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Magnetic frustration in an iron based Cairo pentagonal lattice E. Ressouche,1,∗ V. Simonet,2 B. Canals,2 M. Gospodinov,3 and V. Skumryev4 1CEA/Grenoble, INAC/SPSMS-MDN, 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 2Institut N´eel, CNRS & Universit´e Joseph Fourier, BP166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 3Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1184 Sofia, Bulgaria 4Instituci´o Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanats (ICREA) and Departament de F´ısica, Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain (Dated: January 5, 2010) TheFe3+latticeintheBi2Fe4O9compoundisfoundtomaterializethefirstanalogueofamagnetic pentagonallattice. Duetoitsoddnumberofbondsperelementalbrick,thislattice,subjecttofirst 0 1 neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions, is prone to geometric frustration. The Bi2Fe4O9 magnetic properties have been investigated by macroscopic magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction. 0 Theobservednon-collinearmagneticarrangementisrelatedtotheonestabilized onaperfect tiling 2 as obtained from a mean field analysis with direct space magnetic configurations calculations. The n peculiarity of this structure arises from the complex connectivity of the pentagonal lattice, a novel a feature compared to thewell-known case of triangle-based lattices. J 5 The pentagon, a 5-edges polygon, is an old issue in ticetopology,resultinginunusualphysicalproperties[3]. ] l mathematical recreation. It forms the faces of the do- Today, most of the studied systems are mainly based on e decahedron,one of the platonic solids whose shape is re- triangles (or tetrahedra in three dimensions), and can - r produced in biologicalviruses and in some metallic clus- be made perfect from both structural(regular polygons) t s ters [1]. The main peculiarity of this polygon is that, andmagnetic(equalfirstneighbormagneticinteractions) . t contrary to triangles, squares or hexagons, it is impossi- points of view. This is not the case with pentagonal lat- a m bletotileaplanewithcongruentregularpentagons,the ticesthatmustinvolveonlynon-regularpentagonsto fill tilings must involveadditional shapes to fill the gaps [2], the space. The experimental realization of such a model - d like in the Penrose lattice (Fig. 1). It exists however system is thus a unique opportunity that could bring n several possibilities of tessellation of a plane with non- new interesting features in this field of magnetic frus- o regular pentagons,a famous one being the Cairotessel- tration. In this letter we show that the Fe3+ lattice in c lation whose name was given because it appears in the Bi Fe O materializes the first analogue of a magnetic [ 2 4 9 streetsofCairoandinmanyIslamicdecorations(Fig.1). pentagonal lattice, and we interpret its peculiar non- 1 collinearmagneticarrangementwithrespecttomagnetic v frustration. 0 1 Bi Fe O is a common by-product in the synthesis of 2 4 9 7 themultiferroiccompoundBiFeO ,andhasbeenclaimed 0 3 . recently to display itself multiferroic properties [4]. This 1 was the initial motivation of our study: this finding re- 0 quires a precise determination of the symmetries in the 0 1 magnetic ordered phase, since ferroelectricity can only : ariseinpolarspacegroups. Suchaprecisedetermination v hasneverbeencarriedoutonsinglecrystalsofBi Fe O , i 2 4 9 X and only powder neutron diffraction measurements have r been reported [5] with no definitive conclusions due to a the complexity of this orthorhombic structure. Actu- ally, there are two different sites of four iron atoms in Bi Fe O : Fe occupies a tetrahedral position and Fe 2 4 9 1 2 an octahedral one. In the structure, columns of edge- sharing Fe octahedra form chains along the c axis, and 2 FIG. 1: (color online) Pentagonal lattices. (a) Cairo pen- these chains are linked together by corner-sharing Fe1 tagonal tiling, (b) Penrose pentagonal tiling, (c) pentagonal tetrahedraandBiatoms(Fig.2). Asaresult,the lattice lattice studied in refs. 6–8, (d) dodecahedron. formed by the different Fe3+ magnetic atoms is quite re- markable. From a simple examination of the structure, Such a lattice could attract interest in the field of ge- five mainmagneticsuperexchangeinteractions,J to J , 1 5 ometric frustrated magnetism. Indeed, frustration usu- can be identified (Fig. 2). The structure can be simply ally arises when all pairs of magnetic interactions are viewed as layers perpendicular to the c axis: the mag- not simultaneously satisfied in a system due to the lat- netic coupling of these layers along the c direction in- 2 FIG. 2: (color online) The Bi2Fe4O9 compound (space group Pbam; a = 7.965(4), b = 8.448(5), c = 6.007(3) ˚A at 300 