ArachnologischeMitteilungen43:51-57 Nuremberg,July2012 Maintenance of polymorphism in the orb weaving spider species Agalenatearedii (Araneae,Araneidae) CatherineGeay,Raymond Leborgne,Olivier Francois&Alain Pasquet doi:10.5431/aramit4310 AbstractiThemaintenanceofpolymorphismwithinpopulationsmaybetheconsequenceofseveralelementsof specieslifehistorysuchasuseofspace,activityrhythms,predation,parasitismandreproduction.Thepresentstudy focusesonthelatteraspectusinganorbweavingsp\der,Agalenatearedii,whichpresentsfivedifferentmorphsof theopisthosomapatternintheadultstage.Overthecourseoffouryears,from2008to2011,adultspiders(males, femalesandpairs)wereobservedatdifferentsites.In2011,wealsoconductedasix-weeksurveyofasinglepopu- lation,observingthe numberofspidersofeach morph andthe morph ofpaired spiders.Wecollectedfield data onthespatial andtemporal distribution ofspiders based on theirsexand morph.Using a distanceanalysis,we comparedthefielddistributionwithasimulatedoneinwhichpairswereassociatedatrandom.Theresultsshowed thatalthoughtherewerechangesovertimeand spaceintheproportionsoffemalesofthedifferentmorphs,as wellas intheproportion ofthepairassociations,pairing accordingto morphs probablyoccursatrandom. Keywords:colourpattern,fielddata,mating,orbweaver HUXLEY (1955) defined polymorphism as the dependedonaninteractionbetweenhabitatstructure existence of at least two different phenotypes in a andpredatorpressure.Theimportanceofpredationin population whose rarest form is too frequent to be favouring the rarer morphs has also repeatedlybeen solely a consequence ofrecurrent mutations (GRAY shown,forexample inLutianusgriseus(REIGHARD &MCKINNON2007).Polymorphismcanbefound 1908)orin Cepaeahortensis(CLARKE1962).Another inmanyspecies such as the mollusc Cepaeanemoralis factoris linked to differences in reproductive behav- (COOK2007),theanuranBufocanorus(HOFFMAN iourandmatechoice,whichmaintainpolymorphisms & BLOUIN 2000), the spider Enoplognatha ovata {Cepaeanemoralis, CAIN &SHEPPARD 1950, 1954; (HIPPA &OKSALA 1981) and in females ofmany guppies Poecilia reticulate, GRAY & MCKINNON damselfly species (ROBERTSON 1985, CORDERO 2006) often consisting of morphological variation, 1992, CORDERO etal. 1998,ANDRES etal.2000). for example in colouration (ANDERSSON 1994). The number of morphs can be limited, such as in One ofthegreat,persistingissues in ecologyand melanic moths (MAJERUS 1998) or large, as in the evolution are the numerous cases ofpolymorphism meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius (HALKKA linked with colour morphs. Indeed, many natural &HALKKA 1990); aphenomenon called exuberant colourpolymorphismshavebeenshowntobecaused polymorphism (OXFORD 2009). by non-selective processes such as migration and Many theories have been put forward to explain dispersal (DEARN 1984, KING &LAWSON 1995, & theevolutionandmaintenanceofpolymorphism.For REILLO WISE 1988), or genetic drift and local instance, spatial and temporal habitat heterogeneity population bottlenecks (BRAKEFIELD 1990). has long been known to promote phenotypic and Our study was conducted on the spider species genetic variations (FULLER et al. 2005). BOND & Agalenatearedii,whichpresentsfivedifferentmorphs: KAMIL (2006) used digital moths preyed upon by a,Y,Ö, 8 and^(Fig. 1) inboth sexes.The aim ofthis realbirdstoshowthattheevolutionofpolymorphism studywas to evaluate over several years the mainte- nance and stabilityofthe polymorphism in different CatherineGEAY,RaymondLEBORGNE,AlainPASQUET,Universite spider populations using their temporal and spatial deLorraine,FacultedesSciencesetTechnologies,Laboratoire distribution. First, a multi-annual studywas carried «ExpressionetEvolutiondesComportements».B.P.239-54506 out on different sites to test if polymorphism was VandoeuvrelesNancyCedex-France OlivierFRANC^iOIS,UniversitedeLorraine,FacultedesScienceset maintained across space and time. Afterwards, the Technologies,lECN,UMRCNRS7502.B.P.239-54506Vandoeuvre study ofa breeding season was carried out to