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Macroscopic Models for Networks of Coupled Biological Oscillators Kevin M. Hannay∗,1 Daniel B. Forger,1,2 and Victoria Booth1,3 1)Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA 2)Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 USA 3)Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA (Dated: January 18, 2017) The study of synchronization in populations of coupled biological oscillators is fundamental to many areas 7 of biology to include neuroscience, cardiac dynamics and circadian rhythms. Studying these systems may 1 involve tracking the concentration of hundreds of variables in thousands of individual cells resulting in an 0 extremely high-dimensional description of the system. However, for many of these systems the behaviors of 2 interest occur on a collective or macroscopic scale. We define a new macroscopic reduction for networks of n coupledoscillatorsmotivatedbyanelegantstructurewefindinexperimentalmeasurementsofcircadiangene a expressionandseveralmathematicalmodelsforcoupledbiologicaloscillators. Wecharacterizetheemergence J ofthisstructurethroughasimpleargumentanddemonstrateitsapplicabilitytostochasticandheterogeneous 6 systemsofcoupledoscillators. Finally,weperformthemacroscopicreductionfortheheterogeneousstochastic 1 Kuramoto equation and compare the low-dimensional macroscopic model with numerical results from the high-dimensional microscopic model. ] M Q Thestudyofcoupledoscillatorsisimportantformany tial features of many coupled oscillator systems and has . biological and physical systems, including neural net- been used to study the phase transition to synchrony in o works, circadian rhythms and power grids1–3. Mathe- detail8. i b matical models of these coupled oscillator systems can - be extremely high-dimensional, having at least as many q degreesoffreedomasthenumberofoscillators. However, [ this microscale complexity is belied by the elegant sim- However, many biological systems contain thousands 1 plicity which emerges at the macroscopic scale in many of oscillators,making even the phase model a very high- v dimensional representation of the dynamical system. A coupled oscillator systems. Quite generally, these sys- 4 recent breakthrough occurred when Ott and Antonsen tems demonstrate a phase transition as the coupling be- 0 discovered an ansatz that may be used for a family tweentheoscillatorsisstrengthenedleadingtotheemer- 4 4 gence of a self-organizedsynchronized state4. of Kuramoto-like systems to derive a low-dimensional model for the macroscopic behavior of the system9. If 0 This emergence of a synchronized state from the dy- . namics of a very high-dimensional dynamical system, the ansatz holds, the long-time behavior of a system 1 of N oscillators can accurately be described by 0 suggests that a low dimensional representation of this → ∞ two differential equations, one for the mean phase of 7 systemshouldbepossible. Amajorstepinthisdirection 1 wasproposedbyArtWinfreein1967whenheintuitively the coupled oscillators, and the other for their collec- : graspedthatforsystemsofweaklycoupledoscillatorsthe tive amplitude10. Despite the hundreds of recent papers v on the Ott-Antonsen (OA) ansatz, the authors are not i time evolution of each limit cycle oscillator may be de- X scribed by a single phase variable5. This method is now aware of any carefully done experiments to test whether r knownasphase reductionandhasbeen appliedto study this powerful ansatz holds for biological systems. a of many coupled oscillator systems1,6,7. Inthefollowingyears,Kuramotoformalizedthemath- ematicalprocedureforphasereductionandusedittode- In this work we test the applicability of the Ott- rive his now famous model for N coupled heterogeneous Antonsen ansatz using a recent experimental data set