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Preview Magneto-Plasmonic Nanoantennas: Basics and Applications (Review)

Magneto-Plasmonic Nanoantennas: Basics and Applications (Review) ∗ Ivan S. Maksymov ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia (Dated: January 14, 2016) Plasmonic nanoantennas is a hot and rapidly expanding research field. Here we overview basic operating principles and applications of novel magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas, which are made of ferromagnetic metals and driven not only by light, but also by external magnetic fields. We demonstrate that magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas enhance the magneto-optical effects, which in- 6 troducesadditionaldegreesoffreedominthecontroloflightatthenano-scale. Thispropertyisused 1 in conceptually new devices such as magneto-plasmonic rulers, ultra-sensitive biosensors, one-way 0 subwavelength waveguides and extraordinary optical transmission structures, as well as in novel 2 biomedical imaging modalities. We also point out that in certain cases ’non-optical’ ferromagnetic nanostructures may operate as magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas. This undesigned extra function- n alitycapitalises onestablishedopticalcharacterisation techniquesofmagneticnanomaterials andit a may be useful for the integration of nanophotonics and nanomagnetism on a single chip. J 2 1 I. INTRODUCTION ] s Plasmonic nanoantennas emit, receive and, more gen- c i erally, control light with nano-scale (sub wavelength) el- t p ements, whose size is much smaller than the wavelength o of incident light [1, 2]. They are made of single metal . nanoparticles (usually gold or silver) or their constella- s c tions, and their design visually resembles the existing i structures of RF antennas [3] such as dipole antennas s y [Fig. 1(a)]. h However, the operating principles of plasmonic p nanoantennas and RF antennas are different. The re- [ sponse of nanoantennas to incident light is dictated by 1 collective electron oscillations – plasmons [4]. Plasmons v make it possible to control light with subwavelength 1 structures, which is not readily possible with RF an- 0 tennas whose dimensions are comparable with the wave- 1 length of radio waves. Moreover,nanoantennas not only 3 0 control light similar to radio waves [Fig. 1(b)], but they . also locally enhance optical intensity by many orders of 1 magnitude [1, 2]. This effect is achievable because of a 0 6 strong local field confinement near the metal surface of FIG. 1. (a) Illustration of emission (left) and reception 1 thenanoantenna,anditisusedtoenhancetheextremely (right) of radio waves by a dipole RF antenna. (b) Illustra- : small nonlinear optical response of nanoscale materials tionofemission(left)andreception(right)oflightbyadipole v up to the level achievable with macroscopic nonlinear plasmonic nanoantenna. In all Panels, λ denotes the wave- i X crystals and optical fibres [2]. length of the incident radio waves or light in free space. The r Different aspects of plasmonic nanoantennas were dis- double-headed arrows indicate the dimensions of the anten- a nasincomparison withλ. (c)Opticalpropertiesofmagneto- cussed in detail in [1, 2, 5–18]. However, the research plasmonicnanoantennasaresimilartothoseofnon-magnetic direction of nanoantennas is so broad and rapidly ex- nanoantenas. However,theuseofmagneticconstituentmate- pandingthatitisvirtuallyimpossibletowriteacompre- rialsandexternalmagneticfieldsaddsnewdegreesoffreedom hensive review covering all aspects. Thus, in this review inthecontroloflightatthenano-scale,whichallowsdevelop- paperwesurveytheoperatingprinciplesandapplications ing noveldevices with uniqueproperties (see themain text). of novel magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas. In contrast to conventional (non-magnetic) plasmonic nanoantennas, the constituent materials of magneto- as nickel, cobalt, iron or their alloys. Alternatively, plasmonic nanoantennas are ferromagnetic metals such magneto-plasmonicnanoantennascanbe made ofa non- magnetic metal combined with a magnetic material, whichcaneitherbeconductingorinsulating. Inaddition, external magnetic fields need to be applied to magneto- ∗ [email protected] plasmonic nanoantennas to saturate the magnetisation 2 along one of the coordinate directions [Fig. 1(c)]. It is the electromagnetic fields due to the magnetisation are noteworthy that very weak magneto-optical activity can verysmall. However,theintensityisessentiallymodified π also be detected in non-magnetic plasmonic nanoanten- for the scattering angle θ = , which offers the opportu- 4 nas[19–21]. However,suchdeviceswillnotbeconsidered nity to dynamically tune the light scattering pattern by in this work because their operation requires impracti- changing the magnetisation direction. cally large magnetic fields. Next, we discuss the magneto-optical response of The time is definitely ripe to overview the break- nanoparticles consisting of a magnetic material and a throughs in the field of magneto-plasmonic nanoanten- noble metal [27, 35–43]. Plasmon-enhanced magneto- nas. Although different aspects of nano-scale magneto- optical Faraday rotation was demonstrated in a col- plasmonics have been discussed in detail in [22–27], loidal solution of physically conjoined nanoparticle pairs magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas and their applications composed of a spinel ferrite CoFe O and silver [37]. 