Magnetic influence on classical dispersion 9 0 T. N. C. Mendes⋆, Reinaldo de Melo e Souza†, C. Farina∗ 0 Instituto de F´ısica - UFRJ - CP 68528 2 n Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil - 21945-970. a J 4 1 Abstract ] We discuss the Lorentz model for dispersion and absorption of radiation h p in dilute, linear and isotropic materials. Initially, with the purpose of making - s thepaperasself-contained aspossible,wereproducetheusualcalculations con- s cerningtheinteraction betweenthechargedmaterial oscillators andtheelectric a l field of the incident radiation, obtaining the main behavior of the reactive and c . dissipative electromagnetic properties of the materials. Thereafter, we also in- s c clude the magnetic contribution of the Lorentz force to the equation of motion i s oftheoscillators uptofirstorderinv/c, whichleadstosomeinterestingresults, y like the approximately linear dependence of the refraction index with the radi- h p ation intensity and the appearance of a second region of anomalous dispersion [ around half the natural frequencies of the material. 1 v 2 2 9 1 . 1 0 9 0 : v i X r a ⋆ e-mail: [email protected] † e-mail: [email protected] ∗ e-mail: [email protected] 1 1 Introduction As described by A. Pais, [1], Kirchoff’s 1859 pioneering work about the search of the spectral function of thermal radiation raised the discussion of the interaction between matter and radiation, an issue that, since then, has shown to be of great importance in many branches of physics, like quantum field theory, condensed matter physics and opticalphysics, to mention just a few. Inthis work, we discuss theLorentz model, one of its most prodigious child. Born in the last years of the 19-th century, this model treats matter as posessing stable electronic charge configurations, held together by harmonicpotentials, andthatinteract withelectromagneticfieldsofagivenradiation. This model achieves amazing results describing optical and dissipative properties of material media (for instance, their dielectric constants, magnetic permeabilities and absorption/dispersion factors), specially those with low refractive index. Usually, whendiscussing classicaldispersiontheory, onlytheelectriccontributionisconsidered since this contribution is c/v times larger than the magnetic one. These issues are often covered by undergraduation textbooks in classical electromagnetism [2, 3], but are discussed in more advanced textbooks as well [4]. Here, we will show that the inclusion of the usually ignored magnetic term leads to quite interesting results as, for instance, the appearence of a second region of anomalous dispersion. We also present some numerical analysis in order to see if experimental verifications of the new effects discussed in this paper are plausible, particulary for electromagnetic radiation of high enough intensity. We finish this brief introduction with a comment to motivate the search for other possibilities of ocurrence of anomalous dispersion. Besides their intrinsic importance, it has been known for a long time that group velocity in regions of anomalous disper- sion close to an absorption line may exceed the speed of light in vacuum and, under some circunstances, may become infinite or even negative [5, 6]. For a recent and pedagogical discussion on negative group velocity see [7] and references therein. 2 Lorentz’s model For future convenience, and to make this article as self-contained as possible, we start with a brief review of the Lorentz model for the electric permittivity ǫ(ω) of linear and isotropic media. The interaction between charges and fields in this model is given by the Lorentz force. For the j-th charged particle with negative electric charge −e j whose position at instant t is denoted by r , this force is given, in gaussian units, by j v F (r ,t) = −e E(r ,t)+ j ×B(r ,t) (1) j j j j j c (cid:20) (cid:21) where E and B are, respectively, the electric and magnetic fields of the electromag- netic wave, c is the velocity of light in vacuum and v = r˙ is the velocity of the j j j-th particle at instant t. Denoting by x the difference between r