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Maharashtra Gazette, 2020-01-28, Extra - Ordinary, Part -1 L PDF

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Preview Maharashtra Gazette, 2020-01-28, Extra - Ordinary, Part -1 L

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No. UWA. 2019/C.R.530/LAB-5.—Whereas, the Government of Maharashtra has vide Government Notification, Industries, Energy and Labour Department, No. UWA. 2018/C.R. 919/LAB-5, dated the 11th January 2019, constituted one man board for the Pune Mathadi, Hamal and Other Manual Workers Board in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6A of the Maharashtra Mathadi Hamal and Other Manual Workers (Regulation of Employment and Welfare) Act, 1969 (Mah. XXX of 1969) (hereinafter referred to as “ the said Act”) and appointed Shri C. B. Jagtap, Assistant Commissioner of Labour as Chairman of the Board; And whereas, the Government of Maharashtra has decided to appoint Shri Chandrakant Ankush Raut as Chairman of the Board in place of Shr C. B. Jagtap, Assistant Commissioner of Labour. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6A of the said Act, the Government of Maharashtra hereby amends the Government Notification, Industries, Energy and Labour Department, No. UWA.2018/C.R.919/Lab-5, dated the 11th January 2019, as follows:— In the Government Notification, Industries Energy and Labour Department, No. UWA.2018/C.R.919/ Lab-5, dated the 11th January 2019, for existing entry, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:— Pune Mathadi, Hamal and Shri Chandrakant Ankush Raut 14th August 2019 Other Manual Workers. By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra, SANJAY KALBHOR, Section Officer. ON BEHALF OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATION, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY DIRECTOR, RUPENDRA DINESH MORE, PRINTED AT GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS, 21-A, NETAJI SUBHASH ROAD, CHARNI ROAD, MUMBAI 400 004 AND PUBLISHED AT DIRECTORATE OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATIONS, 21-A, NETAJI SUBHASH ROAD, CHARNI ROAD, MUMBAI 400 004. EDITOR : DIRECTOR, RUPENDRA DINESH MORE.

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