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Magnetophonon resonance in high density, high mobility quantum well systems C. Faugeras, D. K. Maude and G. Martinez Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Max Planck Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperforschung and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France. 6 L. B. Rigal and C. Proust 0 Laboratoire National des Champs Magn´etiques Pulses, 0 143, avenue de Rangueil, F31432, Toulouse, Cedex 4, France 2 n K. J. Friedland, R. Hey and K. H. Ploog a Paul Drude Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, D-10117 Berlin, Germany J (Dated: February 6, 2008) 9 1 We have investigated the magnetophonon resonance (MPR) effect in a series of single GaAs quantum well samples which are symmetrically modulation doped in the adjacent short period ] AlAs/GaAs superlattices. Two distinct MPR series are observed originating from the Γ and X l l electrons interacting with the GaAs and AlAs longitudinal optic (LO) phonons respectively. This a confirms unequivocally the presence of X electrons in the AlAs quantum well of the superlattice h previously invoked to explain the high electron mobility in these structures (Friedland et al. Phys. - s Rev. Lett 77,4616 (1996)) e m PACSnumbers: 73.40.Kp,75.47.-m,71.38.-k . t a m Ultra high conductivity (σ = neµ) two-dimensional the presence of an applied magnetic field is well known electron gas (2DEG) systems have important applica- in both bulk2,3 and 2D semiconductors4,5,6. - d tionsinlownoise,highfrequencydevices. Increasingthe The main result presented in this work is the observa- n doping level, in order to increase the carrier density (n), tion, of two distinct MPR series in our samples, which o often reduces σ, due to the significantdecrease in mobil- due to the very different effective masses and phonon c [ ity(µ)whichisadirectresultofthe increasedscattering energies, we can identify with Γ and X-electrons in the from the remote ionized donors. For modulation doped GaAs and AlAs quantum wells respectively. The obser- 1 2-dimensional (2D) structures based on the GaAs/AlAs vation of the AlAs MPR clearly validates the important v system, the use of short period superlattices for the in- role played by X-electrons in screening the long range 0 corporationoftheremotedopinglayerhasbeenshownto potential of the remote ionized Si-donors. 4 lead to significant enhancement of the mobility for high 4 The four different structures investigated here were 1 density(∼1×1012cm−2)2DEGsamples1. Theachieved grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy on semi- 0 mobilities, up to ∼ 3×106 cm2V−1s−1, have been at- insulating(001)GaAssubstrates. Thebarriersconsistof 6 tributedtoascreeningoftheCoulombpotentialofthere- two short period superlattices each with 60 periods of 4 0 mote dopantsby localizedX-electronsinthe AlAs quan- monolayersof AlAs and 8 monolayers of GaAs. Carriers / t tum well adjacent to each Si δ-doped GaAs layer in the are introduced into the central 10−13 nm GaAs quan- a short period superlattice. This hypothesis was based on m tum well by a single Si δ-doping sheet with a concentra- self consistent calculation of the space charge distribu- tion of 2.5×1012 cm−2 placed in a GaAs layer of each - tion in the structure and capacitance-voltage measure- d short period superlattice. Full details of the growthpro- n mentswhichindicatedthepresenceofcarriersoutsidethe tocolareavailableelsewhere1. Thesamplepropertiesare o center GaAs quantum well and near to the Si δ-doping summarized in Table I. Hall bars were fabricated using c region. conventionalphotolithographyandchemicalwetetching. : v The expected Bohr radius of the X-electrons (a ≈ OhmiccontactswereformedbyevaporatingAuGeNifol- B Xi 2−3 nm), together with the nominal distance of1.7 nm lowed by an anneal at 450oC. from the δ doped layer means that the X-electrons can For the magneto-transport measurements the samples r a efficiently screen the ionized Si-donors atoms whose av- were placed on a rotation stage in a variable tempera- erage separation is ≈ 8 − 9 nm. The X-electrons are turecryostatinstalledona watercooled,28T,20MWdc effectively localized at low temperatures (T ≤ 10−20 magnet. Transport measurements were performed using K) and do not contribute to transport (absence of par- conventional phase sensitive detection at 10.66 Hz with allel conduction). However, at higher temperature, the a current of 1−5 µA. For the very high field measure- X-electronsshouldbecomedelocalized. Anunmistakable ments a 60 T pulsed magnet was used with conventional signatureofacontributionoftheX-electronstotransport dc detection (I = 100 µA) and a low pass preamplifier wouldbe the observationofa magnetophononresonance to limit the transient component of the signal induced (MPR) in the electrical transport properties. This reso- by the magnetic field pulse. In both cases the longitudi- nant scattering with longitudinal optic (LO) phonons in nal sample resistance R and Hall resistance R were xx xy 2 TABLE I: Electron density ns and mobility µ measured at T = 300 mK for different samples with quantum wells of 0 1416 widthLQW atadistancedδ fromtheremoteδ-dopinglayers. ) ns µ LQW dδ 2 T 1200 Sample (cm−2) (cm2/V.s) (nm) (nm) / 1038 1.28×1012 1.14×106 10 14 2 -100 1201 9.4×1011 2.80×106 13 22 W( 1200 7.4×1011 2.20×106 13 30 2 1201 1416 6.4×1011 2.18×106 13 34 B d /x -200 x R simultaneously measured as a function of magnetic field 2 (B). The tilt angle of the sample with respect to the d applied magnetic field can be precisely determined from - 1038 R which depends only on the perpendicular magnetic -300 xy field (B ). ⊥ T = 100 K The application of a magnetic field quantizes the elec- tron motion and to a first approximation resonant ab- sorption of an LO phonon can occur whenever, 0 10 20 30 ¯hωLO =N¯hωc =N¯heB⊥/m∗ B (T) where N =1,2,3..., h¯ω is the LO phonon energy and LO m∗ is the electron effective mass. The changed scat- FIG. 1: Second derivative of thelongitudinal resistance ver- tering rate at resonance gives rise to oscillations in the sus magnetic field measured at θ = 0 and T = 100K for the resistance4,5 which are periodic in 1/B⊥. The optimum foursamplesinvestigated. Curveshavebeenshiftedvertically temperature for observing MPR oscillations is a com- for clarity promise between having the lowesttemperature possible in order to reduce Landau level broadening and having the highesttemperature possibleinorderto havea large TABLE II: Fundamental magnetic fields for the MPR oscil- thermal phonon population. Even under optimum con- lations in Fig.1. The phonon energies have been calculated ditions MPRoscillationsareweak7 with atypicalampli- assuming m∗/me = 0.072 for the Γ-electrons in GaAs and ∗ tude δR/R∼1%. m /me = 0.21 for the light (in plane) mass X-electrons in AlAs In order to extract the weak MPR oscillation from the monotonically increasing background magnetoresis- BF(GaAs) BF(AlAs) h¯ωLO(GaAs) h¯ωLO(AlAs) tance we have numerically calculated the second deriva- Sample (T) (T) (meV) (meV) tive d2R /dB2. Results for the four samples measured 1038 22.5±0.7 - 36.7±1.1 - xx 1201 21.1±0.6 89.2±1.5 34.4±2.1 49.9±2.3 at T = 100 K (the optimum temperature for our sam- 1200 22.9±0.5 88.4±2.3 37.3±2.0 49.4±2.8 ples) and with the magnetic field applied perpendicular 1416 23.3±1.2 89.5±5.5 38.0±3.0 50.1±5.0 tothelayers(θ =0)areshowninFig.1. Allsamplesshow more or less pronounced MPR oscillations with two dis- tinct series. A low magnetic field seriescorrespondingto the scattering of the Γ-electrons in the center quantum AlAs. Inordertotakeintoaccountnonparabolicityitis well with GaAs LO phonons and a second series which necessarytouseslightlyheaviereffectivemassesthanthe develops at higher magnetic fields (B >∼ 10 T)which we band edge values8 for GaAs (m∗/me =0.067) and AlAs identify withthe scatteringofX-electronswithAlAs LO (m∗/me = 0.19). The calculated phonon energies which phonons in the AlAs layer next to each Si δ-doping