oscillators, collected from circadian oscillator neurons and through simulations of several models of coupled biological N φ˙ =ω + K sin(φ φ ), i=1,N (1) oscillators11. We find the core assumptions which allow i i j i N − for the derivation of the macroscopic model using the j=1 X OA ansatz are not valid in our test systems. However, whereφ givesthe phaseofthe ithoscillator,K the cou- we find a different, but related, ansatz is capable of de- i pling strength and ω gives the natural frequency of the scribing the data well. Using a simple argument we are i oscillator6. The naturalfrequencies of the oscillatorsare abletodemonstratethevalidityofouransatzforawide- typically assumed to be drawn from some distribution class of models. Finally, we demonstrate how our ansatz g(ω) which reflects the heterogeneity in the oscillator may be used to derive macroscopic models for coupled population. The Kuramoto model captures the essen- oscillator systems. 2 RESULTS where φ are the phases of the oscillators and R the j m phase coherences and ψ the mean phases. Typically, m Thedevelopmentofthe Ott-Antonsenansatzinitiated only the first term is considered Z1 = R1eiψ1 and is a revolution in the coupled oscillator literature12. The known as the Kuramoto order parameter. Here R1 mea- method was first presented as an ansatz which could be suresthecollectiveamplitudeinthepopulationofoscilla- used to reduce Kuramoto (and closely related systems) torswithR1 0indicatingdesynchronyandR1 =1per- ≈ to a low-dimensional set of macroscopic equations9. Re- fect synchrony. The COA ansatz then becomes a simple markably,OttandAntonsenwerealsoabletoshowtheir geometric relation between the Daido order parameters, procedure captures all the long-time attractors of these systems10. The fact that this procedure allows for the Zm =(Z1)m (4a) derivationofstronganalyticresultshasledtoitsapplica- R =Rm ψ =mψ COA (4b) m 1 m 1 tion to a vast arrayof questions in the coupledoscillator community13–15. Recently, the Ott-Antonsen procedure Fora phasedistributionwhichis unimodalandsymmet- was applied directly to the study of circadian rhythms ric about its mean phase we expect the mean phase re- for the first time16. lation ψ =mψ to hold generally. In this work we will m 1 While an extremely powerful tool, the Ott-Antonsen restricttoconsideringcaseswherethephasedistribution procedure suffers from several limitations. First, it may isapproximatelyunimodalandsymmetric. However,the only be appliedto systems whichhavea single harmonic prediction that R =Rm is more subtle and its efficacy m 1 in the coupling function describing the interaction be- has not been evaluated for biological systems. tween the oscillators17. Secondly, the ansatz is not valid To test this we computed the Daido order parameters for systems whose oscillators evolve with a stochastic forarecentlypublisheddatasetmeasuringthe 24hour ≈ component. Each of these could severely limit its ap- oscillations of protein expression in circadian neurons plicability to biological systems: Coupling between bio- from whole suprachaismatic nucleus (SCN) explants11. logicaloscillatorsoften features higher harmonic compo- We examined this data set for evidence of the COA re- nents in the coupling18,19, and the biological oscillators lation R = Rm between the Daido order parameters m 1 are invariably noisy19. Fig.1(A).However,wefindthisrelationshipisdistinctly The final restriction on the Ott-Antonsen procedure absent from the circadian data set. Additionally, nu- is one of practicality rather than a formal mathematical merical simulations of several other models of biologi- restriction. In its most powerful form the Ott-Antonsen cal oscillators also reveal the COA approach provides a procedure requires the assumption that the distribution poorrepresentationoftheequilibriumphasedistribution