n HarVarD magazine the other budget criSiS managing at tHe state KeNNeDY and loCal level raiSing the aLarm SCHooL joe pfeifer mc/mpa 2008 summer 2010 Haiti reporting from the field in this IssuE harvard kennedy school magazine | summer 2010 46 26 56 30 16 16 t Diary of a Crisis The Kennedy School community responds to Haiti’s plight. Associate Dean for Harvard Kennedy School Magazine Communications and Public Affairs is published two times a year by 22 t The Other Budget Crisis Away from the floodlights of Washington, local budget crises melodie Jackson mc/mpa 2001 John F. Kennedy senior Director of Alumni Relations school of Government have been lived in relative obscurity. Alumni on the front lines tell their stories. Paige ennis mc/mpa 2010 office of communications 10% and Public affairs 26 t Raising the Alarm Editor New York City Fire Department’s Chief of Counterterrorism and Emergency 79 John f. kennedy street sarah abrams cambridge, massachusetts 02138 this magazine is printed on Preparedness Joseph Pfeifer hksee 2006, mc/mpa 2008 works to keep New York City safe. Associate Editor Phone: 617-495-1164 opus matte and arbor matte robert o’neill fax: 617-495-5424 with soy-based ink. the paper is t dePartments hua lavine CJaoknet raibckumtinagn Writers ec-ompayrili:g phut ©bli2s0h1@0 hbkys t.hhea rPvraersdi.deednut mpoasntucofancstuumreedr wfiibther 3 a0n pde isrc fesnct 2 Executive summary The dean’s word nger; Jos aJuulisat ehna fnanrarell aringdh tfse rleloswersv oedf h.arvard college. all certified. 3 The end results Texas leads the way in renewable energy . . . The story of Lalita Booth mpp/mba 2012 inspires ourtesy emily sta optoan tr ietehcneot v cbeoervyge iarn:ts at ht hhee ah iltaoiarnvnga arrdoma pdu tee llDdeoeiawrsin iisgseh n rsreiiicrdbsehleayre MJJeonea gnbaifezerirgn aaenr mAtidninvoii s mmoccry// mmBpopaaa r12d908051 4 Public interest News bites from around the school ws office; c hrdeeucmmooavgenrriatyap crhieaincn t aeinnr.id tti ahclteiin vpeica adtilie snats’ste r JPerninntieferr eaton alden Pbhilill d corodndi nm mc/pmpp 1a9 92060 4 6 From the Charles White House Fellows program boasts many hks alums . . . Q&A with Professor Tarek Masoud . . . d ne information was captured in dynagraf harry durning, Jr. mc/mpa 1970 333035 LBIAnelua upvlmlirynig nnp Witu vSalleoplc iSuicttrr ei enTseget a t bCchheelha Pfsionsernad coA .e t.m e .. .sm e. .Sr p. ia.ac Fva/rii’nsod gWm aSl euctnhhmdeo yosfi lrKsee .lo td. up.: W rpBn .ia n.tr .od rS uhnto Ackr isnCe afsho n. a.rt .i h 1rT0 mMhthepi acPaho/niawndeei lv2r Se 0otr0fes 7eaS lroaeycn . i c.da .e l Gl EIenembonriraolgytvii aoSatntniao Pnnrg .ee .s r.i Mdmeipnlaitt/ aMirdyi k2Lh0ee0aid8l eSrashakipashvili ober; levi stolove; kris snibbe/harvar tmtcsPhhhaehaeeerroredv vocti,iaoco cmrregaoedisrlhr a d.hurapiiebnnthcii a:vlro itJeteriuaodrssstn cittio tuoionyne ff , aif edaocleinelll/icdot taw rsto-oeonc niica l sddcJssaratcaanaeomvviivtiicgeddt eg snt klrsa aeusilannagbirndgnoaeglr gremyeoor rfcm n mfm/ ipm mcmcpc/p/ cm2/ma/m0p mp20apa0p0a 20a1 1092 19089806899 n k 54 Ways and means hcny Foundation gift supports New York City’s first responders at hks hristia ht: c g 56 Exit poll Congratulations o ri left t www.hks.harvard.edu ExECuTIvE summary the EnD results Dear Reader, Texas Leads I read with interest School graduate, I wanted to Texas has 10,000 megawatts double the amount of wind- your recent cover story titled share with your readers all that (mws) of installed wind energy; generated electricity provided In May I had the pleasure of addressing our 2010 graduates and “Catch the Wind.” As chairman we are doing here in the Lone that is more than any other state to our grid. By 2013, we expect seeing them off as they prepared to take the next step in their of the Public Utility Commission Star State to promote wind and all but a handful of coun- to have more than 18,500 mws careers. They are an impressive group of people who not only of Texas and a Harvard Kennedy generated energy. tries. While this level of wind of installed wind generation, challenge themselves to constantly improve the world, but also still represents only a small and our actual consumption challenge those around them not to accept the way things are. portion of our total installed of wind-generated energy will Their passion for bringing justice, peace, and health to the generation capacity, we are be significantly larger than it world inspires me every day and offers us all much hope for the beginning to experience signifi- is today. future. Referring to the observation made by Professor Lant cantly large penetrations of Texas is committed to renew- Pritchett previously, I noted they came to the school when they wind energy on our grid. For able energy, and we hope that decided that they “absolutely, positively had to make the world example, on the morning of other areas of the country, like a better place.” January 28, 2010, almost 20 the coasts of Maine, Rhode The events occurring in the first six months of this year — percent of the total demand for Island, and even Massachusetts, the Haiti earthquake that killed more than a quarter of a electricity was provided by wind- will soon “get on board.” million people and left more than one million homeless; the generated energy. Barry T. Smitherman Gulf oil spill that, as I write, continues to wreak havoc; and We are not, however, resting mc/mpa 1986 the collapse of Greece’s financial system, which destabilized on our laurels. Texas has recently markets across the world — all call for solutions that, by developed transmission expan- definition, are complex and far-reaching. And those ideas and sion plans that will almost approaches only come from committed individuals who have chosen to serve the public good. This issue features some of these extraordinary people, Contradiction As the mother of a lesbian daughter An Inspiration The story on Lalita such as our alumni who helped when tragedy struck Haiti and grandmother of her family’s three children, I Booth, “Bright Future,” is very earlier this year. As a senior usaid