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Macworld January 2000 PDF

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Preview Macworld January 2000

Nine new surfing hits. Introducing Mac· OS 9: with nine new power tools designed to make web surfing quicker,safer and infinitely more rewarding.Each of Mac OS 9's new Internet features would be asmash hit on its own,but now they're •suggested retail price. TiLtlshippiug not iuc/ud£•tl. 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All righJs rnimwl Apple, the Apple logo. AppleScripl, Mac tmd the Mac logo tire available Now on CD. 1Sherlock 2. Theultimate Internet 2Mu ltiple users.No matter how 3Vo iceprint password.Your voice is search tool is now yourpersonal manypeople sharey ourMac, it your password. Wh.en you login, • shopper as well. Sberlock· 2 can • will always ,. • Mac OS9 ana0,zesyour voice to pinpointproductsyou want andletyou beyour very own make sureyou 're whoy ou say you are. Mac. just log in and tfit'sl"eallyyou,you can get to work allyourpreferences rigbt away, witb auction. It 's also are activated,from full access to yow· !heeasiest way to yourfavoritebrowser toy our choice of personalfiles. localepeople, news desktop patterns. Yo ur privatefolder is But ifit's someone easi0' accessibleuntilyou log out. pretending to beyou, access is denied. 4Keychain .No need to keeptrack 5Automatic upd atin g. Now keeping 6Encryption.Now yow·private ofa ll /bosepasswords and digital your operating system up-to- infonnation can remainprivate, • certificatesfor e-mail and web • date is as easy as • even wben you tranifer it over servers. 'lbep ersonal keychain built into installingMacOS9. tbe fntemet. Mac OS9 offers built-in, Mac OS9 will keep Automatically, owr the industrial-strengtb encryption-so you tmck oftbem lntemet, it will download can rest assured /bat for you. just (and even install) the latestfree yourimportantfiles speak or type updatesfor your Ma c. So you will remain secure, your password can get /bemost out ofyom· computer, 110 maffer where in to unlock tbem all. witbout worrying about tbecbores. Ibe work/you sendtbem. 7lntemetfilesharin g.Mac0S9's 8 Internet App leSc ript. AppleScript' 9Network browsin g. Witb Mac OS9's built-in file sbaring now works lets you automateyourMac built-in NetworkBrows!JI;you can • over the Internet as easily as it • andyour applications, fi"om the • navigateyour way aroundyour works between two simplest task to tbe most IAN,yourintranet or tbe Internet with Macs in tbe same Now ease. Now you canfindfile serv!JI"S, FIP room. So you can you can tap the power servers and web . set up sharedfolders ofAppleScript overthe servers thesame ·- ;•-;-:.,... ... that can be quickly accessed by any Internet. Andharness the way you locate - ., ................. ..,_ Mac useryou authorize, around!be power ofm ultipleMacs print!JI'S on your I; .IIII'H ........ corner or tbousands ofmiles away. workingtogether all over tbeworld own local network. all available in one must-have collection.So if you 're the type who loves to explore the Internet, now is the perfect time to install Mac OS 9. Surfing's greatest hits, now only$99.