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Magna Mundi Platinum PDF

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M M agna undi - 1 - This mod is dedicated to those who gave us a love of history Table of Contents CHRISTIAN LANDS...................................43 MUSLIM LANDS.......................................44 CCCCoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss DHARMICS.............................................45 PAGAN LANDS........................................46 A BRIEF NOTE ON THE PLATINUM 2 RELEASE 4 VI. Reputation ............................ 48 I. Foreword...................................6 INTRODUCTION......................................49 II. General Considerations...............8 CONCEPTS.............................................49 III. Installation & Troubleshooting..13 Reputation Threshhold.......... 49 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS....................15 Quantifying vs. Qualifying.....50 TROUBLESHOOTING.................................15 The “FRAMED!” Event Pool..50 IV. Trade.......................................18 How to Survive being Framed52 GUIDING PRINCIPLES................................18 DEALING WITH A BAD REPUTATION...........53 Bonuses for Traders...............20 VII. War...................................... 54 Foreign Policy and Trade.......23 OVERVIEW.............................................55 TRADE GOODS & MARKET VALUE.............30 Naval Warfare ...................... 55 V. Religion...................................33 Attrition................................ 56 INTRODUCTION.....................................34 Expanded Army Maintenance 58 In-Depth Religions.................34 GRADUAL CONVERSION..........................35 The Calvary Tax.................... 59 Religious Conversion.............37 Seizing Provinces in War.....61 DEFENDER OF THE FAITH.........................38 VIiI. Naval warfare...................... 63 HOLY LANDS...........................39 ix. National Ideas........................ 75 THE JEWS..............................................40 CONCEPTS.............................................76 Reactions to Jews...................41 SPECIALIZATION......................................76 - 2 - Groups of Ideas.....................77 THE OTTOMANS AND MAMELUKS............199 NEW IDEAS............................................78 XVII. The Order of St. John........200 SWAPPING NATIONAL IDEAS.....................79 THE GRAND PRIORIES OF ST JOHN...........200 EVENT-ONLY NATIONAL IDEAS..................80 KNIGHTS OF ST JOHN - ADVISORS............201 CAMPAIGNS AGAINST THE PIRATES...........203 X. Espionage ................................82 THE TONGUES......................................204 OVERVIEW............................................88 MISSIONS..............................................89 XVIII. The Sengoku Jidai............. 206 XI. Colonialism.............................95 Choosing a Clan.................. 207 OVERVIEW............................................95 A Historical Perspective....... 209 Colonial Policy......................96 PROVINCIAL CAMPAIGNS........................214 COLONIAL IDENTITY...............................99 THE SHOGUN.......................................216 Colonial Laws........................99 The Authority of the Shogun.216 Colonial Dissent....................100 The Bakufu...........................219 REVOLUTION!.......................................103 Becoming Shogun................ 220 Independence!......................104 Abolishing the Shogunate..... 220 XII. Government.........................105 UNIFYING JAPAN..................................221 OVERVIEW...........................................106 XIX. Country Management......... 222 GOVERNMENT TITLES AND RANKS............106 Before Pressing “Start”..........251 Changing Ranks....................107 Before Unpausing the Game 252 POWER STATUS.....................................109 XX. Credits and Appendices........ 256 ESCAPE FROM TRIBALISM..........................112 ADMINISTRATIVE EFFICIENCY....................113 XIII. Modernization.....................129 OVERVIEW...........................................130 TECHNOLOGY GROUPS..........................130 Research Speed..................... 