2 4 were not in the focus of the previous works. Moreover, Spinel ferrites are a class of compounds of general for- therehasbeenabigprogressinthelasttwoyearsleading mula MFe O with M = Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Mg, etc., 2 4 to significant results that are scattered in the literature. which are of great interest for their remarkable mag- Consequently, in this review paper we will catch up to netic and optical properties [44, 45]. It was shown that theadvancesmadeinthisresearchfieldbypresentingthe at certain wavelengths of incident light the magneto- reader with information on basic operating principles of plasmonic nanoparticle pairs exhibit a significantly en- magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas and their applications hanced magneto-optical response as compared with sin- in photonics and biomedical imaging. gle CoFe O nanoparticles that do not support plasmon 2 4 modes. However, the experimental results presented in [37] lack of full magneto-optical spectra, which makes it II. MAGNETO-PLASMONIC NANOPARTICLES difficult to fully understand the nature of the plasmon- enhanced magneto-optical effect. Although research on magneto-plasmonic nanoanten- Fullmagneto-opticalspectraandacomprehensivedis- nas is rapidly maturing, historically magneto-plasmonic cussion of the origin of the plasmon-enhanced magneto- nanoparticles made of ferromagnetic metals or insulat- optical effect were presented in [39], in which enhanced ingmagnetic materialscombinedwith noblemetalswere optical Faraday rotation was reported in gold-coated investigated first. Moreover, a small gold nanoparticle maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) nanoparticles [Fig. 2(a)]. The was the key element of the first optical nanoantenna Faradayrotationspectrummeasuredinthe480−690nm [28]. Thus, we start our discussion with an overview of spectral range shows a peak at about 530 nm, which is magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles. not present in either uncoated maghemite nanoparticles Theproblemoflightscatteringbyasphericalnanopar- or solid gold nanoparticles [Fig. 2(b)]. In fact this peak ticle of arbitrary diameter and dielectric permittivity is corresponds to an intrinsic electronic transition in the exactlysolublebyusingtheMietheory[29,30]. Whereas maghemite nanoparticles and is consistent with a near- the Mie theory can be extended to calculate the scatter- fieldenhancementofthe Faradayrotationresultingfrom ing byhomogeneousmagneticspheresdescribedbytheir the spectral overlap of the surface plasmon resonance in magnetic permeability [30], the problem of light scatter- the gold with the electronic transition in maghemite. ing by a sphere magnetised along a certain coordinate Lightabsorptionlossesinsinglemetalnanoparticlesor direction is more difficult. This is because the dielectric metal-coated nanoparticles are unavoidable because all permittivity becomes a tensor describing the interaction metals absorb light. However, absorption losses can be between light and external magnetic fields (or the inter- significantly reduced by using active core-shell nanopar- nal magnetisation of the medium) [31]. ticles combining metals with a gain material [43]. Such By considering the off-diagonalpermittivity tensor el- nanoparticles are also called ’spasers’. Thanks to the ementsinthe solutionofthe Maxwell’sequationsforthe gain, a guided mode in an array of spasers may ex- electromagnetic fields, one can calculate the magneto- hibithighvaluesoftheFaradayrotationandpropagation optical Kerr and Faraday effects contribution to the op- length in the array. tical response of a spherical nanoparticle [32, 33]. The The optical response of magneto-plasmonic nanopar- magneto-optical Kerr effect in a homogeneous cobalt ticles can be controlled by engineering their shape and sphere with the radius of 260 nm was calculated using size. Although the shape and size can be controlled a perturbation technique in [33]. This radius is larger at will by using colloidal techniques [39], modern tech- than the critical radius for cobalt (a = 30 nm [34]), niques for fabrication of ferromagnetic nanostructures cr whichimplies thatthe chosensphereis no moreamono- [46] may be more suitable for the geometrical tuning. magneticdomainunlessastaticmagneticfieldisapplied For example, magneto-plasmonicnanoring nanoparticles to enforce a single-domain structure and control the di- wereintroduced in[47]as novelmetamaterialswith tun- rection of the magnetisation inside the sphere. It was able magneto-optical activity in a wide spectral range. demonstratedthattheintensityoftheforward-andback- Such metamaterials may be useful in optical data stor- scatteredlightisunaffectedbytheeffectofmagnetisation age,miniaturisedmagneto-opticdevices,aswellasinop- because in the perturbation approach the corrections to ticalsensingandimagingofmagneticfieldsandmagnetic 3 [46]). However, not all structures in Fig. 3 were de- signed to operate as optical devices, which implies that ferromagneticmetalnanostructuresarenotexclusivelya product of advances in nanophotonics. Indeed, the origin of many ferromagnetic nanostruc- tures canbe tracedbackto the advances in’non-optical’ areasofmagnonics[55,56]andspintronics[57], inwhich the representative devices are magnetic multilayers [55], magnonic crystals [56], spin torque nano-oscillators [58], andmagneticquantumcellularautomata[59]. Ascanbe seenfromFig.3(c-f),thedesignofsuchdevicesisideally suitable for the operation in the optical regime because the metal features of their nanostructures support plas- mon modes [24, 26, 60]. Whereas ferromagnetic metal discs, ellipses, and rings are easily identified as plasmonic nanoantennas by read- ersfamiliarwithnanoplasmonics,inmagnonicsandspin- tronics the concept of magneto-plasmonic nanoantenna remains relatively unknown [60–63]. However, very of- ten the magnetic properties of magnonic and spintronic devices are probed with light, which is the case of the Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) spectroscopy and FIG.2. (a)Transmissionelectronmicroscopyimageofgold- magneto-opticalKerreffect(MOKE)magnetometry[64– coated γ-Fe O nanoparticles. (b) Normalised Faraday rota- 67]. It was suggested that the nanoantenna-like be- 2 3 tion spectra of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles, gold-coated γ-Fe2O3 haviour of ferromagnetic metal magnonic crystals and nanoparticles, and a mixture of γ-Fe2O3 and gold nanopar- similar structures may affects experimental results ob- ticles. The absorption spectrum showing the plasmon reso- tained with these techniques, or, if properly understood, nance band of the gold-coated γ-Fe O nanoparticles is in- 2 3 it may be used to improve the resolution of these tech- dicated by the dotted blue curve. The * sign represents the niques [26, 60]. Most significantly, the nanoantenna-like position of the absorption band edge in γ-Fe O . Adapted 2 3 behaviour may bridge the gap between nanoplasmonics from [39]. andmagnonics (or spintronics),and lead to the develop- ment of new hybrid magneto-photonic nanotechnologies [26]. domain structures [26, 40]. Finally, nanoparticles combining tunable optical re- The existing gap between nanoplasmonics and sponse with a strong magnetic response are often em- magnonics cannot be bridged without the use of ma- ployedintherapyanddiagnostics(theranostics)[48,49]. terials common to both technologies. The application In those research direction, magnetic nanoparticles are of plasmonic ferromagnetic metals, such as nickel, iron especiallyattractivebecauseexternalmagneticfieldscan and cobalt, is limited in magnonics and spintronics [55]. be used to remotely guide the delivery of nanoparticles Instead of them magnonics and spintronics often rely inside the human body. We will continue this discussion on Permalloy(Ni Fe ) because this magnetic alloy has in Section V. 80 20 the optimum combination of microwave magnetic prop- erties suchasthe vanishing magnetic anisotropyandthe smallest magnetic (Gilbert) damping among ferromag- III. MAGNETO-PLASMONIC neticmetals[55]. Remarkably,inrecentworks[60,68,69] NANOANTENNAS it was shown that Permalloy also exhibits feasible plas- monic properties. A. Origin of the concept Finally, it is noteworthythat Permalloyandother fer- In contrast to magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles fabri- romagnetic metal nanostructures may have technologi- cated by using colloidal techniques [39], ferromagnetic callyimportantnon-magneticgold,silver,platinum,pal- metal nanostructures operating as magneto-plasmonic ladiumortantalumlayers[46,55]. Fromtheopticalpoint nanoantennas[47,50–54](Fig.3)areengineeredontopof ofview,these layersmaybe useful. However,oneshould dielectric substratesby usingfabricationtechniques that bear in mind that these layers also adversely affect mi- may be compatible with complementary metal-oxide- crowavemagneticpropertiesofferromagneticnanostruc- semiconductor(CMOS)manufacturingprocess(see,e.g., tures [55]. 4 FIG. 3. Images of representative magnetic nanostructures that support plasmonic excitations and operate as magneto- plasmonic nanoantennas when they are illuminated by visible or near-infrared light. (a) Nickel discs pairs with the gap size of 10 nm used as a magneto-plasmonic ruler [50]. The scale bar is 1 µm. (b) Atomic Force Microscopy profile image of gold- cobalt-goldnano-ringsusedasbroadbandandtunablemagneto-plasmonicnanoantennas[47]. (c)Permalloy(Ni Fe )gapped 80 20 nano-ringsusedinmagneticdatastorage[51]. (d,e)Permalloyanti-rings[52]anddotsarrangedintotheoctagonallatticeused as magnoniccrystals [53]. (f) Ironnanostructureof amagnetic quantumcellular automata [54]. Notethat only thestructures in Panels (a) and (b) were designed to operate as optical devices. Although the structures in the remaining Panels were not designed as such,their metallic nanostructuresallow employing them as optical devices, which opens up opportunities for the integration of nanophotonics and nano-magnetism [26, 60]. B. Design and operating principles nanoplasmonics [70–72]. In conventional non-magnetic nanoplasmonics, these features are regarded as parasitic because they increase light absorption losses [73]. Nickel From the purely optical point of view, the design of has spectrally localised interband transitions at around magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas may rely on the same 265 nm [74]. The interaction between plasmons and in- principles used in non-magnetic nanoantennas. Here we terbandtransitionsinnickelcanbetakenintoaccountin are interested in simple nanoantenna architectures such the design as two coupled harmonic oscillators. The re- as discs, ellipses and nanorods. Although more complex sponseoftheplasmon-interbandcoupledsystemexhibits designs of non-magnetic nanoantennasare possible (e.g., energyanti-crossingthatistypicallyobservedinstrongly theYagi-Udananoantennas[12]),absorptionlossesinfer- coupled systems. romagneticmetalsarelargerthaningoldandsilver,and thus they make it challenging to create efficient multi- Most significantly, apart from the purely optical con- element magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas. siderations,the designofmagneto-plasmonicnanoanten- The length of the dipole RF antenna is approximately nas has to take into account their magnetic response, halfthewavelengthoftheincidentradiowaves[Fig.1(a)]. which can be done by solving static and dynamic mi- However,thelengthofthedipoleplasmonicnanoantenna cromagnetics problems, such as solutions for the ex- madeofgoldorsilverissmallerthanthewavelengthλof change energy, anisotropies, demagnetising fields, and incidentlightinfreespace[Fig.1(b)]. Thisisbecausethe