*www.apple.com. t1 Think different:" regisleretl tmdemar/u andSberW am/7biuk different are tradenwrks of AfJ{J/e Co mputer, In c. lnlem et access r€Y[u ires lnlt!rnel sen rice account, fees may apply. i n v e n t True to the original. It serves up to ten color pages per minute of stunning realism. With printouts that are most like your original photos. The new HP DeskJet 970C. It's fast, but it won't sacrifice razor-sharp text and graphics. And it's PC/USB-connect Mac compatible. Invent, create and inspire for just Achieve superior results with HP supplies. www.hp.com/go/original. J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 0 Incorporating M,acUser Features Cover Story Create 70 The iMac Is Back B Y F R IT H BRE I TZ E R An in- depth loo k at Appl e's lates t lin e Print of iMacs. Pl us: our r eview of th e 103 Setting Type with InDesign iMac DV Special E diti on. BY 0 LA V MART IN K V E R N G et a first loo k at Adobe's typograph y 78 QuarkXPress versus breaktl1 rough. lnDesign: The Great Debate BY D E K E McC LEL LA N D A N D Get to know Apple's new breed Web DAV I D B L A T N E R T he deskto p- of iMacs, page 70. 111 Low-Fat Graphics for publishing battl e is ragin g again , the Web and everyo n e's go t an opini o n BY MIKE WOO L D RID GE Com- about which D TP powe rh ouse press gra phi cs to create speedi er, you 'll be using in tl1e next mill en- more elega nt pages. nium. Go behind th e scen es as th e experts ar gue th e strengths Graphics and weakn esses of each. 114 Embracing Imperfection BY cAT H Y AB E s Taking advan- 88 The Macworld Web ta ge of mist akes can lead to Shopper's Companion beauti ful art. B Y ELLI O T ZA RE T Yo u don 't h ave to fi ght holid ay traffic this year. With our guid e to the best shopping online, places and ways to sho p online, page 88. the stockin gs will be stuffed in no time. thoua:htl 11. " '"'"· '"'"'" combln1t!( Explore lnDesign's new approach to type, page 103. The DTP experts argue the merits of XPress and lnDesign, page 78. 4 J a nu a r y 2 000 MACWORLD Reviews ... Opinion 32 Apple iBook .C.o.n.s umer portabl e 17 Letters 34 MetaCreations Painter 6 .N.a.tu.r al-m edia paintin g software 23 The Vision Thing .... G5 promises super BY A N D R EW G 0 R E vVh o pays 36 AsanteFast 1000 GigaNIC; processing power, page 25. fo r App le's G4 mix-u p? Farallon PN9000-SX ; ....h Team ASA Stallion GE-11 63 The Game Room .. Gigabit Ethernet card s B Y c H R 1s T o PH E R B R EEN P re- .... News sen ting t he Top 10 Mac Gamin g 38 Blue Label PowerEmulator 1.5; T hin gies of the past 1,000 years. Virtual PC 3.0 PC-emulati o n software 25 What's Ahead for PowerPC? 176 The Desktop Critic ..... Moto r o la r evea ls futur e di r e c - B Y D A v 1 D P o c uE IfApp le ca n 40 " HP DeskJet 970 t io ns fo r t h e P owerPC chip , rein vent co mputers, thin k what it .In.k.-.j e t printer in c ludi ng t h e G5 with i ts p r o- could do fo r d iapers. jec te d speeds o f up to 2 GHz. 42 Meeting Maker 6 12 How to Contact Macworld .M.u.l.ti user calend ari ng system 26 A Downgrade for the G4 Appl e stirs u p a ho rn et 's nest by 44 Palm llle lowerin g t he p rocessor spee ds in .H.a.n.d h eld o rganizer its new Power Mac G 4 lin e. 44 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 LE 28 Product Watch Im age -editin g softwa re New produ c ts fo r your i'v1ac, .... in clu d in g a co pyfitting tool fo r " 46 Diamond HomeFree Adobe I nD es ig n and a hi g h- Phoneline USB speed multi fun ctio n p e riphe ra l Ho me net workin g system fro m Ca no n. .... " Unlock the potential of 49 Spark 1.01 28 Adobe's New Web Presence infrared, page 95. .A.u.d. io edito r Ad o be's new W eb site le ts you ... create \Neb bann ers and optimi ze 51 Internet Gateway 6.5; g rap hi cs throug h your browser. IPNetRouter 1.4.2 Secrets Internet-shari ng softwa re 30 Weaving Web Graphics Upgrades •••• 52 Polaroid SprintScan 4000 New ve rsio ns o f Macrom e di a's .S.lid.e. scann er F irewo rks and Dream weaver make 95 Join the Infrared Revival ni ce with Adob e apps. BY J OSEP H SC H ORR Gain new 54 BarbaBatch 3.0 appreciation- and user tips- fo r A.. u.d.i o.