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MIT-CTP-4526 Magnetohydrodynamics, charged currents and directed flow in heavy ion collisions Umut Gu¨rsoy1, Dmitri Kharzeev2,3 and Krishna Rajagopal4 1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, New York 11794, USA 3 Department of Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA and 4 Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. (Dated: January 17, 2014) The hot QCD matter produced in any heavy ion collision with a nonzero impact parameter is produced within a strong magnetic field. We study the imprint that these fields leave on the 4 azimuthal distributions and correlations of the produced charged hadrons. The magnetic field is 1 0 time-dependentandthemediumisexpanding,whichleadstotheinductionofchargedcurrentsdue 2 to the combination of Faraday and Hall effects. We find that these currents result in a charge- dependent directed flow v1 that is odd in rapidity and odd under charge exchange. It can be n detectedbymeasuringcorrelationsbetweenthedirectedflowofchargedhadronsatdifferentrapidi- a ties, (cid:104)v±(y )v±(y )(cid:105). J 1 1 1 2 6 PACSnumbers: 1 ] I. INTRODUCTION andmostdirecteffectsofmagneticfieldsinheavyioncol- h lisions, and quite likely also their largest effects, namely p - Strong magnetic fields B(cid:126) are produced in all non- the induction of electric currents carried by the charged p quarksandantiquarksinthequark-gluonplasma(QGP) e central heavy ion collisions (i.e. those with nonzero im- and, later, by the charged hadrons. The source of these h pact parameter b) by the charged “spectators” (i.e. the [ nucleonsfromtheincidentnucleithat“miss”,flyingpast charged currents is twofold. Firstly, the magnitude of B(cid:126) each other rather than colliding). Indeed, estimates ob- varies in time, decreasing as the charged spectators fly 1 away along the beam direction, receding from the QGP v tainedviaapplicationoftheBiot-Savartlawtoheavyion 5 collisions with b = 4 fm yield e|B(cid:126)|/m2 ≈ 1-3 about 0.1- produced in the collision. The changing B(cid:126) results in 0 0.2fm/cafteraRHICcollisionwith√πs=200AGeVand an electric field due to Faraday’s law, and this in turn 8 e|B(cid:126)|/m2 ≈10-15atsomeevenearliertimeafteranLHC produces an electric current in the conducting medium. 3 π √ Secondly, because the conducting medium, i.e. the QGP, collision with s = 2.76 ATeV [1–7]. In recent years 1. has a significant initial longitudinal expansion velocity (cid:126)u there has been much interest in consequences of these 0 parallel to the beam direction and therefore perpendicu- enormous magnetic fields present early in the collision 4 lar to B(cid:126), the Lorentz force results in an electric current that are observable in the final state hadrons produced 1 perpendicular to both the velocity and B(cid:126), akin to the : by the collision. In particular, the interplay of magnetic v classical Hall effect. (We shall refer to this current as a field and quantum anomalies has been predicted to lead i Hall current throughout, even though this nomenclature X toanumberofinterestingphenomena,includingthechi- may not be quite right since our system has no edge at ralmagneticeffect[1,8],aquadrupoledeformationofthe r a electric charge distribution induced by a chiral magnetic which charges can build up.) Fig. 1 serves to orient the wave [9, 10], and the enhanced anisotropic production reader as to the directions of B(cid:126) and (cid:126)u, and the electric of soft photons through “magneto-sonoluminescence” – currents induced by the Faraday and Hall effects. The the conversion of phonons into photons in an external netelectriccurrentisthesumofthatduetoFaradayand magneticfield[11]. Whileseveralofthepredictedeffects that due to Hall. If the Faraday effect is stronger than have been observed in heavy ion collision data [12–18], the Hall effect, that current will result in directed flow it is often hard to distinguish them unambiguously from of positively charged particles in the directions shown in a combination of mundane phenomena possibly present Fig. 1 and directed flow of negatively charged particles in the anisotropic expansion of quark-gluon matter, see in the opposite direction. Our goal in this paper is to e.g. Refs. [19–21]. This makes it imperative to establish make an estimate of the order of magnitude of the re- thatthepresenceofanearly-timemagneticfieldcanhave sulting charge-dependent v1 in the final state pions and observable consequences on the motion of the final-state (anti)protons. We will make many simplifying assump- charged particles seen in detectors, making it possible to tions,sinceourgoalisonlytoshowwhichv1-correlations use data to calibrate the strength of the magnetic field. can be used to look for effects of the initial magnetic field and to give experimentalists an order-of-magnitude In this paper we analyze what are surely the simplest 2 ically, with σ decreasing as the plasma cools. Further- η<0, v >0 η<0, v <0 1 1 more, during the early pre-equilibrium epoch σ should Total Directed Flow rapidly increase from zero to its equilibrium value. Tak- ing all this into consideration would require a full, nu- merical, magnetohydrodynamic analysis, which we leave to the future. We shall treat σ as a constant, unchang- ing until freezeout. We select a reasonable order-of- u J u Hall magnitude value of the conductivity σ based upon re- J cent lattice calculations [22–26]. It is conventional in Faraday these calculations to quote results for C−1σ/T, where em C ≡(4+1+1)e2 =0.061in3-flavorQCD.Thequan- B x em 9 9 9 y tity C−1σ/T is weakly temperature dependent between J em Faraday about 1.2T and 2T , with T ∼ 170 MeV the tempera- c c c u u ture of the crossover from a hadron gas to quark-gluon J plasma. At T =1.5T ∼255 MeV, C−1σ/T lies between Hall c em 0.2and0.4[22–26]. Weshallsetσ =0.023fm−1through- out this paper. This corresponds to C−1σ/T = 0.3 at em T =255 MeV. Total Directed Flow To do an analytic calculation we need an analytic so- η>0, v1 >0 z η>0, v1 <0 lutionforthehydrodynamicexpansionoftheconducting fluid in the absence of any electric