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Madurai Sail Windmill Marcus Sherman 1975 PDF

25 Pages·1975·0.19 MB·English
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Preview Madurai Sail Windmill Marcus Sherman 1975

Appropriate Technologies for Semiarid Areas: Wind and Solar Energy for Water Supply Gorman Foundation {or Internallonal Developmesat ‘Seminar Centre lor Economic and Social evelopment see fest) AN INTERIM REPORT: TRE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROPRIATE WATER PUMPING WINDMILL FOR INDIAN AGRICULTURE Marcus M. Sherman I. Introduction In many parts of India there are adequate supplies of aroundwater which are unavailable to faruers for Srrigation during the dry season because of inadequate power sources for pumping. Electricity is commonly avatlable for only four hours of pumping par day, due to heavy energy consump~ tion (n the cities and overespansion of the rural power grid without @ corresponding increase in generating capa- bility. Many farmers can never use electric pumps because Governnent regulations prohibit installation af electric Pumps within 128 metres of each other, Three to eight horsepower diasal off pumps ure frequently used for irrigation but are very expensive to operate be- cause of the nigh cost of Imported ofl and high maintenance costs, The traditianal bullack-cperated pumps remain the most common and reliable source of (reigation water for Subsistence farning. Water far domestic use is usually Vifted by hand with rope and bucket from open walls. During the early 19602 the Wind Power Division of the Ma- tional Aaronautical Laboratory2/ developed, tested, and produced 200 12-bladed- fon-type windmills which demonstret— ed the feasibility of using wind power to pump vater fn In- dia. Several tyoes of imported European and American multi- bladed windmf11s have also been used to harness India's abundant Wind enersy resources. However, dua to high capt- ta) cost of the windnills and bigh level of technical skills required for maintenance of industrially produced aNl-metal windmi 11s, windpower 1s not commonly exploited tn India.2f In 1973 the Indian Nationa Council of Sefance and Tech- nology Expert Committee on Hind Power?/ in their project on water punping windnills stated that great posstbitities exist in further development of windatlls for irrigation as well a5 water supply, even In areas haying low wind veloct- tar of 8-10 k.p.h. They concluded that fabrication of wa ter pumping windmills by indigenous manufacturers is possi- ble and should be encouraged and popularized. Having observed what appeared to be a classical “take off” OF wind pump technology tn Crete and Cyprus, Duncan Allse- brook.t/ OXFAW water technology advisor, noted that the elements Involved seen to be: 8) the private import of a fen sophisticated, effictent windnt11s2 b) an agricultural economy without the benefit of nechans- cal implements; c) rainfall totalling less than 30 Inches per annum, with a pronounced dry season; a) large, flattish basins or plateaus with fertile soils and shallow water tablas (15-60 feet below surface): e) Farmers willing to experiment with more intensive egri> culture, particularly vegetable gardening and orchards, than has bean possible under conditions of limited fr- rigations f) tha existance of a large corps of Jocal craftsmen, par- ticularly carpenters, masons and blacksmiths. II. Design céiteria In order to surmount many of the difficulties encountered by pravious wind power development efforts in India, the following design criteria were chosen for an appropriate windmit) prototyp: 2) Low wind The windwii1 must operate {n low wind speeds of 6-8 k. characteristic of many areas of India during the dry winter and must ba adjustable te operate in higher wind velocities up to 40 k.p.h. b) Paap The windn(11 must have high starting torque and low r.p-m, to operate a large bore piston pump or 2 large diameter dtaphraga pump. €) Iprtgatton The windwill must lift 28,570 litres per day frome ten- netre-deep well at an average daily wind velocity of 4~ k.p.h. in order to irrigate one hectare of field with 2 cn water per week. 4) Low cost The capital cost must be below Rs 3,000 to be competitive with the capital cost of a diesel or electric pump set. e) Local materials ADL windmil construction should be of common sizes of locally available materials to minimize cost and simplify repairs. f) Local skits AIL construction ski11s should be those of local crafts- men in order to stimulate tne rural economy and increase the degree of tnvolvement of the village people: 9) Operator Tt was assumed that the operator would be at the site each day, therefore automatic blade adfustment would not be required. fh) Low natatenance Maintenance costs and skills should be low. 4} Traditional pump The windmill should not interfere with the continued op- eration of the traditional pumping device on the same well. 3) Labour-intensive Basically, 2 labour-intensive, capital-conservattve de sign was required. UIT, Description of the Windai1! This windmit1 1s the fourth in a sertes of prototypes that have been built near Madurat, South India, by members of the Madurat Windmill Committee, Rev. C, P. Hefneman, T, 0, Heineman, Nanoharan Selvaraj, 4. 