of natural frequencies be given by a rational function Fig. 1(b-d). g(ω) = a(ω)/b(ω), which is typically taken to be a Instead we consistently find a different relation, Cauchy (Lorentzian) distribution, γ R =Rm2, ψ =mψ m2 ansatz (5) g(ω)= , (2) m 1 m 1 π[(ω ω )2+γ2)] 0 − captures the properties of the phase distribution for where ω is the median frequency and γ controls the 0 these systems. What this means is that, while the Ott- strength of the heterogeneity in the oscillator popula- Antonsen ansatz (COA) is a powerful tool for analyzing tion. The Cauchy distribution decays slowly as ω | |→∞ certainsystemsofcoupledoscillatorsthediversesystems giving it “fat-tails”, or a significant density of oscilla- we test suggest a different scaling. tors at extreme frequencies relative to the median ω . 0 Making the Cauchy assumption on the frequency distri- bution is a crucial step in achieving the dimension re- Emergence of the Scaling duction to macroscopic variables. For more general fre- quency distributions, the OA procedure is still mathe- matically valid, although it produces an infinite set of Thisalternatescalingmaybederivedundermoregen- integro-ordinarydifferentialequationsratherthanalow- eral assumptions than those used by Ott and Antonsen. dimensional macroscopic model20. Let us refer to the Letusconsiderthe equilibriumphasedistributionφ∗ de- j Ott-Antonsen procedure with the additional assumption scribingthestatesoftheN oscillatorsandassumeφ∗ 0 j ≈ of a Cauchy distribution of frequencies as Cauchy Ott- foreachoscillator. ThenaTaylorseriesexpansionofthe Antonsen (COA). Daido order parameters may be written as, TheCOAansatztakesaparticularlysimpleformwhen written in terms of the Daido order parameters of the im N m2 N phase distribution21? ,22. The Daido order parameters Zm ≈1+ N φ∗j − 2N (φ∗j)2+.... (6) are given by, Xj=1 Xj=1 1 N Thenmakinguseofourassumptionthattheequilibrium Zm(t)=Rm(t)eiψm(t) = eimφj(t), (3) phase distribution is unimodal and symmetric we have N j=1 thatψ =mψ andwithoutlossofgeneralitywemayset X m 1 3 (A) (B) 1 1 0.8 0.8 1.94 1.09 2 0.6 3 0.6 φ) 1.3 0.73 R 0.4 R 0.4 f( 0.65 0.36 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −π/2 0.0 π/2 −π/2 0.0 π/2 R R φ φ ) 1.0 1.0 (φ 0.72 0.8 0.8 tyf 0.48 Rm 00..46 Rm 00..46 si 0.24 0.2 0.2 n e 0.0 0.0 D −π/2 0.0 π/2 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 φ m m (C) (D) 1.48 0.75 1.62 0.45 φ) 0.98 0.5 φ) 1.08 0.3 f( 0.49 0.25 f( 0.54 0.15 −π/2 0.0 π/2 −π/2 0.0 π/2 −π/2 0.0 π/2 −π/2 0.0 π/2 φ φ φ φ 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 m 0.6 m 0.6 R 0.4 R 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m m FIG. 1: A low-dimensional structure in the phase distribution of coupled oscillator systems. (A) Circadian oscillators data11 (B) Simulation of a coupled heterogeneous Repressilator system23 (C) Simulation of a coupled heterogenous Morris-Lecarneuron system24 (D) Simulation of a coupled noisy modified Goodwin Oscillators model25 (A) (top row) Each green point shows a time measurement of the phase distribution of circadian oscillators. The solid black line shows the relationR =Rm2 and the dashed line the COA relation R =Rm. Inset plots show m 1 m 1 ψ mψ . (A, bottom left) shows a histogram of the experimental phase distribution indicated by the blue star in m 1 in to−p row, against the m2 ansatz phase distribution black line. (A,bottom right) We plot the first ten Daido order parameters for the experimental phase distribution (green dots) against the m2 ansatz prediction. (B-D) (top row) The simulated long-time phase distribution for the model as a histogram against the m2 ansatz phase distribution for two different coupling strengths. (Bottom row) We plot the first ten Daido order parameters for the simulated phase distribution for two