deter- lesNancyCedex-France mine whether there was a differential emergence of Correspondence:[email protected] morphs during a season limiting the possibility of submitted:6.12.2011,accepted: 19.4.2012;onlineearly:31.7.2012 morphpairing.Finally,adetailed studyofthe spatial 52 C.Geoy,R.Leborgne,A.Pasquet&O.Francois distribution ofindividuals at a single site was done Dynamics ofthe population to test whether aggregation could contribute to an Multi-annualstudy increase in the probability of meeting and repro- Datafrom severalpopulations oiAgalenatea redii duction ofthe different morphs. We calculated the studied from 2008 to 2010 at different sites in the frequency ofpaired individuals according to morph areaofNancy(Meurthe-et-Moselle,France,48°41’N, and sexin the different experiments.We also looked 6°17’E,272 m a.s.l.)were compiled.These dataena- at pair composition (homomorph or heteromorph) bled us to characterize dynamics ofthe population andwe testedwhether or not the frequencyofthese according to the sexes, morphs and pairs (by distin- pairsfittedarandomtheoreticaldistributionofspider guishing homomorph from heteromorph pairs). For pairs. these studies,two spiders (one male andone female) were considered as forming a pair when they were Materialandmethods both present at the same time on the same stem and Biological model less than 3 cm apart,which is the mean distance be- Agalenatea redii is an orb-weaving spider, whose tween a male and a female (there was no direct link geographical distribution extends across the whole with potential fertilization) (personal observations). ofEurope (JONES 1990).This specieshasanannual In2008 foursiteswere surveyed (numberofspiders; biologicalcyclewithpost-embryologicaldevelopment N1 = 207). In 2010 three sites were surveyed (N2 spread over the entire year: eggs are protected in co- = 399). In 2011 only one site was examined (N3 = coons,theyarelaidattheendofspringandtheyoung 551). Visual hunting was the method employed to spidersremainintheeggsacsatjuvenilestages(often spotandidentifyspiders,whilebeingcarefulofallthe mm sub-adult) during winter. The adults (5.5 to 7 supports (drystems ofvegetation) usedbyspider.At for females and 3.5 to 4.5 mm for males, ROBERTS thebeginningofspringthegreenvegetationhad not 1996) have a short appearance time that generally yetgrownandonlythedrystemsofthepreviousyear starts at the beginning ofspring with reproduction, remained,whichallowedustosearchexhaustivelyfor andends earlyinthe summerwhenthe eggs arelaid. spiders. This spider is characterized by a polymorphism of the dorsal pattern on the opisthosoma. Five morphs Singlebreedingseasonstudy are present in both males and females (a, Y> Ö, 8, Q For this study, we surveyed one site during the (Jones 1990) (Fig. l). reproductive period (from March 28^^ to May 6^^, Fig.1:Schematicrepresentationofmorphsobservedinthespec\esAgalenatearedii{from Deom 1996). Polymorphisminanorb-weavingspider 53 2011).Twotransects(26and28m,respectively)were ofmorphxamongthemales atlocationzandperiod performed in the field using a string to mark them. tandthefrequencyofallfemales (pairedoralone) of The spiders were located on vegetation in a strip of morphyamongthe females atlocationzand period one meter on either side ofthe transectlines. t.The theoretical number (N^j^xyz morphxand y pairs, at location z and period t, was estimated by Spatial distribution ofthe spiders theproductoftheirfrequency(f^^xyz total On the site ofthe 2011 survey, a positional map numberofpairs atlocationz and period t. of)the spiders was constructed on March 22nd for a According to this calculation, the theoretical rectangular area (10 m * 26 m), divided into units of number is the null hypothesis and is the one square meter. Spiders were located and morph number ofmale morph x and female morph y pairs andsexwerenoted.Thepositionofeachindividualor among the males at location z and period t. The eachpairwasenteredintothecomputertodetermine test was done using a distance calculation with two the