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MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1049-1052 Author index to volume 38 Abraham, R. J. Bradley, D. C. 331 Dais, P. 149 Adcock, W. Braz-Filho, R. 809 de Castro, J. C. M. 201 Adriaensens, P. J. Breemen, A. J. J. M. van 129 De Jéso, B. 668 Afonin, A. V. Brennan, M. R. 1043 De la Cerda Medina, A. 680 Alarcon, S. H. Breuer, E. 1] de Santos Galindez, J. 688 Albert, K. Brezova, V. 957 de Silva, M. S. 201 Alberti, A. Brochier, M.-C. 360 Debatty, M. 719 Alcantara, A. F. de C. Brochier-Salon, M.-C. 1041 Dega-Szafran, Z. 43 Alfonso, R. J. C. F. Bronstein, H. E. 311 Delgado-Castro, T. 135 Ali, M. Brook, M. A. 894 Della, E. W. 395 Almeida, P. 475 Buchanan, G. 488 Demeure, R. 324 Altona, C. 95 Bunkenborg, J. 58 Devanathan, V. C. 463 Alvarez-Cisneros, C. 172 Buntkowsky, G. 596 Dhanasekaran, M. 257 Alves, J. S. Burger, R. 963 Di Maio, G. 108 Ando, I. 241 Burguefio-Tapia, E. 390 Diaba, F. 891 Ando, S. 241 Burns, D. 488 Diaz-Lanza, A. M. , 688 Angeles Garcia, M. 604 Byrd, D. C. 479 Dickinson, L. M. 918 Araki, S. 617 Byrd, R. A. 536 Ding, K. 321 Araya-Maturana, R. 135 Dintinger, T. C. S49, S58, 62, Arfaoui, Y. 639 Campredon, M. 775 281, 646, 729 Armitage, I. M. 452 Cardona, W. 135 Dominguez, J. N. 1039 Arno, M. 1019 Carr, K. 504 Dong, H.-S. 210 Catalan, C. A. N. 494 dos Santos, M. H. 1027 Bain, A. D. 894 Cerda-Garcfa-Rojas, C. M. 494 Doudin, K. I. 975 Bao, X. 704 Cervantes-Cuevas, H. 172 Driessen-Hoelscher, B. 747 Barbe, B. 785 Cervell6, E. 925 Duarte, L. P. 977, 1023 Barborak, J. C. 932 Chandrasekaran, R. 55 Dubis, A. 1037 Barbosa, L. C. de A. 675 Charlton, M. H. 504 Duddeck, H. 29, 512 Barbosa-Filho, J. M. 201 Charris, J. E. 386, 1039 Duez, J.-M. 324 Bargon, J. 33, 216, 747 Chatel, F. 137 Dulewicz, E. 43 Barlow, C. G. 38 Chattopadhyaya, J. 403 Durani, S. 257 Barras, L. 719 Chavez, M. I. 494 Duus, J. @ 692 Bauer, W. 500 Chen, A. 782 Dvorakova, H. 738 Baumann, W. 515 Chen, R. 1] Bednarek, E. 839 Cherryman, J. C. 504 Effemey, M. 1012 Béguin, C. G. 655 Chiesa, M. 833 Eifler-Lima, V. L. 472 Belton, P. S. 765 Chin, J. 782 Eisenbliatter, J. 662 Bento, E. S. 331 Chinn, M. 918 Elguero, J. 604 Berger, S. 566 Chippendale, A. M. 504 Eloranta, J. 987 Beri, S. 257 Claramunt, R. M. 604 Elsevier, C. J. 650 Bernabé, M. 684 Classen, R. 1] Emanuele, M. C. 886 Bertini, I. 543 Claxton, T. A. S65 Enriquez, R. G. 366, 488, 771 Bertram, H.-J. 907 Cohen, H. 1] Erdt, F. 795 Biedrzycka, Z. , 580 Contreras, R. H. 395 Erickson, K. L. 1043 Bigler, P. 963 Convert, O. 827 Ernst, L. 559 Birkett, H. E. 504 Corbally, R. P. 1034 Escolano, C. 891 Blechta, V. 795 Cordero, M. I. 1039 Ewa, 197 Bliefert, C. 795 Correia, I. 827 Exner, O. 795 Bloor, S. J. 1031 Cosman, M. 789 Blundell, S. J. $27 Costa, A. V. 675 Faber, D. H. 95 Bocian, W. 839 Costa, M. C. 937 Faizi, S. 701 Boldhaus, H.-M. 795 Cottrell, S. P. S9 Fant, F. 937 Bolis, G. 229 Courseille, C. 785 Faucher, N. 655 Bolvig, S. 525 Cox, S: F. 5. $3, $9 Fauhl, C. 436 Boman, A. 853 Curto, M. J. M. 937 Faure, R. 137 Bonjoch, J. 891 Fernandes, J. B. 805 Borremans, F. A. M. 937 da Silva, M. C. 1027 Fernandes, S. A. 970 Bourgeois, M. J. 785 da Silva, M. F. G. F. 805 Fernandez Matellano, L. 688 Boustie, J. 472 da-Cunha, E. V. L. 201 Fischer, H. 336 Boyer, G. 137 Dachtler, M. 951 Foces-Foces, C. 604 Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1049-1052 1050 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY Foéldesi, A. 403 Hase, T. 165 Kocsis, A. 343 Fonseca e Silva, L. G. 1027 Hawk, R. M. 951 Kok, M. M. de 129 Foris, A. 813, 1044 Hawkes, G. E. 331 Kolehmainen, E. 375, 384, 877, 987 Fortt, R. 932 Hayes, W. $27 Komoroski, R. A. 951 Fragai, M. 543 Hazendonk, P. 894 Koster, R. 520 Freire, M. O. 201 Helaja, J. 165 Kovér, K. E. 265 Froimowitz, M. 274 Helaja, T. 165 Kowalewski, J. 1012 Frgystein, N. A. 975 Hewlins, M. J. E. 883 Kozerski, L. 757, 839 Fukushi, E. 1005 Hills, B. P. 719 Kozminski, W. 459, 839 Furihata, K. 14] Hinds, C.S. S49 Krajewski, P. it Hironaka, T. 241 Krammer, G. E. 907 Gaemers, S. 650 Hirsch, A. 500 Krebs, A. 566 Gakh, A. A. 551 Hodgkinson, P. 504 Krishnamurthy, V. V. 143 Gakh, Y. G. 55! Hoekzema, A. J. A. W. 95 Krishnan, V. V. 789 Galy, J. P. 137 Hoffbauer, W. 861 Krstic, A. R. 115 Gancarz, R. 867 Hoffman, R. E. 311 Kupka, T. 149 