and the equilib- j j rium position of the particle, denoted by r , we are lead to the following equation of j0 motion for such a particle e x˙ x¨ +2γ x˙ +ω2x = − j E (t)+ j ×B (t) (2) j j j j j mj " j c j # 2 where, in order to simplify the notation, E (t) and B (t) stand for the electric and j j magnetic fields at instant t and position r , that is, E (t) = E(r ,t) and B (t) = j0 j j0 j B(r ,t), and the quantities γ and ω are the damping constant and the natural j0 j j oscillation frequency associated to the j-th charged particle. In (2), we have assumed that |x | is small enough so that the spatial variations of the electromagnetic fields j over a distance of the order of the atom diameter can be neglected (|x | ≪ λ, with j λ being the wavelength of the incident electromagnetic wave). In other words, the electromagnetic fields can be considered as if they were uniform in space for each charged partice (this is the so called dipole approximation). In fact, since we will need to talk about the polarization P and magnetization M of the material, which are macroscopic quantities defined as volumetric densities computed over a volume δV which is very small macroscopically but big enough to contain many thousands of atoms, we shall assume that the condition |x |3 ≪ δV/ ≪ λ3 is valid. j For simplicity, we consider a linearly polarized and monochromatic plane wave of angular frequency ω and choose the cartesian axis in such a way that the electromag- netic fields are written as E (t) = E cos(ωt−α )yˆ ; B (t) = E cos(ωt−α )ˆz ; k = kxˆ, (3) j ω j j ω j where α is a constant, k = ω/c, xˆ, yˆ and ˆz constitute a right-handed orthonormal j set and Eω is the amplitude of the electromagnetic wave at position rj0. It depends on rj0, but this fact was not indicated explicitly to mantain the notation as simple as possible. Since the time averages to be taken do not depend on α , we shall take j α = 0 without loss of generality (alternatively, we can get rid off α with a simple j j time translation t → t+α /ω). With this in mind, equation (2) takes the form (in j components) y˙ e E 2 j j ω x¨ +2γ x˙ +ω x = − cosωt (4) j j j j j c m j x˙ e E 2 j j ω y¨ +2γ y˙ +ω y = − 1− cosωt (5) j j j j j c m (cid:18) (cid:19) j 2 z¨ +2γ z˙ +ω z = 0 (6) j j j j j where x = x xˆ + y yˆ +z ˆz. Looking for stationary solutions only, we see that the j j j j motion of the particle is restricted to the OXY plane, perpendicular to the magnetic field. Restricting to non-relativistic cases, that is, assuming |x˙ | ≪ c and |y˙ | ≪ c, j j equations (4) and (5) can be approximated, respectively, by e E 2 2 j ω x¨ +2γ x˙ +ω x = 0 and y¨ +2γ y˙ +ω y = − cosωt. (7) j j j j j j j j j j m j Hence, at this order, the stationary solutions of equations (4), (5) and (6), are x (t) = 0 ; y (t) = A cos(ωt+φ ) ; z (t) = 0, (8) j j ω ω j in which A = E /Z and ω j ω e E 2 1/2 ω2 −ω2 2γ ω E = − j ω , Z = ω2 −ω2 +4γ2ω2 , cosφ = j , sinφ = − j . j m ω j j ω Z ω Z j (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) ω ω (9) 3 Observe that the particle oscillates in the same direction of the electric field with the same angular frequency ω, but shifted by a phase φ . ω Suppose that in a region with a volume δV (where the field variation is negligible byassumption) therearen = N δV oscillatorswithcharge−e , massm andangular j j j j frequency ω . Therefore, the total number of oscillators in δV is then N = n = j δV j j N δV and the polarization due to the present field is j j P P P = − N e x . (10) j j j j X The mean energy per volume in a period, reversibly stored in the medium, is 2 2 2 N e E 1 N e ω −ω U = −hP·Ei = E j j jhcos(ωt+φ )cosωti = − E2 j j j . P ω j Zω ω 2 ω j mj Zω2 ! X X (11) On the other hand, this same energy may be written as 1 1 U = − P¯ E = − χ′(ω)E2 , (12) P 2 ω ω 2 ω where we used that P¯ = χ′(ω)E for the Fourier transform of the polarization, with ω ω χ′(ω) being the electric susceptibility of the medium. Comparing equations (11) and (12), we identify 2 2 2 N α ω ω −ω χ′(ω) = j j j j , (13) j ω2 −ω2(cid:16)2 +4γ2ω(cid:17)2 X j j 2 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) where α = e /m ω is