131 MODERNIZATION..................................132 Foreign Contact....................133 Socio-Economic Structure......134 Diversity and Change............136 XIV. Nation-forming....................144 INTRODUCTION....................................145 Special Cases.........................147 XV. The Holy Roman Empire.......152 INTRODUCTION....................................153 THE IMPERIAL DIET AND VOTING.............162 RELATIONS WITH MEMBER STATES............164 Events that Raise or Lower Imperial Power.....................165 GERMANY............................................173 Forming Germany................174 XVI. Pirates of the ......................192 Barbary Coast.....EEEErrrrrrrroooo!!!! MMMMaaaarrrrccccaaaaddddoooorrrr nnnnããããoooo ddddeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiiddddoooo.... BACKGROUND..........EEEERRRRRRRROOOO!!!! MMMMAAAARRRRCCCCAAAADDDDOOOORRRR NNNNÃÃÃÃOOOO DDDDEEEEFFFFIIIINNNNIIIIDDDDOOOO.... Barbary Pirate Raids..............195 THE BERBER KINGDOMS.........................197 - 3 - A Brief Note on the Platinum 2 Release WWWWeeeellllccccoooommmmeeee ttttoooo tttthhhheeee llllaaaasssstttt rrrreeeelllleeeeaaaasssseeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee MMMMaaaaggggnnnnaaaa MMMMuuuunnnnddddiiii mmmmoooodddd!!!! In Magna Mundi Platinum 2 you can expect the usual excellence in gameplay, depth, challenge and plausibility that made this mod unique. While Magna Mundi Platinum was essentially a port of Magna Mundi Gold 2 to the new realities of the EU3:IN expansion by taking advantage of many of the new elements available, Platinum 2 was designed from the root with those new capabilities in mind. The bigger difference was the coding of an array of hidden events that helped us mod the engine for the first time. This helped us create systems that go far beyond what the engine mechanics would allow otherwise. Also linked to this are the new AI capabilities in terms of grand strategy available in the mod and specifically coded for Magna Mundi. Then we have a host of new event pools that help define and single out different parts of the world better, while increasing dramatically the narrative the mod provides. All these aspects and for the first time are perfectly linked using the event/decision/mission triad. In Nomine gave us, for the first time, the opportunity to maximize the plausibility, historicity and common sense of the AI through proper design choices using the engine. The new expansion introduced several new features that created nearly unlimited potential for players and modders alike: the country, province and religious decisions and the mission system. Conceptually, ddddeeeecccciiiissssiiiioooonnnnssss change gameplay by much more than is apparent. For the first time there are options available to the - 4 - player ready to be used when he deems fit and that can bypass any menu system limitation. This means a much closer relationship between the player and the situation in the game and a much greater capacity to make new content immediately available to the player. MMMMiiiissssssssiiiioooonnnnssss provide the player with some direction to follow in what is essentially (and that is good!) a sandbox game. Having small goals within the greater freedom of the game enhances the overall experience. There are shortcomings in how both concepts were implemented, however. Decisions are only useful when the AI can make an informed choice about when to make a decision. Missions were used mostly as simple rewards for the player – but can cripple the AI. The AI is simply not good enough to cope with the strategic decisions needed to contextualize many missions and ends up hamstrung in the long run, unable to understand when to quit and move on or keep up with the rewards given to the player. Our approach was for the most part different. We use decisions as balanced options the player can choose rather than straightforward rewards, while at the same time tying them into the complex event pools experienced by players of the mod. This means there will probably be many decisions always available to be taken by the player waiting for the proper moment or strategy to be enacted. More than ever players have the ability to follow their own agendas and let the game take a new turn every time. The Magna Mundi mod has reached the last of its releases but we are not leaving. For the future, you may expect a sequence of updates to make the release stable and after that, monthly instalments with the objective of adding some small features, adapting the mod to new patches and the upcoming expansion while solving reported bugs. We are going to be as active as ever in the forums in the knowledge the team in general and myself in particular owe you MUCH. YYYYoooouuuu wwwweeeerrrreeee tttthhhheeee oooonnnneeeessss wwwwhhhhoooo wwwwrrrrooootttteeee tttthhhheeee hhhhaaaappppppppyyyy eeeennnndddd ooooffff tttthhhhiiiissss ssssttttoooorrrryyyy.... TTTThhhhaaaannnnkkkk yyyyoooouuuu!!!! - 5 - I. Foreword “Eu sou o Senhor dos senhores, não o Servo dos servos.” 