Ganesan, M. 55 Hofstetter, C. 90 Kurosu, H. 241 Gao, H. 696 Honeywill, J. D. 423 Kurreck, H. 67 Garcia-Velgara, M. 172 Hopkins, G. A. $3, S9 Kvicalova, M. 795 Gawinecki, R. 384 Howeler, U. 751 Kwiecien, B. 839 Gayathri, V. 223 Hrabal, R. 738 Gelan, J. M. J. V. 129 Hu, J. 375, 987 Lachowska, B. 1037 Gerardin, C. 429 Huber, M. 67 Laihia, K. 384 Gerwick, W. H. 265 Hughes, D. W. 707 Lambert, J. B. 388 Giamello, E. 833 Hui, Y. Z. 704 Lancelot, G. 946 Giusti, G. 715 Lang, J. 1012 Glaser, R. 274 Iavarone, C. 108 Lartigue, J. C. 668 Glaser, S. 985 Issaris, A. C. J. 129 Latajka, R. 197, 867 Glaser, T. 951 Latosinska, J. N. 192 Glover, R. P. 504 Jackowski, K. 459 Lauterwein, J. 751 Gnecco, D. 366 Jaime, C. 925 Lee, B.-S. 468 Goasdoue, N. 827 Janota, H. 384 Lee, Tt. B. 468 Godoy, M. V. 386 Jarjayes, O. 360 Lee, S.-G: 820 Godward, J. 719 Jaroszewska-Manaj, J. 482 Lewis, K. C. 771 Golomb, G. 11 Jaworska, M. 149 Li-Hong, 336 Gonzales, A. J. 126 Jayasooriya, U. A. S65 Limbach, H.-H. 305, 596, 604 Gonzalez, M. A. 1019 Jazwinski, J. 617 Lindquist, D. 951 Gotfredsen, C. H. 692 Jeannerat, D. 56, 415 Linnanto, J. 877 Goudemant, J.-F. 324 Jedrzejczyk, D. 370 Liptakova, M. 957 Goumont, R. 655 Jestadt, T. $27 Liu, X. M. 704 Grabowski, Z. 580 Jiménez, J. A. 305 Lobo, C. 1039 Green, D. A. $43 tes, 33/1. a2 Lochert, I. J. 395 Griffiths, L. 444 Johnels, D. 853 Lofgren, B. 165 Gromova, M. 655 Johnston, E. R. 932 Lopes, J. L. C. 675 Gronenborn, A. M. 551 Joseph-Nathan, P. 172, 390, 494, 680 Lépez, C. 604 Grossmann, A. 1] Jullian, C. 135 Lépez, S. E. 386, 1039 Grossmann, G. 11 Lord, J. S. S9 Grutzner, J. B. 479 Kafarski, P. 197, 370, 867 Lorentz, C. 429 Gryff-Keller, A. 17 Kajiwara, H. 141 Lovett, B. W. $27 Grynkiewicz, G. 757 Karali, A. 149 Lozowicka, B. 1037 Gudat, D. 861 Karson, C. N. 951 Luccioni-Houzé, B. 775 Guillou, C. 436 Kauppinen, R. 384 Luchinat, C. 543, 886 Giinther, H. S2 Kavalek, J. 1001 Lula, I. S. 977, 1023 Kawabata, J. 1005 LyCcka, A. 293, 1001 Hadden, C. E. 43, 251 Kaye, P. T. 207 Hagele, G. 1] Kelly, M. 596 Macciantelli, D. TD Hakala, K. 165 Kelly, P. F. S65 Machdaéek, V. 293, 1001 Halama, A. 867 Kilcoyne, S. H. $20 Macholl, S. 596 Haloui, E. 639 Kim, Y. G. 468 Maciejewska, D. 482 Hamman, S. 360 Kintzinger, J. P. 809 Macrae, R. M. $27, S33 Han, X. W. 704 Klein, O. 604 Maestre, M. 123 Handel, H. 951 KnieZo, L. 738 Magos, G. A. 366 Hansen, P. E. 1, 525, 839 Knuutinen, J. 375, 987 Maia, I. A. 331 Haouas, M. 429 Kobayashi, R. 141 Maltseva, T. V. 403 Harris, R. K. 487, 504, 918 Koch, A. 216 Matuszek, B. 197 Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1049-1052 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 1051 Mannina, L. 886 Park, H.-Y. 468 Sack, I. 596 Mainttiiri, P. 877 Parrick, J. 1034 Sadowsky, J. D. 126 Marin, M. L. 1019 Pasterna, G. 149 Sakhaii, P. 559 Marquez, B. L. 265 Patumi, M. 886 Salazar, G. C. M. 977 Marsaioli, A. J. 970 Pauli, J. 596 Salazar, J. 386 Martin, G. E. = | Payen, E. S43 Sales, K. D. 331 Martinez-Viviente, E. 2a Pekerar, S. 1039 Salo, H. 877 Maurizot, J.-C. 946 Pellny, P.-M. 515 Sanchez, M. 925 Maxwell, A. R. 771 Peralta, J. E. 395 Santos, L. 475, 937 Mazurkiewicz, R. 4 Pérez, C; 'S. 123 Santos, M. H. 1023 Mazzini, S. 229 Pérez-Alvarez, V. 680 Saturio, C. P. 719 McLean, S. 771 Perumal, S. 883 Savel, J. 957 Medeiros, M. A. 937 Pescarmona, P. 833 Savona, G. 802 Mehta, L. K. 1034 Peters, O. 604 Scaglioni, L. 229 Meissner, A. 692, 981 Pétraud, M. 668 Schagen, D. 604 Mekarbane, P. G. 183, 845 Phadke, R. S. 257 Schenkel, E. 472 Méndez, B. 1039 Pianet, I. 785 Schleyer, D. 747 Mestdagh, M. 324 Piccioli, M. 827 Schmidt, C. O. 907 Meyer, C. 29 Pil6-Veloso, D. 675 Schneider, H.-J. 85 Michel, D. 587 Pochapsky, T. C. 90 Schoeller, W. W. 861 Migneco, L. M. 108 Podanyi, B. 343 Schorn, C. 963 Mile, B. 423 Poplawski, J. 1037 Schraml, J. 795 Miller, A.-F. 536 Pouységu, L. 668 Schreier, P 51 Miller, D. L. 38 Povolotskii, M. I. 861 Schulte, J. 751 Mitchell, P. C. H. S43 Pratt, F. L. S27 Scott, C. A. S9, $43, S58, Mitra, A. K. 696 Pregosin, P. S. 23 62, 281, 729 Molchanoy, S. 17 Puig, A. I. 386 Scott, L. T. 311 Mondelli, R. 229 Segre, A. 886 Montaudon, E. 785 Quan, B. 210 Seidel, G. 520 Monte, F. J. Q. 809 Quirante, J. 891 Selvaraj, S. 55 Morales-Rios, M. S. , 680 Seymour, J. D. 1047 Morimoto, H. BS Rabinovitz, M. 311 Shaginian, A. 1043 Morin, C. 1041 Raitza, M. 336 Shapiro, M. J. 782 Rajca, A. 311 Morris, H. S49 Shaw, J. A. 918 Ramalingam, M. 463 Morvai, M. 343 Shenhar, R. 311 Mossler, H. 67 Ramanathan, K. V. 223 Shiftan, D. 274 Moynihan, H. A. 646 Ramos, S. S. 475 Shiomi, N. 1005 Ranghino, G. 229 Mphahlele, M. J. 207 Short, E. L. 1034 Mudrassagam, R. K. 67 Rastogi, V. K. 288 Sicinska, W. 177 Ratcliffe, R. G. 985 Siehl, H.