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00 ~ ........ 00 V1 ~Macworld Web Essentials Macworld Web Essentials by Charles Seiter and TomNegrino -- IDG BOOKS WORLDWIDE lOG Books Worldwide, Inc. An International Data Group Company + + + + Foster City, CA Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN Braintree, MA Dallas, TX Macworld Web Essentials Published by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc. An International Data Group Company 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Suite 400 Foster City, CA 94404 Text and art copyright© 1995 by lOG Books Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book, including Interior design. cover design, and icons, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording. or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 95-81814 ISBN: 1-56884-785-8 Printed In the United States of America 10987654321 I B/QX/QS/ZW Distributed in the United States by lOG Books Worldwide, Inc. 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WOI:loomr About the Authors Charles Seiter is a Macworld contributing editor who has been using the Internet since it was a five-site project managed by a few research institutes. He wrote Internet for Macs for Dummies (now in its second edition) for IDG, worked on Yahoo.' Unplugged, and then decided the world needed a friendly, Mac-based Web book. He lives in rural Northern California and couldn't be happier that the Web has finally brought the whole civilized world to his mossy, vine-covered, inconveniently located doorstep. Tom Negrino is a Los Angeles-based writer who has been writing about Mac products since 1986. He is a contributing editor to Macworld magazine, and he's also written for Digital Video, Mac Guide and Mac Computing magazines. He is the author of Upgrading Your Mac Illustrated and co-author of several other books. He's been both moderator and panelist on the conference faculty at the Macworld Expo trade shows in San Francisco and Boston. Tom's worked with the Los Angeles Macintosh Group (LAMG) for the past nine years; he is currently the group's Vice President. In past lives, he's worked as a videotape editor, film production assistant, and school bus driver. Like many writers, Tom hates writing. But having written feels just great. Tom's e-mail address is [email protected]. \Aklcome 10 the world of IDG Books Worldwide. ABOUT lOG Books Worldwide, Inc., is a subsidiary of International Data Group, the world's largest publisher of compmcr-related information and the leading global provider of information services on information IDG technology. JOG was founded more than 25 years ago :mel now employs more than 7,700 people worldwide. lOG publishes more than 250 computer publications in 67 countries (see listing below). More than 70 million people read one or more JOG publications each month. BOOKS Launched in 1990, JOG Books Worldwide is today the #I publisher of best-selling computer books in the WORLDWIDE United States. 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G.1mtPro. l'C \\'l'rld \'rnc:.:ucb; and VlETNAM: f'C \\\lrld V1nn;un l01l7N5 Dedication This book is dedicated to Loretta Toth, herself a remarkable writer on remarkable topics, and Mary Toth, Webmaster for several major national organizations (really!) while still in her teens. Credits Senior Vice President Copy Editor and Group Publisher Felicity O'Meara Brenda McLaughlin Technical Reviewer Acquisitions Editor Earl Jackson, Jr. Nancy F. Dunn Project Coordinator Managing Editor Sherry Gomoll Terry Somerson Graphics Coordination Development Editor Shelley Lea Kenyon Brown Gina Scott Carla Radzikinas Editorial Assistant Suki Gear Production Page Layout Shawn Aylsworth Production Director Brett Black Beth Jenkins Cameron Booker Production Assistant Linda M. Boyer Jacalyn L. Pennywell Dominique DeFelice Todd Klemme Supervisor of Jill Lyttle Project Coordination Jane Martin Cindy L. Phipps Kate Snell Supervisor of Page Layout Proofreaders Kathie S. Schnorr Michael Hall Production Systems Specialist Christine Meloy Beck Steve Peake Gwenette Gaddis Dwight Ramsey Pre-Press Coordination Carl Saff Tony Augsburger Robert Springer Patricia R. Reynolds Theresa Sanchez-Baker Indexer David Heiret Media/A rchive Coordination Leslie Popplewell Cover Design Melissa Stauffer Stoller Design Michael Wilkey Cover Photograph R. J. Muna Book Design Beth Jenkins Acknowledgments Writing a book about the Internet is like trying to grab a smoke ring. You can see it right there in front of you, but it changes shape every second and disappears when you reach for it. This book took more effort than most because we were trying to keep as up-to date as possible with such a fast-changing subject. With that in mind, CS would like to thank the following people: At Macworld Press, Nancy Dunn and Suki Gear for making the business of this book a pleasant experience, Ken Brown, .Janet McCandless, and Felicity O'Meara for thoughtful and timely editing, and Earl .Jackson, .Jr. for his thorough tech review. K. Calderwood of Response Associates provided valuable advice on Web business, and Carol Person, Wendy Sharp, Linda Comer, and Anita Epler of Macworld magazine helped greatly by accommodating both authors' schedules for Macworld projects. TN would like to thank the following people and organizations for their assistance with this project: My heartfelt thanks (and I mean that literally) go to Dori Smith, whose unwavering support, devotion, and love helped make a tough schedule bearable. Oh, and thanks for the great marketing ideas. Thanks, too, to my stepson Sean, for understanding about those missed bedtime stories. The Macworld Press editorial team, including Nancy Dunn, Ken Brown, Janet McCandless, Felicity O'Meara, Earl Jackson, Jr. and Suki Gear, all of whom showed more patience than should be reasonably expected in the face of slipped deadlines, brittle tempers, and late-night insanity. Wendy Sharp, Carol Person, and Linda Comer of Macworld magazine, who were kind enough to act as if they actually believed my excuses for not getting those reviews in on time. Three terrific Internet Service Providers and the people who make them happen: Chris Gwinne and Mark Kelly of DirectNet (http: I lvMw. di rectnet . com) Brian Muys, John Neely, and Chris Callendar of PSI lnterRamp (http: I I ww1~. i nterramp. com)

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