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Preview Magnetic Fields in Evolved Stars: Imaging the Polarized Emission of High-Frequency SiO Masers

Accepted forpublicationinApJ PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/12/01 MAGNETIC FIELDS IN EVOLVED STARS: IMAGING THE POLARIZED EMISSION OF HIGH-FREQUENCY SIO MASERS W. H. T. Vlemmings1, E. M. L. Humphreys2 & R. Franco-Herna´ndez1 Accepted for publication in ApJ ABSTRACT We present Submillimeter Array observations of high frequency SiO masers around the supergiant VX Sgr and the semi-regular variable star W Hya. The J =5−4, v =1 28SiO and v =0 29SiO masers of VX Sgr are shown to be highly linearly polarized with a polarization from ∼ 5−60%. Assuming 1 the continuum emission peaks at the stellar position, the masers are found within ∼60 mas of the star, 1 correspondingto∼100AUatadistanceof1.57kpc. The linearpolarizationvectorsareconsistentwith 0 a large scale magnetic field, with position and inclination angles similar to that of the dipole magnetic 2 field inferred in the H O and OH maser regions at much larger distances from the star. We thus show 2 n for the first time that the magnetic field structure in a circumstellar envelope can remain stable from a a few stellar radii out to ∼ 1400 AU. This provides further evidence supporting the existence of large J scaleanddynamicallyimportantmagnetic fieldsaroundevolvedstars. Due toalackofparallacticangle 0 coverage, the linear polarization of masers around W Hya could not be determined. For both stars we 1 observed the 28SiO and 29SiO isotopologues and find that they have a markedly different distribution and that they appear to avoid each other. Additionally, emission from the SO 5 −4 line was imaged ] 5 4 R for both sources. Around W Hya we find a clear offset between the red- and blue-shifted SO emission. This indicates that W Hya is likely host to a slow bipolar outflow or a rotating disk-like structure. S . Subject headings: Masers, Polarization,Stars: Individual (VX Sgr, W Hya), Stars: Late-Type h p - 1. introduction SiO maser lines arise from a subset of the physical condi- o tions leading to J = 1−0 emission, and are strongest in r Many different SiO maser transitions have been ob- dense, warm post-shock gas. t served around evolved stars of different classes (Kemball s Besides probing the dynamics and physical conditions a 2007, and references therein). High angular resolution in the CSEs, masers are also good probes of the mag- [ observations of 43 and 86 GHz masers have shown that netic field (e.g. Vlemmings 2007). Most of the informa- they occur within a few stellar radii from the photo- 1 tion on the magnetic field around evolved stars comes sphere, in the dynamical region between the pulsating v from maser polarization observations. Ordered magnetic 0 star and the dust formation zone (e.g. Cotton et al. 2004; fields with a strength of order a mG have been detected 6 Greenhill et al. 1995; Chen et al. 2006). SiO masers are in the OH maser regions at large distances from the star 9 thereforeexcellentprobesoftheprocessesthatdrivestellar (e.g. Szymczak et al. 1998). Closer in, H O masers also 1 massloss,andthatdefinetheoutflowsthatgiverisetopo- 2 indicate the presence of a dynamically important mag- . tential asymmetries in the circumstellar envelope (CSE). 1 netic field, with typical values of a few hundred mG (e.g. 0 SiOmaseremissionfromevolvedstarshasbeendetected Vlemmings et al. 2005). Finally, 43 and 86 GHz SiO 1 from the v = 0 to v = 4, J = 1−0 up to at least the maser observations reveal field strengths of several Gauss 1 J =8−7transitions(e.g.,Gray,Humphreys&Yates1999; at only a few stellar radii from the star, assuming a stan- : Pardo et al. 1998; Humphreys et al. 1997; Jewell et al. v dard Zeeman interpretation (Kemball & Diamond 1997; 1987). The conditionsgivingrise toemissionaretypically Xi n(H )=1010±1 cm−3 andT &1500K,withthedominant Herpin et al.2006). ThehigherfrequencySiOmasersdis- 2 k play a large fractional linear polarization (Shinnaga et al. r pumping mechanism, radiative or collisional, a matter a of debate (e.g. Herpin & Baudry 2000; Lockett & Elitzur 2004, hereafter S04), and this polarizationis potentially a goodprobeofthecircumstellarmagneticfieldmorphology. 