-U. 566 Ratier, M. 668 Naganagowda, G. A. 225 Siergiejczyk, L. 1037 Reese, P. B. 488 Nagem, T. J. 1027 Reid, D. 894 Silva, G. D. F. 977, 1023 Nagy, T. 343 Reid, I. D. S3, S49, S58, S65, Simunek, P. 293 Nanje Gowda, N. M. 223 Sinbandhit, S. 472 281, 646, 823 Nardin, R. 360 Reid, M. 570 Sitkowski, J. 757, 839 Newmark, R. A. 38 Reniero, F. 436 Soi, A. 500 Ng, A. 765 Reynolds, W. F. 319, 366, 488, 771 Sommer, H. 907 Nielsen, N. C. 58 Rhodes, C. Sl] Songstad, J. 975 Niessen, H. G. 747 Rhodes, C. J S49, S58, S65, i, 62, Sgrensen, O. W 58, 692, 981 Niethammer, D. 67 281, 646, 729, 823 Soriano-Rama, A. S65 Norman, P. R. 918 Ribeiro, D. S. 627 Soukupova, L. 795 Nowakowska, Z. 382 Riggione, F. 1039 Spenser, I. D. 707 Rittner, R. 627 Sperry, A. 472 O'Leary, D. J. 126 Riviere, D. 827 Srivastava, S. 257 Ohms, G. 1] Rodrigues, D. C. 970 Stan, R. S. 894 Olivato, P. R. 627 Rodrigues-Filho, E. 805 StaSko, A. 957 Olive, G. 379 Rodriguez, B. 802 Staszewska, O. 617 Onodera, S. 1005 Rodriguez-Lyon, M. L. 684 Stec, Z. 213 Ossipov, D. 403 Roland, J. 587 Stefaniak, L. 617 Ouwerx, C. 719 Rosenthal, U. 315 Steines, S. 747 Paganini, M. C. 833 Rossi, E. 886 Stewart, K. W. 479 Papa, S. M. A. 809 Roth, M. 51 Stumpe, W. 907 Paquet, F. 946 Rozhenko, A. B. 861 Suleimanovy, N. S9 Parella, T. 925 Riidiger, V. 85 Sundaravadivelu, M. 883 Parigi, G. 543 Rumbero Sanchez, A. 688 Suontamo, R. 987 Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1049-1052 1052 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY Sutcliffe, L. H. Vathyam, S. 536 Wilson, D. A. 55 Swinny, E. E. Vecchi, E. 108 Winter, R. 662 Symons, M. C. R. Vialemaringe, M. 785 Witanowski, M. 177, 580 Szab6, L. F. Vieira Filho, S. A. 977, 1023 Wittenberg, M. 67 Szafran, M. : Waeiras 1. JOC. 805 Wong, H. 1031 Szalontai, G. Vieira, P. C. 805 Wood, P. T. S65 Vijayakumar, V. 883 Wrackmeyer, B. 520 Tabner, B. J. s Vilhena, A. F. 475 Wrobel, J. T. 707 Tamminen, J. Villaescusa-Castillo, L. 684 Wu, H. 388 Tang, H.-R. : Virgili, A. 925 Tarasova, O. A. Taulelle, F. Yamamori, A. 1005 Teixeira, A. F. Yamazaki, S. 141 Terrier, F. Wang, Q.-L. Yoshimura, E. 141 Thélke, B. i Wawer, I. Yu; B. 704 Tomasi, S. lebb, G. A. Yu, Hf. 704 Tordeux, M. Webster, B. Torra, M. Webster, R. D. Toth, G. 5 Weckerle, B. Trofimov, B. A. Wei, K. Zamorano, G. 494 Tschoerner, M. 2: Weidlich, T. Zangger, K. 452 Tung, J. C. Weimar, T. Zaragoza, R. J. 1019 Wemmer, D. Zawadiak, J. 293 Ulrich, C. Werkhoff, P. Zenerino, A. 662 Urdaneta, N. Wiemann, S. Zhang, Z.-Y. 210 Ushakov, I. A. Wiench, J. W Zhao, B.-L. 765 Williams, P. Zinchenko, S. V. 994 van Genderen, M. H. P. Williamson, R. T. Ziora, Z. 370 Vanderzande, D. J. M. Willner, I. Zviely, M. 907 Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1049-1052 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1053-1056 Subject index to volume 38 AA’XX’ system 566 Balloia hispanica Neck. ex Nim. charge transfer compounds ab initio calculations 1, 149, 177, 192, 395, barrier heights CHARGE7 482, 566, 580, 604, 617, 987, S65 base line distortion charge-transfer complex ACCORD—HMBC 143, 251 base pairing chelate complex accordion excitation 251 BEDT-TTF, see bis(ethylenedithio)tetra- chelidonine accordion principle 143 thiafulvalene Chelidonium majus L. accordion—HMQC 452 benzene chemical exchange acetamides 384 , adsorbed chemical shift calculation acetanilides 384 benzodiazepine analogues —, 3C acetone 459 benzoquinones —, empirical acetone anion : 1001 p-benzoquinone, tetrafluoro —._ see also acetoxybenzoic acids 877 benzothiazines ab initio calculations N-acetylsydnonimine 617 benzotriazole DFT calculations acteoside 688 benzylic carbanions GIAO calculations activated carbon » 558 betaines : chemical shift increments 95, 210, i) —activa tion Cpeaerraemee toeer s 550()4 , 515, a 655, a820 , bbiicaynctlhor[y ] 1.d1e.1r i]vpateinvtea n-1-y! fluorides 7 > cchheemmiiccaall