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Maharashtra, 2014-01-07, Part 4 - A PDF

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Preview Maharashtra, 2014-01-07, Part 4 - A

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IX of 2005)], to be the Additional Registrars or as the case may be, Joint Registrars of Chits as mentioned against them in column (3) of the said Schedule and empowers them to accord sanction to commence or conduct a Chit in the said Act in the local areas, mentioned in column (4) against such officers, over which they shall have jurisdiction. Schedule Sr. Designation under the Designation under the Local Areas. No. Maharashtra Value Added Chit Funds Act, 1982. Tax Act, 2002. (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Area of Corporation of (Investigation) B, Mumbai. of Chits, Mumbai. Brihan Mumbai. 2 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue District, Thane (VAT ADM), Thane City Division, of Chits, Thane. Thane. 3 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue District, Raigad (VAT ADM), Raigad Division, of Chits, Belapur. Belapur. 4 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue District, Pune (Large Tax Payer Unit) 1, of Chits, Pune. Pune Division, Pune. 5 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Kolhapur Division, of Chits, Kolhapur. Kolhapur, Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur. Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg. 6 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Solapur Division, of Chits, Solapur. Solapur and Osmanabad. Solapur. 7 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Nashik Division, of Chits, Nashik. Nashik and Ahmadnagar. Nashik. 8 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Dhule Division, of Chits, Dhule. Dhule, Jalgaon and Dhule. Nandurbar. 9 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Aurangabad Division, of Chits, Aurangabad. Aurangabad, Beed and Aurangabad. Jalna. ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ SÉÉ®ú-+, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 7, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 17, ¶ÉEäò 1935 5 Schedule—contd. (1) (2) (3) (4) 10 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Nagpur Division, of Chits, Nagpur. Nagpur, Chandrapur, Nagpur. Gondia, Gadchiroli, Bhandara and Wardha. 11 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Amravati Division, of Chits, Amravati. Amravati, Yavatmal, Amravati . Buldhana, Akola and Washim. 12 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax Additional Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Nanded Division, of Chits, Nanded. Nanded, Parbhani, Nanded. Latur and Hingoli. 13 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Area of Corporation of (Investigation-4) B, Mumbai. of Chits, Mumbai. Brihan Mumbai. 14 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Thane. (VAT) 1, Thane. of Chits, Thane. 15 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Raigad. (VAT) 1, Belapur. of Chits, Raigad. 16 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Pune. (Large Tax Payer Unit) 1, Pune. of Chits, Pune. 17 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, (VAT) 2, Kolhapur. of Chits, Kolhapur. Kolhapur. 18 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT) 3, Solapur. of Chits, Solapur. Solapur and Osmanabad. 19 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Satara. (VAT ADM), Satara. of Chits, Satara. 20 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Sangli. (VAT ADM), Sangli. of Chits, Sangli. 21 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Oras. of Chits, Oras. Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri. 22 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Nashik. (VAT) 2, Nashik. of Chits, Nashik. 23 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, (VAT ADM) 1, Ahmadnagar. of Chits, Ahmadnagar. Ahmadnagar. 24 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT) 1, Dhule. of Chits, Dhule. Dhule and Nandurbar. 25 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, (VAT ADM), Jalgaon. of Chits, Jalgaon. Jalgaon. 26 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT) 1, Aurangabad. of Chits, Aurangabad. Aurangabad, Beed and Jalna. 27 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT) 2, Nagpur. of Chits, Nagpur. Nagpur, Wardha and Bhandara. 28 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Chandrapur. of Chits, Chandrapur. Chandrapur, Gondia and Gadchiroli. 6 ¨É½þÉ®úɹ]Åõ ¶ÉɺÉxÉ ®úÉVÉ{ÉjÉ +ºÉÉvÉÉ®úhÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ SÉÉ®ú-+, VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 7, 2014/{ÉÉè¹É 17, ¶ÉEäò 1935 Schedule—concld. (1) (2) (3) (4) 29 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT) 2, Amravati. of Chits, Amravati. Amravati and Yavatmal. 30 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT ADM), Akola. of Chits, Akola. Akola, Washim and Buldhana. 31 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue Districts of (VAT) 2, Nanded. of Chits, Nanded. Nanded, Parbhani and Hingoli. 32 Deputy Commissioner of Sales Tax Joint Registrar Revenue District, Latur. (VAT ADM), Latur. of Chits, Latur. By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra. O. C. BHANGDIYA, Deputy Secretary to Government. ON BEHALF OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATION, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY SHRI PARSHURAM JAGANNATH GOSAVI, PRINTED AT GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS, 21-A, NETAJI SUBHASH ROAD, CHARNI ROAD, MUMBAI 400 004 AND PUBLISHED AT DIRECTORATE OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATION, 21-A, NETAJI SUBHASH ROAD, CHARNI ROAD, MUMBAI 400 004, EDITOR : SHRI PARSHURAM JAGANNATH GOSAVI.

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