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$ t l t n t ~ t l \ l e r \ t l t n b • {/ D THE WICCAN WAY . . TO LASTING ROMANCE Magic for Lovers is no! a spellb ook; Jl's a book of MTSheaelte inWce Fi cSocrial Lvnoe Wrvweariyns: d to, C Lraosstsininf iR Pormesasn, c2e0 03 wtoio!hls idtheaats i nfoclru fdoecsu ssionmg ee nsepergllys .o InI ehqisu o,prs h tehre p raeratdneerr and their rela!lonship and some instruction in both Experienced readers of Pagan wrilings will find physocal and maiiocal aspects or that. It 1s wrouen fn a apRb ayofge mTewahs one oc fCf el Mhr. oweas ggrsi,eilcnlne fgron ePr 'r bsLe ypos svSro.ee mIrltse c.in noTeenh nSteat i wlipvn,eisct rfclawaalrlinsng edwWl yaia tnbyhd ailn osp it ucLhb aelnls istfionhrge· d Asrthei millnoapgxt osley dft sh.t hhceiao nPrngeavsgse a atrnhbs eaop truaieotu snttshha ionls ret 'boseno dkeosn k otmh awaorlteer ned ee goxevaf.e) c orKt lprOy ha Rte!hrAreo .s n kuiiznbedjses cb otu ft mation. Some of lhc workings outlined presume you and lll. your partner lo be RATING: 3½ Broomsl1Cks a traditional couple (and a ferlllity spell doesn't account for the possibility of a couple adopting or artificially insemi· nating). Its outlook is. of course, Wlccan, and some of the more duothe- istic points might not click with readers who practice olher forms of Pagar,lsrn. Deities are referenced only in the contexl of being called on for spells, not in the context of personal interaction< and relationships. And Aphrodite might not be the wisest choice to call on for a love working - unless what you are actually looking for is a fling, not a long-term relationship. The positive points of this book, however, out weiiih these quibbles. Silverwind writes with a lo! of hear!. Her openness, of!en referring to her own lover and their relationship issues. reveals her commitment lo her subject mailer. Her hl"allhy views. which lead her to encourage her readers lo build healthy relation· ships rather !han lo immerse themselves in obsessive ones - create a good foundation for the workings. Her spells are very accessible. They are nol rogid but clearly meant lo be adapted. They are also quite simple. Beginning practi!loners won'I be intimidated, and no one will lose track of a workinfs purpose amongst a flurry ol unnecessarily elaborate prepara !ions. There are just a few ingredients, and the work ings arc clearly for the sake of focusing on a goal. The spells, however. arci lhe least of the value of Silverw1nd's suggestions. She also offers instruction on creating a love altar. practicing couple-breathing. and giving your partner a massage. I I 'INIAC OMMUNII (ION 11 LIBRARY 3 1347 00071 5779 133.442 Sil Silvcrwind, Selene. PB l\tlagic for lovers : the \Viccan \Vay to lasting .... • ag1c _ov ers or The Wiccan Way to Lasting Romance Selene Silverw1nd = l0Nl4. THI CROSSIN, PRISS COl\fl\1 1 '1'1fn " \RY Berkeley IT oronto ( J6 5_ ioniucommunity .ih.r:ary.org To Brian 1 for the romance that inspired this book. To Brighid & Ogmios 1 for giving me the inspiration and the words. To my parents 1 for showing me that love can last a lifetime. ---·-- ---- Copyright © 2004 by Selene Silverwind. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except for brief review, 'lllrithout the express permission of the publisher. ~ The Crossing Press A Division of Ten Speed Press PO Box 7123 Berkeley CA 94707 www.tenspeed.com Crossing Press titles are distributed in Australia by Simon & Schuster Australia, in Canada by Ten Speed Canada, in the United Kingdom and Europe by Airlift Books, in South Africa by Real Books, and in New Zealand by Southern Publishers Group. Cover design by Wilsted & Taylor Text design by Betsy Stromberg ISBN 1-58091-152-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dara available from the publisher. Printed in the United States 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 09 08 07 06 05 04 Grateful acknowledgement is made to Jeffrey Tye for permission to reprint "The Yoni Massage" ©1995, 2001 appearing on pages 135-38 and for "The Lingam J\ilassage" ©1995, 2001 appearing on pages 138-41. Table of C ontents Before You Begin . . . vu A Few Words About Love & Magic x111 PARTONE:TOOLS & TECHN lQ UES 1 Bedroom Feng Shui 3 2 Love Oil 7 3 Love Body Wash 9 4 Comforting 11 5 Couple-breathing 13 6 