sshhiifftt prreefdeircetnicoen co o) MA— w aS bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane 115 chemical shifts, 'H active site 536 pte 995 bicyclo| 1.1.1 |pentanes, |-substituted 395 chemical shifts, '’F aOddiRtiv ity rules, fst or eeCe chemic: al shifa ts 4re 3 bSifEluEorSen ylidene 311 dChhilne sec ewlatee r chestnut A— adiabatic inversion Per 459 hindus atte clilesh achialiiadin ©w nmwn adsorption 11, 62, 281, 587,729, 918, S58 bioactivity chiroptical N atom Ia——~ _ — x >o Cw w = 8 ea oat bioaffinity NMR chlorine isotope effects ox 7) oat nite 04 biological systems AWw w chlorine-quinone ) 2TA1 NMR 429 biomembranes _ . chlorofluorocarbons 281 i« y gr eaA esk c bio7m8o9l, ec8u2l7e,s 9469 5, 229, 257, 288, 403, 3g . cchhorloeisstpehraonlo l 1401275 f—s— ae 90, 143a, 25e1,256 , 366, 707, 75i7e, bbiipghheenbyallsa,, stoolnitdi tns taaten glNe MR 2 ccharoimnateog rapphny) 377356 : 2,2'-bipyridine 223 chrysene derivative 311 alkenes, strained 566 alkyl peroxy esters 845 BIRD-HMBC Pe: 963 CIGAR-HMBC 90 ia 515 bis-biphenylene derivative ibe 31 I CISD calculation S16 aiistindeavl cvieteie 970 bis( ethylenedithio)tetrathiafuly alene S $33 cis -trans isomers 47. 994 allyltetrahydronaphthaleny| systems 970 Pirin ners am ceiggaaga ge ogg rearrangement = q > >*xchange . C a oud J a) « — ee He bis-peroxides 183 Climacoptera transoxana 494 amines, tertiary 650 bisphosphonates _ , 379 CN distances 596 a aragiie. 957 bisphosphonic acid 379 CN group, effect on 'H chemical shift 570 aminoxyl radicals 775 Bombax ceiba ek 701 CO,, liquid 650 ampicillin 126 bond activation, C—C 515 CO,, supercritical 336. 650 anaesthetic 662 bond length 617 cobalt promoter $43 Anderson-Weiss theory = S16 complex formation 223 anvoroside A a 688 botanical origin 436 complexation 360. 925 angoroside D 688 brain tissue 951 concentration dependence 886, 975 anion radicals 67 eres ht re configuration interaction S16 eani eic ecular 523797 bbrroidagdibnagn d liHgaMndB C 9J8d1 ccoonnffiogrumraattiioonnaall aasnsailgynsmiesn t 51, 85, 108, 172531, ansamvcil 937 Brosimum acutifolium 301 197, 229, 241, 274, 343, 343, 463, 488, 494, o; oae 3-de3o xy- po2 buty’ lcarbinol, tri-tert-buty.l - 165 585893,. 692275,. 65953.2 . 66923,7 .6 759,4 6.7 57,9 708.0 9,9 948.3 9, 1806179 saliteieionies 1027 “C NMR, solid state II 1041 oon antihypertensive drug 680 Cx quasinoid 802 conformational equilibria 867 antimalarial compound 1044 Co 897 conformers, s-cis/s-trans 994 antioxidant 646, 967, S49 calcium ions 324, 719 constant time delay antipsychotic drug 95] calixarene derivative 500 continuous flow NMR apigenindin-5-glucoside 1031 camphor 58 coordination shift apoferritin 543 CaO 833 coordination aromatic hydrocarbons 311 carbanions 655 —, unidentate artane triterpenes 201 carbazole Z 149 copteroside E derivativ es artefacts 963 carbohydrates 668, 684, 751, 1012 correlated rotation (E)-asaron 1041 carbolines 1034 correlation time Asparagus officinales L. 1005 carbon surface 918 CP/MAS, see solid state NMR asparagus 1005 carbon, activated es S58 cross-relaxation aspartic acid 370 carbon-edited NOESY 311 crystal structure association 1044 carbonyl compounds 525 cubanes atmospheric processes 281 f-carotine S49 cucurbitacins atom connectivity, 2955, 29Si 388 Casimiroa edulis La Llave et Lejarza 366 curcumin atropisomerism 932 casimiroedine 366 cyclic GABA analogues Austroplenckia populnea Reiss 1023 catalysis 729 cyclodextrin authentication 436 catalysis, asymmetric 33 cycloheptatriene molybdenium tricarbonyl automatic analysis of spectra 444 catalyst $43 cyclohexadienyl radical 2-azabicyclo[3.3. 1 }nonan-3-ones 891 catalytic activity 536 cyclohexenes azachalcones, N-substituted 382 cation radicals 67 cyclopentano|c|dihydropyran azaindoles 1034 '3Cd NMR 452 cyclophanes azasilaboroles 520 cell membrane S49 cytochrome c azo coupling 293 cell walls 765 centrifugation 918 3D structure m-back-bonding é CFC, see chlorofluorocarbons decal-2-ones, cis/trans- bacteriochlorine-quinone charge density 70 decaline Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1053-1056 1054 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMIS TRY decamine 707 electric field effect 570 heterocycles 172, 192, 207, 210, 223, 229, decarboxylation 845 electrochemical reduction 897 305, 