10 | 2015 MagLine |Magnetic Length and Angle Measurement Systems 3 MagLine Micro MagLine Basic MagLine Macro MagLine Roto SIKO | Precision in Motion 2 5 MagLine www.siko-global.com Overview Table of contents 3 5.0 5.0 | Overview Measurement technology since 1963 4 5.1 Product overview 6 Technical details 10 5.2 Function and benefit 13 5.3 5.1 | MagLine Micro 15 5.2 | MagLine Basic 49 5.4 5.3 | MagLine Macro 125 5.5 5.4 | MagLine Roto 145 5.5 | Accessories 183 5.6 5.6 | Appendix 195 5.7 | Product index, contact information 203 5.7 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com Overview Measurement technology since 1963 4 5.0 With a clear vision for the Six product ranges - a wide future! portfolio for very diff erent mea- suring assignments Today SIKO can look back over fi ve de- 6 distinctive product lines cades of experience in the production of The SIKO product portfolio comprises a PositionLine mechanical and electronic position measuring instruments for length, angle total of six ranges, indicators, handwheels with analog and speed measurement as well as the including high-quality measuring instru- displays, adjustment buttons measurement of tilt angles and speed. ments and positioning systems for the RotoLine magnetic and optical rotary encoders, geared potentiometers With these core competencies as its industry and the LinearLine wire-actuated encoders, foundation, SIKO develops and produces mechanical engineering sector. optical distance sensors measuring instruments and positioning DriveLine actuators systems for automation and manufac- We develop sensor systems for measured MagLine magnetic length and angle measuring systems turing processes that are geared to the value acquisition either for you or in col- OptoLine high-precision optical sensors future. laboration with your company. Shorter tooling times and the optimization of The highest demands of our customers manufacturing and production processes from the industry and the mechanical are often the centre of focus. engineering sector are more than met by the quality, precision and functionality of OEM customers, projects and special so- our products and services. lutions, retrofi ts or spare parts supplies directly to end users - all our customers SIKO is certifi ed to DIN EN ISO 9001 : are important! 2008. In our company sustainable use of resources is a matter of course. 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com 5 5.0 Global success is never coinci- dental Today the robust and innovative SIKO Five SIKO subsidiaries are at your disposal In addition, around 60 national and measuring instruments are in use in in the following countries: international agencies are on the spot industrial and mechanical engineering for direct customer contact and techni- installations around the world. ■ U.S.A. cal support. Sales engineers and service ■ Italy technicians support OEM customers as ■ Switzerland well as users at their own facilities, pro- ■ China viding competent advice and services in ■ Singapore the respective national languages. Horst Wandres & Sven Wischnewski | Management of SIKO GmbH 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com MagLine - Magnetic length and angle measurement Product overview 6 Economical solutions and innovative technologies for industrial applications The MagLine range is a classic example What is the measurement assignment? MagLine works in of SIKO’s innovative power. The systems The following selection criteria indicate accordance with the principle of are based on the magnetic measurement the right MagLine system solution: contactless scan- principle. ■ Linear or rotating applications ning of magnetic ■ Incremental/absolute processes fi elds and converts Special benefi ts of MagLine: ■ System accuracy and reproducibility the measured val- ues into digital or ■ Completely wear-free requirements analog signals. ■ Insensitive to dust, shavings, ■ Integration into upstream control humidity, oil, fat, etc. systems or independent measuring ■ Very robust with shock and vibration systems ■ No measurement errors caused by gear The scanning principle is determined by ratios or gear backlash Featuring a constantly expanding spec- this encoding. Incremental encoding ■ High system accuracy and trum of components in various specifi ca- serves for robust and all-round solu- 5.0 reproducibility tions, MagLine is designed for a number tions with which, for example, fl exible ■ Easy handling and mounting of special tasks. The technology off ers magnetic bands can be individually cut to future-oriented, extremely versatile and length before self-adhesive mounting. The challenges faced by measuring de- fl exible measuring solutions, which are vices in extreme industrial conditions easily integrated and can be continually The absolute encoding of the band mate- make great demands on their reliability extended in line with customers’ require- rial ensures that the system features a and reproducibility. MagLine systems are ments. particularly high standard of reproduc- mainly used for extremely precise track- ibility and measuring reliability. Its ing of linear and radial positions as well Its easy handling and mounting have easy handling and mounting have won as speeds and angles. The contactless won MagLine a reputation as a paticu- MagLine a reputation as a particularly technology demonstrates its advantages