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Magnetic irreversibility and relaxation in assembly of ferromagnetic nanoparticles R. Prozorov Loomis Laboratory of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1110 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A. Y. Yeshurun Institute of Superconductivity, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel T. Prozorov,A. Gedanken Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel (July 21, 1998) 9 9 9 1 cooled(ZFC)andfieldcooled(FC)magnetizationcurves Measurements of the magnetic irreversibility line and do not coincide, and magnetic hysteresis appears in M n time-logarithmicdecayofthemagnetizationaredescribedfor 7–10 vs. H curves (see e. g. ). Moreover,time-logarithmic Ja threeFe2O3 samples composed of regular amorphous, acicu- magnetic relaxation, towards the thermodynamic equi- 0 rlaarteamisotrhpeholaursgeasntdacnrdystthaellinirerenvaenrsoipbailrittyiclteesm. pTehreatruerleaxiasttiohne librium state, is observed below Tirr(H). Similar ob- 3 servations are reported here for three systems of Fe2O3 lowest for the regular amorphous nanoparticles. The crys- nanoparticles with different shape and crystalline mag- talline material exhibits the lowest relaxation rate and the 2 netic anisotropies. These nanoparticlesamples were pre- largestirreversibilitytemperature. Wedevelopaphenomeno- v paredby a sonochemicalmethod, whichproduces ”regu- 6 logical model to explain the details of the experimental re- lar”amorphousnanoparticles11–13. Sonochemicalirradi- 0 sults. The main new aspect of the model is the dependence ationcarriedoutinthepresenceofmagneticfieldresults 2 of the barrier for magnetic relaxation on the instantaneous 1 magnetization and therefore on time. The time dependent in synthesis of acicular amorphous nanoparticles13. An- 1 barrier yields a natural explanation to the time-logarithmic nealingofamorphousparticlesleadstocrystallization. In 8 decayofthemagnetization. Interactionsbetweenparticlesas this manner we have prepared regular amorphous, acic- 9 well as shape and crystalline magnetic anisotropies define a ular amorphous and crystalline ferromagnetic nanopar- / t newenergyscalethatcontrolsthemagneticirreversibility. In- ticles. This enables a study of the effect of shape and a troducingthisenergyscaleyieldsaself-consistentexplanation crystalline anisotropies on magnetic irreversibility and m of the experimental data. the relaxationrate. We find that, qualitatively, all three - samples exhibit similar irreversible magnetic behavior. d However, their irreversibility lines and relaxation rates n o differ significantly. c Irreversible magnetic behavior similar to that de- : scribed here is also observed in other systems. v I. INTRODUCTION i A noticeable example is magnetic irreversibility in X superconductors14–16. In such systems the origin for ir- r A ferromagnetic particle becomes monodomain if its reversibilityis the interplaybetween thermalenergyand a size disreducedbelowa criticalvalue d ∼1−100nm, cr some energy barrier, which prevents magnetic reorgani- determined by the competition between dipole and ex- zation in those materials. The microscopic origin of the change energies1,2. Below this critical size, the energy barrier, however, depends on the system. The magnetic loss due to creation of magnetic domain walls (propor- irreversibility in nanoparticles is conventionally associ- tionaltod2)islargerthanthegainduetodisappearance ated with the energy required for a particle moment re- of the dipole magnetic field energy (proportional to d3). orientation, overcoming a barrier due to magnetic shape Suchmonodomainferromagneticparticlescanbe viewed orcrystallineanisotropy. Itisimportanttonotethatthe aslargemagneticunits, eachhavinga magneticmoment barrier is considered to be independent of the magnetic of thousands Bohr magnetons. Usually neighboring par- momentitself8,10,17–32. Insuperconductors,magnetic ir- ticles are well separated (10 − 20 nm), and direct ex- reversibilityisduetotheinevitablespatialfluctuationof change between particles may be neglected. Thus, the the superconducting order parameter caused by defects, magnetic properties of an assembly of nanoparticles are imperfections etc.; the barrier is the energy required to determinedbythedipolefieldenergyalongwiththermal overcome the pinning due to this disorder. and magnetic anisotropy energies (see e.g.3–6). An important concept in the theory of irreversible Experiments