the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of magnetisation penetrationdepth oflight into metals andthe excitation motion[55,75–80]. Becauseanalyticapproachesareonly of plasmons limit the possibility to directly downscale possible in some particular cases (e.g., ellipsoid struc- the RF antenna constructions[1, 2]. As a rule ofthumb, tures), sophisticated numerical approaches need to be the length of the dipole nanoantenna equals half of an used. Thus,inthe designofmagneto-plasmonicnanoan- effective wavelength λ = a+b λ , being a and b some tennas one should combine theoretical and experimental eff λ coefficientswithdimensionsoflengpthsandλ theplasma knowledge of nanoplasmonics and nanomagnetism. p wavelengthfortheconstituentmetal[1]. Thisruleworks For example, this combined approach was employed verywellinthecaseofotherplasmonicmetals,including to design magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas consisting ferromagnetic metals. of nickel discs [81, 82], which support dipolar plasmon In addition to the effective wavelength rule, one has modes. Figure 4(a) shows the dependence of the dielec- to take into account the fact that the plasmon response tric permittivity of nickel on the wavelength of incident of some ferromagnetic metals such as nickel and iron is light. Figure 4(b) shows the theoretical polarisability of stronglyaffectedbythepresenceofbroadinterbandtran- nickel and gold spheres. (Theoretical analysis of small sition backgrounds in the spectral range of interest for spheres is relatively simple and it allows projecting the 5 FIG. 4. (a) Dielectric permittivity of nickel as a function of the wavelength of light. (b) Comparison of the theoretical polarisability of nickeland gold spheres. Adaptedfrom [81]. result onto more complex nanoantenna designs.) Com- FIG. 5. (a) Normalised extinction spectra of 200 nm diam- paredto the polarisabilityofthe goldsphereofthe same eter nickel discs (left), nickel ellipses with polarisation along diameter,theresonanceofthenickelsphereisweakerdue the short axis (190 nm, center), and nickel ellipses with po- to larger absorption losses. However, one can clearly see larisation along the long axis (300 nm, right). The red lines the plasmon resonance in the spectrum. The magnetic in the spectra mark the near-field imaging wavelength. (b) response of the nickel nanoantenna was also confirmed Near-field amplitude images. The arrow and bar denote the by measuring the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) polarisation of incident laser beam and the scale of the im- as a function of the external static field [24]. Those re- ages,respectively. (c)Near-fieldphaseimages. (d)Calculated sults (Fig. 2 in [81]) revealed hysteresis loops typical of near-field amplitude and phase maps at 633 nm. The white circles in the near-field amplitude and phase images indicate ferromagnetic nanostuctures [83]. thenickel nanoantenna. Adaptedfrom [81]. The far-field extinction spectrum [Fig. 5(a)] of the 200 nm discs exhibits a resonance peak at around λ = 650 nm. Near-field imaging with a scattering-type scan- ning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM) operating dipolar mode for the polarisation along the short axis, forwhichtheimagingwavelengthisclosetotheplasmon at λ = 633 nm was used to image the amplitude and phase of the out-of-plane near-field component of the resonance. Thisresultwasalsoconfirmedbysimulations. plasmon modes [Fig. 5(b, c)]. In the amplitude image, Althoughinmeasurementsoftheellipticalnanoantennas one can see two bright spots aligned along the polarisa- rotated for 90o the imaging wavelength λ=633 nm was tion direction. Similar to non-magnetic gold nano-discs off-resonance and thus the mode picture could not be [84], oscillationsofthe amplitude ofthese spots havethe taken, simulations confirmed that the longitudinal plas- phase difference of 180o. Numerical simulations of the monfields are muchweakerthanthe transversefields on out-of-plane components of the near-field of the nickel resonance. nano-discs confirmed the dipolar origin of the plasmon We also highlight the result presented in [69] that re- modes observed in the experiment [Fig. 5(d)]. portsanunusualenhancementofthemagneto-opticalef- For the elliptical discs (the middle and the rightmost fects in Permalloy disc nanoantennas with the diameter columns in Fig. 5) both experiment and simulations re- D <400nm. The separationbetween the discs was cho- vealed a plasmon response that strongly depends on the sen such that theoretical modification of the magneto- orientation of the ellipse. For a polarisation parallel to optical effects due to the optical coupling between the the short axis of the ellipse (190 nm), the far-field mea- discs was negligibly small. Magnetic hysteresis loops of surement revealed a resonance at around λ = 700 nm. the discs were measured as relative diffracted light in- However,for a polarisationalong the long axis of the el- tensity change ∆I/I as a function of the external static lipse (300 nm), the peak in the far-field spectrum was magnetic field. These curves revealed ordinary features observed at 1500 nm. As in the case of nano-discs, the including the pinched shape of the loops corresponding near-field amplitude and phase images for the ellipses to low field vortex states [83]. were taken at λ = 633 nm. These results revealed a It was observed that ∆I/I is larger for smaller discs, 6 which is shown in Fig. 6(a) where the Kerr effect at the maximum applied field strength is plotted as a function of the disc diameter D. The same trend was confirmed by simulations. This result is counter-intuitive because the magnetic material of the discs is the same and thus all discs should produce a