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Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2019-01-08, Extraordinary, Number 12 PDF

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Preview Madhya Pradesh Gazette, 2019-01-08, Extraordinary, Number 12

Staafcomegonpresenpaite 9 reat en acon? | aie 2] via, aR, Fa Go wc zoe 1, Ta TO sites Ait vd Pree sterred fart Walol, Teorey AAA, HITT sit, Rie oer 2010 soe eio-cow Bene. are alters fate oa MRR TE Me AACA A eH eT 1 veceee F rovrme, a aie “REET wa eee (TaPIA) Fee Play, “oes Fra Tra fa ‘athe ssa PRavt i 4. fam a A we Aa uh PRO a gor se whaTH ee a aera Prat seam sl oy aaa ~ wey ae oS A A fer Rr Rs oe UH 4 /4/2006/ Feira (ten 2,74 / ae Te ea mi gw ai 4/8 ae Rin gots RL SRE AAMT AL AT PE SPSercent ae we re 8 ea RE RL 3 Rae 3 A, au Pra 6 9 soos IS a ay Pee 1 2, Peace fre senfen fe ae, oe, — (a) are ae ah acti a re wee Rarer eet 3 Ree sear far rer ohh a eee a see orat Oa HeT ae A ssuban he fear 5 OTE ar soll fa PoE & fy Pal cl a apm sig Bl rear cat A par foe Pre » seater Tas, fivin 6 ote ane _ fo) Arg 1 eget Fama eta aie cH are at esl @ GH aT UH 28 sisal, 2001 @) a Ge eT Bar BY STE ee Pree a Pref een ay wag orceht Poa yas Ma wena af oh rma eee ae SRY 2001 a ses TEMA Th Reel ear a al affie shtae vam [Br Or Bio wh Fett Bar/Pralda fey feet met a | ia) WE A onenll fi afBeest oF fama, ie oie ar Reet ac sear eh ior A PQs 3 ie CR em weg ot enue ob eg career A ame fie € el ww Fafa omar wort & ofan Jae BP Tr wns et aT (6) and oT orm, ferent wh A alfa Alia beat at oie ae oF ft ara (ru? Wt cafar a Ferg flor 2, fees ved fe ge afae set Fae B fat amid ear 4, Ruta sigydl 6, 2, Abe ser TRF IPT we, Teste orp venta any, siede = LS Slant (Prva s afd ) ce iad a vam ™ Fete mes Revie s ara 2019 ay sepa a (frames eftry } sore at athe nae Terargs Sencar ae 7 — ae Benoni (renee | Say i Vrs bea re | Se fs adore . Lo dagen fon bee wate eo gee Tere a othe Lewes de 242) ear ar, fai 2 ore zoe aap (Frame 2a ) pearies “aii Sg eT we ta 7 | enrin ea. [Shae ae anh ' ae [oe se wPo ry i Rear Sapa suns | | | ake i i Ss aha Ha gen aye I et area oF fle meme aa Soak rater offre citer aan’ 2 1 240) SET FE BT cin wa caved Tonite shor i oR aon cage a ae vine eer ae cy aera Borah Ee Tienes 20) i : | ome os ee ORE ote me ty | deta fe dae ya i eermastvaset ioe | renee agen shear EET oe | 1 ibe ene sneict ree ap & se Scones ora es set SNe abe ge a ‘aby on ar eee sot TaN, fey 9 Se 8 = ead S.No/ ¥ LAA20185-11 Jn exereise of the powers conferred by proviso to Amicle 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Inereby, mokes the following amendments in the Madhya Pradesh Firms and Societies (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules, 1988, namely = AMENDMENTS Im the said ales, & in rule 5, al the end of the proviso, for fill! stop, the colon shal! be substituted, thereafer the following proviso shalt be added, namely :- “Provided further that ‘be time scale shall be issued by te Finance Deparment’s Circular No. F 1U/L2008/RULEVFOUR dated 24/1/2008 and Circular No, F 11-17/1/2014/RULE/FOUR Dated 39/9/2014. In this regard, the guidelines issued by the State Government from time te tine shall be applicable.” 2. tn Rule 8, in subrule (1) clause (@) shalt be omistd. Forrule 9, the following rule shall be substituted, namely 9. Disqualification. (1). Any attempe on the pact of the candidate to obtain support for his candidature by any means tay be held by the Appointing Authority to disqualify him from appeacing in examination! selection. amr a. fis 6 wd sow 2419) 2). Any candidate whe has warrod earlier to the refeirmum age fixed Jy the marriage shell not he eligible for eppointenent in the (G) Any candidate, veho tgs more than two living children, one of ‘whom is born on or after 26ch January, 2000 shal: not he eligible for the servive or posi Provided thac no candidate shall be disqualified for ppuinumeat lo the serviee or post who has already one living childten and next dativery takes place on or affer 26th Tamuary, 2001, in whict two or more than two children ime ber (4) Any candidate, who has been convicted of any offence against woman, shall not be eligible for the eervice or che post: Provided that where such eases sre pending against any ‘anilidate in any court, the matter of his appointment shall be Kepl pending fil final disposal of such oriminal ease, 18) 18 a candidate has more than one living wile or @ woman candidate married w a person whe has already a Living lusband shall not be entitles for appoinimentdsvlostign 5. For the existing Schedule, U, ILL and LY, the following Scheclutes shall be substituted. aamely “SCHEDULE (gee rule 5} awe aria”) Toxin [~"Ciaetoatiow [Seale of pay] Remarks [re | pbtntdenn | ance ™ Hester | Otpme | oT) ae Tae 7 MP Firms end 7 ” society Grated ' Regisiar t Chee —;. Deputy Roglatae [FT io Aevaant 7 Regine Me-riens at vecites Gacred ! Chel 2406) - eames Tom, Risin 8 ae 2018 scHEDULLIT . (Sc¢ rule 6) Method of Reruines. 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