5. Piltaf, 5. T. Arasu, M. HM. Sherman! 8/ Ff re 4g an adaptation of the traditional Greek satl-wing windmill design which is widely used on Crete.2/ 2/ 4 25-foot sail-wing windn{}1 with six sails in the classical Greek configuration has been de- signed by Hans Keyer”/ and tested by Brace Research Insti- tute. Loca? purchase of materials commenced on 2 February 1975, and construction of the windm{11 by the author, &, Nanoharan Selvaraj, $. N. Thirunavakarasu, and various local craftsmen continued at a regular daily pace until completion on 25 March when the firet pumping trial wat made. A public demonstration was given on 29 March: When the author eft Madurai on 19 Apri? 1975, the wind- wS11 was operating well, pumping 1,635 litres per hour from a depth of 9.2 netres at an average operating speed of 12 rop.m. in low winds, estimated ta be 6-8 k.p.h. Maxinun spuad observed was 25 r.p.m.; minimum speed before stopping was 8 r.p.m.; starting speed was 12 r.p.m. The conponents of this Indo-Greek windmi!1 pumping system are: well, storage tank, foundation, puep, variable stroke pump lever, tower, turntable base, turntable carriage, tail Wane, crankshaft connecting rod, crankshaft, shaft bearings, hub, arms, safts, and operator, ay Mall The prototype was erected over the corner of 25 mx 50 % 8m deep well dug into 4 fractured rock aquifer. The well was also Fitted with a traditional kunalee bullock pump and a5 hip. electric pump. The windni}? 1s located over one corner of the wel? so it does not interfere with tha opera~ tion of Gither of these pumps. 6) Storage tank A conarete or stone storage tank with at Teast 30,000- Mitre capacity 18 necessary to provide » large quantity of water 1n a short period of time once daily for flooding tha felds, A storage tank may serve as 2 multipurpose struce ture by being used for aquaculture and partially as found than for shelter. 6) Foundation The foundation of the windmill consists of six heavy steel anchors, four of which ara imbedded in concrete in lenetre-deep, -5 m-dianeter holes outside the corner of the well and two of which are fastened to a larga stone pitlar Taid across the corner of the wel). 4) Pump The puap used in the first testing of this windmill fs a piston pump with a 10 em bore an 4 61 cn waxtaum stroke. The punp 45 attached in the botten of the well at the end of 9.1m of 5 cm steel pipe suspended from the stone pillar. The top of the pump piston connecting rod passes up through and out of the top end of the pipe and ts secured to the tnd of the variable stroke puxp lever. e) Yariable stroke pump layer Because the seasonal intensity of the wind vartes, {t ts desirable to vary the tend on a windmtI1 for optimum use of the availabte wind. This ts accomplished with a 7.5 m long 5 cm x 20 em teak beam mounted at the base of the windnill by a fixed axis point at one end and attached to tha punp piston rod at the other end, The battom end of the wooden crankshaft connecting rod 1s fixed to this Tever by a steal bracket at a point between the ends of the lever. This point can be varied to change tha length af stroke deliv- arad to the pump connacting rod. The pump lever is also t portant because {t fncreasas the stroke of tha crankshaft from 13 en at the crankshaft to a minimum of 18 cm and a Baxinum of 36 cm at the pump connecting rod. Increasing the stroke is useful because it permits the use of a snaller bore piston pump which is available im the local market. *) Tower The tover {s made of s4x S-m-long teak poles balted at the bottom to the steel anchors in the foundation ind bolt- ed at the top to the base of the turntable. The base of the tower 1 1.8 min diameter. There are twa sets of crass braces matted to che inside of the tover and a set of ine ternal guy wires. Ladder steps are nailed to the inside. Five additional steps nailed around the toner one etre above ground provide a standing platform for the operstor while he is adjusting the sails. 