1992). However,itisagreedthatlineoverlapsbetweenthe However, as these masers likely exist in the regime where SiO main isotopologues (28SiO, 29SiO and 30SiO) likely the Zeeman splitting is comparable to the rate of stimu- play a role in the pumping of e.g., the very highly excited lated maser emission, the interpretation of their polariza- v = 4 J = 5 − 4 maser line (∼ 7000 K above ground tion is not straightforward(Nedoluha & Watson 1994). state; Cernicharo et al. 1993). SiO maser v = 1 and 2, Herewepresentthe polarizationanddistributionofthe J = 5−4 emission is commonly found toward Mira vari- v = 1 and 2 J = 5−4 28SiO and v = 0,J = 5−4 29SiO ables for which the lower-J masers have already been de- masersaroundthesupergiantVXSgrandthesemi-regular tected. High-frequency SiO maser emission in Miras ap- variable star W Hya observed with the Submillimeter Ar- pears to be strongly tied to stellar pulsation, with the ve- ray (SMA; Ho et al. 2004). In the remainder of the paper locity of the emission a function of phase, and this phase we will forgo most mentions of the rotational quantum dependence correlated with photon luminosity. Indeed, numbers J =5−4 andonly give the vibrationalquantum the J = 7−6 and 8−7 lines are weak or absent from number v = 0,1 or 2. In addition to the maser observa- φ=0.4to0.7,unlikethe low-J masers(Gray et al.1999). tions, we present observations of the SO 5 −4 line that Humphreys (1999) finds that highly rotationally excited 5 4 was detected for both stars. 1 Argelander-Institut fu¨rAstronomie, UniversityofBonn, Auf dem VX Sgr is a red supergiant star, located at a distance Hu¨gel71,D-53121Bonn,Germany of 1.57±0.27 kpc (Chen et al. 2007). It has an optical 2 ESO,Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2,D-85748Garching,Germany 1 2 Vlemmings et al. Fig. 1.—SMAspectraofVXSgr(left)andWHya(right)forthe28SiOv=1,J =5−4masersat215.6GHz(thicksolidline),the28SiO v=2,J =5−4masersat214.1GHz(thickdashedline),the29SiOv=0,J =5−4masersat214.4GHz(thinsolidline)aswellastheSO 55−44 lineat215.2GHz(thindotted line). Theverticallinesdenotethestellarvelocity. variability period of 732 days which suggests, assuming the Mira period-luminosity relation, it has a mass of ∼ 10 M⊙. Its envelope hosts a number of maser species, from which the stellar velocity is estimated to be V = lsr 5.3 km s−1 (Chapman & Cohen 1986). W Hya, at a distance of 98 pc (Vlemmings et al. 2003), is typically classified as a semi-regular variable star as its period is observed to vary between ∼ 350 − 400 days. However, it is also often considered a Mira variable due to the regular shape and the large amplitude of its light curve (e.g. Gomez Balboa & Lepine 1986). The envelope of W Hya harbors many different maser species, and its OH maser spectrum indicates a stellar velocity of V = lsr 40 km s−1 (Szymczak et al. 1998). 2. observations The SiO masers of VX Sgr and W Hya were observed on UTC 2008 July 20 with the SMA in extended config- uration. The resulting beam size was ∼ 1.5 × 1.0 arc- seconds. The observations were centered at 214.8 GHz (λ = 1.4 mm) to allow simultaneous observation of both the v = 1 and v = 2 28SiO maser lines at 215.5959 and 214.0885GHz respectivelyin one 2 GHz band. This addi- tionally covered the frequencies of the 29SiO v = 0 maser and the SO 5 −4 line. The frequency resolution was 5 4 400 kHz, corresponding to ∼ 0.56 km s−1. The 2 GHz bandwidth,excludingthechannelswithlineemission,was used to observe the dust continuum. For the relative am- plitudeandphasecalibrationofVXSgrweusedNRAO530 Fig. 2.— The feed position angle (P.A.) vs. the apparent flux (∼12.4◦ away;2.45 Jy) and for W Hya we used 1337-129 densityforfourofthe28SiOv=1,J =5−4masersaroundVXSgr. (∼ 15.8◦ away; 2.4 Jy). For the absolute amplitude cali- Theerrorbarsdenotetheuncertaintiesonthefluxdensityasderived bythejmfitGaussianfittingprocedureanddonotcontainpotential bration we used 3C454.3 with a flux density of 22.63 Jy. systematiceffectsduetotimevariableerrorsinthegaincalibration. Inboth caseswe usedthe brightestv =1, 28SiOmaserto self-calibratethedata. Weestimatetheabsolutepositions tobeaccurateto∼0.2arcseconds,whiletherelativeposi- tionalaccuracyofthedifferentmaserspeciesandthe dust should be good to better than ∼ 15 mas. The data were Magnetic