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Preview Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2020-01-10, Extraordinary, Number 10

0 Seager gortpresmpaicia at ore oie fr rn Witten & weniger aie 101 “ise, 8K, Pa 18 SAE DONO 20, ee T8aT fam fas SA, FeTy eR, iupel the 10 January 2020) Re. F 112019202 IMC-TK—Govemnment of Midhys Hnilesb peneby nohhes the sols uf Madhya rates Goverment Sock (Securities) of [Yeu tou Forum ageregte seovel uf ks HO cons (Nomina "he eake wll be sj the eins and conditions spelt oot in this tiation (el spriic ntiiatve) a ‘ico the terms aa cons xpeifind in he Genital Nocteetion No, LeLl-2U0T87-1. ted aly 2 201 of ‘Govemncat of Midays Plesk Object of the Luma : 1. G@) The procosds oF the Jono sill he wile fo Framing predstve development programmes end sweets ta Ye plezentd in ee State (i) Chaser of Cootal Goverment bas beew oblate Melon of his lou as rue By Atle 498 4th Constution of Ia Matha of Tome = 2, Goverment Stock will te sold thrwgh Ine Rewerce Rank of Thdla, Minibsi Ofiee EDO) Fort, abe) 400 C01 by aun in the anne se rested in pacigraph GL of hs Geinxal Notifetion No, L--l= 2007-RAT-Ty, dated Tuly 20, 2007 ata coupon tle hy be deereioad by the Reserve Bank of Tadia atthe yield bused aeton ks wali ice mate, Allotment fo Nomerampelitive Bilder & B. The Government Stok up to 10K w/the voted anust of the sal wil he alowed 4 lige risus ak intone aobjot to a muna limit of IS. af he ancl senunt fo 4 segle bid as pee ” x ssoratar aa, Peal 19 st 2ez0 the Revised Scheme fir Nuns itive Bidding Foeiity ia the Auton of Ste Goveroncar Scere of the (Geoeml Nottistien (Amor J. Place and Date of Auction 4, The auction #1 be conducted by he Regtove kak ul Inia, a1 ik vamhar OFice, Rest mbes O01 ars Jamey 14, 2020. Bids forthe avction shoolé be submited ip electric fea, on the Reserve Hank of Jali Ch Bashing Seltin, E-Kubst) System as staid below en Jamuury 1, 2020. (2) Th competitive lige sh. he anhaited elecwonicaly on the Reser Bank of India Coe Bunking Soltioa Kater) Syste belstecn {30 A.M ta 1200 PR (hy Ths monumpeive bids abl be suhrinad elaamiczlly ow the Reserve Bark of adie Core Banking Sohton ¢E-Kuter) System, Felon IMAM. wt 11:30 A. NL Rest of the Auction: 5. The rll of the auction stall be displayed by the Reserve sak of Ini un ay este om the xe day. The pigment hy nuestful bidders wi be an Jamwry 18, 2020 Method of Fuyenest : 6, Swcresfil biden, will make payocons om Janmary 15, 2420, before oles of banking he by anne of sash, booker’ obeque / poy ome, senna deaf payable at Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai /Nogper of ‘hoque drown on thee sccoutt wit Reserve Tank af Salis Mac (Port Nagene ‘Tenure : 1. The Stok will he oF L0Yeartenue “the tonune uf he Sos: will aymmsnce om Fanary 15,2020, Date of Repayment Ue loan ill eee a a on amaary 15, 2050, Lats of Intec 9, The cuvell yet determined ath sain wll bs the spon ie peoent pr angus oa the Stock sla st the auction, The nest vl be pod ue Joly 18 and Taruary 1 lighity of Securities: 10, ‘Tbe roves iv Chern Soe wil Be seekoued as an eligible investeat in Govemmer: Sostes by Bunks or be pumuve of Slvtainy Tquidicy Ratio (SLR) wader Section 24 of tbe Baokiog Regulon et 194), The Stack wl quay far Ue ead frwsed faci: By cede and in the name ul tbe Govern 3: Mhya Prk, [NTRIRAL KUMAR. SIIGT, Divine Budge aden ies, Rei 19 SER 2020 a) Auetion of 10 yea Madhya Pradesh Government Stock (Securities) PRESS COMMUNIQUE, NF i-1019.2008-D.MC 8 ‘Bhp, he 104 Jamuary 2020 « saci aud Kdgetary Plan of dhe Government of Madhya Pradesb) CGoveroment of Mushy Poulet has offered to el he dated eourite of fem year tee: by soto For an aggregate amount of Ks 1000 Chine, Government of Madhya Prash Sovuciticn will be fxied fur 9 miami vemindl aroun of Rs. 10000 and ccliples of Re. 10,600 Newafier. Aveton