conducted on magnetic nanoparticles magnetic properties of superconductors, based on the show irreversible magnetic behavior below the ”irre- work of Anderson14–16, is that the effective barrier for versibility line” T (H). In particular, the zero-field irr magnetic relaxationincreaseswith time. This is because 1 the superconducting shielding current (proportional to TableI wesummarizetheir features. Onemolarsolution the magnetization) decays with time, causing a decrease ofFe(CO)5 indecalinewassonochemicallyirradiatedfor in the Lorentz force which drives the fluxons away of three hours in ambient pressure at 0 oC. The powder their positions. In a nice paper Lottis et al.33 have obtained was centrifuged, washed repeatedly with dry put forward similar arguments to study slow dynamics. pentane (6−7 times, 8500 rpm), and dried in vacuum They noticed the close analogy between ferromagnetic at room temperature for three hours. The material ob- assemblies and superconductors. Analyzing the results tained has been accumulated from 2−3 sonications and of numerical computations they concluded that the de- the total amount of Fe2O3 was mixed to ensure the re- cay of the demagnetizing field is the origin of what the liability of the results. Then, in order to remove organic ”quasi-logarithmic” relaxation. Although the distribu- residue,materialwasannealedinvacuumat140−150oC tion of particle sizes may explain quasi-time-logarithmic forthreehours. Heatinguptothistemperaturewasnec- relaxation in a limited time-interval, it is not necessary essary to evaporate residua of solvents, particularly de- for the explanation of the experimentally observedtime- calinewhichhashighaboilingpoint(189−191oC). The logarithmic relaxation. This approach was later em- amorphous nature of the particles is confirmed by X-ray ployed in other studies of the magnetic relaxation, for diffraction,differentialscanningcalorimetry(DSC)anal- example, in thin magnetic films34. ysisandelectron-diffractionpatterns atselectedareasas In this work we adopt the concept of time varying shown in Figs. 1a, 2a, and the inset to 3a, respectively. barrier and derive the phenomenological model to ex- The absence of Bragg peaks in Fig. 1a demonstrates plain magnetic irreversibility and logarithmic magnetic the absence of the long-range order in the atomic struc- relaxation in nanoparticles. The physics for the time ture; the large endothermic peak in Fig. 2a indicates an dependence of the barrier in nanoparticles is related to amorphous to crystalline transition at ∼ 400 oC. The the fact that the effective barrier for reorientation of electron diffraction pattern of the inset to Fig. 3a also the magnetic moment of each nanoparticle depends on confirmthe amorphousnatureoftheparticles. Atypical the internal magnetic field, which includes the average particlesizeof∼50nmisinferredfromthetransmission dipole field from surrounding nanoparticles. This aver- electron micrography (TEM) picture of Fig. 3a. agedipolefielddecreaseswithtimeduetotheincreaseof Acicular amorphous particles have been prepared by randomness in the orientation of the magnetic moments performing sonication in external magnetic field of 7 kG of the surrounding nanoparticles. This, in turn, causes for three hours. The sonication has been carried out the increase of the effective barrier with time, yielding in the 0.25M solution of Fe(CO)5 in a flask open to a natural explanation to the experimental observation air. We then repeat the wash and dry procedure as de- of time-logarithmic relaxation, and a sample dependent scribed above. The amorphous nature of the particles irreversibility line and relaxation rate. Interactions be- was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, DSC, and selected tweenparticlesas wellas shape andcrystallinemagnetic area electron-diffraction patterns as shown in Figs. 1b, anisotropies define a new energy scale that controls the 2b, and the inset to 3b, respectively. A typical particle magnetic irreversibility. Introducing this energy scale length of ∼ 50 nm and diameter of ∼5 nm are inferred yields a self-consistent explanation of the experimental from TEM picture of Fig. 3b. data. Heating of amorphous Fe2O3 up to 370−380 oC in This article is organized in the following way. In Sec- ambientatmospherefor3−4hoursresultedincrystalline tionII wedescribe the preparationofthe threenanopar- γ −Fe2O3 nanoparticles. The nature and the internal ticle systems. We then describe our experimentalresults