1 -- João II, King of Portugal This project began more than two and a half years ago as a cry for greater realism and depth from a powerful game engine that was undermined by a rushed release and a few unfortunate design decisions. Europa Universalis III had so much going for it, but many players found it to be less enjoyable than good old EU2. The community was polarized. On one hand, many players enjoyed the new release. On the other, many players hated the new game, feeling it was little more than a fantasy game with real-world names grafted in. Where, they asked, was the History in all the Chaos? Players who enjoyed EU3 ‘As Is’ retorted that the other side didn’t want a game, they wanted a history book. The Magna Mundi vision grew out of a compromise between these two factions. One side equated the pressing of the start button with the total rewrite of History, generating random scenarios completely devoid of plausibility. The other side held history to be sacred and demanded a procession of specific events, ignoring the changing conditions caused by luck or player intervention in every new game. Magna Mundi stood in the middle, neither on one side nor the other. And standing in the middle of the trenches, let me tell you, is sometimes the wrong 1 ““““IIII aaaammmm tttthhhheeee LLLLoooorrrrdddd ooooffff tttthhhheeee lllloooorrrrddddssss,,,, nnnnooootttt tttthhhheeee SSSSeeeerrrrvvvvaaaannnntttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee sssseeeerrrrffffssss”””” - Spoken shortly after taking the throne, when he stripped all nobles from their titles only to make them kneel before him, demanding from them to kiss his ring while granting the titles back. A fitting start point for a shrewd character, with a great diplomatic finesse, very strong military sense and the greatest administrative skills, all tied in an ambitious but realistic project that enabled a backwater European country to take the center stage of Europe at the dawn of the XVI century. He would be Portugal’s greatest King and, in his time, was the most powerful man in Europe. - 6 - place to be. We were accused of being “determinists”, we were accused of being “randomizers” and we were accused of going nowhere. Two years and a half later, judging by the popularity of the mod and the direction official expansions have taken, it is obvious our vision went somewhere on strong legs that can not only walk, but run. Our numbers show a silent majority supports our vision - and our criticisms about the unmodified EU3 release, often referred to here as ‘Vanilla.’ So, what is Magna Mundi? In a nutshell, MMMMaaaaggggnnnnaaaa MMMMuuuunnnnddddiiii iiiissss aaaannnn eeeeffffffffoooorrrrtttt ttttoooo lllleeeeaaaadddd tttthhhheeee ggggaaaammmmeeee tttthhhhrrrroooouuuugggghhhh hhhhiiiissssttttoooorrrriiiiccccaaaallll pppprrrroooocccceeeesssssssseeeessss ttttoooo aaaalllllllloooowwww tttthhhheeee ggggaaaammmmeeee ttttoooo fffflllloooowwww ffffrrrreeeeeeeellllyyyy wwwwiiiitttthhhhiiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ccccoooonnnnssssttttrrrraaaaiiiinnnnttttssss ffffaaaacccceeeedddd hhhhiiiissssttttoooorrrriiiiccccaaaallllllllyyyy,,,, tttthhhhuuuussss ccccrrrreeeeaaaattttiiiinnnngggg ppppllllaaaauuuussssiiiibbbblllleeee aaaalllltttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaatttteeee rrrreeeeaaaalllliiiittttiiiieeeessss.... We ask why something happened and come up with rules that can allow it to happen again if those conditions repeat themselves – or not, if they don’t. Throughout every version of the mod we have kept this vision as our goal when we discuss what to implement and how to implement it. For this release, you can expect a refinement of most of the systems previously developed, and the introduction of new ones in the never-finished quest to provide at your fingertips a living, breathing world where you can dive in and achieve the Holy Grail of gaming: suspension of disbelief. - 7 - II. General Considerations “Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas.” 2 -- Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France 