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Major employers of the Pioneer Valley PDF

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Regional Research Report February1992 Major Employers of thePioneer Valley RegionalData Center Pioneer ValleyPlanning Commission 26CentralStreet •WestSpringfield, Massachusetts 01089 •Telephone: (413) 781-6045 ....... PublicationPrice: $20.00 ThePioneer ValleyPlanning Commission maintains extensive demographic, economic, transportation and land use datafiles as a resourceforbusinessandgovernment. Customizedresearchandanaly- sis services are available. Data can bepresented in table, graphic or mappedformats. For more information, contact the Commission's RegionalData Center. Table of Contents AboutthePioneerValleyRegion . . 1 Overview ofEmploymentChange(1989 - 1991) 1 AboutThisReport . 1 Statistical ComparisonofEmployment Changes (1989 - 1991)by Sector. 2 Employment Change (1989 - 1991) AmongMajorEmployersby SICGroup 3-7 . . TheRegion'sTop20Employers. 8 . Employerswithover250EmployeesbyLocation (listandmap)... 9 MajorEmployers Directory. 12 . StandardIndustrial Classification(SIC) Code Summary 26 . . This research wasfinanced in part by the Massachusetts Department of Public Works with assistancefrom the Federal Highway Administration and the UrbanMassTransportationAdministration. Changes inEmployment The Pioneer Valley (1989-1991) employment adding 7,757jobs. Region Employmentlevels stayed the same The region's majoremploy- for206 companies or28% while % The PioneerValley Region ers sufferedsignificantdecreasesin 374 or51 ofthe region's major ofWestern Massachusetts encom- totalemploymentbetween 1989 and employers reduced theirworkforce. passes the4thlargestmetropolitan 1991 as thenational recession, Employment in 105 ofthese 374 area in New England. The 602,868 which was firstexperienced inNew establishments fell below the 50 residents ofthe regioncanchoose a England, lingered. Intotalemploy- employee threshold and thus are not varietyoflifestyles from amongthe ment, however, and in five ofthe listed in thedirectory. These 43 cities and townslocated in sevenemploymentsectors,the companies, however,continue to be Hampden and Hampshire Counties. SpringfieldLaborMarket Area included in the Commission's main Communities range in size and outperformed the Commonwealthof database since theiremployment character from the rural hilltownof Massachusettsinjob retention. levels areexpected toincrease over Tolland, population289 to the Gty Accordingto statistics compiled by time. ofSpringfield, the region'smajor the State's DepartmentofEmploy- urban and cultural centerwith mentandTraining, the region's % About This Report 156,983 residents. Thriving college primarylabormarket arealost7.1 communities are anchored by the ofits overallemployment as UniversityofMassachusetts at compared to a9.8% decrease The majoremployers in this Amherst, oneofthe leading research statewide (see tablepage2). report arelisted by community in universities inthenationand world- The Region's Major orderto