structure of the crystalline iron oxide were determined of irreversible magnetic properties at various tempera- using the X-ray diffraction shown in Fig. 1c. The DSC tures, fields and times. In Section III we describe our data, Fig. 2c, do not show any endothermic peak. The phenomenologicalmodel and derive equations for the ir- TEM image of Fig. 3c show particles of mean size of reversibilityline andthe magnetic relaxation. InSection ∼200 nm. IV we compare the predictions of our model with the The secondcolumninTable I summarizestypicalpar- experimental results. ticle size for the three samples. The third column in- cludesthetotalsurfaceareaoftheparticles,asmeasured by BET absorption using N2 gas as absorbent. II. EXPERIMENTAL A. Sample preparation and characterization B. Magnetic measurements procedure ThreeFe2O3 samplescomposedofregularamorphous, AQuantumDesignMPMSSQUIDmagnetometerwas acicular amorphous and crystalline, nanoparticles were used for all magnetic measurements reported here. The prepared by a sonochemical method11–13. For the ultra- irreversibility line was determined from ZFC and FC soundirradiationweusedVC−600SonicsandMaterials magnetizationmeasurements. Beforetakingadatapoint sonicator with Ti horn at 20 kHz and 100 W ·cm−2. In temperature was stabilized with 0.05 K accuracy and a 2 30 sec pause was sustained. The temperature at which ment corresponding to a field cooling in 500 G. Fig. 6 ZFC and FC merge for a constant field H is defined as summarizesthevaluesofRasafunctionoftemperature, irreversibilitytemperatureT (H). We define the merg- for the three samples. At low enough temperatures, R irr ing pointusing a criterion|M −M |≈0.1emu/g. is the lowest for the crystalline sample, intermediate for FC ZFC The procedure for measurements of magnetic relax- the acicular amorphous sample and the largest for the ationat differenttemperatures is asfollows: The sample regularamorphoussample. Note,thatathighertemper- iscooledinH =2Teslafromaroomtemperature(larger atures it looks as if R(T) curves will cross. This is due than T (2 Tesla))to a targettemperature T,the mag- to a largedifference in the absolute values ofT (90 K, irr irr netic field is then reduced to 500 G and the magnetic 162 K and 216 K at 500 G for regular amorphous, acic- moment is measured for approximately two hours. The ular amorphous and crystalline, respectively). As shown firstdatapointistakenapproximatelytwominutesafter in Fig. 16, M(T) curves scale with T and, therefore, irr the field change. in the inset to Fig. 6 we plot R vs. T/T . In this pre- irr Thefielddependenceofthemagneticrelaxationrateis sentation, the whole R(T/T ) curve of the crystalline irr measured at T = 20 K. At this temperature the field is sampleislowerthanthatoftheacicularamorphoussam- rampedupto H =2Teslaandreducedback to atarget ple and both are lower than the R curve of the regular field H, from where the measurements start. The same amorphous sample. has been repeated for negative field H =−2 Tesla with In Fig. 7 we compare the irreversibility lines for the consequent a increase of the magnetic field to a target three samples. The largest irreversibility is found in a value and measurements of the magnetic relaxation. crystalline sample, intermediate in the sample with aci- cular particles and the lowest in the regular amorphous sample. We explain these observations below. C. Results Magnetic irreversibility below T is also demon- irr stratedbymeasuringthemagnetizationloopsM(H). As The experimental results in this section are organized anexample,weshowinFig. 8M(H)forthe amorphous as follows: we first show M(T,H =constant) data, and nanoparticles at T = 5 and 100 K. Magnetic hystere- relatedmeasurementsofmagnetic relaxationatdifferent sis is apparent at 5 K, whereas the behavior is purely temperatures. From the merging point of the ZFC and reversible at 100 K. FC magnetization curves we extract the irreversibility The relaxationat different values ofthe externalmag- line for the three samples. From the relaxationmeasure- neticfieldisshowninFig. 