the static polarizability of the j-th oscillator. Comparing last j j j j equation to the following relation between polariazation and electric field in a linear and isotropic material (see, for instance, Chapter 4 of Ref. [4]) 3 ǫ(ω)−1 P(ω) = E(ω), (14) 4π ǫ(ω)+2! we obtain 3+8πχ′(ω) ǫ(ω) = =⇒ ǫ(ω) ≃ 1+4πχ′(ω) , (15) 3−4πχ′(ω) where ǫ(ω) is the dielectric “constant” of the material (it is not a constant since it is a function of ω). Last approximation, χ′(ω) ≪ 1, is valid specially for low density materials, as gases, for instance. Considering non-magnetic materials and neglecting the magnetic contribution, we have µ(ω) = 1, which makes the refractive index n(ω) approximately equal to n(ω) = ǫ(ω) ≃ 1+2πχ′(ω) . (16) q The behavior of n(ω) = ǫ(ω) is shown in Figure 1 for a single natural frequency ω0 dominant in the mediuqm. Between ω ≃ ω0 −γ0 and ω ≃ ω0 +γ0 we see a region of anomalous dispersion (dn/dω < 0). 4 The mean power per volume absorbed by the medium is given by N e2 N e2 γ ω2 P(ω) = − N e hx˙ ·Ei = − j j ωE2hsin(ωt+φ )cosωti = j j j E2 . j j j m Z ω ω m Z2 ω j j j ω j j ω X X X (17) In terms of the mean value of the radiation intensity I , the above equation takes the ω form 2 2 8π N α ω γ ω e P(ω) = ωχ′′(ω)I , χ′′(ω) = j j j j , α = j , (18) ω 2 j 2 c j ω2 −ω2 +4γ2ω2 mjωj X j j (cid:16) (cid:17) reflecting the intuitive fact that the power is proportional to the intensity. In Figure 1 we show the behavior of (18) as a function of the angular frequency with a fixed intensity. We considered also that the medium has only one dominating naturalfrequency ω0. Wesee that P(ω) isvery small at allfrequencies except those in theanomalous-dispersionregion. Specially, forω = ω0 theelectricfieldisinresonance with natural oscillators of the medium and the power absorbed is maximum. RefractiveIndexandAbsorbedPower 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Ω(cid:144)Ω 0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 1: Refractive index n(ω) = ǫ(ω) (solid line) and absorbed power P(ω) (dashed line), for fixed intensity I asqfunctions of the field frequency, for a medium ω with only one natural frequency ω0 (for convenience, we used the ratio ω/ω0). In both graphs we used a natural width γ0 = 0,1ω0. The values on the vertical axis are written in arbitrary units. 3 Magnetic contribution to dispersion In this section, we shall repeat the previous calculations but without neglecting the influence of the magnetic field. However, we shall compute only the first order cor- rection (in order |x˙ |/c) to the stationary solutions written in (8). As it will become j evident in a moment, to obtain the new stationary corrections to these equations we 5 need to obtain only the new stationary solution for the component x (t), namely, j to consider the previously neglected y˙ /c term on the rhs of equation (4). Hence, it j suffices to substitute y (t) = A cos(ωt+φ ) into equation (4), which leads to j ω ω e E 2 j ω x¨ +2γ x˙ +ω x = − −ωA sin(ωt+φ ) cos(ωt) j j j j j ω ω m c j h i 2 E ω = − j sin(ωt+φ )cos(ωt) ω cZ ω 2 E ω = − j sin(2ωt+φ )+sinφ ω ω 2cZ ω h i γ E2 ω2 E2 ω j j j = − sin(2ωt+φ ) , (19) c Z2 2cZ ω ω ω where we used the definitions A = E /Z = −e E /(m Z ), the trigonometric ω j ω j ω j ω identity sinacosb = (1/2)[sin(a+b)+sin(a−b)] and that sinφ = −2γ ω/Z . ω j ω A simple inspection on the rhs of the previous differential equation allows us to state that its stationary solution will oscillate with angular frequency 2ω, rather than ω. Following the usual procedure of obtaining stationary solutions of damped harmonic oscillators under an external force given by a constant term plus a harmonic one, we can obtain in a straightforward way the expression for the stationary solution for x (t). For convenience, we write below also the stationary solution for y (t) up to j j first order in |x˙ |/c: j γ 1 j 2 xj(t) = ω2 ωkAω − 2kAωA2ωsin(2ωt+φω +φ2ω) (20) j y (t) = A cos(ωt+φ ), (21) j ω ω where k = ω/c and the quantities A2ω, Z2ω and φ2ω can be obtained from equation (9) by just substituting ω by 2ω. As we shall see, equation (21) is, indeed, the correct expression up