K). (left): Viewofthe unitcell with theenvironmentof thetwoFeions. Biatoms arepurple,Feyellow andOred. Projection of thestructureonthe(a,c)plane(middle)andonthe(a,b)plane(right). Theatomslabels areinblue. Black linesmaterialize themagnetic exchangeinteractions. volves only Fe atoms in the octahedron columns and is Bi Fe O is foundtoobeyaCurie-Weisslawwithanex- 2 2 4 9 achievedthroughtwointeractions,J betweentheatoms trapolatedparamagnetictemperatureθ ≈- 1670Kand 1 p withintheunitcellandJ betweentheatomsofadjacent an effective magnetic moment µ = 6.3(3) µ per iron 2 eff B cells. Within a layer, each Fe interacts with its nearest atom (see Fig. 3). This later value is compatible with 1 neighbour Fe via J and with two nearest neighbour the 5.9 µ expected for Fe3+ ions (J=S=5/2). When 1 4 B Fe pair (located above and below the mean plane) via decreasingthe temperature,anevidentdropinthe (a,b) 2 J and J . The projection of this layer along c forms planesusceptibilityandawellpronouncedincreaseofthe 3 5 a pentagonal lattice with three slightly different bonds c axis susceptibility are observed at T =238(2) K, in- N per pentagon (Fig. 2). This geometry is equivalent to a dicatingatransitiontowardamagneticlongrangeorder. distorted Cairo lattice, the perfect one involving convex This N´eel temperature is in agreement with the results equilateral pentagons with equal-length sides, but with on single crystal reportedin ref. 10 but some 20 K lower different associated angles (Fig. 1). that the one reported in refs. 4, 5, 11 for sintered sam- ples. The observed ratio between the N´eel temperature What should be expected from such a geometry and and the paramagnetic one, θ /T ≈ 7, suggests, as ex- what is actually observed ? Up to now, no experimental p N pected from the geometry, a large degree of frustration. studiesandveryfewtheoreticalcalculationsareavailable intheliterature[6–8]. Theyonlyconcernaveryparticu- Further insightsconcerningthe magneticarrangement below T were obtained using neutron diffraction. The lar pentagonal tiling, derived from the hexagonal lattice N (seelatticecofFig.1). Calculationswithintheantiferro- neutron diffraction experiments were performed on the twoCEA-CRGdiffractometersD23andD15attheInsti- magnetic Ising model on this lattice yields a disordered tutLaue-Langevin(Grenoble,France)usingwavelengths groundstatewithafiniteentropyperspin[6,8],whereas inthe Heisenbergmodelthe classicalgroundstate ofthe of respectively λ=1.280 ˚A and 1.173˚A . Complete data collectionshavebeenmadeattwodifferenttemperatures perfect pentagonal lattice has not yet been solved [7]. T = 15 K and T = 300 K. The experimental data were Single crystals of Bi Fe O were grown by the high 2 4 9 temperature solution growth method using a flux of corrected from absorption using the CCSL library [12]. The structural and magnetic arrangements were refined Bi O [9]. The temperature and magnetic field depen- 2 3 using the least-square programs MXD [13] and FULL- dencesofthemagnetizationalongtheprincipalcrystallo- PROF [14], including extinction corrections [15]. graphicaxesweremeasuredusingaSQUID magnetome- ter (QuantumDesign)in the temperature range2-380K When decreasing the temperature, new reflections, and in fields up to 5.5 T. The reported data, measured characteristic of an antiferromagnetic order, appear onthe very same crystalusedfor the neutron diffraction around T = 244(2) K. They can be indexed with a N study(2.5x2x1.5mm3),werecorrectedforthedemag- propagationvectork=(1/2,1/2,1/2),thatisadoubling netizingfieldeffect. TheDCsusceptibilitybetween300K of the magnetic cell compared to the nuclear one in the and 800 K was measured on a home made Faraday-type three directions. The temperature variation of a mag- magneticbalanceinamagneticfieldof0.7T,usinganas- netic Bragg peak is presented in Fig. 3. The magnetic sembly of several randomly oriented single crystals. The structure wassolvedfromthe 654magnetic Braggpeaks reportedsusceptibilitywascorrectedfromdiamagnetism collected at T= 15 K taking into account the presence using the Pascal’s constants χ = -198 10−6 emu/mol. of two magnetic domains [9]. There are four Fe atoms dia 1 Above room temperature, the magnetic susceptibility of and four Fe in the unit cell, whose coordinates are re- 2 3 x y z µ θ φ Fe11 0.3540 0.3361 0.5 3.52(1) 100.1(1) 90 Fe12 0.6460 0.6639 0.5 3.52(1) θ11 + 180 90 Fe13 0.1460 0.8361 0.5 3.52(1) θ11 - 90 90 Fe14 0.8540 0.1639 0.5 3.52(1) θ11 + 90 90 Fe21 0 0.5 0.2582 3.73(1) -105.4(1) 90 Fe22 0 0.5 0.7418 3.73(1) θ21 90 Fe23 0.5 0 0.7418 3.73(1) θ21 +90 90 Fe24 0.5 0 0.2582 3.73(1) θ21 + 90 90 TABLE I: Coordinates of the Fe3+ ions in Bi2Fe4O9 and spherical components of their magnetic moments in the first magnetic domain. The magnetic moments