currents. We shall use the analytic solution to relativistic viscous hydrody- namics for a conformal fluid with the shear viscosity to FIG.1: SchematicillustrationofhowthemagneticfieldB(cid:126) in entropy density ratio given by η/s = 1/(4π) found by a heavy ion collision results in a directed flow, v , of electric Gubser in 2010 [27]. The solution describes a finite size 1 charge. The collision occurs in the z-direction, meaning that plasma produced in a central collision that is obtained thelongitudinalexpansionvelocity(cid:126)uoftheconductingQGP from conformal hydrodynamics by demanding boost in- that is produced in the collision points in the +z (−z) direc- variance along the beam (i.e. z) direction, rotational in- tion at positive (negative) z. We take the impact parameter variancearoundz,andtwospecialconformalinvariances vectortopointinthexdirection,choosingthenucleusmoving perpendicular to z. This leads to a fluid flow that pre- toward positive (negative) z to be located at negative (posi- serves a SO(1,1)×SO(3)×Z subgroup of the full 4- tive) x, which is to say taking the magnetic field B(cid:126) to point 2 dimensional conformal group, with the Z coming from inthe+ydirection. Thedirectionoftheelectriccurrentsdue 2 invariance under z ↔ −z. Gubser obtains analytic ex- totheFaradayandHalleffectsisshown,asisthedirectionof pressions for the four-velocity uµ from which one can thedirectedflowofpositivecharge(dashed)inthecasewhere theFaradayeffectisonbalancestrongerthantheHalleffect. construct the local temperature and energy density of In some regions of spacetime, the electric current due to the the conformal fluid. As we demonstrate below, we can Hall effect is greater than that due to the Faraday effect; in choose parameters such that Gubser’s solution yields a other regions, the Faraday-induced current is stronger. The reasonable facsimile of the pion and proton transverse computationofthedirectedflowofchargedparticlesisasuit- momentumspectraobservedinRHICandLHCcollisions ablyweightedintegraloverspacetime,meaningthatthefinal with20−30%centrality,correspondingtocollisionswith result for the directed flow arises from a partial cancellation a mean impact parameter between 7 and 8 fm, see e.g. between the opposing Faraday and Hall effects. In some set- [28, 29]. Gubser’s hydrodynamic solution is rotationally tings (i.e. for some hadron species, with momenta in some invariant around the z-direction and so in reality cannot ranges)thetotaldirectedflowforpositivelychargedparticles be directly applicable to collisions with nonzero impact points as shown. In other settings, it points in the opposite parameter. A future numerical analysis should be based direction. instead upon a numerical solution to (3+1)-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics for non-central heavy ion col- sense of how large these correlations may reasonably be lisions. expected to be. We shall assume throughout that the effects of the Thebiggestsimplifyingassumptionthatweshallmake magnetic field are small in the sense that the velocity is to treat the electrical conductivity of the QGP σ as of charged particles that results (via Hall and Faraday) if it were a constant. We make this assumption only fromthepresenceofB(cid:126),callit(cid:126)v,ismuchsmallerthanthe because it will permit us to do a mostly analytic cal- velocity of the expanding plasma (cid:126)u. That is, we require culation. In reality, σ is certainly temperature depen- |(cid:126)v| (cid:28) |(cid:126)u|. We shall see that this is a good assumption. dent: just on dimensional grounds it is expected to be Upon making this assumption, and given that our goal proportional to the temperature of the plasma. This is only an order-of-magnitude estimate of the magnitude means that σ should certainly be a function of space of the charge-dependent directed flow, all we really need and time as the plasma expands and flows hydrodynam- fromhydrodynamicsisaflowfield(cid:126)uthatisreasonablein 3 transverse extent and in magnitude, and a temperature ourestimatesfromamostlyanalyticcalculation,weshall field T that can be used to define a reasonable freezeout also approximate µm as a constant. Throughout this surface in spacetime at which the hydrodynamic fluid paper we shall choose the constant value of µm to be cools below some specified freezeout temperature and is that in (1.2) at T =1.5T with T ∼170 MeV. c c replaced by hadrons, following the Cooper-Frye proce- Inthelocalfluidrestframe,welookforstationarycur- dure [30]. In particular, we shall only be interested in rents for the up and down quarks and anti-quarks. We the small charge-dependent azimuthal anisotropy v1 due assume that the particle density for u and d quarks and to the velocity (cid:126)v of charged particles and shall not be antiquarksareallthesame,thusneglectinganychemical interested at all in the larger, but charge-independent, potentials for baryon number or isospin. (Leaving out azimuthal anisotropies in the hydrodynamic expansion the strange quarks and neglecting any chemical poten- that are induced by the initial azimuthal anisotropy in tialsforbaryonnumberorisospinarelessserioussimpli- collisions with nonzero impact parameter. For all our fying assumptions than the others that we have already purposes, therefore, Gubser’s azimuthally symmetric so- made.) With these assumptions, the average velocity for lution suffices. the positively charged species is (v(cid:126)(cid:48)u +v(cid:126)(cid:48)d¯)/2 and that In order to obtain the velocity (cid:126)v associated with the for the negatively charged species is (v(cid:126)(cid:48) +v(cid:126)(cid:48) )/2. Hav- d u¯ chargedcurrentsduetotheelectromagneticfield,inSec- ingfoundv(cid:126)(cid:48) forthepositivelychargedparticles(and−v(cid:126)(cid:48) tion 2 we first calculate the magnetic and electric fields for the negatively charged particles) we next transform themselves, B(cid:126) and E(cid:126), by solving Maxwell’s equations in the four velocity v(cid:48)µ back to the center-of-mass frame, thecenter-of-massframe(theframeillustratedinFig.1). obtaining a four velocity, that we can denote by V+µ or From E(cid:126) and the electrical conductivity σ it would be V−µ,thatdescribesthesum(inthesenseoftherelativis- straightforward to obtain the electric current density tic addition of velocities) of(cid:126)u and the additional charge- J(cid:126) = σE(cid:126). However, for our purposes what we need is dependent velocity (cid:126)v or −(cid:126)v. That is, the four-velocity not J(cid:126) itself. The electric current J(cid:126) will be associated V+µ (orV−µ)includesboththevelocityofthepositively with positively charged fluid moving with mean velocity (or negatively) charged particles due to electromagnetic (cid:126)v and negatively charged fluid moving with mean veloc- effectsandthemuchlarger,charge-independent,velocity ity −(cid:126)v, and what we need to determine is the magnitude (cid:126)uoftheexpandingplasma. Finally,weapplytheCooper- and direction of(cid:126)v. Fryefreezeoutprocedure[30],takingV+µandV−µasthe Inordertodetermine(cid:126)v atsomepointinspacetime,we four-velocity for positively and negatively charged parti- first boost to the local fluid rest frame at that point in cles, integrating over the freezeout surface, and calculat- spacetime, namely the (primed) frame in which u(cid:126)(cid:48) = 0 ing the spectra of charged pions and (anti)protons as a at that point. In the primed frame all components of function of the transverse momentum p , the azimuthal T the electromagnetic field E(cid:126)(cid:48) and B(cid:126)(cid:48) are non-vanishing. angle in momentum space φp and the momentum-space We then solve the equation of motion for a charged fluid rapidity Y. Integrating the spectra against cosφp yields element with mass m in this frame, using the Lorentz the directed flow v1+(pT,Y) (and v1−(pT,Y)) for posi- force law and requiring stationary currents: tively (and negatively) charged particles. AftersolvingMaxwell’sequationsinSectionII,inSec- mdv(cid:126)(cid:48) =qv(cid:126)(cid:48)×B(cid:126)(cid:48)+qE(cid:126)(cid:48)−µmv(cid:126)(cid:48) =0, (1.1) tion III we present our implementation of Gubser’s solu- dt tion for (cid:126)u, including the hadron spectra that result from it after freezeout. In Section IV we present the calcu- wherethelasttermdescribesthedragforceonafluidel- lation of (cid:126)v, and from it v , that we have just sketched. ement with mass m on which some external (in this case 1 We present our estimates of the charge-dependent v for electromagnetic) force is being exerted, with µ being the 1 pionsandprotonsinheavyioncollisionsattheLHCand dragcoefficient. Thenonrelativisticformof(1.1)isjusti- RHIC. We close in Section V with some suggested corre- fied by the aforementioned assumption |(cid:126)v|/|(cid:126)u|(cid:28)1. The lation observables designed to pull out the effects of the calculation of µm from first principles is an interesting magnetic field whose magnitude we have estimated, and open question. In QCD it may be accessible via a lattice a look ahead. calculation; in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (YM) theory it should be accessible via a holographic calcu- lation. At present its value is known precisely only for heavy quarks in N =4 SYM theory, in which [31–33] II. COMPUTING THE ELECTROMAGNETIC √ FIELD π λ µm= T2, (1.2) 2 In this Section we determine the electromagnetic field with λ ≡ g2N the ’t Hooft coupling, g being the gauge in the center-of-mass frame. The magnetic field is pro- c coupling and N the number of colors. For the purpose duced by the charged ions in a non-central collision. We c of our order-of-magnitude estimate, we shall use (1.2) beginbyconsideringasinglepoint-likechargelocatedat with λ=6π. As in our (crude) treatment of the electric the position x(cid:126)(cid:48)⊥ in the transverse plane moving in the conductivityσ,andasthereforthepurposeofobtaining +z direction with velocity β(cid:126). Our coordinates are as in 4 Fig. 1. Using Ohm’s law J(cid:126) = σE(cid:126) for the current pro- Becausetheparticipantprotonslosesomerapidityinthe duced in the medium, one finds the wave equations collision, after the collision they have some distribution of rapidities Y . We shall use the empirical distribu- b ∇2B(cid:126) −∂2B(cid:126) − σ∂ B(cid:126) = tion [1, 34] t t (cid:104) (cid:105) −eβ∇× zˆδ(z−βt)δ((cid:126)x −x(cid:126)(cid:48) ) ,(2.1) a ∇2E(cid:126) −∂2E(cid:126) − σ∂ E(cid:126) =−e∇(cid:104)δ(z−βt)δ⊥((cid:126)x −⊥x(cid:126)(cid:48) )(cid:105)+ f(Yb)= 2sinh(aY0)eaYb, −Y0 ≤Yb ≤Y0, (2.7) t t ⊥ ⊥ for the + moving participants, choosing a ≈ 1/2 for (cid:104) (cid:105) eβzˆ∂t δ(z−βt)δ((cid:126)x⊥−x(cid:126)(cid:48)⊥) . (2.2) both RHIC and LHC collisions. (This value of a cor- responds to the string junction exchange intercept in Solution of these equations is straightforward by the Regge theory [34] and is consistent with experimental method of Green functions. We evaluate the y- data on baryon stopping [34, 35].) After the collision componentofB(cid:126) atanarbitraryspacetimepoint(t,z,(cid:126)x ) the − moving participants have the same distribution ⊥ in the forward lightcone, t > |z|. We shall write the with Y replaced by −Y . We must then add up the B √ b b y spacetimepointintermsofitspropertimeτ ≡ t2−z2 and Ex produced by all the spectators and participants. and spacetime rapidity η ≡ arctanh(z/t) as well as Denoting the magnetic field due to spectators and par- x ≡ |(cid:126)x | and the azimuthal angle φ. We find that ticipants moving in the +(-) z direction by B(cid:126)+ (B(cid:126)−) ⊥ ⊥ s s B due to a + mover at location(cid:126)x(cid:48) and z(cid:48) =βt is given and B(cid:126)+(B(cid:126)−), the total magnetic field will be given by y ⊥ p p by B(cid:126) =B(cid:126)++B(cid:126)−+B(cid:126)++B(cid:126)−. s s p p Let us first look at the contribution from the specta- eB+(τ,η,x ,φ) = αsinh(Y )(x cosφ−x(cid:48) cosφ(cid:48)) y ⊥ b ⊥ ⊥ tors. We shall make the simplifying assumption that the √ (σ|sinh(Yb)| ∆+1) protons in a nucleus are uniformly distributed within a 2 eA, (2.3) ∆32 sphere of radius R, with the centers of the spheres lo- cated at x = ±b/2, y = 0 and moving along the +z and where α=e2/(4π) is the electromagnetic coupling, Y ≡ −z directions with velocity β. We shall take R = 7 fm b arctanh(β) is the rapidity of the + mover, and we have and b = 7 fm. If we project the probability distribution defined for the protons in either the + moving or the − moving σ (cid:16) √ (cid:17) nucleus onto the transverse plane it takes the form A≡ τsinh(Y )sinh(Y −η)−|sinh(Y )| ∆ (2.4) 2 b b b (cid:115) 3 (cid:18) b2(cid:19) ∆≡τ2sinh2(Y −η)+x2 +x(cid:48)2 ρ (x )= R2− x2 ±bx cos(φ)+ .