relief official, Greg Gottlieb welcomed the article by Steve Nadis, “Finding moving and inspirational and mc/mpa 1987 was there to coordinate the efforts of interna- Common Ground,” in the Winter 2010 issue of from the look of things, it’s only a tional relief organizations. Emergency medicine physician Harvard Kennedy School Magazine. The article matter of time before she lands the David Callaway mc/mpa 2009 helped develop an electronic provided useful insight into Bohnett Foundation job of her dreams — I hope the tracking system that ensures critical, follow-up for high-risk attract the best students, provide the most effective education, funding for gay and lesbian mid-career officials who White House is reading this. patients, and, René Aubry mc/mpa 2009, as he writes in his and to find powerful solutions to the world’s biggest public each year join a broader set of Mid-Career fellows in This is a story that needs to be personal account for the magazine, marshaled efforts to bring problems. the Kennedy School Senior Executive Program. The read beyond hks Magazine — such physicians to his homeland, an initiative that also helped him This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the school’s write-up also showed what sustained connection and as in The New York Times or The clarify his own course in life. mpa/id program a rigorous program of study that focuses on dialogue can accomplish. Boston Globe — so that it can reach In another feature, you will read about New York City some of the most difficult development issues facing our But I wonder if anyone noticed an irony? many other people. Fire Department’s Joe Pfeifer hksee 2006, mc/mpa 2008, world. When asked why he chose the Kennedy School, one who is overseeing the transformation of the city’s emergency alum, Tim Bulman mpa/id 2007 noted: “It is the best program In the same issue, precisely opposite “Finding Wanja Njuguna mpa 2004 Common Ground,” the reader sees Robert O’Neill’s preparedness efforts. You will also read in this issue about our of its type in the world.” The most common word I hear from interview with the Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, professor at alumni who were chosen to participate in the highly selective alumni as I travel the world is “transformative.” It should be Harvard Kennedy School, secretary for health care Welfare I felt compelled to write Consider if thousands of people 2009–2010 White House Fellows Program. easy to see why I love being dean. and social services in the Archdiocese of Boston, and to your publication after reading got up each day and worked to create a As dean, I am committed to providing our students with These are perilous times. We are proud of all that our former president of Catholic Charities usa. The the article on Lalita Booth. As a more beautiful, healthy, and cleaner society the leadership and technical skills to take on the daunting alumni, faculty, and staff are doing. We will continue to strive author poses several broad questions to Fr. Hehir as current welfare recipient, job for everyone. challenges they will encounter. Our curriculum continues to to make the school even better. The problems that demand “someone concerned with ethics.” Yet nowhere is Fr. seeker, and college grad, I can This is an idea I’d like to take to expand and evolve as we offer greater experienced-based our attention and the extraordinary people we train deserve Hehir asked about a central act of his tenure as head relate somewhat to her situation. Congress and propose to each state, along learning and off-site training. Our Acting in Time initiative is no less. of Catholic Charities in Boston, which was his direc- I feel welfare reform could be most with a proposal for a smoking ban in public focused on finding solutions to those predictable crises from Dean David T. Ellwood tive in March 2006 to shut down that organization’s aptly carried out by creating land- places in all 50 states, from California to climate change to pandemics to massive budget deficits that July 2010 century-old adoption services rather than place any scaping jobs that cover three or Washington. I think this would be a great one can easily see coming, yet people and nations are unwilling n children with qualified parents who were gay or four days a week, and the rest of endeavor to pursue for the health of our or unable to act. We continue to encourage students to look for di new and innovative solutions, including those which cross the hi ra lesbian, as would be required by Commonwealth law. the time could be spent in an citizens and the country at large. boundaries of government, civil society, and business. We are ht: Jos How did Fr. Hehir come to that decision, and how office setting, planning and Kenneth Law reaching out across the University and across the world to ow; rig doro, efso hr eth raetc omnactitleer i, tc whaitrhit yis?s uNeosw o ft hjuerset iicse a, iqnucleusstiioonn , dine saingdn ianrgo. uTnhde ruer baraen s/emveetrraol aarreeaass akent dyton toP: mark ost wRoitshe metahriyca Bl odoimthe mnsciornps 1.982 tthhaeyt ncereeadt eto a bhei gchleearn cerdim uep zboencea.u se rfor a lol snto rtiehse g ow toe bhttp://bit.ly/hks-winter-2010 2 harvard kennedy school 3 PuBLIC interest Housing Examined Why Public service 45% research center hks Dean David T. Ellwood moderated a alumni Ed Norwood mc/mpa 2010 were part of a series of activities that Kennedy Anniversary conference titled “Understanding the Housing Crisis” at the Federal (seated below) talks about his chosen included forum events, career workshops, career path during hks public service and presentations. “Public service is not Reserve Bank of Boston in May. Edward Glaeser, director of the Taubman week in april. members of the kennedy only our mission, but the driver behind all Center and the Rappaport Institute, two primary sponsors of the event, school community had the chance to that we do,” wrote dean david t. ellwood presented new research countering the conventional wisdom about what share on video their stories about why in his