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Magnetic control of the interaction in ultracold K-Rb mixtures PDF

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Magnetic control of the interaction in ultracold K-Rb mixtures A. Simoni INFM and Department of Chemistry, University of Perugia, I-06123 Perugia , Italy F. Ferlaino, G. Roati, G. Modugno and M. Inguscio INFM and LENS, Universit`a di Firenze, Via Nello Carrara 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy 3 Wepredictthepresenceof severalmagnetic Feshbachresonances inselected Zeeman sublevelsof 0 theisotopic pairs40K-87Rband 41K-87Rbat magneticfieldsupto103 G(1G= 10−4 T).Positions 0 and widths are determined combining a new measurement of the 40K-87Rb inelastic cross section 2 withrecentexperimentalresultsonbothisotopes. Thepossibility ofdrivingaK-Rbmixturesfrom n theweaktothestronginteractingregimetuningtheappliedfieldshouldallowtoachievetheoptimal a conditionsforboson-inducedCooperpairinginamulticomponent40K-87Rbatomicgasandforthe J production of ultracold polar molecules. 0 1 PACSnumbers: PACSnumbers: 34.50.-s,03.75.-b,34.20.Cf ] t f The possibility ofcontrollingthe interactionsin anul- this work we limit ourselves to ℓ = 0 collisions which, o tracold atomic gas using magnetically tunable Feshbach at least in the absence of ℓ > 0 low-energy resonances, s . resonances [1] has been successfully exploited in recent give the dominant contribution to the interaction in the t a remarkable experiments. It has indeed allowed to reach ultracold regime. m Bose-Einsteincondensation(BEC)forspeciesdifficultto Two key measurements on 40K-87Rb mixtures pro- - condense in zero field and to study their stability prop- vide the best range of input parameters to our model d erties [2, 3], to form brightsolitons [4], to produce ultra- available to date. First, the elastic cross-section for n o cold homonuclear molecules [5] and a strongly interact- (9/2,9/2)+(2,2) has been directly measured by inter- c ing Fermi gas [6]. The presence of Feshbach resonances species thermalization[9] and by damping of coupled K- [ between atoms of different species could open new pos- Rb dipole oscillations [14]. Combining the systematic 1 sibilities, thereby in this paper we carry out a detailed uncertainties in these two determinations we estimate 9v invWesetigfoactuiosnoinn tthwios dpioretcatsisoiunm. -rubidium mixtures that ascta=linag92o92f,22th=is−va4l1u0e+−88t00oa041(K1-8a70R=b 0a.l0lo5w29s1u7s7tnoms)t.roMngalsys 5 have allowed the production of a two-species BEC (41K- tighten the upper bound on the triplet scattering length 1 01 8tu7Rreb)(4[07K,8-8]7aRnbd)of[9a].strWonegplyreindticetratchtiengpoFseirtmioin-sBoasnedmtihxe- othfeRoefr.ig[1in2a],lleuandcienrgtationtayt(i4n1−th8e7n)u=m1b5e6r+−o15f0tarnipdlteot rbeoduuncde 3 widths of several Feshbach resonances in selected mag- states to Nt(41 87)=31 1. 0 netic sublevels of the groundelectronic state by combin- Second, bin o−rder to det±ermine a we measure the / s t ing collisional measurements on the two isotopes. These (9/2,9/2)+(2,1)atom-lossrateinanondegeneratesam- a m resonances might for instance allow the observation of ple. We prepare a doubly spin-polarized sample in the boson-induced Cooper pairing [10] or the formation of magnetic trap containing about 104 K atoms and 105 - d ultracold bosonic or fermionic polar molecules [11]. Rb atoms at temperatures in the range (300 900) nK, n We use for our calculations the collision model pre- and then transfer about 30% of the Rb sam−ple in the o sented in Ref. [12], where the Hamiltonian now in- (2,1) state using a fast radio-frequency sweep. After c cludestheZeemaninteractionwiththeexternalmagnetic a short rethermalization period we measure the time- : v field [13]. Denoting “a” and “b” potassium and rubid- evolution of the number of K atoms, which decays Xi ium, collisions are labeled as (famfa)+(fbmfb), where through inelastic collisions with Rb according to the ar ftiao,nfmb faar,emthfeb ahlyopnegrfitnhee qaunagnutlaizratmioonmaexnitsa. Pwliethaseprroejceacl-l Graitneeleq=ua5t.i0o(n2.n5˙)K(1t)0−=12−cGmin3elsn−K91/,2,w9/h2e(rte)ntR2h,eb1(ut)n.ceWrteaifinntdy thatthemodelisparameterizedbythesingletandtriplet × isdominatedby thatonthe atomnumbers. Inthis work s-wave scattering lengths a and by the long-range dis- s,t we make a conservative choice and adopt only the order persion coefficients Cn with n=6,8,10. We adopt a ±2% of magnitude G=(10−12 10−11) cm3 s−1. uncertainty in the highly accurate van der Waals coeffi- − Figure 1 showsGinel numericallycalculatedas a func- cientC =4274a.u. (1a.u.