coupling strengths (green dots, blue squares) against the m2 ansatz prediction. ψ = 0. Introducing the notation, φ∗ k = N (φ∗)k not locked in a synchronized cluster. However, for nat- 1 || ||k j=1 j gives, ural frequency distributions with exponential tails (e.g. P Gaussian)thefractionoflockedoscillatorsgrowsquickly R 1 m2||φ∗||22 1 ||φ∗||22 m2, (7a) and we find our ansatz emerges for moderate coupling m ≈ − 2N ≈ − 2N strengths. Our ansatzis comparedwith the COAansatz (cid:18) (cid:19) R Rm2, (7b) in Fig. 2(a,b) for the Kuramoto system with a Gaussian m ≈ 1 and Cauchy distribution of frequencies. whichwillholdwheneverthequantity φ∗ 2 canbecon- || ||2 sidered small. Which justifies the emergence of the m2 ansatz we found in both the experimentaland simulated data (Fig. 1). In fact, we may introduce a correction to our ansatz This analysis begs the question of how the COA rela- which takes into the account the fraction of oscillators tion R = Rm and our relation can both be true. The whicharephase-lockedtothe mean-fieldforagivencou- m 1 root of the discrepancy is in the fat-tails of the Cauchy pling strength. Let p be the fraction of the popula- distribution. The slow decay in the tails of the Cauchy tion which are locked to the mean-field, then we have distribution property keeps the quantity φ∗ 2 large for Z = pZlocked +(1 p)Zdrift and Zdrift 0 for the || ||2 m m − m | m | ≈ any finite coupling strength-as the oscillator population drifting population. Then the same Taylor-series based contains a significant fraction of oscillators which are argumentconsideringonlythecontributionofthelocked 4 phase oscillators, Gaussian Cauchy (a) (b) N m 00..68 m2ansatz OAansatz φ˙i =ωi+ K AijH(φj φi)+√Dηi(t), (10) R 0.4 di − 0.2 j=1 X 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 where ηi is a white noise process with ηi = 0 and η (t)η (t′) = 2δ(t t′)δ , A is an adjahceincy matrix m m i j ij ij (c) h i − and d = N A is the degree of the oscillator. Let H 0.8 i j=1 ij K) 0.6 be a 2π periodic coupling function and we assume that p( 00..24 H′(0) > 0P. For simplicity we additionally assume that A defines a connected, undirected network. We note 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 ij that Eq. 10 is quite generalandmay be derivedin many K applications from higher dimensional limit cycle models under the assumption of weak coupling26. FIG. 2: (a,b) Circles show numerical results for the We consider the case of strong coupling between the equilibrium phase distribution of the Kuramoto oscillators such that, φ φ 0 for all oscillator pairs. j i − ≈ equation and curves show the ansatz predictions. Colors Inthiscasewemaylinearizeaboutthephaselockedstate indicate the coupling strengths K/K =1.1 (red), to give, c K/K =1.5 (blue) and K/K =3.0 (green) (a) The m2 c c N ansatz for the Kuramoto equation with a Gaussian φ˙ =ω˜ KH′(0) L φ +√Dη (t), (11) i i ij j i distribution of natural frequencies. (b) The COA ansatz − j=1 for a Cauchy distribution of natural frequencies (c) The X whereLisanormalizedLaplacianmatrixgivenbyL = fraction of locked oscillators (p) against the coupling ij δ A /d and ω˜ =ω +KH(0). Our assumptions on strength K for the Kuramoto model with a Cauchy ij ij i i i − the network mean that L has real eigenvalues that may distribution (dashed green) and Gaussian distribution beorderedλ =0 λ ...