track theemployment base renowned institutions such as Smith, Employersexperienced reductions atthe local level and assess com- Mt. Holyoke, Amherstand Hamp- in staffof 14.4% duringthe 1989- muting patterns. Companies which shire College. Prime business 1991 period. All sectors experi- have multiple locations, each with locations are available innew and enced decreases, butthe government 50employees, are listed by the renovated historicofficebuildings in and service sectors reductions were individual site. Forexample, Big Y the region's diverse central business leastsevere. Overall, employment Foods, Inc. hasnumerous stores districts, in suburban locations, and gains forthe region'slargest firms located throughout the region. Each in new business and industrial parks occurred in thehealthcare industry. store thatemploysover50people currently being developed. Nursinghomes,hospitals, and lab has itsownlisting. In the case and allied serviceswithmore than where acompany has numerous MajorEmployers ofthe 50employees added over950jobs locations withinonecommunity, it Pioneer Valley Region lists business between 1989 and 1991. Miscella- will be listed once underits main and governmentestablishments neous Servicesincreased its office address. New England which employ more than 50people. workforce by 50% adding 207 new Telephone Company operates from Data forthis report was collected employees. several offices all within the City of during the 3rd and 4th quarters of A total of725 establish- Springfield, thus this company is 1991 at which time the region had a ments withover50employees were listed once in Springfield. The Pioneer Valley Plan- total of651 MajorEmployers. In tracked between 1989 and 1991. addition to the listing ofestablish- Although individual company ning Commission's 1989 major ments,MajorEmployers chartsthe statistics areconfidential, the tables employers data base was updated for change in employment among these appearingonpages2-7depict this editionthrough a telephone companies from 1989, the firstyear changes inemployment by industry survey to each ofthe establishments this report was published. sector. These725 businessesor originally listed. Membership Directories from the region's organizationsarethose forwhich a ChambersofCommerce provided reliable databankexists forboth additional information. Follow-up 1989 and 1991. Ofthesecompanies, 145, or information was obtained from 20% ofmajoremployers, increased return mail questionnaires. — 1 h w q n n I ? c4<rJorq^foqororO'-* oo £> S «t> a> O-c V) a. ts 0) V) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -OC N N H OOO ©H Oif ifl (0 00 o (N © m *H o V(0) CkO- T— r» <N vm© oTfpr On NO <<-sH 0r0i o 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O O 03 U in 00 in in On Vk). CO 00 iCt-nIh" <oHnC Cr(o\s rim-/»l" Nra\~ Tro~TC cNt-oh o >0)N co o CL E q o « o\ oo t, Hi >a> -O§c rfnO oo1 vo' On1 in ii-ni in Ql CD e o O 5 m CfO CI O On 0a0 o ci no >n i_ i m co _i a> 8 8 8 "c& QO) N T-l fO © *CcL Xl5_ f0O—0) On «n 00 CO CD c 9 in \o >n o no <n in 4 s t a