2 ““““TTTThhhheeeerrrreeee iiiissss oooonnnnllllyyyy oooonnnneeee sssstttteeeepppp ffffrrrroooommmm tttthhhheeee ssssuuuubbbblllliiiimmmmeeee ttttoooo tttthhhheeee rrrriiiiddddiiiiccccuuuulllloooouuuussss....”””” - 8 - For the full enjoyment of the mod, tttthhhheeee ssssttttaaaarrrrttttiiiinnnngggg ooooppppttttiiiioooonnnnssss (such as leaders, monarchs, and lucky nations) are set by the mod and sssshhhhoooouuuulllldddd nnnnooootttt bbbbeeee ttttoooouuuucccchhhheeeedddd. In addition, Magna Mundi was designed from the ground up to be played ffffrrrroooommmm aaaa 1111444455553333 ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt. It is playable at other dates, but you should notice inconsistencies in gameplay if you start at other dates, some of which may be severe. You are welcome to do so, of course, but be warned that you are sailing in uncharted waters. As befits the Europa Universalis era, total wars are a rare happenstance in Magna Mundi Platinum. By hhhhaaaallllvvvviiiinnnngggg eeeeaaaacccchhhh nnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn’’’’ssss rrrreeeeppppuuuuttttaaaattttiiiioooonnnn lllliiiimmmmiiiitttt we better simulate the fine balance of power by making each nation more sensible when judging the power-mongering of other nations. Players also must be much more careful about when, what and whom they conquer. YYYYoooouuuurrrr rrrruuuulllleeeerrrr’’’’ssss ddddiiiipppplllloooommmmaaaattttiiiicccc rrrraaaattttiiiinnnngggg hhhhaaaassss ddddoooouuuubbbblllleeee tttthhhheeee iiiimmmmppppoooorrrrttttaaaannnncccceeee in determining your nation’s reputation limit. Given the precarious nature of your reputation, you will receive friendly warnings when your reputation starts to grow. Ignore these warnings at your own risk! Continuous aggressive behaviour is also punished by linking it to revolt risk. IIIInnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll rrrreeeevvvvoooolllltttt rrrriiiisssskkkk aaaannnndddd ssssttttaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy aaaarrrreeee sssseeeerrrriiiioooouuuussss ffffaaaaccccttttoooorrrrssss oooonnnneeee mmmmuuuusssstttt mmmmaaaannnnaaaaggggeeee ttttoooo bbbbeeee ssssuuuucccccccceeeessssssssffffuuuullll. Religious tolerance has less of an impact on managing revolt risk. Cultural and religious rifts have a deeper impact in a country; conversely, humanist ideas are more important for multi-cultural or multi-religious states. With the rrrreeeevvvvoooolllluuuuttttiiiioooonnnnaaaarrrryyyy ddddyyyynnnnaaaammmmiiiicccc ccccoooorrrreeee ssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm that gives different times to gain cores depending on province <-> country affinities, the international claims make more sense and the internal problems gain a new dimension. National Ideas have a comprehensive event system to support and accommodate the big changes they introduce. CCCCeeeerrrrttttaaaaiiiinnnn iiiiddddeeeeaaaassss wwwwiiiillllllll bbbbeeee uuuunnnnaaaavvvvaaaaiiiillllaaaabbbblllleeee nnnnoooorrrrmmmmaaaallllllllyyyy aaaannnndddd aaaarrrreeee mmmmaaaaddddeeee aaaavvvvaaaaiiiillllaaaabbbblllleeee oooonnnnllllyyyy bbbbyyyy eeeevvvveeeennnntttt – and mmmmaaaannnnyyyy iiiiddddeeeeaaaassss aaaarrrreeee rrrraaaaddddiiiiccccaaaallllllllyyyy ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ffffrrrroooommmm VVVVaaaannnniiiillllllllaaaa EEEEUUUU3333. Colonization is handled in a very different way from the standard EU3 experience. The ffffiiiirrrrsssstttt ddddiiiissssccccoooovvvveeeerrrriiiieeeessss ooooffff tttthhhheeee NNNNeeeewwww WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd aaaarrrreeee nnnnoooowwww aaaaddddvvvveeeennnnttttuuuurrrreeeessss tttthhhhaaaatttt ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt bbbbyyyy tttthhhheeee ppppllllaaaayyyyeeeerrrr ddddeeeecccciiiissssiiiioooonnnn.... By the fifteenth century, the nations that would become the great colonial powers already had enough advantages to ensure they would be the reach the New World one step ahead of competitors that only began preparing at the start of the game. Other countries may still become colonial powers, but only by single-minded determination and sacrifice. Colonization is no longer a matter - 9 - of simply adjusting sliders and taking a single national idea. Colonists may be hard to come by, and many colonies will fail in the early years. OOOOnnnnllllyyyy tttthhhheeee aaaalllllllloooottttmmmmeeeennnntttt ooooffff sssseeeevvvveeeerrrraaaallll nnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaallll iiiiddddeeeeaaaassss aaaannnndddd mmmmaaaannnnyyyy rrrreeeessssoooouuuurrrrcccceeeessss ttttoooo ccccoooolllloooonnnniiiizzzzaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ccccaaaannnn gggguuuuaaaarrrraaaannnntttteeeeeeee aaaa ssssttttrrrroooonnnngggg pppprrrreeeesssseeeennnncccceeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee NNNNeeeewwww WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd.... To help make this sacrifice worthwhile, tttthhhheeee sssspppprrrreeeeaaaadddd ooooffff kkkknnnnoooowwwwlllleeeeddddggggeeee aaaabbbboooouuuutttt nnnneeeewwwwllllyyyy ddddiiiissssccccoooovvvveeeerrrreeeedddd pppprrrroooovvvviiiinnnncccceeeessss wwwwaaaassss aaaallllssssoooo ccccuuuurrrrbbbbeeeedddd ddddrrrraaaammmmaaaattttiiiiccccaaaallllllllyyyy. It now takes between 75 and 200 years for knowledge about a discovered province to spread to countries of the same technology group. Magna Mundi Platinum offers more to colonies than ever before. CCCCoooouuuunnnnttttrrrriiiieeeessss wwwwiiiillllllll bbbbeeee aaaabbbblllleeee ttttoooo ddddeeeeffffiiiinnnneeee ccccoooolllloooonnnniiiiaaaallll ppppoooolllliiiicccciiiieeeessss ttttoooowwwwaaaarrrrdddd nnnnaaaattttiiiivvvveeeessss, ranging from benevolent integration, to the callous, racist policies of fear and enslavement. CCCCoooolllloooonnnniiiieeeessss ccccaaaannnn aaaallllssssoooo hhhhaaaavvvveeee ssssppppeeeecccciiiiaaaalllliiiizzzzaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss, helping them to have a single place within the player’s colonial empire. NNNNaaaattttiiiivvvveeeessss ccccoooommmmeeee ttttoooo lllliiiiffffeeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr oooowwwwnnnn eeeevvvveeeennnntttt ppppoooooooollll and will play a significant role in how the colonies develop being a presence throughout the game. EEEEmmmmiiiiggggrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn was also reworked. Expect to see migration from Europe to the colonies once cities are large enough. This in turn will lead to a events where rrrreeeelllliiiiggggiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd ppppoooolllliiiittttiiiiccccssss ccccoooommmmeeee iiiinnnnttttoooo ppppllllaaaayyyy. Colonies will also develop colonial cultures that reflect their origins in the Old World but also their experiences in the New. Later in the game, players will experience dynamic ccccoooolllloooonnnniiiiaaaallll iiiinnnnddddeeeeppppeeeennnnddddeeeennnncccceeee mmmmoooovvvveeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss like never before. In the economic sphere, the trade system has been rewritten from the ground up. NNNNoooo lllloooonnnnggggeeeerrrr ccccaaaannnn aaaannnnyyyy ssssiiiinnnngggglllleeee ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrryyyy aaaassssppppiiiirrrreeee ttttoooo ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll eeeevvvveeeerrrryyyy cccceeeennnntttteeeerrrr ooooffff ttttrrrraaaaddddeeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee wwwwoooorrrrlllldddd.... As was the case in reality, there are limits to what you can do, making it more important to strategize your trade. Small-time traders will find it easier than ever to turn a small profit, but it is harder than ever to dominate trade. Centers of trade are more expensive to develop and the decision to destroy one carries great consequences for your country. TTTTrrrraaaaddddeeee ggggooooooooddddssss hhhhaaaavvvveeee aaaallllssssoooo bbbbeeeeeeeennnn eeeexxxxppppaaaannnnddddeeeedddd ggggrrrreeeeaaaattttllllyyyy.... Provinces can supply new goods such as gems, livestock, beer, millet, hemp, brazilwood, glassware or opium – over forty in all. Prices for these goods are more sensitive, with many elements that can cause price fluctuations at once or over time. Wars, specific buildings or the number of countries all influence the price of a certain trade good. Expect luxury prices to fall during periods of war and strife while the price of basic goods goes up. With the influx of colonial goods and the ever-more complex nature of trade in the era, all advanced nations experienced some inflation; to reflect this, iiiinnnnffffllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn iiiissss nnnnoooowwww hhhhaaaarrrrddddeeeerrrr ttttoooo ccccoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll – indeed, one should expect some inflation in any game of Magna Mundi! - 10 -

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