λ withassociatedeigenvec- (solid black) of natural frequencies. Parameters chosen 1 ≤ 2 ≤ N tors v ,...,v . Forthislinearsystemwemaysolvefor such that Kc =1.0 for both distributions. the q{ua1ntity NE} φ∗ 2 using the Moore-Penrose pseu- || ||2 t doinverse of the normalized Laplacian L†, (cid:2) (cid:3) population gives, φ∗ = L†ω˜ , where L† = N vjvjT, (12a) KH′(0) λ R R1m2 , (8) Xj=2 j m ≈ pm2−1 N v ω˜ 2 D E φ∗ 2 = | j · | + , (12b) || ||2 t λ KH′(0) λ KH′(0) which collapses to the m2 ansatz as p 1. Addition- (cid:2) (cid:3) Xj=2(cid:18) j (cid:19) j → ally, this analysis shows that assuming p=1 is expected details of this derivation are given in the supplemental to give a lower-bound on the Daido order parameter, in material. Thisanalysisdemonstratesthatouransatzwill particularwehaveR Rm2 andR Rm2 asp 1. holdforsufficientlystrongcouplingstrengthsforanycon- For the Kuramoto mmod≥el w1e may calmcu→late p1(K) as,→ nectednetworkwhere ω˜ isfinite. Additionally,Eq.12b || || can be used to study how the speed of this convergence KR depends on the network connectivity, noise strength and p(K)= g(ω)dω. (9) the arrangement of the heterogeneous frequencies in the Z−KR network27. These results are confirmed by numerical simulations FortheKuramotomodelwithag(ω)GaussianorCauchy of Eq. 10 for the noisy and heterogeneous Kuramoto we may solve for p(K) using Eq. 9. The comparatively model(H(θ)=sin(θ))forvariousconnectivitynetworks. slow growth of the fraction of locked oscillators for the In particular, we find the m2 ansatz provides a quality Cauchy distribution in shown in Fig. 2(c) relative to a approximation to the Daido order parameters for both Gaussian distribution of natural frequencies. Watts-Strogtazsmallworld28 andBarabasi-Albertscale- free29 network topologies. For each of these network topologies the accuracy of the approximation increases Complex Networks and Noise withthestrengthofthecouplingaspredictedbyEq.12b. The simplicity of our derivation makes it clear the m2 ansatz should hold quite generally. In this section we Macroscopic Model characterize its convergence for the case of systems with complex network coupling and noisy oscillations. To ex- A principal strength of the Ott-Antonsen approach is plorethisweconsideramodelforN noisyheterogeneous thatthedynamicstheKuramotomodelforalargesystem 5 density function f(ω,φ,t), 0.8 (a) ∂f ∂ ∂2f 0.6 m + (fv) D =0, (15a) R 0.4 ∂t ∂φ − ∂φ2 0.2 v =ω+K [e−iφZ ]], (15b) 1 ℑ 0.8 (b) where denotes the imaginary part of the expression. m 0.6 We conℑsider the Fourier series decomposition of f given R 0.4 by, 0.2 ∞ g(ω) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f = 1+ A (ω,t)einφ+c.c. , (16) n 2π m ( " #) n=1 X where c.c. stands for the complex conjugate of the ex- FIG. 3: The equilibrium phase distribution of complex pression and g(ω) is the distribution of natural frequen- network phase oscillators converges to the m2 ansatz as cies. Substitution of the Fourier series for f into the the coupling strength between the oscillators increases. continuity equation yields: Circles show the results from simulations on networks of N =1000 coupled oscillators with noise strength D =1 A˙ K n +(iω+Dn)A + Z A Z¯ A =0. and oscillator frequencies drawn from a Gaussian n n 2 1 n+1− 1 n−1 distribution with σ =1. Solid lines show Rm =R1m2. (cid:0) (cid:1) (17) Colors differentiate the coupling strengths (a) where barred quantities are the complex conjugate. In Barabasi-Albert Scale-Free Network (b) Watts-Strogatz the continuum limit the Daido order parameters Z are Small World Network . Details of these simulations are m given by, given in the supplementary material. 2π ∞ Z (t)= f(ω,φ,t)eimφdωdφ C (18a) m ∈ Z0 Z−∞ ofcoupledoscillatorscanbereducedtothefollowingtwo ∞ variable differential equation: = A¯m(ω,t)g(ω)dω, (18b) Z−∞ using that all oscillating terms integrate to zero except K K R˙ = γ R R3 (13a) n=m inthe Fourierseries. If g(ω)is givenby aCauchy 1 2 − 1− 2 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) distribution (Eq. 2) with median ω0 and dispersion pa- ψ˙ =ω , (13b) rameterγ weevaluatetheintegralinEq.18basaresidue 1 0 by arguing that A (ω,t) may be analytically continued m into the complex ω plane9. Thus, for the Cauchy case where w0 is the median frequency of the oscillators and we