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RNI Ne. MAHBIL/2012748493 Regn. No, PCEIO66/2019-16 ‘yewwedlgps.maharashtra.govin. fi AERTS TA WTA ArT Ve-gey faut qeaeht beg oie] ome rere adh «48, go fe ay», ee [yet ee URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032 Dated 7th January 2018 Tha Manarashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, $968 Notification No, TPS-2 115/417i03-86-A*15AID-15.-Wheraas, the Ichalkaranl Municipal Counel (Dist: Kolahpuri {hercinefter ferred toas "the said Planning Author ty") boing the Planning Authority within ts Jurisdiction Underclause (28) of Secon 2of the Maharashtra Recionaland Town PlanningAct, 1986 ‘Maarashira Act No 200.VIof 1986} :heveinafer refered to ‘the said Act’ vide its Resolution No, 85, dated the 16th Apa 2002 has declared its intention under Section 38 read with sub-section (1) of Section 28 ofthe said Act to prepare Draft Developmert Plan {Second Revision) for the Municipal its of che Ichalkaranji Muricipal Council end Notice o* suc declaration was published on Page 1395 in the Maharashtra Goverment Gazette, Pune Division Supplement, Parl, dated 11th .uly 2002 and wihareas, the seid Planning Authority has appointed tie Town Planning Officer by its Ordar dated 01h. uly 2008, Aft catying oul S.'vay ofthe ents arwa for which, interlian is declares required unde ‘Section 25 of the cad Act, the Town Plaming Officer has prapared tha Draft Development Plan (Second Revision) and submitted tto 12 s2id Planning Auth ity for publication under sub-section (tho Section 28 ofthe said Act fo" further action and whereas, the said Planning Authority published a Notice u-er sub-section (2) of Section 26 of the said Act regarding preparation ofthe Draft Jevelopment Plan (Second Zevisia7} af the Ichalkarni Municipal Caunel in the Mahavashta Governrrent Gazette, Pune Division Supplement, Part, Supplement Hated 31 Neeamet 778 on Pages 4387-4988 far inv ting Objections anid Suggastians te the published Draft Jevelopment Pian (Second Revision) cf tha lehal<aranjiMunicipa Council (heteinafia: referred to as "the said Drat Davelopmant an’) ‘and whereas, after considering ‘he Suggestions and Objections received in respact of the eaid Draft Develcpment Plan, the Planning Committee, set uo under Section 28 (2) ofthe said Act, submited its Reportto te said Planning Authavity “ eres te yay glen 2 are mere wore felted greed ye, Fr a8, GoM ee aH oH, EI ‘and whereas, the said Planring Authoiy vice ts Resolution No. 324, dated 20th December 2010 has mace certair Madifications n the said Draft Cevelopment Plan under sub-section (4) of Section 2R of the ssid Act and decided to subritthe Craft Development Pian tothe Govemment under Section 30 of the szid Bo: ‘and whereas, ha said Planing Authority before submitting '1@ Dra Daveloprnant Plan under Saction 30 oftha said Actto the Gavemiment, published the said Draft Development Plan samadifad for information of he Public nneer sub-section /4} of Section 28 of the sa Act by a Novice published ithe Maharashtra Govemment. Gazetie, Pune Division Supple nent. Part, dsted 3rd January 2011 an Pages 61-82: andwhereas, after folowing all the legal provision in accordance with the said Act. he said Planning ‘A.thariyhas euerited tha said raft evelopment Plan undar Sacton 80 oftha said, tothe Gewemmant (of MaFaras tra for sanction vide its Marathi letter Ne, oo TUB/avow'2o9, dated 26th May 2011 ‘and whereas, Govemment of Manarashira has panly sanctioned the said Draft Development Plan vido Notification No, TPS-21111352!CR-19/12:0.P, Sanetionl.D-13, dated 24th May 2072, axclucing tha substantial Mod#eations which were published a8 LH-1 to K-80 (heranatter referred 1a ag “the said Excluded Part’ or inviting Suggestions andéor Objections from the genersl public vide Notice Ne. 2111 1352:CR-19:121E.P. Publis YUD-13. dated 24th May 2012, wh ch was publisted in the Maharashira Governrent Gazette Pune D vision Supplemen:, Part, dated 24th Way 2012 on Pages 1 to 31 andthe Joint Dirsetar of Town Planning, Puna Divsion, Pune was appointed as the Cicer to give hearing and subnithis Repertto the Govainnient (hereinattar referred to as "tha said Cfficar and whereas the said Office” after giving heering in respect of the Suggestions andor Jhjections received from the general public, regarding the said =xckided Parts has submitted