magneto-optical effect of the same strength. At the operating wavelength 532 nm thevaluesof∆I/I areunaffectedbyplasmonresonances and/or diffraction phenomena. Therefore, the behaviour observedin Fig. 6(a) may be attributed only to the elec- tric field and polarisation patterns in the discs. This explanation is supported by simulations [Fig. 6(b)]. The origin of the dependence of ∆I/I on D becomes apparent from the relationship between the out-of-plane and in-plane polarisation components (defined with respect to the disc plane). The in-plane component is parallel to the electric field of incident light. It is the largest polarisation component that depends on the optical properties of the disc. In con- trast,the out-of-plainpolarisationcomponentis induced magneto-optically. One observes that in the centre of the discs, the rela- tionship between the out-of-plane and in-plane polarisa- FIG. 6. Normalised transverse magneto-optical signal ∆I/I tion components display a response of infinite film, i.e. insaturationasafunctionofthediscdiameterD. Thewave- it does not depend on the disc size. However, a bright lengths of incident light is 532 nm. Experimental data for ring-likestructureattheedgesofthediscissubstantially 15 nm and 25 nm thick discs are denoted by squares and larger,anditis responsibleforthe signalincreasein disc dots, respectively. The curves represent theoretical data for with small diameters. theexperimentalgeometries. Alldataarenormalisedtotheir respectivevaluesatD=800nm. Theoreticallateraldistribu- tion of the in-plane (b.i) and out-of-plane (b.ii) components IV. APPLICATIONS OF of polarisation and their relationship (b.iii) as a function of MAGNETO-PLASMONIC NANOANTENNAS the disc diameter D. The polarisation directions are defined with respect to the disc plane. The disc thickness is 5 nm. Adaptedfrom [69]. A. Magneto-plasmonic rulers and biosensors In this section, we discuss the applicationof magneto- plasmonic nanoantennas as the building blocks of novel plasmonic nanoantennas [Fig. 7(a)] was proposed in plasmonrulersandbiosensors. Theoperationofplasmon [50]. Twobatchesofnanoantennaswerefabricatedusing rulers relies on the near-field-zone coupling between the nickel and cobalt. The use of these materials in conven- plasmon modes of two or more adjacent nanoantennas tional non-magnetic rulers would be challenging because [85]. The strength of the coupling strongly depends on the plasmon resonances of individual all-ferromagnetic the gap size between the nanoantennas, which leads to nanoantennas are damped by light absorption in the high sensitivity of light scattering to the gap size. This metal. Moreover, when the gap between the adjacent effect allows measuring distances at the nano-scale with nanoantennas is small, the mode hybridisation leads to highaccuracy,whichischaracterisedbyafigure-of-merit the appearance of broad resonance line shapes in the defined as the relationship between the sensitivity of the spectra of the ruler. When nickel is used, the resulting nanoantenna and the width of the plasmon resonance line shapes are just marginally sensitive to the variation peak. inthegapsize,whichisalreadyunacceptablefortheruler operation. In cobalt rulers, the same resonance features Rulersmaybeusefulinmaterialandlifesciences. Usu- become even less pronounced [50]. ally,opticaltools usedtomeasuredistancesatthe nano- scale rely on F¨orster resonance energy transfer (FRET) However, the magneto-plasmonic ruler can report spectroscopy and the use of fluorophores [86]. However, nano-gap distances via a different light-matter interac- these tools suffer from photobleaching, which must be tion mechanism – the Kerr polarisation rotation effect eliminatedbecauseitcanalterthemeasuredvalueofthe that appears in the presence of technologically attain- resonance energy transfer process. This drawback is not able external static magnetic fields B. In [50] the spa- presentinplasmonicrulers,whichallowsemployingthem tial orientation of these fields with respect to the ruler to complement and improve the existing technologies. was controlled to compare different operation regimes. A novel plasmonic ruler consisting of disc magneto- The Kerr rotation angle spectrum of the most sensitive 7 nanoantennas in ultra-sensitive devices for label-free moleculat-level detection. In sensors based on non- magneticnanoantennas,theresonantlyenhancedelectro- magnetic fields near the metal surface allow for probing extremelysmallchangesinthe surroundingenvironment with high sensitivity [87]. Nevertheless, this sensitivity remainsinsufficientformanyreal-lifeapplications,which motivates research on alternative designs. To better understand the alternative design options one should recall the operating principles of biosensors based on surface plasmon resonances (SPR’s) [4]. SPR’s are charge density oscillations that generate highly lo- calised electromagnetic fields at the interface between a metalandadielectric. TheexcitationconditionofSPR’s stronglydepends on the refractive index of the dielectric medium, which is the operating principle of detection of the SPR biosensors. The sensitivity of SPR sensors improves when a non- magnetic/ferromagneticmetal multilayer is used instead of the single noble metal and a static magnetic field is applied [88]. In this case, SPR’s are combined with the magneto-optical activity of the magnetic multilayer, FIG. 7. (a) Configuration of the most sensitive ruler show- which is the effect responsible for the improved sensitiv- ing the orientation of the electric and magnetic fields, and a ity. scanning electron microscopy image of the nickel ruler with By analogy with SPR-based sensors, by substitut- the30nmgapsize. (b)SpectraoftheKerrpolarisationrota- ingnon-magneticnanoantennaswithmagneto-plasmonic