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Preview Maharashtra, 2014-01-09, Part two (Sankirn)

RNI No. MAHBIL/2009/35827 Reg. No. MH/MR/South-340/2014-16 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ ´É¹É Ç5, +EÆ ò 46] MÉ¯Ö û´ÉÉ®ú iÉ ä ¤ÉvÖ É´ÉÉ®,ú VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{Éɹè É 19-25, ¶ÉEòä 1935 [{ɹÞ`öä 16, ËEò¨ÉiÉ : ¯û{ÉªÉ ä15.00 |ÉÉÊvÉEÞòiÉ |ÉEòɶÉxÉ ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ ÊVɱ½þÉÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, ¤ÉÖ±Éb÷ÉhÉÉ JÉɨÉMÉÉÆ´É xÉMÉ®ú{ÉÊ®ú¹Énù, JÉɨÉMÉÉÆ´É, ÊVɱ½þÉ ¤ÉÖ±Éb÷ÉhÉÉ +ÊvɺÉÚSÉxÉÉ Gò¨ÉÉÆEò EòÉÊ´É/EòIÉ 9(2) 5/xÉ{ÉÉ|É/613/13 (Eò±É¨É 323(1) ´É Eò±É¨É 80 (+ɪÉ) +ÉÊhÉ 322 (2) +x´ÉªÉäSÉä) ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ xÉMÉ®ú {ÉÊ®ú¹ÉnùÉ, xÉMÉ®ú {ÉÆSÉɪÉiÉÒ ´É +ÉètÉäÊMÉEò xÉMÉ®úÒ +ÊvÉÊxɪɨÉ, 1965 (1965 SÉÉ ¨É½þÉ. 40) ªÉÉÆSªÉÉ Eò±É¨É 323, {ÉÉä]õ-Eò±É¨É (1) ´É Eò±É¨É 80, JÉÆb÷ (BEò) ´É Eò±É¨É 322, {ÉÉä]õ-Eò±É¨É (2) +x´ÉªÉä |ÉnùÉxÉ Eò®úhªÉÉiÉ +ɱÉ䱪ÉÉ ¶ÉCiÉÒSÉÉ ´ÉÉ{É®ú Eò°üxÉ, ªÉÉuùÉ®äú, xÉMÉ®ú {ÉÊ®ú¹Énù Eò¨ÉÇSÉÉ ªÉÉÆxÉÉ MÉhÉ´Éä¶É {ÉÖ®úÊ´ÉhÉä ¤ÉɤÉiÉSªÉÉ ºÉxÉ 2010 SªÉÉ +Énù¶ÉÇ ={ÉÊ´ÉvÉÒ ¨ÉvÉÒ±É {ÉÊ®úSUäônù Gò. 3, 4 ´É 11 ªÉÉ {ÉÊ®úSUäônùɨÉvªÉä JÉɱÉÒ±É|ɨÉÉhÉä nÖù¯ûºiÉÒ Eò®úhªÉÉiÉ +ɱÉÒ +ɽäþ :---- +. 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ÊVɱ½þÉ {ÉÊ®ú¹Énù, xÉÉnÆ ùäb÷. ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, 3 MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 BEFORE THE EXECUTING COURT OF THE SPECIAL RECOVERY AND SALES OFFICER GBCB House, 89, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai 400 002 No. GBCB/SAD/MPK/SPS/3291/2013 Urgent of Public Interest In the matter of Term Loan of Rs. 81.00 Lacs and Rs. 29.50 Lacs availed since March, 2001 by under mentioned noticees of Pvt. Ltd. entity and Partnership firm respectively and in the matter of disquieting neglect and failure in redemption thereof for interminable period and in the matter execution of recovery proceedings in R. C. Cases No. 779 of 2003 and 777 of 2003 under section 156 of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 and Rule 107 of the Maharashtra Co operative Rules, 1961, as Arrears of Land Revenue of Government of Maharashtra. The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd. . . Decree Holder Bank (Scheduled Co-operative Bank). Versus 1. M/s. Priyadarshani Estate Developers Pvt. Ltd. . . Judgment Debtor B-102, Gokul Arcade, Subhash Road, Vile Parle (E.), Mumbai. Directors / Guarantors (i) Mr. Shashikant Sakharam Dalvi, . . Judgment Debtor 502, Shakti Apartment, Sahakar Road, Claim of Rs. Jogeshwari (W.), Mumbai 400 102. 1,12,27,823.26 with further interest @ 16 % p.a. from 1st Flat No. 4, Ground Floor, September 2013 Vivek Kamal Co-op. Housing Society Ltd., plus cost of 214-A, Kamal Kunj, Erla Bridge, S. V. Road, proceedings. Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400 058. (ii) Mr. Satish Sitaram Shetye, . . Judgment Debtor (a) 501 /D, Ajit Nagar, J. B. Nagar, Claim Rs.6,71,973 Andheri (E.), Mumbai 400 059. with further interest (b) Room No.38, B.D.D. Chawl No. 11, @ 16 % p.a. from 1st September 2013 Worli, Mumbai. plus cost of (c) 36/850, Adarsh Nagar, Worli, proceedings. Mumbai 400 25. (iii) Mr. Kashinath Laxman Rawool, . . Judgment Debtor Flat No. B-104, Padmaja Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., Seven Bungalow, Versova, Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400 061. (iv) Mr. Sambaiah Ramloo Dantal, . . Judgment Debtor (a) 12/A, Natwar Nagar Road No. 5, Jogeshwari (W.), Mumbai. (b) 303/B, Shanti Niwas, Natwar Nagar, Road No. 5, Jogeshwari (W.), Mumbai 400 060. (c) 319, Amboli Naka, S. V. Road, Andheri (W.), Mumbai 400 059. (d) Flat No. 402, in Silver Crescent CHS Ltd., J. B. Nagar, Andheri (W.), Mumbai. ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ (ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ)---1+ 4 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 2. M/s. Shree Ganesh Developers. Partners / Guarantors (i) Mr. Shashikant S. Dalvi . . ... do... (ii) Mr. Satish Sitaram Shetye . . ... do... (iii) Mr. Kashinath Laxman Rawool . . ... do... (iv) Mrs. Kamala Sambaiah Dantal . . ... do... 3. M/s. Dalvi Developers . . Addressee/allied concern 12/A, Natwar Nagar Road No.5, Jogeshwari (W.), Mumbai. Proclamation of Sale Whereas the right, title and interest of the under mentioned immovable properties of aforesaid Judgment Debtors Shri. S. R. Dantal and Mrs. Kamala Sambaiah Dantal stands attached in terms of the execution process dated 8th December, 2012 followed by 22nd April 2013; Whereas, even though affording ample opportunities to the concerned Judgment Debtors they have shown utter indifference to discharge the decretal claims; Now, Therefore, the Sale of the said property is hereby notified in exercise the powers u/s. 156 ibid and Rule 107 ibid. Sale Notification 1. Inspection of the under mentioned property will be facilitated on 11th January 2014 between 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Quotation / Tenders / Bids should be addressed to the Special Recovery and Sales Officer The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd on or before 16th January 2014 till 4.00 p.m. at Bhuleshwar. The terms and conditions of sale including prescribed form for bidding can be had from the authority on payment of Rs. 100 only. Description of Properties.— Flat No. 203 A on 2nd Floor in Shanti Niwas, CHS. Ltd., Natwar Nagar Road No. 5, Jogeshwari (E.), Mumbai 400 060 of is occupied and in used by, Judgment Debtor Mrs. Kamala S. Dantal. Flat No. 303 B on 3rd Floor Shanti Niwas CHS. Ltd., Natwar Nagar Road No. 5, Jogeshwari (E.), Mumbai 400 060 of is occupied and in used by Judgment Debtor, Mr. Sambaiah R. Dantal. 2. Such bids will be opened on 20th January 2014 on 11.00 a.m.—in the presence of the Bank Officials and bidders at Registered Office of Decree Holder Bank at GBCB House, 89, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai 400 002. The successful bidder is required to deposit the 15% earnest money of bid amount and remaining amount within a Fifteen Days from the date of acceptance of the offer, failing which earnest money deposit is liable to be forfeited. The Decree Holder Bank vis-a-vis a Special Recovery Officer, reserves the right to reject all or any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. The stipulation herein above laid down shall be binding and abided by without allowance whatsoever except with the concurrence of the Decree Holder Bank vis-a-vis The Special Recovery Officer, which need be noted. Given under my hand and seal of this office at Mumbai this Monday on 16th December 2013. (Sd.) ..................., Special Recovery and Sales Officer, Co-operative Department, Mumbai, Government of Maharashtra, (Deemed to be Civil Court u/s. 156 ibid). ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, 5 MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 BEFORE THE EXECUTING COURT OF THE SPECIAL RECOVERY AND SALES OFFICER GBCB House, 89, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai 400 002 No. GBCB/SAD/SRO/MPK/SPS/3297/2013 Urgent of Public Interest In the matter of Cash Credit Limit of Rs.40.00 Lacs availed since October 2009, by corporate entity M/s. Thi Pack Private Ltd., engaged in business of manufacturing and printing of PVC Shrink and Pearl BOPP labels, and in the matter of disquieting neglect and failure in timely servicing thereof - relapsing into Non Performing Asset and in the matter of Execution of Recovery Proceedings in Recovery Certificate No. 2383 of 2012 u/s. 101 of the Maharashtra Co operative Societies Act, 1960 and Rule 107 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961 as arrears of Land Revenue of Government of Maharashtra. The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd. . . Decree Holder Bank (Scheduled Bank). Versus 1. M/s. Thi Pack Private Ltd., . . Judgment Debtor 2/20, Rocky Ind. Estate, I. B. Patel Road, Claim Amount Rs. 62,61,369 with Goregaon (E.), Mumbai 400 063. further interest @ 10 D, 104 Alica Nagar, Lokhandwala Complex, 15.5% p.a. from 1st September 2013 Kandivali (E.), Mumbai 400 101. including cost of proceedings and 2. Shri Girishkumar Kartha, . . Judgment Debtor surcharge etc. 3. Smt. Vilasini Narayan Kartha . . Judgment Debtor Through her legal heir Shri Harishkumar Kartha (Son) Shri Shree Kartha (Son) Shri Girishkumar Kartha (Son) 10 D, 104 Alica Nagar, Lokhandwala Complex, Kandivali (E.), Mumbai 400 101. 4. Shri Dharmu Yadav, . . Judgment Debtor Prop. of M/s. Bajrang Plastic and Machinery Work A-403, Shivam CHS Ltd., Film City Road, Kanya Pada, Gokuldham, Gen. A.K.V. Marg, Goregaon (E.), Mumbai 400 063. Proclamation of Sale Whereas the right, title and interest of the under mentioned attached immovable properties stands attached in terms of the execution process dated 5th August 2013; Whereas, even though affording ample opportunities to the concerned Judgment Debtors they have shown utter indifferences to discharge the decretal claims; Now Therefore, the Sale of the said property is hereby notified in exercise the powers u/s. 156 ibid and Rule 107 ibid. Sale Notification 1. Inspection of the under mentioned property will be facilitated on 15th January 2014 between 11-00 a.m. to 1-00 p.m. Quotation / Tenders / Bids should be addressed to the Special Recovery and Sales Officer. The Greater Bombay Co-operative Bank Ltd. on or before 18th January 2014 till 4-00 p.m. at Bhuleshwar. The terms and conditions of sale including prescribed form for bidding can be had from the authority on payment of Rs. 100 only. 6 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 Description of Properties :— 403, Shivam CHS Ltd., Kanya Pada, Near Gokuldham Market, Gokuldham, Gen. A.K.V. Marg, Goregaon (E.), Mumbai 400 063. 