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Preview MacWEEK Vol 07 Num 03

IN REVIEWS H SuperMac DigitalFilm o QuickTimeonamoreusefullevel Adobe Dimensions 2-Dusersgetthethirddimension Dynodex3.0 Higher-levelcontactmanagement THE NEWSWEEKLY FOR MACINTOS See Page49 01.18.93 Volume 7 Number 3 NetWare 4 directories Radius to launch Third-party extension eight-Rocket box off limits AOCE ships to bring pen to Mac OS till running Mac code Novell to supply ing system will be able to take full ByCarolynSaid — Apple showsprototype advantage of Version 4.0’s new San Jose, Calif. Radius Inc. Mac-accesssoftware directoryandsecurityfeatures. reportedly is harnessing the multi- basedon Duo design The forthcoming NetWare processingandmultitaskingpowerof updatewillprovidedistributeddirec- its Rocket accelerators to create a ByMitch—RatdiffeandAprilStreeter toryservicesforusers ofthe popular high-poweredMac-compatible serv- ByCarolynSaidandR—ainesCohen Boston TheMacwon’tbenefit networkOS.Thedatabasedirectory, erforpre-pressandmultimediausers. San Francisco Pen-based muchintheshortrunwhenNovell orbindery,inNetWare3.11andpre- Code-named SkyLab, the “media computing, an innovation so far Inc.shipsNetWare4.0thisMarch, vious versions forces users to sepa- server”willconsistofeight50-MHz available only on other platforms, but once Apple releases its Apple ratelylogontoeachservertheywish 68040 Rocket accelerators in a maysoonreachtheMac. NEVINBERGER Open Collaboration Environment, to browse. With NetWare 4.0, just Radius-designedbox,sourcessaid.In Communication Intelligence ApplehasshownsomeusersaPower- Macclientsonthenetworkoperat- SeeNetWare Page119 all, the system is expected to deliver Corp.,thedeveloperofapen-input BookDuo-likepen-basedMac. , up to 300 mips ofprocessingpower. systemthatApplemarketsinJapan, The server will depend on Mac next week will announce PenMac, ware,accordingtosources. ROM code Radius licensed from an extension to the Mac operating CIC’s PenMac software will be Apple, sources said. It can be systemthatwillmakeitpossible to introduced at PenExpo here. The launched only from a Mac net- use a pen with off-the-shelfMacs, product is scheduled for release by worked to it; once launched, it can tabletsandMacapplications. mid-yearatless than $100, accord- run out-of-the-box Mac software Meanwhile, Apple in recent ing to company CEOJames Dao. overthenetwork. months has quietly shown corpo- He said several third-party tablet Radiusdeclinedtocomment. rate customers a prototype pen- manufacturers, including Kurta Because SkyLab was designed based Mac using Duo-like hard- SeePenMac Page120 , specifically to be a server, sources said,itwon’tbeencumberedbyele- ments ofthe Mac architecture that hinder server performance, such as Developers to get AppleScript soon aslowbus. Userswillbeabletopluginhigh- performance storage systems from ByRainesCohen — mersandonlylatertoendusers. RICKFRIEDMAN/BUCKSTAR third parties, including RAIDs San Francisco AppleScript, The AppleScript language and MacuserswillhavetowaituntillaterintheyearwhenAppleshipsitsOpenCollabo- (redundant array of inexpensive Apple’slong-awaiteduser-scripting thelargerOpenScriptingArchitec- rationEnvironmenttoenjoythefullbenefitsofNetWare4.0,whichNovelldisplayed disks) and optical drives. Client system for the Mac, is nearing ture encompassing it are designed atNetWorldlastweek.Formorenewsfromtheshow,seestoriesonpages4and24. SeeRadius Page120 release. The company last month to be flexible and extensible. Users , shipped a beta version to develop- worldwide will be able to write ers. This month it gave public scriptsinAppleScriptdialectsbased Apple holding to Newton price, ship plans daenmdornesvteraalteidonnsewatdeMtaaiclwsoarblodutEhxopwo moanrt;hesicrrinpattsivaerelasntgouraegdeianndagcroamm-- it will market the software: first, piled, codedformat, makingitpos- byMay,todevelopers,theninadif- sibletoedittheminanydialect. ByStephenHo—ward generationofNewtonproducts.” tants(PDAs).Peoplewhoruntheir ferent form to in-house program- SeeAppleScript,Page119 Las Vegas Despite reports of Inaprogressreport,GastonBasti- own businesses or work for large delays and planned price hikes, aens,vicepresidentandgeneralman- corporations “will be the first to Apple this month held to its line ager ofApple’s Personal Interactive grasp the importance” of PDAs, thatitwilldeliveraNewtonforless Electronics (PIE) division, reiterated Bastiaens said. He also said that than$1,000bythissummer. the basics ofthe company’s Newton third-partydeveloperswerewriting To prove it, the company and announcement last May, while “a lot of professional business- Sharp Corp. of Osaka, Japan, addingafewrefinements. support”softwareforthedevice. showedoffattheWinterConsumer Business users, rather than con- Steve Capps, chiefsoftware archi- Electronics Show here what they sumers,willbethelikelycustomers tect of the Newton, claimed Apple Appletsaretinydouble-clickableapplicationsthat said was an “alpha sample ofa first for Apple’s personal digital assis- hadaddedcursivehandwritingrecog- runthescripttheycontainandthenquit,orruninthe NEWSPAPER SECOND CLASS nition to the device, although his backgroundasanagent. accompanying demonstration at- tempted onlyoneword each ofcur- siveandmixedcursive-printingstyles. Dropletsaredrag-and-dropappletsthatcan Communicationswillbeacorner- processfiles,foldersordisksdroppedonthemin stoneoftheNewtonfamily,although theFinder. Applewasreluctanttonamethespe- SeeNewton Page119 , Source:Apple GREAT REASONS TO BUY GRACELAN UPDATE MANAGER FIVE DistributionProgress mam ======ism ==?AdvertisingPlanPackage Distributing "Word5Update Item Location ExistingItem Matchname - - - Replaceiterr J|j|i DistributePackage Cancel OK Statusofrecipients Package... AdvertisingPlan JeffBlackburn EthernetBackbone KellyHayes EthernetBackbone UserList... ProductMarketing MVBPlannerAdmssm'ProductMarketingUserList 