(2.8) b ⊥ ⊥ ± ⊥ 2πR3 ⊥ ⊥ 4 −2x x(cid:48) cos(φ−φ(cid:48)). (2.5) ⊥ ⊥ In a collision with impact parameter b(cid:54)=0 the + and − We were able to obtain this analytic solution because moving spectators are each located in a crescent-shaped we are treating σ as constant, throughout all space and region of the (cid:126)x(cid:48) -plane and one can write the total elec- time, with the value σ =0.023 fm−1 chosen as described ⊥ tromagnetic field produced by all the spectators as [1] in Section I. The finite size and finite duration of the flviuaidthoef cinatlceurelasttiwonilloefnttheerforueerzceaoluctulsautriofancein. ASescatiocnheIcIkI,, eB = −Z(cid:90) π2 dφ(cid:48)(cid:90) xout(φ(cid:48))dx(cid:48) x(cid:48) ρ (x(cid:48) ) (2.9) y,s ⊥ ⊥ − ⊥ note that upon setting σ = 0 in (2.3) one recovers the −π2 xin(φ(cid:48)) standard result for B in vacuum, as in Ref. [1]. ×(cid:0)eB+(τ,η,x ,π−φ)+eB+(τ,−η,x ,φ)(cid:1) , y y ⊥ y ⊥ A similar calculation shows the x-component of the electric field produced by the + moving particle is given eE = Z(cid:90) π2 dφ(cid:48)(cid:90) xout(φ(cid:48))dx(cid:48) x(cid:48) ρ (x(cid:48) ) (2.10) x,s ⊥ ⊥ − ⊥ by −π2 xin(φ(cid:48)) ×(cid:0)−eE+(τ,η,x ,π−φ)+eE+(τ,−η,x ,φ)(cid:1) , eE+(τ,η,x ,φ)= eB+(τ,η,x ,φ)coth(Y −η).(2.6) x ⊥ x ⊥ x ⊥ y ⊥ b withB+ andE+ definedin(2.3)and(2.6). Herex and The other components of the electromagnetic field will y x in x are the endpoints of the x(cid:48) integration regions that turn out to be irrelevant. out ⊥ define the crescent-shaped loci where one finds either + Now we need to evaluate the total B and E fields y x movers or − movers but not both. They are given by produced by all the protons in the two colliding nuclei, some of which are spectators, meaning that at their x(cid:126)(cid:48)⊥ b (cid:114) b2 location one finds either + movers or − movers but not xin/out(φ(cid:48))=∓2cos(φ(cid:48))+ R2− 4 sin2(φ(cid:48)).(2.11) both,andothersofwhichareparticipants,meaningthat at their locations one has both + and − movers. The WehavetakenZ =79andZ =82forheavyioncollisions spectators have the same rapidity after the collision as atRHICandtheLHC,respectively. InFig.2weploteB y they did before it, referred to as beam rapidity and de- produced by the spectators at the center of a heavy ion noted Y . (At RHIC, Y (cid:39)5.4 and at the LHC, Y (cid:39)8.) collision at the LHC. We see that, as other authors have 0 0 0 5 eB fm-2 smaller than that of the spectators. We have checked y that eliminating the contribution from the participants 1 changes the final results that we obtain below for the directed flow by at most 10%, typically much less. 0.1@ D 0.01 III. HYDRODYNAMICS AND FREEZEOUT 0.001 10-4 As we have already noted in Section I, we shall use the analytic solution to the equations of relativistic vis- 10-5 cous conformal hydrodynamics found recently by Gub- t fm ser [27] that describes the boost invariant longitudinal 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 expansionandthehydrodynamictransverseexpansionof a circularly symmetric blob of strongly coupled confor- mal plasma with four-velocity uµ(τ,η,x ), independent FIG.2: MagneticfieldBy perpendiculartothereactionp@lanDe oftheazimuthalangleφ. Weshallthenp⊥lacethishydro- produced by the spectators in a heavy ion collision with im- dynamicsolutionintheelectricandmagneticfieldscom- pactparameterb=7fmattheLHC.ThevalueofeB atthe y puted in Section II, and determine the small additional centerofthecollision,atη=0=x ,isplottedasafunction ⊥ charge-dependent velocity (cid:126)v that results. We refer to of τ. The blue curve shows how rapidly B at η = 0 = x y ⊥ Ref. [27] for details of Gubser’s solution and confine our- woulddecayasthespectatorsrecedeiftherewerenomedium present, i.e. in vacuum with σ = 0. The presence of a con- selves here to a brief summary. The only nonzero com- ducting medium with σ = 0.023 fm−1 substantially delays ponentsofuµ areuτ,whichdescribestheboost-invariant the decay of B (red curve). At very early times before any longitudinal expansion, and u⊥, which describes the y mediumhasformed,whenthebluecurveiswellabovethered transverse expansion. They are given by [27] curve the blue curve is a better approximation. We shall use the red curve throughout, though, because our calculation is 1+q2τ2+q2x2 qx uτ = ⊥ , u⊥ = ⊥ , (3.1) not sensitive to these earliest times. (cid:112) (cid:112) 2qτ 1+g2 1+g2 where shown previously (see Refs. [2–7], in particular Fig. 4 in Ref. [6]) the presence of the conducting medium delays 1+q2x2 −q2τ2 g ≡ ⊥ . (3.2) thedecreaseinthemagneticfield. ThisisFaraday’sLaw 2qτ inaction,andittellsusthatanelectriccurrent,indicated The fluid four-velocity uµ in the solution is specified by schematically by J in Fig. 1, has been induced in Faraday a single parameter denoted by q, with the dimension of the plasma. Our goal in subsequent Sections will be to 1/length. (q is unrelated to charge.) The transverse size estimate the observable consequences of the presence of of the plasma is proportional to 1/q. The local tempera- such a current. ture of the plasma is then given by [27] A similar calculation to that for the spectators shows that the total contribution to By and Ex from the par- 1 (cid:18) Tˆ H g ticipants is given by T = 0 + 0 τf1/4 (1+g2)1/3 (cid:112)1+g2 ∗ eB = −Z(cid:90) Y0 dY f(Y )(cid:90) π2 dφ(cid:48)(cid:90) xin(φ(cid:48))dx(cid:48) x(cid:48) ρ (x(cid:48) ) × (cid:20)1−(1+g2)1/6 F (cid:18)1,1;3;−g2(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:19),(3.3) y,p b b ⊥ ⊥ − ⊥ 2 1 2 6 2 −Y0 −π2 0 ×(cid:0)eBy+(τ,η,x⊥,π−φ)+eBy+(τ,−η,x⊥,φ)(cid:1), (2.12) where the first the term, proportional to the dimension- eE = Z(cid:90) Y0 dY f(Y )(cid:90) π2 