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Preview Magnetism in (III, Mn)-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Effective Heisenberg Model

Magnetism in (III, Mn)-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Effective Heisenberg Model S. Hilbert1,∗ and W. Nolting2 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 1, D-85741, Garching, Germany 2Institut fu¨r Physik, Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Newtonstraße 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany (Dated: February 2, 2008) 5 0 The magnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) (Ga, Mn)As and (Ga, 0 Mn)N are investigated by means of an effective Heisenberg model, whose exchange parameters 2 are obtained from first-principle calculations. The finite-temperature properties of the model are n studiednumericallyusingamethodbasedupontheTyablikovapproximation. Themethodproperly a incorporatestheeffectsofpositionaldisorderpresentinDMS.TheresultingCurietemperaturesfor J (Ga, Mn)As are in excellent agreement with experimental data. Due to percolation effects and 7 noncollinear magnetic structures at higher Mn concentrations, our calculations predict for (Ga, Mn)N verylow Curie temperatures compared to mean-field estimates. ] i c PACSnumbers: 75.50.Pp,75.10.Nr,85.75.-d s - l r I. INTRODUCTION expensive and usually assume classical spins. However, t m a proper treatment of the positional disorder of the lo- calized moments and their quantum nature is needed to . Ferromagnetic (III, Mn)-V diluted magnetic semicon- t make reliable predictions about the magnetic properties ma damucotnogrssc(iDenMtiSst) dhuarvinegatthtreapctaesdt yceoanrssi1d,2e.raTblheeiartitnevnetsiotin- of DMS17,18. In a previously published article9, the exchange pa- - gationhasbeendrivenbythe ideaofusingtheir coupled d rameters of an effective (classical) Heisenberg Hamil- electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom to construct n tonian have been calculated from first-principles for electronic devices ranging from fast nonvolatile memo- o Ga Mn As and Ga Mn N. There, however, these c ries to quantum computers3. To date, however, techni- 1−x x 1−x x had only been used to calculate Curie temperatures [ cal applicability has been limited by the fact that most within MFA. More recently, results of classical MC known DMS have Curie temperatures T below room 1 C simulations on the basis of these exchange parameters v temperature2,4,5,6,7. have been presented15. Here, we employ a different 3 ForthedevelopmentofferromagneticDMSwithhigher approach19,20 toinvestigatethepropertiesoftheeffective 4 Curie temperatures, it is important to understand theo- Heisenberg Hamiltonian. This approach generalizes the 1 reticallythemagnetisminthesematerialsandtodevelop Tyablikov approximation21 to systems with positional 1 0 theories which provide reliable qualitative and quantita- disorder, which is treated numerically exactly. Further- 5 tive predictions. The magnetism in these materials is more, the method assumes quantum spins. The quan- 0 due to magnetic moments localized at magnetic impuri- tum fluctuations ofthe spins aretreatedwithinrandom- / ties, which interact with each other indirectly via holes phase approximation, which goes beyond MFA and the t a in the valence and impurity band of the host semicon- classical-spin approximation. It should be mentioned m ductor. Therefore,forthedescription,oneoftenemploys that a similar approachhas been proposed in22. - an effective Heisenberg model, whose exchange parame- d tersaredeterminedbythe interactionbetweenthelocal- n o ized moments and the holes8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. However, II. MODEL c themagneticimpuritiesaremainlyrandomlydistributed : over the sites of the crystal lattice. This positional dis- v Details of the electronic-structure calculation for order breaks the translational symmetry of the crystal i Ga Mn AsandGa Mn Nandtheextractionofthe X and thus greatly complicates the theoretical description 1−x x 1−x x exchangeparametersJ(R)asfunctionoftheMn-Mndis- ar opfrotxhime amtiaotner(iMal.FAS)8tu,9doiersthbeasreadndoonmt-hpehamseeaanp-pfireoldximapa-- tance R can be found in Ref.9. Here, these exchange parameters are used as input for a ‘diluted’ Heisenberg tion (RPA) combined with the virtual-crystal approxi- model mation(VCA)10 neglecteffectsofthepositionaldisorder inDMS.Approachesbasedonpercolationtheory11,12 ac- N count for the randomness of the impurity positions, but H =− J e ·e , (1) ij i j require a simple functional dependence of the exchange i,j=1 X parametersontheinter-spindistanceandtreatthemag- netismitselfonlyonamean-fieldlevel. Monte-Carlosim- inwhichonlyafractionofthelatticesitesisoccupiedby ulations (MC)13,14,15,16 seem to provide a better way to