his Report :0 the Government vide letter dated &th January 20°5 and whoreas, in accordance with the amenced provision cf Section 31 (1) cf the sale Act vide Maharashtra Act No, 100K I of 2014. which has come into farce with affact from 4h Cetobar 2013, tha ‘Srate Goverurant is reeuiied ta Sanetion the said Fxcluded Part withinone year, Fon the dle oF reap of tre Report from the sald Cicer. Now -herefore. in exercise of tre powers conferred by sub-section (15 of Section 31 of the said ct ‘and all tre other powers enabling fin that bavalf, the Govamment of Maharashtra after consulting the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune heraby— (2) Sanctions ihe sa1e Excluded Part Nas. KH to and / te aU ot (excising =H. No.8) substentel nature with regard za she said Development Pian (Second Revision) ofthe Ichalkarani Muticipal Counc | ‘as specif edin the Schedule ‘A appended here: {b) fixes the date ofimplernantat onas the date onwhich the Nalfcation sarctioningthe said excluded Parl EP No. 1 lo S and 7 lo @0 of ths Develasment Plan (Sucond Revision) ofthe Ichalkaranji Municipal Council appearsd inthe Mianarastita Gavemment Garett (©) Notice in wepect ofthe 2xc uded Part No. 6 (New REP-1) is “epublished vise Urban Development Department's Net ce No, TPS-2115417/CR-S6-By 151UD-13, dated 7th January 2018, as specified in the ‘Schedule "B’ appendedhereto. Copy of the Plan showng the aforasaid =xcluded Part No. 1 10 8, 70 80 ae sanctioned by tha Stata Governrent shall ba kept open for inspaction by the ganeral public during watking havrs fa" a periad of ‘One year inthe office ofthe Iehalkerany Munic pal Counei <DistictKolhapurjon ell work ng days: This Notication shallalsa be made available an she Goverment website wonwmaharashtra,gov.in eres ton, aw sa pes tay a = ge TC EE TEM TTA ‘veld uo UNa4s Se uz jenuepsey ul pepnpur siepun ‘teu Pue| PLE 2319)99 S1Epr, ON aS, aa ‘Ueld UO UNOS SE ‘uez renusprsoy ut papnputs1sapun 4194, PUR PU pave ap $1 JE%L ON AUS oda veg uo ustoys $e SLNOUF ele $e paBLEUD 51 BZ/L “ON ati Je LoyeuBiseq 2a PaBusyo st 7, oN ays 10 uoREUBISSG bua 08) PY dL PUE'Y VEU 40 (1) 18 uoIse5 Jepun suoneAMpONL Tenuzjsang peusiand uo quauLares aut £4 UsyeL UO!sEG ‘Oe unas Led pamULgns Jed se psuoqauzs aq a] pasedoig ‘Oe unas ued pamuLgns sed se pauijauss aq a pasedolg punoaBhajg se paBuayoeqo1pasod oid 62:1 ON ails Jo uageUbiseq '9¢ uoNpas Japun ueid ReneS Jed se pauoqause aq a) pasedos. ’ 995) PY dL pUS feu: J0 (1 1S 49965 Jepun qwaUUISADS fq paystiang SuOy2Dy}pOW EHUEISAS, Voz EUEPIEeY uy popniou! sopun su04i pucy pue Pajajep aq oi pasodaud st gp: ON 3S ow Woz jewuspIsay uy popniou! sopun su041 pucy pue Pajajep aq oi pasodaudst e/1 ON 3S on puncibfeig se eGusue ézii “ON ais Jo UONBUE IEC erly eveuaieg 9q ileus Auouny ajeudo.ddy ove punibkelg se aGLeUs J/) ON aug Jo UOREUBISag eae) e foo yd L pus 'd Wen og uenees Jepun uejg pan iuans ue 6z uoseg Jopun pausiand sed se sjesodore uneuBkeld SLaip UO) etl ON US uneuBke|d Lip UO) Zeb DN US ‘aquag furddoys, pue 1991611 sIce19 “Ben “pz/L "ON SIS spies) JePUN “LiL ON alls eel PY wives wow sepun Jed 6b syesodalc (102 Avenuer wiz peed *CL-ONSLY-B6-NONELYMELIZ-Sal “ON UORESUNON WsULIENED of pepLedde) 386) ‘Lov ONINNYT NMOL GNY TWHOIDSY VALHSvevHYW JO (1) 10 SIT] INAWNYIAO® Aa GSNOILONYS SNOLIVAISIGOW TWLNVESENS {uoisisay puooeg) lfuerEy|eyo| Jo UBid yuawidoranaq vesmnaaHos: peda waa baa aaa ac se peu a RT OT — ge Te TEM TTA 4 lusiq 49 unos ve Ue Krabi DH ag 40] amasat PU pELIED! a 211 ON SUS eUIBO, Yt JO puIE| @UL 10 UOHod Wed Cy} orga big uo urnays se puncsBicig pu jo0u98 YO $2 uoNeUBIS|q UI SCUEUS UP POUIE}D. 81 pL. -ON BIS oad ‘Ubi UO UMOYS BE 5.189.08% woo] Jamoq Jo uoNeIigeyeX Pug seoimeg pus erg se aGusyo s1S/I ON aS J0 UoRBUBIS2g awa 100 YS Se UERIES.11'ON SUS Se POUIEIE! ] UONERIES PIES OULD ave Buutewa pe 2u07 feNLBa soy apnyau BLE -/ "Oh, aS UOY pata 5] uesauqung Japun pe7usINBas UST ma el UO UROUS Se L “ON ef se payew 51 yoi4m gioz Juenuer We palep “gL-ONISHT-as-UVELy 151-2 SAL ON SOHON TUSUIWIaAOD ain Aq peusiianda si 43 SUL petsand ayposye) 0] uoNDUES ous ‘Ueld Uo Loos 32 By84 PLE] PLE DBIAIEP S'SPrL ON AIS saa paTeIap AA OI SL NMEYBUS Te Kren Buysxs_uo Ayounne Bunuerd kK pesodoud ays eau au. punoi®elg Jo} pauieres st 211 “ON yorae Jay pu Mey Keble 404 pessese! aq 01 PesccOIS 5! 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