1 KKKieennmCOWfoifblebsron EEEttthhheeerrrnnneeettt.BBBaaaccckkkbbbooonnneee wDaonren When... Thursday,September10,1992 5:30AM User Zone I MarkAdams EthernetBackbone Done KMealrlkyHAadyaemss EEtthheerrnneettBBaacckkbboonnee i MikeKorte EthernetBackbone 1 REDUCE NETWORK TRAFFIC ®MKRieocnbwhaCHaeoaflbebRronagiekr•ms aaaaELLmootcchaaeallrTTnaaelltakkBBBallcmddkggbomnemaaa1Hm1i1 WARE PIRACY gM ELIMINATENETWORKTRAEEICCAUSEDBYSENDINGUPDATESVIA © IEMANAGER, YOUCANCONTROLTHE E-MAILSYSTEMSORCOPYINGNEWVERSIONSFROMTHESERVERS. ELIMINATEPAPER FLOW WITHGRACELANUPDATEMANAGER, UPDATEPACKAGESARE VAREANDSENDOUTUPDATESASSOO WITHAUTOMATICDOCUMENTDISTRIBUTION, YOUCANSENDREGULAR ELPSKEEPUSERSERMUNAUTHORIIl AUTOMATICALLYCOMPRESSEDANDCANBESENTFROMYOUR REPORTSANDINFORMATIONTOMANYPEOPLEATONCE,RIGHTWHEN WINGYOUTOKEEPAHANDLEONPO MACATANYTIME—YOUCANSENDTHEMDURING"OFF" YOUNEEDTO. NONEEDTOTIEUPLASERPRINTERS, WAVEPAPER, HOURS, WHENNETWORKTRAEEICISATAMINIMUM. ORWORSEYET, WAITINLINEATTHECOPIER. YOU'LLBJMINATE JrIIIII UNNECESSARYPAPERFLOW. EditRction Item Cancel Word5UpdatePackage LocateItem Location ExistingItem 0SearchStartupVolurne M8i5c0rKosoftWord Foinndallexviosltuinmgesi,tedmefaultfldr MReaptlcahcetyiptee,mcreator FindExistingItem | 00SDeelaertcehAOltlhOecrcuLorcraelncVeoslumes 6WKord5.0ReadMe SMiacmreospolfatceWoasrd MReaptlcahcenaimteem [ 0Name: AdCloseDates/Placement StandardGlossary SMiacmreospolfatceWoasrd MReaptlcahcenaimteem Locate ]bymatching j!_,0TCryepaet:or: 1 SameAs... Glossaries SavingPackage 53Kfor5files -Action 0 WordCommands CompressingGrammar DeleteItem 3.2Mfor19files <•)SaveItem[ byrenamingto AdCloseDates/Placement(past) 6items, 4.1M(<4.1Mcornpri Hueragecompression: \T% IMPROVE NETWORKMANAGEMENT GRACELANUPDATEMANAGERWILLIMPROVEYOURNETWORK OVERALL. NOTONLYCANYOUKEEPALLUSERSCURRENTWITH THESAMEVERSIONSOFSOFTWARE, YOUCANPERFORMREMOTE MAINTENANCETASKS,SUCHASDELETING, RENAMING, OR MOVINGFILES. THISMAKESITEASYTOCLEANUPPOTENTIAL PROBLEMSONUSERS'MACHINES. muimmm FOREVENMOREREASONS TOBUYGRACELANUPDATEMANAGER, OR TOLEARNMORE ABOUTTECHWORKSCOMPLETELINEOFNETWORKINGHARDWAREANDSOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, (ML TECHWORKSTODAY! m larjaaimUiiAubi Erara lti GRACELANUPDATEMANAGER HUfe^slfaa itilMlBi ISPARTOFTHEGRACELAN PROFESSIONALSERIESOF NETWORKMANAGEMENTTOOLS. TECHNOLOGYWORKS,INC,4030BRAKERLANEWEST,SUITE350,AUSTIN,TX78759,(512)794-8533 MacWEEK 1.18.93 V 0 L . 7 N 0 . 3 0 News Opinion Apple names Nagel to replace 5 PinnacleMicrocutscostofmasteringCD-ROMs 46 Editorial Desktoprecordingservice,duethismonth, Maycomputerslearnfromtelephones. Heinen as top software exec willlistfor$3,995. 46 Commentary/Jean-LouisGassee 6 IsthenextFrontierinIowa? System7.1 upgradebreedsillwill. ByJonSwartz — said. Nagelwill reportto Spindler. UserLandshowsnewinterface-buildingtool Cupertino,Calif. Itdidn’ttake “By placing both our software code-namedIowa. 47 Letters Applelongtofindareplacementfor and advanced research activities Apple'sno-floppypolicyaflopforPerformausers. Roger Heinen, its top operating- under David, we believe we will MacWEEK'slatest 47 MacManager/DonCrabb system executive who defected to enhance our efforts to integrate QuickPolllooks HyperCardnotreadyforfuneralpyre. MicrosoftCorp.earlierthismonth. state-of-the-art technologies into intodelivery. That’s because the our software plat- Buyersreport company didn’t have form,” Spindler said fewabnormal to lookfar. Lastweek inastatement. delaysdespite Reviews itnamedDavidNagel, Nagel said he has Applebacklog. senior vice president no plans to change 49 SuperMacplaysupQuickTimewithDigitalFilm of Apple’s Advanced MSAD’s long-term Packageisapowerfultoolformanipulatingfull- Technology Group strategy but will re- motion,full-screenvideobutneedspriceyhardware. (ATG), to succeed view several of the Gateways Heinenasheadofthe group’s policies, in- I Macintosh Software cluding its decision Architecture Division to charge for system 24 AppleInternetRouterdebutsatNetWorld (MSAD). software. SoftwarerouterisfirsttosupportAppleTalkUpdate- “Insucha dynamic, “The basic decision basedRoutingProtocol. changing industry, we DavidNagelsucceedsRoger is correct. We can’t 24 Thenextwave:Two-waywirelessmessaging needed to make an HeinenasApple'sMSADhead. continuetounderwrite RadioMailprepsMacgatewaysforArdisand immediate change,” complex development Mobitexnetworks. said Nagel, who was approached by bygivingawaysoftware,”hesaid.“At Michael H. Spindler, Apple’s presi- the same time, the specifics of that dent and chiefoperating officer, the policyareundercontinuousreview.” GA dayafterHeinenresigned. HeinenleftAppletwodaysbefore |1 49 TakingPostScriptillustrationtonewDimensions Nagel,47,willserveasseniorvice thestartofSanFrancisco’sMacworld president and general manager for Expo to become vice president of 30 KodakmakesColorSenseofcalibration Adobe'sutilityletsartistscreatenew3-Dobjectsas bothMSAD andATGuntil a suc- database and development tools at KEPS,Kodakcolor-managementsystemstieinto wellasmap2-Dartworkonto3-Dshapes. cessor is named to head ATG, Microsoft in Redmond, Wash. He Apple'sColorSync. 54 Scitor'sProjectScheduler5branchesout whichwillbewithintwomonths,he offerednoreasonforhisdeparture. 30 ProductsenhanceApple'scolorline Projectmanagerhandlesmultiprojectanalysisand Plug-intunesscanner;RIPsbringPostScripttoprinter. offersbeefed-upchartingandtablefunctions. Alki does Microsoft Word one better 36 PublishergivesMacthevote 55 PortfoliorollsimprovementsintoDynodex3.0 CompaniesuseMactoproduceClintonbook, Filesynchronizationandmemowriteradd with new MasterWord enhancements CD-ROMintimeforinauguration. functionalitytoalreadystrongproduct. ByLisaPi—carilleandHenryNorr createorediticonsandaddoptions ProductWatch Seattle Ayearago, whenAlki to bars by dragging and dropping Software Corp. introduced its commands. 