en CO no O c Q. g C>oh0C—O)L» C>C<Ls>«O CO <Oms nrorooo NmO mOmrmN4 iomoTno mo*or mTno i-i r-i i-i E > 111 oI— 0 co ac) oo con oo no cm r- 00 c CgL Oo)o N<n. 9iono. Hih~. iTfh~ irn- tnooo* HionT. NoeO* 'ac O) tJ- rn C <B c • E cT «= 1 P o E 15 E ^ | | o si <D n ®" CO I Pin <0 ! ucb 3 O CO < I r4 •<* t-i i IN m o h V) <s m oo <n sI. «= $° ^- 5Q wrQi\ iOrnf wvo Ci*--NHT O(i-NvT i<rs—tfI ««—0 ON LU m Q) 10 (iN-Hr4f^OrcofC>oNOinOOttvO>o 00^ >"ctj *-T en ro" dci Tt v-f r-~ oe 2 t-h i-< on t-h & Q) 0C) hVlOOMlM^nh o orioooi-it^vQ>o IT) x•*:— ZJrm|O »°: I>OEQD«. O22_> rH (rNT CirOnH rHrtH TT*t CiCoOO" (oroSH* orHC cof**oj> "o <o o _ © © n m rl t i/) a Tf (S iH tH CL E hi ^ I E UJ o 03 OTf©00O\P-O00 CcD r- i-( >D »0 VO VoO 00 o i 5 co o ro z LU n h h 10 r] o\ ^ LU O«-H»-H00>Of^(N>O I»/-) Um) (N (N rt >0 O CN UJ aO> CooD U4ccrJHo> Ea(c)— 3UOi CoE0O) "h02O-) i(9t02s 2O \<C_T> OoCC/) tTro (§ij 0a)) aCC0T>O)J D o ao> 0. c c (0 g L_ T3 C la CcO u '3c 0) o E c tr E cCO Oo u_ c o 1 o CL CO 4 1 1 A Major Employers With Increasing Employment Major Employers ofthe Pioneer Valley Standard Industrial Classification Group Number Number Number Change of of of in Percent Employers Employees Employees Employees Change 1QHQ 1QQ1 03-31 m 0000-0999 Agriculture Z i 111J7Z 7ZCJ. 7Zj1.A4 7m 1500-1799 Construction 7Z 11J^O8 Z1U J57Z J1Z7.Q7 2000-2199 Foods, beverages, tobacco 7z JccJ 7Z1lfOt 1IAOlJ 7zvQoA.*At nn 2200-2399 Textiles 1 Jc.J<Un iZoZnU DO./ 2400-2499 Building Products ii on i1ilnU 7znu 7ZZ7.7Z 2500-2599 Furniture ii u 1inU7Z 1iUn7Z IMNAA 2600-2799 Paper and Printing 1 7 <ftn 1 A47 8oAO7Z J1J1.44 2800-2999 Drugs, chemicalsand petro 11 70C JiUnUn jc 11.7/ 3000-3499 Rubber, metal, plastics jc 1 107 l1,7/7zfot J11JAO 7Z44.11 3500-3599 Machinery Ao AOj17/ in4 liyn.cj 3600-3699 Durable goods un u nu nu NI 3800-3899 Scientific instruments ii 7/nu 7ft OQ 114 3900-3999 Miscellaneous goods Jc OHU 7/Aonu 117ZnU 1ioft.fot 4000-4999 Trans., utils., comm. 7 JJU sin 704 54Q 5000-5099 Wholesaletrade durables *AT i?n J170.J1 5100-5199 Wholesaletrade nondurable 7 i1nUnU Ifil UJ OftJi.nU 5200-5299 Retailtrade bldg material 11 nu 7znunu 7znunu IKNTAA 5300-5399 Retailtrade gen. merchand J-1 J17ZCJ. J1OAOA 41 1IZ7.AO nm 5400-5499 Retailfood stores ia 1 71ft 7 74ft i1,UJU 84A 5500-5599 Retail gas and cardealers A lOJ 4ti1l7 7Z1J7Z 175 4 Ml 5600-5699 Retail apparel ou n nu nu 5700-5799 Retail homefurnishings n\j n n nu NA 5800-5899 Eating and drinking places jc 7Z7/SJ JcJc 7zun.nu 5900-5999 Specialty retailstores 0 n nu nu NA 6000-6999 Banks, Ins. and RE 7 7^,1 1 17ft J17/5J 40ft 7000-7099 Hotels nU n nu nu WinAr\ 7100-7299 Personal services nu nu nu nu INA 7300-7399 Businessservices A 7Z1J5J 157 117Z7Z c.1 Q 7500-7599 Auto leasing n n nyj nu NlNA/\ 7600-7699 Repairshops nu nu nu nu IMNAA 7800-7999 Entertainment and Rec. ii jcUn f<t»nu JiUn Aoun.nu 8010-8049 Health practitioners 7Z Ilj 1ij5un j1j5 in4 8050-8059 Nursing Homes 7 711jj5 QA1 7Z7ZAO JiUn.7/ 8060-8069 Hospitals AU J^LxSJ J,"1U 71 8070-8099 Labs & allied services J TZCj.j1 J1111 JCOO Tzz>.Oy 8100-8199 Legal services J1 1lfoiUn 7zi1yO jiyo zl./ 8210-8219 Primary & secondary schools 5 3,292 3,960 668 20.3 8220-8229 Colleges and universities 2 490 574 84 17.1 8240-8299 Bus./vocational schools nu nu u MINAA 8300-8399 Social services 13 1,410 1,748 338 24.0 8410-8419 Museums 0 0 0 0 NA 8500-8599 Public agencies 0 0 0 0 NA 8600-8699 Civic and social assoc. 