larly customer-friendly product line customer-friendly product line, which in all kinds of applications, such as motor which is universally durable and eco- is universally durable and economical. feedback or highly dynamic processes in nomical. After power interruptions, for example particularly dirty environments. when the system is switched off and on Magnetic encoding once more, the actual position value Since its introduction, MagLine has The SIKO magnetic bands (fl exible steel is determined and converted, even if undergone continuous further develop- strips with a magnetic layer) are manu- the sensor position has changed in the ment. Four product families provide a factured precisely and with great care. meantime. general overview: Micro, Basic and Macro The bands are equipped with one or more for linear length measurement and Roto magnetic code tracks in specially devel- for angle and speed measurement. oped processes. Incremental band encoding Absolute band encoding 1 Code track 2 different code tracks Magnetic band Sensor Magnetic band Sensor Incremental and absolute encoding methods enable position tracking with diff erent Incremental encoded 1. Absolute encoded forms of feedback which can be evaluated in various ways (see diagram) LE/LS-Sensors SPS Analog signal 2. Incremental encoded 880818 MSK-Sensors SPS MSA-Sensors SPS Digital signal Absolute signals by absolute band encoding 88081 8 MS-Sensors System signals for SIKO magnetic displays und SIKO translation modules 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com 7 Applications MagLine systems can be mounted directly The robust measuring equipment is im- The sensor system itself does not have on positioning or processing equipment, pervious to dirt and mechanical loads any moving parts, as the electronics are preventing measurement errors which in industrial environments. The main fully encapsulated. Tough plastic or all- can occur as the result of gear unit play advantage is the magnetic measurement metal housings are generally used for or spindle tolerances. method itself, as its principle of opera- this. tion cannot be negatively aff ected by The reading distance (sensor/band gap) typical machine-related eff ects (vibra- has a wide tolerance range. This can tion, shock), or other infl uences (bulk vary over the whole measuring range solids or fl uids). and within the defi ned limits (e.g., due to radial run-out or imprecise guides). Demanding conditions require tough Accuracy and reproducibility of the posi- equipment. The long service life and tion values are not negatively aff ected as durability of the materials and functional a result. units used guarantee maximum reliabil- 5.0 ity. The fl exible magnetic bands can also be additionally protected with a stainless steel cover strip to withstand mechanical eff ects if necessary. MagLine Micro This high-resolution linear measuring MagLine Micro system was designed for precise and Resolution: standard 1 μm, max. 0.2 μm System accuracy ±10 μm highly-dynamic processes with special Repeat accuracy of ±1 μm requirements regarding measurement in Sensor/band gap max. 0.4 mm the μm range. The primary applications are in linear and rotary control and drive systems. With a maximum measuring length of 90 m, MagLine Micro achieves a resolu- tion of 0.2 µm. All main parameters can be freely selected and enable individual adaptation to site requirements. The measurements made by this sensor-band combination are made available in the form of digital square-wave or analog signals. The measuring ranges can be tracked either incrementally or abso- lutely. MagLine Micro systems are an inexpen- sive alternative to conventional length measurement systems, e.g., using opti- Reliable high-precision measure- cal methods, yet have a wider range ment and position tracking is still possible even under particularly of functional applications due to their diffi cult ambient conditions. robust design and resistance to ambient conditions. 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com MagLine - Magnetic length and angle measurement Product overview 8 MagLine Basic Track-proven and mature, the Basic range Applications using Basic components All measured values can be displayed di- features an especially wide range of benefi t from its precise, robust measur- rectly or converted by other controllers for components for incremental or absolute ing methods and matching sensors, further processing. The Basic series also measurement. The system’s resolution with and without integrated translation features interfaces for integration into makes it suitable for measurements right module. almost any industrial environment. down to the μm range. The versatility of this range is also dem- MagLine Basic Resolution: standard 10 µm, max. 1 µm Basic is the MagLine product family with onstrated in a series of ready-to-use System accuracy ±25 µm the most comprehensive range. It off ers products. The sensor-display combina- Repeat accuracy ±10 µm economical solutions for industrial appli- tions are ready to be fi tted with the Sensor/band gap max. 2 mm cations, which do not require a very high appropriate self-adhesive band and in- resolution for measuring accuracy. The stalled at the desired measuring point. system is ideal, for example, for applica- A reliable measuring system can there- tions in the wood, metal or stone