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U.S.: RESTRICTED . AN 08·10-195 BRITISH: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONt Y Handbook of MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL ANI ARC-5 Aircraft Radio Equipment VOLUME 2 VHF COMPONENTS WIlH RADIO TRANSMITTER r-126/Ar£.5 • FOR U.S. PERSONNEL, NOTICE: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.c., 31 and 3~ as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is p,ohibit.d by law. (AR 380-5) (ARTS 75 1 i2 & 76, U.S.N. REGS-I920) The information contained in restricted documents and the essential characteristics of restricted material will not be communicated to the public or to the press, but may be given to any person known to be in the service of the United States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who are cooperating in Government work. FOR BRITISH PERSONNEL, NOTICE: For Official Use Only-Not to be communicated to anyone outside His Majesty's Service. Not to be published. The information given in this document is not to be, communicated, either directly or indirectly, to the press or to any person not holding an official position in His Majesty's Service. 15 APRIL, 1944 RESTRICTED AN 08-10-195 , ------------*------------ Published under joint au thority of the United States War and Navy Depart ments and the Air Council of the United Kingdom -------------- ------------~ RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AN 011-10-195 UNSATISfACTORY REPORTS FOR U. S. ARMY AIR FORCE PERSONNEL In the event of malfunctioning, unsatisfactory design or unsatisfactory if1.stallation of any of the component units of this equipment, or if the material, contained in this book is considered inadequate or erroneous, an Unsatisfactory Report, AAF Form No. 54 or a report in similar form shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Army Air Force Regulation No. 15-54, listing: 1. Station and organization. 2. Nameplate data (type number or complete nomenclature if nameplate is not attached to the equipment). 3. Date and nature of failure. 4. Airplane model and serial number. 5. Remedy used or proposed to prevent recurrence. 6. Handbook errors or inadequacies, if applicable. FOR U. S. NAVY PERSONNEL Report of failure of any part of this equipment during its guaranteed life shall be made on Form N. Aer. 4112" Report of Unsatisfactory or Defective Material" or a report in similar form, and forwarded in accordance with the latest instruction of the Bureau of Aeronautics. In addition to other distribution required, one copy shall be furnished to the Inspector of Naval Material, 30 Church Street, New York, and the Bureau of Ships. Such reports of failure shall include: 1. Reporting activity. 2. Nameplate data. 3. Date placed in service. 4. Part which failed. 5. Nature and cause of failure. 6. Replacement needed (yes-no). 7. Remedy used or proposed to prevent recurrence. FOR BRITISH PERSONNEL Form 1022 procedure shall be used when reporting failure of radio equipment. RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AN 08-10-195 NOTICE The components of Model AN/ARCS Aircraft Radio Equipment described in this volume are furnished on U. S. Navy contract NXsa-40001. Lots 1 and 2 of this contract correspond to earlier U. S. Army Contracts W-2126-SC-387 (File No. 2808-WF-42) and W-2126-SC-1221 (File No. 7461-WF-43). The name plates of units bearing Army nomenclature show no contract or file number. The name plates of units bearing AN" nomenclature show the Army 11 file number. In no case does the Navy contract number appear on the nameplates of the components described in this text. iv RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AN 08-lO-195 TABLE Of CONTENTS Paragraph Page SECTION I-GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1. Introduction. 1 2. VHF Receiver. ...................................................................... . 4 3. VHF Transmitter. 5 4. VHF Control Units. 6 5. Testing Equipment for VHF. , , .. 12 6. VHF Tube Complement... . ...... . 12 SECTION II-INST AHAT ION AND ADJUSTMENT 1. Initial Inspection aile.: ..Jench Test.. 13 2. Installation. 13 3. Adj ustment .. 15 SECTION iii-OPERATION OF VHF EQUIPMENT 1. Operation of VHF Receiver ..... . 21 2. Qperation of VHF Transmitter .. . 21 3. Switching from One VHF Channel to Another VHF Channel. 21 4. Switching from a VHF Channel to an LF·MF·HF Channel ............. . 21 5. Switching from an LF·lVIF·HF Channel to a VHF Channel. ............................... . 