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MAJOR PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN k HISTORY HoughtonMifflin Major Problems in Mexican American History DOCUMENTS AND ESSAYS EDITED BY ZARAGOSA VARGAS Major Problems in American History Series Titles Currently Available Boris/Lichtenstein,MajorProblemsin theHistoryofAmerican Workers, 1991 (ISBN 0-669-19925-7) Brown,MajorProblems in theEraoftheAmerican Revolution, 1760-1791, 1992 (ISBN 0-669-19755-6) Chambers/Piehler,MajorProblems inAmericanMilitaryHistory, 1999 (ISBN 0-669-33538-X) Chan/Olin, MajorProblemsin California History, 1997 (ISBN 0-669-27588-3) Chudacoff, MajorProblemsinAmerican Urban History, 1994 (ISBN 0-669-24376-0) Escott/Goldfield/McMillen/Turner,MajorProblems in theHistoryoftheAmerican South, 2nded., 1999 Volume I: The OldSouth (ISBN 0-395-87139-5) Volume II: TheNewSouth (ISBN 0-395-87140-9) Fink,MajorProblemsin the GildedAgeandtheProgressiveEra, 1993 (ISBN 0-669-21680-1) Gjerde, MajorProblems inAmerican Immigration andEthnicHistory, 1998 (ISBN 0-395-81532-0) Gordon,MajorProblemsinAmericanHistory, 1920-1945, 1999 (ISBN 0-395-87074-7) Griffith, MajorProblemsinAmerican HistorySince 1945, 2nd ed., 1999 (ISBN 0-395-86850-5) Hall,MajorProblems inAmerican ConstitutionalHistory, 1992 Volume I: From the ColonialEra Through Reconstruction (ISBN 0-669-21209-1) Volume II: From 1870to thePresent (ISBN 0-669-21210-5) Hurtado/Iverson,MajorProblems inAmericanIndianHistory, 1994 (ISBN 0-669-27049-0) Kupperman, MajorProblemsinAmerican ColonialHistory, 1993 (ISBN 0-669-19922-2) McMahon,MajorProblemsin theHistoryofthe Vietnam War, 2nd ed., 1995 (ISBN 0-669-35252-7) Merchant,MajorProblems inAmericanEnvironmentalHistory, 1993 (ISBN 0-669-24993-9) Milner/Butler/Lewis, MajorProblemsin theHistoryoftheAmerican West, 2nd ed., 1997 (ISBN 0-669-41580-4) Norton/Alexander,MajorProblems inAmerican Women'sHistory, 2nd ed., 1996 (ISBN 0-669-35390-6) Paterson/Merrill, MajorProblemsinAmerican Foreign Relations, 4th ed., 1995 Volume I: To 1920 (ISBN 0-669-35077-X) Volume II: Since 1914 (ISBN 0-669-35078-8) Perman, MajorProblemsin the Civil WarandReconstruction, 2nd ed., 1998 (ISBN 0-395-86849-1) Riess,MajorProblemsinAmerican SportHistory, 1997 (ISBN 0-669-35380-9) Smith/Clancey,MajorProblems in theHistoryofAmerican Technology, 1998 (ISBN 0-669-35472-4) Vargas, MajorProblemsinMexicanAmerican History, 1999 (ISBN 0-395-84555-6) Wilentz,MajorProblemsin theEarlyRepublic, 1787-1848, 1992 (ISBN 0-669-24332-9) Major Problems in Mexican American History r MAJOR PROBLEMS INAMERICANHISTORYSERIES GENERAL EDITOR THOMAS PATERSON G. Major Problems in Mexican American History DOCUMENTS AND ESSAYS EDITED BY ZARAGOSA VARGAS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Boston New York Editor-in-Chief: JeanWoy SeniorAssociateEditor: FrancesGay SeniorProjectEditor: KathrynDinovo AssociateProduction/DesignCoordinator: JodiO'Rourke AssistantManufacturingCoordinator:AndreaWagner MarketingManager: SandraMcGuire Coverdesign: SarahMelhado Coverimage: Tamalada, apaintingbyCarmenLomasGarza Copyright© 1999byHoughtonMifflinCompany.