message to the community at the caused the housing bubble. The conference culminated with a discussion they chose to serve the public. the videos start of the weeklong series of events. among academics and practitioners about how to reform housing policy and how to improve housing development in the Boston area. “ Public under Pressure service research centers america’s 18-to-29- is not year-olds are concerned about meeting their Left to right: Boston only our financial obligations, and almost half report that Mayor Thomas Menino, their personal situation is bad, according to a Dean David T. Ellwood, mission, Jerome Rappaport recent national poll by harvard’s Institute of Politics (iop). among the u.s. undergraduate but the population, 45 percent are concerned about their ability to stay in college given the state of the r on the web economy. the poll also finds that young repub- driver http://bit.ly/hks-housing-panel licans are showing more enthusiasm than young behind democrats for participating in the upcoming events the John f. kennedy President Kennedy The Real World mpliadnt eornm v eolteincgti,o cnosm: wpiatrhe 4d1 w piethrc 3e5n tp oefr creenptu obf licans all that r on the web Presidential library foundation, at the 1960 Democratic democrats and 13 percent of independents. we do.” http://bit.ly/hks-public-service along with the kennedy center for Convention students Each spring, first-year mpp students the Performing arts, harvard stop what they are doing and immerse themselves r on the web kennedy school, and the institute of Politics, is celebrating the 50th anniversary of jfk’s presidency with a series of in a two-week Spring Exercise, which focuses on http://bit.ly/iop-poll r Alumni :: www.hks.harvard.edunews-events/publications/hks-magazine events and digital tributes beginning this fall. hks and the a critical issue of the times. They attend lectures, iop will mark the anniversary with numerous events and write memos, and make team presentations. This activities, including multimedia projects, an hks day of year’s topic: “The Evolving u.s.-China Relation- Time’s Top 100 Executive Director service, and panel discussions on the Peace corps, presi- ship.” Experts from China were among the lectur- dential debates, and the importance of public service. ers during the two-week exercise. students with alumni five degree program and executive education alumni were r on the web research center Charles the best memos and team presentation will travel recognized by Time magazine as among the world’s 100 most influential http://bit.ly/hks-time-100 Clements was recently appointed people for 2010. the honorees were: to Washington in the fall to brief senior officials. executive director of the Carr r Alumni :: www.hks.harvard.edu/about/alumni Center for Human Rights Policy. l Deborah Gist mc/mpa 2000, commissioner of rhode island schools A human rights activist and public l Lisa Jackson hksee 2003, administrator of the environmental Protection agency health physician, Clements served Washington Appointees Commencement l Stanley McChrystal hksee 1997, commander of u.s. military operations in afghanistan as president of the unitarian alumni In March Florida native Orator l Annise Parker hksee 2005, mayor of houston, texas universalist service Committee FfBdoreearnr nItwn coiticfes krctnh omae St pIiápno nns1tc9aiht7l u2Tet,rz eaa m fdpoecer. d /HIminsaPO2caUoaeep apd0ftrJnabna rmeuvp0Clidasi til8oco1iphsmoyei9d ior,praacmn 9e a DrniaprSt3ng emre todoe,nateos dcnu alin e,B i dr cra rwd eaeicylt nrnaed paags tr r c i yetaksh l i e- “ you acmth2shperhn0ieactsetgo1r / uvr0l2pu meiaos)0ldc,eprh 1odnaw a 0lelo.a la 2etrnuutlsai0cgn nhlttct1higiiyho0ovse loinee nn b s,r.ws crsgehw ooionetauhfyme rbtgo gvoceh raob todtgrm ewdi icavgo tmisenanmh q negtJheun ihumdeacapie irsgcme m ar ct ra(layeeos drln enjeiTuetegoe aif wsnrw tt ieimodgkti hn ela te ek e irn .g” oP left: martha stewart; associated Press; martha stewart; istock oP left: istock; Jennifer alden; martha stewart; martha stewart lCaiaovMbfnonefelrg tio n Mceh u NcohrenPolmiauiolacgdnbansvhgan a suecoiinemgsmleirns’ a sdraV, e bnBuA’ w3oshe.nrous lrriedTcnsbgi c s2kt huico cinO.eoneansig rtnnogvo3 mm3 egd1fpo-,rnrip iyaedacrbaep snaare tas1ehcdeie9rroylec -5kst o n o,1hfR Cvom,laae deeflrn oc rpa gdyfdCr/ueo mi amnnsotbrdteamneplrrvkdirai gcifcieasr anetrl2ioen. d g 0drestTey esl1ne er h0abaaxioccn eolatwm h rta imphoeaereidrirnssnssi. e m aaswihrtntsviioha eldosrlme c nbyanwh oet wieath andedrrie n dliu ls d ltc er -hdi ac itr and current chair of President barack AsBhaioah2ndn0elait ltllsv 0lrsphalvitl9 sho iaPasfs.oanr dufdfrnp p tocvr t eiwa oirnrcodswmim geoeohi rerlnr ptreaeoklhr u crx ltwetuve tseoeo aA,i..dcl sarrltjPue d hmo.osudt v esoifiure v n oceotfnlevheoonnin inevlrpv a liamb egimtihscloenrle eassetrcsro sihton tPJtom oiymctertn rh’euoaos esnCt-sy feca i iotatdchn hlhorler.ac seef orneci t Prfsou tCue d opnnknldeelve aaii inectvtcnstihereiitchie aemterhsvi ls alra i(bil.attisleoiyep v’r ppes w) . i ll IMmepdriocavreem aenndt ,M weads iacpapido.inted to run Hoanso Jriamrym dye Tginregele r edceilpivieenrst Mtheer Eyln sgtlirsehe po rlaotoikosn .on hhttttpp::////bbiitt..llyy//hhkkss--gtinragdleu-astpioene-c2h010 wise from t wise from t r on the web http://bit.ly/hks-bob-overbeek bseerevne nuanmtile ad pinetremriamn ednirte dcitroerc otof rt hise n ioamp. ehde. will ock ock cl cl 4 harvard kennedy school 5 from the CHARLEs Washington Close-up served since the program’s founding in “Energy is a very timely and important that looks like when you meet people Above, left to right: Laura Bacon, Kendric Robbins, 1964. “The idea of involving potential field to understand,” she says. “There’s no behind the front lines,” says Campbell, who Adam Taylor, and Nicole Campbell leaders in learning about governance at question that this fellowship has opened is working at nasa on the agency’s Summer alumni With 15 years in the U.S. Army, our government operates in a very up-close the highest levels came out of the 1960s, up possibilities that I never