9) Turoteble base The base of the turntable consists of a steel truck tire rim with an inside diameter of 23 cm, The truck rim $5 drilled and bolted to the tops af the teak poles. The snooth circular platforn formed by the inside of the rin fs the bearing surface upon which the turntable carriage sits and rotates hy Turatabt ¢ carriage The turntable carriage 1s a 1.5 m x 36 cm rectangular jron angle frame which Is secured to the turntable base by four bolts which are fixed to two 26 cm pteces of angle iron which rotate on tha bottom inside surface of the turn- table base. This arrangement keaps the carriage firmly at- tached to the top of the tower white at the same time al- lowing {t and the attached tail, crankshaft, sails, atc.s to turn when the wind direction changes. 1) Tait vane A 1.30 x 2.5 m rectangular tail made of bamboo matting fn a light teakwood frame is supported by a 3.7 » long piece of heavy duty bamboo pole from the rear of the turn~ table carriage with two "U" bolts and is braced with guy wires. The tail keeps tne satls always facing the wind. 4) Crankshaft connecting rod This connecting red was made of two Scmx Somx le teak poles bolted together end to end. The bottom of the red is bolted to a hinged steel bracket which can be moved te different positions along the puap lever. The top of the red $s bolted to a steel swivel which in turn $s belted to a wooden bearing attached to the crank. Since the connact- ing rod $3 always in tension and never in compression there are no braces or guides necessary. The swivel allows the crankshaft, ete., to turn in response te changing wind di- rection without twisting the connecting rod or pump lever. k) Crankshaft The crankshaft fs the main shaft hich directly transfers the horfzantal rotary motion from the windnill satis foto the vertically reciprocating motion necessary to operate the piston pump. There are no gears or pulleys in the driv- ing mechanism. The crankshaft is nade of 3.2 cm m{1d steel rod which has a crank of 3.2 cm mild steel rod welded at the centre to give a total stroke of 13 cm. A cotter pin at the tall end of the shaft keeps the shaft from sIiding for- ward out of the bearings. 1) hate, bearings The crankshaft {5 cupported directly behind the hub and directly behind the crank with two § om thick Blocks of hardwood, each with a steel ball bearing tn the centre to hold the crank, Thess Wooden bearing Blocks are both bolted to the turntable carriage. The front bearing 4s slightly elevated so that the front of the crankshatt 1s raised 6° up from the hartzontal, thus preventing the tips of the bamboo ars from hitting the legs of the toxer. a} Mob The hub functions as 4 connector between the arms of the windaitY’ and the crankshaft. It consists of an ardinary ox cert wheel hud with eight wooden spokes, The spokes are braced to each other with wood, A bamboo arn 1s attached to each spoke with two “UT bolts, A hole in the centre of the hub fits onte the front end of the crankshaft and {s secured by a 1.6 cm bolt “cotter pin. ny Arms Eight 4.5-n-long bamboo poles radiate cut from the hub to form a total windnill diameter of ten metres. & centrat sup~ porting spar of bamboo extends out two metres in front of the hub along the main axis of the crankshaft. Humber etght gauge single-strand ste] wires radiating out and back fron the tip ef this central spar to the tip of each banboo aro provides bracing against strong winds. Wires between the tips of all the radial arms provide additional bracing. Banboo arms have the advantage of High flexibitity and ten stle strength as well as widespread availability and low cost. Village craftsmen are familiar with bamboo as a buitd~ ing material. Oisadvantage of bamboo is that it W511 split over a long period of tine or iF mishandled. ©) Satis Cloth was chosen for the wind-catching surface of the windm{1] because {t 1s Ifghtweight, essy to hande, readily and cheaply available and it forms a strong uniform surface for catching the wind when supported at three or more points, The efant right-triangular sails were stitched by a local tailor from khaki cloth normatly used for bus conduc- tor uniforms. & 10-cm-wide sleeve on the hypotenuse side of each sa4] allows ft to stip on and off the bamboo arms. The tip and hub ends of the sleeve are tied securely to thefr respective ends of the bamboo arms. The 90° corner of each #417 15 secured by « rope of coconut husk fibre to the tip of the adjacent arm. p) Dperator It 45 taportant to have a tra(ned person daily at the site to control the windwill, divect water flow, and make ninor repairs.

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