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Preview Madhya Pradesh, 2017-01-06, No. 1, Part 2

ie 1] “err, load, Tes 6 wR O17 at a, a 8 UTR veartta Prorat afenger carafe, erat Cet Ferre), Fart femaht, ye er, Rk 2a te 2018 1—soma reer aE, we ing 29 F SERCO) BT se aed ar suit awa TE Faves Sra fev oat ay ea TA 2 args aera eo et $— sat ster Gl oe at sig) eet var a ee Btg A stew a at ote at aT ie Boar ah oo ha fe sini a tem A at ad TE ans o o o a no wiped & mets a & fer ear aid : oo amie a8 * ° o oe os ” v i ri a 2B and HE 2 ie 4 fan 9 3 eT fag A stew a Sar ore wei & aad ahd we ga, rer fac ot af foal 8 ote te: apt tare afer ay st ale et =m er ay Pam i ee Hr a a eo eG et eee far Aron @ ef En) SH 4 For Bae nt cian BT a ees ork Pe ear acre ah on AE A A ‘a oe savor eis, Rt: 6 SF 2077 Laz are meas ona eal TE cant vier —(yd & at a sit) egal & fe ‘fara hae A t7 A TT a HE a eg EA a adh ond oh ais Tal Cot8 eaten 3S TTT aft en — pea Vay He BET A "a Sega ce Sar ae fag @ ate a oe spar ened Beer HH TA GH ATH Po fina Per AA eT OH, gel a (rc sr A sy a A LA seen le le 5 re Pe Fg Fe 5H Res a ata 1 feat ators CCR a RO). aE at Pa TE CUS a) He A otal se eter came A dim a ate) caeUe ee fT amd A fe Ee eS ros rat Serer chim at ik) at AGT cares Br wer Ve te Agel TS ge TH seh gh fe Os Pe Fak em Te ahaa om are aie oS—Aee rE cant eter 2 ahead sk eee tae ed rR a wy BE via a aed aoe yy eae Frere aa ge Ams & Pht Pam a Te eT Aaa ahd) afer Us OA a TOT TH, “ardor (Qa a) Un Ta aera 2 aa Rea re al gr AT 1h ard emia, on fre eT sof tiered Apes v1 ty Pe de ee ater eke (eg a Rah fee a mc a ‘ann BALE eto een Fe ae TP sa oe ot rain oe A Ae, AT ie ate a) ator a. et sian (pt 8 Meer ag ede ata Tt “Sol BA or Tl Ae fe ae, ny ear Be BA wl et Sap weer sec mea 2 Aston orate saw a BRC Prd aha TTY OF cpa en (amt gin aeRO tha, ote Tie Fark eat eh Fer OE ash eared sh | Cary are fart GF an a a Pee aa © oa. sa iy gaat et a ‘adh erg ofan ake) ser Awe Pe te Rint we Ia GAR AR eo Te vera Sg, oH eT Ha AT gee dA soe ya How Ta, abot aa (4d 8 vet at ano EET AMT H fete Sere ee, | oN THN NTT veh fer ae gi aR FATA RT HV Pe rg Fra (HE ges) ed eh te (Sut 8 xen 3) Az, TT ee Be ead ie Fe ‘alge et (ek igo Bi site) at TE Spee 401 aE To TE sa ei oo Aro ae TE “pa gh Pe ay Te ee te UE a it Ch # en BS) Yee eT TA SpA aie oe to a ATs E. gel (aoe Ha ai) ae A gE ca diand, WATE. i iid te fee taerh oer sre Ba fA cofeoeh don Game # clk AQ a ag IH ew TRH 8 wee He TE A arg wie or rer are aati (qf 8 oean af ays ant 9h A “pean ert ew Ra Fs eet TR eam anit on (yf tr A she) Bea wie Serra A TH LAA, He Te HOT ner A we] reat Ta, Fes 6 eu 207 a spt ener 8 ahair a ty A ie BET HH ‘rome fn ren ae de 8 sr Gaeta ‘oRteN FER 2 ses or (oa & een A ae) al veer ae ‘dae