tionangleforthemagneto-plasmonicrulerswithdifferentgap sizes (the same colours as in Panel (a) are used). The inset onesitshouldbepossibletoadditionallyimprovethesen- showsthezoomed view. (c,leftaxis)MeanKerrrotation an- sitivity. A realisation of this idea was demonstrated in gle per10 nm for therulerconfiguration in Panel (a) and (c, [89] by using magneto-plasmonic nanoantennas consist- rightaxis)thecorrespondingFOM.Solidsymbols: 10−30nm ing of nickel discs fabricated on top of a glass substrate. nano-gap range, open symbols: 10−40 nm nano-gap range In contrast to conventional nanoantenna-based sensors, regime. The horizontal dotted line: estimated FOM of the the nickel nanoantennas were designed such that they non-magnetic plasmon rulers. Adapted from [50]. produceanexactphasecompensationintheelectricfield componentofotherwiseellipticallypolarisedtransmitted light at a specific wavelength λǫ. Under this condition, ruler configuration [Fig. 7(a)] is shown in Fig. 7(b) for a vanishing ellipticity ǫ (i.e. the so-called ǫ null-point the different gap distances from 10 nm to 40 nm. The corresponding to linear polarisation) is produced at λǫ. capability of this ruler to resolve the gap size is better Importantly, light polarisation changes can be measured seen in the inset in Fig. 7(b), which shows the zoomed with high precision. Thus, the determination of λǫ pro- 625−635nmspectralrangeavailableinthemostcommon vides a phase-sensitive identification of the plasmon res- single-wavelength magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) onance of the magneto-plasmonic nanoantenna. set-ups. The bulk refractive index sensitivity S = ∆λ∗/∆n, RI ∗ Theadvantageofthemagneto-plasmonicruleroverits being ∆λ the shift in the plasmon resonance position ∗ non-magneticcounterpartissummarisedinFig.7(c),the λ in nanometres over the change in the environmental left axis of which demonstrates how the most sensitive refractive index ∆n, was measured to quantify the sens- ruler configuration is compared against the mean Kerr ing performance of the device immersed into solutions rotation angle per 10 nm distance in the nano-gap. One with different indices of refraction n. Figure 8 shows can see that both high absolute rotation per distance a comparison of the sensitivities of gold and nickel disc andthe smallesterrorinthe meanrotationvariationare nanoantennas on glass. One can see a several orders of achievable in the 10−30 nm and 10−40 nm nano-gap magnitude improvement of the FOM of nickel nanoan- ranges. This implies that the magneto-plasmonic ruler tennas as compared with gold nanoantennas. canmeasurebothsmallandlargedistanceswiththesame precision,whichisdifficult toachievewithnon-magnetic plasmon rulers. Moreover, the FOM of the magneto- B. Non-reciprocal and one-way devices plasmonicruler[Fig.7(c,rightaxis)]is∼50timeslarger than that of the non-magnetic plasmon rulers (∼ 0.62, Light propagation is usually reciprocal. However, it marked with the horizontaldotted line). is also requiredto have optical components that exclude Next,wediscusstheapplicationofmagneto-plasmonic undesirable light. Such components are indispensable in 8 nanostructures [92]. When the wavelength of incident light is larger than the hole size and the array period, it was found that the frequency of the transmission peak depends strongly on both the magnitude and the direc- tionoftheappliedin-planemagneticfield. Thisideawas further developed in [93–98]. Inaddition,anewconceptofnon-reciprocalspoofsur- face plasmons (NSSPs) in EOT structures was intro- duced in [99]. It was demonstrated that, by breaking the time-reversal symmetry, NSSPs enable the so-called one-way EOT effect. Figure 9(a) shows the out-of-plane dynamic magnetic field distribution in an optically thick perforated perfect electric conductor (PEC) film sitting on top of an in-plane magnetised insulating substrate. The superstrate is non-magnetic, which implies that the FIG. 8. Sensing FOM of nickel nanoanten- PEC film is surrounded by an asymmetrically magne- nas [(∆λǫ/∆n)/FWHM] (markers, the blue line is the tised cladding. A strong near-field localisation near the guide to the eye) as compared with gold nanoantennas square nano-holes in the PEC film is due to the excita- ∗ [(∆λ /∆n)/FWHM]andgoldSPR-basedsensor,inthespec- tion of leaky NSSPs. One can see that for the forward tral range 420−750 nm. FWHM stands for the full width incidence a nearly complete transparency of the struc- at half maximum, RIU stands for refractive index unit, and ture is achieved. However, for the backward incidence SPR means surface plasmon resonance. Adaptedfrom [89]. the transmissionthroughthe structure is low. The same effectwasalsopredictedforastructureinwhichthePEC material was replaced by gold. opticalcommunicationtechnology where they may serve One-way waveguiding structures consisting of plas- as optical isolators, gyrators and circulators [31, 90]. monic nanoparticles have also attracted considerable at- Usually,the operationofsuchdevicesisbasedonnon- tention [100–102]. We focus on systems that consist of a reciprocal optical phenomena that occur in magneto- linear chain of magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles placed optical materials. However, the magneto-optical re- into an external magnetic field, which can be applied ei- sponse of naturally occurring materials is weak [31] and ther in the transverse or longitudinal direction with the maynotalwaysbeadequateforapplicationsinintegrated respecttothelightpropagationdirectioninthenanopar- optical circuits and telecommunications because the ap- ticle chain. In the longitudinal configuration, the chain plied magnetic fields have to be