1 130 185 55 42.3 8900-8999 Miscellaneous services 0 0 0 0 NA 9000-9999 Public administration 6 430 844 414 96.3 TOTAL 143 20,472 27,679 7,207 35.2 1 Major Employers With No Change inEmployment Major Employers of the Pioneer Valley Standard Industrial Classification Group Number Number Number Change OI Ol OT in P©rc©nt Fl~m1n1ilyjo%v\jfytwfwtws Fi—m1n1lluni\u/yfwtwAwc. l_ciii/iuywww Change 1989 1991 89-91 89-91 0000-0999 Agriculture o o o o NA 1500-1799 Construction 4 304 304 o 0.0 2000-2199 Foods, beverages, tobacco 3 568 568 o 0.0 2200-2399 Textiles 4 552 552 o 0.0 2400-2499 Building Products o o o o NA 2500-2599 Furniture o o o o NA 2600-2799 Paper and Printing 17 3,598 3 598 o 0.0 2800-2999 Drugs, chemicals and petro 1 51 51 o 0.0 3000-3499 Rubber, metal, plastics 17 1,921 1,921 o 0.0 3500-3599 Machinery 7 629 U6f2a9/ o 0.0 3600-3699 Durable goods 5 572 572 o 0.0 3800-3899 Scientific instruments 2 175 175 o 0.0 3900-3999 Miscellaneous goods 3 560 560 0 0.0 4000-4999 Trans., utils., comm. 7 1,050 1,050 o 0.0 5000-5099 Wholesaletrade durables 4 281 281 o 0.0 5100-5199 Wholesaletrade nondurable A 485 *4t8O5J nu.nu 5200-5299 Retailtrade bldg material 2 185 nu.nu 5300-5399 Retailtrade gen. merchand 12 1,525 1 5X5 n nn 5400-5499 Retailfood stores 1 1 "M4 u u.u 5500-5599 Retail gas and car dealers 3 152 152 o 5600-5699 Retail apparel o o o o NA 5700-5799 Retail homefurnishings iX SO 5n nu nu.nu 5800-5899 Eating and drinking places 20 2,315 2,315 o 0.0 5900-5999 Specialty retailstores 2 150 150 o 0.0 6000-6999 Banks, Ins. and RE 9 5,301 5,301 o 7000-7099 Hotels 3 465 465 n nu.nu 7100-7299 Personal services o o o o NA 7300-7399 Business services 5 782 782 o 0.0 7500-7599 Auto leasing o o n nu M1'iA/A 7600-7699 Repair shops ii 87 87 nu u.u 7800-7999 Entertainment and Rec. A d5Q u u.u 8010-8049 Health practitioners 11 JU OU u fUt.nU 8050-8059 Nursing Homes 7 785 7 785 nu U.U 8060-8069 Hospitals A*f 5 Q95 u u.u 8070-8099 Labs & allied services J 107 J1(U17/ u nu.fut 8100-8199 Legal services 0 0 0 0 NA 8210-8219 Primary & secondary schools 3 426 426 0 0.0 8220-8229 Colleges and universities 5 2,255 2,255 o nu.nu 8240-8299 Bus./vocational schools 1 50 50 0 0.0 8300-8399 Social services 9 1,475 1,475 0 0.0 8410-8419 Museums 1 230 230 0 0.0 8500-8599 Public agencies 0 0 0 0 NA 8600-8699 Civic and social assoc. 