dφ(cid:48)(cid:90) xin(φ(cid:48))dx(cid:48) x(cid:48) ρ (x(cid:48) ) lseescsonpdaratemrmeteirnTcˆo0r,pcoorrarteesspodnisdssiptaotiavneiedffeeacltflsudidueantod tthhee x,p b b ⊥ ⊥ − ⊥ −Y0 −π2 0 shear viscosity η. The initial temperature of the plasma ×(cid:0)−eE+(τ,η,x ,π−φ)+eE+(τ,−η,x ,φ)(cid:1),(2.13) is proportional to the parameter Tˆ , and is also affected x ⊥ x ⊥ 0 by the choice of the parameter q. The expression (3.3) where the integration regions have been chosen to corre- introducestwofurtherdimensionlessparametersthatwe spondtothealmond-shapedlocusinthetransverseplane shall choose as in Ref. [27]. f is the parameter that ∗ where one finds both + and − movers. Finally, the total relates the energy density of the plasma ε to the local electromagneticfieldisgivenbythesumofthecontribu- temperature, ε = f T4, and we shall choose the value ∗ tionofthespectatorsin(2.9),(2.10)andtheparticipants f = 11, reasonable for the QCD quark-gluon plasma ∗ in (2.12), (2.13). The other components of the electro- with T ∼ 300 MeV [36]. H is the parameter that con- 0 magneticfieldwillbeirrelevantbecauseB =0. Inmost, trols the strength of viscous corrections; it is defined by z butnotall,locationsinspacetimethecontributionofthe η = H ε3/4. We choose the value H = 0.33 that corre- 0 0 participant protons to both B and E is substantially sponds to η/s=0.134, as has been estimated for SU(3) y x 6 gluodynamics [37]. The local energy density ε and the where in general the parameters v will depend on Y n fluidfour-velocityuµ fullyspecifytheenergy-momentum and p . Note that the sign of v is conventionally de- T 1 tensor of the fluid. fined such that if the spectators moving toward positive It remains to fix the parameters q and Tˆ . Together z, i.e. moving with positive Y, were deflected away from 0 they determine the initial temperature profile of the the center of the collision that would correspond to a plasma at some fiducial early time that should be com- positive v . We see in Fig. 1 that, with our choices of 1 parable to or greater than the time at which a hydrody- conventions,thespectatorsmovingtowardpositivez are namicdescriptionbecomesvalid. Hydrodynamiccalcula- atnegativex. Thismeansthatforusv >0corresponds 1 tionsappropriateforheavyioncollisionsattheLHC,for to directed flow toward negative x, as we have already examplethoseinRefs.[38],suggestthatatτ =0.6fmthe indicated in the labelling of Fig. 1. This is why v mul- 1 initial temperature should be between 445 MeV and 485 tiplies cos(φ −π), not cosφ , in (3.5). p p MeV. It is not possible to use this initial temperature to Gubser’s solution is boost invariant and azimuthally fix q or Tˆ , however, because the the temperature profile symmetric, meaning that it is independent of Y and 0 as a function of x is quite different in Gubser’s solu- φ . In this case, the only nonvanishing v is v , and ⊥ p n 0 tion than in a heavy ion collision: in Gubser’s solution v = (2πp )−1d2N/dYdp depends only on p . We 0 T T T the temperature profile is both more peaked at x = 0 want to calculate v for pions and protons. The stan- ⊥ 0 andhasaheavierlarge-x tailrelativetoaWoods-Saxon dard prescription to obtain the hadron spectra from ⊥ distribution with its flat middle and damped tails. The a hydrodynamic flow, assuming sudden freezeout when parameters q and Tˆ also implicitly determine the radial the fluid cools to a specified freezeout temperature T , 0 f velocity profile at the end of the hydrodynamic evolu- was developed by Cooper and Frye [30]. We shall take tion, which in turn determines the hadron spectra after T = 130 MeV for heavy ion collisions at both the LHC f freezeout. Our approach, therefore, is to explore the two andRHIC.Thefreezeoutsurfaceistheisothermalsurface parameter space looking for values that give reasonable inspacetimeatwhichthetemperatureofGubser’shydro- final state spectra to mock up heavy ion collisions at the dynamic solution, given in (3.3), satisfies T(x ,τ)=T . ⊥ f LHCinthe20-30%centralityclass(i.e.thecollisionsin Thespectrumforhadronsofspeciesiisthengivenby[30] the20th-30thpercentileinimpactparameter,whichhave d3N g (cid:90) (cid:18) pµu (cid:19) impactparametersaround7−8fm. Wehavefoundthat S =p0 i =− i dΣ pµF − µ , (3.6) choosing Tˆ = 10.8 and q−1 = 6.4 fm yields reasonable i dp3 (2π)3 µ Tf 0 pion and proton spectra, as we shall show below. This where dΣ is the area element on the freezeout sur- µ choice yields a temperature of 617 MeV at the center face, uµ is the 4-velocity of the fluid, g is the degen- i of the collision at τ = 0.6 fm and an average tempera- eracy of hadron species i and F(x) is a distribution ture within x < 7 fm at τ = 0.6 fm of 458 MeV. For function that we will take as the Boltzmann distribu- ⊥ heavy ion collisions at RHIC we find instead that choos- tion F(x) = exp(−x). As with many of our other sim- ing Tˆ = 7.5 and q−1 = 5.3 fm yields reasonable pion plifying assumptions, we choose Boltzmann rather than 0 and proton spectra. With this choice, at τ = 0.6 fm Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein in order to obtain a calcu- the temperature at x = 0 is 488 MeV and the average lation that can be done mostly analytically. (The sign ⊥ temperature within x <7 fm is 326 MeV. in the argument of F in (3.6) comes from our use of ⊥ We calculate the hadron spectra for the pions and the the mostly + signature metric.) The freezeout surface is protonsbyapplyingtheCooper-Fryefreezeoutprocedure Σµ = (τ (x ),η,x ,φ) where τ (x ) is the solution of f ⊥ ⊥ f ⊥ to Gubser’s hydrodynamic solution. The hadron spec- the equation T(x ,τ )=T . See Fig. 3 (top). The area ⊥ f f trum for particles of species i with mass m will depend element perpendicular to the freezeout surface is i on transverse momentum p , momentum space rapidity T ∂Σν ∂Σλ∂Σρ√ Y andtheazimuthalangleinmomentumspaceφ . These dΣ = −(cid:15) −gdηdx dφ are related to pµ by p µ µνλρ ∂η ∂x⊥ ∂φ ⊥ = (−1,0,−R ,0)x τ dηdx dφ, (3.7) f ⊥ f ⊥ p0 = m coshY, √ T where −g = x τ on the freezeout surface and where ⊥ pz = mT sinhY, we have used the fact that dT = (∂T/∂x⊥)dx⊥ + py = p sinφ , (∂T/∂τ)dτ =0 on the freezeout surface to define T p px = p cosφ , (3.4) ∂τ ∂T (cid:46)∂T(cid:12) T p R ≡− = (cid:12) . (3.8) where we have defined the transverse mass m ≡ f ∂x⊥ ∂x⊥ ∂τ (cid:12)Tf T (cid:112) Thiscompletesthespecificationofthequantitiesappear- p2 +m2. To establish notation, note that the depen- T i ing in the expression (3.6) for the hadron spectra. dence of the hadron spectrum on φ can be expanded p We now calculate (3.6) for Gubser’s flow, for example as with the parameters chosen with LHC heavy ion colli- d3N d3N sions in mind as we described above. For uµ as in Gub- S ≡ p0 i = i (3.5) i dp3 p dYdp dφ ser’s flow, the argument of the function F simplifies as T T p = v (1+2v cos(φ −π)+2v cos2φ +···), pµu =−m uτcosh(Y −η)+p u⊥cos(φ −φ).