would have of Innovation education initiative. justice and international human rights Kendric Robbins mpa 2004 has served in and personal way has given me a valuable when there was increasing distrust of the dreamed of.” For Adam Taylor mpp 2001, a fellowship and development.” hot spots such as Bosnia and Iraq. Now, perspective that I’ll eventually bring to the government,” LeCuyer says. “We’re facing The fellowship also includes a number in the Executive Office of the President has Despite their diversity, the fellows are as one of four Kennedy School alumni table in helping the Army and Department some of the same issues today, which makes of speakers and several group trips. For brought a 180-degree shift in perspective. linked by a common experience best selected in 2009 as White House Fellows, of Defense achieve their organizational the purpose of the program more relevant Nicole Campbell mpp 2005, traveling to “Through the course of the year I’ve gained described as life-changing. “Being a White Robbins is based closer to home, helping to and operational missions.” than ever.” New Orleans provided an opportunity to an appreciation for the constraints around House Fellow is like being a Marine,” says launch a federal hiring initiative targeting According to Army Colonel Jack Although she’s uncertain of her imme- observe the intersecting roles played by governing and how decisions get made,” LeCuyer. “You’re never a ‘former’ Marine, veterans. “I expect to serve in Washington LeCuyer mc/mpa 1973, executive director diate career path, Laura Bacon mpp 2009 private actors and the government — an says Taylor, a social justice advocate and and you’re never a ‘former’ fellow. It pro- later in my military career,” says Robbins, of the White House Fellows Foundation expects her posting at the Department experience that fits well with her focus on Baptist minister. “That understanding will vides an understanding of how the govern- who is working out of the Office of and Association, some 43 hks alumni have of Energy to dovetail with her long-term education philanthropy. “It’s interesting to be extremely valuable as I find a way to ment works that doesn’t go away, regardless w Person nel Management. “Seeing how been among the 642 fellows who have interests in diplomacy and development. osto see exactly how change happens, and what address issues of racial and economic of where your career takes you.” s Jh mark 6 harvard kennedy school 7 Watching the Fresh start I remember how beautiful it was. Watchers They reject us from every side. And villages . . . have been destroyed, We had everything . why? Because we are sex workers. forcibly relocated, or abandoned. alumni Hanzo Van Beusekom hksee 2005 flips through a series wanted. He describes one early success: the agency’s effort to reduce of projected slides detailing the process that helped transform the the sale of teakwood, a $700 million industry in the Netherlands alumni It began, in a sense, with the nine Authority for the Financial Markets (afm) into a more effective that, while legal, was unscrupulously marketing a very high-risk minutes and 22 seconds of grainy amateur video organization. Van Beusekom is telling his story to students in investment. Using the problem-solving approach Van Beusekom George Holliday shot while standing on the Harvard Kennedy School Professor Malcolm Sparrow’s course had learned in class, the agency succeeded, through a creative mix balcony of his Los Angeles apartment. The infa- “Strategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies,” of methods, in dramatically decreasing the exposure of Dutch mous images of Rodney King being beaten by Los four years after he attended the course himself. investors to risk. Angeles police officers and the riots that followed Van Beusekom explains how he applied the course’s principles. Today, with the restructuring almost complete, Van Beusekom It’s been terrible since we moved the officers’ acquittal in 1992 showed the impact of This is how we have decided to Part of a brutal campaign of “It was a difficult organization to manage,” he says of the Dutch believes the afm is headed in the right direction. Almost 70 percent here, so hot and dry. live our lives. repression and counter-insurgency. citizens who turn the spotlight on those in power. financial regulatory agency when he arrived there, almost seven of the financial supervision division’s time is spent on problem- Nearly two decades later, billions around the years ago. He describes its structure as broken into silos, with afm solving work. If the change is to succeed, Van Beusekom emphasizes, world can shoot video (whether through mobile regulators monitoring financial activity by institution. recruiting creative, ambitious individuals who work well within a phones or cameras) and share those images with a But the system wasn’t working, he says. “There were one or two less conventional management structure is critical. global audience in real time with nothing more urgent issues that had already surfaced, and we knew they couldn’t afm’s success, says Sparrow, was the result of Van Beusekom’s than a home computer and Internet access. As be dealt with within the existing structure.” Familiar with Sparrow’s solid grasp of the course’s core concepts and his ability to convey Sam Gregory mpp 2000 says, “Video has become work in the strategic management of agencies similar to afm, he those concepts to his superiors. The agency also showed courage, the vernacular of communications.” decided to attend the Executive Education class. he says, in experimenting with fundamental methodology. And There are practices that are part of When we are on the streets nobody When we are hiding in the jungle the upbringing of every Endorois. Gregory is program director for Witness, a gives a damn about us. we are in deep trouble. Created by Sparrow in 1997, Brooklyn, New York-based nonprofit that uses the course helps senior-level video to expose human rights abuses. It was regulators, managers, and founded in 1992 by British musician Peter