=0.0957345 10−24Jnm6)in 6 × · tion of as varying at within the bounds determined order to account for the combined uncertainty in all the above. The horizontal axis is labeled by a scaled “scat- C ’s. Intheabsenceofweakrelativisticspin-interactions n tering phase” ξ = (2/π)arctan(a /a ), where a = s s sc sc the projection mf = mfa+mfb and the rotational an- 1(2µC )1/4 72a isatypicallengthforapurelyvander gular momentum of the atoms about the center of mass 2 6 ≈ 0 Waals potential, with µ the K-Rb reduced mass. To be ℓ are good quantum numbers for the collision event. In 2 cible even in the ultracold regime, see Ref. [15]. TABLE I: Compendium of 40K-87Rb scattering properties. The zero-field s-wave elastic scattering length a is shown for different hyperfine sublevels. The uncertainty in the reso- nancepositions B0 results from theuncertaintyin themodel parameters quoted in the text. The resonance widths ∆ are 2 10 shown forthenominal valuesas=−185a0,at =−410a0 and C6 = 4274 a.u. of the scattering lengths and of the van der Waals coefficient. ) 1 1 10 -s 3m (fa,mfa)+(fb,mfb) a(a0) B0(G) −∆(G) c 11 100 -stic Rate ( 1010-1 ((99(//922/,,±±2,799///222)))+++(((121,,,1±±)21)) −−−224431550+−+−+−99118822220010 932109..36−+−+91913337 00..085 ela -2 (9/2,-7/2)+(1,1) −323+−91005 522.9+−4505 0.3 In10 564.8+20 0.1 −24 646.3+35 4.6 −52 658.0+50 0.08 −58 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 753.1+50 0.3 ξ −59 s 787.4+−6605 0.9 (9/2,-9/2)+(1,1) −336+89 505.3+31 0.03 −102 −49 FIG. 1: The numerically calculated inelastic rate Ginel 547.1+−2288 0.2 for 40K(9/2,9/2)+87Rb(2,1) collisions at temperature T = 593.9+−3444 4.0 500 nK as a function of the singlet “scattering phase” (see 741.2+60 0.9 −65 Text) for at = -330 a0 (full line) and at = -490 a0 (dashed 921.0+92 10−4 line). The horizontal lines correspond to the bounds deter- −94 (9/2,-9/2)+(1,0) −279+92 477.0+35 0.1 mined experimentally. −114 −47 590.3−31 3.9 +26 notedthestrongsuppressionoftheinelasticratefora s ∼ a . Comparisonwith the experimental value leads either Amagnetic Feshbachresonanceariseswhen a molecu- t toaverylarge(positiveornegative)ortoanegativesin- lar bound-state crosses an atomic threshold [16]. Across glet scattering length a (40 87) = 185+83 a . Mass- a Feshbach resonance the scattering length a presents a s − − −225 0 scalingwithNs(41 87)=98 2givesasingletscattering typical dispersive dependence on the strength of the ap- lengthforthebboso−nspaira (±41 87)=5.0+23a and,by plied field B, a(B)=a˜(1 ∆ ), where B is the field s − −34 0 − B−B0 0 compatibility with the a (41 87) of Ref. [12], rules out strengthonresonance,∆isthe resonancewidthanda˜ is s − therangeofverylarge a (40 87). Withthesea ,a we the off-resonancebackgroundscatteringlength. The res- s s t | | − canpredictthe zero-fieldscatteringlengthandFeshbach onance parameters B and ∆ have been extracted from 0 resonances of different magnetic polarization states. Let anaccurateclose-coupledcalculationonafineB-gridand us first consider the boson-fermion pair 40K-87Rb. are shown in Tab. I. The inverted hyperfine structure of the fermionic Homonuclearcollisionsbetweenalkaliatomsinamag- potassium, with the f = 9/2 lying below the f = 7/2 netic field have been studied in great detail. Only a rel- level, leads to a peculiar and very favorable feature of atively small amount of Feshbach spectroscopy is often this pair, namely the stability under spin-exchange col- necessary as input to theoretical models in order to gain lisions of any combination where either atom is in its an impressive power in determining the interaction po- lowest Zeeman sublevel. We therefore find it important tential and in predicting the position of additional reso- to summarize in Tab. I the scattering properites of the nances [17, 18]. The