wil be conducted by Reserve Hank of Tali al Mia ofice (Fest) on January 14, 2020, Inucwsted persons may cobmit bids in she precribed form hina faa the Chol Censel Manages, Reserve Rank of Tndia. Mumbai Otice, For, Bambi sta soba fr eles fort dats January 14, 2020, Ow the Ressve Bask of linia cove Benkiog Solution (-Kaber? Sytem betwen 1030 AM wed 12.00 PML ‘The yisld per com per cx eopectel hy the Bidder <hould ho cxprested up to two decimal esis, As isan san submit more thin one bid wt deren! “aus OF yield but a septs application should bo subi for tach bid The aggregate sucune ot bids snbmiell hy x yest should aoe exceed the nated ane, The reslt of wut willbe diglayed a The offices of Reserve Bank of India, Port, Mums Jury 1, one, Success bids sau}! deposit the pice atmnant of sole envord by ter bide by mgons of Buners (Cheque or Daman Det pavatle at RAL Rub (Fer) / Nagpur on Janpary 8, 2020, beloe the slose af hanking ours The Madhya fridesh Ciera Sock il Dea iaorest ar tho eae dotormiosd by RB at the wt. fntees willbe plat eink ur Bly 15 sl Tanuary LS. Tha sock wil be aver by chs provisions of Pubic Thi Ase 1944 ad eb cules nase taewnder ‘Teme urd cris ir inte of Ma Pradesh Gveemoew Sccurtis re conned in Vance Departs [Noctisstion NUL-L2U1SHP!DALCIT. Bhopal, Dats July 20. 2007, publichod in the. Extenedinay see “Mathys Pradash Gazcte” uf the dhe, Copies nf which wid the applic om are ckxinable atthe Receising sfiecstsitoued above 2. The folomiog review of the fransil and badgeary pasion of the Gaverament a: Mughys Ersde i pubtihed for the inlermaton uf he tenting sess REVENUE POSTHION "oe revemie rnp and sepia on eseobe aocoun mad the revenie mpfr the years 2015 18 and 2018-19 ae fllivae— Us in ewe) Anant Ravina Fate ang 201s ove-an10 even Revs 1875.9 snis9.75 Revenue Expenditure 102s6.09 isien.46 Rovere Surplas (-¥efcit@) 462020 @nisnas ‘he atove figs inude expends on Revie Aevourt en deveepass: schemes 20) ania Ta, Fiske 10 srt 2020 DEBE pOSITION. ‘he st pin of the Gowscoment of Madhya Hraesh as on Me! Vanek, 2019 ( Revised Eadoats) wax an tellows Nature of Bebe mount of Debt as on 3122019 RE Mork Tae worris36 ‘Campention ial hes Bord, Cechating Paver Bonds) nan 1 nan from Fanci Instiaion 1228398 Tans aid Advances fom doe Central Genome! snisn25 tee Lisbitie. 1578.06 Special Secuciey ited ta Nitra Stall Savings asor ad Find ofthe Ceotal Government ‘Total Debt + 180985.90 ne lng tie fon finance stuns (NABARD, LG, GIC, NCPC ate) have Doou wile for orearion of pera est and suongtening develapoeal vf Ce operat asin _Lonas from the Goverment of kadia.—These are Hons vant by the Goveruienl of Ia. fn tine tp tive lor vapitl expenbie an rodutve schemes such us Agricllre Seber, tn al Ponce Paat, (Community Developaent Pacec te. and for eration of ober penounec: ase Provident Fund —Tbis cunprives the pnvidc fd balan né Grvemment Sern Deporte hearing inferest—This_oxngivs accomolaron ithe Fond auc af eubsrption made to it by Chrno Strvants under Goverament Servint Fis Mens" Foed Scheme and doris ope by the institu ASSETS OF LE GOVRENMENT [Ait he tans taken fram the Gonerement of Unda ot Anan olor sures lnve hosn minty wis for evelopment ofthe Ste And foro cretion of emer sass, ssh 6 enesbcion of gating dare ils, oks, lly a. iniroseient oF communities, ieiapuel service. rsinen in the shave cial of Coopentise Ranks al wher Cheopoative Sacies Lor tbe sagt wf Iss ts nl pares ke cuts, oes bods, et, who wil ejay the Toon Wh interest io itaiments and ans 1v the Power geneation, cower transmission gov poser isirhun ennparien of the Boeegy Depurment of Muy Peas Thang m9 st Seosoment has fee. el the vale nf he phyien aren af the Se Government, i cam be eh sisal That fr sxcords the Se’ ovata Labi es. NRERAT KUMAR SINGH, Dieter Budge re

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