3 220 220 0 0.0 8900-8999 Miscellaneous services 1 110 110 0 0.0 9000-9999 Public administration 7 2,368 2,368 0 0.0 TOTAL 206 39,222 39,222 0 0.0 1 1 4 Major Employers WithDecreasing Employment Major Employers ofthe Pioneer Valley Standard Industrial Classification Group Number Number Number Change of of of in Percent Employers Employees Employees Employees Change 1iyQfolyQ 1QQ1 poya-yqii AoyO-yQ1l 0000-0999 Agriculture 0 0 0 0 NA 1500-1799 Construction 21 1,/o3 "/ToOoO (975) -C55C.31 2000-2199 Foods, beverages, tobacco 5 174A5C 31110A (435) -C5O8.4A 2200-2399 Textiles 14 1,807 319 (1,488) -82.3 2400-2499 Building Products 2 200 0 (200) -100.0 2500-2599 Furniture 3 307 223 (/O84A)\ -27.4 2600-2799 Paper and Printing 34 7,160 3,542 (3,618) -50.5 2800-2999 Drugs, chemicals and petro 6 1,903 1,382 /(C51211)\ -27.4 3000-3499 Rubber, metal, plastics 37 6,542 3,824 (2,718) -41.5 3500-3599 Machinery 15 1,960 1,367 (593) -30.3 3600-3699 Durable goods i1a9 4A,A01131 1,8/5 (2,138) -C53I.31 3800-3899 Scientific instruments z 835 40/ (428) -51.3 3900-3999 Miscellaneous goods oo A 11C 1 AQ% ((QoA[W\\ -IV. ) 4000-4999 Trans., utils., comm. Zj 7/,<J1ll1 < 7n^ -1ZA4.fU\ 5000-5099 Wholesaletrade durables 15 11,130913 4AUA5< (988) -/o.y 5100-5199 Wholesaletrade nondurable 9 6£2111 320 (301) -A48O.5C 5200-5299 Retailtrade bldg material 1 190 175 (15) -7.9 5300-5399 Retailtrade gen. merchand 11 1,65U 1,348 (302) -118O.31 5400-5499 Retailfood stores 114A 11,08\14A 1,164 (650) -35.8 5500-5599 Retail gas and car dealers *17 561 131 (430) -76.6 5600-5699 Retail apparel 4A 400 325 (161) -i3i3.11 5700-5799 Retail homefurnishings 2 11"/78Q ^6i3 (115) -64.6 5800-5899 Eating and drinking places 32 2,124 11,1117C6 (/C9t4A8O)\ -44.6 5900-5999 Specialty retailstores 7 -ZiUn/O: /(72/449Q)\ <A 7 6000-6999 Banks, Ins. and RE 7Z1l lo4 11,7/«57/ /(72,/4121"77)\ -C5O8.A0 mi 7000-7099 Hotels 7 i ofiunz-) /(721311)\ -ZZ.4 7100-7299 Personal services 31 33 1111/"7 (214) -64.7 7300-7399 Business services 113 11,08C57/ 8Q0A13 (1,054) -56.8 7500-7599 Auto leasing 1 5U 72<5 /(72C5A) -e50n.A0 7600-7699 Repairshops 0 0 0 0 NA 7800-7999 Entertainment and Rec. . 1 100 95 (5) -5.0 8010-8049 Health practitioners 2 482 414 (68) -14.1 8050-8059 Nursing Homes 5 480 363 (117) -24.4 8060-8069 Hospitals 7 5,663 5,19/ (466) -O8.12 8070-8099 Labs & allied services 3 260 160 (100) -38.5 8100-8199 Legal services 1 71 30 (41) -57.7 8210-8219 Primary & secondary schools 2 1,625 830 (795) -48.9 8220-8229 Colleges and universities 4 8,183 7,871 (312) -3.8 8240-8299 Bus./vocationalschools 0 u 0 0 NA 8300-8399 Social services 4 921 48-4 (437) -47.4 8410-8419 Museums 0 0 0 0 NA 8500-8599 Public agencies 0 0 0 0 NA 8600-8699 Civic and social assoc. 2 195 165 (30) -15.4 8900-8999 Miscellaneous services 2 200 157 (43) -21.5 9000-9999 Public administration 4 4,858 4,086 (772) -15.9 TOTAL 375 79,046 51,906 (27,140) -34.3 All Major Employers Major Employers ofthe Pioneer Valley Standard Industrial Classification Group Number Number Number Change of of of in Percent Employers Employees Employees Employees Change 1989 1991 89-91 89-91 0000-0999 Agriculture 2 107 132 25 23.4 1500-1799 Construction 27 2,225 1,302 (923) -41.5 2000-2199 Foods, beverages, tobacco 10 1,368 1,096 (272) -19.9 2200-2399 Textiles 19 2,689 1,421 (1,268) -47.2 2400-2499 Building Products 3 290 110 (180) -62.1 2500-2599 Furniture 4 307 325 18 5.9 2600-2799 Paper and Printinq 65 13,338 