59 Focusingresearchwithstatisticalanalysissoftware MasterWord enhancements for Envelopes. The new Master- Arangeofsolutionscanhelpresearchersextractthe Microsoft Word, Microsoft Corp. WordimprovesonWord5.1’sAlki- datatheyneedwithoutintensiveprogramming. liked what it saw so much that it developed envelope-printingfeature licensed much of the package for by letting users add Postnet bar 64 MacInTouch/RicFord inclusion in Word 5.1. But this codes, pictures and messages and ReadersharesRSI-relatedresources. monthAlkireturnedwithanupdat- previewenvelopesbeforeprinting. ed version that adds still more Other enhancements. The 64 AskDavidRamsey powerandconveniencetothepop- newAlkiplug-inletsusersselectthe PB 100battery-chargeindicatornotinsynch. ularwordprocessor. characterandindentforWord5.1’s ThenewMasterWord, priced at automaticbulletingfeature.Likethe $99.95 retail or $59.95 direct from originalMasterWord,itcancascade Mac the Knife Alki and free to current owners, or tile windows automatically and workswithbothWord 5.0and 5.1. simplify table formatting via a BusinessWdtch 122 Apple'smobilepowersourcedilemma Keyfeaturesinclude: galleryoftabletypes. ColorPowerBookahog,Newtonapig. Tool bar enhancements. The MasterWord package also While Word 5.1 and the original includes enhanced Help for Word 40 WordPerfectentersageofglasnost Softwaredeveloperforgesalliances,gears MasterWordofferoneiconictoolbar, 5.0 and 5.1 and three desk acces- upforIPO. 65 AdShowcase 118 Careers thenewAlkiplug-inmodulesupports sories: a calculator with Excel-like multiplebars.Theprogramshipswith functions, an electronic proportion 40 Adobereportsdipinresults 68 MailOrder 120 AdvertiserIndex 11preconfiguredbars;userscanmod- wheel, and a file-finding and text- Earningshurtbyill-fatedreal-estatedeal. 100 Classified 121 ProductIndex ify those or add new ones. Aspecial searchtoolwithnumerousoptions, tool bar called Frequent configures includinggrep.ThetextsearchDA, itselfautomaticallybasedonthetasks now called Alki Seek 2.1, also is a user performs most ffequendy. availableseparatelyfor$39.95. Userscanaddbuttonsthatenterupto Alki Software Corp. is at 300 MacWEEK(ISSN0892-8118)ispublishedweekly,withtheexceptionofAug.30,Nov.22,andDec.20and27byCoastalAssociatesPublishing,L.P.,1ParkAve.,NewYork,N.Y.10016.Singlecopyprice 255 characters of text or trigger Queen Anne Ave. N., Suite 410, iDnecplaurdtimngenpto,stMaagce:WE$E6.K,Once/-oyeJaCIr,sPu.b0s.crBipotxio1n7r6a6te,:RUi.vSe.rt$o9n,9,N.CJ.an0a8d0a7/7M-e7x3i6c6o;U.(S6.0$9)17456,1-In2t1e0rn0a.tiConhaaln:gUe.sS.of$a3d0d0res(sairremqauili)r.eAtlhlatoradenreswmuaspptlibceatpiroenpabied.fiDllierdecotustucboscmrpilpettieolnyianqnudiriinecsltuodeCubsotthomneerwSearnvdicoeldaddress. macroscreatedwithotherutilities. Seattle, Wash. 98109. Phone (800) Allow4-6weeksforprocessing.Postmaster:SendaddresschangestoMacWEEK,P.0.Box1766,Riverton,N.J.08077-7366.Second-classpostagepaidatNewYorkandadditionalmailingoffices.MacWEEKis MasterWordalsomakestoolbar 669-9673 or (206) 286-2600; fax aManteirnidaelpeinndtheinstpjuobulrincaalt,ionnotmaafyfilnioattebdewirtehprAopdpulceedCoimnpauntyefroIrnmc.wAiptphloeutanpderMmiascsiinotno.shReaqrueesttrsadfeomraprekrsmiosfsAipopnlsehCouolmdpubteedrirIencc.teEdnttioreChcaonnttaelntLsavceolpaynreitg,ht11P9a9rk3ACvoea.s,taNleAwssYoocrika,teNs.YP.ub1li0s0h1i6ng.,ELo.Pr.iAnlflorrimgahttisornesoenrvreedp.rints customizationeasierbylettingusers (206)286-2785. inquantitiesof500ormore,writeClaudiaCrichlow,Ziff-DavisPublishingCo.,1ParkAve.,NewYork,N.Y.10016.MacWEEKisaregisteredtrademarkofCoastalAssociatesPublishing,L.P. News MACWEEK 01.18.93 NetWorld 93 stress was on speed QuiQcuikcMkaMialislervfeorrsMbyHtShepernodviodfetshitshqeuasrtaemre. uosneras’neptrewfoerrke.ncTehsetoMtHheSclsieernvtemraccahnindeo,wnalllooawd- user interface as the standard QuickMail ing them to view their mail in the same way, client.Itwillletuserssendupto62enclosures regardless ofwhere theylog on from. Pricing ByMitch—RatdlffeandAprilStreeter cacophony that can jam large multizone and withamessage,comparedto16enclosuresfor fortheMHSclienthasnotbeendetermined. Boston Networkmanagers heardabout multiprotocolnetworks(seestory,Page24). a QuickMail message sent through a Mac The majority ofthe products at the show speed,routingandmessagingatNetWorld93 CESoftwareInc.announceditsclientsoft- server.MaillogandUnsendfeatureswillnot promisedimprovednetworkthroughput. MHS heldherelastweek. wareforNovellInc.’sMessageHandlingSer- be included because Novell’s server RouterandhubmanufacturerstoutedAsyn- Appledidnothaveaboothbutusedtheshow vice (MHS) mail system. The West Des doesnotsupportthem. chronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Retdx Inc., asavenuetoreleasetheAppleInternetRouter, Moines,Iowa-basedcompanysaiditwillship UserswillbeabletologontotheirMHSmail FibermuxCorp.andCiscoSystemsInc.,among which it said will reduce the routing-table thefirstmailclientithas developedfornon- accounts from any QuickMail forMHS client others,saidtheywillshiprouterandhubcards forthe 1.5-Mbpsnetworkingschemelaterthis yearandinearly1994.Withthepropercardsin place,thecompanies’hubswillbeabletoroute AppleTalkovermanyhigh-speedmedia,includ- V C O ingEthernet,tokenring,ATMandFiberDis- s L E 3 L U D tributedDataInterface(FDDI). 1 [ ATMisacell-switchingschemethatistrans- parent to network protocols. It breaks down Ethernet, token-ring and FDDI packets for transmission over several different types of physical connections. Most networking com- panieshavenotdeterminedwhichcablingthey ATM willsupportintheir interfaces. “ATMisthenextHolyGrail,” saidJeffrey Paine, manager of corporate marketing at MenloPark, Calif.