 4 (0.73,66.1)×10−20 (0.53,47.9)×10−19 m2 /m2 and yjk ≡m2 /m2 . ej e˜k1 2 ej e˜k2 IH 1 (0.36,26.2)×10−20 (0.33,24.0)×10−18 As one can see, in order to calculate µν one needs to IH 4 (0.68,61.3)×10−21 (0.62,56.0)×10−19 knowtheRpVcouplingsλandλ′. Theseareinprinciple unknownfree parametersofthe modelbut fortunatelyit is possible to get rid of this obstacle by the use of the allows one to substitute the unknown products λλ and mass matrices. The latter may be expressed as λ′λ′ in Eqs. (15) and (17) by the respective mass matrix elements. The advantage of such approach is obvious, 3 Mqii′ = 16π2 ( λ′ijkλ′i′kl VjaVlavaqkmda! adsatoan.e mayconstructM numericallyusing experimental jkl a X X Finally one gets for the magnetic moments (for more + λ′ijkλ′i′lj VkaVlavaqjmda , (19) details see Ref. [14]) !) Xa µqνii′ ≃ (1−δii′)Mqii′fSqUSY, (21) Mℓii′ = 161π2 jk λijkλi′kj(vjℓkmej +vkℓjmek), (20) where the funµcℓνtiiio′ns≃fS(U1S−Yδciio′n)Mverℓiti′fthSℓUeSnYe,utrino ma(s2s2es) X into magnetic moments and depend on the particles with vℓ,q being another loop integrals [14]. Now, we as- masses and V matrix elements. Their explicit form and sume that each mechanism (ie. each combination of in- valuesfordifferentSUSYinputparameterscanbe found diceslabelingλandλ′)maybeanalyzedseparately. This in [14], but overall these are numbers between roughly is a usual approach,which is justified by the assumption 0.5×10−15 and2.7×10−18. Thefulltransitionmagnetic that there is no fine-tuning between different processes moment would consist of both contributions, ie. that contribute to M. In this convenient situation only µ =µℓ +µq . (23) oneelementfromthesumsinMispresentatatime,thus νii′ νii′ νii′ reducing the expressions to a much simpler form. This 6 µµνν [[µµBB]],, NN==11,, MM==550000TTeeVV MM==880000TTeeVV MM==11000000TTeeVV 1e-17 MM==220000TTeeVV 1e-17 1e-17 1e-17 1e-18 1e-18 1e-18 1e-19 1e-19 1e-18 1e-19 1e-20 1e-20 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 tan(β) 10 150 tan(β) 10 300 tan(β) 10 400 tan(β) 10 700400 200 Λ [TeV] 500 Λ [TeV] 800 Λ [TeV] 1000Λ [TeV] µµνν [[µµBB]],, NN==44,, MM==550000TTeeVV MM==880000TTeeVV MM==11000000TTeeVV 1e-18 MM==220000TTeeVV 1e-18 1e-18 1e-18 1e-19 1e-19 1e-19 1e-20 1e-19 1e-20 1e-20 1e-21 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 tan(β) 10 150 tan(β) 10 300 tan(β) 10 400 tan(β) 10 700400 200 Λ [TeV] 500 Λ [TeV] 800 Λ [TeV] 1000Λ [TeV] FIG.3: Neutrinomagneticmomentµν forcertainvaluesoftheGMSBparameters. Here,sgn(µ)=+1andnormalhierarchy eµ of neutrino masses is assumed. µµνν [[µµBB]],, NN==11,, MM==550000TTeeVV MM==880000TTeeVV MM==11000000TTeeVV 1e-17 MM==220000TTeeVV 1e-17 1e-17 1e-17 1e-18 1e-18 1e-18 1e-19 1e-19 1e-18 1e-19 1e-20 1e-20 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 tan(β) 10 150 tan(β) 10 300 tan(β) 10 400 tan(β) 10 700400 200 Λ [TeV] 500 Λ [TeV] 800 Λ [TeV] 1000Λ [TeV] µµνν [[µµBB]],, NN==44,, MM==550000TTeeVV MM==880000TTeeVV MM==11000000TTeeVV 1e-18 MM==220000TTeeVV 1e-18 1e-18 1e-18 1e-19 1e-19 1e-19 1e-19 1e-20 1e-20 1e-20 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 tan(β) 10 150 tan(β) 10 300 tan(β) 10 400 tan(β) 10 700400 200 Λ [TeV] 500 Λ [TeV] 800 Λ [TeV] 1000Λ [TeV] FIG. 4: Same as Fig. 3 butfor sgn(µ)=−1. M =200,500,800,1000TeV, (26) TABLE II:Same as Tab.I but for sgn(µ)=−1. sgn(µ)=±1, N =1,4. (27) hier. N µν , µν µν eµ eτ µτ The Λ parameter was incremented by 1 for M = NH 1 (0.39,23.8)×10−19 (0.28,17.3)×10−18 200 TeV, and by 10 for M = 