Eye-gazing 17 7 Tantric Sitting Position 19 8 Creating Sacred Space 21 9 The Love Altar 27 10 Sacred Sex 3 3 Magic for Lovers PART TWO: ENHANCLNG RlTUALS & BLESSlNGS 11 Gratitude Ritual 39 12 Romance Ritual 43 13 The Great Rite 4 9 14 Rekindling Love 53 15 Restoring Passion 57 16 Creating Fireworks 61 17 Ensuring a Lasting Relationship 65 18 Fun Time Ritual 69 PART THREE: UNlTlNG CEREMONlES & BLESSLNGS 19 Meet the Parents 75 20 First Holiday Together 77 21 Private Hand.fasting 81 22 Public Handfasting 85 23 Merging Two Families 91 24 Post-wedding Vo\vs 95 2 5 Preparing for a Child 99 PART FOUR: HEALlNG & BANlSHlNG RlTUALS 26 Releasing Festering Negativity 105 27 Cleansing Your Relationship 109 28 Healing a Rift 113 2 9 Returning Balance to the Relationship 117 30 Banishing Codependence 121 iv~ Contents 31 Banishing Interference from Others 125 32 Healing from a Loss 129 33 Healing Sexual ProbJems 133 34 Stress Break Box 143 35 Releasing Stress 147 PARTFlVE: BLESSlNCS &MANlFESTlNC RlTUALS 36 Blessing Each Other for Love 153 3 7 Blessing Your Relationship Crystal 157 38 Blessing Your Relationship Candle 161 39 Blessing Your Hon1e 163 40 Manifesting Prosperity as a Couple 167 41 Manifesting Specific Goals 171 42 Manifesting Long-term Goals 175 43 Manifesting Career Success 179 44 Conceiving a Child 183 A Final Note 187 APPEND LC ES A Timing 189 B Days of the Week 190 C Color Correspondences 191 D Gods and Goddesses 192 Bibliography 194 Index 196 ~ V you BEFORE BEGlN . . . 11 too often our wedding day is the first and last time we manifest the spiritual aspects of our primary romantic relationship. We are married by a priest or ~~:=;:::=::J priestess, we state our vows in a religious setting, such as a church or temple, and we include prayers and blessings throughout the event. However, as soon as the ceremony ends, this special spiritual experience is replaced \vith the mundane details of daily life and relegated to the obscurity of a photo album or video. I believe spirituality should be the foundation of your rela tionship and play an active role in assuring its longevity. If you need a little help adding more soul and more sizzle to your life, you've come to the right place. Magic for Lovers offers dozens of rituals that can help you re-ignite passion, strengthen your bond as a couple, help you work through the tough times, and aid you in manifesting your long-term goals. It will also remind you to cherish each other every single day. vu ~ Magic for Lovers Throughout the text I use the term lover, rather than partner, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mate, spouse, or significant other. I believe you should always think of your partner as your lover first and foremost, before all other titles, with the possible exception of friend. Calling your beloved by the word that is usu ally reserved for the bedroom serves as a constant reminder that the two of you love each other in a way that you love no one else. Keep in mind that whenever you perform a ritual your inten tion is far more important than the actual words you say. And your words, no matter how simple, will be more effective if they come from your heart than if you read from a script that holds no mean ing for you. My suggestions are intended to be just that: sugges tions. Adapt them to suit your needs, your moods, your feelings. If you make a mistake, feel free to laugh about it. Don't ,vorry if the ritual isn't flawless. I don't think I've ever accom plished the perfect spell when more than one person was involved in it. And if all this is new to you, I recommend that you read through the book in sequence, then select the rituals when the mood strikes or the need arises. Some of the metaphysical practices I mention throughout the book may not be familiar to you. What follows are very brief descriptions that I hope ,vill inspire you to further study. Feng Shui has come to be popularly thought of in the West as the Chinese art of furniture arrangement, but it's much, much more than that. This complex system for arranging your physical environment to maximize the positive flow of qi (pronounced "chee"), or the life force, employs two methods. I use the feng shui principles of the Black Hat method, which divides the home Vlll ~

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