have that Z (t) = A¯ (ω iγ,t). This substitution γ is the dispersion parameter of the Cauchy distribu- m m 0− allows us to re-write Eq. 17 in terms of the Daido order tion (Eq. 2). The system provided by Eqs. 13 provides parameters, a closed form model for the macroscopic properties of the Kuramotosystemwith aCauchydistributionofnat- Z˙ K ural frequencies. In this section, we demonstrate how n =(iω0 γ Dn)Zn+ (Z1Zn−1 Z¯1Zn+1). n − − 2 − the m2 ansatz may be used to extract a similar macro- (19) scopic modelfor coupledbiologicaloscillators. Inpartic- ular we employ the m2 ansatz as a motivated moment Finally, we set n = 1 and apply the m2 moment closure closure to extract a macroscopicmodel for the order pa- Z = Z m2−mZm or R = Rm2,ψ = mψ , which rameter Z1 for the noisy heterogeneous Kuramoto equa- yimelds a|n1e|quation1ofmotiomnfor th1e Kumramotoo1rderpa- tion. That is we consider Eq. 10 for a fully-connected rameter Z =Z , 1 network and H(θ) = sin(θ) with white noise such that hwηei(mt1a)ηyjw(tr2i)tie=our2δs(yts1te−mt2u)sδiinjg. tUhendKeurrtahmeosetocoornddeirtiopnas- Z˙1 =(iω0−γ−D)Z1+ K2 Z1−|Z1|2(Z1)2Z¯1 (20) rameter Z1 =R1eiψ1, Separating the real and imag(cid:0)inary parts Z = (cid:1)R eiψ1 1 gives, φ˙ =ω +KR sin(ψ φ )+√Dη (t). (14) i i 1 1 i i − K K R˙ = D γ R R5 (21a) 1 2 − − 1− 2 1 If we consider the continuum limit by letting N (cid:18) (cid:19) → ∞ ψ˙ =ω . (21b) in Eq. 14 we find the continuity equation for the phase 1 0 6 InpreviousworkSonnenscheinandSchimansky-Geierde- (a) (b) (c) rived Eq. 21 for the special case of the stochastic Ku- 0.8 0.6 ramotomodel(γ 0)byemployinganad-hocGaussian R1 0.4 moment closure o→n the phase distribution30. Interest- 0.2 ingly,theGaussianmomentclosurefollowsthem2ansatz 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 found here. In accordance with our findings they found K K K the macroscopicsystem(Eq. 21) wasable to capture the (d) (e) dynamics of the microscopicstochastic Kuramotomodel 0.8 accurately, particularly at strong coupling strengths. R1 00..46 Additionally, we find the m2 ansatz provides an accu- 0.2 rateapproximationforthemacroscopicdynamicsofhet- 20 40 60 20 40 60 erogeneous noisy Kuramoto model. In Fig. 4, we show t t thepredictionsofthemacroscopicmodel(Eq.21)against numerical simulations of the microscopic model (as esti- mated by using the first fifty moments of Eq. 1930). FIG. 4: (a-c) The equilibrium phase coherence R1 In the limit of zero noise strength (D 0) the accu- against the coupling strength K for the Kuramoto racy of the m2 ansatz in seen to break do→wn for Cauchy model for (a) s=γ/D=0.05 (b) s=0.5 (c) s=1. heterogeneity in the oscillators. This is to be expected Solid black lines show the macroscopic model giventhat the zeronoise limit ofEq. 15 has been proven predictions and dashed (green) numerical simulations. to follow the Cauchy Ott-Antonsen ansatz10. However, Parameterschosen such that Kc =1 for the microscopic inthe caseofweaktomoderate heterogeneityrelativeto model. (d-e) The transient dynamics of R1 for K =1.2 the noise strength s = γ/D 1 we find the m2 ansatz (magenta), K =1.5 (red) and K =3.0 (blue). The ≤ also provides an accurate description of the macroscopic dashed lines show numerical simulations of the dynamics (Fig. 4). Moreover, we find the m2 ansatz microscopic model and solid lines the macroscopic provides a useful upper-bound for the collective ampli- approximation(Eq. 21). (d) s=0.05 (e) s=1.0. tudeR whichtightenswithincreasingcouplingstrength. 