in are summarized in Table II have been calculated assum- the short period superlattice. The fundamental mag- ing a mean value of m∗/me = 0.072 for the Γ-electrons netic field (corresponding to N = 1) for each series of in GaAs and m∗/me =0.21 for the light mass (in plane) oscillations can be obtained from either an analysis of X-electrons in AlAs. The phonon energies found are in the period of the oscillations in 1/B or from a Fourier good agreement with the currently accepted values for transformofd2Rxx/dB2 versus1/B. Bothmethods give bulk GaAs (h¯ωLO(GaAs) = 36.25 meV) and bulk AlAs identical results within experimental error. The funda- (h¯ωLO(AlAs)=50.09 meV)8. mental fields deduced for each sample (where possible) In 2D the coupling to phonon modes is expected to are indicated in Table II. be modified, with the electrons coupling to the inter- The AlAs series has a considerably higher fundamen- face (slab) modes7 or dressed modes due to dynamic tal magnetic field due to both the larger effective mass screening9 both of which are expected to have a slightly of the X-electrons and the larger LO phonon energy of reduced energy compared to bulk. Far infrared absorp- 3 80 In our case we can write 2 / T) 60 T1 2=0 1000K (2) (41) d2R/dB2 ≈ −− AA12ccooss((22ππωωLLOO12//ωωcc12))eexxpp((−−γγ12ωωLLOO12//ωωcc12)) 2 (3) 87 40 where the indices 1 and 2 refer to the relevant mate- W ( (4) 9 6 5 rial parameters for GaAs and AlAs respectively. The 2 B 20 predicted behavior is compared to the data for one of d the samples in Fig.2. Here we have used the phonon / (5) xx 0 energies for bulk GaAs h¯ωLO1 = 36.25 meV and AlAs R ¯hω = 50.1 meV together with the relevant effective 2 d -20 maLssOe2s m∗/me = 0.072 for the Γ-electrons in GaAs and - m∗/me = 0.21 for the light (in plane) mass X-electrons data inAlAs. Theonlyadjustablefittingparametersarethen -40 calculated (3/2) A = 50 Ω2T−2, A = 100 Ω2T−2 and γ = γ = 0.3. 1 2 1 2 The predicted behavior reproduces almost exactly the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 observed period(s) and amplitude of the oscillations ex- cept for a difference in amplitude at high magnetic field. B (T) ThiscanbeattributedtoastrongdampingoftheN =1 maximum and N = 3/2 minimum of the GaAs series. FIG.2: ComparisonoftheMPRoscillationscalculatedusing Thisseriesisstronglydampedathighmagneticfieldsdue an exponentially damped cosine function and the data for to self consistent corrections to the density of states15. sample 1200. A linear background has been subtracted from This is a result of the dominance of elastic over inelas- the raw data shown in Fig.1. The minima are labelled to tic (phonon) scattering at high magnetic fields when the indicate the resonance condition for the GaAs LO phonon Landau levels are extremely narrow. The Landau levels series, N=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (in brackets) and for the AlAs LO intheAlAsquantumwellaresignificantlybroaderdueto phonon series, N=4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. the inevitably much lower mobility associated with the proximity of Si δ-doping layer. This suggests that it is the Landau level broadening due to the presence of this tionmeasurementsatzeromagneticfieldinthesesamples short range scattering which explains the robustness of confirm that the LO-phononenergies are indeed close to the AlAs MPR series at high magnetic field. thebulkvalues10. Aprecisedeterminationofthephonon In addition, rotation measurements have been per- energy, for which the effective mass should be precisely formed to confirm the 2D nature of both series. Typ- known, is not the objective of this work. ical results for sample 1200 are shown in Fig.3 where To our knowledge, MPR has never been observed d2R /dB2 versusthe perpendicular componentofmag- xx in bulk AlAs. In 2D systems MPR has been re- netic field is plotted for a number of different angles. ported due to scattering between quantum well Γ elec- With increasing tilt angle, for both series the