343, 360, 379, 382, 386, 472, 475, 482, decinine 707 electron acceptor molecules $27 580, 604, 617, 650, 696, 738, 775, 891, 907, decodine 707 electron density, calculated S16 1034 decomposition 957 electron donor molecules $27 hetero-Diels—Alder reaction 738 deconvolution 156 electron transfer , 536 heteronuclear shift correlation, see shift corre- DECOREXSY 789 electronegativity 115 lation, heteronuclear decorrelation 789 enaminones 293 hexenoic acid 747 6-deoxy-6-iodo-D-glucose 1041 enantiomeric differentiation 33 hexenones 479 deoxyanthocyanins, 3- 1031 enantiomeric mixture 1027 high-field NMR 587 dephasing 315 ENDOR spectra 67, 423 high-pressure NMR 650, 662 deshielding effect 468 envelope conformation high-resolution magic angle spinning 782 Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) 771 enzymatic cleavage high-spin iron 536 deuterated compounds 872 EPR 67, 183, 423, 765, 775, 823, 833, hindered rotation 488 deuterium NMR 872, 918 897, 957 hispanane derivatives 802 deuterium primary isotope effect 525 equilibrium mixture HMBC, phase-sensitive 321 dextran $20 equivalent protons, NOE of HOESY, '°F,'H 90 DFT calculations 149, 395, 566, S33 equlibrium isotope effect homogeneous catalysis 747 DFT-GIAO calculations 580, 987, 1034 ESR, see EPR hopping rate S9 diamagnetic anisotropy 570 ethers host—guest complex 925 dianion, Cyo 897 ethyl vinyl ether HPLC-—NMR 951 diastereotopic protons 331 exchangable protons hr-MAS, see high-resolution magic angle spin- diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-9-ones 883 exchange rate ning diazonium salts 293 exchange 504, 536, 655, 820, 861, hydration 403 dichloroethy! radical 281 excitation delay hydride ion 1001 Diels—Alder reaction 738 excitation sculpting hydrodesulfurization $43 diffusion time 324 EXSY spectra 504, 820, hydrogen atoms 823 diffusion 719, 782, 925, S9, S43 E/Z conformers hydrogen bond 1, 29, 177, 197, 604, 757 dihedral angle 108, 343, 494, 751, 894, 867 —, isomers hydrogen bonding, intramolecular 525 —, P—C-—C-H 867 —, isomerization hydrogenation 216 9,10-dihydro-9-anthracenone, substituted —, catalyst 1027 "F NMR 38, 115, 360, 551, 559, 639, 813 —, homogeneous dihydroxamic acids 795 '"°F NMR, gas phase 38 —, mechanism Ndi,mNe-tdhiymle tahcyeltaycleetnaemdiidcairnbeo xylate 211767 ''FF,.''HH HHOEETSCYO R 55990 —hy,d rosltyesrieso selective dimethyl maleate 216 ‘7Fe NMR 520 hydrothermal synthesis 5,5-dimethy]-1-pyrrolidine-N -oxide 423 FeSOD, see iron superoxide dismutase hydroxyapatit dd2ii,mm6e-etdthihymyleltsahinyltlahpnrieapsce erniedtirnieo,n e substituted 981393245 fffilleaalvvdao nn cey clgilnygc,o sifadsets 653804134 hhhyyypppeeerrrffciionnneej ugcshaoiutfpitslo,in n g' *C diosgenin 704 flavonol-C-glycoside 701 dioxaphospholane ring 668 FLOCK 907 hyphenated techniques dipheny! ethers, halogenated 987 fluorene 311 —, brominated 375 fluorine labeling 551 immobilized free radicals 3 diphylline 757 folded spectra 415 IMPEACH—MBC 143, 2 dipolar coupling 596 folding 946 iinn ssiittuu oNbMseRr vation a, —, 3C,F 639 force field calculations 751 aon 305 four-membered rings 468 IINNAADDEEQQUUAATTEE CR 129, 468, 90578 Tas tae 3 639 free radicals, see radicals INADEQUATE, ”’Si, *?Si 388 dirhodium complexes 29 friedelane triterpenes 201, 977, 1023 incremental scheme 95 diribosyiribitol phosphate 123 fructo oligosaccharides 1005 indazole 192 disaccharides 668, 684, 688 fungal metabolite 274 indirect detection 415 dispersion forces 639 furanose 738 INEPT, *'P NMR 668 distance determination 596 inhibitor 937 diterpenes 802 gallium(1I1) 360 internal bead structure 719 dD1i,Mt3eP-tdOria ydneecsy l selenide 94S721535 ggyae-nlgc aiucclhoev ire ffeesctte rs 324, 647791969 iinntteerrnnaall mroottaitoinon 1707112 DNA backbone 692 gelation 324, 719 —, concerted 932 , duplex 692 geometry optimization 675 inverse detection 3, 321 —,'H chemical shifts 95 GIAO calculation 149, 177, 395, 482, 580, inversion, slow 867 861, 987 ion pair structure 90 -, double helical 95 glaucolide B 675 iridoid glucosides 343 —, double-labelled 403 glucoronic acid derivative 494 iron complexes 520 —, triplet sequences 95 glucosides , 1031 iron enzyme 536 DNMR, see dynamic NMR glutathione S49 iron tricarbonyl complex 520 donor atoms 853 glycerol triesters 886 iron—dextran