parameters a ,a and C ’s of our s t n (9/2, 9/2)+(1,m )statesandofatleastthemosteas- collision model can in principle be determined following fb − ily experimentally realizable (9/2,m )+(1,1) magnetic a similar procedure. At least three resonances between fa states. Noteallofthesehyperfinestateshavearelatively the ones shown in Tab. I would be needed as input to large ( i.e. a > a ) and negative zero-field scattering the model. Inclusion of the high-field (9/2,7/2)+(1,1) sc | | length. Thisensuresthatthetwocloudswillremainmis- resonance would improve the procedure since this latter 3 resonance is nearly purely triplet in character with av- erage electron spin S2 1.95 and very sensitive to C , 6 h i ≈ δB /B = -1.2 δC /C . 0 0 6 6 The relatively strong and tunable interaction be- tweendifferentmagneticpolarizationstatesopensupthe possibility of realizing Bose-Fermi mixtures where the fermions undergo a Cooper-pairing phase transition to a superfluid state via exchange of density fluctuations of the background BEC [10, 19]. Due to identical particle symmetrization,directaswellasboson-mediateds-wave 1.0 collisionsbetweenapairoffermionicKatomsareallowed onlyinaFermigaswithatleasttwointernalcomponents, ) whichwedenoteas“1”and“2”inthefollowing. Wealso a 0 letaRb betheintra-speciesscatteringlengthforcollisions 30 0.0 1 of Rb atoms, aK the intra-species scattering length for ( collisionsofKinstate“1”andKinstate“2”anda , a KRb,i with i=1,2, the inter-species scattering lengths for col- lisions of Rb and K in state “i”. -1.0 The critical temperature T for boson induced s-wave c Cooper pairingcanbe givenananalytic expressionvalid in the limit of low boson-densities and of a BEC larger than the fermionic cloud, see Eq. (13) of Ref. [19]. As 722 724 726 long as aKRb,1aKRb,2 >> aRbaK, the critical tempera- B ( G ) ture is independent of a , and increases exponentially K with a /(k a a ), where k is the Fermi vec- Rb F KRb,2 KRb,1 F tor. Itmustbenotedhoweverthatassoonask a2 F KRb,i ∼ FIG. 2: Field dependence of the 40K(9/2,−7/2)+ 87Rb(1,1) a , the i-th component of K and Rb will become dy- Rb (fullline)and40K(9/2,−9/2)+87Rb(1,1)(dashedline)scat- namically unstable and collapse [14, 20]. As a con- tering lengths for as = −105a0 and at = −380a0 and the sequence the optimal condition for Cooper pairing are nominal C6. The arrow shows the best working point for aKRb,1 ∼aKRb,2 ≡aKRb and a2KRbkF ∼aRb. inducingthe Cooper pairing instability (see Text). From Tab. I a mixture composed of K(9/2, 9/2), − K(9/2, 7/2) and Rb(1,1) seems to be the most appro- priate i−n order to fulfill this condition. However, for for as,t larger than the nominal values (which however | | the nominal values of the zero-field scattering lengths implies larger zero-field a’s) such a field may not exist. between these components, we estimate that at least a We now consider the boson-boson pair 41K-87Rb. We factor of four increase in the average trapping frequency summarizeinTab.IIthecollisionpropertiesofthestates would be necessary with respect to our current exper- (2,2)+(2,2)and(1,1)+(1,1),whicharecollisionallysta- imental setup. If the actual a turned out to be ble for any field, and of the state (1, 1)+(1, 1) which KRb,i − − smallerthanthenominalvalue,thisfactorwouldincrease is only stable up to a threshold value Bt 143.45 G, ≈ evenfurther. Fortunately,atleastforsomepotentialpa- where the (2, 2)+(1,0) channel opens up and becomes − rameters, a pair of resonances exist that allow simulta- the stable one. The a11,11 and a1−1,1−1, which are equal neous tuning of a and a to a large value at at zero field, are relatively large. KRb,1 KRb,2 the same time, making such a large trapping frequency The (1,1)+(1,1) collision always presents at least two unnecessary. broadandonenarrowresonancebelow103 G,seeTab.II A very favorable situation is shown in Fig. 2, where and Fig. 3. The analytical expression for the scattering for B 725.89 G we get a 687a . In order to length of a pair of overlappingresonances with positions KRb 0 have t≈his value stabilized to wit≈hin−10 a0 the magnetic B0,± and widths ∆± field must be stabilized to within 0.1 G, which is a strin- a(B) (B B0,+)∆−+(B B0,−)∆+ gentyetpossibletobemetrequirement[18]. Thefieldat =1 − − , which aKRb,1 =aKRb,2 and the common value aKRb are a˜ − (B−B0,+)(B−B0,−) extremely sensitive to the details of the potential, and a has been used to fit both low-field resonances in the ta- conclusive word on what is the largest achievable com- ble. The lowest-field resonance exists only if a > 0, 11,11 mon aKRb is at this stage left to forthcoming precision for a11,11 < 0 it turns into a real bound-state below the experiments on K-Rb Feshbach resonances. As a trend, (1,1)+(1,1)atomic thresholdand cannotbe observedin as,t smallerthanthenominalvaluestendtohaveagood a standard scattering experiment. | | workingfield for inducing the Cooper pairing instability, The (1, 1)+(1, 1) collision presents a feature near − − 4 TABLEII:SamethanTab.Ibutfor41K-87Rb. Theresonance widths ∆ are shown for the nominal values as =5.0a0, at = 156a0 and C6 = 4274 a.u. of the scattering lengths and of the van der Waals coefficient. In cases where the sign of a isundeterminedwehaveshownthenominalvalue,theupper bound for a<0 and thelower boundfor a>0. 3.0 (fa,mfa)+(fb,mfb) a(a0) B0(G) −∆(G) f=2 (2,2)+(2,2) 156+10 2.0 −5 (2,2)+(2,1) 49.5+5 6.5 −7 ) (1,1)+(1,1) 431,<−144,>249 53.0+−4533 30 a 01.0 (1,1) + (1,1) (1,-1)+(1,-1) 431,<−144,>249 75848701...550+−+−−+3511117635466466 017..0733 3e ( a ) ( 10 0.0 (1,-1) + (1,-1) f=3 R -1.0 B -2.0 t the threshold value Bt. In this situation virtual excita- 25 50 75 100 125 150 tions to the (2, 2)+(1,0) channel can strongly modify − B ( G ) therealpartofthescatteringlength(seeFig.3),defined as a1−1,1−1 = limk→0S1−1,1−1/(2ik), with S the R −R scattering matrix and k the wave vector of the incom- ing atoms. Such fluctuations-induced feature is always FthIeGr.ea3l:pFarietldRad1e−p1e,n1−d1enfocer4o1fKt-h87eRpbucreollylisiroenasl aan11d,1t1heanndomo-f present in our range of parameters if a1−1,1−1 > 0 but inal as, at, C6. Approximate zero-field quantum numbers f turns out to be important for a1−1,1−1 <0 only for very , with f~=f~a+f~b, are assigned to the resonances. Near the large |a1−1,1−1|. To be noted the cusp at B = Bt that (2,−2)+(1,0) channelthreshold Bt (vertical line) Ra1−1,1−1 follows from the analytical properties of the scattering changes dramatically. matrix near the opening of a new threshold [21]. Finally, a field induced resonance in the (2,2)+(2,1) inelastic loss-rate has been included in Tab. II since it ing K-K and Rb-Rb pairs. For instance, the condition may be important in order to constrain the collision aKRb(11,11) =0.5√aK(11,11)aRb(11,11)requiredinRef.[11] modelfromFeshbach-resonancespectroscopycarriedout in order to load a single K and a single Rb per cell can on the boson-boson isotope. The width ∆ shown in the easily be reached. A Raman photoassociation pulse or table is in this case the inelastic one, defined through a direct microwave pulse can then be used to associate the expression of the total scattering eigenphase across atoms into molecules at each lattice cell. In alternative, resonance, δ(B)=δ arctan ∆inel , with δ the back- a time-dependent magnetic field has also been proposed 0− (B−B0) 0 for near-unity conversion of atoms into molecules, see ground scattering phase. Moreover, near this resonance Ref. [22]. This technique can of course be used for both wefindadramaticreductionofthe(2,2)+(2,1)inelastic decay rate down to G 10−15 cm3 s−1, a value that en- the isotopic pairs investigated in this work. ≈ We are grateful to P. S. Julienne, E. Tiesinga, and C. suresthecollisionalstabilityofatwo-species(2,2)+(2,1) J. Williams for stimulating discussions and for making BEC. available the ground-state collisions code. We aknowl- An interesting application of our results is to the pro- edge useful discussions with F. Riboli and L. Viverit. duction of polar molecules via photoassociation, as pro- This work was supported by MIUR under a PRIN posed in Ref. [11]. First step in this scheme is a Mott- project, by ECC under the Contract HPRICT1999- insulator transition of a double K-Rb BEC into a state 00111,and by INFM, PRA ”Photonmatter”. where only pairs of molecules are loadedinto the cells of an optical potential. 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