500,800,1000TeV. tanβ NH 4 (0.16,6.67)×10−19 (0.11,4.84)×10−18 was incremented by 1. IH 1 (0.36,22.1)×10−20 (0.33,20.2)×10−18 The construction of the neutrino mass matrix M is IH 4 (0.15,6.19)×10−20 (0.13,5.65)×10−18 straightforward. We use the standard trigonometric pa- rameterizationofMandthefollowingvaluesofthemass and mixing parameters [1, 22]: ∆m2 =7.1×10−5 eV2, 12 We have calculated the transition magnetic moments ∆m223 = 2.1×10−3 eV2, sin2(θ12) = 0.2857, sin2(θ23) = µνeµ, µνeτ, and µνµτ using the following values of the 0.5, sin2(θ13)=0. As will be seen later, the actual num- input parameters: bers chosen here are not essential. In the matter of fact, oneofthemostrecentanalysissuggeststhebest-fitvalue 3≤tanβ ≤40, (24) of the sin2(θ13) parameter to be slightly above zero [23]. 100 TeV≤Λ<M, (25) However, in our case this change plays no role, as the 7 dominant part, which determines the overall order of It is worth to notice, that the assumption of inverted magnitude of µν, is the fSUSY function. Additionally, hierarchy would not change qualitatively the behaviour we assume that the lightest neutrino mass is zero, and of µ , and therefore we do not include separate plots for ν that the CP symmetry is conserved,whicheliminates all this case. The only change would be an overall shift of the phase dependencies. This results for the normal hi- theresultsalongtheµ axis,accordingtodifferentvalues ν erarchy (NH) in of the mass matrix elements for the NH and IH cases. Also the remaining two transition magnetic moments, 2.41 2.69 2.69 µ and µ , exhibit very similar behaviour. The µ MNH = 2.69 25.53 19.51 meV, (28) νeτ νµτ νeτ magnetic momentis to a very goodapproximationequal 2.69 19.51 25.53! to µ , while the µ will have values shifted up by νeµ νµτ roughly one order of magnitude (see below). and for the inverted hierarchy (IH) in A summary of the upper and lower limits of the mag- 45.27 0.25 0.25 netic moments for all considered combinations of the in- MIH = 0.25 22.80 22.80 meV. (29) put parameters are presented in Tabs. I and II. In most 0.25 22.80 22.80! cases, they span over two-three orders of magnitude. There is also a general trend that µ has a factor of νµτ Fig. 3 presents values of the µνeµ transition magnetic 10highervaluesthanµνeµ ≈µνeτ,whichcomesfromthe moment for sgn(µ) = +1 and normal hierarchy of the fact that respective mass matrix elements scale in the neutrino masses. The non-rectangularshapes come from same way [cf. Eqs. (28) and (29)]. the constraints on the low-energy spectrum, and the higher the value of M is chosen, the more steep the re- sults are. For example, for M ∼1000 TeV the difference betweenlowestandhighestvaluesofµ reachesthreeor- V. CONCLUSIONS ν ders of magnitude, while for small M ∼ 200 TeV µ is ν nearlyconstant. ThedependenceonΛismonotonic,but In the present paper we have used the gauge medi- changes its character for tanβ equals roughly 25. For atedsupersymmetry breakingversionofthe minimal su- small tanβ µ is an decreasing function of Λ, while for ν persymmetric standard model without R-parity to cal- high tanβ it becomes anincreasing function. The steep- culate Majorana neutrino transition magnetic moments. ness of this function, as wasstated above,increaseswith In order to reduce the number of free parameters, we M. Thegeneralbehaviouristhatfor smallΛthe depen- have assumed a GUT unification at high energy scale dence on tanβ becomes strong, while the values of µνeµ mGUT ∼ 1016 