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Preview Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2020-01-28, Extraordinary, Number 33

a aieadz wen gurpresempaicin ak st ara aie ree st au & oa 39) aa, ee, Fes 28 seat 2000, TH 261 a, O-B-1-7e- 018 org-3 me ewe fa, 1961 (aia 4861) we As aw sre se cr ofen rr 356 aes ven FERRY aD eI A SE FER BEST, TE, aT PAT mT eed 8 Fata Fran ar, aia — Fr eigen a at abe) Fee ar i re nent eee ae er TER aT FT fem, 29 & fy 7 Gem nous aa TL gee <1 ma a EL a TE, 2 wf) ea Fase se ae ded & sree ste 9 a fm) “afer” 9 ala &, Roa TR a, 1961 CE 37 HL Aa8TDs (a) “Cig a ada 2, athe oe Gp wer Bala &, oa fom A Ae Fe, ay eters Re ae aA 4g Be ar eT 96 MT eT Be ET, « “merase, Pete 26 TARA 2000 Ce) “untigr ateert' @ atta &, ar oles) fast a Prefer a wed 2 FR Pere heehee eh Ge tip aM ew HP ee gs) gr erent remit oles wd ae ee om wer ame mE I Pl Aqsa 2) Fr gers @ Pe TITRE ae fing He anag oe oa Fler 2g Trieeied secenfeomin alusit-arehaeme mesteeT: Cay tari hee” Banke #, eu ss ok oxtua (2) oh wee To ge aio C2) et ba Dye Fg aetna wu eager HA id i Dare ek ti fest m4, 2. Praha at Ren aT TaN (0) ore eT MEN aA Face OA ata mM ee oT a wage ice) amr Fa tee Harry Frm a city Pras a ie stir abides 9 WA we A ee ae ae Fafa ah en a ae a mA se gh a te (2) dae often atime ah ge Hoof GS oN aU aD ata, gen ate er atts sen abr yt ger er DA Grabedl fey sre rade we ai wher get oe ae eT “ear fees Rey, el THE Te ek aT a, G3) aftier ot RT Wee A ome ae ge ER eT fe te arate Sete at are (4) aia SH some dad alee art a ar seg fate & ay ths ahve fice eho ot awe, eee ate wee 1 ARR RE eres fire? a ot Rrqneve aw apehorre ot aes cesar Het afore atv nt free anh a stare 6) fea afend ana ae oe 3 Arter ahs fare ste he altace eet ste wags pe ETRE Tee a a HTT SF, 44 eke wt or eg Far (1) som mgr mer ee Prt & ng tema) “ae! 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Prater antes at Pref, ang irda Fe hs Fre Be ery fr, weber ie stay often Peper Se, a Praha ard Aware A aT a Oates ees hae aed age oe WR, 8 aE eae Ba Coy id ea, eg a Pa a RA wearer real a8 fryer a wee 21, Prbre, strat are, Pre eee iP at ora mer aero Fw a shige TA “efit Fg a, erga head acd, avin afc Fda ond ard 2a Peder sat ech at tae. er fr dare fn ano ga TR Fe oT Rr ier RC ot ee wr oh oes oh SA A SHA ee se A owe A ima 4 23, ere set rr eee een etre sr een whi ag For foe afin area set Ha if afua a @ wD TT. 24, are fata Prafaer a wer — (0) ae Peon a i or at fem cha ep re a 8a) ig sin Fran oe A a eh a Eee ae tm, Fe Segre Pra eos oe Bel ae RT FET EF TT ee ip afemt ot , (2) 5h Arsen 1 ss Pee saa fey en & fen se Re fe tp aster ERT sea Basa a 2 25, Pree —e Cail ee BA ae Epa St we on met Pa, Taft ome, aE, “ee Fre fox a FEIT Ler 4m aafian (9) afer) baiicamed rea ar senate fe, ata (se 377 72 5TR) sa TE, enon at ge ler ae sagen TG & fraker & frg orn a ra see | 1 2 RRR & yew ats elie rads ag a 4 cenle ae Fe at te ge astiden faw net eah or oar oni 8 gem eicay sera, esis 25 aa] 2000 ween ere = wares (2) Sy a0 pref MOET RES, seg oon HON FF “server ar Fi re 3 o @ o « stent afer youR Ufo 11 oo (1) 3) (fewre, Seg ar Ferfererts arte ae auelt gre ret Ure eg a we Se 4 Fa a vw a frat a rR, oF er weed A (=) Ranta eT Pach a ae a OT A AT farm 3; Som) ages — we ate A me oF Bae og aH BY A TH TENT. ie cat ean sft eames on art ert [a Famer Ta a a ad we Ta, rayne ne, al 20 ara 2020 «i Profs a waa er Sp en rt ee fs fe fe Senda ated eps var wr & Fe iy seat ats ree Pe 9 fe gay a Reus eH fae EAE E, rrr orev lee em eH TR a fr Meet he mee me re ATE we Pret a ve Te re 2 wat =m Fores a i wh Panes a6 4, Ree a ay (Gm Si ara we 4 renee om oR, 3 feu Tere uel apr nh aT Fe A e ae aera Seti her fr pa wt A rane Te fA BF EE 8, Tea eee ai see a we eH a Pee BT ye Ee rae amet em Fh aed tg eda on wn vet Fo mR =n tenth tert 44 “sat fren oiea a Ba we dle, cote syornin 70, ise 25 rat 2020 Not. No, 02-5 1-76-2019-KVITE3 In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 43 and 55 read with scction 986 of Madhye Pradesh Municipality Act, 1961(No, 87of 1961), the State Government, in consultation with the State Election Commission, hereby makes the following rules, namely:= RULES 1. Short title and Commencement...“ (Q} These rules shall be. called the Madhya Pradesh Nagarpaliia Adhyaksh Tatha Upadhyaksh ka Nirvachan Niyara, 2019. (2) “These rules shall be deemed to come into force from the date of their publication in the Madhya Pradesh Gazette. 2, Definitions.