to this order. But before justifying this statement, a few comments are in order: (i)thestationarysolutionforz (t)remainsz (t) = 0,sothat,asmentionedbefore,the j j stationary motion occurs on the OXY plane, which is perpendicular to the magnetic field; (ii) while the motion of the charged particle along the OY direction is an oscillation around an equilibrium position at y = 0, its motion along the OX direction is an j oscillation around the equilibrium position x = γj ωkA2, which depends on the j ω2 ω j frequency of the electromagnetic fields. This dependence is similar as that of the absorbed power by the medium, namely: it is zero for ω = 0 or ω → ∞ and has its maximum at ω = ω ; j (iii) comparing the amplitudes of oscillation of equations (20) and (21) we see that the former is kA2ω times the latter. Hence, the oscillations in the direction of the electric field (OY direction) are greater than those along the direction of the wave vector k (OX direction). Let us now estimate the error committed by neglecting the term x˙ /c in (5). Sub- j stituting (20) into (5), and writing the solution of the resulting differential equation 6 1 0 0 as y (t) = y (t)+∆y (t), where y (t) is given by expression (8), it can be shown that j j j j ∆y (t) is given by j 1 1 2 2 2 ∆yj(t) = −4k AωA2ωcos(ωt+2φω +φ2ω) − 4k AωA2ωA3ωcos(2ωt+φω +φ2ω +φ3ω) , (22) where the quantities A3ω and φ3ω can be determined in the same way as A2ω and φ2ω, 2 2 2 described before. Looking at the last equation, and remembering that k = ω /c , it is not difficult to conclude that ∆y (t) is of order |x˙ |2/c2 and hence it can be j j neglected if we maintain terms only ut to first order in |x˙ |/c. That is why ∆y (t) is j j not present in equation (21). The magnetic dipole momentum of the j-th oscillator is given by e m = − j (x ×x˙ ) j j j 2c e = − j (x y˙ −y x˙ )ˆz j j j j 2c 1 2 = − ejEjk AωA2ωˆz cos(ωt+φω)cos(2ωt+φω +φ2ω) + 4 (cid:20) 2γjωZ2ω + cos(ωt+φ2ω)− 2 sin(ωt+φω) , (23) ω Z j ω (cid:21) so that the corresponding medium magnetization is M = N m (24) j j j X and the medium mean energy per volume stored in the medium reads U = −hM·Bi m Nje4jEω4 ω2 3 γjωZ2ω = − j 4m3jc2 Zω2Z2ω "4 cosφ2ω − ωj2 Zω sinφω# X N e4E4 ω2 3 ω2−4ω2 1 2γ ω 2 = − j j ω j + j . (25) j 4m3jc2 Zω2 4 Z22ω ! 2 ωjZω! X Following a procedure totally analogous to that employed in Section 2 for the electric polarization, it is possible to write the magnetic energy as 1 3N e4E3 ω2 ω2 −4ω2 2 2γ ω 2 U = − M¯ E =⇒ M¯ = j j ω j + j , (26) m 2 ω ω ω j 8m3jc2 Zω2 Z22ω 3 ωjZω! X where M = M¯ ˆz is the mean induced magnetization parallel to the magnetic field. ω Comparing last equation to the relation between magnetization and the magnetic induction B in a linear medium, namely, (see, for instance, Chapter 5 of Ref. [4]) 3 µ(ω)−1 M(ω) = B, (27) 4π µ(ω)+2! 7 we obtain, after some algebraic rearrangements, 3+8πχ (ω) m µ(ω) = =⇒ µ(ω) ≃ 1+4πχ (ω) , (28) m 3−4πχ (ω) m 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3πN β ω ω I ω −4ω 8γ ω /3ω χ (ω)= j j j ω j + j j (29) m 2 2 2 j ω2 −ω2 +4γ2ω2 ω2 −4ω2 +16γ2ω2 ω2 −ω2 +4γ2ω2 X j j j j j j (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 4 3 3 4 2 3 In the last equation, we defined β = e /m c ω = α /m c and one could, in prin- j j j j j j ciple, think of χ (ω) as the magnetic susceptibility of the medium to the magnetic m field, something analogous to the electric susceptibility χ′(ω) defined by equation (12). Note that χ (ω) has a dependence on the frequency of the electromagnetic m wave which is much more complicated than that exhibited by the electric susceptibil- ity χ′(ω), as it is illustrated in Figure 2. MagneticandEletricSusceptibilities 4 3 2 1 0 Ω(cid:144)Ω 0 -1 -2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 2: Eelectric and magnetic susceptibilities, given by equations (12) and (29) as functions of the ratio ω/ω0. The dashed line stands for χ′(ω) while the solid line corresponds to χm(ω). For simplicity, we considered only one natural frequency, ω0, (and the corresponding natural line width γ0). We have made γ0/ω0 = 0.1 in both graphs. The values on the vertical axis are written in arbitrary units. Differently from χ′(ω), which varies smoothly with the frequency except in the range of anomalous dispersion (with a width 2γ0 centered at ω0), χm(ω) shows an anomalous behavior around ω = ω0/2. There is also a pronounced peak around ω = ω0, similar to that appearing in the absorbed power by the medium, as shown in 2 Figure 1, but whose intensity varies with 1/γ0 instead of 1/γ0. In Figure 3 we plot some graphs for χm(ω) versus ω/ω0 for different values of γ0. 