9. Theverticallinesrepresent mentswededucetherelaxationrate,asafunctionoftem- M(t) curves shown along with the standard magnetiza- perature, for the three samples. We then present mea- tion loop. The field dependencies of the relaxation rates surements of magnetization loops M(T =constant,H) for our samples are shown in Fig.10. There is an appar- and magnetic relaxation at different values of external ent change in R between low and high fields. At lower field. The relaxation rate, as a function of field, is then fields R is the largest in an amorphous sample, whereas deduced for the three samples. atlargefieldstherelaxationrateinanamorphoussample Fig. 4 exhibits typical results of ZFC-FC magnetiza- is the lowest. tioncurvesandmagneticrelaxationat500Gforthesam- ple composed of amorphous round nanoparticles. The vertical lines of open circles in Fig. 4 depict the relax- III. MAGNETIC RELAXATION IN THE ation measurements at different temperatures. The ver- ASSEMBLY OF NANOPARTICLES tical arrow indicates the direction of the time increase. The magnetic moment relaxes towards the equilibrium A. Time dependent effective barrier for magnetic moment M , determined by the FC curve. Inthe inset reorganization rev toFig. 4wezoomoutattheZFC-FCcurvesandindicate by an arrow,the experimental definition of Tirr. Magnetic relaxation is a distinct feature of systems The magnetic relaxation data of Fig. 4 are re-plotted withinteractingparticles,far fromthermodynamic equi- in Fig. 5 as a function of time. The solid lines in Fig. librium. In an assembly of ferromagnetic nanoparticles, 5 are linear fits for M ∝ ln(t). A qualitatively simi- the elementary process of a change in the magnetization lar time-logarithmic decay is also observed in the other isthe rotationofthe magneticmomentofananoparticle two samples. Quantitative differences will be discussed (or cluster of such magnetic moments). In the following below. weassumethatthemagneticanisotropyofeachnanopar- We define the ”normalized relaxation rate” R = ticle is strong enough to utilize an Ising-like model, i. |∂M/∂ln(t)|/Mc, i. e., the logarithmic slope of the re- e., the magnetic moment of each particle is aligned only laxation curve normalized by the magnitude of the ir- along the anisotropy axis. In Fig. 11a we illustrate reversible magnetization at which the relaxation starts, schematicallytheorientationoftheelementarymagnetic Mc = M0 −Mrev. Here M0 is the initial value of the moments of several of such nanoparticles. The full ar- total magnetic moment and Mrev is the magnetic mo- rows represent the size and direction of each magnetic 3 moment. The experimentally measured magnetic mo- theminimumW2 inthefigure. Since,asdiscussedabove, mentisdeterminedbythe sumoftheprojectionsofeach this barrier depends on the total magnetic moment via individual particle’s moment on the direction of the ex- dipole fields, it will increase with time as shown in the ternal magnetic field. Note that the directions of the figure, with dipole fields working on the average against easy axes are randomly distributed. For such a system, the externalfield. The totalmagnetic momentalong the the energy W of each magnetic nanoparticle, neglecting magnetic field is thus decreased,as sketched in Fig. 11b. forthemomenttheinterparticleinteractions,varieswith the angle as21: B. Equations of magnetic relaxation 2 W =KV sin (ϕ−θ)−M Hcos(ϕ) (1) p −→ In a realistic sample, the directions of easy axes are Here θ is the angle between the easy axis K and the ex- −→ randomlydistributed, the particles cannotphysicallyro- ternal magnetic field H, and ϕ is the angle between the −→ tate (e. g., in a dense powder of ferromagnetic nanopar- particle magnetic moment M and the external field. In p ticles),anddipoleinteractionsarestrong. Wewillmodel ordertohaveanymagneticirreversibilityandrelaxation, this situation as outlined below. theKV terminEq. 1mustbelargerthantheM H term p Any given particle i in Fig. 11 has an anisotropy axis and we will consider this limiting case. The reduced en- atafixedangleθ relativetothe externalmagneticfield. i ergy W/KV of Eq. 1 is plotted in Fig. 12 as a function The magnetic moment of this particle is then oriented of the angle ϕ for two different fields H1 = 2.5KV/Mp at an angle ϕ to the field. This angle is defined by i (bold) and H2 = 0.5KV/Mp (light). Since the magnetic the non-local energy minimization, due to dipole fields anisotropyhasnopreferabledirection,therearetwomin- of the surrounding. It is important to note that each imaintheangulardependenceoftheenergy,asshownin particle interacts with a local magnetic field H which i Fig. 12. The external magnetic field fixes the direction is the result of a vector sum of the external and dipole of the lowest minima. We denote by U12 the barrier for fields. At small enough external field and large enough reorientation from the lowest minima (W1) to the