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Madhya Pradesh, 2018-01-25, No. 58, Extraordinary PDF

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Preview Madhya Pradesh, 2018-01-25, No. 58, Extraordinary

ro) rma, THOR, ese 25 rl ZOTAR 5, 1 ‘afin a Ferar soar, sean 689, TT cathe se TH 1 2te 20171 FC) ses, foe 2s sr ae ameroge or ae ar at aR, 2017 (eour mH 19) 2 eT 9 «Boer (1) & ae vay ea OND ge cea eR, aT ee A Fr 2 ere uc, cere pe Per A afer ee weeaanenAr we 2) Tes 5 DOVES 2017, TANGA eb RA cre wager 5m) GTA A af opstager 76 ate ws a WFOME uaa. PrAgARARR aT a OPA Seager Re seme a a a Ty 6 -norgia (ot, Fg 25 a 208 Syn a asa ae ee Rr oe, Pa at fas ae oP 2 sia ese. faa" TS ean ae __| ej aT eoeT 16s a ates Cg) a anita ta sae ar” ah a pat rem, ey ca se 5 atc wa EY cep, oer a ea a WP a sire a area, ae « Prosar [2777290 Peepers: ter te mabey ioe, faeediares Sort ag00 7 Seer ate Rites eee ote faeces Seth th, crea uty saat Ta cin j (maa aap 9a A, lar 3) OAT as gure or AREY GTR, FART aT are Seer rh Sabor, aaah od th anh ee et aan fs TET: oi) aa sega za A alr 6 WAR Bo tes eR GT, ‘taeper at faacatts Poet orem, oi gar ater 224 mA ater 2) A OTE A PUR GAAINRIO a ABI0r, io) oa ema 243 te rk tr OAR Be, TEN on th SRE a ae Per oreo, we = 2A. | 88 a SR | Nhe ie AORTA A, SOT, SE, STE see regen ore a st oc Sh Re we ey gE UB, Bae sa a Ba a sien Poe em, wa - Tor (8; am eager deem she sar sit ORE age, RAF a sag a TA 2B ser RATS Pen em, a = D201 [au ahae a ater aR Sars sonar Tas, Fea 25 al 2008 50 on on i) wo i oa 6 o ae ea 56, rir os oY OPA & Rarer, UPAR +28 a 38" wt ep. fear sre; dem stg stat sr FE rere, eR we WAAL sat sagt fren oreo. ss [2 aaa dot eargaie oes am sg 59 (2 A RE“ a 3808 9 are Pa STMT, arco 7a hc wt AR eT, rR ra ger aie a Sie ene er ae, - Pras [RO Raaiataeraratadingea, wen 1 afte eats ae rr 2 amare ae wei 2 afte yftetaeattera ita 4 atren ations j 5 aeutsat ates ‘ 7 3 9 getent eft REET yr qa aerate ‘een avs fear 20 rant aterenghetfigar Si staan reat ea fee rr at 5a a oA a Fe, aa ar ir UPA Siegert fem rem, 227 - a oe sem) 9 Laas Sr eaeday ak Praca pa fara ne i Sard HPT MAA ah eR PT, sagen 1 ate Fee in ofaTRRT tre Fer aE, He es G8, RE 25 RE 2016 (a) aot eg 3 afer 9p a “oe ater aa ene eee me ae TE ‘often frag aga Mee aA a ET, (oxy ae a7 i soy RAE Bs eI TATE es gtr Be te eer nega. ahr far ae trae ter ah bse, ae eS BT sia 5807 504 3 Ree Bat ae Fe SER: ny arg 19 he oe fer seat & ONT, Raa aor aT AR ‘fea a ais gan er aren, a: - iss | eae, Rew, el Reem A | [etzdatonat: Carpet nse d, war tter 3 A, ata (9) a cmeitee see @ Rater each wee OE ARCS, TEEN SESE MN wT TEN, (aye ata 12 rs) abe ee ais a TT eR a OPA FHT combs ats. ae Be PR ARIAS HOUTEN a MA PT ATCT: (win a agar 24 hon (yar te oT ERE era OF GREE -10 ee aro ae te ra 8 re eet a Stara ig ara stor 39 A leer 6 a mga Er apr a gel ee TA ‘as aot shar wer at a TERT (oy) ar Hamer 59h kre TRA I “a ak So TE TAY Sag, ated, at exer, at aR er orem, co) war soe 87 tea (3) Hoste me ae ae ee rae to Sera. ane“ a Re Te We ees 3 Ra ara aeNTGER HBT asters, tl; -waretaper zo ate sd ele ofafead a fea far ST; oak) aa Her 1976 A, afeor cy A PRTG ae Miner em oS ME SE “AE Rar ere a RY ee a arse, 09 arm Wem 16 3 see ait ERR Ae cece, Rae tor ceca 3 ‘ae ais apt rer ae, 2: [Poe | [RRR RT ome sry fie a5 are 2018 ne © a 1a stor 236% ate wd ser wae een a. Ramer abom te “fete at ais zenfite rn area, ae; - aaa THE REE ee ate Se RA, oh Po META RTT [ea ge apa aime 325 A, ato 6) 98 OE Be a OR , RAE fe STEOT TE apr & er ei it fea wrens Rr eR oT sue om, Pore a a as ear Ae Te alhe ga ce BORTT, ‘Behera ear at ate gat ee he na ee [ene fs och, fuel Rene at aE Atacand saeco A a eB an srrr Re A roe OMe, Bice a we sree, (a) wea agar os the eT ater fea Oh cepa, Rafer