Gabriel, enforcement officials better a longtime activist who saw in the Rodney King match their methods to episode a model for using video in human rights different parts of their regula- campaigns. tory mission. It also emphasizes The group began with the simple strategy of a new management approach The most painful problem is that sending out hand-held cameras to activists, but All these girls have painful stories. Politicians and civil society groups of water. soon realized that most people weren’t able to The state should listen. . . . are beginning to call for action. TRAnsFORMER translate what they shot into compelling narra- Hanzo van Beusekom tives. So over the years Witness has focused on sometimes conducts business by bike. helping human rights groups learn how to tell a story and think strategically about who their audi- ence is most likely to be, a single legislator or that shifts an organization’s members of an international organization, and focus from process-based to how they want that audience to react. Aside from problem-based or risk-based. We can no longer conduct ceremo- working directly with a few human rights groups I expect support from the police. Many villagers set off for the relative nies for our people. safety of the border. Regulators organize their work on specific campaigns, they offer training to around problems that may hundreds of activists a year (that number is involve multiple institutions expected to reach the thousands as Witness’s they oversee, instead of dealing training goes online). They will narrow their focus with institutions one by one. to two main issues: gender-based violence in the Offered in the fall and spring, context of armed conflict and political repression the popular course has trained and displacement caused by development. more than 900 individuals. Gregory also hopes to bring training to policy We are not fighting with anybody. We should have rights like every- The country we live in is full of For Van Beusekom, the schools, where he sees a gap in the way students We are fighting with injustices. body else. suffering. course’s emphasis, finding are taught to use new media. Last January he led a specific problems and fixing them, appeared simple enough in finally, he says, the agency placed a strong emphasis on recruiting workshop at Harvard Kennedy School. “It’s not Rightful Place You Must Know About Me shoot on sight theory yet was extremely difficult to execute. As a middle manager analytical and creative staffers with the personal and social skills about becoming a documentary maker,” Gregory The video, produced by Witness Witness partnered with Healthy Calling attention to the violence at afm, he found that convincing his superiors upon returning to to work effectively in a fluid environment consisting of multiple together with the Centre for says. “It’s about how all forms of advocacy are Options Project Skopje to in eastern Burma, where there the Netherlands was his first challenge. “You’re back in the old project teams. Minority Rights Development, influenced by media.” s rdo promote the rights of sex workers are more than 500,000 displaced helped build a case for the in Macedonia. The video was people, the video aims to mobi- system and you’re the one with the new ideas and the one who Looking back, Van Beusekom is candid about missteps along Endorois people of Kenya, who shown to the country’s top law lize support for the rights of needs to convince the others. It’s difficult.” the way: too many problems identified, not enough staff training, wmearkee e wvaicyt efodr f aro nma ttuhreei rr elasnedrv teo econnfovricnecme ethnet mof fiofc itahles naenedd h feolrp ed tohf othsee scuofufnetrriny’gs abtr tuhtael h mainlidtsa ry miller He outlines his process: First he brought his bosses on board; inadequate attention to metrics. If you think about your own and tourist facilities. greater trust between the police dictatorship and spur interna- ury then he identified the groups to be reorganized; next they identified organization, he warns, the changes should be “big enough not and sex workers. tional organizations into action. ma problems; and finally they defined and measured the impact they to be too trivial,” but “don’t do it all at once.” s sa a 8 harvard kennedy school 9 :: from the CHARLEs | summer 2010 | www.hks.harvard.edu All Politics Is Local, Everywhere Crossing The street Q a research Assistant Professor students For Tom Korona mc/mpa 2010, the financial crisis While their stories differ — some are intent on changing + arrived early. After starting out in investment banking and private professions completely; others want to return to the field but of Public Policy Tarek Masoud’s tarek masoud equity management, he was working for a real estate finance with new sensibilities and priorities — many came to the Kennedy teaching and research focuses company when the real estate market began to unravel in early School with a belief that finance should be a means more than 2007. It was the beginning of approximately two years of working an end, and with the realization that the public sector will come on issues surrounding to play a more important role in the world of finance. contemporary governments, with a particular emphasis on the Bill Werkmeister mc/mpa 2010 says that for him, a sense of unease with Wall Street had begun long before the 2008 crisis. major political, economic, social, and security challenges facing Tom Korona mc/mpa 2010 Werkmeister worked in a division of Solomon Smith Barney that the Middle East. He was named a Carnegie Scholar in 2009. worked in l investment banking, structured mortgage-backed securities. In 2005 he left to start his private equity management, real own development and venture funds, eventually joining Calton estate finance Q How is democracy faring in the Middle East? while volunteering l youth work, school board Most people would say that the Middle East is doing fairly well on holding regular elections for presidents and legislatures, but not necessarily on democracy. Some next move l charitable