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthisworkmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronic ormechanical,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orbyanyinformation storageorretrievalsystemwithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthecopyrightowner unless suchcopyingisexpresslypermittedbyfederalcopyrightlaw.Withtheexceptionof nonprofittranscriptioninBraille,HoughtonMifflinisnotauthorizedtograntpermission forfurtherusesofcopyrightedselectionsreprintedinthistextwithoutthepermissionof theirowners. Permissionmustbeobtainedfromtheindividualcopyrightowners as identifiedherein.AddressrequestsforpermissiontomakecopiesofHoughtonMifflin materialtoCollegePermissions, HoughtonMifflinCompany, 222BerkeleyStreet,Boston, MA 02116-3764. PrintedintheU.S.A. LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber: 98-72090 ISBN: 0-395-84555-6 12345 67 89-DH-0201 009998 To Zaneta Contents Preface xv CHAPTER 1 Interpreting the Chicano Past Page 1 ESSAYS GilbertG. GonzalezandRaulFernandez • Alternative Approaches to Chicano History 2 AlexM. Saragoza • Recent Approaches to Chicano History 11 DavidG. Gutierrez • Chicano/aHistorians and the Revision ofWestern History 20 FURTHER READING 28 CHAPTER 2 The PrecolonialPeriod Page30 DOCUMENTS 1. A Franciscan FriarDescribes the Land and People ofNew Mexico, 1541 31 2. Spain Asserts Control over the Indians ofNueva Galicia, Mexico, 1570 33 3. The Pueblo Indians Call for War, 1680 34 4. Teodoro de Croix Reports on Pacifying the Indians in California, 1781 36 5. Colonel Don Antonio Cordero Discusses theApaches, 1796 37 ESSAYS Carlos G. Velez-Ibdnez • Cultural Roots ofAncient Southwest Indians 39 CarrollL. Riley . The Indians ofthe Southwest in 1492 48 AntoniaI. Castaneda • Sexual Violence and the Politics ofConquest in Alta California 54 FURTHER READING 61 Vll Vlll Contents CHAPTER 3 EarlyMexicano Communities on the Northern Frontier, the Spanish ColonialPeriod to 1821 Page 62 DOCUMENTS 1. Bishop Pedro Tamaron y Romeral Visits New Mexico, 1760 63 2. Captain Pierre Marie Francois de Pages Reports on Early Settlements in Texas, 1767 65 3. SurvivorMariaAnaMontielo Recounts the IndianUprising at Yuma, Arizona, 1781 69 4. Jean Francois LaPerouse Describes theMission Indians ofCarmel, California, 1786 71 5. Justice ofthe Peace Cornelio Vigil Restores a Land Grant to New Mexican Citizens, 1842 73 ESSAYS AntoniaI. Castaneda . Gender, Race, and Culture in the History ofthe California Frontier 75 GeraldE. PoyoandGilbertoM. Hinojosa . Spanish Texas and Borderlands Historiography 83 FURTHER READING 89 CHAPTER 4 EarlyMexicano Life and Society in the Southwest, 1821-1846 Page 91 DOCUMENTS 1. EulaliaPerez Remembers Early California, 1823 93 2. Captain Frederick W. Beechy Describes the CaliforniaMissions, 1826 95 3. General Manuel Miery Teran Reports on theTexas-CoahuilaTerritory, 1828-1829 97 4. EulaliaYorba Gives anEyewitness Account ofthe Siege oftheAlamo, 1836 99 5. Olibama LopezRecalls Pioneer Life in Colorado's San Luis Valley in the Early Nineteenth Century 101 6. Joshua Gregg Paints aPicture ofLaTules 104 7. RalphEmersonTwitchell Offers an Opinion on LaTules 104 ESSAYS DavidJ. Weber . Mythmaking and the Texas Revolution 106 HollyBeachleyBrear . Creating the Myth ofthe Alamo 112 DeenaJ. Gonzalez . LaTules ofImage and Reality 128 FURTHER READING 134

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