fields in evolved stars 3 initiallycalibratedusingtheMIRIDLpackage,continuum 1995 (Humphreys et al. 1997). The shape of the 28SiO subtractionandaveragingwasperformedinMIRIAD,and v = 2 spectrum is significantly different from that of the the imaging and phase self-calibration was performed in v = 1 transition. Where the v = 1 line peaks around AIPS. The channel rms noise is ∼0.05 Jy beam−1. V =39kms−1 withaflux densityof∼11Jy,the v =2 lsr After imaging and self-calibration we used the AIPS maser is weaker (∼ 3 Jy) and peaks at ∼ 44 km s−1. As image-planecomponentfitting taskjmfittodetermine the was the case for VX Sgr, the 29SiO maser spectrum has position of the maser emission in each individual velocity lessstructurethanthatofthe28SiOmasers,whileitpeaks channel. When emission is detected at > 10σ, we define close to the stellar velocity of V =40 km s−1. At 15 Jy, lsr the fitted position in each channel as a maser spot follow- it is stronger than the 28SiO lines. ingthedefinitionofChen et al.(2006). Amaserfeatureis thenagroupofmaserspotsthatoccurswithinasmallspa- 3.2. Linear Polarization Analysis tial and spectral region. Very Long Baseline Interferome- Becauseoftherotationofthepolarizedfeedsonthesky try(VLBI)SiOmaserobservationsathighfrequencyreso- as described in § 2, the brightness S of a linearly polar- lutionindicatethattherearetypicallyseveraltensofsuch ized source changes as a function of feed position angle features with line-widths of order 1 km s−1and a typical according to the equation sizeof∼1AU(e.g.Chen & Shen2008). Boththespectral S =S +S cos[2(P.A.−χ)]. (2) as wellasthe spatialresolutionofourobservationsarein- 0 p sufficienttoidentify individualmaserfeatures. Themaser HereS istheaverageandS thepolarizedbrightness,and 0 p spots defined here thus denote the flux weighted average χtheelectric-vectorpositionangle(EVPA).Thefractional position of features that contribute flux in the individ- linear polarization P = S /S . An example for four of l p 0 ual velocity channels. As the beam size (half-power beam VX Sgr maser spots is shown in Fig.2. width, HPBW) of our observations is ∼ 1.5×1.0 arcsec- ForasufficientrangeofP.A.itisthuspossibletodeter- onds, the formal position errors on the masers depend on minetheEVPAandfractionalpolarization. Weperformed the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at which the maser spots a least squares fit to all channels with significant (>10σ) were detected through ∆(δ,α)=HPBW/(2×SNR). maser emission, having split the data in single 20 min As was performed by S04, we measured the linear po- blocks. The flux density and associated uncertainties of larizationby using earthrotationpolarimetry,the diurnal theindividualobservingblocksweredeterminedusingthe rotation of the sky over the SMA. As the SMA anten- AIPStaskjmfit. Assumingaconstantdustcontinuumflux nas have alt-azimuth mounts and fixed linearly-polarized density during the observations, we determined an initial feedsattheNasmythfocus,thepositionangle(P.A.)ofthe gain factor for each of the time steps. The gain correc- feeds onthe skyrotatesduringthe observationsaccording tions derived from the dust were . 6%, indicating that to Equation 1 of S04: the dust was not polarized at a level higher than ∼ 6%. cos(φ )sin(h) This, as well as the non-detection of polarization in the P.A.[◦]=45◦−a−sin lat . (1) SO line, indicates that the observed SiO maser polariza- cos(a) tion is not an artifact of our self-calibration and further Here a and h are the elevation and hour angle of the reductionprocess. Still,asusingthe dustforgaincalibra- source respectively, and φlat is the latitude of the SMA tion could in principle introduce a systematic bias due to (∼19◦49′27”). For VX Sgr, h ranged from −2.3 to 2.8 hr possible dust polarization at a level of a few percent, we and the P.A. varied from −35◦ to 60◦. For W Hya, a de- also adopted the method described by S04 in an iterative layed start of the observations resulted in an hour angle minimization routine. This yielded final gain corrections range of 0.6 to 3.4 hr and thus a smaller P.A. coverage for the individual time intervals of 2−9%. Still, remain- from 15◦ to 75◦. ing time variable uncertainties in the flux calibration will due to, for example, variable phase coherence