22 6. Turning Off VHF Transmitter .. 22 7. Turning Off VHF Receiver. 22 8. Operating Notes. 22 9. l":mergency Operation, 24 SECTION IV-MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Introduction. 27 2. Radio Receiver R·2S/ ARC·5. 27 3. Radio Transmitter 1'.23/A RC·S ......... . 45 4. Control Unit C·30/ ARC·5 .............................................................. . 50 5. Control Unit ('·42/ ARC-5 ............................................................ . 51 6. Control Unit C·43/ARC·5 .. ' 51 SECTION V-MAINTENANCE 1. Test Equipment ...... . 53 ~ 2. Pre·flight Check .............................. . 63 3. Periodic Inspection .. ......................... . 65 4. Lubrication ...... . 66 5. Replacement of Selector 0·101 in VHF Receiver ..... 68 6. Replacement of Tuning Inductors in VHF Transmitter .............. ..................... . 71 7. Replacement of VHF Transmitter Turrets ............ ........ , .......................... . 71 RESTRICTED v RESTRICTED AN 08-10-195 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'cI) SECTION V-MAINTENANCE (Colli'd) Paragraph Page 8. Maintenance of Motors B-l01, B-250 and B-301 ......................................... . 72 9. Main tenance of Relays. , ........... , ..... , .......................... , ...... , .......... . 73 10. General Servicing Procedure for VHF Components ..... .... , , ....... , .... , ............... . 73 11. Bench Tests with Test Equipment AN/GRM-l .... '" ..................... , ............. . 74 12. D-C Voltage Measurements ....... , ........... ' ..... , ................................. . 76 13. Resistance Measurements ...... , ............... , ....... , ....... , ...................... . 77 14. Alignment and Maintenance-R-F, l-F and A-F .... '. .................................... . 77 15. I-F Alignment and Measurements .................... ' ................................. . 78 16. A~F Measurenlents .. ...... ' ...................... , ................................... . 80 17. R-F Alignment and Measurements, 81 18. Over-all Receiver Measurements. 84 19. Other Tests and l\leasurements ..................................... , ....... , ...... , . , .. . 85 SECTION VI-SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Table I-Audio-Frequency Response Characteristics .. , .................. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Table 2-Frequency Stability Data ...................... , ' ........................ , ...... 87 Table 3-Audio-Frequency Output Power ................. , .... , , ....................... . 87 Table 4-Vacuum Tube Data ... ,., " .. , .. ' ...... ' , .. , .. , .................. , .... , ., .... . 88 SECTION VII-TABLE OF REPLACEABLE PARTS Table 5-Table of Replaceable Parts .. , .. , , , ...... , ........................... , ........ . 89 Table 6-·Table of Screws, Washers and Nuts used in VHF Equipment. .................. '" 160 Table 7-ldentification of Manufacturers ....... , ...... , ...... , ..................... , .. " 167 SECTION VIII-DRAWINGS vi RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AN 011-10-195 !.1ST Of ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. VHF Components of Model AN/ARC-S Aircraft Radio Equipment ........................ . xii 2. VHF and LF-MF-HF Transmitters and Receivers ........................................ . 2 3. VHF Receiver ....................................................................... . 4 4. Block Diagram of VHF Receiver ....................................................... . S 5. VHF Transmitter .................................................................... . 6 6. Control Unit C-30/ ARC-S ............................................................. . 7 7. Control Unit C-30/A RC-S-Schematic Circuit ........................................... . 8 8. Control Unit C-42/ ARC-S ............................................................. . 9 9. Control Unit C-42/ ARC-S-Schematic Circuit. .......................................... . 9 10. Control Unit C-43/ ARCS ............................................................ . 10 11. Control Unit C-43/ARC-5-Schematic Circuit ........................................... . 11 12. Transmitter Rack Selector Plate Wired for VHF Transmitter .............................. . 13 13. VHF Receiver Tuning Controls .......... ........................... , , ........ , ..... , .. ~ 16 14. Selector 0-101 (or O-lOIA) ............................................................ . 