complex $20 double bond configuration 861 glyceryl-type radicals 646 iron superoxide dismutase 536 double bond, sulfur—nitrogen S65 glycoside flavonoid 771 isatylidenes 172 double-helical DNA 95 glycosides 684, 688, 701, 751 isoacteoside 688 downfield shift 468 glycosidic linkage 1012 isofenchyl alcohol 785 DPFGSE-CONO 738 GOESY 126 isomerism 366, 370, 479, 627, 795, 839, 861, —, CORO 738 GROMOS software 123 1041 —, COSY 738 g-values 897 isomers, cis—trans 747, 994 —, NOE 38, 757 isomerzation 366 -, NOESY 738 7H NMR 918 isotope effects, primary 525 —, ROESY 738 half-chair conformation 343 isotope shift, deuterium induced 1, 172, 617, dd—ry,un gasRm iOcE NMR _ 165, 488, 504, 561850,, 665956,, 895250010, hhHaaEzleCol-An1uDHt E - o1i,lm2 e,4t-htordi azoles 648033469 ——.,, 68cS0h il orNinMeR-,i ndu'c*eCd- induced 851230 932 HELCO sequence 288 isotopic exchange 833 see also variable temperature NMR helix propagation 257 dynamics 17, 62, 281, 403, 488, 504, 5 helix, 349 257 J-coupling, °C,C 551, 566, 617, 639, 994 551, 820, 861, 90, 932, 946, S58 heme peptide 229 BaMays ie 115, 1044 heptenones 479 —, SE M965. 321, 343, 3825 566. 751. edible oil 436 HETCOR, '°F,'H 559 839, 963, 994 editing 668 heterobutadienes 520 = 1BCg'H 452 Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1053—1056 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY 1055 eod NI«S aN,d'MH e 2 257, 652591137 mmmiiicccrrrooopi/emmraeogsxioinpdgoa rsees |] 297121899 oozxoyngee n lacyeenrt red radicals 248213 P»a s ‘SHPOsF 551, 55515,9 , 1603449 mmiixctruorpeo uranoaulsy simsa terials 443269 **''PP NNMMRR, INEPT 38, 288, 379, 861, 867 —,'H,'H_ 123, 156, 274, 343, 370, 494, 566, MO calculations 149, 877, S49 *'P NMR, solid state 379, 382, 894, 1019 mobility, see dynamics palladium—aryl complexes —, IP BC 123, 197, 379 model-free analysis 543 parahydrogen-induced polarisation 33, = Ip 9p 38 molecular clefts 877 747 —,*'P!H 123, 370, 379, 692, 867 molecular dynamics 123, 229 paramagnetic centre H f 38, 668 molecular mechanics 488, 494, 751, 771, paramagnetic compound ,'P3'p 668 sdleceC he modelling 165, 274, 463, 504, 707, paramagnetic enzyme , DFT calculations 566 757, 937 paramagnetic shift , from DQF-COSY spectra 156 see also molecular mechanics Parmotrema delicatulum JJJ ---fdmi,, ilotttsdehhcurrrr loioaumutigginhhoa -ntb isoponancd e mmeecchhaanniissmm ,5, :96950889510112 MmmmmooPoonnInloo1oysa mbanedcireocsnnh u,a rmi Cdepdi sulfide 668, 1$72804042913497 ppPpPpeeeeeaprnarrtionomiucxxodtiiie ltdd learoisseiu elmm a deticnucmtboernusm JJ --sseclaelcitnigo n , 918413 mmMuRuIll,tt iiNsNOeeEO Em—daiNgfOnfeEetrSieYcnc e resspoencatnrcae imaging 882277 pPFe;r oxcoodimspullefxa te, potassium K5S5O¢ 957 multiple bond correlation 143 pH value 867 kaolin 281 multi-site selective excitation 827 pharmacological properties 1019 kKeatrop—leusn ole qutaatuitoonm erism 108, 343, 751, 1S0¥129 mmuulotni varbiraitdeg insgt,a tiisnt icSsx S41366 pphhaassee sdeinasgitriavmi ty 372119 ketones, unsaturated 479 muon magnetic resonance 62, 281, 729, $3, phenanthrene 311 kKeitmo ximmoedse,l O-vinyl 939244 muoSn9, Sra1d6i,c alSs2 0, $27, $33, S43, S49, S58. $S2675 p1h,e1n0o-tphhieanzainnter oldienrei vatives 212335 Krameria tomentosa 201 muon relaxation, see spin ralaxation, muon phenyllithium 853 muon repolarization $20 phenylpropene 216 labelling 403, 536, 596, 604 muonium addition S65 phenylpropyne 216 —la,c Rreadpiroeisssootro pic S94496 mmuuoonnsi,u mp ositive 646, 82S33 aP-HpIhPe nylsNuMlRf,on y-l- Ns-eae rylapcaertaahmyiddreosg en-induce38d4 lac-Operator dynamics 946 muscle tissue 951 polarisation lactose 751 phosphitylated carbohadrates 668 Lamiaceae 684, 688 ''N NMR 177, 580, 617, 650 phosphonates 867 lanthanide complex 820 '"NNMR_ 293, 305, 379, 384, 617, 789, 795. phospholipids 662 LED sequence 782 820, 907, 1001 phosphonic acid analogue 370 level-crossing $3, S9 ''N NMR, solid state 604 phosphonic acid 197 lLiin eaNr MrRe gression analysis 837553 nnaapphhtthhaolpeynrea,n isopropyl derivatives 271735 pphhoosspphhoorruuss —ntirtirflougoerind e dcouobmlpel exb onds 86318 lineshape analysis 587, 604 natural products 51, 143, 156, 201, 251, 265, photochromism 775 —., calculation 504, 515 274, 301, 366, 472, 488, 494, 675, 757, 771. photosynthesis 67 —li,n ewsiidmtuhl