large. exhibits optical Faraday rotation. If the magnetised Surface magneto-plasmons are also known to exhibit nanoparticles are plasmonic ellipsoids arranged as a spi- non-reciprocalpropagationproperties[24]. However,the ral, the interplay between the Faraday rotation and the non-reciprocityeffectsobservedinall-ferromagneticfilms geometricalspiralrotation(structuralchirality)strongly and multilayers consisting of ferromagnetic and noble enhancesnon-reciprocity[100]. Becauseofthisinterplay, metal layers are also weak and require large magnetic in the resulting waveguide light propagates in one direc- fields [24]. tion only. A similar effect was also demonstrated in the An enhancement of non-reciprocal effects has been transverse magnetic field configuration [101]. demonstratedinmagneto-plasmonicnanostructuressuch Strongly non-reciprocal and one-way nanostructures as gratings and resonators [24, 26]. Here we are inter- can also be used to form metasurfaces. In contrast estedintheapplicationofnon-reciprocalguidedplasmon to one-way nanoparticle chains, in metasurfaces light modesinplasmonicnanoantennasandsimilarstructures is manipulated in two dimensions [102]. The resulting that exhibit one-way propagation properties. surfaces – the metaweaves – possess generalised non- Our discussion starts with the extraordinary optical reciprocitysuchasthesector-waypropagation. Different transmission (EOT) through magnetised metallic sub- metaweaves designs and their properties were discussed wavelength hole arrays. Conventional EOT is the phe- in [102]. nomenon of enhanced transmission of light through a Next we discuss potential applications of the high- subwavelength aperture in an opaque metallic film. The lighted one-way structures. Impedance matching of classicalaperture theory predicts that incident light of a nanophotonic circuits with plasmonic nanoantennas is a certainwavelengthwillbeevenlydiffractedbyasubwave- difficult problem [103]. This problem may be solved by length aperture in all directions and the far-field trans- employingone-waywaveguidesinwhichback-reflectionis mission will be small. In EOT, however, the regularly not present and the feed signal is converted into the op- repeating nanostructureenables a severalordersofmag- tical antenna radiation with high efficiency. Therefore, nitude larger transmission efficiency than that predicted it was proposed that a terminated one-way waveguide by the classical aperture theory [91]. [Fig. 9(b)] may serve as a complex device consisting of The EOT effect was also investigated in magnetised a waveguiding section, an element with matching func- 9 is 1430 nm. When the magnetic field is turned off [Fig.10(a)],oneobservesasymmetricbeamsplittinginto the two arms of the device. However, in the presence of the external magnetic field in Fig. 10(b) one observes a substantialbreakingofthe symmetrybetweenthepower output at ports 2 and 3. The power is predominantly guided into the arm 2, while the other arm carries much less power. Near-field-zone field distributions [Fig. 10(c, d)] were investigatedto understand the mechanism of this strong symmetry breaking. When the externalmagnetic fieldis absent,thenear-fieldpattern[Fig.10(c,d)]issymmetric, which ensures a strong and symmetric coupling between the junction arms andthe magneto-plasmonicstructure. However,whentheexternalmagneticispresentthenear- field radiation is tilted and rotated, which leads to the change of coupling between the structure and the junc- tion arms [106]. V. PHOTOACOUSTIC IMAGING WITH MAGNETO-PLASMONIC NANOPARTICLES FIG. 9. (a) Field profiles corresponding to two opposite di- rectionsofincidence(shownbyarrows) onaPECperforated Scientific breakthroughs from physics, chemistry, biol- film with an asymmetrically magnetised cladding. Adapted from [99]. (b) Matched magneto-plasmonic nanoantenna. ogyandmedicinehaveledtothedevelopmentofbiomed- Main panel: General view with a typical far-field pattern. ical imaging techniques with high sensitivity and reso- The chain is excited by a quantum emitter that generates a lution. These technique are essential for both under- guidedmodethatpropagatesalongthepositivez-axis. There standing of biological phenomena and detection of dis- is no back reflections at the far end of the nanoantenna be- eases. The representative imaging modalities include cause this mode is converted to radiation. Insets: Near-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomogra- profiles of the E-field. Upper inset: Energy is transmitted phy (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), opti- from the input port to the far end with minimal losses that cal fluorescence imaging, ultrasound (US) imaging, and occur due to light absorption in the material. Lower inset: photoacoustic (PA) imaging [107–110]. Some of these Due to the one-way property, if the port is located on the techniques relyonthe interactionoflightwith biological otherendthechain,theexcitation efficiencyislow. Adapted from [104]. tissues and artificial contrast agents such as magneto- plasmonicnanoparticles,whichwarrantstheirdiscussion in this separate section. Ultrasound is a valuable imaging modality and diag- tionality, and an antenna [104]. It was shown that the nostic tool used in clinical practice. Ultrasound has sev- non-reciprocaloperationresultsintwodifferentemission eral advantages over the other imaging techniques such and direction patterns. In addition, simulations demon- as real-time imaging, high resolution, good penetration stratea significantdynamicbeamscanningfunctionality depth, cost effectiveness, and portability. These advan- of the device. tageshaveledtothedevelopmentofdifferentultrasound So far plasmon-assisted enhancement of magneto- imaging