foundation argue that elections actually help dictators manipulate their potential opponents, and investment management distracting them from street protests or other activities that have more potential to bring real change. I’m a little more optimistic. Elections always contain within them Bill Werkmeister mc/mpa 2010 the promise of uncertainty. Regimes try to engineer the results they want, but they worked in l mortgage-backed can fail. Election rigging itself can sometimes serve as a focal point around which the “ it was a reaction to securities, investment banking in opposition can unite, as it did in the Philippines in 1986. The Middle East’s imperfect socially responsible ventures wall street and the elections may be a back door through which democracy might yet sneak through. next move l business school, Q ethics of wall street.” consulting on socially responsible After 9/11, the Middle East became a source of great interest to people in ventures the united states. Yet for many in the West, this part of the world remains a mystery. What are some of the greatest misconceptions about the region? The misperception I find I have to deal with most is that democracy in the Middle East would bring to power Islamic political parties with illiberal and anti-Western naushard Cader mc/mpa 2010 views. It’s not an unfounded fear, but it neglects the fact that people in the Middle worked in l financial sector East tend to vote for those who can provide real material improvements in their daily consulting lives. So far, these have not necessarily been Islamists, or even members of ruling while founding l nonprofit for parties, but rather local notables who are an important part of the social fabric, helping education in india and Hill, an investment bank and consultancy that focuses on particularly in rural areas. These voting patterns would most likely continue with ecuador raising capital for socially beneficial ventures. further democratization. next move l low-cost money- “It was a reaction to Wall Street and the ethics of Wall Q transfer service for immigrants Street,” he says about his move. At the Kennedy School he has After President Obama spoke in Cairo last spring, you wrote that his been able to immerse himself in public policy, which he says is speech succeeded beyond expectations. A year later, how do you believe increasingly important, especially in investment projects, such President Obama is doing in advancing goodwill between the Western and as clean energy, where states are important players. Muslim worlds? excessive hours each week. It was also a time of soul-searching. “I want to use the tools of finance, but I want to use them Obama’s speech was criticized as being all “atmospherics,” but atmospherics are For a few years he had volunteered for a nonprofit that helped in the social sector,” he says. important, especially in light of what came before. In terms of concrete policies: The prevent child abuse and neglect and for the finance committee Naushard Cader mc/mpa 2010 says his year at the Kennedy reality is that our options in the Middle East are fairly limited. We have long-standing of a local school. School allowed him to gain perspective on social venture ideas interests and alliances that make it difficult — and probably undesirable — to try to “It had always seemed more of a ‘when,’ not ‘if,’ question,” sparked by his career as a consultant for large financial construct an entire policy de novo. Korona says about his decision to leave his job in finance. “In a institutions. He had begun to volunteer, despite a hectic But if there is a change we should make, it is in the way we think about the Middle way the crisis helped; it made it a little bit easier to make a move.” schedule, even starting his own nonprofit. But he soon realized East. We tend to view the region primarily as a domain of security threats that need The Kennedy School has always attracted students from, and that businesses could be a powerful social change agent and he to be contained. But we also need to think about it as a source of human potential had alumni working in, the world of finance. In one sense, the wanted to use his business background for “something good that we can help nurture. Shifting our focus from security to development won’t just degree program students who came to the school from Wall and more meaningful.” be good for the people of the region; it will be good for Street (at least a dozen in the Mid-Career class of 2010) in the Together with a half-dozen colleagues from his class, Cader us. Healthy economies and societies are ones that are less summer of 2009 were no different. But they had experienced the is now working to establish a money-transfer service for immi- rhttp :/o/bnit .tlyh/hek sw-tearbek-masoud lwikoerlryi etdo apbrooduut.c se th es akinds of security threats we’re ha stewart Gworeraldt Rmeacreksseitos no nan tdh et hfreo finnt alinnceisa.l crisis that threatened to topple gra“nCtso amt ian rge ahseorne ahbellep ceods mt.e clarify my ideas and connect with mart like-minded individuals,” he says. s rdo 10 harvard kennedy school 11 TIMOTHY BuLMAn mpa/id 2007 DORA DOuGLAss mpa/id 2004 from Australia from usa employment Country Economist A Deep World Bank, Indonesia employment Deputy Director Concern for u.s. Treasury Department, why hks it’s the best program of its type in the world, united states combining the rigor of advanced economics with Others recent accomplishments a strong sense of how it is relevant to real-world i’ve worked on a broad development problems. range of issues, from MuTsA CHIROnGA mpa/id 2006 mpa/id students, says multilateral development from south Africa program director carol finney bank assistance in latin employment Engagement Manager McKinsey & Co., south Africa mpp 1984, have one desire america to the g-20’s in common. while they international financial why hks throughout the two years i learned a lot from my come from a wide variety of regulatory reform and mpa/id classmates who hailed countries and backgrounds, repair to macroeconomic from 29 