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Madhya Pradesh, 2018-01-23, No. 40, Extraordinary PDF

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Preview Madhya Pradesh, 2018-01-23, No. 40, Extraordinary

faa ee Fear a cr & ‘Fa doef wwer.govtpreemp.cicia Tul 40) irre, same, i 24 FRA aOR aT, TF SP sat fee Sang, FEN eH, oT situs, Refs 28 SHA 2018 arias Weta 26/2010 / Re oe We eA Co A wera eH BT TT ora Ga ger Pat ah qtr eat gy aoe, al lle ier Ear cr onde wre Tete—is—2o1—qoane, aie 3 We, ate ERT aR ane Aaghond wide faite ate, fore wats, 4 at sons ite et ope Speatte tor a aRatopn at a yon] war wT ng & fore at atthe oe fier vidas oe Rey Rags ae a ge gen F deer Oe of wPHRr al ef oe afi ea write atta cH, Bem GRE EI YT TG TT AD grande /Rowbar gUIRe/ 2007 / ado forte 48 oneeae, 2017 & gIeT zowt FaT A Rate ve Pree, 2017 ot gd tow mom cold ena SAE gar FRY oy Pret a gee 1 wes, reams Rep YS aR, 2012 Grae 7 a zone) a a5 wees (G4) st Meer ae aT mT A am Gy, eto RAPE, CURE, oT, foe TR {enn Aad ar Aydin! wee fate A eR 0 caftehoar & gem send yi SATA S afmta hd FH 400 Fahy ata PRE OTe ara wr, Al wa ae fag art we Ri te.rzz018 S 7 aT aA wa 8 fH Red are # vara @ ye geod ae e way @& Re and erm Ayer mete RNS sh seh alata ert werd afl More SatorT we wa oA SIE TE ano idle ae oe ah een a PP ane ahr TL UE othe ABB scones S aif aya eH Ree wa Et eG gerd re OE Tar ah fy Aare ne raphe wide fate seeuter ART Tew afters, 2012 Gone 47 FF 2012} A aT 16 FTHE @) @ Gee fe) ch mate gg GER Pre, io F fas oS oom () F sea aay GFR wa GE se cer Pree fedora Bg eR tee ter Sail No. F-13-25/2018/KII: Whereas, in view fo create opportunilias of employment fo aiatga pumber of local persons and to enhance investment In the Slate, the Commerce, eanet les and! Employment Deparment vide is order No. F-76-13-2016-A-XI dated 13° February, 2017 has granted. various feclties to the extension project of fs, Sagar Manufacues Pvt. Ltd. in Tarot, Distict Raisen, 2 project with an investment of Rs. 1996.64 crore, including exemption ffom payment of electncily duty on new enonertion or ‘charge on addtional electrical load an the existing connection, of And whereas, Secretary, Stale Level Empowered Commitiee, MP TRIFAG vide jeter no. MP TRIFAGIEIseal Incentive ¢ 2017 [4435 dated 16" October, 2017 has cemvayed the decisions taken by the State Level Empowered Gorrie in meeting Pol ‘on 14! September, 2017 in the above ragard 3 Mow, thorefore, In exercise of the powers conferred by clause {9 af section & of the Madhya Pradesh Vidylt Shulk Adhiniyam, 2012 (No. 17 of 2012), the State Government, hereby, axempts first phase of lexlle project of M's Sager Menfacturers bv Lig. established at Tamot, Distic: Raisen from payment of electricity duly on the Etectiily saneusned by the 4200 KVA ackitional electrical toad, added under this project, on the existiig eannection, for s petiod of 7 years from 15.42.2016: Provided that M's Sagar Manufacturere Pvt. Lid. shall clearly eatmark the additional load of 4200 KVA added by them on the existing connection under the first stage of their project: Provided furthar that M's Sagar Manufacturers Pvt. Lid. shall havo to install @ separate meter for fs frst stage extension project in view of provisions undar clause (0) Gfoukr section (2) of section 15 of the Madhya Pradesh Vidyut Shulk Adhiniyarn, 2042 (No 17 of 2012) and sub-rule (1) of rule 10 of the Madhya Pradesh Elecrity Duty Ailes, 1949 for grant of exemption for consumption of units under the addien! electrical load of €200 KWA, sperma As }er7s eam 8 ae aOR, amg. at. ot, ert, wy af, Fides, “Ea ch aR, Sem et TER ee ETM, sof A-BAT AT Wes 2018,

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