(3.9) 0 1 p 2 p µ T T p 7 30 alytically, obtaining 40 (cid:12) 25 d3N (cid:12) g (cid:90) p0 i(cid:12) = i dx x τ (x ) dp3 (cid:12) 2π2 ⊥ ⊥ f ⊥ (cid:12) G 20 (cid:26) (cid:18)m uτ(cid:19) (cid:18)p u⊥(cid:19) 60 × mT K1 TT I0 TT f f (cid:18)m uτ(cid:19) (cid:18)p u⊥(cid:19)(cid:27) t 15 +R p K T I T (3.10) 80 f T 0 T 1 T f f 100 10 120 whereR wasdefinedin(3.8). Asexpected, theresultis f 140 independent of Y and φ and only depends on p . One 160 p T 5 210800 then evaluates the x⊥ integral on the freezeout surface numerically and obtains the spectra of hadrons freezing out from Gubser’s hydrodynamic flow as a function of 0 40 pT. The results for the charged pion and proton spectra 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 are presented in Fig. 3 (bottom). x¶ We observe that Gubser’s flow with this choice of pa- rameters does not yield fully satisfactory spectra — in particular there are too few protons relative to pions — but at a qualitative level it reproduces many features of the spectra in LHC heavy ion collisions with 20-30% centrality measured using the ALICE detector [39]. The shortfall in the number of protons comes because we are usingasinglefreezeouttemperatureT insteadofletting f the number of each hadron species, for example protons, freezeout first at a somewhat higher chemical freezeout temperature or using a hadron cascade code between T c and T . By assuming thermal and chemical equilibrium f and using hydrodynamics all the way down to a single freezeout temperature T = 130 MeV the proton mul- f tiplicity in the final state is being overly suppressed by the Boltzmann factor at T = T . We see, though, that f FIG. 3: Features of Gubser’s flow. Top figure illustrates the shape of the proton spectrum is reproduced well. If the isothermal curves in the (x⊥,τ) plane for Gubser’s hy- we were to use a slightly lower Tf, say 120 or 110 MeV, drodynamic solution with the parameters Tˆ0 = 10.8 and we could improve the shape of the pion spectrum at the q−1 = 6.4 fm. We choose the T = 130 MeV isotherm as expenseofsuppressingtheprotonmultiplicityevenmore thefreezeoutsurface. Bottomfigureisthecomparisonofthe than in Fig. 3. Given the simplicity, and the unphysical spectrumofpositivelychargedpions(black,top)andprotons initialtemperatureprofile,ofGubser’sanalytichydrody- (black,bottom)asafunctionoftransversemomentump re- T namic solution and given the crude freezeout at a single sulting from Gubser’s hydrodynamic solution to the spectra T that we are employing, we find it impressive that it forpions(red,top)andprotons(red,bottom)inLHCheavy f ioncollisionswith20-30%centralitymeasuredbytheALICE is possible to obtain spectra as reasonable as those in collaboration, as in Ref. [39]. Because we have no chemical Fig. 3. potentialforbaryonnumberorisospininourcalculation,the We have also done the exercise of comparing spectra spectra of antiprotons and protons are identical as are the obtained at freezeout from Gubser’s hydrodynamic solu- spectra of the negatively and positively charged pions. tion with varying values of q and Tˆ to pion and pro- 0 ton spectra for 20-30% centrality heavy ion collisions at RHIC [40], finding reasonable spectra upon choosing q−1 =5.3fmandTˆ =7.5,valuesoftheparametersthat 0 we already quoted earlier in this Section. In the next Section, after we have determined the charge-dependent velocity corresponding to the electric current we shall re-evaluate (3.6) upon replacing uµ by One can then perform the η and φ integrals in (3.6) an- V+µ orV−µ forpositivelyornegativelychargedhadrons. 8 v IV. ELECTRIC CURRENT AND 1 CHARGE-DEPENDENT DIRECTED FLOW 0.00004 We are now ready to study the effects of the magnetic field on the directed flow v1, which is the purpose of this 0.00002 paper. In the center-of-mass frame, the magnetic and electric fields are given by the sum of (2.9) and (2.12), and (2.10) and (2.13). The fluid velocity in the absence Y -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 of any electromagnetic effects is given by uµ in Gubser’s solution, (3.1). In order to obtain the fluid velocity Vµ, including electromagnetic effects, at a given spacetime -0.00002 point we first Lorentz transform by Λ(−(cid:126)u) to the local fluid rest frame in which u(cid:126)(cid:48) = 0 at that point and then -0.00004 usetheLorentztransformedelectromagneticfieldsinthe stationary current condition (1.1), setting q = +2e/3 to obtainv(cid:126)(cid:48)u,settingq =+e/3toobtainv(cid:126)(cid:48)d¯,andaveraging FcuIrGv.es4):aDndirencetgeadtiflvoewlyvc1hafrogredpopsiiotinvsel(ydacshhaerdgecdurpvioesn)si(nsooluidr these to obtain v(cid:126)(cid:48). The average drift velocity for neg- calculation with parameters chosen to give a reasonable fac- atively charged particles in the local fluid rest frame is simile of 20-30% centrality heavy ion collisions at the LHC. obtained similarly and is given by −v(cid:126)(cid:48). We then Lorentz We plot our results for v as functions of momentum-space 1 transform by Λ((cid:126)u) back to the center-of-mass frame, ob- rapidity Y at pT =0.25 (green), 0.5 (blue) and 1 GeV (red). tainingthetotalvelocityV+µandV−µforpositivelyand Here and in all subsequent figures we are only plotting the negatively charged particles via Lorentz transforming v(cid:126)(cid:48) charge-dependent contribution to the directed flow v1 that originates from the presence of the magnetic field in the col- and −v(cid:126)(cid:48) back to the