different countries and they are all committed to developments in europe. whose past work experience improving the lives of people and ideas for the future were in developing countries. nothing short of inspirational. “they share a deep concern for others,” she says of the 654 graduates who have gone on to work for international organizations and nonprofits and governments. “they could have chosen any number of professions,” says finney, who has headed the program since ERIKA sTRAnD mpa/id 2006 its inception, in fall 1999, “but from Mexico these exceptionally talented employment Chief of social Policy students are committed unicef, Mexico to making a difference in career goal i hope to help countries where progress is government make sound policy desperately needed.” choices that promote the well-being of children and the fulfillment of all their rights. r on the web http://bit.ly/hks-mpa-id PREYA sHARMA mpa/id 2009 CHEsTER CHuA mpa/id 2007 from united Kingdom from singapore employment Head of Emerging Markets employment Head of International Relations Her Majesty’s Treasury, united Kingdom Ministry of Finance, singapore recent accomplishment i oversaw the successful why hks i didn’t want to just understand how we have come to live in a world where so completion of two mega-resorts, which attracted a many people live in poverty; i also wanted combined foreign investment of more than $10 billion, to learn how you can develop good policy to transformed the urban landscape of singapore, and do something about it — and that’s definitely rejuvenated the entire tourism industry in singapore. ni nit sakaki what i got. ta 12 harvard kennedy school 13 :: from the CHARLEs | summer 2010 | www.hks.harvard.edu footprint big IDEAs the mpa/id program trains individuals from around the world for careers in development. the map below shows where mpa/id students come from and where they are working in the world. Responding to Atrocities Micro social Capital “while the economic research samplings every situation of mass killing is unique and benefits of microfinance are well known. it has requires a tailored response, there are some helped connect the poorest and the most sectors they work in l 60% public service l 22% international organizations, 20% public sector, 13% nonprofits, 5% educational institutions l common themes and distinctions that have marginalized to credit and banking services 40% private sector l 12% consulting, 1% media, 27% other l gender breakdown l 41% women, 59% men important implications for operational and across the developing world. but a new study political planning for intervention. having a by the kennedy school’s rohini Pande, “ Policymakers and shared understanding of these distinctions co-authored with benjamin feigenberg of and implications, thinking systematically patient advocates mit and erica field of harvard’s faculty of arts through the risks and trade-offs, and and sciences, reveals a related benefit of dedicating resources to advance planning are reluctant to microfinance: the building of social capital, where they come from and training are all extremely important if we in the form of networks that result in trust, where they work ever hope to move mass atrocity and genocide acknowledge that cooperative behavior, and mutual aid. “by response out of the ‘too difficult’ box and broadening and deepening social networks, in a world of scarce into the realm of real possibility for our microfinance institutions may have an political leadership.” important influence on the growth potential resources it will :: of poor communities and the empowerment from the foreword to Mass Atrocity not be enough to of women beyond the role of credit provision,” Response Operations, A Military Planning the authors write. Handbook, by sarah sewall eliminate waste: we will have to Developing Leadership unmarried Fathers the phenom- make active choices “leadership contributes to change when it enon of single mothers has been studied and builds change space — where leaders foster analyzed intensively, but unwed fathers have in our public acceptance for change, grant authority to largely gone unobserved. in Why Do Poor Men change (with accountability), and introduce Have Children? Fertility Intentions Among insurance programs or free the abilities necessary to achieve Low-Income Unmarried U.S. Fathers, kennedy change. change space is especially enhanced school sociologists kathryn edin and timothy between increasing where leadership facilitates open access nelson look at why men have children, how societies and learning organizations in which they remain involved as parents, and how their the number of members are empowered — in groups — to children affect them and their behavior. in people covered pursue change through problem solving.” Journals shine interviews with 171 men from the Philadelphia :: area, the researchers found that although the harvard kennedy school’s matthew and increasing the pregnancies were often unplanned, most of andrews, with co-authors Jesse mcconnell of students Harvard Kennedy School’s six student journals Editor-in-chief of Women’s Policy the men reported being happy; many even generosity of that reform development consulting and alison said that having a child prompted them to wescott of the world bank institute, in are receiving global recognition, according to faculty advisor Journal of Harvard Azadeh Pourzand Richard Parker, who notes that the journals are currently mpp 2011 says the experience was a reassess their behavior and change their coverage.” “development as leadership-led change.” lives. fatherhood also offers many of the men, among the top policy websites in their fields on Google. great challenge, but also one that who are shut out of the labor market or doing :: Published annually, the student-run journals provide helped her to better define her amitabh chandra, Uncomfortable incisive analysis and commentary by policymakers, practi- career course. “I’ve always been low-level work, benefits they cannot gain Arithmetic — Whom to Cover Versus Work and Babies