add non- 3. analysis and results Gaussian errors to the flux density determinations. The 3.1. SiO Maser Spectra influence of remaining systematic errors on the polariza- tionfittingcanbeestimatedusingthebootstraptechnique The spectra for the SiO masertransitionsas wellas the (e.g. Efron & Tibshirani 1991). This technique allows de- SO line are shown in Fig. 1. Around VX Sgr, no signifi- termination of the the fitted values and their associated cant emissionwasdetected for the 28SiO v =2 transition. uncertainties without relying on Gaussian statistics and The v = 1 spectral profile has significantly changed com- haspreviouslybeenappliedtoassessimagefidelityinradio pared with the detection in 1986 by Jewell et al. (1987) interferometric polarimetry (Kemball & Martinsek 2005; and the peak flux density decreased from ∼15 to ∼6 Jy. Kemball et al. 2010). The bootstrap technique consists of The 29SiO emission is weaker, with a peak flux den- the following; we treat the N data points S for each 20- i sity of ∼ 4 Jy and extends to slightly broader velocities min observing interval as a set of independent estimates with respect to the star. It also shows fewer individual for the flux density. We then generate data samples of features in the spectrum. Both lines peak close to the size N generated from the original set with replacement, V =5.3 km s−1 stellar velocity. lsr discardingsampleswithfewerthanfourindependentmea- The SiO maser emission of W Hya is stronger than surements. We generate 100,000 of such data samples for that of VX Sgr in all the three lines observed. Although whichtheleast-squaresfittingroutinewilldeterminetheir the peak flux density has decreased by a factor of 5, the best fitting S , S and χ. From the distribution of these 28SiO v = 1 spectrum is remarkably similar to that ob- 0 p samplewethendeterminethemostprobablevalueforeach served by Jewell et al. (1987) over two decades earlier. of the parameters as well as their most compact 68%con- It does not, however, resemble the spectrum obtained in fidence interval. 4 Vlemmings et al. VX Sgr SiO v=1 J=5−4 VX Sgr 2 9SiO v=0 J=5−4 Fig. 3.— Positions and polarization of the v =1,J =5−4 28SiO (left) and v =0,J =5−4 29SiO masers (right) around VX Sgr. The masersspotsareplottedwithrespecttopeakofthedustemission(αJ2000 =18h08m04s.068±0.014andδJ2000 =−22◦13′28”.416±0.200). Theuncertaintyinthedustpositionrelativetothemasersisindicatedbytheerrorbarsinthecenter. Alsonotethedifferenceinvelocityscale betweenthetwotransitions. Thesymbolsarelinearlyscaledaccordingtobrightness(28SiO:3.8–6.9Jybeam−1;29SiO:2.3–4.2Jybeam−1). For28SiO,weonlypresentthemasersthatweredetectedwithaSNR>50. Fortheweaker29SiOweplotthemasersdetectedatSNR>30. Theminimumandmaximumpositionalerrorsfortheplottedmaserspotsareindicatedbytheerrorbarsinthebottomleft. Theblackvectors are the observed polarization vectors scaled linearlyaccording to polarization fraction. The long dashed inner circle indicates the star with a radius of ∼ 4.35 mas (Monnieretal. 2004) and the solid circle indicates the location of the 43 GHz SiO masers (Chenetal. 2006). The dashed linesindicatethepositionangleanditsuncertainty oftheinferredorientationofthedipolemagneticfieldofVXSgrobservedusing H2OandOHmasers(Vlemmingsetal.2005;Szymczaketal.2001). 3.2.1. VX Sgr (corresponding to ∼24 AU). Some evidence for asymmetry in the dust envelope ThepolarizationfractionsandanglesfortheSiOmasers of VX Sgr has been seen using infrared interferometry of VX Sgr are given in the online Table.1 and shown in (Monnier et al. 2004), and also the dust emission peak of Fig. 3. The uncertainties are derived using the aforemen- thesupergiantVYCMaappearsoffsetfromtheSiOmaser tionedbootstrapmethod. We findthatthe averagepolar- izationfractionofthe28SiOv =1masershP i=26±16% emission (Muller et al. 2007). However, if the dust peak l of VX Sgr denote the stellar position, the 28SiO maser with the highest value reaching almost 80%. The maser distribution is quite asymmetric. The 29SiO maser spots EVPA χ has, as seen in Fig 4, a bimodal distribution, with peaks at hχi = −44 ± 13◦ and hχi = 29 ± 11◦. however, do appear to occur around the dust peak. For The 29SiO masers have a slightly lower average polariza- W Hya no clear offset between the dust and the masers tion h29P i = 22 ± 12% with the highest fractional po- was seen, and the positions for all three maser transitions l arepresentedtogetherwithrespecttothepeakofthedust larization measured being 60%. The maser EVPA dis- emission. Still, because of possible asymmetry in the dust tribution is somewhat wider and not bimodal, and has h29χi = −47±22◦. No significant polarization was mea- emission this is not necessarily the stellar position. sured for the SO emission. 