The first story "Draupadi Satyabhama Samvada" is based on an episode in Mahabharata. Satyabhama, Krishna's wife, meets Draupadi, the wife of five Pandavas, and ask her how she manages her five husbands. Actually, Satyabhama is insecure in her married life that she cannot 'control' Krishna, and wants to know from Draupadi how she can 'tame' Krishna. The conversation that follows reveal much about Draupadi's character, her powerful sexuality, her 'inner secrets' etc. The story written in humourous style is a brilliant interpretative exposition of Mahabharata. The second story "Draupadi's Last Trek" is another interpretative humour on Draupadi and Pandavas' character. As they set out for their last journey, the inner dimensions of their characters are revealed to each other. And now, Yudhishthira falls first ... and Draupadi survives them all. Finally, Draupadi reaches Heaven. Indra comes to take her. What happens then? **