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Preview Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2019-01-11, Extraordinary, Number 20

Fido: wewgovpressmp ac asain dhe fea ar rar win DT aia, re. ee TP 21, we HO fan far sare, wea opr, She ‘Bhopal the 10 Taonary 2019 No. EL1-201819-BOTDMCAV. Gonna of Mudhya Prada heteby. sols the sale of (Re iste) 837% MP SD), 2028 fow an aggrgate smoent of Ra 100) crore (Nominal). The eae wil be objet 30 he fenma und coatiions sel oi fo hie action {clea sporife apicnion) ax ako th tome and oimktions Keatfied in he Genen! Noifcation No, L-L-12007-B-7-0%, datsd July 20, 2007 of Governmeat of Mul Prades, Objeet ofthe Loua : 1. @) The procents uf the faa will be wiced for Financing prodnctie develupment pogrnrice eat poet 1 he plane in We St iy. Conseoe of Cental Ouvsin mst as been abtiinel Is the Ratton ofthis Joan ns reyued by Article 2980) of the Consuton of li. teed of Feane 2. Goveenmeot Stock will he sold tough the Revewve Bank of Iodin, Mumbai Cat {PDO Far, ‘Morahai400 O01 by auction inthe wannee an gracrbed in paragraph Gf the General ReiRestn Na. Tele 2UI7 OTN, dated ay 20.2007 ot a onapen rate to be delennined by the Reserve Beak of Inn al the price nse auction wider capt price frm. Alotannt ty Nomoompedtize Bidders: A The Goverment Stock mp lo 1 of the aut arsogne of tho sale wil be alowed > eligie tmfiviiads and tstiacoos subject tra asian Tinit of LB of he noted pour fer a single Bil a6 yet the ewoat Scheme for Non-competor Hung Facility in Ow siwetin of Stas Goverment Sete nf the (General Nosifeation (Anoexue-D. 4 senda ny, i 11 ET 20 Pine a Date of Auetton 4, ‘The ansring will be conducted by the Reserve Wud uf Tula, at it Mumbai Oftice, Fort ‘Mumbai-400 091 ov Famuary 15, 2029, Bie lar the actin show be sland in eleouoni feat the [Reserve Baok of lia Chee Hanking Solon (E-Ruter) System sb sited bekw on Taauary 15, 2018. (i "The vomypltve bids she! be mbmniaed elewrenially on de Reserve Bak of Fa Core Banking Solum (E-Kobe System borkecn 1:20 AM 12:00 PM. ‘The mencompettive bls hall be suhmitod clecronically on the Reserve Bank of tn Cove ‘Banking Solusoa (E-Kubr) System herwesn 1030 AM. w 11:30 A. ML Ret of the Action ¢ ‘Tim etl of the auction shall be dpliyed by the Reserve Hank of Tada on its websiee oo the sume “ye payment by sucess Bidders il be on Jus 16, 2038. Mette oF Repent: 6 Succrsli files will make payments om Jumuny 16, 2019 before close of barking hour by roeaos ‘of cath beaker chars 7 pay onder, demand draft payable 2 Reserve Back of ila, Masi? Nagoar or ‘cheque dinvn on their sevowit with Reserve Bank of India, Muu Ud # agp emure ¢ 3. The Stock wit be oF yaar tate fron the dare of commencement em Derember 06, D018 ate of Repayment + 8. The Yn wil be eopaid at par un Dovembee 18, 2 ete of Foret» 2. nvoet athe vate OF O87 perect ee unm well are the anal vate of the sock fom the ure of origin ive dle and wil be paid ball yearly ew Jane US ot Wecember 0, ‘igbilty of Secure 10, The resins Channvoent Stocks be reckons’ as 30 eligible ivesonn! In Govcrment Socios by banks for the purpve nf Seabury Tiquidgy Rao (SLAD uauer Section 20 uf te Banking Wegusion Azz, 1949. "The Stack wi guatiy fo the foady forward ay Fy oder ara in the amie of the Goveranr of Mushy Lae, TRIASWI S NAIK, Dicer Ble enn GFF, “es 1 Ad 2018 soo Aweton af ell of (oSsun) KA7S MP SDL 2038, Madhyu Feudesh Grvemment Stock (Series) PRESS COMMUNIQUE, BELL Qson DMC TT hepa the Uh January 2012 (Wouocial and Redgetary Position of the Governraat of Mora Pradesh) Goverment of Madhya Presh has offered Io sell of line) 847% MP SDL 2008 for an ayynanate mount of Re. 0M crore, Goveenmnent of Madipa Prades, Seewrios wil be issued for» lnimatn nominid smwunt of Ky 1000 sal naples of Bs, 10,000 hmeafer, Actin wil be condacted by Hacive Bank of Kubu at Miombui Ollie (Fr) om January 