2. Such bids will be opened on 20th January 2014 at 1-00 p.m. in the presence of the Bank Officials and bidders at Registered Office of Decree Holder Bank at GBCB House, 89, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai 400 002. The successful bidder is required to deposit the 15% earnest money of bid amount and remaining amount within a Fifteen Days from the date of acceptance of the offer, failing which earnest money deposit is liable to be forfeited. The Decree Holder Bank vis-a-vis a Special Recovery Officer, reserves the right to reject all or any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. The stipulation herein above laid down shall be binding and abided by without allowance whatsoever except with the concurrence of the Decree Holder Bank vis-a-vis The Special Recovery Officer, which need be noted. Given under my hand and seal of this office at Mumbai this Wednesday on 18th December 2013. (Sd.) ..................., Special Recovery and Sales Officer, Co-operative Department, Mumbai, Government of Maharashtra, (Deemed to be Civil Court u/s. 156 ibid). ———————— Serial No. 371 Notice Notice is hereby given that certificates for 22 Shares lost of Rs. 100 each bearing Nos. 6596271/292 under folio No. M13132 of ACC Limited standing in the name(s) of Late Motibai Jeevandas has/have been lost or misplaced and the undersigned has/have applied to the Company to issue duplicate certificate(s) for the said shares. Any person(s) in possession of the said share certificates or having any claim(s) to the said shares should notify to and lodge such claim(s) with the Share Department of the Company at Cement House, 121, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020, within one month from the date of publication of this Notice after which period no claims will be entertained and the Company will proceed to issue duplicate share certificates. Place :Mumbai, dated :31st December 2013. MR. NAVINCHANDRA H. KANANI. ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, 7 MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 JOINT DIRECTOR, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING, REGIONAL OFFICE, NASHIK 2. No. RON/D-2/2013/34 AUCTION SALE OF OLD MACHINERIES Sealed Tenders are invited for sale of following old machineries and equipment in the various Government Industrial Training Institutes. Some machineries are likely to be useful for small workshops and Industrial Units. Machines are to be lifted from the respective Institutes, at purchaser’s cost on as is where is basis. Tender No. E. M. D. 3% of the offer Last date and time of submission . . Dated 4th February 2014 (15-00 P.M.) Place, date and time of opening . . I.T.I. Jalgaon, Dhule, Nashik, Ahemadnagar. Dated 7th February 2014 (11-00 A.M.). Sale of tender at . . Respective Industrial Training Institute i.e. Nashik, Nashik(G), Kalwan, Dindori, Chandwad, Dhule, Nandurbar, Nawapur, Jalgaon, Bhusawal, Bodwad, Jamner, Ahemadnagar, Shevgaon. Place of submission of tender . . Respective I.T.I.’s as per Place, Date and Time given above Period of validity 30 days from the date of opening. Sr. No. Name of the Machine Proposed for Sale & Qty. Total Price of Remarks Institute Qty. Tender Rs. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 I.T.I. Jalgaon Machinery & Equipments-05, Automobiles 29 Nos. 250 Spare Parts-06, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-11, other Machineries -07. 2 I.T.I. Bhusawal Machinery & Equipments-15 , Automobiles 29 Nos. 250 Spare Parts-06, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-05 , other Machineries -03. 3 I.T.I. Bodwad Machinery & Equipments-01, Automobiles 06 Nos. 10 Spare Parts-04, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-01, 4 I.T.I. Jamner Machinery & Equipments-06, Automobiles 18 Nos. 10 Spare Parts-08, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-04. 5 I.T.I.Dhule Machinery & Equipments-13, Elelctricals & 25 Nos. 250 Electronics Materials-12. 6 I.T.I. Nandurbar Machinery & Equipments-30, Automobiles 43 Nos. 750 Spare Parts-01, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-12. 7 I.T.I. Nawapur Machinery & Equipments-02, Automobiles 11 Nos. 10 Spare Parts-08, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-01. 8 I.T.I. Nashik Automobiles Spare Parts-10, Elelctricals & 54 Nos. 500 Electronics Materials-33, other Machineries -11. 8 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 9 I.T.I. Nashik (Girls) Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-17, 40 Nos. 10 other Machineries -23. 10 I.T.I.Kalwan Machinery & Equipments-03, Automobiles 15Nos. 10 Spare Parts-03, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-03, other Machineries -06. 11 I.T.I. Dindori Machinery & Equipments-03 , Automobiles 15 Nos. 10 Spare Parts-08, Elelctricals & Electronics Materials-03 , other Machineries -01. 12 I.T.I.Chanwad other Machineries -02 02 Nos. 10 13 I.T.I. Ahemadnagar Machinery & Equipments-04, Automobiles 07 Nos. 10 Spare Parts-03. 14 I.T.I. Shevgaon Machinery & Equipments-17 , Electricals & 22 Nos. 250 Electronics Materials-01, other Machineries -04. Note:— (1) Offer should be submitted in two envelopes system in prescribed printed tender form only. (2) Blank tender forms can be purchased on working days between 11-00 a.m. to 4-00 p.m. from respective Industrial Training Institute. (3) Tender form will not be issued by post. (4) Machines for sale are available for observation in the respective Industrial Training Institute’s between 11-00 a.m. to 4-00 p.m. only on working days, on request. (5) Tender without E.M.D. will not be considered. (6) Tender will be opened at schedule date and timing given above. You are requested to be present or you may depute your authorised representiative if desired. (7) Undersigned reserves right of cancelling part or whole of the tender. (8) Institutewise Machinery proposed for sale list is also available on our department’s website www.dvet.gov.in and this office’s website www.dvet-ronashik.org. P. M. VAKDE, Joint Director, Nashik, Vocational Education & Training dated 15th January 2014. Regional Office, Nashik-2. ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, 9 MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 Serial No. 372 Notice Notice is hereby given that certificates for 22 Shares of Rs. 100 each bearing Nos. 3801801/805, 3184776/780, 6569864/867, 10529590/597 under Folio No. L05635 of ACC Limited standing in the name(s) of Mrs. Lataben Nathalal Gokani has/have been lost or misplaced and the undersigned has/have applied to the Company to issue duplicate certificate(s) for the said shares. Any person(s) in possession of the said share certificates or having any claim(s) to the said shares should notify to and lodge such claim(s) with the Share Department of the Company at Cement House, 121, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020, within one month from the date of publication of this Notice after which period no claims will be entertained and the Company will proceed to issue duplicate share certificates. Place :Mumbai, dated 11th November 2013. MRS. LATABEN NATHALAL GOKANI. ——————— Serial No. 373 Notice Notice is hereby given that the certificates for 525 equity shares of Rs. 10 each bearing Distinctive Nos. 5726648 to 5726997 and 15974423 to 15974597 of Voltas Limited standing in the name of Smt. Sushila Ramakant Kantak have been lost/misplaced and the under mentioned have applied to the Company to issue to me/us share certificate/s of Re. 1 each in lieu of share certificate/s of Rs. 10 each, arising out of sub-division of shares. Any person who has a claim in respect of me said Shares should lodge such claim with the Company at its Registered Office : Voltas House ‘A’ Block, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Chinchpokli, Mumbai 400 033 within 15 days from this date or else the Company will proceed to release the shares of Re. 1 each. Place :Mumbai, ARUN R. KANTAK, dated 6th January 2014. Name of Applicants. ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ (ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ)---2 10 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ, ¦ÉÉMÉ nùÉäxÉ-ºÉÆEòÒhÉÇ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ´É VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉÒ, MÉÖ¯û´ÉÉ®ú iÉä ¤ÉÖvÉ´ÉÉ®ú, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 9-15, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 19-25, ¶ÉEäò 1935 Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú ºÉ½þ+ɪÉCÖ iÉ (´½þì]õ-|ɶÉɺÉxÉ), {ÉhÖ É ä ʴɦÉÉMÉ, {ÉhÖ É ä ªÉÉSÆ É ä EòɪÉÉ±Ç ÉªÉ Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú ¦É´ÉxÉ, 2®úÉ ¨ÉVɱÉÉ, ªÉ®ä ú´Éb÷É, {ÉhÖ É ä 411 006 +ÊvɺÉÚSÉxÉÉ [EòåpùÒùùªÉ Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú (¨É¤ÆÖ É<)Ç ÊxɪɨÉ, 1957 SªÉÉ ÊxÉªÉ¨É 4+ {ÉEè òÒ {ÉÉ]ä õ-ÊxÉªÉ¨É (7) ªÉÉ|ɨÉÉhÉä] Gò¨ÉÉEÆ ò ʴɺÉ+É/´½þì]/{ÉhÖ É/ä “ <-Ç 1 ” xɨÉxÖ É/ä 13-14/¤É-3375 VªÉÉ+lÉÔ, ¨É.ä OÉ]ä õ <ÊÆb÷ªÉÉ <bÆ ÷º]õÅÒVÉ, ¨É.Ö {ÉÉ.