-basedCiscoSystems. “It’s the approach that doesn’t have any obvious technicaldrawbacks, andthetimetogetinto ATMisnow,notwhenit’shot.” But Fibermux, located in Chatsworth, Calif., doesn’t see users rushing to ATM. “Untilmanagershavegonethroughthesteps to utilize all the bandwidth in Ethernet, we can’tsayATMisasolution,”saidMikeZeile, Fibermux’s ATM product line manager. He ATM estimatedthat won’treachthe desktop fortwoorthreemoreyears. However, Cabletron Systems Inc. of Rochester, N.H., is betting on the need for The world according high-bandwidth network services to support imagingandvideoapplicationsonthedesktop. The ThecompanysaiditplanstoshipATMadapter to Chooser. real world. cardsfortheMacintoshNuBus-90andPower- PCbusesnextyear. Alert! finds, fixes conflicts When theworldwas simple, flatwas fine. With a couple ofMacs and a LaserWriter, Chooser gave youwhatyou needed. ByHenryNorr — Times have changed and things aren’t so simple. Today’s Glendale,Calif. MaxaCorp.thismonth network has more zones, more devices and more users. announcedanewutilitydesignednotonlyto Chooser’s flatview is big, long, unwieldy and confusing. Even diagnosesoftwareconflictsbutalsotoresolve finding and selecting a printer can be quite a chore. Introducing Silver Cloud™ the themwhenpossible. to creaStielvaernCelwowuodrilsdthoredeCrh.ooIstegrivreespyloaucremneenttwtohraktsatlrluocwtsuryeouand modernviewofyour networkworld. a dCaatlalbeadseAleorft!c,omtphaetpibriolgirtayminwfilolrmbaetiboans.e—dBount in addition to reporting on problems a dimension byusing familiar folders and aliases just like Finder. H It lets you create clean, intuitive hierarchies that make sense, w Our Office - 2 items TcaepkanboisliytsyIanlc.r’esadHyelopf!fe—redAlbeyrts!ucwihlplraotgtreammpsttaos hiding things that are confusing. And device aliases make your solvethembyturningofforreorderingexten- favorite printers and servers just one click away. sions, offering to shut off 32-bit addressing For today’s network, Silver Cloud can make aworld of andboostingapplicationmemoryallocations. difference. Theprogramalsowillidentifyduplicateor Ifyou are responsible for troubleshooting, maintaining, M improperlyinstalled software. When it finds optimizing or expanding a computer network, we have a full Second Floor - 5 items an outdated version, it will display the pub- line ofpowerful, affordable networkanalyzers, monitors and w MThe Other Office - 1 item lisher’s phone number. Under System 7 the utilities that can make yourjob easier. wpr In*AFpipfltehTFallokor--2234itietmesms pprroobglreammswilalcrboessablae tnoetdwiaogrnkoseoranedvreensolvviea Call for a free network management guide. 03 Administration - modem,allowingconsultants,forexample,to 1-800-466-AGGP (2447). workremotely. Alert!,slatedtoshipinMarchfor$179,was writtenbyGaryAmstutz,oneoftheprincipal mac- developersofSymantecCorp.’sNortonUtili- based theaggroup inc., 2540caminodiablo, suite202, walnutcreek, ca 94596, tiesforMacintosh. network 510937.7900, fax510.937.2479, applelink:ag.group Maxa Corp. is at 116 N. Maryland Ave., . , Suite 100, Glendale, Calif. 91206. Phone tools ©1992TheAGGroup,Inc. Allrightsreserved. ChooserandFinderaretrademarks,andMacandLaserWriterareregisteredtrademarksof AppleComputer,Inc. SilverCloudisatrademarkofTheAGGroup,Inc. (818)543-1300;fax(818)543-0104. News MACWEEK 01.18.93 CD-ROM The price of the RCD-202 does not Pinnacle offers desktop recording for $4,000 include blank discs. Theyare available sepa- ratelyfor$39. The drive will ship with a one-year war- ByKirstenL.Pa—rkinson Inc.’s Sound Designer II formats; the audio Accordingtothecompany,theRCD-202can ranty, which includes free firmware Irvine,Calif. PinnacleMicrothismonth formatscanbeplayedonconsumerCDplay- beusedasareadingaswellasarecordingsys- upgrades. Internal versions for Macs with will break new price barriers in CD-ROM ers. The system provides multisession sup- tem. Itwillofferanaverageaccesstimeof300 bays for removable-media drives are due authoring with a desktop mastering system port, enablinguserstorecordadditionaldata milliseconds and transfer rates of 300 Kbytes laterthisyear. pricedatlessthan$4,000. ondiscsalreadymastered. per second for nonaudio data and 150 Kbytes PinnacleMicroisat19Technology,Irvine, The company’snewRCD-202 recordable Theunitmeasures9.6by10.38by2.1inch- persecondforaudiodata. Pinnacledeclinedto Calif. 92718. Phone (714) 727-3300 or(800) CD-ROM drive is slated to ship late this esandweighsabout7pounds. identifythemechanism’smanufacturer. 553-7070;fax(714)727-1913. monthfor$3,995,lessthanhalfthecostofan Optical Media International Inc. recording systemthatwaspreviouslytheleastexpensive MacWEEK, available (see Sept. 14, 1992). Onlya fewyears agosuch recordingsystems cost$40,000ormore. The half-height SCSI device will take aboutanhourtorecord580Mbytes,themax- imumcapacityofeachdisc,thecompanysaid. Itcanrecorddatainseveralformats,including Apple’shierarchicalfilesystem,International Standards Organization 9660, AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) and Digidesign LaserMaster printer can output tabloid pages at 1,200 dpi ByNeilMcManus — EdenPrairie,Minn. LaserMasterCorp. has released a new RISC-based PostScript- compatible printer capable of outputting tabloidpagesat1,200dpi. TheLaserMaster 1200XLPersonalType- setter, priced at $6,995, features an 8-page- per-minute engine from Toshiba America Corp. The printer is based on a proprietary 50-MHz RISC processor that resides on a NuBuscardinahostMac. Macs networked through LocalTalk or EtherTalkcan connectto the printerthrough thehostMac,whichisslowedonlymomentarily byincomingprintjobs,LaserMastersaid. The LaserMaster printer automatically switches between HP PCL 4 emulation and LaserMaster’s version of Microsoft Corp.’s Truelmage PostScript-compatible interpreter. It comes with 135 Type 1 fonts and LaserMaster’s TurboGray gray-scale enhancementsoftware. Theprinterachievesits 1,200-dpieffective resolutionthroughLaserMaster’sproprietary TurboRes software, which tricks the printer New SAM 3.5. There’s cationsround-the-clockto stomp scansand detectsvirusesincom- into printing partial pixels. Users also can nothingtougher onviruses. outattacksbeforetheybegin.And pressedfiles.Andtheonlyonethat choose to print in the printer’s faster native And easier on you. ithelpsyou quicklyrepairinfected letsyou schedule scansin advance. 