a ahaa tke oat a skesaentts Pen eT, we a \™ a at fa aidatte akeaea weet Fan ateaere Sa dua dat { en ange av1e w w a aig 164, tear 3) Wh WPA Bet oe. OE “ate ART SY Re aE ‘wate La rane air Rr Be ea er Rs me cer hea sata se et are Se aT a rr ha dar a re ay wae ‘Feet sre, sor dar 226 Sie sa after Wied mea Pramas war wr a ‘offbeat ier utr favor ar a a ae at [ash gararta ema a yas aoe A Sire sry era re sa a RE VATE 0 oa aa 2 ae ar Hee atest oY eer Prem are Barge 3 ner 2) aaa as ener ewe ~ ah ETA ot, oe A EE dre eh a ha seh ME gf at aT AG An ete ara a ae ead IT eC Re afeaee se gba & Fate reer es RATT (See A a reat are ar meee re ear OSS A sea it er ey" at a ReNRT Seen cei, etd sora rH, fens Sr 2018 iy eae at oy ofa a oe RE fara Ric ak Rear ene a ree re gh ie a ag sa Pre er ag ae ts an Peg ape a, sit Br eer ye ye ae ser Rte ety at en Rr are Go) Baie 13 ea, ala 6) A eet Tomer eat a Bear at RT fears, (6) ata 17-8 ams, tsar (3) Hebe WARE Oe te ae a aE [aravaeias A gal & Beary at omnis far sreT, sage vu0.25e wore (A, ta 9) Tae a aero fe aa aR wwe ‘Pan sre iy wore 2 8, ater oy Shae ger, OAR are aa, Fr NE aor Gh ga et a oe ant oe Ear 2S aE & ear ea ‘eran sre; ii) oar Hag 2 ake sd weer oP BF aapenet RAAT aa sea _ a iets Brora _ om m3 FRET Fa (AS rr) ara AS TMT TH AT L [sap din) pea ata 3H ator 3) fe & eee. ARE ar Reo aE aera oa a aE a ae a area ae Te ah a 2A 8 seta Mra eae a Pensa sre; (sy) arta tk sd ater Peet ara apa arate a of eset om Te, wer = _ 25 Ti [err ees ae 2, eee 25 Seah one A TARAA | HS Rent a mG aa SRO, STO TAT, cron a, ferie 25 FA 20°8 He sina, Bris 25 sat ane rales mg 3632-2077- 1a as 9 aes 2F angels 308 ms (a) A erga, cea Rom ai atrgaen wain omy 3-25-2017- 1-98 (15), fever 28 seve 208 AT afi aggre Terme A fen eeGRT Weafe fem oo wore dena & a a v7 ore, SFT TA, Te, NOTIFICATION No, FAS T20171-¥(05) ‘Bhopal, the 254 Tanuary 2018, Ih exorcise of the powers confered by sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Madhya Pradesh Goods nd Services Tax Act, 2017.(19 of 2017), the State Goverment, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following amendments in this departments ‘otitication No. F 3.33/20! 7/1742) ceded 20" June, 2017, namely: Tithe said notification, - ‘Alin Schedule I- 2.5%, ) alter S. No, 76 and the entries relating throto, the following serial number ant the eneries shall be inserted, namely: - “6A [| Taniotiud kemel pavrder Gi) alter §. No. 78 and the cates rating thereto, the following sevial aumber and . the enuies shall be inserted, namely: - “TEA | 1406 or | Mebendi paste in cones”; [3305 {| alter S. No, 103A ad che entries xclating theewto, the following sed nuraber and the enaries shall be insert, namely: - “WB [2302 | Rice bran fother than de-oiled rice bran)”; sie eae, 25 a 2018 (iv) nS. No, 168, stall be omited; columa 3), the words, “io hovselold damestie consumers or", (9) after 8. No. 163 and the entrce velating thereto, te following serial number and ‘he enties shall be insented, waraely:- 2711 13 00,] Propane, Liquefied Butane and Liquefied 127111900 | Petrotoum Gases (PC for sunply to housebold Ll L 1 domestic conser i = 771 1200] Liquelied Propane and Butane mixture, Liquafied | Gil Jn S.No, 984, forthe eniry in enfoma (3), the enty “Manafactaes of stay, of ckpano or of other platy mainte; batkctware and wicherwork", shall be substiored; 5, velvet roy Fah (iD) in 8. No. 2798, tor ehe entry in coluton (5), the entry“ Sabres", shall be substitute: (ii) in S. No. 2248, for te eutry ie cnlura (2), the entry “6300 or 6210" shall bo substituted; (ny after §, No. 243 and the cuties eating Denso, the following serial nuzaber and the entries shall he inserted, namely: - tater | equipment, accessories, pars, enmpemcits, spares. chapter | ols, mack ‘ups and moduler, raw moterial aad feunsimables required far lausch vehictey and | satedlizes and payloads”; | p 4B ox Any | Scientific und cccheleal iastrameals: apparalus, (By in Schedule D8, + @. afer S. No. 324 and the ents relating thorets, the following senal number and the entres stat! be substuied. sme “SHAK [FIT | Si bier Gi) often S. No. 46A und she entees relating theron, the fellowing serial number and the epires shall be subtatet, nine: - [ra [par [ Brit ee skin Be ae nv ants, Rae 26 eG 2018 me 0 (48) S.No. 56, forthe camry in cotumn (2), the entry "28 or 38" sal be substitute: Gs) ater S. No, S7A and the enteies soloing therer, the following serial number und the entes shall be inserted, namely: ispbode asia “728 [Ferraris ! (9 ia. Nu. 59, for the enty ia eulumn (2), dhe entry "29 or 3808 95", sal he substituted: GF) after S. No. 78 and dhe entries relating thereto, the Following serial npmher aud the coics shal be inserted. namely: "THA ] 3808” "| The flowing Bio pesticides, aamely- {Bacillus coringiensis eur. isratensis 2 Babitiusthoringiewsis war kuclaki 3 Bacillucthuringicnsis va, gallediae 4 Bacillus phasis 3 Tiichudertm vide 6 ‘Biichodeema darsinauin 7 Peeudumonas Aluoresens 3 Beswveribassinna 9 NPV of Helicuverpaurmigern }10 NPV ef Spodopteraiturs 11 Neem based pesticides [12 Cymbopagan (1) aller S.No, 90 and the entice relating theret, dhe following veri sumer anc ‘he entries sill be inserted, namely: = "HA _3at6 | Bioiesar (iil) for S. No. 994 and the envias relating Eherta, te following serial nounhers and the eaves shall be iuerted, namely: - ary ALE] Bataboo woad huilding joineny™ SSB) 4419 [tableniue and Kitcheawaud of wood fia) $.No. 08 and the eotnce relating duretn shit be wanted: (318. No, 104 and the eatcion rating thereto shall he omit: soppy vias art aoe ee Nee (sD it.S. No, 133, ivcodutnn (3), aller the sores, “Absorbent cotiom woot”, the wards and brackets, “foxcoptvigatette filer rods}", shal be added: tail) ia S. Nn. 147, for the enty in volun (3), the eatry “Woven pile Lattice and checille fabriow croepe Corduroy fabrics, velvet fabric, other thea fabri of heading 5802 or SHUG", shal! be subsite: Gili)” aRerS. No, 195A, aod entries ralaingtherato the following sexi number and the {On Schedule HT- 90, a 1 ip ww oo iy cn oa ww ‘nties shall be Angered naunely:— TSBSB | 84H [Sonia dip inigation ina iatatng Taras] ‘mechameal spesyens": L ee in 8. No. 3. in columa (9), alle dhe words “derived from vegetal peocacts” the ‘wonls and brackets, "Tother than tamatind kemef poorder|” shall bedded, im S. Nov 12, in column @). for the stds “promdnot sweets cod au”. the words “groundnol smcsts, gajak and suger boiled vontcctinnery”, shall he substwed: No, 24, in column (3), afer the words, “mantt aor flavoured”, the words, “tother than Delnking water packed in 20 Res bottle” shall be added: ‘nS. No.9, incolumn (4), aller the words, “ote Rate Schedulés for goods”, the ‘Wont, “inelatiog Kolizer grade Phouphoric xi” shall be ade: im S. No. 58, forthe entry im cvluran (8), the entry “Preparations fer use 00 the hair [excope Mehndi pate in Cones] shat! be subsite; fo 8, No. 87, ix columa (3) afer tho words, “ad similar products, he sends, figure and brackets, "fother thus hie-pesicdes inentioned againa. 8, No. T8A ot schedule I)" shal be ade ‘S.No. 99, and the outros rating Berto, shal be ome iS. No, 137R, in columa (3), afte lbs words, “shingles und shakes" the wows, {other ham bamoue wood building jameryl” shall he saleeds ater 8, No. 163 and ite entries clatng thereto. dn foosing serial umber and the entrios shall be inserted uamely A [ei | Caarete Fees cod ] «

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