center-of-mass frame, respectively. lision and that is caused by the Faraday and Hall effects. At this point we checked whether our assumption This charge-dependent contribution to v must be added to 1 |(cid:126)v|/|(cid:126)u| (cid:28) 1 is indeed satisfied. In order to characterize the, presumably larger, charge-independent v . For exam- 1 this assumption in a Lorentz invariant fashion, we can ple, if the charge-independent v for pions with Y < 0 and 1 calculate the difference between the Lorentz factor for p = 1 GeV is positive then in that kinematic regime our T the total velocity V±µ, including Gubser’s uµ and the results correspond to a positive v1 for both π+ and π−, with excess velocity due to magnetic effects, and the Lorentz v1(π+)>v1(π−) . factor for uµ alone. The difference between these turns outtobeverysmall,oforder0.001orsmallereverywhere namely integrals over x , η, φ and φ . It turns out that in the (η,x ,φ) space. ⊥ p ⊥ Once we have obtained the total velocity V±µ we can one can evaluate the φp integral analytically in terms of Bessel and hypergeometric functions: usethefreezeoutproceduredescribedinthepreviousSec- tion to calculate the hadron spectra including electro- (cid:90) π g (cid:90) magnetic effects by replacing uµ in (3.6) by V+µ when dφ cosφ S (p ,Y,φ )= i dηdx dφ x τ (x ) p p i T p (2π)2 ⊥ ⊥ f ⊥ evaluating the π+ and proton spectra and by V−µ when −π evaluating the π− and antiproton spectra. The change × e−mTfT[Vτcosh(Y−η)−Vητfsinh(Y−η)] totheφ-integrateddN/dp ,i.e.thechangetov defined (cid:40) T 0 in (3.5), that results fromusing V±µ instead of uµ is mi- × (cid:0)V⊥cosφ−x Vφsinφ(cid:1) ⊥ nuscule, and for all practical purposes it is fine to use results for v0 obtained as in Section III. Because the (cid:34)m cosh(Y −η) (cid:18)p √ (cid:19) magnetic field induces an electric current that circulates × T √ I T W in the (x,z) plane, see Fig. 1, when we use V+µ or V−µ W 1 Tf in (3.6) we obtain a small, but nonzero, directed flow v⊥ (cid:32) (cid:18)p √ (cid:19) (cid:32) p2 (cid:33)(cid:33)(cid:35) v that is opposite in sign for positively and negatively +R p I T W −Ψ T W 1 f T W 0 T 2 4T2 charged particles. Teasing out this charge-dependent v1 f f is the goal of this paper. From its definition in (3.5) we (cid:32) (cid:33)(cid:41) 1 p2 see that v is given by + R p cosφΨ T W , (4.2) 1 2 f T 2 4T2 f (cid:82)π dφ cos(φ −π)S (p ,Y,φ ) v1(pT,Y)= −π p p2πv i T p . (4.1) wherewehavedefinedW ≡(V⊥)2+x2⊥(Vφ)2. Thethree 0 remaining integrals in (4.2) have to be done numerically. Recall from Fig. 1 that our conventions are such that a After doing so we obtain v (Y,p ) from (4.1). 1 T positive v corresponds to directed flow in the negative Figure4showsv forpositivelyandnegativelycharged 1 1 x direction. In evaluating the denominator in (4.1) we pions as a function of momentum-space rapidity Y at shallusev obtainedfromuµ asinSectionIII. Thereare transversemomentap =0.5, 1, and2GeV.InthisFig- 0 T four integrals to be evaluated in the numerator of (4.1), ure we have chosen the initial magnetic field created by 9 v v 1 1 0.0002 0.00006 0.00004 0.0001 0.00002 Y Y -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -0.00002 -0.0001 -0.00004 -0.00006 -0.0002 FIG.6: v forprotons(solidcurves)andantiprotons(dashed FIG. 5: Comparison of Hall vs. Faraday effects. We plot v 1 1 curves) in our calculation with the same parameters as in atp =1GeVasafunctionofY forpositivelychargedpions T Fig. 4, namely parameters chosen with 20-30% centrality with values of parameters chosen as in Fig. 4, appropriate heavy ion collisions at the LHC in mind. We plot v as a for LHC collisions. The dashed red curve is obtained if we 1 function of momentum space rapidity Y at p = 0.5 (blue), turn off the Hall effect, keeping only the Faraday effect. The T 1 (red) and 2 GeV (black). solid red curve, which is the same as that in Fig. 4, includes both the Hall and Faraday effects. We see that the Hall and Faraday effects have opposite sign, as in Fig. 1. Here, the Faraday effect is stronger. latethecontributiontov thatiscausedbythemagnetic 1 field only via Faraday’s law we proceed as follows. We solve for the electric and magnetic fields in the center- thespectatorswithbeamrapidity±Y =±8andthepar- 0 of-mass frame, as always. The electric field E is that ticipants,wehavesettheparametersspecifyingGubser’s x hydrodynamic solution to Tˆ = 10.8 and q−1 = 6.4 fm, duetoFaraday’slaw: itispresentbecauseBy isdecreas- 0 ing with time. So, we compute a drift velocity (cid:126)v (or -(cid:126)v) we have chosen the electric conductivity σ =0.023 fm−1 forpositively(ornegatively)chargedparticlesbysolving and the drag parameter µm in (1.1) as in (1.2) with qE(cid:126) =µm(cid:126)v in the center-of-mass frame. At each point in T = 255 MeV, and we have set the freezeout temper- space time we then add this (cid:126)v (and −(cid:126)v) to the charge- ature to T = 130 MeV. As we have described in previ- f independentflowvelocity(cid:126)uusingspecialrelativisticaddi- ous Sections, these parameters have been chosen to give tion of velocities, and form a four-velocity from the sum. a reasonable characterization of v in 20-30% centrality 1 InthiswayweobtainV+µ(andV−µ)thatincludetheve- heavy ion collisions at the LHC. Note that here and in locity from Gubser’s flow as well as the additional veloc- the following we will only look at the directed flow at ity for positively (and negatively) charged particles that values of |Y| that are well below Y . This is because the 0 is induced by Faraday’s law. But, we have left out the trajectories of final-state hadrons produced near beam Hall effect. We can then compute v . In Fig. 5 we show rapidity can be affected by Coulomb interactions with 1 v forpionswithp =1GeVinourcalculationwithpa- the charged spectators at very late times [41], long after 1 T rametersappropriateforLHCcollisions. Thesolidcurve freezeout, and we are neglecting these effects. is the full result, including both the Hall and Faraday We see in Fig. 1 that if the current induced by Fara- effects. Thedashedcurveshowsthev dueonlytoFara- day’s law is greater than that induced by the Hall