ir no ae BH TTT He Fea Fest Bea SBF ic te oe ETT AE ‘sof dime! re si ah) temic fro @ “gas abst eH a HA GT al a Oo Ba gah oh Ue ar ail oT at fed aT fate oe aioe Boron 8 = at a) Ee Te THT Tire Be se Fe Ae he Page a ae gh ame ele 8 Sorc Pet dl te Cf a afew ot ger en 8 tire PER a ah Ca det, TT fa inc 8 lar ay at) face af fer tre eat pt arr va a se HE ed te 3m ag ais gs od bret Hor-—(y4 2 nem tO a yey TT TT wed 5 TRAC HTS GA AT ts ae spate (9a 8 a ate) a. ter mH TT a ge ete on er GEE sandr (5 8 es hat) ee rer GR pw. te ah arr A or are aed cee SA AAG Be THE HH TT arden og --pfenlt oe ‘sai vier (og) 2 thse a ate) re ne rar 8G) SF. oP Dg rt Hc ET a, fait eer daha ah ay We TET Sater aan a aE eR Hoa TE oa at since 3 ah aD wa TE A sa eager oa gH Te aT ha A, feed one Dra rae) fr ie TE ‘St BL. aR TTD eT a OH a siya Fa ow aot 10. ht galt ae fate —(a A raat aig te se ee es ih or ae Taf, tt nc ars wh ig) oF CI, te ga er gr ew sol TET sag Orn Bo fen oh a i eT, separ: Cac atine rot bd mee sisi Pa te Frittata ST Aye G35 ear Wek hy fine TH, eat rence 8 af han) oT vid ge el aoe a ge a i ele a HT, ae wie wet te oe saath (yf A nfl step ya me Tr erm ‘a ioe tga ae a A ee gfe sic ‘cont oo BY aE Taw fr TH abort aie gt A ar 6 ak) iat eT aI ar gn wee Ge Peek a be ae HT BAG ae ae iets eT few ah oF ry prea 0 er ‘iors Pape ST ge at a, ser (sa cht tah) ew ft ee Be fet Bee ph a aT OA Ge A arr ie BA Re ee A 3 ge 8 Tea a a eR eee Faeroe ay CTS AL A ge se fad 9 A703 we meme 1 aw TT gs Sl a HPT Pa A ot ‘a 4, are ret PA EE ATE Sea eT loeb 4 swag soy Rts 6 aif 2017 ard gaia 13a ae are “sath ber— (9g ef ta see ee ‘ara ¥ rte fem waa al @ Bas Be tient Shook oer aH EF ka Beek eT Geama) Ba FEA evel eg COT eI) ner Rot don (yd & raw a akg) see Fee A ae FC RT A Ae ee Seat wr at ag aa ta Er gt ern @ ety at ae) at aie fae Ser Serpe a fees a et i RA ET “meer fica ok a a tT aH Rig wan neat ane Ga aA ah) A hea TLE, (Coa Rae) Ae oa ADM CRY BT TEC eg. pha ante a BY ex ae fe Sed sat ae ett are, Loma “fot tog 8 tam hey ae wus OS eT 9 at dome ahaa Ware Te, agit invert sh Ble a fie CH Sra 8 A aR ae aT FA TT rergrat 1 pe 82 ge aaa “aes soe @ ef fe) at tows A pF Sr aA ge a ere hy ae ow, sa at, der, indo, be 2h Become 2016, No, IS.DUDA 0d aaa Mest Maape ‘Ace, !B6L Gio to No. 37 fm 1961) he eure Chiy ean bey ake te-o96 of fee by a ston (Gh of the 29 eae of the Tere Dion etl clo ‘Dania determioed in accordance Wil ha Schodule le sapparte cells — OM A often af ei san Tee i Savoye 36 at BA. THE Tas Be ee Fg eter fe eT TH ‘flea, (5 AU atest ohey aha Boa ge are a Mage IRL er Ed I aE in} Bete CTA, pet aca 8 oft at aie) a Se HER BA ER Ae a oe aT AT pe TO sah ts 95, ast Co fi a 9a) a te He a Span eh ARS a ey A Foe eR aA wm AE AL one eT. cud