1 This may be explained by considering our result that R Rm2 and that R Rm2 as the entire oscillator in an infinite set of integro-differential equations which pompu≥latio1n is locked tomth→e me1an-field. only approximate the solution. A dimension reduction As discussed the breakdown of the m2 ansatz is re- may be achieved when g(ω) takes the form of a ratio- lated to the fat-tails in the Cauchy distribution, which nal function, which is usually taken to be the Cauchy cause the fraction of oscillators locked to the mean-field distribution (Eq. 2). In this case the ω dependence in to grow slowly with the coupling strength. In most bi- the systemcollapsesto the poles of the Cauchydistribu- ologicalapplications the heterogeneity in the population tion allowing for a macroscopic reduction, as seen in the is unlikely to feature such extreme densities in the tails derivation for the noisy Kuramoto equation. of the frequency distribution. This willonly increasethe For a general symmetric and unimodal frequency dis- accuracy of the m2 ansatz in these cases. In the next tributiong(ω)withamaximumatω0wemaythinkofap- sectionweinvestigatehowthem2 ansatzmaybeusedto proximatingitwithaCauchydistributiongc(ω,γ)which derive macroscopic models for systems with strong het- will allow for a reduction to a macroscopic model. Let erogeneity. h(ω,γ)=g(ω) gc(ω,γ) then we have, − Z (t)=A¯ (ω iγ,t)+E (γ,t) A¯ (ω iγ,t) 1 1 0 1 1 0 − ≈ − Oscillator Heterogeneity (23a) ∞ In our macroscopic reduction of the noisy Kuramoto E1(γ,t)= A¯1(ω,t)h(ω,γ)dω, (23b) systemweallowedforheterogeneityintheoscillatorsonly Z−∞ by assuminga Cauchydistribution. However,our analy- Thus,the accuracyofthe macroscopicreductionwillde- sis has shown the m2 ansatz is best applied to frequency pend on choosing the dispersion parameter γ = γˆ, such distributions with exponential tails. For a general fre- that the magnitude of the error term E (γ,t) is min- 1 quency distribution g(ω) the m2 ansatz may be applied imized. Additionally, the m2 ansatz |will give| all the using, higher Daido order parameters with error (E ) using 1 O Eq. 22b. ∞ Z1(t)= A¯1(ω,t)g(ω)dω (22a) The function A1(ω,t) ∈ C can be viewed as a Z−∞ frequency-dependent version of the Kuramoto order pa- Zm =|Z1|m2−mZ1m. (22b) mraemaent-efirelZd1w.eFmorayoswcrililtaet,ors which are entrained to the However,withoutfurthersimplificationthe advantageof A (ω,t)=ρ(ω)ei(θ(ω)+Ωt), (24) our approach is largely negated as this inclusion results 1 7 where Ω gives the frequency of the mean-field, ρ(ω) de- (a) (b) scribesthecollectiveamplitudeandθ(ω)theentrainment angle for oscillatorswith natural frequency ω. When os- 0.8 cillatorswithfrequencyω arelockedtothemean-fieldwe have ρ(ω)=120. 0.6 1 1 Forthe Kuramotomodel,oscillatorswithω KRare R1 ≤ 0.9 locked to the mean-field with θ(ω) = arcsin(ω/KR) 0.4 0.9 ≈ ω/KR. Therefore we may approximate the magnitude of the errorintegralby consideringonly the lockedoscil- 0.2 lators, 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 KR E1(γ) L1(γ) = eiKωRh(ω,γ)dω . (25) K K | |≈| | (cid:12)(cid:12)Z−KR (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus, we solve for γˆ such(cid:12) that L (γ) is minim(cid:12)ized. For FIG. 5: The equilibrium phase coherence R1 againstthe (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) | | coupling strength K for the Kuramoto model for (a) the frequency distributions we consider it is possible to find γˆ such that L (γˆ) = 0. In general, γˆ will depend Gaussian (b) e−ω4/a distributions of natural on the coupling s|tre1ngth| K both directly and implicitly frequencies. E∝xact solutions are shown as dashed green, through R (K). solution according to the m2 ansatz solid black 1 Therefore, for the heterogeneous Kuramoto model we have the macroscopic model for Z =R eiψ, 1 1 the macroscopic Kuramoto order parameter Z - with all 1 K K R˙ = γˆ(K) R R5 (26a) higher order Daido order parameters being slavedto the 1 2 − 1− 2 1 first order term. This result by itself could have many (cid:18) (cid:19) ψ˙ =ω . (26b) applications within neuroscience and mathematical bi- 0 ology. For instance, the ability to construct the