are defined in spherical coordinates by (µ,θ,φ). In cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z)whereXisalonga,YalongbandZalongc,themag- netic moment components are : MX = µ cosθ sinφ,MY = µ sinθ sinφ,MZ =µ cosφ. As it can be seen on Fig. 4, this non-collinear mag- neticstructureformsimbricatedrectanglesofspins. This is quite unusual in such an orthorhombic system, where all the directions are non-equivalent and where there is no fourfold axis. This peculiarity certainly has an ori- gin in the frustration of the magnetic interactions. One should also notice that for this structure the magnetic space group is centrosymmetric, that is non polar. This FIG. 3: (color online) Linear magnetic susceptibility of resultisapriorinotcompatiblewithferroelectricity,and Bi2Fe4O9 asafunctionoftemperaturemeasuredinmagnetic this shedsomedoubts onthe claimedferroelectricityob- fieldsof0.1Tand0.7Tbelowandabove300 Krespectively. served in polycrystalline Bi Fe O [4]. Inset: Temperaturevariationofthe(1/2,3/2,−1/2)magnetic 2 4 9 Bragg peak in zero field from neutron diffraction. To check the relevance of the Cairo pentagon lattice (Bottom) Graphical representation ofthemagnetic structure model and the role of geometric frustration on the ob- refinementat T=15KinBi2Fe4O9 : observedversuscalcu- served magnetic structure of Bi2Fe4O9, we have under- lated intensities. taken a two step theoretical approach based on a lo- calized spin model. Calculations have been made both for an ideal Cairo lattice (including the perfect case ported in Table I. The best refinement led to a residual J3 = J4 = J5), and in the real geometry. The angles factorRw=6.4%,withtwonearlyequallypopulateddo- between magnetic moments in a system is imposed by mains (42/58%). The magnetic moment parameters for the set of magnetic interactions. In a first step, an exact thefirstdomainarereportedinTableI. Thecorrespond- Fourier space analysis at zero temperature is performed, ing pictures of the magnetic arrangements are presented assumingasingle-klikeordering,whichallowstofindthe in Fig. 4. The moments on all the atoms are found re- periodicity of the magnetic structure [17]. Once the pe- stricted in the (a,b) plane. Oneach site, the four atoms riodicity is known, an energy minimization in real space are gathered into two pairs, antiferromagnetically cou- givestherespectiveorientationofthemagneticmoments pled in the case ofFe and ferromagneticallycoupled for withinthe magneticunitcell. Forthese calculations,the 1 Fe2. The magnetic moments of each pair are oriented fiveexchangeinteractionparametersJ1 toJ5 alreadyde- at 90◦, that is perpendicular to the moments of the scribedhavebeen considered,using a HeisenbergHamil- other pair on the same site. The phase between the two tonian H = −21Pi,jJkS~i · S~j. All the moments were sublatticesFe andFe is 155◦. The momentamplitudes assumed to be of equal amplitudes. 1 2 on the two sites Fe and Fe are slightly different, and Inthe Cairopentagonallattice,alargesetofJ values 1 2 i both much smaller than the expected value for a Fe3+ yield the observed (1/2, 1/2, 1/2) propagation vector. ion (5µ ). A spin transfer process from the iron to the The doubling of the magnetic cell along c alone requires B neighbouring oxygen ions [16] could explain this reduc- howeverJ tobenegativeandJ positiveorslightlyneg- 2 1 tion. ative. Whatever the k = (1/2,1/2,1/2) solution found, 4 realcase. The Bi Fe O reallattice is therefore topolog- 2 4 9 ically equivalent to the Cairo one after renormalization of the J and J interactions with respect to the J one. 3 5 4 To summarize, we have found that the compound Bi Fe O displaysa veryoriginalnon-collinearmagnetic 2 4 9 structure, made of four Fe moments and four Fe ones 1 2 forming interpenetrating patterns of four-fold spin rota- tions. This magnetic arrangement is very peculiar for a pentagonal lattice with nearest neighbour interactions only and is not a mere propagation of the magnetic ar- rangementminimizingtheenergyineachindividualpen- tagon, contraryto the case of triangles based lattices. It actually results from two ingredients, a high geometrical frustration and an additional complex connectivity (two kinds of sites with different coordinations). This first materialisation of a pentagonal Cairo lattice opens new perspectives in the field of magnetic frustration. WorkatSofiawassupportedby the BulgarianScience Foundation under Grants No. TK-X-1712/2007. The authorsaregratefultoMichaelMikhovforthehightem- peraturesusceptibilityresultsandtoLucValentinforthe help with the tilings. ∗ FIG. 4: (color online) Magnetic structure. First and second [email protected] magnetic domains. (Yellow): Fe1 sites. (Orange): Fe2 sites. 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