Beni as—sten Tit we al Reed Me a ain al a Fe CAD ° uw @ at aati A Farr GA ye us feeeht roca 51 Paet I 3, H E Basco Te a cus Ris SM a, SCHEDULE ‘SNe. Word Number Ward Nae ow ie) o, a o Ae bay ond 02 @ Ral son wand 3 08 Coil ne ward 04 of Shoos rao maze a $5 Os Ten wand ita Ue Moka Aad sant a m Amteiter ward Os 08 ie Keehn sd os a Naina gj ord 0 0 an turgid u 1 ‘Shobha ward R 2 Coany honk, we % B fat i 4 we Bang wart B Is Mibatana Gand wart Descriplon of the Bowlaries of Wards WARD No 1- IML KUTY wan (Nera Beat comet the Nata meng i Bale esce westrurd along the ekorex of ts Tand of Nr Sophy Kh, Mes Biya fe nto ofthe dl. South asl eet Nails erin the south of the goa tatnd nets, gc tbe valley ch bev an the aesters sla of the apiece of ‘Ms Mast Kha Ia ama ‘erste ane, Ro 6 wrt 2017 s Fart—iNoih sou: Mal scam North ward ad ound Bo the soatsnce of Numata Nama rasp geal dhe sven pt ofthe Riga located along uke brik feom che tomar’ FEAL ivan south tom the lye of Nate MAD ‘wri Nannads develapae projet In the soutt of the bande il the south pat af te OMe Tid and Wr, Bilaye, brook ‘WARD NO. 2-RADHA SWAMI WARD oct ALie Ww ire le of the valley to-tbe ae Th ai gti Karis Bouse while 4. Sosa hile slong the va ey Bf the land while Maya ‘irs. ile Bai basa Me ville Shauna hae Jager by he howe South Chast en wos) azul yt see stun ‘tthe ihdpu Hindus onaflacuee of Napa the soll weal side of the builing while Radha Swarm Soreug growve alowe (0 the kome ul By. Sunk So -Fast—iNor to south octet Psout the ote laeriod, bola Sangans Nanna Nua-aala bested hobind ic dike along Lie Hetieity Bea be sonfiyeve af rn, : Wi! (Sith south, ty a's ond RA. Ginga ‘Shoumat onl hae bye) who te Boose ee of ihe ale ethene f al Tyan hous tani Me Suresh Son WARD NO, 3. CIVIL LINE WARD Moet (nt to wes) dain near Mia Reel P1TE os ‘ong the Irn uf tbe se while Si Tomshesbeye ‘ahapvah pring zoho by S-ols Maya band Me. Kalyan Berman acod to tepier via he hase ‘wSit he stent of Ast South" ts es whils the old otic sao in Tron fhe atin re the tea Scho oF C Rel the mth. hile he aon M1 Kaa “Treabkestwne Kuh Monin berg a feat of he Ihoose nf hh Gadling sseadhiya fre the ake 0 ‘Me Nirmal Dae Belg East—iNor » shan) PHE Obie Kizare abo ‘an Riad en Ceuta Sebo West—(co the sou al the Noreen Ligh} wn ty eh the Border aby sean prs of tho, aparanen, Ms Neal Dhar Baga WARD NO. 4 SHRT RAM MANDIR WARD ‘Noeth—(Lis! wa} nae ein oad Nyaaly Roc ang the ser part nf ho dint pune! ‘whe Ki Rus ar Tesi, Puan Dubey"chinse Ioowtal eat of tho Pens, while Ue teouk South fest Ib ee Ieeated nthe souin ake of PAD Three ay Ie sehcol, to the este iF te seinen. ant Ninth south py cronies oad “Dawg the etpurt uf BWI Tre oa ‘Weston to south uf Si Towa Prasad