entire For RK 0 we may solve for γˆ by setting h(ω ,γˆ) =0 phase distribution from knowledge of the collective am- 0 ≈ | | which yields γˆ =1/[πg(ω )]. Therefore,the macroscopic plitude R should allow for an improved understanding 0 1 model captures the critical coupling strength K = 2γˆ of the effect of amplitude on phase-resetting in biologi- c as determined the classical self-consistency approach6,8. cal oscillators14,31. This could result in an improved un- Moreover, we find the macroscopic model (Eq. 26) pro- derstanding of the entrainment of networks of coupled vides a close approximation to R (K) as the coupling oscillators31. 1 strength increases as shown in Fig. 5 for g(ω) Gaussian Further, we have demonstrated this relationship may and g(ω) e−ω4/a. be used as a “motivated moment closure” to extract a ∝ Finally, we note that the error in approximation of low-dimensional model for coupled noisy heterogeneous the integral (Eq. 25) scales with the fraction of locked oscillators. We extracted a mean-field model for noisy oscillators p. Thus, the the Cauchy approximation and heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillators. Future work could the m2 ansatzeachintroduceerrorswhichscalewiththe generalize this procedure to allow for higher harmonics fraction of locked oscillators. Therefore, employing the in the coupling function facilitating the analytical study Cauchyansatzalongsidethem2 ansatzdoesnotaddany of many models of biological oscillators. additional assumptions to the approximation and does A principal strength of the motivated moment closure little to effect the accuracy of the approach (Fig. 5). approachis that the parameters and variables of the de- rivedmacroscopicmodel have directphysical interpreta- tions. Therefore, the predictions of the model may be DISCUSSION compared with experimental data from the cellular, tis- sueandwholeorganismlevels. Thisfeatureshouldallow In this work we have reported a low-dimensional re- macroscopic models to be derived in many applications lationship which emerges between the Daido order pa- which may be compared with experimental data to pro- rameters of the phase distribution functions of coupled videfundamentalinsightsintothefunctioningofcoupled oscillators. We have identified this relationship in in oscillator networks16. vivo recordings of circadian oscillators and in silco sim- The low-dimensional system we derive differs slightly ulations of several models of biological oscillators. We from the Ott-Antonsen approach as it produces a term demonstrate this relationship robustly emerges in net- of order R5 in the amplitude equation as compared with works of noisy heterogeneous coupled oscillators for suf- the cubic scaling R3 in the Ott-Antonsen equations9,16. ficiently strong coupling strengths. We note that a cubic scaling is expected for coupling This analysis reveals that as the coupling strength in- strengths near the critical coupling strength K as the c creases in these systems the entire phase distribution normal form for a Hopf bifurcation32. Therefore, we of oscillators may be described through knowledge of expect our ansatz to provide an overestimate of the 8 growth of the phase coherence about the critical cou- the oscillators. pling strength and conclude is not an appropriate tool for studying the scaling of the order parameter about the critical coupling. However, we find our approach ACKNOWLEDGMENTS converges to the correct value as the coupling strength increases. Additionally, we find the rate of this conver- gence is determined by the fraction of oscillators which TheauthorswouldliketothankS.Strogatz,J.Myung, are locked in a synchronized cluster. J. Abel, A. Stinchcombe and A. Cochran for useful dis- cussions related to this work. 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