RilN, VAKBLL20¢202704 ‘vr daps maharasha.govin AERTS ART MATT art wate fart yeacht abu. -3] Tee TG, SEMA, Be, BEN Jah Re BT, EH, oa ofnga wear remftrar aisrrgt ater fot, tase gefaogs wg AAEM AE AML AH, BEL ot Nine cera igae Hl af Het ape, Bea gear ote aR aa ake wed A age Form ete «TATA yo © arin ta eas ‘ ier 9 at 2 Fea la ane ai e618 Pag A ftir as eon wah ot ea ae singed i aa wet), ORDER No. NPPIDesk-5 (@xW8-91:2018.— In exeruise of the powers vestedin ie under sub-section (A) (4) of Section-51 of Waharashtra Municipal Councils. Nagatpanchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1955, |, Dr Malinath Kalshett, Collectcr, Nardurbar hereby publish the navne of the person, who has been celared olectod for five yoa's poried as a Vviee-Prosident of tha Municizal Council, Nandurbar, district Nandu’bar from Municipal Counci shown against her name in tha election held on 1tJanuary 2010, Annexure Name ofthe Vice-Presitent elected Name of Municipal Counc 1 2 More Shebhatai Dilip Nondurbar Munisipal Counel, Nandurbar distict Nancuroar Dr. MALLINATH KALSHETTI, Nanda, 10th January 2018, CCallector, Nandurbar, tome. io 2 ange a gat Rea al, a 68, eae Fle He a ate DATES 4 GMP gavgene, | SCRE Tete, service = sete st orc, 29.0 aE (Te ere, IT Sara coe oder © PgR AE, doy Se TM TOT alors ott Mi a Aue Pee de, Rivero Oh igeate a gectgr? ad teks pee 8, dganny eis aR frre prong orden Sp Ee TF creer sation cats wa ra ORDER No. NBbDesk-s (3)ONS-312018— Maharashtra Municipal Councis and Vagarpanchayets and Industial Townships Act, 1965, Section 51 (8) in exercise of the cowers vested in me under rule of Maharashtra Municipal Gcuncils and Nagarpanchayais (Cuslification and Appointments cf Nominated Councilors) Rule, 2019, |, Dr. Malinath Kalshetl, Collector, Na1duubar hereby publish te name of persons. who has baen daclared as Nariratad Coundil’s of tre Municizal Counc, Nandurbar, istic: NancLraar in Special meating held on 1st January 2078 Annexure Name of the Nominatec Name of Municipal Council ‘Councilors declared 1 2 ‘Sonavane Hamiesh Bhagwan Naneursar Mune pal Coune:, Nandutbar slistict Nandlurbar kKaziTam jodd n Habibodin Nancursar Munic pal Couret , Nandurbar slistct Nandurber Marathe Aun Rameae Nancursar Munic pal Counc! , Nandurbar distiet Nandurbar Mali Nilesh Shriram Nancurasr Munic pal Counci, Nandurbar sister Nandlurber Dr. MALLINATH KALSHETTI, Callaetor, Nandu-bar, Nanduar 10th January 2018 ange a gat Rea al, a 68, eae Fle He a Fy ate nr TTIESAY yim efgone, | SEE Trebor te ae PEM, et AP ago wo rare fe fem ron, Sear eTeTgTE a8 cree we wh NE pan adsn ioe © areal 295 Col Quai a soot ABET FR SA ell tC AL A aR frre peor anton Pra TE sores oT anes ngs eaten, anys Fave ‘ot terre aan, gees, asa asi, ste ORDER No, NPPiDesk-5 (3VW/S-3212018.— In exercise of the powers vestedin me under sub-section (8) (4) cof Saction-£1 of Waharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagampanchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1985. |, Dr Malinath Kalsneth, Collecter, Nardurtar hereby publish the name ot the person, who has been ‘ceclared elected “or five years pe'iod as & Vice-President of the Municipal Council. Navapur. district Nandurbar from Municipal Counei shown against her name in the election held on 1st January 2018. Annexure Name ofthe Vieo-Prasident elactad Name of Municipal Counci 1 2 BalesariyssAyub Mshmmad Navapur Municipal Council, Navapur, distict Nancurser, Dr. MALLINATH KALSHETTI, Nanda, 10th January 2018, Callaetor, Nandu-bar, ander ar STE ARE (gem -yitone.