600-dpimode. files. Plus, it’snoweasyto install and The 1200XLPersonalTypesettershipswith Inthew—aronviruses, it’s allor To updateyourprotection,just distribute overnetworks.t a250-sheetpapercassettethatsupportsavariety nothing. SogetnewSAM 3.5, the dropthe newestvirusdefinitions, WithnewSAM 3.5you’vegot ofpapersizes,includingletter,legal,tabloid,A4, toughest, most posted on moston-line services, into nothingtofear.And everythingto A3andB5.LaserMastersellsasecond250-sheet NewToSAM3.5 comprehensive yourSystemfolder. OnlySAM makes gain, inproductiveworry-free cassettefor$549,aswellasamultipurposetray •Detectsthemost forenvelopesandunusualpapersizesfor$449. unknownvirusactivi- virus stopper itthiseasy. computing. For just LaserMasteralsooffersTheUnity1200XL •Otinelsyoafnatnivyiprursogtorasmcan outthere.Andthe Nowonderit’sthenumberone $99* atyour dealer. fLoars$e9r,M9a9s5t.eIrtsh1a2r0es0XmLostPeorfstohneafleatTuyrpeessoeftttehre ••OEcnaolsmyyproceonlseosrteodinftielrefsace easieBste.cause it sellingTMhaectaontuigvhiersutsSinAtMheyweto.rld. uSpAgMraodwenfeorrsjucsatn butaddsabuilt-inRISCprocessor,21Mbytes schedulescans stands silentwatch $24** bycalling ofRAM,a20-MbyteinternalSCSIharddisk •Ovni-rulsinienfhoe.lpwith inthebackground; NewSAM 3.5isthetoughest 1-800-3434714, andLaLsoecraMlaTsatlekr. Corp. is at 6900 Shady Oak •E&asuypdnaettewso!rkinstall. fslcoapnpnieisn,gaynodurapfpilleis-, bcaarnribeury.agIta’isntshteuonnklnyoawntnivviirruussetshaytou eexxtp.irAesF1M5arc(ohff1e2r, 1993). Road, Eden Prairie, Minn. 55344. Phone SYMANTEC. (612)944-9457;fax(612)943-3469. *PriceinU.S.dollars.**OfferpriceinU.S.dollars,validinU.S.andCanadaonly.SAMisaregisteredtrademarkofSymantecCorporation.In Canada,call1-800-465-2266.Everywhereelse,call408-252-3570.tAvailableforvolumepurchasers,andwiththeSAM3.510-packversion. Call1-800-554-4403formoreinformationviaFAX.Selectoption#2andrequestdocument#4510.©1992SymantecCorporation. r News MACWEEK 01.18.93 Iowa Frontier to build interfaces in UserLandalso shows The company unveiled both a let users draw interface compo- new interface-building tool, code- nents and dialog box contents on component version named Iowa, and a version of its “cards.” Userswill be able to link Frontierdevelopmentenvironment the components to scripts written that works with most AppleScript in UserTalk, Frontier’s scripting ByRainesCohen — editors. language. San Francisco UserLand Bothwerecharacterizedas“tech- Cards will be able to store and SoftwareInc.usedaprivatesuiteat nologydemonstrations,” not prod- retrieve information from Fron- Macworld Expo this month to uct announcements; no ship dates tier’s object database and display showthatthe Frontieris stillwide orpriceswereset. theirownmenubarsthroughUser- open,evenwithAppleScriptonthe Thecompanyshowed: Land’smenu-sharingprotocol. horizon. Iowa. This application will UserLand has not yet deter- WizToolsmodifiestheApplemenu,lettingusersselectitsfontandmakingfoldersappear minedwhether to include a full or ashierarchicalmenus.Itplacesaclockinthemenubarshowingtimesinvariouslocales. Iowa,anew JobBillingApplet runtime version of Frontier with user-interface logon(account,password);card.close() ] <FrameColor Z> Iowa. It will be aimed at system constructiontool o* oI USASeruiceBureauStandardLoginRpplet integrators and developers, rather ASD Software's Wiz Tools package fromUserLand thanendusers. Software,lets A C 4- f-HfrfTRecount: Frontier component. The usersbuildmini- KlB<§> hrtfPatssrwomrdi: company has adapted a version teaches System 7 nine new tricks acaplplleidcactairodnss,, n OA —j(S8ei)leSEcn\tgiianeIsee»rriuinergi: o USSa1le+s1 oefnviitrsoFnrmoennttietro2w.o0rkdevaselaopcmoemn-t atchtatwictanhitnhteer- r '4r- nOOtSMhairmpkpeitnigngT~ OO CInutsetronmaetironSaelruice AprocnheinttecitnurAep.ple’s Open Scripting MBoynRtocblearitrH,esCsalif.—Likeamagi- owneWrawthcehnFoalfdoeldre,rwohniacshhaalreerdtsvtohle- dFraotnatbiaesreo.bject t—f—tr1r—~4tt-4~r-r4T444T*~4TT4 Cancei staWllhedeninthtehe cEoxmtpeonsnieonnts ifsoldien-r csitarne’asmloofngS-ylsastteimng7 sutcialriftietsriccok,ntitnh-e ubemeusiesdmofdoirfiaedr.udTihmiesntfaeartyurfeocromulodf -I3 ri withintheSystemfolder,itwilladd ues with the introduction of Wiz electronicmail,thecompanysaid. a menu to Apple and third-party ToolsbyASDSoftwareInc. Keystroke Recorder, which script editors, giving users the The $129 collection of control remembers all text entered on the choiceofUserTalkorAppleScript panels,duelaterthismonth,includes: keyboardinanencryptabletextfile. Kaetron updates TopDown Flowcharter; whenwritingscripts. FinderTools,whichcanmod- ColorSwitcher,whichtoggles The system automatically will ify Finder-menu command keys, betweentwopresetbitdepths. Version 3.5 opens multiple documents use the Frontier engine to com- changeapplication-documentlinks, WorldClock, which places a pile and run scripts written in allow hot-key switching between clockin the menu bar and displays UserTalk. applicationsandmakeitpossibleto the time in other user-specified Windows Viewer users add additional relationship The feat is possible in part usesmalliconsonthedesktop. locationsinamenu. detailstof—lowchartswiththreenew because Frontier 2.0 supports the Twins, which acts as both a Launcher, which attaches hot opens org,flowcharts linetypes hairlines, curvedlines Apple-Events Object Model, a set file-synchronization and backup keys to applications and documents. anddashedlines. ofstandards dictatinghow applica- utility,permittingbothmanualand ItcanbeusedwhiletheFindercopies. Users who purchased the previ- tions can talk to one another in a scheduled,unattendedbackups. SubMenu, which displays the ByLisaPicari—lle ousversionofTopDownFlowchar- language-independentfashion. PowerBook Utilities, which Applemenu’scontentshierarchically. Houston Kaetron Software ter afterJuly 1, 1992, can upgrade UserLandSoftwareInc.isat400 offers battery-level indicators, cur- ASD Software Inc. is at 4650 Corp. this month shipped anupdate free;otherspay$49. Seaport Court, Redwood City, sor animation and hot keys that ArrowHighway, Suite E-6, Mont- of TopDown Flowcharter and TopDown Viewer for Win- Calif. 