ation 646, 650, 685957 917072,3 , 70110,2 7 707, 802, 805, 809, 1005, 1031. pphhyytsoccihoenl atin —, of *”°Ti NMR signals 1044 NaX-type zeolite 587 Picrolemma sprucei Hook 802 llllLloioioicpqnnp8aiuggld3ai-- 9drrr, ibmaa i—cannlr9Sgggay6zeneys3a e et tbraccsilooo lc uri rpnfelefol iiarnetmplgidha osaln si,es 2 m8 s8e,e 3s2h1,i ft 3c4o3r,r e4l5a2t,i on15 586058761172,22 nnnnnnNiiiiieHttftcmr reraiadoorltidgegdispieeic isnnp nt i anlnsceichh qeieusemi lidd ciacnlrg y stsahli fts 565666188708370004097 pppppppoolloiKlaalnd,7annaeo 4rttrnc7 i evs a ceanarefaltlpfotuileeuxeo crin ntadw,esl a llpdpsaer rroiadvu-achttyisdv,re os gseeen -inantduurcale d prod3u3c,t s12 07111168169,555 Lluofwf-ap aospse rJc-uflialttear 963, 988019 nNiMtrRo ne tube 472795 pollution 281 lupane triterpenes 201 NOE distance constraints 229 poly( p-phenylenevinylene) 129 lupeol derivatives 488 NOE, see nuclear Overhauser effect ppoollyyecsytcelri c seasrqoumiatteircpse ne 1032131 luteolindin-5-glucoside 1031 non-heme iron 536 polymeric material 1044 lLyyotthrroapcieca e liqaulikda locirdyss tal 877072 nNuQcRle ar Overhauser effect 311, 500, 738. 715972 ppoollyypmeeprtsi de Pr iy: | ail 90 polysaccharides macrocycle 274, 937 nucleic acids 692, 946 polysilane macrolide 265 nucleotides 403 magnetic anisotropy 85 ppoorley -yst-rbuecntzuryel -L-glutamate magnetic resonance imaging 324, 719 ONMR 512, 580, 617, 795, 918, 987, 1001 pores magnetization transfer 33 O NMR, gas phase 459 porous materials 587, 918 MmaArSin e inn astoulriadls , psreoed ucstol id state NMR 265 oOfDf--rHe,s onainscoeto picco mpeexnchsaantgieo n 83538 ppoottaatsos ium peroxodisulfate 975675 MAS, 'H NMR 587 OH-—D, isotopic exchange 833 pressure cell 650, 662 Maytenus obtusifolia 201 oil analysis 886 pressure tube, see pressure cell Maytenus truncata Reiss 977 oil, vegetable 436 prodrugs 696 Meisenheimer adducts 1001 oleanolic acid saponins 494 product operator description 265 membrane damage S49 oligosaccharides 751, 1005 1-3 propanediones 512 mmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeetttttrtsttmaaaahiohaabltlldoibyl hlrilxoolleooaoinlaiostncndioiilehaenceessiunln momz ern iy cieiinmoodnsnoeu m o xcpmtaoeinruoe nn ds 646, 663166720 oooooooooo1xxxxxrrlrn-iaiagdia-godvzelandxmaeaironatien tn -ilhaosie cerzmo vp sioo|eeal nl,tc rcee3aoao,-sludmnb lpaeduiltmutpciecaar nrtdgeg ionec ery on lmeaspt eodu nds 548306,, 16656$0759882481233157876077183526 ppppppp£purrrrrr-rlooooooposttt,tt trpeoooeoeop enninnipa nn asnirstye—o tcarilqptrehmoburahlenaeneoaim gsnnxtoifncazeleceteeiarait, nncloi ten 1cos,, n ni sen3ehwt1ias e5f nt,ros a mc5ta53i8l6o,o,n u ss 154 433,, 255511,, 255639566.,, 316758745701057626441847510,7839 N-methyl-piperidine betaines 6-0x0-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.0]-7-octene 51 9: 63, 981 . 452, 459, 500, 692, 738, 789, 827. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 2000; 38: 1053-1056 1056 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY push—pull effects 172 shielding calculations 85 temperature dependence 975 pyran derivatives 738 shielding tensor, *!P 861 temperature effects 423 pyrazines 907 shift correlation, heteronuclear 143, 265, 452, terpenoids 1019 p1yHr a-zpoylreasz olo[3,4-b]-4-quinolones 1034045 —,9'6H3,, '9N81 251 tteerrtta-tbhuitaofxuyllv alsepnien adduct $27, $43233 pyrrolidines 379 —, PH 288 tetrabutylammonium teraflouroborate shift reagents, chiral 29, 33 tetracaine quadrupolar echo 853 °Si NMR 388, 520 tetracyanoquinodimethane $27, quadrupolar splitting 872 Sideritis hyssopifolia 684 tetrafloroborat quadrupole coupling constant 853, 872, S9 silacyclohepten 566 thermal initiation quantification 429 silica gel 336 thermodynamic parameters quantum diffusion $43 silica 281 thermolysis quinoacridinium salts 482 silol 520 thiadiazole quinoline 360 simulated annealing 937 thiocarbonyl compounds quinolizidine ring system 707 simulation 668 thiyl radicals quinones 135 Sinningia cardinalis 1031 three-dimensional correlation slow ring inversion 867 three-dimensional structure racemic mixtures 29 sodium alfinate 324 three-electron bond radical anion 897 software : , 444 three-site exchange radical formation mechanism $33 solid state NMR 274, 305, 504, EDO through space coupling radical repair agent 646 861, 918 