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Major General Craig Olson, Program Executive Officer for C3I&N, Hanscom AFB PDF

24 Pages·2015·6.33 MB·English
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Preview Major General Craig Olson, Program Executive Officer for C3I&N, Hanscom AFB

Massachusetts Military Asset & Security Strategy Task Force AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge AF/Army Industry Day Maj Gen Craig S. Olson AFPEO C3I&N 11 Dec 15 66ABG-2015-0185 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e AT&L/AF/AQ/AFMC Alignment AAFFLLCCMMCC…… PPrroovviiddiinngg tthhee WWaarrffiigghhtteerr’’ss EEddggee PEO C3I&N Mission AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge Air & Space Superiority Global C2 Rapid Global Mobility ISR Global Strike I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Terrestrial Domain From AFNet to Joint Information Environment AAFFLLCCMMCC…… PPrroovviiddiinngg tthhee WWaarrffiigghhtteerr’’ss EEddggee I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e 4 s JIE Reference Approach & Cyber Weapon Systems Overlay e c s vi e r c e i S ev ail C Provide next generation ise er D bility OPprotivoindse tEhnadt bUesteterr D eAenFvaiLbceCle M CDA… ProEMvidUing the Wtionsarfightero’sff iEcedc agapueatobmiliatiteiosn/UC r s o mission operations a erp d U M C age S pplic nt n or EI A gt E t E S M e / e ls ai Common Computing Environment (CCE) c nr i op v re gier Common Application Hosting Framework se er Sto ReEnt Ba S d / e n ut Core Data Center Installation Special Purpose Tactical a mp ) (CDC) Processing/Service Processing Node Processing 2) S T Node (IPN/ISN) (SPPN) Node (TPN) C M o D ( C P 3 C C ol C A r ( t n H o Base/IPN Boundary C C / A N & V I ct C Identity Management F d e A n t o S a r m P C AFNet Cyber Gateway Security/JRSS m S o C C Next Gen Network t c e n n Network Infrastructure o C I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Data Center Consolidation & Application Rationalization AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge CIO Led Governance App Discovery n o i t a z 2700 potential apps to bring i al thru migration process CIO n Migration Priorities o Lead i - Core Apps t a R - Pathfinders - Remaining Apps t n Common r e e m m Computing Environment o e t g IPT s a u g 12 Pathfinder Apps C n E Installation g Kill or Leave In Place Processing Node MilCloud Commercial Cloud n i d r a o CCoonnttiinnuuee ttoo uussee AAss--IIss b NNeeeedd ffrroomm DDIISSAA PPrroocceesssseess n O Increased Speed, Improved Security, Reduced Cost I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Cyber Domain Responsive Cyber Acquisition AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge AFLCMC Lines of Cyberspace Weapon Systems Cyber Solutions Cell Operation 11.. AAFF IInnttrraanneett CCoonnttrrooll ((AAFFIINNCC)) Lines of Effort 22.. CCyybbeerr SSeeccuurriittyy CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemm ((CCSSCCSS)) NNeett OOppss Operate the AFIN 33.. AAFF CCyybbeerrssppaaccee DDeeffeennssee ((AACCDD)) 44.. CCyybbeerrssppaaccee VVuullnneerraabbiilliittyy Defend the AFIN and Key Mission Systems AAsssseessssmmeenntt//HHuunntteerr ((CCVVAA//HH)) DDeeffeennssee 55.. CCyybbeerrssppaaccee DDeeffeennssee AAnnaallyyssiiss Engage the Adversary ((CCDDAA)) OOffffeennssee 66.. NNeettwwoorrkk AAttttaacckk SSyysstteemm ((NNAASS)) Control Command Intelligence Communications UNCLASSIFIED 77.. CCyybbeerr CCoommmmaanndd && CCoonnttrrooll MMiissssiioonn SSyysstteemm ((CC33MMSS)) Defense of Cyber Terrain is Necessary to Succeed in Today’s Fight Airborne Domain Transitioning to JALN AAFFLLCCMMCC…… PPrroovviiddiinngg tthhee WWaarrffiigghhtteerr’’ss EEddggee BACN Rivet Joint U-2 E-3 F-35 F-15 Link-16 BACN Ground E-8 Station F-22 F-16 NEW CRC A-10 TACPod Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN) SADL Army CAOCIncreased & affordable access Ground Forces SADL Link-16 across air & space through… • Hi-capacity backbone CDL 1-way Link-16 JOC / ASOC • Govt owned standards, Dismounted MADL TACP-M (Rover 5) interfaces, architecture to Net Enabled CDL Future MADL minimize variability Convoy Comm Support Inmarsat IFDL • Enablers for Combat Cloud UHF/VHF Future IFDL I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Space/Nuclear C3 Enterprise AAFFLLCCMMCC…… PPrroovviiddiinngg tthhee WWaarrffiigghhtteerr’’ss EEddggee DIRECT MILSATCOM Fielded systems Combatant commands’ Systems in development command posts National Military Command Centers Global ASNT FAB-T White House RC-135 Bomber, tanker, and recce airfields Mobile MMRT / FAB-T MMRT*/ FAB-T support teams E-4 E-6 SMART-T B-52 FAB-T MMP Launch MRT / FAB-T B-2 MMP facilities Upgrade VLF/LF ICBM launch EHF/AEHF control centers Landline *MMRT: Modified Miniature Receive Terminal I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e 9 C3I&N Leadership AFLCMC… Providing the Warfighter’s Edge SAF/AQ AFLCMCCOMMANDER Vacant AFPEO/C3I&N LT GEN JOHN THOMPSON MAJ GEN CRAIG OLSON AFPEO/SP CTO DEPUTY DIRECTOR LT GEN SAMUAL DR TIM RUDOLPH VACANT GREAVES SPACE, AERIAL & NUCLEAR C3I INFRASTRUCTURE CRYPTO & CYBER FAB-T DIV NETWORKSDIV DIV SYSTEMS DIV HNS HNA HNI HNC COL TODD KRUEGER COL AMANDA KATO COL JOHN BEDINGFIELD COL GARY SALMANS SPECIAL PRGMS DIV SPACE & C3I DIV EW/AVIONICS DIV HNJ (HBZ) # (WNY) # COL STEPHEN BROOKS COL MICHAEL HOLL COL EARL STOLZ EN FM IT PK PM MR. GLEN MR. SEAN MR. HOWARD MR. JOE MR. TOM TOWNSEND DUFFY STUBBLEFIELD ZIMMERMAN POWIS # Note: Program Execution Only; HR LCL Organizationally aligned under MS. ANNETTE MR. STEPHEN P(OETO& BEM) & ACS Respectively GARTLAND I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e LAFLEUR 10

PEO C3I&N Mission. Air & Space . HNJ. COL STEPHEN BROOKS among all 25 contract holders; small business set aside. • Anticipated
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