26 15. Selector O-lOl-Schematic Circuit. .................................................... . 28 16. Selector O-lOlA-Schematic Circuit .................................................... . 30 17. Selector 0-102 ....................................................................... . 31 18. Selector 0-102-Schematic Circuit. ..................................................... . 32 19. VHF Receiver--Right Side (Showing Selector 0-101) ..................................... . 33 20. VHF Receiver-Right Side (Showing Selector 0-102) ..................................... . 34 21. VHF Receiver-Left Side (Showing Selector 0-101) ...................................... . 33 22. VHF Receiver-Left Side (Showing Selector 0-(02) ...................................... . 36 23. VHF Receiver-Top .................................................................. . 37 24. R-F Amplifier Input-Equivalent Circuit. ............................................... . 38 25. R-F Amplifier Output-Equivalent Circuit .............................................. . 39 26. Detector-Partial Schematic Circuit .................................................... . 40 27. AVC and MVC-Partial Schematic Circuit. ............................................. . 40 28. AVC Rectifier-Partial Schematic Circuit. .............................................. . 41 29. Squelch Rectifier-Partial Schematic Circuit. ............................ , ............... . 42 30. Squelch Amplifier-Partial Schematic Circuit. ........................................... . 42 31. Squelch Amplifier-Equivalent Circuit. ................................................. . 43 32. VHF Transmitter-Left ............................................................... . 4S 33. VHF Transmitter-Top ............................................................... . 46 34. VHF Transmitter-Bottom ............................................................ . 47 35. Sockets X-303 and X-304 ............................................................. . 48 36. Test Equipment IE-35-A .............................................................. . S2 ~. 37. Antenna A-85-A ..................................................................... . 53 38. Indicator I-106-A ................................ '.' .................................. .. S4 39. Indicator 1-106-A-Schematic Circuit. .................................................. . SS 40. Test Unit 1-155-A .................................................................... ,. S6 41. Test Unit l-155-A-Schematic Circuit .................................................. . 57 RESTRICTED vii RESTRICTED AN 08-10-195 liST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Cent'd) Figure Page 42. Tool Kit of Test r<;quipment IE-35-A ................................................... . 57 43. Antenna A-68-A .............. . 58 44. Antenna TS-79/U (A-69-A) ..... . 58 45. I-F Shunting Unit. .... . 59 46. Test Unit I-l04-A. __ ....... . 60 47. Test Unit I-l04-A~Schematic Circuit. 61 48. Test Unit TS-S8!GRM-l·--Schematic Circuit ............................................ . 61 49. Test Unit TS-58/GRM-l ...................... . 62 50. VHF Receiver~Alignment and Test Points ... . 64 51. VHF Receiver~Test Points ......... . 65 52. Replacement of Selector 0-101. ........ '" .' ................................ '" ........ .. 67 53. Replacement of Selector 0-101 (continued) .............................................. . 69 54. Replacement of Selector 0-101 (continued) .. 70 55. VHF Transmitter and Receiver~Dimensions and vVeights ............... ...... " ........ ,. 169 56. VHF' Control Units-Dimensions and \:\.Teights. 171 57. VHF Fittings~Dimensions and Weights .... 173 58. Cabling Diagram~VHF Only ...... . 175 59. Cabling Diagram~LF-MF-HF and VHF .... . 177 60. System Schematic Circuit-VHF Only ..... . 179 61. VHF Receiver with Selector 0-101~Simplified Schematic Circuit .......................... . 181 62. VHF j}eceiver with Selector 0-102-Simplified Schematic Circuit. ......................... . 183 63. VHF Receiver with Selector 0-101A··. .C omplete Schematic Circuit ......................... . 185 64. VHF Receiver with Selector 0-102~Complete Schematic Circuit ........................... . 187 6S. VHF Transmitter~Schematic Circuit ..... . , .............. , , , ..... , .................... . 189 66. Test Equipment AN/GRM-l---Instruction Diagram ...................... ................ . 191 67. Cables for Test Equipment AN/GRM-l. . ............... " ................ '" ........ . 