aspin. Hence,iandjlabeltheoccupiedlatticesitesonly, includethepositionaldisorder,butthesearenumerically whose total number is N, and e =(Sx,Sy,Sz)/(~S) i i i i 2 is the normalized spin operator of the localized mag- netic moment at lattice site i with lattice vector R and 3 (a) x = 0.02 i Jij =J(|Ri−Rj|). The magnitude S of the spins is ab- 2.5 0.05 sorbed by the exchange parameters due to the particu- ) y lar way in which these are calculatedfrom the electronic R 2 0.10 m structure. (1.5 The finite-temperature properties of Hamiltonian ) R 1 (1) are studied using a generalization of the Tyab- ( J likov approximation to systems without translational 0.5 symmetry19,20. The generalization treats the positional 0 disorder in the spin system numerically exactly except that a uniform magnetization is assumed. Further- 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 more, the effects of low-energy quantum excitations, i.e. R / a magnons, are included. Within this approximation, the 10 local magnon spectral density is given by19,20: (b) x = 0.02 8 1 N 2~hSzi 0.05 S (E)=2~2hSzi δ E− E , (2) ) ii N r=1 (cid:18) ~2S2 r(cid:19) Ry 6 0.10 X m ( where the E are the eigenvalues of the Hamilton 4 r ) matrix H, which is defined by its matrix elements R ( H =δ N J −J . These eigenvalues also deter- J 2 ij ij n=1 in ij mine the Curie temperature: P 0 −1 2S(S+1) 1 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 k T = . (3) B C 3 S2 N E R / a r r! X To evaluate this expression for a given set of E ’s, the FIG.1: ExchangeinteractionsJ(R)betweenMnionsofdis- r value of S has to be fixed. For Mn ions in Ga Mn As tanceRin(a)Ga1−xMnxAsand(b)Ga1−xMnxNforvarious 1−x x concentrations x (from9,23) andGa Mn N,S =5/2shouldbeappropriate2. How- 1−x x ever, this choice is not consistent with the calculation of the exchange parameters from the electronic structure, whereclassicalspinsareassumed. Therefore,wewilluse Figure 2 shows the resulting magnon spectral densi- Eq. (3) in the limit S → ∞, which yields TC values a ties. For Ga1−xMnxAs, the spectrum is smooth and factor 5/7 less than for S =5/2. continuous. For Ga1−xMnxN, one can recognize rem- Due to the positional disorder of the spins present in nantsofpeakstypicalfornearest-neighborinteractionat DMS, the eigenvalues cannot be computed by Fourier low concentrations, which are broadened by small long- transformation of H. However, the eigenvalues may be rangedinteractions. ComparedtoGa1−xMnxAs,thereis obtained by the numerical diagonalization of the Hamil- a large spectral density at low energies for Ga1−xMnxN. ton matrix for a finite system. In our calculations, we For concentrations x ≥ 0.08, antiferromagnetic interac- used systems of ∼ 10000 spins, which were randomly tions come into play and negative magnon energies ap- distributed over the lattice sites of a cubic section of an pear indicating a ground state which is not a saturated fcc lattice with periodic boundary conditions. For each ferromagnet20. concentrationxofMnions,weaveragedthespectralden- The Curie temperatures calculated using Eq. (3) are sities over eight random configurations. shown in Fig. 3. For Ga Mn As, the calculated val- 1−x x ues agree remarkably well with the experimental values of optimally annealed samples5,6,24. Furthermore, the III. RESULTS calculatedcurvesuggeststhatslightly higherT ’s might C be achieved by further increasing the Mn content x, but In Fig. 1, the Mn-Mn exchange interactions J(R) in values above 300K seem rather unlikely. Ga Mn AsandinGa Mn Nareshownasfunctions Since experimental values for T in Ga Mn N are 1−x x 1−x x C 1−x x of the Mn-Mn distance R for severalconcentrationx. In quite controversial (reported values range from 0K to Ga Mn As,thefalloffoftheinteractionwithRiscom- 940K4,26,27,28,29,30), we refrain from a comparison here. 1−x x parably slow. In Ga Mn N, the interaction between However,the Curietemperatureswecalculatedarequite 1−x x nearest neighbors is much larger than in Ga Mn As, low compared to earlier mean-field estimates (e.g. in 1−x x butMnmomentsfurtherapartareonlyveryweaklycou- Ref.2). These low T values despite the high values of C pled. the nearest-neighbor exchange may be explained as fol- 3 ) 200 1 - 0.5 (a) x = 0.01 (a) y R 0.02 (m 0.4 0.05 150 calc. 0.10 exp. 2 ) S 0.3 K ( 100 / C 0.2 T ) E ( 0.1 50 i i S 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 z 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 (S E)/(2<S >) (mRy) x 1 ) 0.7 (b) x = 0.01 50 (b) - 0.05 y 0.6 0.10 R m 0.5 0.15 40 ( ) 2 0.4 K S ( 30 / 0.3 C ) T (E 0.2 20 i i0.1 S 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 z 0.1 0.120.14 (S E)/(2<S >) (mRy) x FIG. 2: Local magnon spectral density Sii(E) for (a) FIG. 3: Calculated Curie temperature TC of (a) Ga1−xMnxAsand(b)Ga1−xMnxNforvariousconcentrations Ga1−xMnxAs (compared with experimental values of an- x of Mn nealed