through space interaction radicals 67, 183, 281, 336, 423, 646, 729, —, BC , 241 “'Ti NMR 845, 957, S49 solid-phase resin 782 “Ti NMR radioisotope 646 solids $9 titanates, organic radioisotopic labelling 646, S49 solution conformation 757 titanium complex reaction mechanism 183, 845 solvation 853 titanium-containing catalyst reactivity $49 solvent effects 177, 580, 975, S49 toxicology reassignment 1043 solvent, chiral 33 transferred NOE REDOR method 596 solvent—solute interaction 639 translational motion redox-linked changes 536 sorbic acid 747 transverse-field spectroscopy reduction, of Ceo 897 sorption, see adsorption trialkkylaluminum-dialkylamine complexes reference data 135, 137, 141, 207, 210, 375, soy oil 886 331 472, 696, 891, 894, 1044, 1041, 1041, 1034 soybean lipoxygenase 51 triazine reference compound 975 spectra simulation 587 triazoles refocused—decoupled INEPT 668 spectral analysis 38, 108, 444, 894 tricarbonyliron complex regioisomerism 135 spectral editing 596 tricyclic compounds regioselectivity 970 a-spectrin 596 triethylenetetraaminehexaacetic acid relaxation dispersion 543 spectrometer time triflone relaxation 17, 90, 223, 281, 331, 336, 403, spin adduct 423, 775 trifluoperazine 536, 650, 719, 729, 765, 937, 946, 970, spin diffusion triisobutylaluminium complex 1012, 1044 spin echo trimethylsilyl derivatives relaxometry spin labelling 729, triphenylene remediation spin rotation triple proton transfer reorientation spin trap 183, 775, 957, triterpenes 1023, 201, 494, 809, residual quadrupolar effect spinosin tritium primary isotope effect resin supported compound spin-spin coupling, see J-coupling trizolines rreesvoelrusteido-np heanseh anscielimcea nt usUtSeRr,e ocsheee mimsutoryn ma5gi,n et2i74c, r2e9s3o,n a3n6c0e, 463, Ttr-NROOEE, SYse e transferred NOE review 883, 891, 994, 1023 TTF, see tertathiafulvalene revision of assignment stereochemistry, reassignment tunnelling rhodamine esters stereoselective hydrogenation twist conformation 343 rhodium complex 223 stereoselectivity two-spin order 789 RIDE, see ring down elimination steric effects, on 'H chemical shifts rifabutinol 937 steroids unsaturated ketones 479 rriignigd cmurorleenctu leefsf ect 85, 555710 ssttrruacitnuerde aellkuecniedsa tion uUrVs anme eatsruirteermpeennets 620319 ring down elimination 459 strychnine 143, 251, 256, variable field NMR 305 rotamers 504, 771, 1041 stylophorin variable temperature NMR 229, 305, 331, rotational correlation time 543, 650 substituent effect on 'H chemical shift, 429, 488, 504, 515, 525, 604, 655, 675, 757, rotational isomerism 370, 655, 932 group 570 771, 861, 87, 932, 975 Russelia equisetiformis 488 substituent effects 55, 115, 241, 343, 375 see also dynamic NMR ruthenium catalyst 747 390, 395, 512, 570, S49 vegetable oil 436, 886 substitution pattern verbascoside 688 3S. see sulfur-33 substrate binding vertaline 707 Ss S16 sucrose verticillatine 707 salazinic acid 72 sulfanyl radical, muonated Vernonia fructiculosa 675 salt bridge 257 sulfides, methyl, phenyl vesicles, sonicated 662 Salzmania nitida 201 sulfinyl monomers vinylcyclobutanone, 3-ethoxy-2-methyl- saponin analogs 704 B-sulfonylenamines 1043 saponins 494 sulfonyl monomers O-vinyl ketoximes 994 scalar coupling, see J -coupling sulfur-33, hyperfine interactions virgin oil 436 scaling 692 sunflower oil Vismia latifolia 1027 scopadulan precursors 1019 supercritical fluid chromatography vismianol 1027 screening 315 supercritical fluids vitamin E 646 Scrophularia scorodonia L. 688 superparamagnetism vitamin K 646 SCS values, see substituent effects surface groups Se NMR 975 surface motion water exchange 789 selective excitation surface reaction water 823 selective pulses susceptibility broadening water, adsorbed 918 selenium sydnones wine samples 957 semoconductors syn—anti-isomers sensitivity enhancement syneresis X-ray 29, 274, 617, 785 sesquiterpene lactone sesquiterpene tautomerism 192, 525, 604, zeolite X 729 SH3 domain tautomerism, keto—enol zeolites 62, 587 shamimin TCNQ, see tetracyanoquinodimethane zero field , 520 shielding anisotropy TEDOR method zero-quantum dephasing 315 Copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons Maen. Reson. Chem. 2000: 38: 1053-1056 = ey

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