193 68. VHF' Recejver---\~Tiring Diagram of Chassis ......... , ................................... . 195 69. VHF Receiver and Selector 0-101A~Interconnection Wiring Diagram ...................... . 197 70. VHF Receiver and Selector 0-102-Interconnection \\liring Diagram ................ , ...... . 199 71. VHF Receiver-..W iring Diagram of R-F Unit ....................... . 201 72. Selector O-IOIA-Wiring Diagram. . . . . .. . . . ..... .. . ........................... . 203 73. Selector ()-102~Wiring Diagram .... . 204 74. VHF Transmitter~Wiring Diagram ... . 205 75. Control Unit C-30!ARC-5~Wiring Diagram .... 207 76. Control Unit C-42/ ARC-5-·Wiring Diagram .. 208 77. Control Unit C-43/ ARC-S-Wiring Diagram. 209 78. Test Unit 1-155-A-·Wiring Diagram ............ . 210 79. Test Unit I-104-A-..V Jiring Diagram .................................................... . 211 80. Test Unit TS-58!GRM-l ..- Wiring Diagram ............................................. . 21.3 8!. VHF Receiver--Voltage Diagram ...................................................... . 215 82. VHF Transmitter~Voltage Diagram ......... , ...................... , .................. . 217 83. VHF Receiver-Resistance Diagram ,-..... , , ................... , ................. ....... . 219 84. VHF TI'ansmitter~Resistance Diagram. " ............ , . , .......................... , , ... . 221 viii RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AN 08-10-195 THE DYNAMOTOR ON THE MODULATOR OF THIS EQUIPMENT GENERATES 600 VOLTS D-C. THIS IS SUFFICIENT TO CAUSE SE VERE SHOCK, OR EVEN DEATH. MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT THE DYNAMOTOR IS NOT RUNNING BEFORE MAKING ANY ADJUSTMENT WHATEVER EXCEPT TUNING THE TRANSMITTERS. Removing the tube cover of the modulator exposes the high voltage plate con nections to the top caps of Tubes JAN-162S. This cover should be safety-wired in place at the time of installation. Removing the top cover on Radio Transmitter T-23/ ARC-S exposes many high voltage connections. The high voltage from the dynamotor also appears on the test jack on the front of this radio transmitter; this hazard should be avoided by stopping the dynamotor whenever the cap is removed from this jack. Do not attempt to connect or disconnect a transmitter or a power plug while the dynamotor is running. Do not depend upon hearing the dyna~ motor or upon observing the several switch positions to determine whether the dynamotor is running----feel it. FIRE: If the radio compartment has been exposed to gasoline vapor, make cer tain that it is aired out well before turning on the power. The dynamotor on the receiver generates 250 volts d-c. The danger of exposure to this voltage must not be ignored. l\iJake certain that all dynamotors are off before performing any adjustment to the equipment other than those accessible at the front of the receiver. THE ATTENTION OF OFFICERS AND OPERATING PERSONNEL IS DIRECTED TO U. S. NAVY BUREAU OF ENGINEERING CIRCULAR LETTER NO. Sa OF 3 OCTOBER, 1934, OR SUBSEQUENT REVISIONS THEREOF ON THE SUBJECT OF" RADIO-SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED." RESTRICTED ;x RESTRICTED AN 08-10-195 DES'I'IU.lC'I'ION Of ABANDONED MATERIAL IN THE COMBAT ZONE In case it should become necessary to prevent the capture of this equipment, or when ordered to do so, DESTROY IT SO THAT NO PART OF IT CAN BE SALVAGED, RECOGNIZED OR USED BY THE ENEMY. BURN ALL PAPERS AND BOOKS. MEANS:- 1. Explosives, when provided. 2. Hammers, axes, sledges, or whatever heavy objects are readily available. 3. Burning by means of incendiaries, such as gasoline, oil, paper or wood. 4. Grenades and shots from available arms. 5. \\lhere possi.bIe, and time permits, bury all debris or dispose of it in streams or other bodies of water. PROCEDURE:- 1. Obliterate all identifying marks. Destroy nameplates and circuit labels. 2. Demolish all panels, castings, switch- and instrument-boards. 3. Destroy all controls, switches, relays, connecting means, and meters. 4. Rip out all wiring in electrical equipment. Smash gas, oil and cooling sys- tems in gas engine generators, etc. 5. Smash every electrical or mechanical part whether rotating, moving or fixed. 6. Break up all operating instruments such as keys, headsets, microphones, etc. 7. Destroy all classes of carrying cases, straps, containers, etc. x RESTRICTED

SECTION II-INST AHA TION AND ADJUSTMENT . Transmitter Rack Selector Plate Wired for VHF Transmitter . Smash gas, oil and cooling sys-.
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