10,582 (2,756) -20.7 2800-2999 Drugs, chemicals and petro 8 2,249 1,733 (516) -22.9 3000-3499 Rubber, metal, plastics 59 9,855 7,473 (2,382) -24.2 3500-3599 Machinery 28 3,122 2,633 (489) -15.7 3600-3699 Durable goods 24 4,585 2,447 (2,138) -46.6 3800-3899 Scientific instruments 5 1,080 660 (420) -38.9 3900-3999 Miscellaneous goods 16 5,535 4,815 (720) -13.0 4000-4999 Trans., utils., comm. 39 9,097 7,585 (1,512) -16.6 5000-5099 Wholesale trade durables 23 1,979 1,111 (868) -43.9 5100-5199 Wholesale trade nondurable 17 1,206 968 (238) -19.7 5200-5299 Retailtrade bldg material 4 375 560 185 49.3 5300-5399 Retailtrade gen. merchand 26 3,500 3,239 (261) -7.5 5400-5499 Retailfood stores 41 4,336 4,716 380 8.8 5500-5599 Retail gas and car dealers 14 898 700 (198) -22.0 5600-5699 Retail apparel 4 486 325 (161) -33.1 5700-5799 Retail home furnishings 3 228 113 (115) -50.4 5800-5899 Eating and drinking places 57 4,714 3,821 (893) -18.9 5900-5999 Specialty retail stores 9 605 356 (249) -41.2 6000-6999 Banks, Ins. and RE 37 10,238 8,186 (2,052) -20.0 7000-7099 Hotels 10 1,498 1,267 (231) -15.4 7100-7299 Personal services 3 331 117 (214) -64.7 7300-7399 Business services 22 2,874 1,942 (932) -32.4 7500-7599 Auto leasing 1 50 25 (25) -50.0 7600-7699 Repair shops 1 87 87 0 0.0 7800-7999 Entertainment and Rec. 6 609 634 25 4.1 8010-8049 Health practitioners 5 647 614 (33) -5.1 8050-8059 Nursing Homes 27 3,500 3,609 109 3.1 8060-8069 Hospitals 17 14,793 15,038 245 1.7 8070-8099 Labs & allied services 9 820 778 (42) -5.1 8100-8199 Legal services 4 251 249 (2) -0.8 8210-8219 Primary & secondary schools 10 5,343 5,216 (127) -2.4 8220-8229 Colleges and universities 11 10,928 10,700 (228) -2.1 8240-8299 Bus./vocational schools 1 50 50 0 0.0 8300-8399 Social services 26 3,806 3,707 (99) -2.6 8410-8419 Museums 1 230 230 0 0.0 8500-8599 Public agencies 0 0 0 0 NA 8600-8699 Civic and social assoc. 6 545 570 25 4.6 8900-8999 Miscellaneous services 3 310 267 (43) -13.9 9000-9999 Public administration 17 7,656 7,298 (358) -4.7 TOTAL 724 138,740 118,807 (19,933) -14.4 The Region's Top 20 Employers 1991 Number Main Office Employer Name ofEmployees Location UniversityofMassachusetts 5,900 Amherst Baystate HealthSystems, Inc. 4,850 Springfield MassachusettsMutual Life Insurance Co. 4,200 Springfield SpringfieldSchool Department 3,441 Springfield U.S. Postal Service 2,986 Springfield City ofSpringfield 2,659 Springfield Milton Bradley Co. 2,000 EastLongmeadow Monson Developmental Center 1,850 Monson MercyHospital 1,697 Springfield Big Y Foods, Inc. 1,503 Springfield Smithand Wesson Corp. 1,500 Springfield Smith College 1,400 Northampton Monsanto Chemical Company 1,220 Springfield Holyoke Hospital 1,147 Holyoke Chicopee School Department 1,103 Chicopee Mount Holyoke College 1,083 South Hadley New EnglandTelephone Co. 950 Springfield Springfield Newspapers 950 Springfield SpaldingSports Worldwide 900 Chicopee Cooley-Dickinson Hospital 900 Northampton GraphicsTechnology International 900 South Hadley

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