3.4. SO Emission 3.2.2. W Hya Emission from the SO 5 −4 transition at 215.2 GHz 5 4 The P.A. range for W Hya was too small to perform was detected for both VX Sgr and W Hya and is shown independent fits to both EVPA and polarization fraction. in Fig. 1. Although more typically observed at higher We thus performed a number of fits with fixed P or χ. andlowerfrequency transitions,sulfur bearingspecies are l However,thesedidnotallowforstrongconclusionsbeyond frequently found in the envelopes of O-rich stars (e.g. that the mean fractional linear polarization is consistent Omont et al. 1993). Sulfur is very reactive with OH and with those found for the masers fo VX Sgr. willformSO.TheSOemissionofbothVXSgrandWHya covers only a small velocity range around the stellar ve- 3.3. Maser Distribution locity, a range comparable to that of the SiO masers. In both stars the emission peaks near the stellar velocities The maser distributions of VX Sgr and W Hya are witha flux densityof∼1Jy. ForW Hya,we findthat, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5. The formal position errors on indicated in Fig. 7, the peak of the integrated red-shifted the masers are large and depend on the signal-to-noise emission between 40−47 km s−1 is offset from that of ratio (SNR). We therefore only present those masers de- the blue-shifted emission between 33−47 km s−1. The tected with a high SNR, whose positions are determined separation between the emission peaks is 0.29±0.04 arc- with better than ∼10 mas accuracy. The distributions of seconds, which at the distance of W Hya corresponds to the 28SiO and 29SiO masersaroundVX Sgr are presented ∼ 28 AU on the sky. The offset is almost exactly in the individually with respect to the peak of the dust emis- North-South direction, with a position angle of 3◦ ±10. sion, whichwas determinedwith anaccuracyof∼14 mas Magnetic fields in evolved stars 5 The SO emission of VX Sgr does not show a significant velocity separation and peaks at the same position as the dust as shown in Fig. 6. 3.5. Dust Continuum The λ = 1.4 mm continuum emission toward both W Hya(Fig.7)andVXSgrisunresolved. Theintegratedflux densityoftheWHyaemissionisS =213±3mJy,avalue ν comparable with previous measurements of 270±15 mJy (SMA1.1mm; Muller et al.2008),280±17mJy (SIMBA 1.2 mm; Dehaes et al. 2007), and 280±30 mJy (JCMT 1.1 mm; van der Veen et al. 1995), taking into account a lower stellar contribution to the flux at longer wave- length. In the case of VX Sgr, the total flux density S =95±2mJy. Toourknowledgenopreviousmillimeter ν dust measurements of VX Sgr are available for compari- son. 4. discussion 4.1. The Location of the SiO Maser Transitions The maser distributions shown in Figs. 3 and 5 do not show the clear circular morphology often seen in the 43 and 86 GHz SiO masers (e.g. Cotton et al. 2004; Fig. 4.—Thedistributionoftheelectric-vectorpositionangles(χ) Soria-Ruiz et al. 2004). However, with the angular reso- forthev=1,J =5−428SiOmasersofVXSgr. Thedashedlines lution providedby the SMA we cannot reachthe sub-mas indicatetheerrorweightedaveragepeaksofthebimodaldistribution positionalaccuracyobtainedwithverylongbaselineinter- ofχ. Thehistogramwasconstructedusingalldetectedmaserspots indicatedinTable.1. ferometry for the lower frequency transitions. The 28SiO maser spots of VX Sgr are offset from the peak of the dust emission by ∼28±14 mas towards the North-West. However, the 29SiO masers do show a hint of a circular W Hya J=5−4 distribution with an inner radius of ∼ 18 mas, slightly more than the ∼ 12 mas observed for the 43 GHz masers (Chen et al. 2006). The situation for W Hya is less clear, although for this source 43 GHz masers also display only an incomplete ring morphology (e.g. Cotton et al. 2008). Our observations do let us conclude that specifically