94063. Phone (415) 369- toggle AppleTalk and put the sys- clair, Calif. 91763. Phone (909) announcedanewproducttoletWin- dows,a$69applicationduelaterthis 6600;fax(415)369-6618. temtosleep. 624-2594;fax(909)624-9574. dows users view files created with month,willletWindowsusersopen, TopDown Flowcharter or the com- view and print files created on the MD MARS pany’sOrgChartExpressprogram. Mac with TopDown Flowcharter gets streamlined, goes cross-platform TopDown Flowcharter 3.5, or OrgChart Express. The $99 MD a tool for documenting system organizational-chartapplicationcom- ByHenryNorr — at$30,000forasingle-userversion, willbe$39,995;upgradesfrom design, procedures and the flow of binesemployeedatamanagementand Silver Spring, Md. Micro including a Quadra 700, optical MARStoVikingwillbe$15,000. information, now allows users to sophisticatedchartingfeatures. Dynamics Ltd. this month drive, Fujitsu scanner and Laser- Micro Dynamics Ltd. is at 8555 openmultipledocuments,usepub- Kaetron Software is at 12777 announced major enhancements to Writer. Networkversionswillstart 16th St., Seventh Floor, Silver lish and subscribe, include headers Jones Road, Suite 445, Houston, its document-imaging system, at$70,000. Spring, Md. 20910. Phone (301) and footers in documents, and add Texas 77070. Phone (713) 890- including revamped software for MARSViking,thenewcross- 589-6300;fax(301)589-3414. automaticpagenumbering. 3434 or (800) 938-8900; fax (713) Mac users and a new Oracle-based platform version, also is slated for The $345 program alsonowlets 890-6767. cross-platformversion. release byMarch. It will include a MD MARS 3.0 for the Mac, Directory Server, or document For the record Thelatestver- due later this quarter, will feature a database, built with Oracle Corp. sionofTop- new program called Workstation software,whichcanrunonupto80 A Jan. 11 story reported an DownFlow- 3.0, which combines all functions Unixplatforms.TheVikingsystem incorrect upgrade price for charterincludes exceptscanningintooneapplication. also will add support for multiple Symantec Corp.’sTHINKRef- avarietyof Workstation also will provide a opticalservers,makingthesystem’s erence 2.0. Upgrades fromVer- newlinetypes streamlined interface and a number capacityvirtuallyunlimited. sion 1.0 to 2.0 are $39. Regis- tohelpillustrate ofnewoptions.Userswillbeableto In addition to Workstation 3.0 tered U.S. users who purchased relationships. annotate images with text or audio for the Mac, the Viking package Version 1.0 after Nov. 4, 1992, comments and create and store new will incorporate a new application canupgradefree,exceptforan$8 versions ofdocumentswith drawing called Retrieve for Windows, shippingandhandlingcharge. overlaysorwithsensitiveportionsof which will give users of the IntheJan. 11 filesynchroniza- theoriginalblackedout.Inaddition, Microsoft environment the same tion review, the telephone num- the new release will let users store, extensiveretrievaloptionsavailable ber for Qdea was incorrect. The retrieveandplayQuickTimemovies. toMacusers. correctnumberis(800)933-9558. PricingforMDMARS will start ThebasepriceforMARSViking m m POUH’fPol1lml Integrated External Internal SCSI SCSI PowerBook DisplayProducts DisplayProducts VideoAdapters SigmaDesigns Product PowerPortrait ViewPort PowerBase DisplayAdapter030 RetailPrice $749 $749 $599 $795to$1,395 MonitorIncluded Yes Accelerated Yes GraniteModel Yes PowerBooks 100,140, Supported 145&170 *Competitivedataaccurateattimeofprintingandsubjecttochange The bestmonochrome SCSI displaysolutionjustgotbetterfor PowerBookand compactMacintosh u—sers. Ifyou’re tired ofseeingonlyhalf a page onyourbuilt-inscreen, add afull-page, plug-and-play display for the newly reduced price of$749 that’s asavings ofup to $396 over ourprevious retail price!* Race th—rough graphics displays and minimize scrollingwith superior QuickDraw acceleration. Viewyourworkat its bestuser-selectable resolution 72, 80 and 88 dpi. Create avirtual desktopwith Hardware Pan toworkup close and powerthrough multi-page edits. And Power Portraitis fullyMPR II compliant, and its high refresh rates make iteasier onyour eyes during longworkinghours. Feature forfeature, Power Portraitfarsurpasses the competition.Available in platinum or SIGMA granite, Power Portraitmatchesyourcomputer forasleek, designer-coordinated look. The price fortheperformance has neverbeen better. Take advantage ofthisverygood deal. DESIGNS r® 1-800-845-8086 Ext. 105 or Fax 510-770-2640 ©1993SigmaDesigns,Inc.PowerPortraitisatrademarkofSigmaDesigns,Inc.PowerBookandMacintoshareregisteredtrademarksofAppleComputer,Inc. Allotherproductorbrandnamesarepropertyoftheirrespectiveholders.*Basedon$1145previousMSRPforPowerPortraitgranitemodelwithanti-glarecoating. 