spatialdistancesbetween the individuals and the methods: the firstbycalculatingthe square distance: type ofdistribution.To do this, a dispersion index I (basedontheindexofFISHER 1922)was calculated (1) ^4= 2x,y,z,t (NobsX,y,z- Nthx,y,z,t)^ based on the map distances: and the second by calculating the absolute value of us^x distance: (1) (2 X=S(i,„^)X/n, (^ 2^)ad=-2^x,y,z,tJIN.obsx,y,z-N,thx,y,z,tIi. wherex- is the numberofindividuals ofmorphi and One hundred thousands simulations were carried s is the numberofdifferentmorphs in allthe nunits out on each distance. For each simulation in every ofthe surveyed area, locationz,ateveryperiodt,the males andfemalesof locationzandperiodtmatedrandomly.Wecalculated (3) the number N ofsimulations in which the distance A test of threshold significance was performed (at a=5%) and compared to the Chi-square table: (p=0.05,df=59)=77.93and2C(p=0.95,df=59)=42.34). Two conditions were then checked: T(number of units (n) -1)>2^ if the distribution is aggregative and T(numberofunits (n) -1)<A^ ifthe distribution is uniform. The type of distribution can provide a clue to the pairing. Ifthe distribution is uniform it means thatpairingis random,but ifthe distribution is aggregativeitsuggeststhatpairingmaynotbe due to chance. Statistical analysis The relationship between the various morph pro- portions for males, females and pairs were analyzed based on the 2008/2010/2011 data. The temporal follow up ofa 2011 population was evaluated using a Monte Carlo method (METROPOLIS &ULAM 1949)specificallyprogrammedforthisstudy.ThenuU hypothesiswas:ateachperiodandeverylocation,the male morph is independent ofhis female partner’s morph. The statistical test employed looks like the Chi-square test ofindependence. It differs from the latter in the following points. The theoretical fre- pqauiersn,cayt(lfo^^ca^tioPnzofamnadlpeermioordpthwaxsanesdtfiemmaatleedmwiotrhpthhye Fia(gBc.)c2om:roCdrhipanhgnsgteo(sftrhionemtytheheaerplroefoftpootbrostetirhovenartoiifgohfnte:m(manolurempb(hAe)sra(onafd,cyam,paöt,lueer,ed productoftheentiremalefrequency(pairedoralone) spidersonthegraph). 54 CGeay,R.Leborgne,A.Pasquet&O.Francois between the random distribution ofthe simulation and the theoretical distributionwas greaterthan the distance between the real distributions observed in the wild and the theoretical distribution. The test’s levelofsignificancewasthenN/lOOOOO.Thedifferent frequencieswere comparedwith a Chi-square test. Results Multi-annual study Ratioofmalesandfemalesofdifferentmorphs The distribution of morphs over the years ap- peared to be the same for the males (Chi-square test,JP=9.66; df=8; p=0.29) but not for the females, Fig.3:Frequenciesofhomomorphand heteromorph pairs(%) which varied everyyear (Chi-square test,J\^=41.14; observedovertheperiod2008-2011 (numberofspiderpairs df=8; p<0.01). Indeed the ratio ofmorphs amongst onthegraph). females fluctuated between 2008-2010 (Chi-square test, 2C=14.57; df=4; p<0.01), 2010 -2011 (Chi- squaretest,2(^=32.17;df=4;p<0.01),and2008-2011 (Chi-square test, 10.28; df=4; p<0.05) (Fig. 2). Proportionofheteromorphandhomomorphpairs ofspiders Over the three years (from 2008 to 2010), the divisionbetweenhomomorphandheteromorphpairs didnotdiffer(Chi-squaretest,J\^=4.22;df=2;p=0.12) (Fig. 3). Furthermore, the Monte Carlo simulations showedthattherewas no significantdifference from a random association ofthe two morphs, based on theirfrequencies in the population (N=100000 runs, square distance (sq): p=0.61; absolute distance (ad): p=0.72). Single breeding season study Proportionofmalesandfemalesofdifferentmorphs The ratios ofmorphs amongthe females did not vary according to the observation dates (Chi-square test, 2C=19.34; df=28; p=0.89). The same pattern was witnessed among the males (Chi-square test, ^=22.56; df=28; p=0.75) (Fig. 4). Proportionofheteromorphandhomomorphpairs Fig.4:Changesovertimeintheproportionoffemale(A)and ofspiders male(B) morphs(numberofspidersonthegraph)duringa The distribution ofthe heteromorph and