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Factors Affecting Teaching EFL Classes: A Case Study of Secondary Schools, EL-Hassahiesa Locality, Gezira State, Sudan Mahasin Ali Muhammed Ahmed March / 2017 Factors Affecting Teaching EFL Classes: A Case Study of Secondary Schools, EL-Hassahiesa Locality, Gezira State, Sudan Mahasin Ali Muhammed Ahmed Submitted to the University of Gezira in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Art in English Language Teaching (ELT) Department of foreign language Faculty of Education Sciences –AL- kamleen March/ 2017 Factors Affecting Teaching EFL Classes: A Case Study of Secondary Schools, EL-Hassahiesa Locality, Gezira State, Sudan Mahasin Ali Muhammed Ahmed Supervision Committee: Name Position Signature Dr. Abdul Gadir Muhammad Ali Main Supervisor …………………… Dr. . Elhaj Alia Adam Co-Supervisor …………………… Date, 2017 Factors Affecting Teaching EFL Classes: A Case Study of Secondary Schools, EL-Hassahiesa Locality, Gezira State, Sudan Mahasin Ali Muhammed Ahmed Examination Committee: Name Position Signature Dr. Abdul Gadir Muhammad Ali Chairperson ...………………… Dr. Mubarak Alsiddig Saeed Internal Examiner ……………. Dr. shawgi Abd Albage Musa External Examiner …………… Date of Examination: 22 / 1 /2017 Dedication To soul of my mother, father, husband To my family Acknowledgements Thanks and praise be to Allah and prayer and peace be upon Prophet Mohammed. Thank are also extended to those who give me a helping hand. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Abdul Gadir Muhammad Ali for his great help, encouragement, useful comments and generous assistance without which this work would not have been possible. My thanks are also all English staff members at Elkamleen faculty of Education Sciences, University of Gezira and to my colleagues. Factors Affecting Teaching EFL Classes: A Case Study of Secondary Schools, EL-Hassahiesa Locality, Gezira State, Sudan Mahasin Ali Muhammed Ahmed Abstract Language has a great role in helping beginners to develop their communicative abilities through using the language in several teaching techniques. This study aims to investigate the factors that hinder effective English teaching in secondary school, provide Sudanese EFT learners with adequate knowledge of the factors in habiting effective English teaching and learning in secondary school. Draw the secondary school teachers‟ attention to manage crowded classes. The study adopted the descriptive analytic method. The data for the study were collected by means of questionnaire which was distributed to (50) teachers in El- Hassahiesa secondary schools students . The data were analyzed by the (SPSS) programme. The result of the analyses, some teacher may not concern with preparation. Lack of audio-visual aids complicate the understanding of English, School environment has an important role in developing students willingness to learn English, students of secondary schools are not motivated by their teachers to English learning. Therefore according to the findings the study recommends that teachers should be encouraged to use modern method in their teaching process. The ministry of education should try to find solutions of over-crowded classes and lessen the number of students in classes, Teacher should give students more time to communicate better. لوصفلا لخاد ةيزيلجنلاا ةغللا سيرذت قوعت يتلا لماوعلا ىادْظلا ،حزيشجلا خيلاّ،بصيحبصحلا خيلحه ،خيًْبثلا صراذولا خلبح خطارد ذمحا ذمحم يلع نساحم ثحبلا صخلم تيلبطأ ماذخزطا للاخ يه خيلصاْزلا نِرارذل زيْطرّ ييئذزجولا حذعبظه يف زيجك رّد بِل خغللا ،خغللا نلعر قْعر يزلا لهاْعلا يلع فزعزلا يلإ خطارذلا ٍذُ فذِرّ .حدذعزولا ضيرذزلا خطارذلا ذٌجر .خوحدشولا لْصفلا حرادلإ خيًْبثلا صراذولا يف ييولعولا ٍبجزًا ذفل خيشيلجًلاا يلع ذعسّّ ًَبجزطا كيزط يع خطارذلا لْح دبهْلعولا ذعوج ذلّ .يليلحزلا يفصْلا جٌِولا مشحلا جهبًزث كيزط يع دبًبيجلا كلر ليلحر نر بصيحبصحلبث خيًْبثلا صراذولبث بولعه ييظوخ ،ييولعولا ضعث مبوزُا مذع ،ليلحزلا خجيزً ذًبكّ .(SPSS(خيعبوزجلاا مْلعلل خيئبصحلإا خيوٌر يف مبُ رّد بِل خيطرذولا خئيجلا ـخغللا نِف كيعر خيزصجلاّ خيعوظلا لئبطْلا خلل زيضحزلبث نيلعزل نِيولعه لجل يه تلبطلا شيفحرّ عيجشر خلل ـ خيشيلجًلاا خغللا نيلعر يف ةلاطلا دارذل خثيذحلا دبيجٌِولا ماذخزطبث ييولعولا عيجشزث ذصّأ خطارذلا جئبزٌلا ٍذُ ءْض يلعّ .خغللا ةلاطلا دذع ليلمرّ خوحدشولا لْصفلل لْلح ذجر ىأ لّبحر خيثززلا حراسّ .ضيرذزلا خيلوع يف لضفأ لبصرلا بيفبك بزلّ ةلاطلا يطعي ىأ تجي نلعولا ـ لْصفلا يف Table of Contents No Subject Page 1 Dedication i 2 Acknowledgements ii 3 Abstract (English) iii 4 Abstract (Arabic) iv 5 Table of Contents v 6 List of Tables viii CHAPTER ON: INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background 1 1.1 Statement of the Problem 2 1.2 Objectives of the Study 2 1.3 Questions of the Study 3 1.4 Hypotheses f the Study 4 1.5 Significance of the Study 4 1.6 Research Methodology 4 1.7 Limitation of The Study 5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATUREB REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Definition of Classroom 6 2.3 The Importance of Suitable of Class Size 7 2.4 The Teaching Process 11 2.5 Embracing ELL Students as an Integral Part of the School or 13 District 2.6 Over- And Underestimations of ELL's Abilities 16 2.7 Teaching Approaches and Methods 17 2.8 Seating Arrangement 18 2.9 Classroom and Teaching Resources 18 2.10 Teaching Large Classes 23 2.11 Previous Studies 25 CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology 3.0 Introduction 26 3.1 The population of the Study 26 3.2 Sample of the Study 26 3.3 Tool of the Study 26 3.4 The Procedures 27 3.5 Reliability and Validity of the Questionnaire CHAPTER FOUR:DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.0 Introduction 29 4.1 Testing of Hypotheses 49 Chapter Five: Conclusion, Findings and Recommendations 5.0 Introduction 50 5.1 Conclusion 50 5.2 Findings 50 5.3 Recommendations 51 References 52 Appendixes 56

Mahasin Ali Muhammed Ahmed. March / 2017 .. the most senior people in an 'organization'. Ordinary Students become faces instead of people. ii.
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