- . Ices the context otherwise requires, (1) In these rules ux (@) |. “Act” means Madhya Pradesh Municipality Act, 1961(No, 37 of 4961); (®) “Councillor” means the elected eouncillar; (¢] “Form” means form apponded to these rules; {@] ‘Meeting’ means the first meeting of the Council under section 43 read with section 58 of the Act; (ial “Authorised Officer” means such officer who have been appointed a6 authorised officer by designating the powers of elettion for the purpose of conducting the election by the State Election Commission, maanely:= For the lection of Prosidont and. Vice-President of Municipality and. Mamigipal Council of district headquarter. Collector ti) For the lection of President and Vice-President of Municipality and Municipal Council of other than Aietrict hosdquarter- Upper Collecior/ Deputy Collector/ Sub divisional Offiocr/ Yehsildar/ Nayab Tebsildnr; sworn ore, Sch 25 ee 2020 Exel a) co) a co) wy ) “inesiding Officer” means the officer appointed by the Collector tinder sub-section (3) of section 55. ‘the words and expression used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act. ‘Time and Pince of Election, ‘The ekcotion of President and Vice-President shall be heid at such time and place as may be determined in this regard by the officer authoriued by the Commission: Provided that whole procedure of the clection from submission of nomination form to the voting, shall be completed "till five PM on the date of election, In the notice of the meeting the presiding officer shall specify the date, ‘ime and place fixed under sub-rule {i) and by such notice shall Invite the nomination forms of the cantidates for clection and shall epecify the date and place where the nomination fortis may be submitted The notice of the mecting shall be sent to cach councillor and the same shell also be displayed in the council affice at least seven days prior 1o meeting. ‘The meeting shall be presided over by any officer nominated by the authorized officer, who hereinafter shall be called presiding officer: Provided that for eleotion such officcr shall be the Presiding Officer who shall ve not be below the rank of the alficer of care of Collector, Additional Collector or Joint Collector, Sub-Divisional Officer or Deputy Collector or Tehssildar and Nayab ‘Tehsildar; ‘The Presiding Officer shall prepare the programme of the election of President and Vice-President and announce il in the meeting. At first the election of President shall be beld and thereafter the election of Vice-President. Submission of nomination firms. « For the election ofthe post of Fresidtot and Vice-President the candidete shall be nominated by the nomination form in “Forta-A, which shall be submitied by the candidate personally or by his/her 548) so TT, Fi 28 a 2009 2) a Q @) a proposer or supportar to the presiding officer ou the date, time and place fixed undet rule 3, . No Councillor shall propose or support the ‘nomination of more than one candidate. ‘The Procedure to he edopted on the Receipt of the Nomination Form: £ On the submission of nomination form the presiding officer shall write and sign a ésrtificate showing date and time of the submission of nomination form and shell put its serial number on-it, Seratiny of Nominations. «si /y ‘The Presiding Officer, before the time fixed for election, after providing all reasonable opportunities for the inquiry of nomination forms to Councillors present inthe meeting, shail checkout the nomination Jorms and shall decide al such objections that may be raised with sogard to any of the nomination. Presiding officer, either on the objections or sue-moto, after carrying, out further summary inquiry, if any, thal seems necessary to him, may reject any nomination form on any of the following grounds, namely: (a) that the ‘numimation form was not received prcscribed time limit; or (b| that the candidate is not cligible for election as President end ‘Vice-President under this Act; or e) that the signature of the propaser or supporter is not original or has been obtained fraudulently; or within the [d) that the Councillor has signed the nomination forms of mare than ane candidate either ws proposer or the supporter. ‘The Presiding Officer on each nomination form, shall endorse his decision of eoveptiag or rejecting it and if the nomination form is rejected then he shall record a brief detail of his reesons for rejecting the sere, ‘The decision uf the Presiding Officer shall be final.

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