GeV, and then used the RGE equations converge for higher Λ and become nearly insensitive on to render the values of mass parameters and coupling tanβ. The difference between N = 1 and N = 4 is that constants to the low-energy regime. for higher N the overallorder of magnitude is decreased Themagneticmomentsareinourapproachdependent by one. Also the resulting mass spectrum is different, on the choice of the following parameters: Λ, M, N, so that the shapes in Fig. 3 (lower row) are more con- tanβ, sgn(µ), and the phenomenological neutrino mass strained, than those for N =1 (upper row). matrixM. Thelattercanbecalculatedusingthemixing A similar plot for sgn(µ)= −1 is presented on Fig. 4. parameters extracted from experiments, assuming nor- The change in the sign of the µ parameter results in mal or inverted pattern of neutrino mass hierarchy. a completely different behaviour of the magnetic mo- ments as functions of the input parameters. For N = Wehavediscoveredthattheweakestdependenceofµν 1 there are two discontinued regions, which separate comesfromtheMmatrix,whichenterstheformulas(21) roughly at Λ≈200 TeV. The remark about monotonic- as a simple multiplicative factor. The dependence on Λ, ity and its dependence ontanβ, which wasvisible in the M, N, and tanβ is rather complicated and difficult to previous case, is valid also here, but to much weaker ex- describe. It is presented on Figs. 3 and 4. A substantial tend, except the narrow region Λ≈200 TeV. Of course, qualitativechangeinthebehaviourofµν canbeobserved for the case M = 200 TeV, for which Λ < 200 TeV (re- whenthe signof the µ parameteris changed. In general, call that always Λ < M), this feature isn’t present. So whileforsgn(µ)=+1the smallandlargevaluesoftanβ for sgn(µ) = −1 and N = 1 the Λ parameter dominates changedqualitativelythebehaviourofµν,suchacollapse thechangeinbehaviourofthemagneticmoments. When for sgn(µ)=−1 is driven by the Λ parameter. switching to N = 4, the shapes become nearly smooth This allshows,thatevenifthe neutrino magnetic mo- surfaces. Thedependenceontanβ isquiteweak,incom- ment would be observedin anexperiment, in most cases parisonwiththepreviouscases,whilethedependenceon it will not allow to state definite conclusions about the Λ is a monotonic one with decreasing character. The values of the paramaters in the context of the discussed M parameter shows its impact in the same way as for model. With some luck, it may, however, serve as a clue sgn(µ) = +1, ie. it stretches the shapes along the µ aboutthe neutrino masshierarchy,if ithappens to place ν axis. Thegainhereisonlyoneorderofmagnitude,when in a region covered by only one range listed in Tabs. I comparing the cases M =200 TeV and M =1000 TeV. and II. 8 Acknowledgments search. The firstauthor(MG) acknowledgesthe financialsup- port from the Polish State Committee for Scientific Re- [1] S. Fukuda et al. (Super-Kamiokande Collaboration), Lett. B 374, 93 (1996); A.Y. Smirnov,F. Vissani, Phys. Phys.Rev.Lett.81,1562(1998); Y.Ashieet al.(Super- Lett. B 380, 317 (1996); L.J. Hall and M. Suzuki,Nucl. KamiokandeCollaboration),Phys.Rev.Lett.93,101801 Phys. B 231, 419 (1984). (2004); Phys. Rev. D 71, 112005 (2005); T. Araki et [9] O. Haug, J.D. Vergados, A. Faessler, and S. Kovalenko, al. (KamLAND Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, Nucl. Phys. B 565, 38 (2000). 081801 (2005); Q.R. Ahmedet al. (SNOCollaboration), [10] G. 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