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Madhya Pradesh, 2018-01-19, No. 37, Extraordinary PDF

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Preview Madhya Pradesh, 2018-01-19, No. 37, Extraordinary

|B rae wencgovtprenm a jaar ser are SI 28, BF DSP rd “Srna, ewe, Are weed 20 fa faa stars, eer tor, Te Bhopal, the 19" Jumuery 2018 No. TeLeL201S fF PMIG-V.—Govstmncot of Mad Pres bane mules the ea eof Maya Pradesh Goveranen Sick (Secimin} of WM yeas Khe for aU aggregno amoum uf Rk 2000 crore (Nowinal. Ths sale il be eters cote tar nl craton, apt out iv thie otiitog ould pete stv) an the terms ani camden spoT bn the Guneeal Notfctin No, L-1-1-20U7-B-24¥, rad July 9, 206M of GGoveramene of Myu Pradesh Object ofthe Loan = 1.8 The proceeds of thy fom will he uiiged for Financing plodastive devlegment progam snl jets tobe implement i the Ste 1. Conse. Cen et Garni a 600 obtained ty the Huon of tis lain a rege by Aus © 20508) of the Corstion ef il Method of Is 2, Govormisar Stisk il be sold tough tie Kewrve fark of Talia, Musbsi Office DO: zor. Mundi COL Sy atetion inthe eeanner ae preeribe wn rape 61 of dhe Gove: Nattzation No L-L 2901 GG I at Tuy 29. 200 a a op Tale Wo be deter by te Kase Ble of Tada act le ese atsn ny oie pe frm Allotrent te Now-eoepetiise Bidders 5. the Gossrarient Sleek up hi INS ua! de oliod ambeat of the sale wi Re alate 9 «se indiidtate ane fateh cubes! 16 msm “anit oF 1% of ths peed arcurs Tora single bid as mer Sm ewe Schene fo Ronvetmmsiiv> B-ding Fact ia the Action of Stato Goverment Secures of the (Gener Nowlin (ene 1. ‘Place aud Date of Suction 4. The austion wil he enrduoted by the Resstve sak of Indiny a: ity Mumbsi Olfive, Yur urls 400 OL nn amary 23, 2088, Bid forthe austen should be eubmated in eleeenie Gama. wo Us Risers nak of Inia Cove Hanking Sotion GZ-Raber) Systemax raed Pelow on January 23, 2018, Ga) The smpative dh shall schnisd slctnisilly or sho Reserve Bank of Maia Cove Banking Solaion (Katyn System helven 1050 A ME is 42:00 PM. The wosvopeitive tals shall he eine lasnemeally on te Retere Baa of Tai Core Hanky Solon (H-Kaber Spite beewson 0 A.M. 6 TS, Mt Root of the Action 5, The rent of the evi stall be diplge by we Ressres Bank of Tala vite wets Oe sane ay, Te puja by atereate ers if be ot Fanvary 24, 218 ‘Meso of Payment 6. Succstefil bidders wil ake puyrenty es January 24,2018. befone che of nking hae Ry means of cwh. Sanken cheque # py order, demand tel prvable av Rests Hank of lai, Mibu Nay aw & choqae down on thie acount with Reserve Lenk of ali, Mucisi Gon # Nageue ‘Teme 2. The Stock wil be af 10 year tome, The ene of whe Stock: will cotmtence om Jumuancy 24, 2018. ate of Repayment + 3. The foam wil he copaid at pa om January 24 2026 ale af Tutecet 4. Tho ant yield dbierinad at do anti will be He coupon sue pce pee aamuan om te Stock. sold al the ation. The ines wil be pid 20 July 24 and Jeers 24 lish ef Series = 1H, he invest i Foca Sook will bs voskeaod a8 an lig bls ivestmert in Govemuneut Securities toy bins ey the purrs of Staiiy Tiquldiy Ratio (SER? Unser Soction 24 of fie Booking Regulation st, Wa) The Stok siya tae ely Kl Fas Diy rer nd the the ice Mtg Ho AIFRT ENIMAR, Doser Badge dee cat, Fig SAR O08 Auction of 10 yenr Madlga Pradesh Goverament Stock (Seeusities) PRISS COMMUNIQUE 3. baaanisis OME Boop the 19 Jang 2016 (Financial and Bedgctary Postion of the Goveraiuent of Moxy Pradesh) Goserninae of Maths Prades bus olzedl 1 sll she asd secrites of en sear nate by austion For an sgpiegate amount of Re, 2000 crore, Govseaament of Blaliy Pewdesh Sosuritie oil be iosod foe a misao sominel amuunt of Rs TCE ant muitos of RS 1,000 thas, Aina willbe cnaduetod Ly Reserve Unk of ka it Mumbo Otc (lm) om Sanuary 24, 