the strongestofthe 28SiO and29SiO masersavoideachother, VX Sgr -22 13 26 -11.4 km/s -9.1 km/s -6.9 km/s -4.6 km/s 27 28 29 30 31 -22 13 26 -2.3 km/s -0.1 km/s 2.2 km/s 4.4 km/s 27 28 29 0) 30 0 0 31 J2 -22 13 26 6.7 km/s 9.0 km/s 11.2 km/s 13.5 km/s v F=ig0. a5n.d—28PSoiOsitivons=of1,t2hearJoun=d 5W−H4yat.ranPsiotisoitnisonosfo2f9StihOe ATION ( 222789 masersarewithrespecttothepeakofthedustemission(αJ2000 = LIN 30 1sp3oht4s9wmi0t1hsa.9S5N3R±>0.2001.5TahneddδuJs2t00p0os=iti−on28is◦2g2iv′e0n6”i.n20th8e±ce0n.2te0r0)wiftohr DEC -22 13 2361 15.7 km/s 18.0 km/s 20.3 km/s 22.5 km/s 27 positional uncertainties. The symbols arescaled linearlyaccording tobrightness,rangingfrom2.2–11.1Jybeam−1. Theminimumand 28 29 maximum error bars of the plotted SiO maser spots are shown in 30 thebottom rightcorner. Theouter,dashed,circleindicatesthein- 31 nerdustshellasdeterminedfrommodelsbyWishnowetal.(2010). 18 08 04.2 04.0 18 08 04.2 04.0 Thesolidlinesindicatetheradiusofthe43GHzSiOmaserobserva- RIGHT ASCENSION (J2000) tionsattwoepochs(Cotton etal.2004,2008). Thedashedellipseis Fig. 6.— Contour plots of the SO 55 − 44 emission around the elongated radio-photosphere as determined by Reid&Menten VXSgr. The contours aredrawnat10% levels of the peak bright- (2007). ness(795mJybeam−1). Thecrossdenotesthepeakpositionofthe dustemission. 6 Vlemmings et al. something that was also found for the 43 GHz 28SiO and stimulatedemissionoftheJ =5−4SiOmasersisgivenby 29SiO masers of IRC+10011 by Soria-Ruiz et al. (2005). R ≈ 4×10−6 T ∆Ω (S04), where T is the maser bright- b b ness temperature and ∆Ω its beaming angle. Assuming a 4.2. Linear Polarization maser spot size of ∼0.4 AU similar to that of the VX Sgr 43 GHz SiO masers (Greenhill et al. 1995), the brightest Masers can become linearly polarized under the influ- ence of a magnetic field (Goldreich et al. 1973). Here we masers in our observations have Tb ∼ 2×109 K and the measured the linear polarization of the J = 5 − 4 SiO weakest ones have a Tb almost two orders of magnitude masers of VX Sgr to be up to ∼ 80%. This is consis- less. Taking∆Ω∼10−2 sr(e.g.Reid & Moran1988),this tent with the linear polarization fractions measured for yields R ∼ 80. Therefore gΩ > R,Γ. For these values, the v =1,J =5−4 28SiO masersofVY CMa in S04. For the results from Nedoluha & Watson (1990) indicate that theJ =1−0SiOmasertransitions,suchpolarizationfrac- thelinearpolarizationstilltracesthe magneticfielddirec- tions can be reached due to interaction with a magnetic tion,either parallelorperpendicular, evenin the presence of anisotropic pumping. Specifically, the polarizationvec- field of a few Gauss (e.g. Western & Watson 1984). How- ever, for the higher J transitions, fractional linear polar- tors areparallelto the magnetic field if the angle between izationarisingsolelyfrominteractionofasaturatedmaser the field and the line-of-sight θ < θcrit ≈55◦ and perpen- dicular if θ > θ , where θ is the “van Vleck angle” with a magnetic field is expected to be much lower. Al- crit crit ready for the J = 2−1 SiO maser transition, similar po- (Goldreich et al. 1973). larizationfractionswouldneedmagnetic field strengthsof 4.3. The Shape of the Magnetic Field around VX Sgr >10G(Western & Watson1984)andforJ =5−4transi- tions this will be evenhigher. However,in the presence of Observations of 1612 MHz OH maser polarization sug- anisotropic pumping, the linear polarization fraction can gest that, in the OH maser region at ∼ 1400 AU from actually increase with the angular momentum of the in- VXSgr,the magneticfieldhasadipoleshapewithaposi- volved state (Nedoluha & Watson 1994). tionangleΘ=210◦±20andaninclinationangleibetween The high linear polarization is therefore largely due 20−30◦ from the plane of the sky (Szymczak & Cohen to anisotropic pumping of the maser. We now need 1997; Szymczak et al. 2001). A similar dipole configura- to assess if the EVPA can still be used to derive the tion, with Θ=220◦±10 and i=40◦±5 was found from magnetic field morphology. As described in for example H2O polarization observations between ∼ 100−300 AU Nedoluha & Watson(1990) this depends onthe ratiosbe- from the star (Vlemmings et al. 2005). tween the maser decay rate Γ, the maser stimulated emis- Wehavenowbeenabletoprobethemagneticfieldstruc- sionrateRandtheZeemanfrequencyshiftgΩ. Assuming