Pandey Tile the etem purl wf the esse oser te trock tog. ad i Eat of the Queen Amway Keyodhhat to th cansbeumtey WARD SO) 5—REHRU WARD [Nexfle—tfiow Nott to sth) 1 Shei Kio Ea Taste Pun jmetun Shankar Seni oes hue in Irn] nf the reidsnce thre need to regi sa wT Read ang evap Ml Tikaes asi Nemdso down tous to he ese South (Fast to sex Clk waren uation AND Sopeuble mire aruee Whe archos while the teohager ibile wstlan Rajusa schoo! (Qusen Ramgich Ross) kre oxen of A vad sot) PWD enti vepeuble sk Nove tke wesern pert of the Main Tus othe ‘vel ninetion ‘Fest{Soath 19 UU) Sushi Raunloy Ava of bases Towing the stew Rane Ki ‘WARD NO. § MOLANA AZAD WARD NNorh ii! to wes) dhowe tthe west fom be est ‘words elanotion Me Fol Bubs Rese ne ion South— dLst to mec nel Nee tefore futon "pre Rel ea Uh westside near de bots Hast “Of 1 south) ay tnd te AY hop SBT "ADM along toe neste ort af he aca 9d 0 ho ‘sat hones tone Week (nh esol) Pabab House near the tk esr The sh WARD NO, F-AMBLDKLE WAI [Nur {East to ses) Mr. Nakoral Dabes's haose ‘ng the weap ear the se oF Me, Pad cod Ssisya, Sonth— ‘Lit us wea by Run Shar heute while hs ins Alaypal Cee Pat af CC Roa hg oe wdline 5 ‘meme UT, Fes 6 art 2017 Ragt—tfiomn Nee te Suutb) Me, Mibacnd Daey's "wg Tate near be ealluence uf the sieges of the Nanpada Kiowe Karat Oharameab, ‘Westnet co uth) Ate Pr el Sabyyam extern Daf of the ease nou he mn alg. he Pa ‘Thana to shop chine. * ‘WARE NO, & RADITA KRISTINA WARD, Norit— (2st to wes!) Shiva, Temple: Three ny evap rm he onto tile while tbe bases eet to agit sshai Razak DeBiaz Suthep ‘of CE: Rea house 10 ee mui coe Sou (Bie 6 ost, St Pann al Ray aka sly chips chop gue the waa, od asii Nest 1 ily, Reo bor lan tbe we i Alona ame Kua Nese Acid sre Went (South ot, Mt Fives ay (prem 3 Shiva. Teepe Sei awa Ji Luin pt Ue Cle hgh th soe uth ss OF Ran, SH Pusan La. Wale, NO. 8NARMADAC ‘Noi, rast weit CX Rumi fim fran pf eemarriun sebou jyaron Tuning to ce Shiva imple ‘Sonat to-wit Uf fincviom Nib Nal, ‘Sangam, LATS bob sgn he Narinada 16 Mt Bit=1 Curie. ont sid) neat Mura Son bia ‘Shile Nrsroiny hivindase Bayou’ Real, ‘nk. (sins, Shi sep bape Tne, fodem ragioa of sbe 2 Aerts “bow ‘Nie Bane Patel, : UF WD WALD NO. 10-RANL DURGAWAT] WARTS ‘Norte ts wt tn the egitvense Nava inating, etc ody of M:N Ted Kachwatay Chas: excep these houses nea Teor Me Gril edo atferigs tcjnation shane, Sut (Not to oull Chopra Binantick od avi oar the condense of Naina exept Senay NU) Police Linen from agdculeur resexeth foe Darna Tue gue, gt” Eas wea, ong the Nucmals Gaga Na sud CO Aga otet o epiter ee. Sette aout slr she aia voed of conquest ‘hare cijuncton, Pr Naina Bank, wl the ‘aster po of Quats Burgavall crossoud ‘WART NO. LISHUBHAWS