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Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: Towards the Fourth Generation Light Sources: Proceedings of the 6th International School “Synchrotron Radiation and Magnetism”, Mittelwihr (France), 2012 PDF

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Springer Proceedings in Physics 151 Eric Beaurepaire Hervé Bulou Loic Joly Fabrice Scheurer Editors Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: Towards the Fourth Generation Light Sources Proceedings of the 6th International School “Synchrotron Radiation and Magnetism”, Mittelwihr (France), 2012 Springer Proceedings in Physics Volume 151 For furthervolumes: http://www.springer.com/series/361 Eric Beaurepaire Hervé Bulou • Loic Joly Fabrice Scheurer • Editors Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: Towards the Fourth Generation Light Sources Proceedings of the 6th International School ‘‘Synchrotron Radiation and Magnetism’’, Mittelwihr (France), 2012 123 Editors Eric Beaurepaire LoicJoly Hervé Bulou IPCMSDepartment ofMagnetic Objects Fabrice Scheurer ontheNanoScale IPCMS Université Strasbourg CNRS Université Strasbourg CNRS Strasbourg Cedex 2 Strasbourg France France ISSN 0930-8989 ISSN 1867-4941 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-319-03031-9 ISBN 978-3-319-03032-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-03032-6 SpringerChamHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2013953223 (cid:2)SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2013 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionor informationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purposeofbeingenteredandexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthe work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of theCopyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the CopyrightClearanceCenter.ViolationsareliabletoprosecutionundertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexempt fromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication,neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityfor anyerrorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,with respecttothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Foreword WhentheEditorsaskedmetowriteaforewordfortheseLectureNotes,mod- esty suggested I should decline at the sight of the impressive list of interna- tionally recognized expert contributors: the notes cover the 6th International School“SynchrotronRadiationandMagnetism”,heldinMittelwihr(France) in the Autumn 2012. But my thoughts went back to the 1990’s when it all startedwiththeannual“Grand-Est”workshopsofthe“InstitutdePhysiqueet de Chimie des Mate´riaux de Strasbourg” (IPCMS) that boosted my involve- ment in spectroscopic studies of magnetism using synchrotron light and my participation, first as a novice, later as a lecturer, in the quadriennal series of these schools organized by the IPCMS. At the 4th school (2004), I, like the rest of the audience, was particularly impressed by Franc¸ois GAUTIER’s lecture providing a fascinating, clear, and insightful picture of magnetism. Unfortunatelyhisextensiveresponsibilitieslefthimnoroomtowritedowna manuscript and we, the students, did not take the initiative of recording this highlypedagogicalmoment.Hislecturecontributedstronglytoourenthusi- asm for studying magnetism and convinced us that publishing lecture notes wasanessentialconsolidationofthevariousviewpointsbroughttothisfield. That past frustration convinced me that this foreword was an opportunity to stress how important and timely this pedagogical book seems to me. It is a snapshot of both our present understanding of magnetism acquired via syn- chrotron radiation based techniques and a glimpse into the future as tools developatmoreadvancedlightsources. Magnetismisoneofthemostimportantphysicaleffectsinlifeasweknow it.TheEarth’smagneticfieldhasprobablybeencrucialtotheappearanceof LifeontheBluePlanet:itavoidstheerosionofouratmospherebythesolar v vi Foreword wind,andthusprotectsourbiosphere.Magnetismhasplayedaprominentrole in the determination of the geography of our world thanks to the use of the “magnetic”compassasanavigationalinstrumentatthebeginningoftheXIth century.Todaywecanhardlyimaginelivingwithoutelectricityproducedby the conversion of mechanical energy using magnets. Magnetic effects are at theforefrontofmodernelectronicsinvolvingresearchintothesizeandspeed limitsinherentinthemanipulationofmagnetizationandthedevelopmentof spintronics, i.e., the use of both the charge and the spin information carried bytheelectron.Thisiswherespectroscopictoolsusingsynchrotronradiation comeintoplay. Synchrotron radiation is the light emitted by relativistic charged parti- cles moving along a curved trajectory. Considered by nuclear physicists as a nuisance because responsible of particle energy loss, it was recognized in the 1960’s as a light source of tremendous interest for spectroscopy. Under the impulse of Yvette CAUCHOIS, head at this time of the “Laboratoire de ChimiePhysiquedelaFaculte´ desSciencesdeParis”,thefirstspectroscopic experiments in Europe using the orbit radiation of the Frascati synchrotron were done, in collaboration with the “Istituto Superiore di Sanita`” (Rome). The new physics that can be explored using the unique properties of syn- chrotronradiation,namelycontinuousspectralrangefromtheinfraredtothe x-rays,highintensity,angularcollimation,polarization,andpulsedstructure, attracted an ever-growing scientific community and led in the 1970’s to the building of storage rings dedicated to the sole production of “synchrotron” light(calledsecondgenerationsynchrotronradiationsources).Thenextstep has been, as in the current (third-generation) synchrotron radiation sources, to increase their brightness and obtain full control of the polarisation of the light.Noweffortsaremadetodevelopfourth-generationlightsources:x-ray free-electronlasers. The first experimental evidence that light and electromagnetism were linked was given by FARADAY (1845) and KERR (1875) who observed a rotation of the plane of polarization of visible light either transmitted or re- flectedbyamagneticsystem.Synchrotronlightbeingnaturallypolarized,it was tempting to extend magneto-optics to the x-ray range. Strong magneto- opticaleffectswereindeedtheoreticallypredicted(1975)andexperimentally observed (1987). This discovery of magnetic dichroism in x-ray absorption has made a great impact on the understanding of magnetic interactions in matter because it opens the way to element- and orbital-specific investiga- tions.Thetechniquesoonbecameastandardprobeofmagneticpropertiesas, viathe“sumrules”(1992-3),itallowsthedeterminationofelementalorbital Foreword vii and spin magnetic moments. It turns out that x-ray magnetic dichroism is a facetofrelatedx-raymagneto-opticaleffectssuchasx-rayresonantmagnetic scattering, magnetodichroic x-ray/electron (micro-)spectroscopies and x-ray holography,tociteafew,thatarenowclassicalcharacterizationtoolsofmag- netic(nano-)objects. Thus 2012 was the Silver Wedding Anniversary between synchrotron ra- diationandmagnetism.Thereisnodoubtthatinthecomingyearsthispart- nership will give birth to interesting “new offspring” in the exploration of magnetismatlargelightsourcefacilities,inparticularatlowerlengthscales (<10nm)andshortertimescales(<100fs). This book is a fitful celebration of this anniversary because it is an illus- tration of the progress made in the physics of magnetic materials by closely coupling synchrotron radiation and magnetism and forms an excellent text- book on magnetism and spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation, including the presentation of new hot topics and perspectives in x-ray radiography of magnetism. Iwouldliketounderlinethatthecontributors,allleadersinthefield,have madearemarkablepedagogicaleffort. Paris,Trieste,March2013 Jean-MichelMariot Preface ThisvolumecontainsthelecturenotesofthefifthschoolonMagnetismand Synchrotron Radiation held in Mittelwihr, France, from 14 to 19 October 2012. Twenty three years ago, in March 1989, was held the first edition of this school,whichendedbyaone-dayinternationalWorkshop.Theelderonesof usvividlyrememberthetalkgiveninthisworkshopbyG.Schu¨tz,whopre- sented the first x-ray magnetic circular dichroism results obtained two years earlier.Thisdiscoverywasimportantenoughtoopennewperspectivesinthe studyofmagnetism,whichkeptonfeedingtheschoolwithnewtopicsforthe following25years. Wewouldliketothankalltheteachersfortheinterestingandverymuch appreciatedlecturestheygaveandforanimatingthepracticalsofthisschool, aswellasthemembersofthescientificcommitteefortheirhelpinestablish- ing the school program (see lists next pages). We are very grateful to J.-M. Mariot, a long-date supporter who kindly accepted to write the foreword of thisbook. The success of this school is also due to the hard work of our colleagues fromthelocalorganizationcommittee,J.-L.Bubendorff(LPSE,Mulhouse), F. Gautier, V. Wernher and S. Cherifi (IPCMS). Particular thanks go to J.-P. Kappler, one of the main and early initiators of this exciting adventure, and faithfullorganizersince1989.Thankyouforpushingustomakethisschool livefurther. Last but not least, it is a great pleasure to acknowledge the kind hospi- tality of the Centre de Mittelwihr and the Communaute´ des Communes de Ribeauville´ whichhavebeenwelcomingussince1989. ix x Preface This school would not have been possible without financial support by followinginstitutionsandcompanies,whichwegratefullyacknowledge: - FormationPermanenteduCNRS - Universite´ deHauteAlsace - Re´gionAlsace - ConseilGe´ne´ralduHaut-Rhin - InstitutdePhysiqueetChimiedesMate´riauxdeStrasbourg - SynchrotronSOLEIL,StAubin - ALTECEquipment - SPECS - VAT Strasbourg,May2013 E.Beaurepaire H.Bulou L.Joly F.Scheurer Preface xi Teachers M.ALTARELLI (EuropeanXFEL,Hambourg,Germany) U.BOVENSIEPEN (Universita¨tDuisburg-Essen,Germany) S.G.CHIUZBA˘IAN (LCPMR,Paris,France) M.-E COUPRIE (SynchrotronSOLEIL,Gif-sur-Yvette,France) P.FISCHER (LBNL,Berkeley,UnitedStates) A.FOGNINI (ETHZu¨rich,Switzerland) R.HERTEL (IPCMS,Strasbourg,France) P.HOFMANN (AarhusUniversity,Aahrus,Denmark) P.OHRESSER (SynchrotronSOLEIL,Gif-sur-Yvette,France) B.PFAU (HelmholtzZentrumBerlin-Bessy,Germany) N.JAOUEN (SynchrotronSOLEIL,Gif-sur-Yvette,France) A.JUHIN (IMPMC,Paris,France) P.KRU¨GER (Universite´ deBourgogne,Dijon,France) A.ROGALEV (ESRF,Grenoble,France) P.SAINCTAVIT (CNRS,IMPMC,Paris,France) R.L.STAMPS (UniversityofGlasgow,UnitedKingdom) G.VANDERLAAN(DiamondLightSource,Didcot,UnitedKingdom) C.VETTIER (ESRF,Grenoble,France) ScientificCommittee M.ALTARELLI (EuropeanXFEL,Hambourg,France) M.BOWEN (IPCMS,Strasbourg,France) D.CHANDESRIS (LPS,Orsay,France) P.CRESPO (UCM,Madrid,Spain) K.DUMESNIL (IJL,Nancy,France) V.DUPUIS (ILM,Lyon,France) P.GAMBARDELLA(ALBA,Barcelona,Spain) G.VANDERLAAN (DiamondLightSource,Didcot,UK) J.-M.MARIOT (LCPMR,Paris,France) F.PETROFF (CNRS-THALES,Palaiseau,France) A.ROGALEV (ESRF,Grenoble,France) M.SACCHI (SynchrotronSOLEIL,GifsurYvette,France) A.SCHUHL (InstitutNe´el,Grenoble,France) C.STAMM (HelmholtzZentrumBerlin-Bessy,Germany) U.STAUB (SLS,Villigen,Switzerland) M.ZACCHIGNA (ELETTRA,Trieste,Italy)

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