tureatonly∼20−100AUfromthe starusingSiOmaser a typical magnetic field of 3.5 G (Herpin et al. 2006), the polarization observations. As seen in Fig.3, the masers Zeeman frequency shift of the J = 5−4 SiO masers is indicate a large scale structure in the field with a pre- ∼800 s−1. The maser decay rate Γ∼5 s−1. The rate for ferred axis at ∼30◦ or ∼−45◦, which, within the quoted uncertainties, is consistent with a 90◦ change of EVPA direction. Such a 90◦ flip has previously also been ob- served in the 43 GHz SiO masers, and is attributed to a change of the angle between the magnetic field and the line-of-sight θ through θ (Kemball & Diamond 1997). crit This is consistent with a magnetic field with an inclina- W Hya tion axis close to θ , as the curvature of the magnetic crit field near the star would, close to the plane of the sky where most SiO masers are tangentially amplified, pro- ducemaserswithθbothsomewhatlargerandsmallerthan θ . Our SiO maser observations therefore suggest that crit the magneticfieldcloseto the starhasamorphologywith an inclination axis i ∼ 90 − θ = 35◦ and a position * crit angle Θ ∼ 135◦±20 or Θ ∼ 210◦±20. These values are consistentwiththelikelydipoleshapedfieldfurtheroutin the envelope,althoughafull3-dimensionalreconstruction of the field in the SiO maser region is complicated by the unknown location of the masers along the line of sight. Still, the SiO masers offer further strong evidence for a large-scale, most probably dipole-shaped, magnetic field aroundVX Sgr and, considering the other maser observa- tions,apositionangleof∼210◦ ismostlikely. Combining information from all three maser species at 20−1400 AU distancefromVXSgr,weconcludethatVXSgrlikelyhas adipole magneticfieldwithΘ=217◦±7andi=37◦±9. Fig. 7.—Contoursoftheintegratedred-shifted(Vlsr>40kms−1; Having confirmed the existence of a similar large scale thin red) and blue-shifted (Vlsr < 40 km s−1; thick blue) SO magnetic field from the SiO maser region out to the OH 55−44 emission around W Hya over-plotted on the dust emission maser regions, we can extrapolate the fields measured on (greyscale). Contoursaredrawnatintervalsof0.1Jybeam−1,start- ingat0.05Jybeam−1 (4σ). Thestardenotes thepeakpositionof theOHandH2OmasersbacktotheSiOmaserregionat∼ thedustemission. 50AU(Vlemmings et al.2005). As, foradipole magnetic Magnetic fields in evolved stars 7 field, B ∝ R−3 and as the OH and H O maser distances The millimeter dust observations do not probe aver- 2 from the star are only roughly known, the uncertainty on aged mass loss history over the entire circumstellar en- this extrapolation is large. Still, we find the field in the velope, but instead can give a good indication of re- SiO maser region to be in the range of B ∼ 25−100 G. cent mass loss rate. For a W Hya expansion velocity While larger then the typical field found by Herpin et al. of V = 7 km s−1(Dehaes et al. 2007), and a beam exp (2006),this is comparabletothe B =87Gfieldmeasured of ∼ 1.5 arcseconds, we are probing material that has in the SiO region of VX Sgr by Barvainis et al. (1987). been ejected only over the past ≤ 50 years. We derive a gas+dust mass loss rate of ≥ 9.8×10−7 M⊙yr−1, as- 4.4. The SO Envelope of W Hya suming a gas to dust ratio of 100. This is comparable to The detection of spatially offset red- and blue-shifted thedistance-adjustedrateof1.7×10−6M⊙yr−1 fromISO observations of Zubko & Elitzur (2000), and only slightly SO emission around W Hya reveals an asymmetry in the CSE. Previous high angular resolution SO ob- higher than the distance adjusted 4×10−7 M⊙yr−1 value determined from ODIN observations by Justtanont et al. servations indicate that the SO emission can be en- (2005). hancedincollimatedoutflowsand/orequatorialstructures (e.g. Dinh-V.