modalities, including intravascular ultrasound optical activity has been observed in the far-field zone (IVUS) imaging [108]. response of nanostructures. However, in [105] it was InPAimaging,alaserbeamisusedtoexciteultrasonic demonstrated that plasmon excitations also enable non- waves, which, in general, can be generated through dif- reciprocal effects in the near-field zone, which may be ferent physical mechanisms that include thermal expan- usefulinultra-smallmagneto-plasmoniccirculators[106]. sion, vaporisation, photochemical processes, and optical Figure 10 shows the results of simulations of the pro- breakdown [108]. However, in biomedical applications posed device, which consists of a non-magnetic metal of PA imaging, the only biologically safe mechanism is nanorod antenna with radius R = 50 nm surrounded thermalexpansion. Inthiscase,biologicaltissuesabsorb by three other metal nanorods with radii R = 10 nm. laser light and generate a broadband ultrasound signal, The distance between the centres of thinner and thicker whichisdetectedusingatransducerthatconvertsacous- nanorods is 80 nm. The nanorods are embedded into a ticwavesintoelectricsignals. Thesesignalsareprocessed magneto-optical material – bismuth iron garnet (BIG). to produce a PA image. The static magnetic field is orientated along the z- Unfortunately,thermalexpansionisoneoftheleastef- axis and the wavelength of incident light in free space ficient mechanisms of light-ultrasound interaction. Con- 10 impact on the identification of macrophage cells, which playanimportantroleinatherosclerosis[113]. Cellswere loadedwith50nm-diameter sphericalgoldnanoparticles [Fig.11(a,b)]. Opticalabsorptionspectraofcellsloaded withnanoparticlesandnanoparticlesalongarepresented inFig.11(c). Comparedtothespectrumofgoldnanopar- ticles (dashed curve), the spectrum of cells loaded with the nanoparticles(solidcurve)is red-shiftedandits line- shape is also broadened. The shift and broadening can be explained by the cumulative effect of plasmon reso- nancecouplingofadjacentgoldnanoparticlesafterbeing internalised by macrophages. However,whereasthecombineddual-modalityUS/PA imaging benefits from plasmon-assisted high contrast of its PA component and ultrasound provides morphologi- cal details of the anatomy, ambiguities arising from PA background signals remain in resulting images [110]. A strong background signal is a common challenge regard- less of the imaging modality. For example, in optical imaging a background signal originates from scattering, absorptionandautofluorescencethatobscurespecificsig- nalsfromtargetedcontrastagents. Similarly,inmagnetic resonance imaging the background signal originates due to high water content of the human body. To address the problem of background noise in PA imaging, a new imaging modality called magneto-photo- acoustic imaging (also called magneto-motive photoa- coustic(mmPA)imaging)hasbeenintroduced[114–117]. As the name suggests, this technique exploits magnetic nanoparticles as the PA contrast agent. In addition, an FIG.10. Magneto-plasmoniccirculatorbasedonastructure externalpulsedmagneticfieldisappliedduringPAimage consisting of a non-magneticmetal nanorod with radius R= acquisition. Because of this field magnetic nanoparticles 50nmsurroundedbythreeothermetallicnanorodswithradii create a vibrating motion. However, non-magnetic bio- R=10 nm. The distance between the centres of the thinner logicaltissues andliquids remainunaffectedby the mag- and thicker nanorods is 80 nm. The nanorods are embedded neticfield. Bydetectingthemotionofthenanoparticles, into a magneto-optical (MO) material – bismuth iron garnet (BIG) magnetised along the z-axis. Simulation results for PA signals from the nanoparticles can be distinguished thedistributionofthez-orientedopticalmagneticfieldH in from those originated from the background [Fig. 12(a)]. z the circulator. The external static magnetic field is ’off’ in This functionality has been demonstrated using Fe3O4 Panel (a) and ’on’ in Panel (b), respectively. Arrows show nanoparticlesandmagnetic-goldcore-shellnanoparticles the direction of the power flow. Numbers 1−3 label the [115, 117], Fe O -gold nanorods [116], and gold-coated 3 4 portsofthecirculator. Thefree-spacewavelengthofincident cobalt nanoparticles [118]. light is1430 nm. (c,d)Snapshotofthenear-fieldH profiles z correspondingtoPanels(a)and(b),respectively. Thearrows show schematically the coupling between input port and the Previously, oxidation-induced instability and toxicity two output ports. Adaptedfrom [106]. of cobalt nanoparticles have prohibited their wide appli- cation as a contrast agent. However, the gold coating proposed in [118] solves this problem. By analogy with sequently,itproducesultrasoundofrelativelylowampli- Chinesefoodcalledwonton,thesecobalt-goldnanostruc- tude. On the other hand, contrast in PA imaging arises tures are called nanowontons [Fig. 12(b)]. They have a from the natural variation in the optical absorption of cobalt core and a gold thin-film coating, and are con- tissue components. The absorptioncross-sectionof plas- structed similar to edible wontons. The thickness and monic nanoparticles is many orders of magnitude higher the shape of the gold layer of nanowontons can be engi- than that of tissues. Consequently, recent attention has neered to control the absorption spectral range at will, turned to the use of plasmonic nanoparticles as contrast whichmay be useful to matchthe near infraredlaser ex- agents for PA imaging [110–112]. Figure 11 shows the citation wavelength 700 nm used in PA imaging for the results of measurements of the plasmonic nanoparticle optimisation of the photothermal response [Fig. 12(b)].

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