47900BaysideParkway,Fremont,CA94538USA•Tel:(510)770-0100•Fax:(510)770-2640 + News M A C W E E K 0 1.18.93 * File Edit Uieui Insert Format Font Tools Ulindotu Mass Micro drives into array market DynoPage Courier DynoPage™Print 0Preu ' RealTechLaser PNo—rmal Double-Sided CutLines Multiples 2 Churchill PrintOrder sLuepvpeolr5tRhoAtIsDwsapping stacheteeukaaltrirsmaeeyeskcootnfifm1ie0g.su5rtamotiilaoslnilsiwetitclloelndarsse,d2ub.c2u5et MthbaAytntceaecxnatrewtrrrniiatdlegezsae.srow-eflolotparsinrteamdod4e4l- SDionugbllee-oSrided <§)Sh=7e•e4||t1=|:8P:5r||2:i11:n9t6:|i3n|g 0St:a3c;2|kJ|l:l6P:5r114i:IIn:5 GLLalabosebelarL,WUFrraiiKtteerrI7I.:1u.:,.2^/ milliseconds. is $999; an internal version for the Printing: PSIDriter IfRAID Level 3 is selected, one Quadra 900/950, IIvx and Performa ByKirstenL.Parkins—onandHenryNorr drive is dedicated to storing parity 600is$899.Upgradesfromtheorigi- 0Booklet 0PanelPrinting Sunnyvale,Calif. MassMicro- information. IfLevel 5 is enabled, nalDataPak88willbe available, but Double-sided systems Inc., moving steadily up parity information is distributed pricinghasnotbeendetermined. Printingonly: 1 DynoPage™ market, this month introduced a acrossthefivedisks.TheMASSter- CD-ROMdrive.MassMicro’s Off line of high-performance, fault- Arrayswillsupport“hotswapping” latest DataPak CD drive will offer SheetOrder: BothSidesReuersed tolerantdiskarraysaswellasaslew of drives and power supplies, so multisession Kodak Photo CD sup- Printer:LaseriDriter7.2 Paper: 11 K8.5in ofothernewstorageproducts. administrators can replace failed port.ItisbasedonaToshibamecha- High-end arrays. Intended componentswithoutshuttingdown nism, with an average access time of PrintChooser,acontrolpanelbundledwithVersion2.0ofPortfolioSoftware's for file servers and transaction- thesystem. 200millisecondsandasustaineddata DynoPage,offersquickaccesstoavailableprinterswithoutaccessingtheChooser. processingapplications,thecompa- MassMicro’s SCSI coprocessor, transfer rate of327 Kbytes per sec- ny’s new MASSterArray systems calledtheBusMaster,isbasedonan ond,accordingtothecompany. will consist of a SCSI NuBus ATTO Technology Inc. design. Due next month, the DataPak Users can switch printers, drivers coprocessor and an external case ThebackupdriveisanArdatTurbo CD will be available in a $1,169 containing five Seagate Fast SCSI Python DAT mechanism with on- externalunitand in a $1,029 inter- drives, dual power supplies and a board compression. Dantz Devel- nalversionfortheQuadra,IIvxand on the fly with PrintChooser util digital audiotapebackupunit.The opmentCorp.’sRetrospectRemote Performa600. systems will ship in February in backupsoftwarewillbeincluded. DAT drive. The new Mass- 2-Gbyte and 4-Gbyte configura- Lower-cost arrays. Mass DAT drive will be based on the ByRobertHess — DynoPage letsusers printanyfile tionspricedat$20,299and$24,199, Micro’s PersonalArrays, also due Turbo Python, a 3.5-inch Ardat Cupertino, Calif. Portfolio onanypagesizeanddodouble-sided respectively. nextmonth,includetwoSeagateFast mechanism with compression built Software Inc. this month shipped printing,thumbnailsandimpositions. TheMASSterArrayswillsupport SCSIdrivesandtheBusMastercard. in. Itisslatedforreleasenextmonth Version 2.0 ofits DynoPage print- Version 2.0 adds a feature to RAID (redundantarrayofinexpen- A 1-Gbyteversionwill be $5,899; a inexternalandinternalmodelspriced ingutility. rearrangesheetorderwhenprinting. sive disks) levels 3 and 5, which 2-Gbyteunitwillbe$6,999. at$2,879and$2,649,respectively. ThenewversioncomeswithPrint- Additionally, the new release offers reduce seek times and boost The PersonalArrays will support Mass Micro also announced a Chooser, a control panel that gives improvedcompatibilitywithprinters throughput by harnessing all five datastriping(RAID Level0), reduc- forthcoming205-Mbyteconfigura- usersseveralconvenientnewwaysto suchasHewlett-PackardCo.’sDesk- drives in parallel and at the same ingaverage seektimes to 5 millisec- tion of its HitchHiker pocket-size selectprintersandprintdrivers:from WriterC,accordingtoPortfolio. time ensurefaulttolerancebywrit- onds, or mirroring (Level 1), which driveaswellasinternalversionsofa themenubar,fromasubmenuoffthe DynoPage costs $89.95. Up- ingparityinformationthatmakesit producesaduplicatecopyofalldata. number of its products, including Page Setup or Print command, or grades from all previous versions possible to reconstruct data on a New SyQuest. The DataPak theFloptipakflopticaldriveandthe with a hot key. Normally, users are$19.95. failed drive. The MASSterArray 88c, now shipping, is based on the DataPakOpticaldrivesforthePer- switchingamongprintersorbetween PrintChooser is available sepa- drives individually offer average new88-MbyteSyQuestmechanism forma600andIIvx. hard copyand faxoutputmustopen ratelyfromPortfoliofor$19.95. MassMicrosystemsInc.isat810 theChooserforeachchange. Portfolio Software Inc. is at W. Maude Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif. PrintChooser also lets users 10062 Miller Ave., Cupertino, Computer Care 'micro-docks' 94086. Phone (408) 522-1200; fax locally rename network printers to Calif. 95014-3471. Phone (408) (408)733-5499. familiarnames. 252-0420;fax(408)252-0440. to add SCSI or video-out to Duos Ge La adds higher-capacity, removable options 4-ounce adapters thevideowhentheDuostartsup. SCSIDuoAdapter.This$179 ByHenryNorr — rantytofiveyearsfor$1 perMbyte. $719, including one cartridge, Sil- devicewillincludeanHDI-30SCSI Beaverton, Ore. LaCieLtd.is The700-Mbyteunitsareduethis verlining and a one-year warranty. connectorsousers can connectto a addingaslewofnewhigher-capacity month;theothersareavailablenow. Quadra removables. La Cie SCSIdevicewithoutneedingalarg- and removable-media options to its New PocketDrive model. La nowisofferinginternaltapeandopti- ByRainesCohen— er, heavier ormore expensive dock. storageline. Cieisaddinga 160-Mbyteoptionto caldrivesfortheQuadra900and950. Minneapolis Computer Care ItalsowillhaveanADBport. High-capacity3.5-inchunits. its line of palm-size, 10-ounce A 3.5-inch magneto-optical drive, Inc. lastweek announced two new BookView Imperial-16, a The company announced 700- PocketDrives. The new capacity, incorporating a Panasonic mecha- “micro-docks” that add video out- $1,549 adapter for the PowerBook Mbyte, 1.05-Gbyte and 1.2-Gbyte based on a 2.5-inch Quantum Go nismwitha38-millisecondseektime, putand a SCSI portto the Power- 140, 145 and 170, will support 16- additions to its external Cirrus and mechanism, is due bythe end ofthe is $1,399. A TEAC streaming-tape Book Duos. The company also bitcoloronmonitorsaslargeas 