15,2019. Invested penis onay submit bids ithe presertod frm sbtuinable fom tee Chief Gencial Manages Reserve Brob of hia, Muni OBice, For, Mount snd ecbraiued in a elesoonie Haat dated January 15, BUD On the Reserve Bask of India core ming Solution (E-Kiuber) Systems between 1030 AM and 12:00 PML ‘The yield per vet per aun expscted hy the bidder foul! be expcstod up t9 two daca pwns. AN investor can subi mee thin ns Hida fiorent rae of yield ho 2 separate appiieation shuld be sabre foe tach bid. The aggregnte uovun vf Fide submited by 1 pees should wot exvod the noid exaust ‘The veut of auction willbe dophyud at the oises of Reserve Biol of Tia, Fort, Monbak Jaunary 16, 2019, Snel tides short depos! the rice arnount of aoc eovered by ser bide Dy rbeape Of Bunkers Cheque on Dooand Draft payable at 10, Mutat (Fa Nagpur on Janoary 16, 2019. etore the close of tanking toms “The Madhya Lesh Chvernnene Stuck will bear nt! ate rate of B37 pee annum will wae oo the nominal value af tbe sick from the date of wrigiel Suc dats and incre wil be paid bil yearly on June 05 nd Dacsanber #5, The sock will be poverad by The puivsions oF Public Debt "Act, I and ihe ‘les ends there “Tes sd conden for ive wf Mala Prdoch Goverment Secasies are conan in Finance Depanmenis [Nojiicanes N. FlGU2OIVB-OND Mi, Mlnpal Date Saly 20, 2007 pubibed ia he Racer Have of Milky Pradesh Gazette” of the Ote, Capes of ubich with she applicuiin form are ubtinable a the Reneving liges mentioned above 2, "The following review of the financial un bulges postion of te Goverrmeat olf Muay Pradesh is ‘abtinios forthe inration of the intanding investors REVENUE POSITION he enero oie ad expenditure cm revenue Secaun andthe revenne supe for he yes 2016-17 sod DUNT. mee flo : — 7 An 0) acnwwels—_Revied Este : “amga01 2 zOn8 even esp were even penne possra7Lae6 wire 69 57588 he ove figure ice experimen Kevenoe Acorunt on developaent shes, 2 sworn abt, “eset 11 TTR 2010 DRBT POSITION The debt posi of the Goverment of Madhya Pradesh as on 31st March, 2018 ¢ Revel Faimate) us 1 follow Nature of Debt “Ammonat of abt aa m8 SI-B2018 (RR Sa Lowe east CConmeasiton and cater Beads Unclaling Poice Buds) 0192 Lavoe fog aan eatin votes st ‘Lagos aot Advanies ithe Catal Government 1ss040. nha Lisbitie 102136 Speci Secures ied t9 Natioaul Small Saviogs mut [Paw of the Cental Govern ‘otal Debt: 16867180 “The loans tke fn Fnacia inettions (MARA, LIC, GICNCDC ce) beve been tied for estin of permanent ust nd senglicingldevelopment of Co-cperative instiatons ‘Loang from the Government of fudla.—These are Kans ynetowsd by the Goverment of Und fm ise to time for eopital expeniiure on wibuctve acho wich ay Agreore Schemes, TWaigaion and Poe Pret, CConunty Development Pops te. and for eeation of ether perorent sth [Provklene Fund —This cumprives the puviden: fan bulace of Goveenownt Servis. heaving Interest—This cunpries wstumuliton in the Food ot of wubaxiplion made 10 it by Deposit "Bans Fund Scheme aad depts hep hy othr inst Goverment Servius des Govern! Serva Far ASSETS OTHE GOVERNMENT AL the loans Token fom the Government of loa o» Twn odher souces bave Been mainly uted for evlopment of the Slate ahd for the creation ul reauwlive wets, such as constuction of igen dn fale onks, wells elor implovement of eammunkations, sea sevice. Imestment abe aba capil of Coopeatve Banks aod other Co-operuive Soviets Lue the pret of las third pats Hike culver, Weal edie, te. ho wil pup she loan wih fotrest in iosarorniy aul eas to the power generation, err iwonsrission and power dsttbainn companies of the Loergy Depiien uf Madhya Pradesh. Thoogh oe etl Zscersment haa teen mak of the vale ofthe physic assets of thr Slate Chvcinaow, it cap be sufely ase. Thar ir exacods the Stas cstv abies “LIASWL§ NATE. Dicctor Bude Sa hE er Ha a Faeroe

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