- co nversio n softwa re your IR-equi pped M ac. 56 EtherPeek 4.0 99 Quick Tips Eth ernet netw ork analyzer BY LON POO L E T ips, tricks, .... and sho rtcuts. " 58 MarkzScout 1.0 Graphics workflo w too l •••• 60 SimCity 3000 Simul ation game .... ON THE COVER " Photogmpb by lvlad }obann 61 Fly 1.0 Fligh t simul ator www. macworld.com J a n uary 2000 5 " visitour crowded facility! Sta nd on lin es! Inte ract with We offer free technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a indifferent, under-trained clerks! A nd reme mber, week - for the e ntire ty of the one-year warranty. And if you with every purchase you help us pay our overhead! " run up again st a problem we can't solve, our Platinum No, we don ' t blame stores for not bein g this , well , forth- Exchange Warranty Program guarantees you a replacement corning. They have a bu siness to run . But d o yo u rea ll y want printer by the nex t bu siness day. (A ll our printers come with a to help them run it? thirty-day, money-back guarantee as well.) At the Virtual Printer Store , we brin g you the pr inter Finally, we offer printers good eno ugh to sell them se lve s without the inconvenience of the store. - beca use they have to. Printers that turn out vivid halftone s, You shop at home or office, via phone o r mouse. You po ster-si ze d graphi cs, printshop-quality tex t, and perform don't have to deal w ith traffic- street, store o r otherwise . You various other note worthy feats noted here. only pay for what you ne ed (the printer) in stead of what yo u The Virtual Printe r Store. Because the be s t place to shop don ' t (bricks , mortar and middlemen). And since you buy for a printe r isn ' t a shop at all. direct from the manufac turer, yo u deal with people who' ll actually talk to yo u after the sale. ELITE 12 N Series ELITE XL 20 Series ELITE 12/600 USB 12 pages pe r minut e 20 pages per minut e 12 pages per min ut e 600 x 600 dpi resolu ti o n 600 x 600 dpi resolutio n 600 x 600 dpi resol utio n Maximum Print Area 8.5"" x 14"" Ma ximu m Pri nt Area 12.6" x 35. 1" Ma x imum Print Area 8.5" x 14" Le tt er, lega l, e n ve lo pe Le tte r, tabl o id, lega l, envelo pe, poster Le tt e r, lega l, e nvelope 250-shee t Uni versa l Tray 500-s hee t Unive rsal Tra y 250-s hee t Uni ve rsal Tray PostScr ipt• Leve l 2 co mpat ible, PCL 5 Pos tSc ri pt Leve l 2 co mpatibl e, PCL 5 Pos tScr ipt Leve l 2 co mpatible , PCL 5 35 PostScript fo ms, 15 PCL fo nts, 35 PostScript fo nts. 15 PCL fon ts, 35 Pos tS cript fo nt s, 15 PCL fom s, 45 dow nl oadabl e fonts 250 down loada bl e fo llls 45 downl oadab le fo nt s RAM expan dab le to 64MB RAM ex pandab le to 64 MB RAM ex pa ndable to 64 MB 1st year Platinum Exc hange 1st yea r Pla tinum Exchan ge 1st year Pla tinum Excha nge TCP/ 1P EtherTalk. Loca \Talk, Ne t TCP/ IP USB (cable included), US B. Etherne t (10 BaseT). Ethe rne t ( 10 BaseT. AAU l), Bi-directional Parall e l Bi-direc ti o nal Para llel Bi-d irec tiona l Para ll el 2nd Pape r Fee der ' 2 nd or 3rd Pape r Feede r' 2 nd Paper Fee der ' ( includ es 500-s hcet Universa l Trn y) Add $299 (inc lud es 500-lt hcc t Un iversal Tra y) Add 5329 (in clud es 500-shec t Unive rs al Tray) Add $299 2nd yea r Platinum Exchange ' Add s 99 2nd year Pl atinum Exchan ge l Add s 179 2 nd yea r Plati num Exc ha nge J ,\dd s 99 $849 $1599 $799 Lease $56 Mon th/36 months' USB•s $949 $1899 1200 dpi ve rsion 800 dpi version UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS Lease $67 Mo nth/36 mo nths' UiJD $2199 1200 dpi version UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS Lea se $77 Mo nth/36 mo nths ' Also ava ilabl e in Loca \Talk" ve rsio ns =-.. TECHNOLOGIES THE VIRTUAL PRINTER STORETM on,,ntdfar 7 Wul!lows NT" Macworld EDITOR IN CHIEF And rew Gore ED IT ORIAL OPER ATION S MANAGER Savraj Be nedi ct Introducing OiskWarrior:" arevolutionaru new wau EDITOR i\1ichae l Penw:m lcn EXECUTI V E EDIT O R Jason Snell to restore damaged disks! SEN IO R EDITOR , DEP ARTMENTS N ancy Peterson SENIOR EDIT OR, H OW· TO Scholle Sawyer DiskW arrior is a revoluti onary new utility that combats AS SI STA NT EDIT ORS Fri th Brc it"ter, Kath ry n Lunsford , disk damage. It quickl y rebuilds, recovers and optimizes J o na th an Seff your HFS and HFS Plus di sk directories, eliminating all directory error s and reco vering lost fi les. Other utiliti es attempt to repair di sks by patchin g the REVIEWS damage. Patchin g can res ult in more damage and permanent loss of fil es. SENIOR EDITO R, PR O DU CTS Steph e n Beale 1001. Assurance SENI O R EDITOR , REV IE WS Linda C o mer SENI OR EDITOR , MACB UY. CO M Suzann e C o urtea u Onl y DiskWarri or builds a new optimized EDIT OR IAL ASSIS TANT David Read directory using data recovered from the damaged directory. Yo u have I 00 % ass urance that DiskWarrior will always resto re your disks CONTRIBUTING EDITORS and recover your files when directory damage is your enem y.* You' ll al so have I 00 % 1-i cnr}' Bortm:m, C h ri sto phe r Bree n, Bruce F raser, Ted Landau , confidence that you' re ge tting th e desired Dc kc M cCle lland , Ri k M yslcwski , To m N cgri no , Davi d Pof,'llc, results. DiskWarrior's exclu sive Preview ability lets you preview th e restoration. Lo n Poo le, Stc ph :m So mogy i, Fm nkJin N . Tes sle r You can examine your dama ged disk in the Finder as it will app ear after the LAB directory is restored but before any changes are made to yo ur di sk. LAB DI RECTO R Kri stina D e N ike Routine Maintenance SE NIO R LAB ANALYSTS Jeffy K. Milstead, Kevin M itchell DiskW arrior is your first line of defense against un seen disk damage. Running ASSOCI ATE LAB ANA LY ST Gil Loyola DiskWarrior reg ularly prevents small INVENT O RY CO O RD INA TO R U lyssis Bravo unseen problems from becoming large on es by keeping your directories error COPY EDIT free . You 'll also keep your directories MAN AGING EDITO R C laire H . Bre e n optimized to speed up ASS IST ANT MAN AG ING EDITOR P:lUl-Mi c hacl King overa ll disk performance. COPY CHIEF j o n Zobcni ca COPY ED ITOR C ha rles Purd y or fa x 28 1-353·9868. Disk Warrior is a trademark of Alsoft, Inc. •visit our ART AND DESIGN web sile or ca ll for requiremems. Disk Warrior is not a mag ician. No utilit y can rest ore dl rec10 rles th at DESIGN DIR ECTO R E lea nor Leishman have been wriuen over. ART DIRECT OR Sylvia C hevr ier AS SO CIATE DE SIGN ERS Mart ha Katt, J o nath an Woo lso n DES IGN ASSOCIATES Jackie Goodman , Sean M c D o nald INTERNATIONAL EDITORS Steve n N ob le, Berna rd Lc Du , France; Andrea s Borcherc, G erma ny; En ri co Lotti , lr:1 ly; Yoshio Mo riya, j :1pan; Tomasz Bitn e r, Po la nd ; D ani el d e Bias, Spa in ; Lc nn a rt H:1 ka nsso n , Swede n; Fred J amc, T.1iwan ; Bahattin Apak, Turk ey; Sim o n]a ry, Uni ted Ki ng do m Circle 140 on card or go to www.macworld.com/getinfo 8 Janu a ry 2000 MACWORLD

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