-Trung et al. 2009; Sa´nchez Contreras et al. 4.5.2. VX Sgr 2000). ThisimpliesthatWHyaharborseitheraslowbipo- laroutfloworarotatingandpossiblyexpandingequatorial In order to estimate the central star black body contri- disk. ThepositionangleoftheSOstructure,measuredbe- butiontothecontinuumofVXSgr,weadoptD =1.57kpc tween the peaks of the red- and blue-shifted SO emission, (Chen et al.2007),Rstar =1.0×1014cmandTeff =3200K is 3◦ ±10, nearly perpendicular to the strongly elliptical (Monnier et al. 2004). At λ = 1.4 mm, we estimate that radio-photophere measured by Reid & Menten (2007) to the stellar component is only Sstar,1.4mm = 6.7 mJy. Us- haveapositionangleof83◦±18andasizeof69×46mas. ing Eqn. 3, the mass of the dust enclosed in a region of Additionally, the red- and blue-shifted separation in SO radius ∼ 1300 AU is therefore Md = 2.1 × 10−4 M⊙. is similar, both in scale, velocity and in position angle, Here we have also assumed a beam-averagedTd =700 K, to that observedinthe OH maserregion(Szymczak et al. basedonresultsofDanchi et al.(1994). Fortheexpansion 1998). From this it was inferredthat the OH masers orig- velocity, Murakawa et al. (2003) find velocities of 10 and inated in a weak bipolar outflow or a tilted circumstellar 20 km s−1atthe inner and outer edges of the watermaser disk. Our observations of the SO emission thus further zone at 100 and 300 AU respectively. Adopting an aver- confirm this hypothesis, although we also cannot discrim- age Vexp =15 km s−1, the observedregioncorrespondsto inate between an outflow, a disk or other more complex an age of about 400 years. We estimate a total gas+dust kinematic structure. This will have to wait for higher mass of 2.1 × 10−2 M⊙ in this region, and therefore a angular resolution observations with e.g. ALMA. recent mass-loss rate of 5.3× 10−5 M⊙yr−1. This is in reasonable agreement with other mass loss measurements 4.5. Circumstellar Dust e.g. 3.2×10−5 M⊙yr−1 (Netzer 1989). 4.5.1. W Hya 5. conclusions From the observed, unresolved, dust continuum of We have determined the magnetic field morphology at W Hya, we can determine whether stellar black body a few stellar radii from VX Sgr using SiO masers, and or thermal dust emission dominates the millimeter con- find that it is consistent with the interpretation in terms tinuum. We estimate the stellar black body contribu- of a dipole magnetic field from OH and H O maser ob- tion using the following parameters for W Hya: distance, 2 servations. This is the first evidence that circumstellar D = 98 pc (Vlemmings et al. 2003); stellar temperature, magnetic field morphology is conserved from close to the T =2500K (Justtanont et al.2005); andfromthis stel- eff star to the outer edge of the CSE. As the magnetic field lar radius, R = 3.4×1013 cm. Noting that T and star eff strengthsmeasuredinthe OHandH Omaserregionsim- R vary significantly during the stellar pulsation cycle 2 star ply the magnetic field is dynamically important, a further and have uncertainties of ∼ 25−50% (e.g. Dehaes et al. extrapolation of this dipole field to the star (∝ R−3) in- 2007), so that this calculation is quite approximate, we dicates that also in the SiO maser region the magnetic estimate S = 158 mJy. Thus, as was also found star,1.4mm field dominates the kinetic and thermal energies, with an by Muller et al. (2008) at 1.1 mm, a significant compo- estimated field strength of B ∼25−100 G. nent of the millimetre continuum is due to the star itself Our images of the SiO masers around VX Sgr and rather than dust. Using the Rayleigh-Jeans approxima- W Hya show that the two v = 1,2 rotational 28SiO tran- tion to calculate dust mass, M , assuming optically thin d sitions as well as the 29SiO v = 0 transition avoid each emission, following Muller et al. (2007) other. While aringstructure isseeninthe 29SiOline, the 2c2D2a ρ (S −S ) masers do not seem to be confined to a narrow region. d d tot star Md = 3Q kT ν2 (3) Finally, our SO 55−44 observations revealthe possible ν d presence of a slow bipolar outflow or a rotating, disk-like where grain size ad = 0.2µm, grain mass density ρd = structure around W Hya. This structure is nearly per- 3.5gcm−3andemissivityQν =5.65×10−4(ν/274.6GHz), pendiculartothe ellipticallyextendedemissionpreviously typical assumed values for oxygen-rich stars. Adopting a detected from the radio-photophere. beam-averageddusttemperatureTd =700K,weobtaina High angular resolution observations of submillime- dust mass Md = 4.9×10−7 M⊙ within a radius of about ter SiO masers and their polarization will become rela- 70 AU. tively straightforward with the Atacama Large Millime- 8 Vlemmings et al. ter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). 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