samples5,6,24,25) and (b) Ga1−xMnxN for various con- centrations x of Mn ions lows: Forconcentrationswellbelowthenearest-neighbor percolation threshold c ≈ 0.231, even a large nearest- should not play an important role for the ferromagnetic P neighbor exchange does not contribute substantially to stability,whichcanbeeasilyseenbyconsideringthecase the stability of the magnetic phase. Since the exchange of nearest-neighbor interaction only20. parameters for larger inter-spin distances are very small in Ga Mn N, ferromagnetic order can only be estab- 1−x x lished at very low temperatures. Note that the drop of IV. SUMMARY T for x ≥ 0.08 may be due to the used approximation: C As indicated by the magnon spectra seen in Fig. 2, the In this paper, we presented a method for calculat- system’s groundstate is different froma saturatedferro- ing the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic DMS. The magnet,butasuchuniformmagneticstateisassumedin method applies a Tyablikov-like approximation for sys- the approximation. tems with positional disorder to an effective Heisenberg Figure 4 presents a comparison of the the Curie tem- Hamiltonian,whoseexchangeparameterswhereobtained peratures calculated using different approximations for by first-principle calculations. Unlike in MFA or VCA- the effective Heisenberg model. The T values ob- RPA, no approximations with respect to the positional C tained by MC simulations are slightly higher than the disorderare made apartfromthe simplificationof a uni- ones calculated by the presented approach, whereas form magnetization. As the main advantage over clas- both MFA and VCA-RPA yield much higher T ’s. For sical MC simulations, the presented treatment of the ef- C Ga Mn As, the difference is about a factor two to fectiveHeisenbergmodeladmitsquantumspinsandthus 1−x x eight. For Ga Mn N, the difference is even much may open up a way towardsa fully quantum-mechanical 1−x x larger. This is due to the fact that the MFA and VCA- treatment of magnetism in DMS. Furthermore, the nu- RPA do not take into account percolation effects: Large merical effort is fairly low compared to MC simulations. nearest-neighbor interactions yield large Curie temper- OurcalculationsofT forGa Mn Asshowexcellent C 1−x x atures even for concentrations well below the nearest- agreement with experimental data. For Ga Mn N, 1−x x neighbor percolation threshold. However, for such con- we obtained very low Curie Temperatures despite high centrations, the nearest-neighbor interaction strength effective nearest-neighbor exchange parameters, which 4 we found are much lower than MFA and VCA-RPA val- ues. These results support recent findings obtained by 350 usingMCsimulationsincombinationwithfirst-principle methods15,16. 300 The presented model should be improved by using a self-consistent method describing the electronic degrees 250 offreedomatfinitetemperature(suchas,e.g.,in32,33). In ) K ordertoobtainafullyquantummechanicaltheory,quan- ( 200 C tum spins should be used instead of classical spins in in T thecalculationoftheeffectiveexchangeparametersfrom 150 the electronic structure. This will also remove the ambi- 100 guity in the choice of S. Furthermore, the treatment of the effectiveHeisenbergmodelmaybe extendedtoallow 50 for a site-dependent hSzi. In addition, the model might i be improved in order to handle systems with a ground 0 state deviating from a saturated ferromagnet. Further- 0.1 0.120.14 x more,clusteringandotherformsofshort-rangechemical orderingmay alsobe included into the model inorderto investigatetheireffectsonthemagneticstability. Finally, FIG. 4: Comparison of the Curie temperatures TC of the method should be applied to other DMS. Ga1−xMnxAs (diamonds) and Ga1−xMnxN (squares) ob- tained by the presented approach (solid line, filled symbols), VCA-RPA (dashed line, filled symbols), MFA (dotted line, Acknowledgments filled symbols) and MC (dash-dotted line, open symbols, taken from15). This work benefited from the support of the SFB290 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Thanks to J. shows the importance of percolation effects. Moreover, Kudrnovsky´ for supplying the exchange parameters and for both Ga Mn As and Ga Mn N, the T values for helpful discussion. 1−x x 1−x x C ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] 13 J.Schliemann,J.K¨onig,andA.H.MacDonald,Phys.Rev. 1 H. Ohno,J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 200, 110 (1999). B 64, 165201 (2001). 2 T. Dietl, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17, 377 (2002). 14 L. Brey and G. G´omez-Santos, Phys. Rev. B 68, 115206 3 I. Z˘uti`c, J. Fabian, and S. Das Sarma, Rev. Mod. Phys. (2003). 76, 323 (2004). 15 L. Bergqvist, O. Eriksson, J. Kudrnovsky´, V. Drchal, 4 M. L. Reed, N. A. El-Masry, H. H. 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