other anisotropy ϕ may have two values: ϕ ≈ θ or ϕ ≈ i i i i minima(W2). Thebackwardreorientationrequiresover- θ +π, which leads to the situation described in Fig. 12, i coming the energy barrier U21. with two energy minima at Wi ≈ −M H cos(θ ) and 1 p i i Inordertotakeinter-particleinteractionsintoaccount Wi ≈ M H cos(θ ). Thermal fluctuations may force 2 p i i we view the field H in Eq. 1 as the internal magnetic particlemomentintheminimaWitochangeitsdirection 1 field,whichisthesumoftheexternalfieldandthedipole to another minima Wi and vise versa. The Wi → Wi 2 1 2 fieldfromthesurroundingnanoparticles. Thislocalmag- rotationrequiresovercominga barrierUi ,anda barrier 12 netic fielddepends onthe directionsofneighboringmag- Ui forbackwardrotation,seeEqs. 16and17oftheAp- netic moments35,36. Since themagneticmomentisasta- 12 pendix, respectively. We then assume that the field H i tisticalaverageofthosemoments,thelocalfielddepends, can be represented as a simple sum of the external field on the average, on the total magnetic moment. This in- H and the collinear to H dipole field H (i.e. indepen- d duces a feedback mechanism: each reorientation of an dent of θ ). The amplitude of a dipole field H at any i d individualnanoparticledecreasesthe totalmagneticmo- given site depends upon orientations of the moments of ment. This is illustrated in Figs. 11a. and 11b. Fig- the surrounding particles. If those orientations are to- ure 11a represents a snapshot of a field-cooled system tally random (minima W1 and W2 are equally occupied) of nanoparticles in which most of the individual mag- the dipole field is small, whereas if all surrounding par- netic moments are favorablyoriented in a direction such ticles are in one of the minima the resulting dipole field that their projections are along the external field. Af- is maximal. From this simple analysis, we conclude that ter a field decrease, as a result of thermal fluctuations, the magnitude of a dipole field depends upon the total somemagneticmomentsreorientsothattheirprojection magnetic moment M. is anti-parallel to the external field. The open arrows in Considering the balance of forward and backward ro- Fig. 11b represent those reoriented moments. tations, and averaging over the volume of the sample, Since the local dipole field decreases during this pro- weshowinthe Appendix thatmagnetic relaxationisde- cess, the average barrier U12 increases. As indicated in scribed by a differential equation similar to that derived the Introduction, an increase of the barrier with time for superconductors15,16: is a characteristic of other irreversible systems, such as type-II superconductors in the process of magnetic flux ∂M U =−AM exp − (2) creep. ∂t c (cid:18) T(cid:19) The dynamics resulting from such a scenario is sketched Fig. 13. Immediately after reducing the mag- where A is an attempt frequency and U is an effective netic field, individual magnetic moments are still along barrier for magnetic relaxation given by the direction of the external field, i. e., in minima W1 of Fig. 13, as depicted by the population of the black dots. M U =U0 1− (3) During the relaxation process magnetic moments flip to (cid:18) M0(cid:19) 4 where Now,usingEqs. 3and9wegetthetimeevolutionofthe magnetic moment: U0 =2KV +4Mp(H −γMrev)/π (4) T t M(t)=M 1− ln 1+ (11) and M0 = γ1 (cid:16)π2KMVp +H −γMrev(cid:17). Here γ is the con- c(cid:18) Θ (cid:18) t0(cid:19)(cid:19) stant accounting for the strength of the dipole-dipole in- Normalized relaxation rate R ≡ |∂M/∂ln(t)|/M is teractions, M is the magnetic moment of an individual c p given by: particle, K is the anisotropy constant and V is the par- ticle volume. Apparently, as γ → 0 the energy barrier T t U → U0, thus U0 is the barrier in the assembly of non- R= Θt0+t (12) interactingparticles. Itisworthnotingthatinourmodel the barrier U depends on the magnetic moment in the As we will see below, experiment shows that t0 < 1 sec. same way as that used by Anderson14–16 for a descrip- In our measurements typical time window ∆t≈100 sec, tion of magnetic relaxation in superconductors. therefore we can assume t ≫ t0 and Eq. 12 predicts In the following we analyze magnetic relaxation de- that the relaxation rate saturates at R = T/Θ. Thus, scribed by those equations. measurementsofthe normalizedrelaxationratecanpro- If the barrier for a particle moment reorientationdoes vide direct estimate of the energy scale Θ governing the not depend on the total magnetic moment, i.e., γ = 0 relaxation process. and U =U0, direct integration of Eq. 2 yields: M =Mcexp(−t/τ) (5) C. Irreversibility temperature where M is the initial irreversible magnetization and c The irreversibility temperature T of the assembly τ = exp(U0/T)/A is the macroscopic characteristic re- irr of magnetic nanoparticles is defined by the condition laxation time. This result is very similar to that derived M(∆t,T )= ∆M. Here ∆M is the smallest measured in early works for classical N´eel’s superparamagnetic re- irr laxation, see e.g.,37. This exponential decay is observed magnetic moment and ∆t is the time window of the ex- periment. Using Eq. 11 we obtain: experimentally, for example in the work of Wegrowe et al.19 on a single nano-wire. 1−∆M/M Θ c If interactionsarenotnegligible,Eq. 2may be rewrit- Tirr =Θ ≈ (13) ln(1+∆t/t0) ln(1+∆t/t0) ten in dimensionless form: ∂u thus we can estimate the characteristic time t0 from =−exp(−u) (6) measurements of T , because the energy Θ can be de- ∂τ irr termined separately from the measurements of the re- laxation rate R ≈ T/Θ. On the other hand the irre- where u=U/T andeτ =t/t with versibility line T (H) gives the field dependence of Θ. irr M0 T e1 e πT T The latter may be obtained also from R(H) measure- t= = = (7) Mc U0A 4γAMpMc AΘ ments. Thus measurements of Tirr(H) and R(H) in different samples provide a verification of our model on e where we introduced a new energy scale Θ, which, as we self-consistency. show below, determines the relaxation process and the ItisinterestingtonotethattheexpressionforT ,Eq. irr irreversibility line: 13, is typical for the blocking temperature of individual non-interacting particles, which is obtained from Eq. 5: Θ=McU0/M0 =4γMcMp/π (8) 0 U0 T = (14) This energy is directly related to the strength of the in- irr ln(∆t/t∗) terparticle interactions. ∗ Solving Eq. 6 we obtain where t = 1/(Aln|Mc/∆M|) is the characteristic time and U0 is given by Eq. 4. Energy U0 is proportional to t KV for non-interacting nanoparticles, but it is reduced u=u +ln 1+ (9) c (cid:18) t0(cid:19) by a term proportional to γ due to interparticle interac- tions. This is in agreement with previous works where where uc = Uc/T is the reduced effective energy bar- ”static” modifications of the barrier for relaxation were rier at t = 0, the time when the relaxation starts. The considered17,23,38. Irreversibility temperature, Eq. 14 normalization time t0 is given by approaches 0 when ∆M → 0, and so does T0 . This irr reveals an important difference in the physics of the ir- t0 =texp Uc = T exp U0−Θ (10) reversibility line in interacting and non-interacting par- (cid:18) T (cid:19) AΘ (cid:18) T (cid:19) ticles. In the former, there is a true irreversibility in e 5 the limit ∆M → 0 associated with freezing of magnetic ofthe irreversiblebehavioris the largestfora crystalline moments due inter-particle interactions. In the case of sample. The amorphous sample containing acicular par- non-interacting nanoparticles, the apparent irreversibil- ticlesoccupiestheintermediatespaceandtheamorphous ity is due to experimental limitations (finite sensitivity, sample embraces the smallest space in this T −H phase e.g.,∆M). Itisimportanttostressthatthis istrueonly diagram. Such behavior is naturally explained in terms ∗ on a macroscopic time scale ∆t≫t , such as relaxation of a strength of inter-particle interactions, which are the ∗ or M(T) measurements. If, however, ∆t < t is real- smallestinthecaseofaregularamorphoussample,inter- ized, for example in Mo¨ssbauer measurements, one may mediate foranacicularamorphoussample(due toshape detect the irreversibility temperature according to Eq. anisotropy)andthelargestforacrystallinesampledueto 1417,24,39. crystalline anisotropy. Also, highest irreversibility tem- We also note that in any case T is a dynamic perature ofcrystalline sample is understood onthe basis irr crossover from reversible to irreversible state and is de- of its largest particle size. fined for a particular experimental time window ∆t. In the following section we compare our experimental observations with the model developed above. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS We presentedmeasurements ofirreversiblemagnetiza- IV. DISCUSSION tionasafunctionoftemperature,timeandmagneticfield in three types of ferromagnetic nanoparticles: regular Ourphenomenologicalmodelprovidesadescriptionof amorphous,acicularamorphousandcrystallinenanopar- theirreversiblemagneticbehaviorintheassemblyoffer- ticles. Theresultsareinterpretedusingadevelopedphe- romagnetic nanoparticles. In particular, the model pre- nomenological approach based on the assumption that dicts the time-logarithmic decay of the magnetization, the barrier for magnetic moment reorientation depends see Eq. 11. Also, Eqs. 12 and 13 relate both the irre- onthe total magnetic moment via dipole fields. This ex- versibilityline andthe relaxationrateto asingle param- plainsthetime-logarithmicmagneticrelaxationgoverned eter Θ=4γM M /π. bytheenergyscaleΘrelatedtointerparticleinteraction. c p The magnetic relaxationdata of Fig. 5 reveal,indeed, ValuesofΘfoundfrommeasurementsoftheirreversibil- time-logarithmic relaxation. Fitting these data to Eq. ity line and the relaxationrate are in perfect agreement, 11 yields the parameters of M and Θ. In Fig. 14 we implying validity of our model. c plot the derived energy Θ as a function of temperature Acknowledgments: We thank Y. Rabin and I. Kanter for the three samples and find that Θ is the largest for for valuable discussions. This work was partially sup- a crystalline sample, intermediate for an acicular amor- ported by The Israel Science Foundations and the Hein- phous and the lowest for a regular amorphous sample. rich Hertz Minerva Center for High Temperature Super- The straightforward explanation is that in a crystalline conductivity. Y.Y. acknowledges support from the Ger- sample both γ and M are the largest; in an acicular manIsraeliFoundation(G.I.F). R. P.acknowledgessup- p amorphous sample M is of the same order as in regular port from the Clore Foundations. p amorphous,butγismuchlargerduetoshapeanisotropy. Similarly,wederivethemagneticfielddependenceofΘ fromthe dataofFig. 9andplotΘ(H)forthree samples in Fig. 15. We note that M and γ should not depend p on magnetic field. It is therefore expected that the field dependence of Θ is determined by the field dependence of M ≈ M −M (H), which decreases with field, Fig. c s rev 9. Figure 15 shows the agreement with this observation. The weak increase of Θ with temperature, Fig. 14, may berelatedtosomenon-lineardependenceofbarrierU on the magnetic moment. Independent estimations of Θ are derived from T irr of Fig. 7 using Eq. 13. Comparing Fig. 7 and Fig. 15 we get (for three samples) Θ/T ≈ 4 − 6. Thus, irr t0 ≈ 0.05 − 0.5 sec. Note that these values of t0 are much larger than the ”microscopic” values predicted by N´eel37, simply because they reflectcollective behaviorof the whole assembly controlledby the effective barrier Θ, see Eq.10, and not a single particle barrier KV. Letusnowcomparetheirreversibilitylinesofdifferent samples,Fig. 7. Inmostpartsofthisdiagramtheregion 6 VI. APPENDIX: EFFECTIVE BARRIER FOR 1−exp −4MpHi MAGNETIC RELAXATION AND EQUATION n=N1−N2 =N (cid:16) πT (cid:17) =Ntanh 2MpHi FOR TIME EVOLUTION OF THE MAGNETIC 1+exp −4MpHi (cid:18) πT (cid:19) πT MOMENT (cid:16) (cid:17) (19) Here we consider in detail the model outlined in the The total reversible magnetic moment then is text. We assume that magnetic moment M of any p given particle i can be in one of the two possible energy 2M H p i minima: W1i ≈ −MpHicos(θi) or W2i ≈ MpHicos(θi). Mrev ≈Mpn=MpNtanh(cid:18) πT (cid:19) (20) These minima are separated by the barrier of height ˜KV +M H sin(θ ). In the presence of thermal fluctu- Thisformulaissimilarto theexpressionforthe Isingsu- p i i ations, a particle moment sitting in the minima Wi can perparamagnet and simply reflects the two-state nature 1 spontaneously change its direction to the next minima of our model37,40. The difference is, however, that the Wi. The energy barrier for such reorientationis physical magnetic field is the total (external + dipole) 2 field H . i U1i2 =KV +MpHi(sin(θi)+cos(θi)) (15) Dipole field Hd at any given site depends upon ori- entations of the moments of the surrounding particles. Thebackwardrotationisalsopossibleandrequiresover- If those orientations are totally random (minima W1 coming the barrier: and W2 are equally occupied) the dipole field is small, whereasifallsurroundingparticlesaresituatedinoneof Ui =KV +M H (sin(θ )−cos(θ )) (16) 21 p i i i the minima the resulting dipole field is maximal. From this simple picture, we conclude that the magnitude of a From this point on one can conduct a self-consistent dipole field depends upon the total magnetic moment of statistical average over angles ϕ (H ,t,θ ) in order to i i i a sample M +M, where M is given by Eq. 20 and evaluatetheresultingmagneticmomentM