WARD Nocti west eet hous fet picwan a’ “poo end alae tice nel tp negler eelen the sree pat A ‘ita a wi cosipn Shi Siete I Toke syne eianction Muh und Min We, spor sea, while the Nor am. the hes ihe Kiataie'ot ameyat” "Hast (North soy below hres. Wage ap eT ‘eodto regi tke the rain rat along he west pparkina Miy_Ssnpnin tohey Wiigieden aque fo bauer ea (Sih uh sth) Nagel Ane, it ng re Taslgn. pat pf ake: bouge ual nnetbys) border ‘i, Kei Singh Pres -MARD,NQ, 12--COMMANY.CHOUK WARD Nordhaus) Shiu Nika Suga Sg [Nell Colony ile the outta pa Br Fis giclrral EE. ang yp joes Rn Mooi Sous (Pase rome) gen eos Mj Ma ‘Singh ing abe ide ube Dries ined tough Oe ys ms Cy Cul alld, gen yor oath gil Gini Nala Note pen bile Niki) ani, tla oF Nada ek (Mul fi, oneness vik Tidy the case faces ao br 2d wo exe 2 sata "bF abier she apattmen of Me Fae eos ‘Mi. Mahece Singh ris ly he eeu 1 a Ina, sg wok the eval par a Uhevaley Rabo Stork hustle ulin he senervur ali # soe por the Sch Yd WARE NG, VATAWASTL UAL WARD. Noth (Eset to ve Mammon Singh Chip dus Toeute al he i idling thee pit ‘of Sry Rowar aking Pakssb Sire hase (XT) sshile Kalk Seb (aj Klebbhe) hy he eas. ‘South (ema ent wr wot side of he vesrwit Bom the apariment of Mi: Gyaai Singh Poiusr Mr. Testa Sivas Me, Mana apres bara oma veegister tp teks put Ln ane—(Ut fo sor ses lsd eat the apace ‘EM: Sigh Camel roa caer along the west Daria hereserstur sl de faronen of Ste Kil Sytem jean Sig's eedones te the emple ul oot, ‘est Noth south) Keach Chal o> al ‘Riskeht) southern put of fae bowery, Mada ‘Rou Suni Noi oe eile Mg, Masia, Bu ea TAR, Res 6 sr 2017 2 ‘WAR NO, LE-RAIRANG WARD North (hi wet if the oi thing the “hnaern gantf he parein€ Me Chcta Paris ‘har Slogh Mohan Sings Ronse te Nia neo ‘epithe hes, Southen (Ht 19 wes Pras exeuding bolding Oh Mi: Sat ra at he edge of he en wa the ROUSE, hs the TTT Fagt—iNrth ta south) ide of the reserve. eile the house of Mr. Chere Participating esters pss road w the preen yun ‘est: (North sul) Bihan Singh Ria Be cate Tur at ihe nenss, taking te Gayatri Munir She Soieh Sevan TE hough the hoe the ever. TWARD NO, 15 -MSHATAMIA GANDIIL WARD Nor Fst to west Shi Pratap Singh inaive), wile Whe hoose al the gas of Me Chis Disha Pizdcipting Deer! Moly road yas nad om Mr Singhs rexeheoe Lda Me Doris Sings tcsidese ti South— (Fast to wet) by nae road from the hue 0 the aparibeat of Mi. Tka Rant Gaatan Hint Nom so Shiat Sigh Pear Cai) Ten the hun ite fe oe of Me. Tachandse Lnmesh Israruus Patcpatag bosch Werte Bypavr Koa Wied {Newton BL Doane onset Hess in The eslern regia wile Me Teara Cua, AMIT TOVAR, Colsetac ete, a ee a Ca, Pa ge He oe Aer Bae wei ae

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