homo- reproductiveseasonsurveyin2011. morphpairswasindependentofthedate,andthusof Tab.1:Resultsofthesimulationsbydateforthepairsobservedonfieldtransectsandaccordingtotheproportionofeach morph ineach pair. Date ofobservation in 2011 probability 28/03 01/04 06/04 11/04 15/04 20/04 square distance (sq) 0.36 0.48 0.57 0.81 0.094 0.11 absolute distance (ad) 0.36 0.34 0.37 0.72 0.32 0.14 Polymorphisminanorb-weavingspider 55 A 3 1 (from 2008 to 2010). similar resultwas found for the damselflies Ischnuragraellsii (CORDERO 1992), Ceriagrion tenellum (ANDRES et al. 2002), and for Ischnura ramburi (ROBERTSON 1985), where it was observed that males matedwith females atrandom. InAgalenatearedii,malesremainedwithsub-adult or adult females before mating and also some days after (personal observations), as in Zygiella x-notata & (BEL-VENNER VENNER2006).Ourstudyofmale distribution(allmorphstogether)showedanaggrega- tive distribution.This male distributioncouldreflect thepresenceofafemalesignal(pheromones,dragline Fig.5:Proportionofhomomorphand heteromorph pairs(%) cues)usedtolocatethem.However,iftheencounters observed in2011 withthenumberofspidersonthegraph. were at random, these signals would not be specific to morphs. the timewithin the reproductive period (Chi-square Severalhypotheseshavebeenproposedinthelit- test, X^=6.65; df=7; p=0.51) (Fig. 5). Moreover, the eratureto explainthemaintenance ofpolymorphism simulationshowedthattheobservedpairdistribution indifferentspecies.Itcouldbegenetic,suchasinthe accordingtotheproportionofspidersdidnotdiverge spidersEnoplognathaovata(OXFORD 1983,2009)or from a random distribution for all dates (N=100000 Pityohyphantesphrygianus (GUNNARSSON 1987). In runs, square distance (sq): p=0.44; absolute distance this case the preservation ofmorphs that showed a (ad): p=0.28) or for each observation dates (p>0.05) low frequency in the population could be due to an (Tab. 1). effect ofgenetic drift (OXFORD 2005).This did not seem to be the case inAgalenatea redii, because dif- Spatial distribution ofspiders at a site ferentmorphswere maintained overtime and space. The spatial distribution ofall individuals (males Non-selective processes, such as dispersal and and females all morphs together) in the sample site migration (FORD 1975, KIMURA 1983), maycause appeared aggregative (I*(n-1)=85.7). The same was polymorphism. Our studywas conducted on differ- true for the spatial distribution ofthe males (F(n- ent populations separated by several km from each 1)=91.7) although that ofthe females appears to be other.Theywerenotisolatedpopulations.Therewas random (F(n-l)=71.7). a continuum between the different populations, so exchange ofindividuals between study populations Discussion by emigration/immigration processes was possible. This studycarried out a spatio-temporal description However, there is no reason to expect that morphs ofpolymorphismintheorbweavingspider,Agalenatea havedifferentdispersalproperties,andsodifferential redii.Thefirstresultwasthatmorphswerenotequally emigrationisnotlikelytoexplainthemaintenanceof probablewithin apopulation. Indeed one morph (a) polymorphism inAgalenatea redii. predominatedinbothmalesandfemales.Thesecond Another hypothesis is the preference for a male result revealed that morph distribution was stable morph as in the ladybird Harmonia axyridis where over time for males and females, at least during one females showamale morphpreference in relation to reproductive season. The difference of distribution the season (UenO et al. 1998).Therefore, polymor- between the female morphs observed during these phismwouldbetheconsequencesofdirectionalsexual three years could be due to the absence in 2010 of selection that would change with time. In our case particular low frequency morphs. This information the frequencies ofthe morphs remained stable over supported, however, the idea ofthe maintenance of thereproductiveseason,whichmakesthishypothesis polymorphism in this species. unlikely. 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