pro- fore be simply mounted, for example for cessing industries and also for machines the length limit stops on a saw. 5.0 for glass and plastic processing. Incremental and absolute position tracking with compatible electronics for connection to controllers or for direct on-site indication. FELDER KG, Österreich & Co. KG H mb m Altendorf G Wilhel 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com 9 MagLine Macro Macro is specially designed for very As the sensors are fully encapsulated, long distances with both absolute and MagLine Macro is suitable for use in ex- incremental measurement. The systems treme conditions such as stone process- provide a reading distance of up to ing. The advantages of the high protec- 20 mm, e.g., to compensate for height tion category (IP67) and its resistance to variations, and accuracy data also de- even extremely dirty conditions are fully signed for particularly long tracking revealed in such applications. paths e.g., in storage and conveying technology. Standardized interfaces allow problem- free integration in controls. Central setting and monitoring is, for example, particularly important in stage and stu- dio applications. MagLine Macro ensures reliable position tracking down to the 5.0 last millimeter with the complex interac- tion of a number of moving units. MagLine Macro The compact design Resolution: standard 1 mm, max. 0.25 mm of the scale and System accuracy ±1 mm corresponding sen- Repeat accuracy of ±1 mm sors permits simple Sensor/band gap max. 20 mm and inconspicuous integration into almost any guide unit. MagLine Roto The Roto range is an ideal alternative to conventional optical encoder systems, especially when exact speed or angle measurement is required under diffi cult ambient conditions such as on balancing machines. The system even runs reliably in an oil bath, for example in a hydraulic pump. Durability is also a feature of the Roto principle: The contactless measuring principle is also advantageous for eleva- tors, as the extreme mechanical stresses in long-term operation are not transmit- ted to the measuring system. MagLine Roto Max. resolution 200 000 pulses/revolution System accuracy ±0.1° Repeat accuracy of ±1 increment Sensor/band gap max. 2 mm Extremely robust and designed for direct angle and speed measurement – the typical applications of MagLine Roto profi t in more ways than one from the contactless magnetic measuring processes. 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com MagLine - Magnetic length and angle measurement Technical details 10 The magnetic measurement principle A sensor registers the magnetically encoded The core element of magnetic linear measurement is a perma- path information and nently mounted magnetic band (also called the scale). This converts this to stan- band is scanned by a magnetic sensor which forwards the infor- dardized interface signals for subsequent mation either to an electronic evaluation system, a higher-level processing. controller (PLC) or directly to a connected magnetic display. The actual magnetic linear measurement is based on the chang- es in resistance by magnetic eff ects. The magnetic bands used are encoded by SIKO in specially developed processes. These encoded scales are scanned by contactless sensors. The integrated electronic system converts the measured values into digital or analog signals for further processing, for example by controllers or a corresponding SIKO indicator. 5.0 Incremental and absolute processes – the diff erence Incremental to absolute measurement Magnetic linear measurement is performed either incremen- tally, quasi-absolutely or true-absolutely. The system requires re-referencing if … Power interruption Sensor/band Incremental method reading distance In incremental systems the magnetic band is magnetized at reg- exceeded ular intervals with north and south poles, and the pole length Scanning method Band type also determines the maximum resolution and system accuracy. If the sensor is moved over the band, the periods generate the incremental yes yes path information which is processed in the form of square-wave signals (counting pulses). Counting of the pulses provides in- quasi-absolute + - + - no yes formation on the traveled path. true-absolute no no In an incremental system at least one absolute reference is necessary – the so-called reference point. This point serves for ■ A “quasi-absolute” measurement is achieved by buff ering the measured re-orientation of the system and can be stored on the magnetic data by means of a battery. Movement of the sensor along an incremen- band as additional information. This reference point is also of tally encoded band is recognized even in a currentless state. Referencing importance due to the fact that the actual position value is is only necessary if the sensor exceeds the maximum band distance. generally lost in an incremental system if the power supply is ■ A “true-absolute” measurement is achieved when the magnetic strip is en- coded absolutely, thus enabling all currentless movements of the sensor/ interrupted (e.g., if the system is switched on and off ) and if band to receive an absolute position signal direct from the magnetic band the sensor position has been changed in the meantime. A new when the system is switched on. referencing operation is then necessary. 5 MagLine | 5.0 Overview www.siko-global.com