off-farm employ- by other means. “for these guys . . . children tioners, and scholars across a variety of issues. This year passionate about defending are an alternative source of connectivity, What to Cover ment for rural chinese women reduces both the number of children they have and the topics range from the effects of community violence on women’s rights,” says Pourzand, accomplishment, and identity,” says nelson. number they want to have, according to a new African American youth, to Asian American community “but this experience helped me to study by Professor richard Zeckhauser and organizing, to peacemaking in Darfur. understand how I want to get our university, studied the bri and found that it three co-authors. “employment reduces a According to Parker, the journals offer their message across.” Helping Prisoners among the many led to a reduction in recidivism of about 30 married woman’s actual number of children student editors an invaluable introduction to the The six journals are: programs being implemented across the percent. a key to the initiative, and a likely by 0.64, her preferred number by 0.48, and world of publishing. The editors l Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy country to help prisoners and newly released contributor to its success, is its development her probability of having more than one child solicit articles, edit, and follow the (www.hks.harvard.edu/hjhp) convicts integrate more effectively into society, of a customized “transition accountability by 54.8 percent,” the study found. publications through to produc- l Harvard Kennedy School Review (www.hks.harvard.edu/ksr) the boston reentry initiative stands out for plan,” which involves a range of services tion. “Many of them arrive saying l Asian American Policy Review (www.hks.harvard.edu/aapr) its focus on the most violent inmates, says tailored to individual needs. these services they’d like to see their own l Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy harvard kennedy school’s anthony braga. include education, vocational training, and work published someday; (www.hks.harvard.edu/hjaap) braga, with co-authors david hureau of the treatment for substance abuse and mental kennedy school and anne Piehl of rutgers health issues. mentors meet regularly with a year later, they leave knowing l Africa Policy Journal (www.hksafricapolicyjournal.com) inmates — starting soon after they enter jail exactly how professional journal l Women’s Policy Journal of Harvard and continuing until 12 to 18 months after their editors make hard choices among (www.hks.harvard.edu/wpjh). release — to assist them in lining up housing, competing writers and what goes A recent redesign offers the 2010 journals a fresher, more jobs, and transportation while helping them into editing excellence.” cohesive look. Supported by Harvard Kennedy School, they resist the negative aspects of street life. are available both in hard copy and online. 14 harvard kennedy school 15 The January earThquake in haiTi, one of the most devastating natural disasters of our time, resulted in more than 250,000 fatalities, 300,000 injuries, and more than 1 million people losing their homes. kennedy School students, faculty, staff, and alumni responded to the disaster. in the following pages, three alumni share their stories. Diary of a CriSiS Looking A Defining Rewriting for Home in Moment the Rules the Rubble david callaway greg gottlieb mc/mpa 2009 mc/mpa 1987 rené aubry A doctor responds A usaid assessment mc/mpa 2009 A native takes action It has been written we can It had been only a few Greg Gottlieb mc/mpa 1987, never go home again; that days since the earthquake on the phone from Port- there are no second acts in had struck Haiti. David au-Prince, describes the [one’s] life. I always inter- Callaway mc/mpa 2009, situation in Haiti: “You preted that phrase to mean an emergency medicine can’t believe it’s 90 minutes because we change and doctor and director of the from Miami. It’s as bad as grow over time, we cannot Operational Medicine any place I’ve been.” truly revisit the places from Institute (omi), was Gottlieb speaks with which we come. More often conducting a rapid needs some authority about than not, the buildings and assessment when he came natural disasters and the people are still there, much across a surgeon walking devastation they leave like when we return for a out of the operating room. behind. In the last 25 years, high school reunion; every- “I have done 20 ampu- he has traveled to more than thing seems the same, but tations in the past 24 30 countries as a sen ior we are different. However, hours,” the exhausted emergency relief official what does it mean if both surgeon told him. with the U.S. Agency for the person and the place “So how do you know International Development have changed? What does it where the patients go after (usaid). In 2005, after a mean when all that is left is you operate on them?” tsunami wreaked havoc in rubble and memories and Callaway asked. Asia, he traveled to coastal the nostalgic pain that is The surgeon looked towns throughout the associated with both? Those blankly at him, Callaway region coordinating relief are the questions I was remembers. It was in part efforts. The following year forced to answer when I profound fatigue. It was he worked in earthquake- returned to my native Haiti also a realization that the ravaged Pakistan. a few weeks after the earth- huge volume of victims and Just weeks after the quake on January 12 of this ever-growing pool of volun- January earthquake, Gott- year, after an event that teers were creating a devas- lieb arrived in Haiti from René Aubry, who worked at Citigroup in New seemed to shake loose and tating operational gap. his current post in Namibia York before attending hks, amid the ruins beR take away everything. The Surgery was merely the first as usaid’s coordinator with owwfhh teohr ewe Cehrietei bfkoaiulnlnekdd b .cuairlddisn ogf ifno rPmoertr- acoul-lPeraingcuee,s HRistiAn ko c continued on page 18 l continued on page 18 l continued on page 20 l 16