1 In the range 2ω0 < ω < ω0 we observe an uncommon behavior with the frequency, while for high frequencies, ω ≫ ω0, χm(ω) goes to zero faster than χ′(ω). It is worth mentioning that, for low frequencies, ω ≪ ω0, only χm(ω) goes to zero. In contrast to the electric permittivity ǫ(ω), given by equation (15), the magnetic permeability µ(ω) depends on the intensity I of the electromagnetic wave, as can ω 8 MagneticSusceptibility vs Γ 1.0 0.5 0.0 Ω(cid:144)Ω 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 3: Magnetic susceptibility χm(ω) as a function of the ratio ω/ω0 for different values of γ0. The solid line corresponds to γ0/ω0 = 0.08, while the dashed line, to γ0/ω0 = 0.1, and the dotted line, to γ0/ω0 = 0.12. The values on the vertical axis are in arbitrary units. be seen from equations (28) and (29). For χ (ω) ≪ 1, which is generally the case, m µ(ω) − 1 is proportional to I . Including the magnetic contribution, the refractive ω index takes the form n(ω) = ǫ(ω)µ(ω) =⇒ n(ω) ≃ 1+2π χ′(ω)+χ (ω) . (30) m q h i We see that the role of the magnetic field is to sum 2πχ (ω) to the rhs of equa- m tion (16), which introduces a linear dependence with the intensity of the electromag- netic wave for fixed frequencies. This term, however, is usually much smaller than the electric contribution, but may become relevant for values of intensity that make χ′(ω)/χ (ω) ∼ 1. In the next section we discuss if there is a possibility of check- m ing experimentally this magnetic contribution. Figure 4 shows the effect of this new magnetic term on the expression for the refractive index. For low values of the intensity I , but still high enough to make the contribution ω due to χ (ω) a relevant one, the frequency dependence of the refractive index is very m similar to that shown in Figure 1, except for the appearence of a range of a secondary 1 anomalous dispersion (SAD), centered at ω = 2ω0 (besides the usual anomalous dispersion around ω = ω0). This fact may be viewed as a first signature of the influence of the intensity on the refractive index. 1 As the intensity increases, the behavior of n(ω), in the interval 2ω0 < ω < ω0, becomes more and more similar to that ofχ (ω). We also notice that the intersection m betweenthecurveforn(ω)andthelinen(ω) = 1,whichoccursatω = ω0 forvanishing intensity, is shifted as the intensity is increased. Finally, for ω ≪ ω0 and ω > ω0, n(ω) does not change appreciably when one varies the intensity. In Figure 5 we see the relation between n(ω) and frequency for different values 9 RefractiveIndex vs Intensity 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Ω(cid:144)Ω 0 0.8 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 4: Refractive index, given by equation (30), for different intensities of the inci- dent electromagnetic wave and γ0/ω0 = 0.1ω0. The curve with solid line corresponds to an intensity 5 times smaller than the intensity used to draw the curve with dashed line and 10 times smaller than that used in the curve with dotted line. The values on the vertical axis are written in arbitrary units. RefractiveIndex vs Γ 1.10 1.05 1.00 Ω(cid:144)Ω 0 0.95 0.90 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 5: Refractive index, given by (30), as a function of ω/ω0 for different values of γ0 and fixed intensity. The solid line stands for γ0/ω0 = 0.03, the dashed line, to γ0/ω0 = 0.05 and the dotted line, to γ0/ω0 = 0.1. The values on the vertical axis are in arbitrary units. of γ0, keeping the incident intensity fixed. As expected, as γ0 becomes smaller and smaller, the secondary anomalous dispersion becomes more and more evident in the 1 interval ω = 2ω0. 10