2018, Tevercau port may submic bids in the pueeerbed fermt obcimible Seo the Clef Cem Manages esse Bak af Thi Manin Ofioe, For, Manbei ind subsened ip a elestenit: firm dail January 23, 2OIB, Ce tho Rasorve Ba af India cor2 Banking Soltion {E-Acebe) Systems hetweer 10:20 AM cl 12:00 PW. “The yield per eat pet tne apie by the Nddor ahold be expressed up to two desimal zits. Ao investor vu svbmic meee thin one bit at diferent aes CF yiel hut a scpuate application shuld be submited fey ‘cach Bid, The agarete aol wf aly submit by a pats shoold pt exces the noted ano. he msl of action will he displayed ar he afices of Reserve Bask of Loti, Vert, Mas) Jamry 2, ‘ok. Sucesstul bras should depose the price amount cf sack covered by tee bics by meine of Hn Choque eo Devotnt Tvahpayshle ar RB Mamhai (Peny’ Nagpor on Jamuary 2, 2018 belure be cle of ediog ewes Ths Madhya Pradesh Governnent Stock sill beur ineren vt che rite deterined oy RBT at the aeturi fauna will paid hal Senay on Judy 24 und Fumuury 34 2018, The stock ill be ewer by the provisions of ub: Beh Ast 91 and ths rides amd tte “Terme and conten fo nue of SMtadya Hide Cavey Semis ane stn a Hines Departs Naifiatinn NFALLGOLSB-OND CAV. Bhopal, Date July 2 2007, pirical we the eanndiary isae af Mallya Pradesh Gazette” of the daa. Copies Of which wih the wpplvation Ibe om nua ale Raseiviag fies ened ave 2 The Kelling eeview of the Lineal seal bougcary yt 6 he Goveroment of Maahye, Pradesh ie published eee formation of le aera ives REVENUE POSITION Ine everus ross And espana eve aeoonAC ud the reve auplotten ir de jee 2015 18 aan! 2116 FP ana fle sin vs ‘Asooute Revised Extinate 2015-3026 ptened Revenue Reveipl 0381058 2e080.26 Revenue Copendione sorro.ne Ge stwsy Ga) assa7s ie hone figura ealude expends on Revenus Accovet cu Aevetopme schemes pag) sre TG, ist 19 TAH 18 DERT POSTION “Te debt potion of the Govetmacat of Muay: Praha ow Jat Marsh, 2017 { Revgod Esumate) wae folows— ‘Nature oF Debt “Amount of Debt us on 32017 (RE orks: Loves 0708 Compentton another Bonds lung Power Bost 3.06, ‘ans fiom nancial Totton ses aes sesame fom the Cena Grvennnsae ees Ober Libis 178620 Spoval Secures ised to Naver Sol Savings aus. une ef te Cental Gostmcien tal Deb = 199810.17 The loans taken fam fewnculinsdtmion (NABARD, LIC GAC, NCIX! et) Inve has wie x even of permanent sects and stcngtheningléevelopmene of Co-pertive isc ues [Loone fron the Government of indla—Tese ure Ins sanctioned be ie GReveren a ais Hee Hie \y tne fe capital expenditure on pedcss schomes such as Agrcukure Scenes neato apd Moser Pes, Cauucwty Develpnenr Trrjet te. and for stoaion of echer perpen sets Prosdeut Hund. “Ths comptes the provident fur helanos of Gaveroment Servants Deposits bering iuierest “This compres acsunwtarin in the Fund out of subscription male wit by ‘Govern Servis under Gaver Soran Fariy Benefic Fond Soherc and deposits kept by other isn, ABSITS Oh THE GOVERNMENT AID the loos ket from ie Cieinment of India ar fom ofher source bay boen mainly able Sor evelopment uf be Slate aa! tye te awation of rmmpecaive aces, such as ccmstucen of gan dams. nis tks wells ele, Sqmoernea of eembanicatons, abasot sve, intapent im tke shee cui of CCovpeitive Banks $08 llr Co yientive Saeteues for the grat of Toant ta thi patties Uke clues, luca bedi, ete. wh sll sey the Taw oi ieee im insubuents and Tans the power weoeaion, pore ‘mmission dau power datriberan coripanes of the Rirgy Deparment ot Mudaya Prigesb vig ov uctua ‘sessment iy Sota aul the elas ofthe physical ase of the Stats Govsennent. i um be sey assem ‘hat tL execs I e's gator Habs. AFEET KCMAR, Decor tale! “Spam ea een Ba ae, EN Fe MIO Hs Ce, hod ie ws wml 2S,

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