ä ±ÉºÉhÖ É,æ iÉɱÉEÖ òÉ <nÆ ùÉ{É®Ú ú, ÊVɱ½þÉ {ÉhÖ É ä 413 117, ¨É±Ú ªÉ´ÉÌvÉiÉ Eò®ú EòɪÉnùÉ, 2002, +x´ÉªÉä xÉÉnå ùhÉÒ nùÉJɱÉÉ Gò. 27390079807-´½þÒ +ÉÊhÉ EòåpùÒùùªÉ Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú EòɪÉnùÉ, 1956 +x´ÉªÉ ä xÉÉnå ùhÉÒ nùÉJɱÉÉ Gò¨ÉÉEÆ ò 27390079807-ºÉÒ ªÉÉVÆ ÉEòb÷ÚxÉ +ºÉ ä Eò³ýÊ´ÉhªÉÉiÉ +É±É ä +ɽþä EòÒ, ¨ÉvªÉ´ÉiÉÔ Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú +ÊvÉÊxɪɨÉ, 1956 Eò±É¨É 8 {ÉEè òÒ {ÉÉ]ä õ-Eò±É¨É (4) (B±ÉBCºÉBCºÉ+ɪɴ½þÒ) |ɨÉÉhÉä ªÉÉ ´ªÉÉ{ÉÉ ªÉÉSÉä ‘ <-Ç 1 ’ xɨÉxÖ É ä Gò¨ÉÉEÆ ò B¨ÉBSÉ-11/98424, B¨ÉBSÉ-11/98425, (BEòÚhÉ 2 ‘ <-Ç 1 ’ xɨÉxÖ É)ä ½þ®úʴɱɱä É ä +ɽiä É. iªÉÉEòÊ®úiÉÉ iªÉÉxÆ ÉÒ ÊnùxÉÉEÆ ò 5 +ÉMì ɺ]õ 2013 ®úÉVä ÉÒSªÉÉ ¨É®úÉ`öÒ ´ÉiÉ¨Ç ÉÉxÉ{ÉjÉ ‘ {ÉfÖ øÉ®úÒ ’, {ÉhÖ É ä ´É ÊnùxÉÉEÆ ò 31 +ÉMì ɺ]õ 2013 ®úÉVä ÉÒSªÉÉ ‘ ºÉEòɳý ]õÉ<¨Ç ºÉ ’ ªÉÉ <OÆ ÉVÉÒ ´ÉiÉ¨Ç ÉÉxÉ{ÉjÉÉiÉ VÉÉʽþ®úÉiÉ nùä>ðxÉ iªÉÉ ´ÉiÉ¨Ç ÉÉxÉ{ÉjÉÉSÆ ÉÒ EòÉjÉhÉ ä ªÉÉ EòɪÉÉ±Ç ÉªÉÉºÉ ºÉÉnù®ú Eòä±É±ä ÉÒ +ɽþäiÉ. iɺÉSä É iªÉÉxÆ ÉÒ |ÉÊiÉYÉÉ{ÉjÉ ºÉÉnù®ú Eò°üxÉ ‘ <-Ç 1 ’ xɨÉxÖ É ä ʨɳýÉ±É ä xɺɱªÉÉSÉ ä xɨÉnÚ ù Eòä±É ä +ºÉxÚ É ¯û{ÉªÉ ä 59,02,081 <iÉCªÉÉ ®úEò¨ÉSä ÉÉ <xÆ b÷ä¨ÉÊxÉ]õÒ ¤ÉÉxì b÷ ºÉÉnù®ú Eòä±É±ä ÉÉ +ɽþä. ´É®úÒ±É ºÉ´É Ç ¤ÉɤÉÒºÉ +xÉºÖ É°üxÉ ¨ÉÒ, ÊSÉjÉÉ EòÖ±ÉEòhÉÔ, Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú ºÉ½þ+ɪÉCÖ iÉ (´½þì]õ |ɶÉɺÉxÉ), {ÉhÖ É ä EòåpùÒùùªÉ Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú (¨É¤ÆÖ É<)Ç ÊxɪɨÉ, 1957 SªÉÉ ÊxÉªÉ¨É (4+) ¨ÉvÉÒ±É {ÉÉ]ä õ-ÊxÉªÉ¨É (7) +x´ÉªÉ ä Ê´ÉʽþiÉ Eòä±É±ä ªÉÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÉSÉÉ ´ÉÉ{É®ú Eò°üxÉ +ºÉ ä VÉɽþÒ®ú Eò®úiÉ ä EòÒ, ‘ <-Ç 1 ’ xɨÉxÖ É ä Gò¨ÉÉEÆ ò B¨ÉBSÉ-11/98424, B¨ÉBSÉ-11/98425, (BEòÚhÉ 2 ‘ <-Ç 1 ’ xɨÉxÖ É)ä ®úúqù `ö®úÊ´ÉhªÉÉiÉ +ɱɱä É ä +ɽþäiÉ. ÊSÉjÉÉ EòÖ±ÉEòhÉÔ, {ÉÖhÉä, Ê´ÉGòÒEò®ú ºÉ½þ+ɪÉCÖ iÉ (´½þì]-|ɶÉɺÉxÉ), ÊnùxÉÉEÆ ò 4 +ÉCì ]õɤä É®ú 2013. {ÉhÖ É ä ʴɦÉÉMÉ, {ÉhÖ É.ä OFFICE OF THE JOINT COMMISSIONER OF SALES TAX (VAT ADM.), PUNE DIVISION, PUNE Vikrikar Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Airport Road, Yerwada, Pune 411 006 NOTIFICATION [Under sub-rule (7) of rule 4A of the Central Sales Tax (Bombay) Rules, 1957] No. JCST/VAT-ADM./Pune/Dupl. ‘E-1 ’ Forms/13-14/B-3375 Whereas, it has been reported by M/s. Great India Industries, At and Po. Lasurne, Tal. Indapur, Dist. Pune 413 117; holder of Tin No. 27390079807-V under the MVAT Act, 2002, and Tin No. 27390079807-C under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, that the declarations referred in sub-section (4) of section 8 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, (LXXIV) of 1956 in Form ‘E-1’ issued to them bearing No. MH-11/98424, MH-11/98425, (Total 2 ‘E-1’ Forms) have been lost and to that effect the dealer has given Advertisement in Marathi News Paper ‘Pudhari’, Pune, dated 5th August 2013 and Engilsh News Paper ‘Sakal Times’, Pune, dated 31st August 2013 and forwarded the News Paper cutting to this office, also submitted Indemnity Bond of Rs. 59,02,081. Therefore in view of the above, I, Chitra Kulkarni, Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (Vat- Adm.), Pune in exercise of the powers vested in me under sub-rule (7) of rule (4A) of the Central Sales Tax (Bombay) Rules, 1957 hereby declare that the said ‘E-1’ Form declarations bearing No. MH-11/98424, MH-11/98425, (Total 2 ‘E-1’ Forms) are treated as invalid. CHITRA KULKARNI, Pune, Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (VAT-ADM), dated the 4th October 2013. Pune Division, Pune.

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