— TerenE rar, seer = tee ret STP, oy IT Se Mi pe sein ey er Rg, hong aD AMHR, sean sb AyOeH PE, to SA A ache CAE Sr DT CRA, PCS, PST ETS vo a ee SE TPE TT TT wearer fe finer arte FE or SH Te wR fre rare en ipa TH sre Tag ee A, es act, ¥ ange a gat Rea al, a 68, eae Fle He a ORDER No. NPP:Desk-S (8)°NS-$22618— Maharashtra Municipal Councils and Vagamenchayets and Industial Townships Act, 1985, Section §1 (B} in exercise of the 2owers vested in me under rule of Maharashtra Muricipal Ccuncils and Naga panchayats (Qualification and Appointments cf Nominated Caunetlore) Rule, 2013, |, Dr Malinarh Kalsheth, Collector, Naiaurbar hereby publish tre name at persons. who has heen declared ss Nominated Councilors o* the Municipal Counell, Navapur,cistrct Nardurbsr in Special reeirg held on 1st Januery 2018 Annexure Nama ofthe Nominated Councilors declared Name of Municipal Counci 7 2 Grandalani Bart ndernal Novapur Municipal Couns, Navap." sialic Nanclurbar. ‘Agrawal Yash Sunil Navapur Municipal Counc, Navap. alistit Nanclurbar. De MALLIVATH KALSHETT, Collector, Nancurbar Nancurbar, 10th January 2018, arker ote vunron go pio. me HaHa andl ae oat an, ar a stn Needs deaitan jana, & Rael poe oan, “geen dicta oid eed A ae nade ior © areal Za Coll oat sot ABs Rw Ra ol Me tes Tre oe eal tte Hs aoa te: ald Ie, uBR Fe pean adie tis raed sian 41 rr 112844, atte. Blow = ge a, ots ld, igor. ee acu HaciPen, igee ORDER No, NPP:Cesk-5 (3VW/S-3312018.— In exercise of the powers vestedin re under sub-section (8! (4) of Section-51 of Maharashtra Municipal Corals, Nagarpanchayats and Industrial Toanships Act, 1965. | Dr Mallat Kalshetti, Collector. Nandfoar hereby oublis7 the name of perscr, who has been declared lected fore years poriad asa Viee-Prosident ofthe Muriejpal Counel, Taloda clstricl Navdurbar from Municipal Counel showin againal her name ir the election held on 1st January 2078, Annexure Name ofthe Viee-President elected Name of Municipal Counc 4 2 Shot dhary Bhagyashri Yogesh Taloda Munisizal Council, Taloda. distict Nancuroar. Dr. MALLINATH KALSHETTI, Nandtubar, 40th January 2018, Collector, Nandutar, ange a gat Rea al, a 68, eae Fle He a 4 ate TATE TTT 4 GM vargene, | SCRE Tee, sere = seine set orc, « "oP TTR FTC, FIT Sn sere ocr © fT prem caloisiga eo, of MPIPL bate, BeBe «gear NEE ten ils lil ear 1 eulQacoa os aR frre prong orden Sp Ee TF creer Heat gover rouble, saat Swe Fg, eH ORDER No, NPP:Desk-& (3)AWS-34:2018— Maharashtra Municipal Councils and Nagamanchayats and Indusinal townships Act, 1985, Secon 67 (4) 1n exercise oF the Bowers vested Mme under rule of Maharashtra Municipal Councils snd Nagarpanchayats (Qualification and Appointments of Nominated Councillors) Rule, 2010. | Dr Malinath Kalsheti, Colect, Nandurbarhereby publish the name of persone, who hes been declared as Nominated Councilors of fre Municipal Gouncil. Taloda, distict Nandurear in Special Meeting hald on 1st January 2018. Annexure Mame of the Nominatec Name of Municipal Council ‘Councilors declared 1 2 Magare Halal Pur. shottam Talcea Municipal Council, Taloda, distiet Handurbar ‘Suryavershitendra Leaman Taloca Municipal Council, Taloda. sister Nandlurber. Dr. MALLINATH KALSHETTI, Nanda, 10th January 2018, Callaetor, Nandu-bar, yea ertordl ofan aire pata Carmaliiaees, Bee baer Roe 4 etd ages rer FEN CTAB TE TH, Fh Re a 24g se ea He ao RE ae Sar TE, aster teat Dela 9%, ALI ota Stet vit, a5 Fed se ine fee