effect, 1 day, with the Hall effect turned off. We see that the full we expect v > 0 for negative pions at Y > 0 and for 1 result arises from a partial cancellation between the Hall positivepionsatY <0andweexpectv <0forpositive 1 and Faraday effects, which act in opposite directions as pionsatY >0andfornegativepionsatY <0. Compar- in Fig. 1. For pions with p =1 GeV, the Faraday effect ing to Fig. 4, we observe that this is indeed the pattern T makesthelargercontributiontov . Wesee,though,that for pions with p =1 GeV, meaning that in the compe- 1 T the contribution to v due to the Hall current is compa- tition between the Faraday and Hall effects, the effect of 1 rable to that arising solely from the Faraday effect. It Faraday on pions with p = 1 GeV is greater than the T would therefore be interesting to attempt a full-fledged effect of Hall. However, the effects of Hall and Faraday magnetohydrodynamic study in which the back-reaction on pions with smaller p and small Y are comparable in T ofthiscurrentonthemagneticfieldistakenintoconsid- magnitude, for example with the Hall effect just larger eration. We leave this to future work. forp =0.25and|Y|<1.2,resultinginareversalinthe T sign of v in this kinematic range. Next, we repeat the same calculation as in Fig. 4, this 1 We can check that the Faraday and Hall effects make time for the protons and antiprotons. In Fig. 6 we plot contributions with opposite sign to the directed flow v , v for (anti)protons as a function of momentum-space 1 1 as illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. In order to calcu- rapidity Y at transverse momenta p = 0.25, 0.5, and T 10 v v 1 1 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 Y Y -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 -0.0001 -0.0001 -0.0002 -0.0002 FIG.7: v forpositively(solidcurves)andnegatively(dashed FIG.8: v forprotonswithparameterschosenasinFig.7,so 1 1 curves) charged pions with parameters chosen as for a 20- astoyieldestimatesforRHIC.Weplotv asafunctionofY 1 30% centrality heavy ion collision at RHIC. We plot v as a at p =0.5 (blue), 1 (red) and 2 GeV (black). Anti-protons 1 T functionofmomentumspacerapidityY atp =0.25(green), are not displayed in this figure for visual clarity. T 0.5 (blue) 1 (red) and 2 GeV (black). Antiprotons are not displayed in this figure for visual clarity. rameters we left out the contribution of the participant protons to the magnetic and electric fields from the be- 1 GeV. We observe that in the range of parameters p ginning,computingonlytheeffectsduetothespectators. T and Y that we are interested in v for protons turn out We made this simplifying choice after having checked 1 to be in they opposite direction to the v for pions. So, that, in our previous calculations with parameters ap- 1 when it comes to their influence on the directed flow of propriateforLHCcollisions,leavingouttheparticipants protons in collisions at LHC energies, the Hall effect is makes only a less than 10% difference to the calculated stronger than the Faraday effect. How is it possible for v ’s, in most regions of momentum space much less. In 1 theFaradayeffecttobestrongerforpionswhiletheHall Fig. 7 we plot v for positively and negatively charged 1 effect is stronger for protons? First, in some regions of pions as a function of Y at p =0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 GeV. T spacetime the electric current induced by the Faraday We observe that Faraday effect is dominant for pions at effect is greater than the current induced by the Hall RHIC even for p as low as 0.25 GeV. And, in Fig. 8 we T effectwhereasinotherregionsofspacetimetheHallcur- present v of protons in our calculation with parameters 1 rent is greater. And, second, because m is so much chosentomockupaRHICcollisionwith20-30%central- T larger for protons than for pions when one computes v ity for protons with p =0.5, 1 and 2 GeV. As in Fig. 6, 1 T the integral (4.2) over the freezeout surface weights the we see that the magnitude of the Faraday contribution contribution from different regions of the freezeout sur- to v increases with increasing p . In Fig. 8 we see that 1 T face substantially differently for protons than for pions. the sign of v flips as p increases, as the Faraday con- 1 T Putting these together, it turns out that the Hall con- tributiongoesfrombeingsmallerthantolargerthanthe tribution to v for protons is larger than that from the Hall contribution. 1 Faraday effect, whereas it is smaller for the pions. Interestingly, the magnitude of v is less for protons 1 with p = 1 GeV than it is at lower p , meaning that V. OBSERVABLES, AND A LOOK AHEAD T T the p -dependence of v for protons in Fig. 6 is opposite T 1 thatforpionsinFig.4. Theseobservationsindicatethat Our estimates of the magnitude of the charge- for both pions and protons the magnitude of the Fara- dependent directed flow of pions and (anti)protons in daycontributiontov1 increaseswithincreasingpT faster heavy ion collisions at the LHC and RHIC, and their than the magnitude of the Hall contribution. dependence on Y and p , can be found in Figs. 4, 6, 7 T Finally we present our estimates for heavy ion colli- and 8. If we focus on Y ∼ 1 and p ∼ 1 GeV, we see √ T sions at RHIC with s = 200 AGeV and 20-30% cen- that the magnitude of the contribution to v due to the 1 trality. That is, now we choose an initial magnetic field magnetic field is between 10−5 and 10−4, with the effect createdbyspectatorswithbeamrapidityY =5.4,weset beingabouttwiceaslargeatinheavyioncollisionsattop 0 the parameters specifying Gubser’s hydrodynamic solu- RHICenergiesthaninthoseattheLHCandabouttwice tiontoTˆ =7.5andq−1 =5.3fm, wechoosetheelectric as large for pions than for (anti)protons. So, the effect is 0 conductivity σ, the drag parameter µm in (1.1) and the small. What makes it distinctive is that it is opposite in freezeout temperature T as before. One change that we signforpositivelyandnegativelychargedparticlesofthe f madeisthatinourcalculationswiththesechoicesofpa- same mass, and that for any species it is odd in rapidity.

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