peak po- trons and evanescent AlAs barrier or interface LO sition do not shift with respect to B as expected for ⊥ phononsinGaInAs/AlInAsmulti-quantumwells11orAl- 2D systems for which the cyclotronenergy depends only GaAs/GaAs superlattice structures12. MPR between on B . This is in agreement with the self consistent ⊥ AlAs X-electrons and GaAs LO phonons has been calculations1, that the AlAs X-electrons are localized in observed13 in 1D GaAs/AlAs quantum wires, and in an AlAs quantum well and that there is no X-miniband GaAs/AlAssuperlatticesampleswhenthemagneticfield formation in the short period superlattice. The small isappliedalongthegrowthdirection. Westressherethat shift of the AlAs series to higher B at large tilt angles ⊥ itisnotpossibletoidentifythehighfieldMPRserieswith is probably due to the anisotropic mass of the X-valleys the scatteringbetweenΓelectrons(inthe quantumwell) in AlAs. and evanescent AlAs barrier or interface LO phonons For a given B , tilting the sample increases the in ⊥ sinceusingthelightΓmassm∗/me =0.072wouldimply plane component of the magnetic field (Bk) which in- a scattering with a phonon of energy ∼ 150 meV which ducesamixingbetweendifferentelectricalsub-bands. In far too large to be physically meaningful. Therefore, the GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctionsthis leads to a drastic re- observation of the high field MPR series clearly demon- ductioninthe amplitude ofthe MPRoscillations16. The strates the presence of X-electrons located in the AlAs effect of B on the MPR oscillations is less marked in k barrier which interact with AlAs LO phonons. quantum well samples11 due to the much larger energy InbulkGaAsMPRoscillationshavebeendescribedby separation of the electrical subbands. In Fig.3 the high an exponentially damped cosine series14, field AlAs series is suppressed for tilt angles above 47o (cos(θ)=0.68). The lowfieldGaAsseriessurvivesatal- ∆Rxx/Rxx ∝cos(2πωLO/ωc)exp(−γωLO/ωc) mostallanglesandevenapparentlyregainsinamplitude at very high tilt angles (cos(θ)≤0.17). It is not evident where γ is a magnetic field independent damping factor. thatthisreemergenceshouldbeassociatedwithMPR.At 4 high tilt angles it is almost certainly not a good approx- 400 imation to treat the system as being 2-dimensionalsince 0.17 T = 100 K 0.27 themagneticlengthℓB =p¯h/eB isalreadysignificantly ) 350 1200 less than the width of the GaAs quantum well. 2 0.34 T In conclusion, a series of high density 2DEG samples 300 / 0.45 2 designedtoreduceremoteimpurity scatteringhavebeen 0.55 250 investigated using magnetophonon resonance. Two dis- W( 2 0.61 tinct MPR series are observed, one originating from Γ B 200 0.68 electrons interacting with GaAs LO-phonons in the cen- d ter GaAs quantum well, and one originating from X- / xx 150 0.81 electrons interacting with AlAs LO phonons in an AlAs R quantumwelladjacenttotheSiδ-dopingintheshortpe- 2 d 100 0.92 riod superlattice situated either side of the center GaAs - quantumwell. Thisresultclearlydemonstratesthepres- 50 0.96 enceofX-electronsintheAlAsquantumwellwhichhave previously1beeninvokedtoexplaintheenhancedscreen- 0 ing of the remote impurity potential required to explain 1 the very high mobilities achieved in these high carrier -50 density samples. 0 10 20 30 B (T) ^ Acknowledgments FIG. 3: Second derivativeof the longitudinal resistance ver- sus magnetic field measured at T = 100 K and for different angles measured using static (cos(θ) = 0.45−1) and pulsed We thank A.Riedel and H.Kostial for help in sample (cos(θ)=0.17−0.34)magneticfieldsforsample1200. Curves preparation. have been shifted vertically for clarity. The dotted vertical line at the magnetic field corresponding to N = 3 for the GaAs series is drawn as guide to theeye. 1 K.Friedland,R.Hey,H.Kostial, R.Klann,andK.Ploog, Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 2003). Phys. Rev.Lett. 77, 4616 (1996). 11 R. J. Nicholas, S. B. Amor, J. C. Portal, D. L. 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