16 Tsunami drive lines. Thenewunits month at an introductory price of unitthatcanbackup600Mbytesper announced a 16-bit version of its inches and eight-bit color on dis- arebasedonthe3.5-inchEnterprise $849. It will include a T connector cassette is $699; a 155-Mbyte tape video output card for the Power- playsaslargeas 19inches. mechanisms from La Cie’s parent withapass-throughSCSIportandan unitis$549. Book140, 145and 170. Like the $1,189 eight-bit Book- company, Quantum Corp.; they adapterthatprovidespowerfromthe In addition, La Cie offers two Bothofthedocks, dueinMarch, ViewImperial,thenewcard,dueby offeranaverageseektimeof10mil- Apple Desktop Bus. An AC adapter digital audio tape options for the will be the same size as Apple’s the end ofthe month, will support liseconds,accordingtothecompany. and a special PocketDock docking Quadras. An Ardat mechanism crescent-shaped floppy adapter VGAandApple displays, aswellas The drives have switchable active cablewillbeavailableas$59options. capableofstoringupto2Gbyteson (about5by2by2inches)andweigh overhead-projector LCD flat pan- terminatorsandcomewithLaCie’s Thecompanystilloffers40-, 80- 90-meter tapes is $1,249; a about4ounces.Bothwillincludean els.Anoptionalcable,soldseparate- $149Silverliningutilities. and 120-MbytePocketDrives. Hewlett-Packard Co. drive that AppleDesktopBusconnector. lyfor$99,willaddNTSCoutput. In La Cie’s compact Tsunami New SyQuest. Also due by useson-boardcompressiontomore BookView Duo. This $299 The companysaiditwillcontin- case,thedrivesarepricedat$1,479, the end ofthe month is a new 88- thandoublecapacityis$1,549.The video interface will include avideo uetoselltheeight-bitversionofthe $1,819 and $2,049; the Cirrusver- Mbyte removable-cartridge drive. optical drive comes with Silverlin- portthatcandisplayuptoeight-bit- BookViewImperial. sions, which feature a larger, more Based on SyQuest Technology ing;thetapeunitscomewithDantz colororgray-scaleimagesonmoni- ComputerCare Inc. is at420N. rugged case, are $30 less. All Inc.’s new SQ5110C mechanism, DevelopmentCorp.’sRetrospect. torsaslargeas 16inches. Fifth St., Suite 1180, Minneapolis, are covered by a 30-day money- the drive will write as well as read, La Cie Ltd. is at 8700 S.W. The dock will automatically Minn. 55401. Phone (612) 371- back guarantee, a two-year limited but not format, 44-Mbyte car- Creekside Place, Beaverton, Ore. determine the size and type of 0061 or (800) 950-2273; fax (612) warranty and toll-free technical tridges. The drive, packaged in a 97005. Phone (503) 520-9000; fax monitor connected and configure 371-9342. support. Users can extend thewar- zero-footprintcase,willbepricedat (503)520-9100. «FileEditReportOptionsWindowsAlarmsNetwork (D9 Radar slices bread! Just kidding. But it does most ofthe things you require to properly SonicS*ri«lW»ySoriolWags BombaySapphireLaserWriter JagermeisterLaserWriter administer your Mac network. Like Remote Software Updating and Downloading, Delete or BillOflreuMacintoshlist MikeLCMacintoshLC MikeBarnickMacintoshOuedra700 COServerMecintoshSE/30 AdministratorMacintoshlist SreekanthPaviMac)ntoshIIf* V f MlteeliftMacintoshIIfx SIServerMacinto:shlist SudhakarPaviMacintoshUfa Replace Software from users disk(s) Gather EthernetAddresses Remotely, Asset Management, PinkFreudCeskWriter BillOjreyMedntoahIlex Mike'sPoverBook140PoverBook140 , MikeBra?)Macllvt AliceMcCombsClassicMacintoshClassic NetworkAlarms, Send Messages and even Clock Synchronization. All from a Topology View which uses familiar Mac icons. You get a complete Topology View ofall AppleTalk devices on the network; across zones, bridges and routers. To get more detailed information, just double click on a node's icon. You can even set NetworkAlarms to let you knowwhen a certain node or network service goes up or down. And on networked printers, you can find out when an 'Out ofPaper' or SelectCategoriesForUntitledTemplate 'PrinterJam' error occurs. Speaking ofnetworked printers, you 6n>up - SelectionRules Network MachineType=MacHfx Categories SDoywsntleomaVder=.M>ic6r.o0.s7oftExcel can Rename or Restart the printer, Turn the Startup Page On/Off, Download Fonts, and much SSeetndPaPsasswsowrodrd RestartMachine=SetupDaU SSeentdTiMmeessage <*> A Download ;== atf more. Interested in running a report on a group ofusers or printers? Well, the Radar Report > >= < c EntryOptions generator will let you find out any hardware or software configuration about any Mac which has RestartMachine ;Options yr|SetupData.. the Radar Responder installed. Sound like something you need? Wait, there's more! Password Protection is provided to all users against the 'Mad Doctor' type network administrator. For large networks, you can even assign groups ofusers (by zones, etc.) to a specific Radar administrator. Best ofall Radar 3.0 is just $499 for unlimited users! Check out the Radar3. product comparison and call today to order or for a free 30 day TopologyMap V Replace/DeleteFiles a/ demo disk. Also, if you own a previous version ofRadar, you can FromUsersMacs NetworkAlarmsonany V upgrade for $99. DeviceorService DownloadFonts,Restart V andRenamePrinters ListofallFileson a/ UsersDisk(s) GetEthernetAddresses V Toorder, orfor more information, call: Remotely I Price $499 $1,995 800-535-0725 Sonic Systems Inc. m .:#T mi 1 - , i^§ ©1992SonicSystems,Inc.333WElCaminoReal#280,Sunnyvale,CA94087,408-736-1900,Fax408-736-7228.RadarandRadar3.0aretrademarksofSonicSystems,Inc. Allotherproductnamesaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies. new With HP’s PaintJet XL300, see you’ll Introducingthe 300dpicolor printerthatkeepsyourcolors clearwithPostScript2. C1992Hewlett-PackardCompanyPE12206 'SuggestedU.S.listprice.AdobeandPostScriptaretrademarksofAdobeSystems Incorporatedwhichmayberegisteredincertainjurisdictions,finCanadacall 1-800-387-3867,Ext3157.

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