ofthesystem. rev rev M istheirreversible,time dependentcontributiontothe On the other hand we may try to simplify the problem total magnetic moment resulting from the finite relax- assuming that the internal field H can be represented i ationtime neededforasystemtoequilibrate. Therefore, as a simple sum of the externalfield H and the collinear we may write H =H−γ(M +M). Here γ is the co- to it dipole field H (i.e. independent of θ ). If all easy i rev d i efficient accounting for the contribution of dipole fields. axesarerandomlydistributedtheaveragebarrierforflux Now we can obtain the equation for reversible magneti- reorientation is then given by zation from Eq.20: π/2 1 Nk 2 tanh 2MpH U ≡hU i = U ≈ U(θ)dθ πT k i k Nk Xi=1 i π Z0 Mrev ≈MS 1+γ(cid:16)2MpMS(cid:17) (21) πT where k = 12 or 21 denotes particle’s moment flipping where M = M N. We note that this formula is valid S p from the minima W1 to the minima W2, or backward, at small enough fields 2MpH/π < T when particle mo- respectively. Using Eq. 15 and Eq. 16 we find ments are almost locked along the easy axes and small enough interactions (i.e. H > γM ) . The important rev U12 =KV +4MpHi/π (17) result is that reversible magnetization decreases as the U21 =KV (18) inter-particlesinteractionincreases. Interestingly,Eq. 21 provides a good description of the experimental data. Let us now consider a situation where temperature is Thus, the barriers for moment reorientationin Eq. 17 higher than irreversibility temperature and system is at and Eq. 18 can be re-written as thermal equilibrium. The number of particles jumping perunittimefromoneminimatoanotherisproportional U1 =KV +4Mp(H −γ(Mrev+M))/π (22) to Nkexp(−Uk/T). The condition for equilibrium is U2 =KV (23) −U12 −U21 We shall now consider direct and backward moment N1e T =N2e T rotation processes in a non equilibrium state. As above, Thus we denote by N1 and N2 number of moments in energy minima1and2,respectively. Thetotalnumberofparti- N2 =N1exp −U12−U21 =N1exp −4MpHi clesinthesystemisN =N1+N2. Themagneticmoment (cid:18) T (cid:19) (cid:18) πT (cid:19) is proportional to the difference n = N1 −N2. 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FIGURE CAPTIONS 39S.Linderoth,L.Balcells,A.Labarta,J.Tejada,P.V.Hen- driksen and S. A. Sethi, J. Mag. Magn. Mater. 124, 269 (1993). Fig.1 X-ray diffraction patterns for (a) regular amor- 40E. Viitala, J. Merikoski, M. Manninen and J. Timonen, phous, (b) acicular amorphous and (c) crystalline sam- Phys.Rev. B 55, 11541 (1997). ples. Fig.2 Differential scanning colorimetry spectra for (a) regularamorphous,(b)acicularamorphousand(c)crys- talline samples. Fig.3Transmissionelectronmicrographsfor(a)regular amorphous, (b) acicular amorphous and (c) crystalline samples. Fig.4 Typical ZFC - FC curves with superimposed re- laxationfortheamorphoussamplemeasuredat500Gat different temperatures. Inset: full-range ZFC-FC curve. Fig.5Typicalrelaxationcurvesmeasuredinthe amor- phous sample in 500 G at different temperatures. Fig.6 Normalized logarithmic relaxation rate R for three types of samples as a function of temperature. In- set: R as a function of a reduced temperature T/T . irr Fig.7 Irreversibility lines for three types of samples. Fig.8 Typical magnetization loops at T = 5 K (open circles) and at T =100 (solid line). Fig.9 Magnetic relaxation at different values of mag- netic field. Vertical lines are the M(t) curves superim- posed on a regular magnetization loop measured at the same temperature. Fig.10 Normalized logarithmic relaxation rate R for threesamplesasafunctionofmagneticfieldatT =20K. Fig.11 Schematic snapshots of magnetic moments dis- tributioninpowdersampleat(a)beginningofthe relax- ation and (b) at latter time Fig.12 Energy profiles after FC in magnetic high field (H1) and after reduction of the magnetic field, whence the relaxation starts (H2). Fig.13Energyprofilesatthe beginning and atthe lat- ter stage of the relaxation. Dots indicate population of magnetic moments of the particular energy minima. Fig.14Temperaturedependence ofenergyΘextracted fromthe measurementsof normalizedrelaxationrate for the three samples. Fig.15 Magnetic field dependence of the energy Θ. Fig. 16 Scaling of the M(T) FC-ZFC curves with ir- reversibility temperature. 9 Table I. Characteristic parameters of the samples Sample d [nm] Surface area [m2/g] regular amorphous ˜50 148 acicular amorphous ˜5×50 164 crystalline ˜200 88 10

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